Bear Meinhard in Barovia

By Bear V.

Published on Jan 1, 2020


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Part 10 – Onward to Vallaki

We gathered outside the burgomeister's manor. There were no horses, we had to travel on foot. Our backpacks were full. Aerick had procured 3 vials of silvershine. Haddick had faired better and gathered half a dozen vials of holy water. I had done my part showing at the inn to cover the story Aerick had told Ismark.

I was very relieved to see the Irena was practical. She was in travel clothes, britches and vest with ruffled white blouse underneath. She had packed a backpack and had an extra change of clothing, some food, and practical belongings. I didn't snoop through her things, but Brachle reported that he had helped her pack. He also reported that while she was mild mannered, she was extremely stubborn and strong willed.

We started out of Barovia into the mists towards Vallaki. We had talked and decided to not stay to the roads. While it would be easier to travel, it would risk Ireena being identified and tracked. The woods were thick and sunlight did not breach the clouds and trees. The light was dim at best. I felt sorry for the two barbarians who did not have as good eyesight in the light.

I mentioned that it would be nice to have horses. "They would draw every wolf in the forest, Bear. It's best we try to be stealthy on foot. It might take a bit longer, but it will be much safer in the long run. Besides, wouldn't you feel sorry for any horse that has to bear Haddick's weight?" Aerick suggested.

Brachle also volunteered. "I'm not that much into horses. There's only one creature I've enjoyed riding and it was a great ride once I got mounted." He slapped my ass playfully.

Ireena looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I blushed softly. I had been raised in the Calistian temples and pleasure houses, but while everyone knew that things went on we didn't make it common knowledge or flaunt in front of strangers.

Brachle looked at me and grinned. "Oh come don't expect to deny us the pleasure of your company cause we've added a lady to the party? You don't think she'll figure out what's going on with the grunting and moaning in the night by the campfire?"

I blushed even harder causing the men in the group to chuckle amongst themselves. I saw Haddick adjusting his thickening buldge. "Um, no...." I stammered. This caused them to laugh amongst themselves even more.

Ireena came to me and whispered softly, "I wouldn't worry about it. This land is so full of monsters and things that a little bit of slap and tickle amongst your crew to keep," she paused, "morale up isn't the worst thing I've seen or heard about." She grins and slaps me playfully on the ass.

I knew my eyes popped open even wider than they were, and the men broke out into full laughter as she swatted my ass. "Well, at least the lady isn't a prude." Brachle laughed.

Ireena turned to Aerick, "You seem to be the leader of this group. I'm ready when you are. I would suggest if you're not familiar with area, that you travel along the mountain range below the castle to the river and follow it. It will take you to Lake Zarovich. The village of Vallaki sits on its shores."

Aerick nods. "Thanks, I'm sure having even those directions will make our trip much, much easier." Aerick rubs his greataxe while he thinks. It seems to be a habit of his, like someone else might use a worry stone. He looks at the Castle high above the town of Barovia and shudders. "I feel like we should stay away from that place, but you might be correct in that going towards the Castle will not be expected and allow us a chance to get away without too much notice."

Ireena laughs. "In a small town, we are sure to be noticed, but heading towards the Castle...the townsfolk at least won't want to follow us. They do not like to go near it or even its shadow either." She smiles and that's when I notice how beautiful she really is.

Ireena had a beautiful smile that made her eyes sparkle. She had long chestnut hair and a very pleasing face. Her figure was slender but she had curves where she should have them. She had a sublte sway to her hips when she walked. With the right training in the houses of Calistria, she could have any man she wanted and nearly any place....I watched Aerick smile back at her and realised that she had that effect on men. With her beauty, grace and composure, they'd want to please her and make her happy. It was no wonder Strahd wanted her.

I felt my groin throb as I watched her and realized that she could probably effect me as well if she put her mind to it. But I had three hunky men in my bed at the moment, and I wasn't looking to add more anytime soon. Besides, I still had Gertruda to rescue. I did the math carefully, three easy going men, or one woman...the men were easily the better choice, but I still felt responsible for Gertruda.

The way Aerick was looking at Ireena there was no doubt that an attraction was there. I nodded and prodded Aerick. "Come on! We should get her to safety. Before she realises that you might be a fate slightly worse than Strahd." He startled at my nudge. He had been so captivated by Ireena that he had lost all notice of his surroundings. If he did it at the wrong time, he could be seriously hurt.

The day was warm and it was nice to feel the shade of the mountains even though the Castle perched like a vulture above us ready to sweep down. It was cooler in the shade and even though I had some serpent in my blood, I wasn't fond of basking in the sun. The forest was cooler even yet. The trees were thick and blotted out the sun. A soft mist lay between the trees and the forest was unusually silent. Not birds or creatures played in the trees. It gave an odd sense of unrealness to the area as if we were walking in a mirror realm of shadow and mist.

I was hoping when we reached the river it would be a much happier mood to the journey, but the river in the dim light cut through the woods like a black scar. The water was sluggish at this point and didn't appear to move giving a mirror-like reflective surface. I caught my appearance and stared. The adventuring seemed to agree with me. I had always been a bit of an attractive man, but I was truly exotic. The small pattern of scales that lay about my hips and slightly up my back ended at my neck. The small scales sparkled in the water's reflection.

I didn't recognize myself. I seemed to almost glow in the dim light. I put my hand on my whip and caressed the handle. "Calistra's Wasp, the goddess has blessed me." Haddick put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently as if agreeing.

We travelled along the river bed for what seemed hours. It was hard to tell what time of day it was without being able to see the sun. It was the fog thickening and the coolness of the forest that allowed us to determine the time of day. We thought it would be near night and we started to look for a place to make camp.

Brachle grunted. "Some tents up ahead with a nice campfire." His dwarven eyesight was able to pierce the darkness and mists with ease. "Several people there too. The music is a bit wild." Once he said something about music, I could hear it. It was a folk song, rondo in nature with a minor key It put a bit of a spring in the step.

The canopy of mists and branches suddenly cleared showing black roiling clouds overhead. In a small clearing next to the river stood five colorful tents. The river had widened into a small lake here several hundred feet across. Each tent seemed about ten feet around and were pitched in a circle around four barrel topped wagons. A larger tent seemed to sag by the river, lit from within. Some horses drank from the river by the larger tent.

I could see our footpath following the river through the woods and along the river. A second path twisted through the trees. It was muddy and deep wagon ruts in the earth show the frequent comings and goings of the wagons.

"Vistani," Ireena breaks the silence. "They are traveling wanderers that are known as theives, spies, and worse. They are not trusted by the local folks cause they tend to work for Strahd. They are the only people who can safely move through the mists that surround Barvoia."

We nod, taking her warning into consideration. Mournful strains of an accordian clash with the singing of several brightly clad figures around the bonfire. "Guests! A cry goes up from the camp as we are spotted. Welcome! Welcome!"

We were greated warmly and offered flasks of wine. Invited to join the reverie, we were grateful for the fire's warmth and greeting. The light helped push back the shadows of the forest and the lively folk seemed filled with life and energy. A nice surprise from the stoic townsfolk and villagers we've encountered to date. Although to be fair, they were being hunted by the walking I doubt there would be much partying.

"Madam Eva had us journey here, but she's not ready for you yet." One of the gypsy folk offered. "To pass the time, let us tell a story."

"A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. I remember him like it was yesterday."

A lady from the group added, "So do I! So do I" She was overly dramatic in a lecherous fashion which caused the men and those gathered to laugh. The laughter and jovial mood was a good feeling after all the oppressive gloom we had endured over the last few weeks.

"A might wizard came to this land over a year ago." He started again. " He stood exactly where you are standing today. A very charismatic man. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse.

"When the vampire appeared, the wizard's peasant army fled in terror. A few stood their ground and were never seen again."

"The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Their battle flew from the courtyards of Ravenloft to a precipice overlooking the falls. I saw the battle with my own eyes. Thunder shoook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard, and again he stood his ground. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizard's magic couldn't save him. I saw him thrown a thousand feet to his death. I climbed down to the river to search for the wizard's body, to see if, you know, he hand anything of value, but the River Ivlis had already spirited him away."

"The River Ivlis? Is that the name of the river we've been following."

The storyteller looked confused a moment. "Yes. That's the question you have from the tale? Not the usual 'How did you see all this? Do you work for Strahd?" He grins. "I do work for Strahd. All the Vistani do at some point, but what happens tonight is not for Strahd's eyes or ears. Madam Eva has given you safe passage in our camp, unless you take advantage of our hospitality by stealing our horses or what not." He grinned. "Although, you can take advantage of our hospitality in other ways that wouldn't cause us to get too upset."

"Pick me! Pick me!" The lady who had been so lecherous about remembering the wizard volunteered. I saw one of the men take her wine away from her. She smiled at the burly men gathered. This was responded to with several moans, eye rolls, and some good jeering by those around the bonfire. Before anyone could respond though, A giant of a woman, gnarled by age seemed to appear at the edge of the firelight.

"Come with me, now." The vastani all grew silent in respect of this old woman which we gathered was Madam Eva. "It is time to read your fortunes. It is all the help we can give to help with Strahd. We are only able to act indirectly towards him, but I have read the signs and you are our best hope in removing him from the lands. It is for this reason, you are spared this night and we will not share what transpires in our camp."

She moved slowly, leaning heavily upon a walking stick. It was surprising the stick help with her massive weight upon it. She was huge. A half-giant? Was there such a thing? She was older than anyone I had ever seen with more wrinkles than skin upon her face but her eyes were sharp and her movements were sure, steady.

Without questioning, all of us followed her to the larger tent by the River Ivlis. The horses were huge draft horses that probably pulled the wagons. They were used to all types of activities and weren't startled at our approach. They looked at us with dull eyes, and went back to chewing grass and drinking from the river. At least the water was drinkable. I made a mental note.

Magic flames cast a reddish glow over the interior of the tent, revealing a low table covered in a black velvet cloth. Glints of light seem to flash from a crystal ball on the table as she took her place on a stool that groaned in agony as she set her weight upon it. She waited for the stool to stop protesting before she hunched over the table and stared into the crystal ball. "At last you have arrived! I have waited a long time for your coming." Cackling laughter bursts like mad lightning from her withered lips.

She looks at each of us, speaking our names and making references to our past that she should not know. It made us all a bit uneasy having this stranger poking through our past and lives. She smiles after greeting us and says softly, "Are you ready for your fortunes to be told."

Not knowing what to expect, we agreed. She took a pack of Harrowing cards and shuffled them. Then she sat them down and waited patiently. I stared waiting to see what happened. Nothing. The cards sat there. I grew uncomfortable and started to fidget.

"Be still, Bear Meinhardt. The cards are attuning to your energies. They will answer soon."

The cards began to stir and without anyone touching them, cards began to pull themselves out of the deck arranging themselves in a cross pattern. The old crone looks at the cards and her voice deepens, "These cards tell of history, knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. I see a lonely mill on a precipice. The treasure lies within."

The cards shuffle themselves once more and lay out a reading. The crone reads the cards softly. "These cards tell of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. The treasure you seek is hidden behind the sun, in the house of a Saint."

Again the cards move on their own, flipping and turning. "These cards show power and strength. They tell of a weapon of vengence, a sword of sunlight. An evil tree grows atop a hill of graves where the ancient dead sleep. The ravens can help you find it. Look for the treasure there."

A new reading, "These cards shed light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Evil's bride, herself, is the one you seek!" She looks up and at Ireena and smiles. "It seems you have already found the lady." Ireena starts but is hushed. "The cards are not yet finished."

"Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. These cards will lead you to him. I see a secret place—a vault of temptation hidden behind a woman of great beauty. The evil waits atop his tower of treasure."

She waits a moment, but the cards have stopped moving. After a few more minutes, she picks up the cards and puts them in her pocket. "The future has been foretold."

"I don't want to help in battle against the darkness," Ireena says. "I just want to be somewhere safe."

Madam Eva smiles. "There is no where in this accursed land where you can hide and be 'safe'. It is better you help end the terror than hide in its complacency."

Ireena seems to think about this. "I will think on your words, but for now, I am going to the Abbey in Valaki." She seems firm in her decision.

"You are welcome to stay this evening and partake of our hospitality and camp. In the morning, we will go our separate ways, and when we meet again...we may or may not be on the same side. But for tonight, you are our guests. You are safe in our camp and your possessions will not be bothered." She waves to the tent flap and it pulls back indicating we are to go.

We step out into the night. The air is colder and a bit crisp. I take a deep breath. "That was interesting to say the least." I look at Ireena. She looks lost in thought. Aerick has taken a more protective stance of her and stands closer than normal. If she would encourage him, even a little bit...he would be in her bedroll.

I shook my head. I went towards the bonfire but a hissing sound drew my attention. A dusk elf stood by one of the tents and motioned me over. "Follow me, quietly." He moved in utter silence and lead me away from the camp and towards the forest.

I hesitated, but eventually followed, making sure I wasn't followed in return. He paused just outside of the camp ground. "You can't trust them. They are spies of Strahd." He offered.

"We know." I smiled and my eyes grew round with power. "What are you doing here?" I pushed my will and power towards him. He could feel my power brush over him.

"I'm an elf. Charms and sleep spells don't really work on us." He eyes me up and down. "But your power is incredible. I could feel it tearing at my mind wanting me to answer you." He smiles suddenly and steps forward. "Of course, elves aren't immune to other types of charm." His meaning was clear. He would trade secrets for my body. This was a transaction I was familiar with. Callistra is a favored Goddess of the elves, and he guessed by my colors, bearing, whip that I was a devotee of the Goddess. I smiled and slowly started to remove my clothes.

I made a pallet of my clothing and stepped into his embrace. Elves weren't big on kissing, but they liked to have their ears rubbed. I softly caressed the ear, slowly licking along the edges, sucking gently on the small lobe. My hand sliding down his back to caress his lower back. A low moan issued from his mouth.

"We're werewolves." He offered his first bit of information. I rewarded him by licking down his neck and removing his shift. He was slim and like most elves his hair was so fine, it looked as if he had none at all. I could feel the hair though with my tongue. I licked down his chest, suckling gently at his nipples.

"We're trying to break Strahd's hold on us. But he's having us hunted so that we are forced to turn to him for help. It would be a chain we would never break." I let my power flow through my body as he yielded up more information. My touch became more pleasurable and I sent ripples of pleasure through his body with my power.

He pulled away, his breath coming hard and uneven. "What was that?"

I grinned. "The pleasure that comes with the information you've shared."

He nodded, and quickly lowered his pants. He didn't bother to take his pants off, nor his boots. His pants pooled by his ankle and I reached for him. He was long, slender. Not a lot of girth in comparison to my companions but adequate. I touched him, and his shaft jumped and swelled. I let my hand slide down his shaft to cup his balls. I could feel him quiver.

"This is not something they teach in the Houses of Callistra." He shivered softly.

"I'm special." I reached lower to his perineum and pushed power into his prostate and watched as he began to climax over my stomach and legs. "I'll show you what else I can do...but you'll need more information." I quickly robed myself and went back to the gypsy encampment.

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