Bear Ballet

Published on Feb 21, 2016


Bear Ballet 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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After my work with the synchronized swimming part of the Ballet, I went to the training facility near the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. It was in a former Boys Cub summer camp, secluded and quiet. The General Manager of the company didn't want the men to be distracted. Some had overcome substance abuse issues and he wanted to be away from temptation.

I soon realized that booze and drugs were big problems; sex wasn't. A man into booze and drugs had a hard time mastering the complicated routines of the Bear Ballet. Sex after the ballet practice helped them relax and unwind. I know some athletic teams discourage sex as a distraction. Girlfriend problems often caused poor performance. For our ballet it was a gay sex and it wasn't relationship based.

The head man in the non-aquatic group was Randall DeVine. He was an unexpectedly graceful dancer. He was six-five and about 250 pounds. He was good with lumberjack routines. He wasn't exactly fat, bulky would be a better word. He was a leader of men and had a stunning sexual drive.

Randall was a nice man. He was especially helpful for the younger men. He was a perfectionist but helpful, and seemed to know when the men were tired and had enough. He was sensible and he realized tired men made mistakes. He also knew men would do better for a man they respected. He gave great massages and had been a physical therapist. His massages usually had a happy ending and often included an anal massage.

His right hand man was the choreographer, Del Mar. He was great at what he did. He was small, hyper active and made Julie Andrews seem butch. I liked him in spite of that. He had a knack for working with the big men and making them look good. If something was a problem, he could rework things to make it easier for the men. He shared Randall's sexual drive, and half his body weight was in his cock. His cock was huge and his ass accommodating. While he wasn't attractive to most of the men, they could make allowance for a man with his cock and ass.

We had a sixteen-man troop with four men providing back up, and were going to be touring. We had four dances to prepare for, the Lumberjack Hoedown, the New York interlude, the Cowboys on the range, and the show ended with Firemen at Work. That last dance included pyrotechnics and was the grand finale. I was the stage manager and in charge of safety.

Most of the Ballet men were in their forties or fifties. A few were older and there were six younger men. It took a week to get into the flow of rehearsals. It took only a few days to get into the sexual flow of the group. One of the young guys, Scott, was the reason for the quick sexual adaptation. He was a blond bear, hairy, bearded and outgoing.

Scott was sexually generous, needy and had a taste for sperm. That was a recipe for making friends and getting to know the other performers. He was a country boy from a small town in North Carolina. It was not a hotbed of gay activity. He was too big for normal chorus boy roles, so the Bear Ballet was a godsend for him. He was talented, versatile and willing both professionally and sexually. He was always ready to serve. For the first week he specialized in the quick blowjob. There was no muss no fuss; he always swallowed. Randall took him under his wing.

Scott came to me during a rest period with a problem. "I've never taken it in the ass," he told me. "Randall wants to fuck me, but I don't know if I want to do it."

"Is Randall insistent, pressuring you?" I asked.

"No, it's nothing like that," Scott said. "I like Randall and he is a good man. I just know what he wants. I don't want to disappoint him."

I smiled. "There is no need to worry about that. Randall will not die from sex starvation," I said. "He will be fine."

"I guess I know that. He's done some of the other men, but he's big. I am afraid I can't take it," Scott explained. "Jimmy's cock might be more manageable. We sixty-nined once and he worked a finger into my ass. That was good." Jimmy was one of the older, Santa type men.

"Randall is not a predator. Men come to him. He doesn't go looking for men," I said. "He also keeps his sexual life separate for his professional life. Some men like being the first, but I doubt Randall is interested in that. Tell Randall about your worries, he will understand."

I explained that if Scott wanted to be fucked, he needed to control his urge to suck. "It's hard to keep it up after an orgasm," I explained. "I don't know if Jimmy is a top, but I am sure there are several men here who would love to screw you."

Several days later Scott told me he had talked to Randall and all was well. He offered to help by finding some tops who would gently open him up. He was going to be massaging some friends that evening and Scott was welcome to join them. Jimmy was one of his friends.

"I'm one of those scheduled to be massaged," I told Scott. I said I would be there too. He looked relieved. He wanted a friend there. I think he was worried it might be a gangbang. I was at Randall's room early. Randall's sexual drive must have been well above normal and his success rate at finding new partners was also good. While I think he was ready to screw any man he met, he had no need to screw them. There were other men who were more than willing.

His connections were friendly, intensely sexual and with no strings attached. He was the ultimate friend with benefits. He was not looking for a permanent of long term lover. He was clear about that. Some men may have been turned off by that, but they were damn few as far as I could tell. Most men just had a good time; many had more than that. Randall was a sexual athlete, and let's say he made many touchdowns.

The camp included ten cottages for six boys and a counselor. When the camp closed, a developer tried to rework them a bedroom, sitting room hotel for long stays. That was unsuccessful, but they worked well for us with two or three men per cottage. Scott and Jimmy joined us and then Georgy arrived. Georgy was a Russian immigrant who had been an actual ballet dancer before he grew. He had broken his leg and he had lost control of his weight. Even worse he grew taller. He was forty now and the bears had been a godsend for him. Georgy had been doing menial jobs. He barely spoke English, but he could still dance. He liked man sex, but his limited English skills limited his cruising ability.

Randall took charge as was his nature. "I assume you all know Scott's skills as a cock sucker. To say he is skilled understates his abilities," Randall said. "He is interested in expanding his repertoire. I was hoping that you men might help him. You all know that I tend to enjoy the top."

"Is enjoy the right word?" Jimmy asked. We all laughed.

Let's say I greatly enjoy the top," Randall said. "I'm not sure I am well equipped to introduce a man to anal pleasures. I remember the first time I took a cock in the ass and it wasn't good. I was hoping you all could help Scott discover new sources of pleasure."

"Now you ask why are we all here? Wouldn't one-on one be better," Randall continued. "You may have noticed that Scott can not only coax man seed from your balls, he enjoys the thrill of your squirting action and the taste of your personal cream. I have the feeling he would like more than the simple plowing; he would like the seeding too. With several men Scott could have some practice, satisfying his own needs and yours too."

"That is too much, maybe?" Georgy asked.

"Not if we are gentle and take our time," Randall explained. "By the way, I suspect Scott is sexually insatiable."

"I'm not sure about that!" Scott interposed.

Randall laughed. "That comment was a compliment!" he said. "You are handsome, young, gifted hardworking and insatiable. What more could we ask for in a man?" Everyone laughed.

An hour and half later Jimmy, Georgy and Randall had all made visits to Scott's ass. Scott was happy as a lark. It started as a massage and then transitioned into an anal massage using a finger or two and a tongue. Randall sucked Scott's cock as Jimmy was the first to work his cock into the tender anal opening.

I could tell when he made contact with Scott's prostate. His little gland was both tender and responsive. Jimmy had a short fuse and he pulled out after giving Scott's prostate a soothing sperm bath.

The rotated positions. Georgy eased into the cum-filled tunnel as Jimmy sucked Scott's cock. Georgy wasn't huge, but he was on the high side of average. Scott was more demonstrative in his response to the bigger cock. Georgy's thrusting soon was borderline pounding. Scott was happy.

Randall looked at me and we both knew that Scott would have no problem with big cocks. I was thinking that we would stop with Georgy fucking Scott, but when Georgy pulled out, I was sure that Scott wanted more. Randall moved into position.

With two loads of cum in his ass, Scott didn't need any more lubricant. Randall nosed his cock into the cum filled ass. While, there were on or two rough spots, Randall offered Scott a snort or two of poppers. Scott open up immediately. Scott was taking a cum-fueled trip to the moon by the time Randall was fully imbedded. This may all sound a bit mechanical and overly organized, but Scott's ass was wide open and Jimmy and Georgy's man seed was oozing out of his ass as Randall picked up the pace.

It was messy and erotic, exciting me. I had to go to the bathroom. Georgy was in the shower. I joined him. I dropped the soap and bent over to get it. That was when I discovered the Russian had the shortest recharge time of any man I knew. I would have stood up again if his cock had had not already been in the dark side of my sphincter.

It was more of a rectal massage than being fucked. He helped me get up as his cock went in deep. He was uncut, and while my sphincter gripped his skin, his cock gently thrust deeply into me. He certainly knew the location of my prostate, and his bulbous cock head massaged it on every third or fourth thrust. Georgy was a master.

"You like?" he asked.

"I like it very much," I replied.

"My sperm spurts like fire hose. It tickles ass. You like that?" he asked.

"I would like that a lot!" I said. we left the shower and rejoined the men in the bedroom. Somehow I was soon on the bed in the sixty-nine position with Scott. Randal fucked him as Georgy fucked me. It may sound strange, but Georgy was a graceful fucker. He and Randall coordinated their thrusts and it was beautiful. Each time Randall would thrust into Scott, Scott would ooze some precum. As I ate the ooze, Georgy would thrust into me.

I could taste Scott becoming more excited. I took me a little longer to realize I was in the same condition. I was awash in sexual stimulation, Scott sucked me. I tasted his rich sex juices as a I watched Randall's oversized tool plunge deep into deep into his body. Georgy was fucking me and Scott moaned every time Georgy went deep. The four of us slipped into a sexual frenzy; I couldn't tell who was the most excited.

I knew how it would end, but couldn't tell who was the furthest advanced in the path to an orgasm. I didn't want to be the one to make it end; I tried to hold back. Suddenly, Randal stopped thrusting and began to shiver and twitch. A second later Scott drained the entire contents of his ball into my mouth.

I relaxed for a split second and lost the battle to hold back. Scott took my load with enthusiasm and I felt a tickling sensation in my ass. I was enveloped in an orgasmic glow and became oddly mellow, completely satisfied. The group broke up an I slept soundly still savoring the multiple climaxes.

The next Saturday we had a problem. The Charlottesville police called. Several of our bears had gone into town and were drunk. They were stopped before they tried to drive back. I went to Charlottesville with Randall. He drove them back and I followed. They were good drunks, friendly and not nasty or violent. Behind the wheel of a car, they were dangerous.

I didn't know what to do. They were employees of the ballet, not kids in school. We couldn't send them home to Mom and Dad.

Randall and Del Mar came up with a solution. Given the character of the two men, the solution involved sex. They lived in adjoining cottages that had been connected at some point to make a deluxe unit. They decided to have a Saturday night party. They would have beer and conversation in Del Mar's cottage and other activities in Randall's side of the double cottages. Del Mar thought that the temptations to drink beer would be over whelmed by the urge to get off. Both men were well endowed, but Del Mar liked the bottom too. The word among the dancers was that Del Mar was "friendly."

Randall also thought the Corp de Ballet would be helped if the men were closer. The cottage arrangement of the camp was good for privacy and quiet. Some men went to the rehearsals and meals and then went to their rooms. The dancers didn't often meet the support crew. Randall thought more social interaction would be good.

The first party was a success. I was one of the first to arrive. Randall and Del Mar were naked when they greeted me. They were both well-equipped and had cock rings that emphasized their cock. I stripped and then met some of the crew I didn't know well. Bud, the light man, and Phil, the pianist were a little nervous, but they liked the scenery. Harold and Roger sewed, and I didn't see them much, but they had been good about fixing damaged costumes and torn clothes. Scott came with two of the other young men. They were a bit intimidated by Randall and talking with him socially was good. The men from the Charlottesville adventure came and were relieved that no one discussed their problem.

Georgy, Jimmy and several men from the Santa group came and mixed with the younger men. Georgy came over to me. He glanced at the costume men and whispered to me. "Not my type, but they have big dicks," he said. "Nice open holes too; anything goes with them. They like man seed."

Ten minutes later I wandered over to the other cottage. Randall was naked, standing in the corner playing with his long white snake. Jimmy and Justin, one of the young men, were watching. They didn't watch for long. After a brief conversation, Randall went towards the bed, Justin bent over and Randall poked his cock into the open ass.

Once there was sexual activity in the room other men seemed to sense it and joined in. Del Mar came over to Justin and gave him advice on his technique. He knew what Randall liked and Justin was willing to accommodate him.

I was naked by then and Del Mar came over to me. "Have you ever seen the movie Deep Throat?" he asked. "It inpressed me and was my teenage inspiration." Seconds later, he demonstrated his skill with my cock. I had been going to tell him I wasn't interested, but that was hard to do when my entire organ in his mouth.

Georgy came in the room and the activity picked up. He was a sexual spark plug. He had hit it off with Bud, the light man. Bud was an otter, small, sleek and hairy. They soon were in the sixty-nine position on the floor.

The lighting was dim. As my eyes adjusted. I noticed a sling in the corner. I went over. Scott came over. "I'd like to try that out sometime." he whispered. "Have you been in one?"

"No," I replied. "They say it is comfortable. It is pure cock and ass. the ass is in the prefect position for fucking."

"You are sort of defenseless. Anyone can do you," Scott remarked.

"That apparently is part of the attraction," I said. "Since you have no choice, you can relax."

"Why don't you get in?" Scott continued. "I'll be your wingman-body guard if it gets rough." Apparently, I was not thinking straight. I got in the sling. Scott strapped me in; Harold and Roger lubricated me. Eventually they used their cocks to do the deep lubricating. Roger had a short cock and went first; Harold used his cock to push the lubricant in deeper. Both of them injected some of their personal lube in my ass.

It was nice. Strangely, they didn't seem to fuck me; they just used their cocks a lubricating tools. They were just being helpful. Rufus, one of the drunk bears, was first in line for the real fucking. He had a fire plug that gave my prostate a workout.

"I don't get in a guy as young as you are often. It is a treat," Rufus said. "You are nice, tight and juicy." He paused. I'm going to shoot off shortly. Do you want me to pull out of you? I know you don't have any choice in a sling; fucking is fun, breeding is kind of intimate."

"It is oaky," I said. Rufus smiled and soon gave my prostate a sperm bath. He was happy and I had made a friend.

Georgy came over with Bud and one of Scott's friends, Don. "Don here has never fucked. I said, I give him lessons, okay?" Georgy asked. I nodded.

Georgy slowly eased his cock into me while giving Don a running description in his fractured English. He quickly built up speed and unloaded. Georgy was a dancer a dancer; his fucking was smooth and graceful. I felt him ejaculate ten or twelve times. He pulled out. Bud took his place. Bud spent most of his time making sure every light was in the right place. I had a feeling he didn't top much. Actually I wasn't sure he had sex often. He had the looked of a big time video gamer.

Bud's cock was long and crowned with an oversized cock head. His cock head was designed to please. The second it popped past my sphincter, Bud became enthusiastic. He typically was laid back and seemed almost comatose.

"Damn, it's smooth as silk in there," Bud said. "Has any one unloaded in you?"

"Three guys so far," I said.

"Did Georgy unload?" Bud asked. I nodded.

"Does that give you a little tingle?" I asked. "You are fucking with his cum lubricating the hole." I said.

"You want more?"

"My ass is wide open, relax that slit of yours and let the cream flow," I said.

Bud went rigid and I knew all of his energy was channeled into filling my ass with his cream. Bud pulled out and motioned for Don to take his place.

"Are you sure he wants me to fuck him?" Don asked Georgy.

"Why else would you be in a sling?" Georgy asked. "Take your time, you are a big boy." A few seconds later, Don was at my ass and massaging my sphincter. He then moved on to my prostate and beyond. It was a total success for him. Much to my surprise, I was enjoying the sling. It was more of a marathon than a sprint, but the varied cocks and fucking techniques was pleasant. Some men were pounders; they quickly shot off and pulled out. Don massaged my ass, enjoying the experience.

I was also surprised at how grateful most of the men were that I opened my ass for them. They were experienced men, but many had not been in a young man's ass in a while. They liked my ass and its sperm filling. I have good muscle tone and my sphincter was tight, but with the sperm, my ass caressed, rather than gripped their tools. Each time a cock head touched my ass, I became excited. The men liked that.

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