
By Wgnmkr

Published on Mar 16, 1997



Strokin' on the Beach

The smell of the salty ocean wafted on the breeze. Marty inhaled the air

deeply and let out a heavy sigh as he headed for the sandy beach. He looked

around at all the girls in their bikinis who were rubbing suntan oil over their arms

and stomachs and legs, laying down on their towels or walking around.

Most of

them were sexy while some of them should have stayed home. He felt his dick stir

a bit in his shorts as he looked at the girls and thought about what he'd like to do

with them.

He found a spot neat a group of girls and guys and spread his towel out,

situated his cooler and beach bag, stripped down to his swimtrunks and layed

down for a nice day at the beach. He tried reading, but every time a woman

walked by he watched her, and finally gave up reading and just ogled.

He stared at

their bouncing breasts pressing against the lycra tops, their half-exposed tanned

butt cheeks and their nice legs. The more he watched, the stronger the horniness

in his groin grew. His dick was half hard, half soft, and he thought he'd better do

something about it soon.

In the distance, he saw where the beach became large rolling sand dunes

covered with large tufts of grass and rock formations.

Hmm, he thought, if I could find a spot in those rocks I could jerk off.

As Marty watched another girl in a skimp bikini pass by, he made up his

mind. He packed up his stuff into his beach bag, closed it up, and left his bag and

towel there and started walking toward the rocks in the distance. On his way

there, he looked down at the girls, marveling at their round asses, smooth legs,

tanned skin and bouncey breasts. He picked up the pace as he felt his dick get


Finally he reached the rock formation and picked his way through a small

path around the boulders. Just before he entered a small clearing, he saw another

guy there, standing naked and fingering his dick. Marty ducked back behind the

rock and watched. It seem as though the guy had the same idea Marty had and

was trying to get himself hard. But he suddenly stopped and leaned up against one

of the boulder.

"Damn, what the hell is taking him so long?" Marty heard him say. The

guy continued to fondle himself.

"Why don't you join us," a voice said behind Marty. Marty jumped and

turned, and another guy stood behind him. Marty didn't know what to say or do.

"All we're going to do is jerk off," the guy finally said. "Come on, join us."

He walked passed Marty and into the clearing with his friend. They

exchanged some small chat, and the new guy pulled off his swimtrunks so the two

stood naked in the clearing. He looked at Marty, who hadn't moved from where

he stood, and waved Marty over. Thoughts of declining the invitation whipped

through his mind, but was put aside, and Marty went into the clearing.

"Hi, I'm Jake," said the new guy, "and this is Jon."

"Hi, Marty."

"Well, Marty, you can't play with you dick in your trunks," Jon said.

Marty hesitated for a minute then untied his trunks and slid them down and

kicked them against the rock with the other two trunks. The three men stood in

the clearing now, all naked.

"Why don't you start Marty since you're the new guy here," Jake said.

"You get us started and we'll follow."

It was a new sensation for Marty. He'd never jerked off with another guy,

much less two, and now he was leading them in a jerk off session. He reached

down and began to rub his dick with his fingers. He could feel the eyes of the

other two men staring down at his crotch as he fingered himself, trying to get

himself hard. And it didn't take long for his dick to react to the fondling and he

had an erection in no time. As soon as his dick stood stiff in front of him, the other

two guys started playing with their dicks, trying to get them hard.

"This is going to be great," Jon said, "three guys jerking their dicks in front

of each other."

"No shit," Jake added. "Stroke it, Marty."

Marty had his whole hand gripped around his erection and he stroked,

pumping slowly up and down the shaft. He liked feeling the hardness of his dick in

his hand and the heat from the blood eminate through his arm. Now, though, he

not only could see himself masturbating, but he had two other guys in front of him

to watch. The other two had nice dicks to stroke. Jon's must have been about

seven and a half inches and Jake's the size of his own.

"Nothing like three guys stroking for each other," Jake said.

"Yup, it's even better than doing it alone," Jon said.

"This is my first time doing it with other guys," admitted Marty.

"Oh, a virgin," smiled Jake. "Stroking with virgin dick adds a little spice."

Marty's new stroking buddies turned their attention to the new erection in

their group. Marty felt it, and enjoyed the limelight that his dick brought. He

showed off now, thrusting his hips forward, making his dick stick out from his

body. His excitement grew, andhis dick got harder. He moved his hand slowly up

and down his shaft, giving his buddies a hot show of his dick-stroking action. All

five fingers wrapped around his hardness, rubbing the entire shaft slowly. Then he

held his hand still and began moving his hips, making a fucking motion as his dick

moved in his hand.

"Nice, man, very nice," hissed Jake. "Fuck that fist."

"Yeah, fuck your fist, fuck it," Jon urged.

Slowly Marty did as they urged, moving his hips, making his dick move in

his hand as if he were actually fucking a woman. The three men all watched

Marty's dick move in his hand, the head of his dick disappearring in his hand then

re-emerging into the open air. Marty made pleasure noises as the friction from his

hand on his dick shot through his whole body. He didn't want to stop

masturbating, he didn't want to stop showing off to his two new friends, he didn't

want this feeling to end. He felt the end nearing though, so he stopped, let go of

his erection, then watched it bob in midair.

Then the attention turned from Marty to Jake. Jake played with his erection

with one hand while the other hand was wrapped around the base of it.


forefinger and thumb squeezed the base of his erection, making it expand and the

veins in it stand out. With two fingers and the thumb of his other hand he rubbed

the bulging dick, flicking and pinching the purple head. He worked his dick for his

friends, moving his hand over and around his dick, reversing his grip, stroking,

then reversing the grip again, then returning to using three fingers.

He did this a

few more times, working his dick hard with his hand, then relaxing, showing off.

The other two watched him until he neared orgasm, and like Marty, stopped just

before he came.

Without a word, attention turned then to Jon. He had almost the same

kind of grip his his dick as Jake had had, but this time his forefinger and thumb

were tightly around the whole base of his dick and under his balls. The two orbs

buldged in their sac and the erection pointed upwards. Jon used a regular grip on

his erection with his other hand, and slowly moved it up and down the shaft. He

began to make loud sounds and his body squirmed with pleasure has he worked his

erection. He seemed to have a real tight grip on his dick, tighter than what Jake or

Marty had on their dicks. With this tight grip, the hand didn't move, but the skin

did. He stroked his dick a few minutes more until he felt an orgasm beginning,

then stopped.

"Man, let's cum," Jon said.

"Yeah, it's time to shoot," added Jake.

"Distance time," grinned Jon.

Without having them to explain it to him, Marty understood. They were

going to see who could shoot their semen the farthest. The three lined up shoulder

to shoulder, their dicks sticking straight out in front of them. Since Jon's dick was

about an inch longer, Marty thought he'd be the winner, but Marty still wanted to

find out.

With the three men standing abreast, they began to pump their hard dicks.

They each moaned as waves of pleasure built up in their bodies and spread quickly.

The aura of each masturbating man engulfed to the other, so instead of three

individual men masturbating, there was only one. One hard pulsing dick sticking

out in the air, being stroked, caressed, manipulated. Their combined aura began in

intensify as orgasm neared.

Jon was the first to explode. A stream of white semen shot from the tip of

his purple head, landing in the sand front of him. Then Marty felt the hot liquid of

his semen surge through his hard dick and rip from the tip. Jon and Marty

continued to pump their dicks as they orgasmed, watching the semen fall onto the

sand in front of them. Finally Jake exploded. All three watched as his semen flew

through the air, landing farther away than the other two's semen. Even Jake's

second and third ejaculation landed farther than Jon and Marty's. Jake's body

shuddered as he began to come down from his orgasm high.

The three men stood there still, fingering their dicks as they softened.

Their breathing began to return to normal also.

"Damn, that felt great," said Jake.

"That was a hell of a cum," Jon said.

"Thanks for inviting me," Marty panted. "This was great, I should do it

more often."

Jake and Jon chuckled a little and Marty smiled. The three put on their

swimtrunks and took the path back to the beach. As they walked back to their

places on the beach, Marty looked again at the girls in their bikinis, sunning

themselves. After that jerk off session with Jon and Jake, the women didn't seem

as sexy, but he knew that if he came back tomorrow, the women would turn him

on again and he would have to go back to the clearing in the rocks and play with


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