Beachcomber Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on Jun 8, 2024



Chapter 6

The next piece of news Coogan had to be pleased about came to him via Hal one evening.

"The house feels pretty empty tonight Little Man. Your mother is out on a date with her new boyfriend."

Coogan was gutted.

"Oh Hal, I so hoped mum would get together with dad again."

"Did I say who the new boyfriend was?"

Coogan almost shouted, "You mean?"

"Yes I mean," was the laughing reply, "This is the second one in less than a week."

Coogan was hugging himself with pleasure.

"Oh Hal, that's wonderful. When are you going to do some work with dad?"

"Already doing it. He really ought to bring in a consultancy firm but Rosemary is allowing me to spend a lot of time with David, she has also pumped five million into his corporation. I don't think I'm pushing my luck by saying I think there are merger talks going on."

With so much good news coming from the home front Coogan became an even happier undergraduate, attracting more attention from other guys and girls in the college. That of course, brought problems, the girls were easy to get rid of by telling them he liked having them as friends but he was in a relationship at home that he would never compromise by cheating on his first love. No one knew that love was male. The guys were different, they were more persistent because several of them had acute Gaydar and knew Coogan was one of them.

"Look guys, I'm flattered by all this attention but there is no way in a million years I am going to cheat on my lover at home so please lay off."

Standard reply to come ons, but it did no good. Hope springs eternal in some minds.

Things weren't going to settle down and Coogan received an advance from a most unlikely source. The young lecturer in photographic techniques asked Coogan to remain behind one day after lectures. He locked the door and returned to his chair, but instead of sitting he started to undress. When he was naked Coogan tried to look anywhere but at his lecturer, it was no good. Mark was playing with himself and eventually stood by his chair and talked to Coogan.

"I know you are gay Coogan, and I would like you to take photographs as I move around. When you are finished you are going to pick three and tell me why."

Well, that was actually no problem when he had got over the shock, he took about a hundred and picked three after they had scrolled through them as they appeared on a large screen.

"Ok Coogan, why those three?"

"Easy Mark. These are obviously pornographic for an audience that will almost certainly be mainly male, and gay. They will be interested in face, figure, cock and balls, and ass. These three best show those assets. They are what I would want to see if I was going to have sex with you."

"Good, I agree, now would you like to have that sex, here and now?"

Coogan had a mighty woodie pushing his trousers out quite obscenely."If I fuck Mark here and now what will Hal say when I tell him?'

That was Coogan's first thought. He won't mind because he said I could', was the next one, and then the decision. Fuck it, why not, I have never fucked anyone else, and I won't let him fuck me that is definitely Hal's territory.'

"Ok Mark, but ground rules. I'm the top and whatever we do, you penetrating me is not a remote possibility. That is private territory already spoken for exclusively."

Mark grinned. "That's a pity, whoever owns that is one lucky guy."

Coogan nodded and then started to undress. Mark gasped when he saw the finished object. Coogan's cock surprised him, he hadn't expected anything that big.

"Your call Professor, anything you like, but I finish with penetration."

Mark thought he had died and gone to heaven as he got between Coogan's legs and took the monster in his mouth. Heaven was where he went and where Coogan took him after some serious foreplay. Coogan's monster made Mark realise how good a real man's tool felt.

All done and Coogan realised that although this had been fun he really didn't want to do it again. That night he broke down on the telephone begging Hal's forgiveness.

"Hey, Little Man, I told you having a fling at college wasn't going to hurt us, and it hasn't. You don't need to feel bad about it."

Through his tears, Coogan tried to explain that he felt he had soiled their love by sharing it.

"Baby, you were just having a bit of fun, please don't feel bad, I still love you as much as I did yesterday, but not as much as I will love you tomorrow."

Hal eventually calmed Coogan down but still decided he was going to surprise him by flying up to spend the weekend with him. He couldn't have his boy worrying during term time, he needed to be focussed on his studies.

The result was an incredible weekend spent mainly in bed. By the end of it Coogan could have no doubt that his little foray into sex with another partner had not hurt Hal's love for him. He never did it again and Hal never considered it either. Both men slid into middle age running a multimillion-dollar corporation with useful input from the founder members who of course had remarried at the same time as they merged their companies ready for their two sons to take over.

The End ********************************************

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