Beachcomber Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on Jun 6, 2024



Chapter 5

Hal had come to love and admire Rosemary, and she in her turn had come to admire and respect Hal. He would be a real asset to her if she could persuade him to come on board as a main board director for her holding company, and then ease him into a troubleshooting role to restore David's old companies to their past glory and profitability. Hence the invite to the first meeting of all the General Managers, having first given him a breakdown of all the companies to get him started.

The meeting went as it would have done under the old David. Rosemary was very positive, and Hal's input was constructive. By the end all of the General Managers were eating out of Rosemary's hand.

Left alone in the conference room Rosemary broached an unexpected subject to him.

"Hal, how would you like to quit your present job and come to work for me? I wouldn't want to pin you down to just one of my companies, so would you accept the position of Vice President in charge of planning and development. You could walk into each company at your leisure and kick some butt to get it back on track."

Both were laughing at the final statement.

"I'm very flattered Mum, but do you think I'm really capable of filling that role?"

"More than capable, and that is not just my opinion. I wouldn't headhunt you without first telling your present GM what I was going to do. That would, in my book, be unethical. See how much he will offer you to stay, and then come back here and discuss a new contract with me. I won't try any womanly wiles to talk you down, or come the poor mother in law either."

Hal shook his head, this woman was something else.

"Ok Mum, I'll talk to you this evening, why don't we have dinner together, I'm sure Coogan will want to put in his nine cents worth."

Appointment confirmed. Hal told Coogan just enough to have him squirming with curiosity. When he heard Hal tell his mother that if she wanted him it would cost her this amount of money, these benefits, bonuses based on profitability, and all the other major perks a senior executive would expect, Coogan's mouth was wide open with surprise.

"Close your mouth Darling or you'll catch a fly."

Coogan looked at his mother and then at Hal before spluttering out. "You can't ask Mum for that Hal, that's outrageous."

"Yes he can Son, I was expecting to pay more, and would have done."

"Gosh, I'm living with a mogul and didn't know it."

Happy laughter and Rosemary got her words in.

"Accepted, when can you start?"

"One month from today, I handed in my resignation this morning."

"Oh lovely. That will give us all time to move back to the house."

Coogan was shedding happy tears now, "Can we really Mum, forever?"

"Yes Darling, Hattie and some more hired help have been getting it ready for us all of this week. Just pack your things and move back in when you like. Take as long as you like, but it would be nice if you are completely settled before you start your new job Hal."

Coogan felt the loss of his father even more moving back into his old suite, the sting was taken out of it though having Hal with him.

"I still can't believe dad has let everything go the way he has. He's lost mum forever and most of his companies. If he doesn't pull himself together he'll be bankrupt before I go to college."

"You don't say he's lost you Little Man."

Tears came to Coogan's eyes as he looked at Hal before replying.

"I don't think he has Hal. We had such a wonderful relationship, it just isn't possible for me to forget those years. He really was the best dad in the world."

"Ok Lover, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that it all comes right in the end."

The first night back in the house he had grown up in was a reason for a celebration. Rosemary allowed more alcohol than she had ever allowed before, but for Coogan that was only the Champagne, no hard liquor. When he and Hal tumbled into bed he was a little inebriated, but that apparently, made him more amorous and for the first time he took the dominant role. Hal was too surprised to try to alter that and was amazed at how incredible it felt when Coogan's glans slid over his sphincter.

"Oh my God, Lover that feels amazing, take it easy but feed me all of you."

Hal got the most incredible fuck and had a mighty orgasm as he felt Coogan blasting his insides with jet after jet of love juice. Coogan burst into tears as he finished his orgasm, fell onto Hal's chest and sobbed out how much he loved him. Then he promptly fell asleep, still embedded in his lover. Hal rolled him sideways and joined him in slumber land.

The next morning was hysterical as they pulled apart, almost glued together by Hal's cum.

"Mmm, I think I might like you to do that to me more often, no wonder you have been such a happy bottom."

Coogan looked at Hal in shock.

"You mean you were an anal virgin until last night?"

Hal grinned, "Yes, but only because I never realised how good it was."

Coogan hopped out of bed and bounced around the room, "Ha, ha, ha, he, he, he, I've just fucked my first virgin."

Hal shot out of bed to grab him and very sternly stated, "I'd better be the only virgin ass you get, never mind your first."

One very close snuggle as Coogan replied, "Oh yes, Hal, I'm never going to have sex with anyone else for the rest of my life."

Rosemary couldn't fail to see that something special had happened the previous night, both boys were so animated at breakfast.

The next year appeared to fly by. Coogan graduated and decided he was going to study design and photography, and help his mother in her design company. Hal and his mother had done wonders with her new design company and David's old companies that Rosemary had taken in the divorce settlement. They had turned all of them around and put them back in the black with increasing turnover.

David meanwhile had sunk into a severe depression and eventually been made bankrupt. Rosemary had looked at the remaining companies and in discussion with Hal had decided they were in too bad shape to consider buying to resurrect, but what Hal advised was to buy a couple of them from the receiver and asset strip the remains. That action netted them millions because Hal saw the value in everything.

Coogan went off to college swearing undying fidelity to Hal, who being a realist had this parting comment to make to him.

"Enjoy yourself Little Man, if you want a romp with a friend, have it, and don't feel guilty. I won't love you any less if you have a look at other lovers."

"I'm sure I won't want to Hal, I'll come home as often as I can."

Good enough, and Coogan drove off to college, not exactly happy at this parting from Hal, but content in his love.

The first year of college ended and Coogan could honestly tell Hal that he had remained faithful.

"There are some really cute guys Hal, but I realise that if I was going to have an affair it would be with one of the assistant professors, not an under graduate. I guess I'm definitely in to older men."

Coogan did a little beach combing that first summer of college but found himself in town more and more so that he could have lunch with Hal most days, and sometimes his mother as well.

No one had mentioned David since his bankruptcy, so Coogan was a little in shock when he literally ran into his father as he turned a corner when leaving Hal after a lunch date.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, oh my God, Dad."

David looked at the mature young man that had just bumped into him and whom he hardly recognised. Coogan had matured into a very distinguished looking college boy. David on the other hand appeared to have shrunk. He looked much older and quite scruffy compared to the extraordinarily smart and confident man Coogan remembered.

"What are you up to?"

David flapped his hands about a bit and in a soft voice just said, "Not much."

"Have you got time for a coffee or something?"

David nodded and Coogan took charge leading his father by the arm into the nearest coffee bar. Sat with their drinks in a private booth, Coogan looked more carefully at his father. He could see the worry lines and the defeatist look in the eyes.

"You don't look well Dad. Where is the dynamic executive I grew up with?"

David searched Coogan's face, he saw the sadness in the eyes, and the disappointment. He also saw that this boy was everything physically he had hoped for in an only son. He had a presence that would stand him in good stead when he graduated and joined the work force.

"I guess I lost my way Son. I had everything a man could wish for and threw it away over something I couldn't get my head round, instead of shutting it away to be dealt with as a separate problem."

Coogan waited, hoping to hear something positive follow.

"I guess, at last, I have accepted that I have a gay son, whose lover is a revelation. I have watched what your mother and he have done with my old companies. You must be very proud of him, and your mother."

"I am Dad, the same as I was always proud that you were my Dad."

David nodded. "Well if I had got my act together a little earlier I might have been that man again, but now I have the opportunity to start puting things back together and I have no money to do it."

"Explain Dad."

"The entrepreneur that bought one of my old companies was worse than me at running it. The assets are available from the receivers for less than half a million. I know I could turn it around again and rebuild my empire. Unfortunately the banks don't think so. That's where I've been all morning, showing them my business plan for the company."

Coogan thought quickly.

"Where do you live Dad?"

"You remember Doug Roberts?"

"Yes, of course I do, he was your best friend."

"Yes, well I rotted that up along with everything else, but because of our friendship he has let me have his town house rent free."

"Oh, I'm pleased you have somewhere decent to live. Can I have a look at your business plan?"

David laughed, "I don't think it will mean much to you Son."

"Oh, I don't know, I have helped Hal put together several similar plans for Mum's companies."

David slid the folder across the table and Coogan scanned it quickly his mind working fast to absorb the main facts.

"Dad, can I hang on to this, I think I might know someone who could help. Someone who knows what you are capable of if you are focussed."

David had run out of options now so he saw no harm in letting his son keep the plans.

They parted with a hug and Coogan's assurance he would be in touch.

Coogan went home to wait for Hal, who hardly had time to put his briefcase down before he was dragged into the study and presented with David's business plan.

"I know we aren't venture capitalists Hal, but if you presented that to mum, do you think you would lend me the ½ million to back the man who wants to carry it through. I would guarantee the money out of my future earnings and inheritance if it all went wrong."

Hal was no fool, he knew immediately this was David's plan.

"Did your dad ask you to approach us Coogan?"

He gasped a reply, "No, I am doing it off my own back, but how did you know?"

"I haven't loved you for three years without knowing you."

"Ok, will you discuss it with mum? Please Hal, I need to do this. I saw dad today, he had just been rejected by the banks, but the plan looks good if you think about what dad could do with it."

"Yes Coogan, the old dad, but has this new dad still got the capability?"

"I think so Hal, and I'll devote loads of my free time to help him."

"You still love him very much don't you?"

With tears in his eyes Coogan nodded. "He was the best dad in the world. I owe him this for the sixteen years of love he lavished on me."

Hal took the plan to Rosemary while Coogan sat shaking in their apartment. He sold it to a doubting Rosemary by using Coogan's words.

"He said he thinks he owes it to David for the sixteen years he was the best dad in the world."

Rosemary thought about the twenty years she had with David before Hal came on the scene. She nodded.

"I'll transfer ½ million into Coogan's account in the morning, no strings, he can use it any way he sees fit."

When Hal told Coogan, he nearly flew out the door and threw himself into his mother's arms.

"Thank you Mum, I'm sure dad will make us proud of him again."

The joy she saw in her son's eyes was worth that ½ million to Rosemary.

David was more than a little surprised to see his son standing at the door the next morning, when, with very bleary eyes he answered the persistent ringing.

"Come on Dad, we have a very busy day. We have a company to buy and get into working order."

Coogan would not tell his father where the money came from.

"Please Dad, just accept that there are still people on this planet that think you are a good risk in business. Let's get down to business to show them that's true. I have the whole of the summer to help you before I go back to college."

David had time for a coffee before showering and shaving. When he came back into his bedroom Coogan was just walking back in with highly polished shoes, a neatly ironed dress shirt and a suit that had been steam pressed to look smart.

"We had better walk for a bit Dad, the suit is still a little damp, the air will dry it before we get downtown."

"Should I take a portable oxygen tank with me? I'm getting the feeling I might not have time to breathe."

Coogan's grin was wide enough to split his face in two.

"Ok, Dad, I'll slow down to supersonic speed, I'd forgotten you're an old man now."

David swiped at him and joined him with a grin, "I'll show you old man, see who'll be begging to be allowed to go back to college at the end of the summer, for a rest."

The bank acting as receivers had been one of those turning David down the day before so they were amazed when he walked in with a certified check to buy the remains of his once profitable company.

"We will need to know who will be holding the mortgage Mr. Brough."

"No one Mr. Daniels, I am making a cash purchase of the company."

Mr. Daniels didn't like it, but by lunch time, with paperwork still being sorted, David and Coogan were in the company offices sorting the books to see where to begin.

Services restored, a few essential ex-employees contacted until they had the makings of a small work force. It was past midnight when a very happy but exhausted young man returned home.

"It was awesome Mum, Hal, dad was like his old self with a new company to put back on track. Now, I'm exhausted, I have to go to bed, I'll be gone early again in the morning."

"Food first, and you will have breakfast before you leave in the morning. Give me a time and I'll have Hattie make you two packed lunches as well, both of you must eat or you'll run out of steam before you've achieved anything."

Coogan knew his mother was correct so he did as he was told before falling into bed snuggled up to Hal.

"I'm so happy Hal, I think dad has at last got his act together, he was awesome today."

Hal was pleased, and a little jealous, Coogan's love for his father was shining in his eyes and mannerisms.

The speed with which the company started to make money was little short of miraculous until you remembered that David had been a self-made billionaire until the situation with Coogan and Hal had arisen. His dynamism and loving support from his son drove David to new heights of action and innovation to make money quickly. By the end of the summer he had bought back another shell that had been one of his previous companies and got that up and running. He owed the banks millions, but they were so happy to lend him money now that they could see the old David Brough emerging from the ruins.

David had been correct. By the end of the summer, Coogan was pleased to return to college for a rest. Hal had been a little disappointed, not being able to spend as much time with his lover as he would have liked. The up side of that though was that he had never seen Coogan so happy.

During the next semester Coogan spoke to his dad nearly as frequently as he did to Hal, and the old relationship took root again. David was still living in his old friend's townhouse where he was planning to have Rosemary, Hal and Coogan for Christmas Day. He left it until Coogan was home and then gave him the invitation. Coogan was delighted, Hal was a little sceptical and Rosemary almost went into tilt. She had not spoken to, or seen David since the divorce. For Coogan's sake she said yes, but stopped short of returning the invitation for the next day.

Coogan watched his mother and father carefully all day on Christmas Day. Rosemary started out very cool towards David, and David behaved like an uncertain little boy towards Rosemary, to start with. By the end of the day, when the limo turned up to take them home, Coogan was delighted that David's old charisma had surfaced and Rosemary was relaxed and happy. Just as they were leaving Coogan breathed a big sigh of contentment as he heard his mother.

"Thank you for a lovely day David. Why don't you join us at the house tomorrow for lunch and dinner?"

Hal knew how much those few words meant to Coogan and had that knowledge reinforced when they were in their suite. Coogan bounced around like a ten year old.

"Isn't that marvellous Hal, Dad will be here all day tomorrow. I couldn't be happier."

"Not even if he and your mother get back together."

That stopped Coogan in his tracks.

"I daren't even think that Hal, I'm sure that if I did it would put the kiss of death on it."

The tender lovemaking was the perfect finish for a most satisfying day.

David arrived the next day dressed as he used to at weekends when he lived at the house. He was carrying an enormous bouquet of flowers for Rosemary and three envelopes. The one for Rosemary contained a check for ½ million dollars.

"Coogan never told me, but I'm guessing that my seed money came from you. Thank you Darling, I'm not sure I deserved it, or my son."

"Coogan, your envelope contains share certificates in my new corporation."

"Hal yours contains the same. I'm hoping that as a shareholder you will be willing to give me some consultancy time as I continue my expansion plans."

There were three very flustered people looking at David. Coogan was the first to move. He threw himself into David's arms.

"Thank you Dad, that's the best Christmas present I've ever had."

Hal was more formal. "Thank you Mr. Brough. I'll discuss this with Rosemary after the holiday and let you know how much time I can give you."

David smiled, "Thank you Hal, and I think it's time you dropped the Mr., I'd like you to call me David."

Rosemary moved in then and kissed David on the cheek.

"Thank you David, the money will still be available if you need it any time."

Coogan tried to block out his thoughts about happy families, he didn't want to risk anything going wrong.

Another happy day and happy holiday. Coogan worked with his dad, but this time made sure he had plenty of quality time with Hal and his mother.

Next: Chapter 6

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