Beachcomber Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on Jun 3, 2024



Chapter 3

Rosemary Brough had graduated top of her class at college. When she married David she used her considerable skills to promote him, and for her, his career was her career. Bringing up their son had been her next priority and he became even more precious when she was told she would have no more children. Initially she had agreed with David. She thought that the older friend had exerted pressure to turn Coogan, but now realised that her son's love for this male model was serious

"This has to stop David, I would rather have a gay son than a dead one. I suggest you get hold of Coogan's lover and bring him here so that they can be together and we'll reassess the situation when our son is fit and well again."

David knew he was beaten then, there was no way he could fight the two people he loved most in the world. Hal was called and arrived at the hospital very quickly, dressed in what David could only describe as dirty sweats, which is what they were, and the man looked almost as haggard as his son.

"I don't know where we are going with this Mr. Brooks, but for now I would like you stay with my son. I'll pay you for any work you are missing."

Hal was so angry, if he had the strength he would have floored David.

"You expect me to take money off you to stay with my lover. You nearly kill him and then expect a few dollars to expiate your guilt. You make me almost physically sick. How can you be so callous towards this boy? He is worth a hundred of you."

David was surprised at the venomous sounds coming from this young man and left the room to regroup his thinking. He was shocked at the state of Hal. Obviously the man had taken the separation as hard as Coogan, so the natural conclusion was that these two really did love each other. Now what was he to do? If he tried to separate them again he thought he might well lose his wife as well, but how could he condone this unnatural relationship, and the age gap made it worse.

It was one very worried man that went home that day, leaving his son and lover together, at the behest of his wife.

"They will mend each other David, we are just in the way. I suggest you brief the hospital that all Hal's food is to be billed to you and a family room should be made available to him as well. Not that I can see him leaving Coogan's room for long enough to use it."

David acquiesced, he knew his wife was correct.

Hal remained alongside Coogan's bed for the remainder of Christmas day, only moving to the side when staff came in to check on him. Towards evening the doctor came back and sat talking to Hal. He got the story then and realised how the present state of affairs had come about.

"I think you are going to find a dramatic change in attitude from Mr. Brough and Coogan is in no immediate danger. Let me suggest that you go home, shower and shave and change into clothes more appropriate to see your lover in when he wakes up."

Hal looked at himself and blushed. He looked like a tramp.

"I'm sorry Doc, I guess I have let myself go a little."

The doctor had watched this young man for a while before it clicked who he was.

"I know you, my son has packs of designer underwear in his room with your photo plastered across them. You're Hal Brooks the international model."

Hal nodded, "Yes, I was once upon a time."

"Well we'll have to make sure you are again won't we. I'm sure young Coogan will want to see your picture on bill boards again."

Hal nodded and tears came to his eyes as he looked at the wasted body of his love.

"I love him so much Doc, I think I did the second I set eyes on him."

"Well in that case you make sure you get well for him. Now, off you go. I'm here for another couple of hours, I'll keep a look out for the boy."

Hal was back within the hour looking a hundred percent better than he had when he left. He would need to do some serious eating and working out to regain his previous looks and energy, but if he had Coogan he knew he could do it. Everything now depended on David's attitude.

Coogan was ready to go home within a week. Having Hal with him every waking moment was better than any medicine for both of them. They both started piling on the pounds as their bodies turned every useful element of their food into body mass.

"We're getting fat Lover. We'll need to hit the gym when we get out of here."

Coogan smiled at his man. "Whatever you want to do Hal, it's ok with me. I love you so much. Has Dad said anything to you yet?"

Hal shook his head, a look of worry crossing his face.

"I won't let him part us again. Can I come to live with you if he tries?"

"Of course, we'll work something out. I know now I'm never going to let you go, I love you so much as well. I think I started to love you that first day on the beach."

Coogan smiled, "Really?"

"Yes Little Man, you fascinated me and that very quickly turned to affection. You don't think I go to nude photo shoots with everyone that tries to pick me up do you?"

Coogan sniggered, "Well I didn't know you then, but you could have been an exhibitionist pervert ready to seduce this poor innocent rich boy."

The laughter became like a tonic and the doctor was sucked into this love nest, quickly realising how special both of these young men were. Not his business really but he had to say something to David. So the day before he was going to release Coogan he took David aside.

"Tell me to mind my own business if you want to Mr. Brough, but I am going to tell you about those two young men in there. They feed off each other's love. I don't know much about homosexual relationships, but I have watched Coogan and Hal closely for this last week. I have never seen two people so much in love. When they touch, or just look at one another it's like the whole world lights up for them. I believe you will do untold emotional damage to both of them if you try to separate them again. If you love your son you had better get used to the idea that he's gay, nothing you can say or do is going to change that. I know you think the age gap is too big, but just think ten years from now, at twenty seven and thirty six it will seem a lot smaller and ten years further on it will seem smaller still. I believe that their love is strong enough to go that distance. Quite frankly, I think they are an awesome couple."

David was speechless after listening to that and went away to think about it and talk to his wife.

"Be sensible David, accept the situation so that we can have our happy son back. You will have to let them live together and I would like that to be here. If you veto that I'm sure Coogan will go to live with Hal in his apartment and they'll make their lives work because of this love that you don't understand."

"And I suppose you do?"

"No David, I just understand that I love my son and want him to be happy and at home."

There was a clear cut decision to be made but David wasn't sure he was ready to make the right one. Thoughts of his baby boy having carnal relations with a man made him shiver with disgust. Could he ever accept what he knew would be going on in his son's suite? He knew in his heart that he would have to, the alternative would be even more unacceptable.

Next: Chapter 4

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