Beachcomber Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on Jun 2, 2024



Chapter 2

Hal drove up the drive to Coogan's home at precisely 1000 hours the next morning to be met by a grinning Coogan.

"Good morning Hal, I'm so pleased to see you, I thought you might not come."

Hal could see the pleasure his arrival caused and biting the bullet took Coogan into his arms and kissed his cheek.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world."

Coogan led Hal into the house and straight to the breakfast room where a banquet was laid out. Well it looked like a banquet.

"Hell Coogan, if I eat this I'll need to hit the gym for the remainder of the day to work it all off."

"That's all right, I call the gym the playroom so I intended for us to do some shooting down there any way."

Hal shook his head, there was no getting over this kid he was so sharp.

A very filling breakfast followed before Coogan took Hal up to his bedroom suite.

"If you undress here you can put your clothes in my dressing room."

"No problem Little One, but you match me article for article."

Coogan blushed almost purple before trying to avoid that.

"Me nude, you nude, you clothed, me go home."

Coogan gulped and started to undress. When he was completely naked he stood in front of Hal and lowered his head, but didn't cover his groin. The cock was like a solid metal bar. Hal got undressed and then took hold of the camera Coogan had left on the bed.

"I think I should take a few shots first, and then you can do what you like."

Coogan looked at Hal, top to toe and whispered. "Anything you like Hal, you are so beautiful."

Hal laughed, "You're the beautiful one, now just get on the couch and pose for me."

Coogan did as he was asked, lying back on the arm to start with and then sliding down onto the seat. The shots Hal took, when he reviewed them, looked stunning. The boy was a natural, a cheeky grin, almost as though he knew he was turning Hal on. Of course that's exactly what he was doing.

Hal was rampant, he could have raped the kid on the spot he was just so sexy and adorable. The mixture of innocence and maturity kept throwing his mind into tilt. The boy's moods were quick and so endearing, whatever they were, that Hal was completely smitten by him. He put the camera down, pulled Coogan to his feet and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was no pussy boy peck, it carried the emotions Hal was feeling. The result had Coogan swooning.

"Oh Hal, what have you done to me?"

There were tears in the eyes of one very contented boy.

"I've just given you the first taste of what you can expect if you keep behaving the way you are so far. I think you're adorable Little One. I'm sure I'm going to want to make love to you before I leave here"

Hal reviewed the shots with Coogan. They were perfect.

"How the hell does a little guy like you get a cock that big?

Coogan giggled, "Lucky I guess."

Scene set for a raunchy session so Coogan got it moving.

"Let's go to the play room Hal, I want to take a photo of that monster, in my gym."

The ensuing first shot had Coogan grinning from ear to ear as Hal waggled his monster at the camera. When he saw the shot, Hal grabbed Coogan and placed him over his lap.

"I'm going to spank you, you little pervert, you only want pictures of my cock."

The photo gave credence to that statement.

They both giggled when they saw it, which was the reason Coogan was now set for a spanking. Of course Hal didn't spank the cute butt revealed to him, he stroked it as he talked.

"You aren't playing fair Little One. This butt is to die for. I want to feel my cock sliding in and out of this."

"Oh yes please Hal, will you? I promise I'll be good if you'll fuck me."

Hal was taken aback by the eagerness in the voice of this boy.

"Are you serious?"

"Oh yes Hal, I've known for ages that I am going to be a dedicated bottom and as soon as I saw you yesterday I wanted you to be the one to pop my cherry."

No argument from Hal, he was going to be a more than willing partner in this lovemaking.

"Can we do it now, we can take photos later?"

They went back to the bedroom and Hal took forever to make love to his little sex machine. Neither of them could tell you how many times they had cum by the time they wrapped themselves round each other and slept until lunchtime.

The shower was sexless, both men feeling drained after their session. The lunch was ready for them having been left under covers by the companion who would be back to cook the evening meal and stay the night.

"So, my little love machine, what are we going to do after lunch?"

"I guess we had better do the photo shoot, I want loads of pictures of you to perv over when you aren't here."

Coogan got what he wanted, Hal was the perfect subject as a model, he knew all the poses to turn Coogan on.

"I guess that's enough Hal, they should keep me satisfied for ages, but not as satisfied as if you were here with me."

Hal took Coogan in his arms and kissed him, seeing the monster get hard again. He laughed and speaking seriously said, "Do you want to go again?"

Coogan looked into the gorgeous eyes before nodding and whispering into Hal's chest.

"Yes please, but can we go for a swim first and then make love just before you want to leave. I want to remember how you feel inside me for as long as possible."

They swam and sunbathed naked for a couple of hours before returning to the house, showering and going back to bed. Hal made very slow and gentle love to his little munchkin until both were exhausted and firing blanks.

Coogan looked at the clock as he calmed down and realised Hal would have to be gone in about half an hour. Tears came to his eyes when he realised he was going to be losing this wonderful lover, even if he was a paid companion. He shot out of bed and headed for the bathroom, he didn't want Hal to see the tears.

Showered and dressed again Coogan escorted Hal to the front door and gave him an envelope.

"Thank you Hal that was a wonderful day. I know I'll never regret you being my first lover."

Hal looked in the envelope and then passed it back to Coogan.

"I should pay you Little One. I have never made love to someone as young as you and I know I'll never make love to someone as exquisite as you again."

The tears came then. Coogan leaned into Hal and crying quietly managed to say, "I wish we could do this again, forever."

Hal was a little surprised at the comment. He pushed Coogan away far enough to see his eyes.

"We can do this as often as you like, my schedule gives me lots of time off and my home is in town so not very far to come."

Coogan searched Hal's eyes to see if he was telling the truth.

"You mean it, you want to do this again?"

"Yes Baby, I meant what I said. I have a morning shoot tomorrow and then I'm free for twenty four hours. You can come to the shoot if you like and then back to my place afterwards. You can even stay the night if you are allowed."

"Oh yes please to all of that."

The tears had stopped and the radiant smile told Hal this was going to be more than a casual fuck.

A casual fuck this wasn't. Coogan was practically living with Hal by the end of the summer and the big L word had entered both vocabularies when they talked to each other.

"Your parents are due back soon Coogan. What are you going to do about us then?"

Coogan looked frightened. "I don't know Hal, I'll be going back to school and won't be able to see as much of you. I have a pretty free rein as long as I do all my assignments so I could see you every night I guess. The weekends are going to be more difficult. The parents like me to spend time at the house. I usually have friends round, but I don't know how I can pass you off as a friend."

The reality was less than satisfying. Coogan had to lie to his parents about where he was going every night after assignments were completed, sometimes not even staying for dinner. David started to notice that his son was unhappy at weekends, where before he had enjoyed having his school friends round. They were all water babies and lived in the pool, almost, taking time out to use the gym and of course eat BBQ'd food. On occasions he would disappear for a couple of hours after the friends had gone. Also he was making excuses to go to friends' houses which was a new twist. Checking up one weekend he realised that Coogan had been lying to him. Rather than confront him he put a private detective on him.

Within a week David had a complete dossier on one Hal Brooks. The man was a revelation. He had an MBA from Harvard, was a top earning model and still only twenty six years old. His parents were upper middle class and his home life before he took up modelling was happy. He had parents and siblings that he talked to frequently and had until the last four months flown out to see them at least once a month. Now, he spent all his free time with Coogan where possible. Still not wanting to confront Coogan yet he went to see Hal in his home one afternoon.

"Mr. Brooks, I'd like to talk to you about my son. I'm Coogan's father."

Hal just nodded and led the way into his apartment. David took in the details straight away. Very neat and tidy, nicely furnished in a masculine way, the reception room looked warm and inviting. Hal turned to face him.

"Please sit down Mr. Brough, can I get you a drink, or anything else?"

"No thank you, you can sit down and tell me about your relationship with my son."

Hal looked sad now realising this was probably going to be the end of the relationship.

"I don't think I can do that, Sir. I'm sure Coogan will tell you anything he feels you should know about his friends."

"I'm sure he would, but I doubt he is going to tell me about an unnatural relationship with a man nearly ten years his senior."

Hal blanched at that, "Our relationship depends on your view point, Sir, I don't consider it's unnatural and I'm sure Coogan doesn't either."

"Oh, so you think you know my Son that well?"

"Yes Sir, I think I do."

"Well I'm sure you'll understand if I don't agree. I have never known Coogan to be secretive or to lie to his mother and me, so he must see something wrong with your relationship."

"Or he sees something wrong with your relationship."

Hal hadn't meant to say that but he did get the expected response.

"You mean he doesn't think I would accept that he has a faggot lover almost old enough to be his father."

"I don't think the age difference warrants that comment Sir, but certainly his worries about what you would think if he was gay appear to be well founded."

David was trying not to lose his temper but he was finding it increasingly difficult.

"I don't intend getting into a slanging match with you. Just stay away from my son, that's all."

"I'm sorry Sir, I can't do that, not if he wants to see me. I will promise not to encourage him to come here, but if he arrives I will welcome him. I love Coogan and I know he loves me."

David was shocked at the use of the L word and just got up and left. On the way back to his office he had time to think. Coogan was everything he could have wished for in a son, up until now. He was no trouble, talented, a good student, and as far as he knew had nothing to do with alcohol or drugs. He was also one of the happiest children he had ever seen. He was independent but loving in his relationship with his parents, he was kind and generous, but now he knew the boy was also a faggot. That thought made him cringe. What was he going to do about it? Banning him from seeing Hal would do one of two things. Make him rebel or accept the ban, but if he really did love the man the result would be a very unhappy son, whose performance would deteriorate as he became a sadder child.

While Coogan was in his study carrying out his assignments David talked to his wife. Consensus was to try to keep Coogan away from Hal.

When the boy came down to see his parents and just say cheerio before going to see Hal the first sign of trouble appeared.

"You aren't going anywhere tonight Son. Your mother and I want a word with you."

"But I have to Dad, I promised a friend I would be round after I finished my assignments."

"Yes, well that friend has been appraised of my displeasure in your relationship so I don't want you to see him again. I am also going to get you booked in to see a psychiatrist, we need to dislodge this unnatural thinking from your brain."

Coogan sat down with a bump, looked between his parents and then burst into tears.

"You can't Dad, I love Hal so much. I'm never going to change."

He sat sobbing while his mother's look of anguish made David realise he was not going to get an easy ride on this one.

"Being a faggot is just not an acceptable life style for a Brough. You will inherit a major corporation when you are older, what will everyone think if you bring a swishy male lover with you to functions?"

Coogan saw red at that comment.

"Hal is not swishy, he is a very masculine man, he is clever and talented. He cares deeply for me and I love him so much, he has made me happier than I thought possible this past summer."

The steel in Coogan's nature showed and surprised his father.

"Well you are not to see him again."

Coogan looked sad now. What was he going to do? He had to see Hal, it would be worse than starvation, needing and wanting his lover, but not being able to have him. He would have to talk to Hal before making any further comments. They had discussed this subject during the summer and thought their routine was reasonably safe. He didn't want a break from his parents but he knew he couldn't give up Hal.

Coogan stood, looked at his father and then left, returning to his suite of rooms and locking himself in. He 'phoned Hal and told him.

"I know lover. He came to see me this afternoon. I guess he must have had you followed, he knew we were lovers and told me to stay away. I can't do that Coogan. I love you too much. Anytime you can get away, call me and I'll try to be available."

Neither of these men was going to willingly give up this relationship, but it was going to be a terrible strain on Coogan, it would mean a few minutes here and there with no real quality time together. Sneaking around like criminals started to take its toll of both men, Hal's work started to dry up because he didn't look good. Coogan's grades dropped dramatically and he virtually stopped eating so that he looked haggard as well. Weekends became unbearable, he would lock himself in his suite and only come out when ordered to by his father. Food would be pushed around his plate until it was cold and then thrown away. He spoke in monosyllables to both parents and left their company as soon as he possibly could. Thanksgiving dinner and he ate a mouthful of turkey before excusing himself, embarrassing his parents who had friends in to celebrate. Christmas, and it got worse, he was now going on crying jags until, on Christmas day, just before lunch he collapsed. He had opened no presents, eaten no breakfast and retired to his room where his father found him collapsed when he went to fetch him for lunch. The remainder of the holiday was spent in the hospital watching over their son who was now on intravenous feeding having been diagnosed as seriously undernourished.

The doctor in charge made David wince when he spoke to him.

"I have absolutely no idea how a boy from one of the wealthiest families in the state could be suffering from malnutrition. I am seriously considering bringing in child welfare services in this case."

Then he left, leaving David and his wife mouths agape.

Next: Chapter 3

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