Beachcomber Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on May 29, 2024


Beachcomber,very simply, is a love story. Complete in 6 chapters and 15,838 words.

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Chapter 1

Coogan loved the beach; during the holidays from school he would spend all day roving the beaches close to his home. His collection of dried deadwood and flotsam made his father shake his head in wonder. He had filled a whole section of the yard at his home with pieces he had picked up from these excursions. David, the dad, had to admit that the boy had made this section of the garden a work of art. The gardener, under Coogan's direction had laid out paths and stretches of grass to accommodate the pieces he wanted displayed. Pieces of glass, odd objects, and large dead pieces of trees, almost anything washed up on the beaches that caught the boy's eyes would end up in his displays. David's colleagues and friends, shown the gardens were always amazed at the ingenuity and talent of the boy to see art in the pieces of rubbish. The old fishing net hung over one part of the path carried an amazing array of glass balls, small floats used to keep the fishing nets afloat, coloured mooring buoys, anything small and colourful would be displayed on this net in such a way that it was artistic.

Coogan's other great love was photography, particularly the male form, he would take pictures of friends and strangers alike, catching them in the most amazing poses completely unrehearsed. He would photograph parts of the body, again catching them in unusual positions. His friends were used to it and had long ago stopped razzing him. What better place to indulge this activity than on the beach where everyone was wearing very little. Of course what Coogan would love to do was photograph naked bodies with particular emphasis on the males of the species. At seventeen, he was probably the most randy boy in his year. Try as he may, he couldn't stop getting hard at almost anything he saw. No one had seen it bare, but most of his year knew from the size of the bulge that he carried a substantial piece of man meat between his legs.

This particular summer, with most of his friends away, Coogan was roaming the beach by himself, Mum and Dad were away as well, wondering as they always did why he preferred to remain at home with a companion instead of seeing new and exciting parts of the world with them.

With his camera in hand Coogan roamed the beach he loved the most. Very few people ever drove out this far to swim and sunbathe so he was almost alone as he parked his car and started his roaming. A mile one way, and then return and a mile the other way was his intention. One way would be in the dunes at the back of the beach returning along the water's edge.

It was on the return of this first mile that Coogan came across a sight that made his cock go into overdrive hard. His Speedos couldn't contain it so he shucked his back pack and withdrew a pair of baggy shorts before continuing closer to the site. There was a photographic crew doing underwear and swimwear shoots for some fancy magazine, Coogan guessed, judging by the models and the way they were adorned. The thing that had made his cock go into rock hard mode was a model just towelling himself dry, but still wearing, what Coogan considered, a silly sailor hat and collar. But that was all that was silly. The man was breathtakingly gorgeous to Coogan's eyes, he was wearing a pair of brilliant white briefs which displayed a more than adequate bulge. The man himself was probably late twenties, tall and beautifully put together with a dusting of hair on his chest and a light dusting on his legs and forearms. His chest was full with good pecs, his legs were well muscled and in between was what Coogan would give a year's allowance to see naked. His hair was a rich brown, poking out from under his hat and he had what looked like a day's growth of beard making him look incredibly masculine. His eyes, when he looked up were a wonderful green speaking volumes if you wanted to take the time to read them.

Coogan could not resist this God. He dumped his backpack above the water line and started taking photos of this magnificent creature. After only a few his viewfinder was filled with one very angry looking man.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

Coogan looked at him and with an air of complete disdain told him.

"I'm taking photographs, you know, that activity that records what you are pointing the equipment at so that you can keep it forever."

"Don't get smart with me kid, or you are likely to get a sore ass."

Coogan laughed, looked around and then sneered at the little fat thing in front of him.

"And where are you going to find a man big enough to render that punishment fatso."

The guy almost fainted with shock. He fully expected the kid to cower in front of him.

"Hal, come here and sort this kid will you, I think he must have taken a dozen shots of you before I got here."

Coogan was beginning to enjoy this encounter. He was normally so polite to adults, his parents were most correct about the way he addressed his elders, but this fat thing had been rude first.

Hal, the living God, walked over to see what the trouble was.

"What's the problem Manny?"

"This kid is photographing you. I have to pay you thousands for a shoot like this, he can't just take pictures for free."

"Sorry Manny, I can't see why not. This is a public beach. I suppose I could object, but if he doesn't try to sell them or display them I'm not sure I have any more right to stop him than you do."

Manny threw a tantrum then to do credit to any five year old, and Coogan nearly fell over laughing. The little fat thing stormed off then muttering and Hal who had managed to look very serious now let his own sense of humour show and he joined Coogan in raucous laughter until the pair of them were hugging each other to stop from falling over. With tears streaming down their faces they eventually parted and looked each other over. Coogan caught his breath and blushed almost purple as he realised what he had done. He had hugged this Adonis before even being introduced.

"Oh golly, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"If you hadn't kid I reckon we would both be covered in sand now. I'm Hal Brooks, and thank you for the entertainment."

He stuck out his hand and Coogan took it, looking up at the eyes that made him shiver with lust.

"I'm Coogan Brough and I'm so pleased to meet you. Don't you mind that I've taken photos of you?"

Hal shook his head. "Why should I, I get paid to let people take pictures of me, the more exposure I get the more work I pick up. You show them to all your friends, and particularly their parents if any of them might ever need a model."

Both laughed then and Coogan felt bold enough to ask.

"How much do you charge for a shoot?"

Hal looked quizzically at this boy but answered anyway.

"For a half hour shoot in a studio I usually pick up agency standard, that's $500 for me. If it's for something special, or an on sight thing like today I can get as much as $2,000 an hour plus expenses. It depends what the photographer wants."

"What if he wanted nude pics?"

Coogan was blushing again and Hal saw the little boy emerge after that question. He grabbed Coogan, wrestled him to the ground and started tickling him.

"You cheeky monkey, what makes you think I would do nude?"

Coogan could barely speak through his giggles.

"You are so sexy I bet you could get thousands for a naked shoot."

Hal stopped tickling at about the same time as he felt Coogan's very hard cock pressing into him.

"And you're a little faggot that would like to take the pics, yes?"

Coogan was almost apoplectic with embarrassment, he couldn't look at Hal and as soon as he could wriggle free he got up and ran. He was a hundred yards down the beach before he realised his camera and his backpack were where he had dropped them. He turned and looked back at Hal stood with his camera in one hand and his backpack in the other. The look on his face was amusement not anger so Coogan slunk back and stopped in front of the Adonis, stretched out his hands to grasp his belongings and looked up when Hal wouldn't release them.

"Promise you won't run away and I'll release them."

Coogan nodded.

"So, show me the pictures you took and tell me which one you think is the best."

So he did. They clicked through all of them before Coogan went back to the first one.

"I had plenty of time to position for this one because you hadn't noticed me, the others were all a little hurried. I would really like to take some close ups to get your eyes they are incredible."

"Oh, I see, it's my naked eyes you want to photograph, and there was me thinking you wanted to photograph my naked body."

Coogan knew he was being played with and that Hal knew exactly what he wanted.

"Well, not exactly. Your eyes are amazing, but even so I don't think little Coogan would be excited just by them. I never get the chance to take pictures of naked men and I would really like to. I could pay you and sign whatever you wanted to guarantee that I never disclose them to another soul."

Hal looked into the eyes of this boy and realised he was serious.

"Supposing I said I would do it for $1,000?"

"Oh gosh, really? When are you free? Any time would be alright with me and we can do it at my house because there is no one there during the day."

Hal was most taken aback, thinking that by quoting a high figure the boy would leave it and just get on with what he was doing. He, however, was not some dumb jock so he quickly asked Coogan, "Are you serious, you'll pay me $1,000 for a nude photo shoot?"

Coogan nodded, "Yes, I can pay that out of my summer allowance, I spend virtually no money and Mum and Dad leave me tons when they go away. I think they feel guilty at leaving me, but I love it here and encourage them to go."

"Poor little rich kid, looking for company, and this time it's me."

Coogan looked at Hal to gauge his mood after that comment, he didn't see or hear sarcasm or resentment so he answered truthfully with a touch of humour in his voice.

"No, I'm a rich little rich kid with parents who love him and a dad that does lots of things with him all year. I just love to spend my summer's beach combing instead of travelling with them. I have a paid companion who looks after my domestic needs but apart from that I'm totally independent."

Hal was intrigued by this kid. He came across as so self-assured part of the time, but then would drop into little boy mode. Either one made Hal shiver a little. This boy could be lover or little brother depending on the mood and Hal thought he would love either of them.

"I think you could grow on me Coogan. You are one very cute kid, but I also think you could be dangerous. How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen Hal, I'll be a junior next semester."

The puppy dog eyes made Hal's next comment easy. The kid was legal.

"I have a free day tomorrow, I'll come to your house for a nude photo shoot provided it is private, and provided you swear to keep the resulting pictures in your private collection, never to be shown to another living soul while I am still modelling or something else requiring public support."

"Oh gosh, yes, yes to anything."

"Ok, I'm finished here for the day. If you would like to take some more of me in my briefs and swimwear I have been modelling today you can. I can change on the beach here I don't need the changing van so they can go without me, I have my own transport."

Coogan was almost salivating realising he was going to see this Adonis naked even before the photo shoot tomorrow. He wasn't wrong, but he only got the back view as Hal carried out several changes modelling brief swimwear and brief underwear for Coogan's camera.

"With you around I wouldn't dare wear anything that brief Hal."

Hal looked at Coogan's groin and realised there was a definite bulge set off to one side so that it wouldn't poke out of the top of his shorts.

"Mmm, I might ask you to wear the same as me tomorrow, just for my entertainment."

For that read, 'you may only be sixteen but that cock looks as though it might be a very exciting piece of equipment.'

Coogan blushed. "I don't know that I would dare."

Hal took him into a hug, stroked his back and spoke softly into his ear, "We'll see little one, we'll see."

Photo shoot complete and Hal got dressed.

"Do you want to show me where you live so that I can find my way tomorrow if you're serious?"

"Oh yes Hal, come and have some refreshments with me now and I'll show you where we'll take the shots tomorrow."

Hal was not easily impressed, but the house he drove up to behind Coogan was magnificent. Inside it was even more so. The interior designer must have been one of the best. Hal would have described it as understated chic. Everything was obviously expensive but in no way was it garish or common. They went straight through the house to the back, where Coogan showed Hal his garden.

"Wow, I can see you take your beachcombing seriously, this is superb."

Coogan blushed, "Thank you Hal, I love all this, I can use my own imagination to make it come alive."

"You can that Kiddo, I think I understand your parents not fighting you over your wishes."

Coogan was so pleased this new friend liked what he did.

"Come on, let's see my room, we'll do lots of the shooting in there as well as the garden, and maybe the playroom."

Coogan's eyes twinkled as he said that and Hal wondered what the playroom was.

They retired to one of the terraces overlooking the gardens and spent an hour finding out about each other. Hal was pleased that despite all his parents wealth, Coogan was a nice kid, no airs or graces, no pretension, just a nice boy, and definitely gay, Hal deduced. On Coogan's part he was pleased that Hal was well educated and ambitious, and from a good middle class background.

"I'll be going into management in the next year or two Coogan, my modelling days are coming to an end and it's time I started to earn an honest living instead of relying on my body and good looks."

"Oh golly, I think I would enjoy looking at your body for years to come."

Hal laughed, "Thank you kind Sir, can I assume you are going to join my fan club then?"

"Oh yes Hal, have you got many members?"

"No, you can be the first if you like."

Coogan knew he was being played with again but he didn't mind, Hal was so nice, not treating him like a little kid at all. He was sorry to see him leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hal, won't I?"

"You bet Kiddo, $1000 sound ok?"

"Oh yes. I'll be waiting for you."

Hal drove away wondering where this was likely to go. He was ten years older than Coogan, but he really liked the little guy. What would his parents think if he became a close friend? Would it go that way or would they become lovers? Hal thought about that and realised he would quite like either. Weird, he had never been interested in guys out of his own circle, certainly none as young as Coogan.

Hal's apartment was very pleasant mirroring its owners tastes, simple but comfortable. He wasn't very comfortable that night though wondering whether he should forget tomorrow.

A little curiosity, throw in a chunk of lust and the fact that Coogan was a nice kid and the result was that Hal decided he would do the nude photo shoot. What the hell, it wasn't going to hurt his career now even if some of the shots did reach the public domain, it might even give it a new lease of life, he was, after all, pretty impressive in the cock stakes, hard or soft.

Next: Chapter 2

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