Beach Weekend

By moc.liamg@56marhsa

Published on Aug 4, 2015


Hope you enjoy Chapter 4 of Beach Weekend! There really isn't a lot of action in this chapter, but it is necessary to what is to come. Comments are greatly appreciated to Flames will be ignored. This story is entirely fictitious. Feel free to share it, but please give appropriate credit to the author. Please remember to donate to is a wonderful site.


We both slept for a couple of hours I would guess. When I awoke, Tom was curled up behind me, his cock nestled in the crack of my ass. We both awoke about the same time.

"I think I need another shower," Tom said.

"Me too," I said.

We got up and went to the bathroom and showered. As I soaped myself, I felt over my hole and it was a little sore, but nothing unbearable. The nap had restored my energy, and the shower had now rejuvenated me. In the last 24 hours, I had cum more times than I could remember, and now I felt as I needed food. Tom and I dried off, dressed and went to the kitchen when I whipped up eggs, sausage and toast for us both. Greg and Joe would arrive in a few hours, and I wondered if I would be able to do anything more with Tom once they got here. Granted, their rooms were on the third floor of the townhouse, but Tom and I hadn't exactly been as quiet as church mice in our escapades! We ate in relative silence, then decided that some surf time and a little fun in the water was in order. We headed out to the beach and laid out towels. After spraying ourselves with sunscreen, we tanned and messed around in the surf for a while. I looked at my watch and saw it was about the time we were expecting Greg and Joe, so we grabbed our towels and went back up to the house. We grabbed a few beers and were sitting on the deck when Greg's car pulled into the drive. The two of them tumbled out of the car laughing about something and grabbed their bags, walking up to the house.

"Hey you two!" Greg said.

Tom and I responded with a hello and Greg and Joe came into the house. We casually chatted as the two unloaded their belongings from the car and brought coolers into the kitchen, etc. Tom and I showed them to their respective rooms upstairs, and a few minutes later they came down dressed in board shorts ready to hit the beach. The four of us tossed a football around on the sand, swam and just hung out and caught up over the next couple of hours. We headed up to the deck, stopping at the outdoor shower to rinse off before heading upstairs. Greg was standing under the shower rinsing off all the salt water and sand. He untied his board shorts and let them fall to his feet and stepped out of them. There stood Greg in all his glory, rinsing out his trunks and naked under the shower head. The rest of us burst out laughing at his bravado for doing this.

"What if someone comes down the beach?" Tom asked.

"This is a private beach, why do you think I chose this house?" Greg smiled.

"There are no other homes around us here," he said.

Greg stepped out from under the shower, rung out his trunks and tossed them over his shoulder while reaching for his towel. Joe got under the shower head and proceeded to follow exactly what Greg had done, emerging a few minutes later with trunks over his shoulder as well. Tom and I looked at one another for a minute then I guess we both came to the same conclusion, "When in Rome!" Four naked men stood toweling off at the foot of the stairs to the deck, chatting as though we were fully dressed. Everyone was checking out everyone else, and we all basically had the same size equipment, just in slightly different proportions. We walked up the steps, grabbed some beers out of the cooler and sat on the deck in our towels, suit hung over the railing to dry. We caught up with each other and generally chatted until the sun started to set, and stomachs started to grumble. Greg went over and fired up the grill. He popped into the kitchen, then emerged with a package of steaks. He asked us to make some salad and a side while he grilled the steaks. Salad made and a quick side dish of corn cooked, we ambled out onto the deck to see Greg cooking the steaks. As he turned to talk to us, his towel fell open and to his ankles.

"Better cover that thing up, we are having steaks, not hot dogs tonight!" Joe teased.

"More like a kielbasa, but I certainly don't want to cook this!" Greg laughed as he grabbed his towel.

"No, but maybe just warm it though," Joe responded.

Did I hear what I thought I'd heard, or was it just simple innuendo between friends? I would have to listen more carefully to these two. As we sat around the table eating, there was the usual banter among friends and joking, but the conversation was filled with sexual overtones I hadn't noticed in the past. Perhaps I had just become more aware of it was all after my newfound sexual awakening yesterday and this morning. We turned on the Jacuzzi and everyone dropped their towels and climbed in. Tom sat near me, and Greg and Joe across from us. We continued to joke and laugh and tease one another, but I kept my eyes on Greg and Joe for any "suspicious" activity. A few times I thought I saw an arm extend into another lap, but with all the bubbles, it was difficult to tell. Tom had slipped his hand into my lap a few times, and I had done the same to him. We were both slightly chubbed now. Greg stood up to climb out of the tub, and was sporting a hard on that I certainly wasn't expecting! Both Tom and I stared at him.

"What? Hot tubs always do this to me, it's the bubbles." He said.

"Bubbles my ass," Joe said, "almost anything gets you turned on!"

"Well, I do like the bubbles on my ass, yes," he shot back.

Greg climbed out of the tub and stood on the deck looking out over the ocean, his slightly pale ass reflecting the moonlight some. Joe climbed out too and he too was about half hard at this point. He walked over to Greg and stood next to him. The two of them seemed to be in some sort of conversation, but with the noise of the tub, Tom and I couldn't make out what they were saying. Having willed my own slightly hardened cock to go down, I sat on the edge of the tub, and Tom followed suit.

"What do you think they are talking about?" I asked.

"No idea, but I have my suspicions," Tom answered.

Greg and Joe walked slowly back to the tub and stood there and looked at the two of us on the edge of the tub.

"Ummmm, we kind of have something we need to tell you two," Greg started, "we have sort of been getting together without you two."

"Well that would be understandable, you live in the same city, not near either of us." Tom replied.

"Not only in the same city, but in the same apartment," Greg said.

"That is a great way to share expenses," Tom said.

Now I have known Tom a long time, but for some reason, the light had not come on for him yet, he was in a totally different frame of mind and was not following the conversation the way I was.

"Not only do we share expenses, we also share a bed." Greg said.

Ding, ding, ding! The bell went off for Tom. The balloon went up! Tom's eyes widened and he stared at the two men for a split second.

"You two are gay and you are partners?" He asked.

"Got it on the first try!" Joe said.

"Well that is certainly different," Tom said.

"We have kept it kind of private for the year or so," Joe said.

"It is fine with me," I said.

"Me too," replied Tom.

"Glad to know we are all in agreement. This isn't going to weird you guys out then?" Asked Joe.

"Actually, no," Tom said, "we have been umm, experimenting a little on our own before you two got here," I told them.

You would have thought they were deer caught in headlights. Their eyes widened and they just stood there not moving. Tom took the lead in the conversation and started to fill them in on what had transpired between us over the past few days. Greg and Joe stood, arms over each other's shoulders, listening intently. Tom told them all about his being bi-sexual and about how I had ventured down that road with him our first night, culminating in the sex we had this morning. By the time the tale was over, both Greg and Joe were sporting hard ons.

"Hot story," Greg said as he stroked his own cock a few times, "makes me all horny."

"Me too." Said Joe.

"Sounds like this weekend just got a whole lot more interesting." I said.

"It's getting late," Greg said, "why don't you two take the other master suite and Joe and I will share one, since we already know what will inevitably happen."

Within the space of about 20 minutes, Tom and I had moved our belongings into the other suite on the third floor, and climbed into bed. The suites were next door to each other, and I nestled into Tom's arms and fell asleep to the grunts and groans coming from next door, and Tom's cock up against my ass. Yes, I thought to myself, this weekend really did just get a lot more interesting! I wonder what tomorrow morning will bring!

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