Beach Weekend

By moc.liamg@56marhsa

Published on Jul 20, 2015


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I thought for a few minutes as we lay there in the post orgasm afterglow. I waited for it. I was expecting it. It never came. What was "it"? The guilt of having just had oral sex with another man, and one of my best friends to boot. But it didn't happen. I felt no guilt, only a strange form of elation at what we had just done. Tom still had his head on my chest, gently playing with my now deflated penis. I had my hand on his shoulder and was stroking his muscular shoulder and upper arm non-chalantly. I wanted to say something, but words escaped me at the moment. I had no idea what to say. What do you say to a good friend after you have sucked a huge load of cum from him and liked it? Tom took care of that for me.

"So are we OK?" He asked, looking up at me.

"More than OK," I answered.

"You're sure, I don't want you to feel guilty or anything."

"Funny, I was just lying here wondering if I should feel guilty, but I don't. I loved it and I want to do more with you if you want." I said.

"I do too." He replied.

"This was obviously not your first rodeo." I said to him.

"Nope, not my first, or second, or even third for that matter. I have been bi-sexual for years, and have had a few partners here and there. I never told you guys for fear you might either out me or even worse, shun me. I can live with a lot of things, but not having you as my friend would be really hard."

"Tom," I said, "I told you, you are my friend and I care about you. I would never out you or shun you, and neither would the other guys. We are all might even say we all love each other. Why would you ever think something like that?"

"I don't know, it is silly I guess, but I really don't want to come out to the other guys when they get here. I don't think I am ready for that yet." He said.

"Your secret is safe with me," I told him, "they won't be here until later tomorrow, so we have a lot of time to work through this and maybe you can teach me a thing or two." I grinned.

He smiled, sat up, looked at me and said only four words to me.

"Your room or mine?"

We stood up and started to close up the house for the evening, turning off lights, etc. We didn't bother to dress, we didn't need to. We cleaned up the living room where we had been playing and started for the stairs. He led the way, and I followed, fascinated by his ass. The strong muscles in his legs flexed as he climbed the stairs to the second floor, and walked down the hall to our rooms. Deep inside I knew something more was going to happen tonight, and I wanted it to. I guess I had accepted my bi-sexual side more now, and I was willing to be an eager learner. I knew Tom could teach me, and I was looking forward to it. Tom's room was the first we came to, so we walked into his room. Tom stopped once he was inside and turned around and kissed me. I don't know why, but somehow, this felt right to me. I was standing naked in Tom's room, kissing him, and it felt right. Our tongues dueled for several minutes, his tongue exploring my mouth, and mine exploring his. There was far more passion in this kiss than earlier. Earlier it had just been kissing, now it was emotion. We broke apart and Tom took my hand and led me to his bed. The light was on his night table was on, and he pulled down the covers. We climbed onto the bed and began to kiss again. My cock was starting to harden again, as was Tom's. We kissed and stroked each other. Tom broke the kiss and looked into my eyes.

"How much experience have you had at this?" He asked.

"Just a few circle jerks and the occasional hand job with some buddies in college." I answered.

"You sure you want to pursue this?"

"Tom, you have opened something up in me, you have made me realize that I can enjoy the company and intimacy of another man. I want to learn, I want to learn with you. I want you to teach me how to express my love for another man."

"Then lie back. If anything feels uncomfortable, or weird or unpleasant, promise me you will tell me?"

"Of course. I will admit I am a little apprehensive about what may happen tonight, but at the same time I am excited."

I laid back on the pillows and Tom slid between my legs as he had done downstairs earlier. He took my cock once again and engulfed it to the root in one quick motion, causing me to suck in my breath suddenly.

"Oh, God." I groaned.

Tom's expert mouth moved up and down on my cock once again, and I found my head rolling from side to side at the pleasure surging through me. He moved onto licking and sucking on my balls for several minutes, then back to my cock, then back to my balls. He was driving me crazy, and he could tell from the moans and groans emanating from me. He grabbed my legs and lifted them up as he was licking my balls and started to work his way further back between my legs. As his tongue brushed my perineum, I felt a sensation I had never felt before, it was amazing. His tongue danced over the area behind my balls, flicking back and forth, becoming wet with his saliva, which I felt running down into my ass crack. Tom lifted my legs higher and rolled me up and began to run his tongue over my ass. What an amazing sensation. Every time his tongue ran across my ass crack, fireworks went off in my head. Tom spread my ass cheeks and I felt his warm wet tongue brush across my asshole. Talk about fireworks! The sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before. Every nerve in my body was on fire as he licked, sucked and probed at my ass with his tongue. I thought I might black out from the pleasure as Tom dove his tongue into my asshole, penetrating the ring and entering into me. He sucked and tongue fucked my ass for what felt like an eternity, and I couldn't get enough.

"What do you think?" He asked when he finally came up for air.

"Unbelievable." Was all I could manage to squeak.

"I love rimming and being rimmed."

"I want to try it." I told him.

Tom climbed up alongside me, laid on his back and pulled his legs up to his chest.

"Be my guest." He said.

I tried to repeat what Tom had done to me, so I started out sucking his cock for him, then bathing his balls, really getting the saliva flowing in my mouth. It was running over his balls and down his ass. Tom's moans and groans told me I was doing something right, and I began my journey downward towards his ass. I too flicked my tongue over his perineum for several minutes just as Tom did, and he tossed his head back into the pillows and sucked in his breath. I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled those luscious mounds apart. I dove into his ass with gusto. I was like a man possessed. I wanted to give Tom all the pleasure he had given me, and more. I licked, I sucked, I tongued, I nibbled, I kissed at those fabulous ass cheeks and the pink rosebud in the center. Tom was practically squealing with delight as I ministered to his ass and his hot hole. I formed my tongue into the tightest point I could make with it and pressed it against his hole. His hole seemed to swallow my tongue, like it had been made for me. I tasted Tom for the first time, from the inside. It was heavenly. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I liked what I tasted, and I knew I wanted more.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Tom moaned.

I took this as a sign I was doing well, and re-doubled my assault on my friend's hot ass. I buried my face as deep as I could, determined to give him the utmost pleasure at his back door as Tom stroked his cock with one hand and held his legs up with the other.

"I want you to fuck me," Tom said in a hushed whisper.

It took me a few seconds to register what he had said and process it through my brain, but it suddenly clicked what he had said. My friend just asked me to fuck him in the ass. Not something I had ever done before with a woman, let alone a man, but my brain conjured up an incredible image of my cock sliding in and out of his tight muscular ass. I was so lost up in the moment, I would have probably said yes to damn near anything.

"Really?" Was all I could manage to croak from deep within his ass cheeks.

"Yes, now, I want to feel your cock where your tongue is."

"I don't have any condoms with me." I said.

"In the night table are some condoms and lube," he said, "hurry."

I reached into the night table and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. I tore open the wrapper like a man possessed and rolled it down my stiff cock. I poured some lube onto my hand and stroked up and down my shaft to lube it up really well. I also put some on Tom's asshole, figuring it might make things easier.

"Finger my ass first to loosen it up," he said.

I slipped one finger into him, and it sank up to the knuckle with no resistance.

"Yessss," he hissed. "Add another and move them around to open up my hole. I so want you inside me right now, but I have to loosen up some first."

I did as I was told. I added a second finger. It was a little tighter, but as I slowly moved my fingers around, Tom's hole relaxed some and he started to loosen up. After a few minutes, I became a little bolder and added a third finger. I began to piston my fingers in and out of his ass while I continued to stroke my own cock.

"Do it." He moaned.

I positioned myself so my cock was aligned with where my fingers were, and slowly withdrew my fingers. As my fingers came free of his hole, I placed the head of my cock at his entrance and pushed gently. I watched as his hole opened to accommodate my cock, and with the slightest of pressure, the head popped through his ring. I stopped as Tom drew in a sharp breath and his face tightened into a grimace. I wasn't sure what to do. Do I pull out or push in, or what?

"Just stay there for a minute, let me get used to your cock. I haven't been fucked in a few years, so it will take a minute or two." He said.

I watched Tom's face as the grimace went away, his breathing slowed, and I actually felt his ring's grip on my cockhead relax. Here I was with the tip of my cock in my friend's ass and nowhere to go and nothing to do but wait for him to signal what to do. My own instinct said to push in and start fucking, but I was afraid I would hurt Tom, so I waited. After a minute or so, Tom opened his eyes again, looked up at me and nodded to me. He silently mouthed "OK". I pushed in some more of my cock into his ass. The sensation was amazing. Tighter than any pussy I had ever gotten, and oh so warm around my stiff prick. Ever so slowly I pushed all seven inches into his tight ass. At last I was all the way in, I could feel my balls against his ass cheeks. I thought I should probably go slowly at this point, so I slowly withdrew my cock from him. The look on his face was one of pure bliss. His eyes were closed to almost slits and he had a look of contentment on his face. A little bit of a smile across his lips, and his breathing had returned to normal. I pushed back in nice and slowly. My body wanted to pound him through the mattress, but I knew better. I continued my slow in and out into his ass for several minutes. I could feel around my cock that his ass was starting to loosen from the invader that had penetrated it.

"Fuck that feels so good. Go a little faster," he said.

I began to pick up my pace a little, and began taking longer strokes in and out of him. Tom had his head back and was moaning for me to fuck him harder, so I did. Somewhere around this time, that instinct I had fought down earlier began to rear its head again, but this time, I let instinct take over a little more and began to really work my cock in and out of Tom faster and faster. It was like I was on fuck auto pilot. I pistoned my cock in and out of his ass faster and faster. My body's own fuck mechanism taking over. I pounded his ass harder and harder. Sweat was pouring off both of us and we were both moaning and groaning as we both headed for that point of no return. I wanted to cum, shit, I needed to cum, and I wanted to cum deep inside Tom. My brain concentrated on nothing but achieving orgasm at this point. The whole damn house could have been on fire, but my mind stayed singularly focused on one thing. Reaching that orgasm cliff and throwing myself off! Tom was steading pounding his own cock as I kept up my relentless assault on his ass.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum," he said.

Spurred on by wanting to see him blow his load, I fucked him harder than I have ever fucked any woman before. I felt it before I actually saw it. I felt his ass tighten around my cock. I looked up and I saw his face draw up tight, his eyes squeeze tightly shut and his hand a blur on his dick. Great jets of his spunk shot out of the end of his cock. The first jet hit him in the face. The second sailed right over his head onto the headboard, the third and fourth spraying his chest. Man he could cum like a fountain! His ass was clamped down so hard on my dick as he climaxed that I could only move a little bit, but that sensation, combined with watching him blow his load everywhere sent me over the edge and I drove as deep as I could and exploded into the condom. I thought the force of the cum shooting out of my nutsack would shoot the condom right off my cock as blast after blast of my hot cum filled the condom, but it held fast. I held onto Tom's legs to keep from falling as wave after wave of orgasm washed over me. I had never felt anything like this in my whole life so far. Stars burst in my head, rockets went off, it was like the 4th of July in my brain as the most amazing orgasm racked my entire being from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. Just as Tom stopped geysering himself and me, my own shooting stopped and I collapsed on top of his sweaty cum soaked chest. My cock still buried to the hilt in his now well fucked ass.

After a few minutes, my now softening cock started to slip around in the cum-filled condom. I reached down and grasped it and pulled it from Tom's ass. The entire end of the condom was filled with man juice. I felt like I had just cum about a gallon.

"Let me have it," Tom said as he finally opened his eyes.

I slipped off the condom and handed it to him. He tilted his head up, brought the condom to his mouth, blew in a little air to slightly inflate the condom, then tilted it back so that all my cum ran into his mouth. God it was so sexy watching him do that. He tossed the condom aside and pulled me in to kiss him. He still had my load in his mouth as we embraced, and I tasted my own cum as we shared it. It was so hot to be kissing him and swapping my cum back and forth. When we broke apart, we each had some in our mouths, and he made a big show of swallowing what he had of my load in his mouth. I too followed suit, and we looked at each other.

"Waste not, want not!" He grinned. "I think I need a shower and a nap!"

We climbed off the bed and half stumbled to the shower.

Next: Chapter 3

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