Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 26, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 9

As I watched the key to my cock cage disappear into the ocean, I wondered if I would ever get this thing off again. I suppose I could always try to break it - it's only plastic, the thought crept into my mind. I debated swimming out further to see if I could find it.

The lifeguard brought me back to reality, saying, "Your friend is waiting for you." Reluctantly I turned away from where I saw the key disappear and swam until I could touch the sand below the water. I proceeded to put the speedo back on and once covered I continued to swim back to the shore, heading towards our beach loungers.

As I came out of the water I realized how transparent the yellow swimsuit had become, the wet fabric was molded to the contours of my body worse than ever - I must look obscene. I hurried towards our spot in the sand only to find the beach loungers empty and all of our stuff gone, no towel or sandals for my return back the resort I realized. Should I be surprised?

I hadn't noticed that the lifeguard followed me out of the water. He grabbed his tank top from the lifeguard station a short way down the beach and was using it to dry himself off. I stood dripping water into the sand, feeling my dick stir in the cock cage as he approached. His muscled legs and defined chest were typical of the beach lifeguards, but he had a handsome face and warm smile to set him apart from the others.

He began speaking as he neared, "I must go with you." With everything that happened to me recently, I didn't bother asking questions or arguing. Instead, I looked at the lifeguard and nodded before beginning to make my way back to the resort.

The lifeguard fell in beside me and we walked in an awkward silence. I kept trying to position my hands in front of my wet speedo as naturally as I could manage in order to cover myself. Was I trying to hide my embarrassment from the people on the beach, or from the lifeguard? People were certainly taking notice of my little parade down the sand, tourists turning their heads to stare. I never knew for sure if it was because of my chastity cage speedo display, or because I was being escorted by the handsome Cuban lifeguard. People aren't stupid, they were staring because of both of these things combined.

We made it to the back entrance of the resort and were detained by the security guard. I had never been stopped before coming from the beach, but quickly realized it was because the lifeguard wasn't wearing one of the resort's identification wristbands.

"He's with me," I explained to the guard, an older man with a full moustache. He took one look at my tiny bathing suit and then turned to the lifeguard, winking and saying something in Spanish. The two men laughed at whatever was said, and the lifeguard slapped me on the ass and we continued on our way. You would think these constant events of humiliation would be getting easier, each one actually felt worse than the last as they began to pile up.

We made our way through the resort, I was so eager to get behind closed doors to stop my public shaming. We got to Trent's room and I knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer. I then remembered the lifeguard had told me that my friend was waiting for me in my room, he must have meant it literally.

We crossed by the pool and climbed the stairs to my own room. The door was propped open slightly, and I knew this was where I was meant to be. I didn't hesitate and quickly walked inside, the lifeguard closing the door behind us as he followed.

I was expecting just about anything when I walked into the room, but I was still surprised by what I found. Trent and Wes were both sitting in chairs in the middle of the room, facing me. Bobbing up and down between their legs were the heads of two young guys, obviously twinks. Trent and Wes were holding hands as they received blowjobs. Trent caught my eyes with his and then barked out, "Matthew, assume the position."

It took me a second to understand what he was asking, then quickly pulled off my speedo and placed my hands behind my back, standing naked and exposed. Wes said something to the lifeguard that I couldn't understand, and he pulled off his shirt and laid himself down onto the bed, his attention shifting between the sex scene in front of him and me standing at attention.

As if he wasn't in the process of getting his dick sucked, Trent continued on in casual conversation. "I see you chose not to be humiliated at the price of your freedom, Matthew." I broke his stare to look at the floor, my caged cock clear in line of sight. I was free to get fucked, just not free to cum. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the lifeguard stroking himself through his black swimsuit.

"We ran into a couple of the hustlers who donated clothes for you," Trent continued, his hand forcing the head in his lap down onto his shaft. "Wes thought it would be a good idea to show them he was a man again." Trent let out a low moan, distracted by the twink sucking his cock, before adding, "We're going to fuck them."

That doesn't explain the lifeguard, I thought. Trent answered my unspoken question. "We wouldn't want you to feel left out, it wouldn't be fair to deny you some local flavor. Wes and I will have some Cuban ass, you can have some Cuban dick." Of course. I wasn't going to complain.

Trent motioned me towards the lifeguard, lying with his legs spread on the bed. I didn't have to be told what to do next. I fell between his legs, bringing my face down on the fabric of his swim suit. With my mouth I traced the outline of his hardening cock and I could taste the dampness of the ocean water on his trunks. As I worked on him, the tip of his prick began to poke out of the top of his suit. The lifeguard rested back on the bed with his arms behind his head, his dark hairy armpits beautifully on display.

I hooked my hands inside the band of his swimsuit, grabbing at each of his hips. As I pulled the damp suit down, he lifted his ass up from the bed to speed up the process. My eyes focussed on his uncut cock and dark hairy pubes, my nose just inches away. He smelled spicy and musky, with a light aroma of salt water. His manhood was a good size, bigger than mine but smaller than Trent's, of similar dimension to Wes's circumcised dick. As my face hovered over his crotch, he moved his arms from behind his head. He grabbed a fistful of my hair with one hand, and took hold of his cock in the other. He aimed his cock upward, pointing it at my mouth. For a brief moment I watched a glistening drop of precum appear. He pushed my head downward and I let his cock slide into my mouth, closing my lips around the smooth shaft. He released his cock and I tried not to gag as he pressed himself into the back of my throat, my mouth now completely filled with him.

"Take that dick, cocksucker," I heard Trent call out to me.

I pulled myself upwards, feeling the lifeguard's cock slide its way out of my mouth. He applied pressure to my head again, slowly pushing my head downwards. The salty taste of his precum filled my mouth as I ran my tongue across the head of his prick.

We fell into a cocksucker's rhythm, I would pull my mouth off of his cock and he would push my head back down, bucking his hips to meet my face. I would find my nose pressed into his thick pubes while his cockhead tickled the back of my throat, taunting my reflex to gag. The whole time, Trent continued to offer me encouragement by meeting my eyes and calling me a cocksucking faggot.

When I wasn't looking at Trent, I would look up at the lifeguard's body. He had his head tilted back and I could often hear him sigh with pleasure. I reached a hand up to his flat belly, feeling the muscles tighten each time he lifted his hips. My fingers explored the trail of hair leading up from his stomach to his chest. His dark skin was warm under my touch and I considered myself lucky to be sucking his cock, he would have been out of my league under circumstances I was normally used to.

Trent and Wes were both still getting head as well. I couldn't see much of the pair of twinks between their legs, but I could understand Wes's frustration in getting topped by them. Though they were clearly past the age of consent, it looked like the two of them together would only equal half of Wes's size. Even I was big compared to each of them and I was surprised I was able to fit into their clothes. By the bored look on Wes's face and Trent's focus on me and the lifeguard, I guessed that the twinks were lousy cocksuckers.

Trent pushed his twink off of his cock and stood up from the chair. "Time to fuck," he said.

In the minutes that followed, Trent had the twinks lined up on the bed on their hands and knees, their asses high in the air. I was between them, in the same position, and we were pressed together hip to hip in a lineup of eager holes. Trent and Wes stood by with the lifeguard between them, he had a hand on each of their cocks and was stroking them unison. The lifeguard's own member angled towards the ceiling in anticipation. Trent took a moment to capture a couple pictures of the row of asses before putting his phone down on the bedside table. We were ready to fuck.

The men took their positions side by side, the lifeguard in the middle and Trent and Wes to his left and right. Almost in choreographed unison, each man spit into the ass of his boy, rubbing the head of his prick along the crack of the boys ass. My own pucker quivered in anticipation at the warm touch of the lifeguard's dick and I eagerly awaited penetration. The twink to my left let out a deep moan as Trent took the lead and pushed himself inside.

A moment later, I felt the lifeguard slide into my tight chute. He worked his cock slowly past the tight opening of my ass and I savored each painful moment. I lost myself somewhere between the mix of pain and pleasure as I became accustomed to the full feeling of him inside of me. His cock was thick and hot and I could feel it throb as he pushed deep, his thick bush of pubes scratching at my shaved ass. My chastity cage scraped along my leg as the lifeguard shifted his weight. It was during these moments, when a cock was buried as deep in my ass as possible, that I truly missed the freedom of being able to stroke my own hard dick.

To my right, Wes was being less considerate. While Trent and the lifeguard eased themselves inside our asses, Wes forced himself in as if intending to make the experience unpleasant. His twink howled in pain, the discomfort of Wes's assault displayed plain across his young face. I hadn't paid either twink much attention up until now, but now noticed the dark brows and thin stubble on his face, tears welling in his eyes as Wes fucked him roughly. Instinctively, I pushed my face into his and kissed him full on the lips, hoping to take his mind off of the pain. He returned my kiss eagerly, and we both moaned into each other's mouths as our asses got fucked. The thought that I was kissing a teenager who must be ten years younger than me didn't cross my mind until later.

Trent had been pounding away at his own twink's ass, alternating between saying 'take my cock' and 'fuck yeah' as he went. He must have noticed Wes's roughness because after a couple minutes he said, "Time to switch." He pulled out of his twink's ass pulled Wes away from his, leaving me and the lifeguard still connected by cock and hole. Wes took the spot on the left and Trent the right, and the fucking continued. The twink that had been fucked by Wes let out another deep moan as his ass adjusted to the bigger size of Trent's manhood. To my left, the first twink took Wes's forceful penetration in stride, his stretched hole easily accommodating Wes's slightly smaller cock.

The lifeguard reached forward and grabbed my shoulders as the fucking continued. He spit on his cock a few times while he continued to pump and I could feel his shaft sliding into me with more ease. I felt myself moving backwards to meet each of his trusts, engrossed in the pleasure of sex.

Beside me Wes started pumping faster. "That's right bitch," he called out to his twink. "Keep milking my cock like that, I'm going to plant my seed in you. Take my meat." I don't think the twink understood the words he was saying, but the message was loud and clear. He reached to stroke his own cock between his legs as Wes neared climax. He pounded the twink a few more times and then let out a roar of pleasure, filling the ass with his cum. It seemed to go on forever, his body shook in pleasure as he dumped his load, until he finally pulled out and shot two more weak spurts of cum onto the small of the twink's back.

Wes had suddenly turned quiet, he had been very vocal during his orgasm. I turned to look over my shoulder, breaking off a kiss with the twink he had just shot his seed into. Wes was leaned against the lifeguard, and the two of them were also sharing a hot looking kiss.

The lifeguard must have been close as well, and Wes's climax encouraged his own. I felt his grip on my shoulders tighten, and he drove his cock home. I clenched my ass tight onto his cock, hoping to push him over the edge. With a satisfied grunt, he began to pump my chute full of his creamy load. I could feel the warmth of each spurt he shot into me and I squirmed backwards to try and feel him deeper. The lifeguard ground his hips firmly into me and I could feel my caged cock straining in protest, wet with my own leaking precum.

"Take that cum, you slut," I heard Trent say beside me. "Milk his cock with your pussy."

I tried my best to provide the lifeguard pleasure, flexing my ass muscles tight around his cock. Beside me, Wes used his cock to gather up the semen he had shot onto the twink's back. After a moment, the head of his dick was covered in the remainder of his load, the shaft slick with the rest. He moved around the lifeguard and pushed his boyfriend out of the way, leaving the second twink's puckered hole empty and available. In one quick motion, he buried his cum covered cock balls deep in the twink's ass, ensuring they both had his load inside of them. Trent showed no protest to Wes's aggressive actions, and I imagined they must have intended things to happen this way.

The lifeguard had finished depositing his seed into me and again I felt myself wishing I was allowed to cum. He had collapsed onto me and was holding me tight against him as he struggled to get his breathing under control. A moment later, he raised himself off of me and pulled himself out of my quivering hole, leaving me feeling empty. He had grabbed Wes's first twink by the ankle and was pulling him off of the bed. The twink sat on the edge of the bed and the lifeguard took him by the head, forcing his dirty cock down the twink's throat.

On the other side of me, Wes continued to pump his softening cock in and out of the second twink's ass, calling him 'little faggot' and 'fucking queer.' Just as I had time to wonder what happened to Trent, I felt a something press against my freshly fucked hole.

Even as I turned to look over my shoulder, I could feel Trent slowly sliding himself into me. The wicked smile on his face made me sigh in pleasure and I pushed myself eagerly onto his cock. It was like a dream, I felt I had waited forever for Trent to finally fuck me. The other four people in the room seemed to disappear and I was focussed completely on Trent.

He grabbed my hips and began to work his cock in and out of me. His intense stare held my eyes and I found I couldn't break away from those deep blue eyes. "Can you feel my cock inside you, Matthew?" he asked. I certainly could feel it, it was a stretch to accommodate his substantial size.

"Yes Sir," I replied, losing myself in the pleasure of the moment.

"Yeah, you're my pussy now, aren't you?" he continued, working his cock in and out of my hole. "You look so beautiful with my cock in your ass, Matthew." I loved hearing him say my name, especially now that he was finally inside of me. Over the next few minutes I was lost in the sensation of his fucking, focused on watching him watch me as I shivered in pleasure. Trent continued his tirade of dirty talk and I became worried I was going to hurt myself, my cock straining fiercely inside of the chastity cage.

What came next could only be described as pure bliss. Trent quickened his pace, pounding himself into my ass for about a dozen strokes. I could feel his balls tighten as they pressed into the spot between my hole and dick and I knew he was going to cum. I felt his body tense and he remained completely still for a brief second. Suddenly, he broke his stare and his eyes rolled back into his head and he let out a loud, deep moan. "Uggghhhh..... Matthew!" he practically yelled as he began to shoot his seed deep in my ass.

I savored the feel of each burst of cum as it coated my insides with warmth. Trent easily convulsed for half a minute, thrusting himself forward as each wave of semen travelling up from his balls. I collapsed onto the bed, and he fell on top of me, my cock cage pressed uncomfortably into my groin. I was panting in exertion, as if I had orgasmed myself.

Trent pulled himself out of me and I could feel his sticky wetness seeping from my hole. Between his load and the lifeguard's, it felt like my bowels were full of gallons of cum. Trent moved to the side and I rolled over in order to face him. Our eyes met for a moment before he covered my face with his own and we kissed with an almost desperate passion.

It was while we were locked in a lip-embrace that I remembered his promise, he would allow me to cum whenever he came inside of me. My mind recalled the key to the chastity cage disappearing into the ocean and my hope of cumming sinking forever with it. Trent seemed to be reading my mind.

He broke away from our kiss and reached past Wes, still working his cock in and out of the second twink's used hole. He pulled open the drawer on the bedside table and removed a loop of string. A small brass key dangled from it like a jewel.

The wolfish grin on his face as recognition came over me was answer enough, but still I had to ask. "The key he threw in the ocean...?" I was having trouble putting my thoughts to words.

"It was from your luggage lock," Trent answered. "Don't worry, you had two of them," he added to calm my obvious pang of anxiety.

"But... but what if I chose they key over the speedo?" I asked.

"You'd still be locked in your cock cage and your speedo would be floating somewhere out in the Atlantic Ocean," he answered with a laugh. I suppose my cowardice at returning to the resort naked saved me incredible humiliation in the end.

Trent handed me the key to unlock myself just as Wes pulled free from the second twink. The young man wasted no time, he crawled over top of me on the bed and swallowed Trent's cum-covered cock in a single gulp, his semi-hard cock pressed into my chest. I had to squirm out from under him and began working on releasing my cock.

The lifeguard was satisfied with the first twink's clean up job on his own member. He removed his dick from the boy's mouth and took a seat in one of the two chairs vacated earlier by Trent and Wes. Wes collapsed into the opposite seat, leaving me and Trent on the bed with the two twinks.

Just as I finished fumbling with the chastity device, sliding the acrylic tube off of my quickly hardening cock, Trent cut in. "We should show these two young men our appreciation for their participation, don't you think, Matthew?"

I had hardly been paying attention, my focus was on my own throbbing cock.

Trent took his cock from the second twink's mouth and rolled off of the bed. "I'm going to allow you to cum, Matthew," he said. "But you're going to do it while these two have their fun with you," he motioned towards the two twinks.

Wes said a few quick things in Spanish and the twinks positioned themselves on either side of me while I lay in the middle of the bed on my back. Trent took a moment to collect up the different pieces of the chastity cage, setting them safely on the table to the side.

The twink that had just finished sucking the cum off of Trent's cock was at my legs, and he pushed them up into the air to expose my leaking hole. He immediately shoved his dick into me, a piece of dark meat smaller than my own. The other twink was at my head. He turned around and sat over my chest, aiming his similarly sized manhood at my open mouth. I was able to reach a hand around him and grab at my own aching member, stroking myself as the boys began to fuck me.

As I lay there, struggling to swallow one cock while getting fucked by another, I couldn't help but wish Trent was more actively involved besides giving me permission to cum. If it had been his cock in my mouth or ass, I am sure I would have blown my load in a heartbeat. He appeared content enough to sit back and watch, and I had to settle for his eyes on me instead of his hands. However, he was doing more than watching I realized, again he had taken out his phone and was taking pictures of me getting fucked.

True to the reality of most young men, it didn't take much to get them to cum. We couldn't have been fucking for more than a couple minutes before the twink at my ass let out a groan and added his load to the two already in my ass. He pulled out of me almost immediately, and I could feel the semen flowing from my loose asslips. Almost simultaneously, his friend began to bust his nut in my mouth, but after the initial blast of cum he pulled out and shot the rest on my face. I suppose I wasn't any better, with a few short strokes I came in spurts in my first orgasm in days. I shot my seed all over my chest and several bursts splashed onto the twink's back and ass as he was depositing his own on my face. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and let the warm glow of sex wash over me.

When I opened my eyes a moment later, the twink was leaning back on my chest catching his breath with his balls resting on my chin and his dick laying semi-hard against the side of my face. Trent was standing overhead with his camera, smiling and taking close up pictures of my cum covered face. "Smile for the camera," he said.

The twinks and I collapsed onto the bed, a tangle of arms and legs and cum filled asses. I certainly came out on top of things, I thought, I had three loads in my ass while the twinks were forced to share one between them. Trent sat on the side of the bed, focussed on his phone as he reviewed the photos he just took. Wes and the lifeguard were talking lively, like a couple of dudes shooting the shit despite the fact they were sitting with limp cocks exposed between their legs. I had been amazed at being part of a threesome with Trent and Wes, it was a new and exciting experience to me. I never once dreamed I would be involved in a group of 6 - it felt like I was in a porno.

After a few minutes I began to wonder what would happen next. Trent turned to me, once again in tune with my thoughts, and said, "We've got a couple hours to kill." I looked at him confused, "We promised to take these guys to dinner."

I laughed to myself. The food on the resort was an extravagance us tourists took for granted. To the locals, even the most basic resort food was a luxury they could scarcely afford at the best of times. Trent crawled into bed with us and if we hadn't been all tangled around each other we never would have fit four. Before I knew it, I drifted off into the most peaceful sleep I'd had in days, grateful for the feel of Trent's strong arms around me, but especially grateful to be rid of that uncomfortable cock cage.

Next: Chapter 10

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