Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 21, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

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Beach Wedding Slave Part 7

Well, one thing I can say about Cuba in the winter, the sun sets awfully fast. Trent, Wes and I left the buffet and the resort was already dark as midnight. We passed along the pool and I thought how odd it was no one swam at night. The pool was open 24 hours a day and was lit beautifully at night, practically glowing from submerged lights. Yet I had never seen anyone in the water after sundown in the entire time I had been here. I guess the fact that the pool bar closed and the lifeguards left at five were reason enough.

Trent stopped us as we came into sight of their villa. He pointed up to the balcony and said to me, "You see the curtain on the balcony door there, Matthew?"

It was pulled shut and I could make part of it out through the palm trees, I guess we had left a light on when we went out for dinner. I confirmed I could see the curtain.

"We're going to go up to the room and get Wes ready for tonight's fun. I want you to wait by the pool until you see that curtain drawn back. That will be your sign that we're ready for you to come up."

Easy enough I thought, I nodded my head in understanding.

"Why don't you take a dip in the pool while you wait," Trent said, a smirk growing on his face. My heart began to pound.

"I'll take your clothes up for you so you don't have to worry about anyone taking them while you swim."

No. No. No... what if someone saw me I thought. My panic began to grow.

Trent just looked at me and said, "Anytime you're ready, Matthew."

What choice did I have? At least it was pretty deserted by the pool at the moment and aside from the water the poolside was poorly lit. I caught a glimpse of Wes, he was barely hiding a look of enjoyment.

Trent was still waiting, looking at me with that intense stare of his. I began to unbutton my shirt, pulling it off my shoulders and feeling the cool night air on my hairless skin. Trent held his hand out to take the shirt. I bent over and removed my sandals, picking them up to hand them over as well. Nervously, I scanned the area to make sure we were still alone - thankfully there was no one in sight. I unbuttoned the jeans and pulled them off as fast as I could, shoving them into Trent's hands as I turned to jump into the water. It would be hard for anyone to see me wearing the g-string once I was in the pool. But before I could take a step, Trent grabbed my arm with his free hand.

"Not so fast, boy," he commanded, "stay put." He handed the clothes to Wes and pulled out his phone. He took a step away from me before taking a picture, the flash illuminating my hairless body and tiny red g-string. I was trembling in embarrassment, this was so humiliating.

"Turn around," Trent said. The phone flashed again as he took a picture of my backside. I stood at the poolside virtually naked, my caged cock barely covered by the g- string. If anyone were to walk by they would catch a glimpse of my shaved legs and exposed ass. Suddenly, the sound of someone whistling cut through the night, loud and shrill. Someone out in the darkness had noticed us by the pool and the whistle was a humiliating cat-call.

Trent began to laugh at my expense and said, "I think we have an audience." He made me stand there for what felt like an eternity before saying, "You can go for your swim now, Matthew."

I didn't waste a second, I dove into the pool for the protection I felt the water would provide. When my head came up from under the water, I saw that Wes and Trent were already walking back towards their room.

I swam to a shallower part of the pool, where I could touch the bottom and keep my head above water and still be in sight of the balcony curtain. I may as well have been swimming naked, it would have been less humiliating than being seen with the tiny red g- string barely covering my caged cock. I moved back and forth in the water in order to obscure the sight of my embarrassment.

Time seemed to drag on forever, what could they be doing up there I thought? People would pass by the pool every couple of minutes on their way to their evening's activities, but thankfully no one paid me much notice. I could hear a small group of young men coming towards the pool, they were being loud and rowdy - clearly they had been drinking. Just as I saw the three guys come around the bend, the curtain on the balcony pulled open.

For fuck's sake, I thought, this is the worst possible time - I'm going to be seen. But even as the thought entered my mind, I knew Trent must have been watching for the perfect time to call me out of the pool. In a fraction of a second, I debated in my head whether or not to obey and reveal myself to these guys, or wait until they passed and return to the room unnoticed. Wes was already getting punished for displeasing Trent, I didn't want to risk it myself when I could run past the men and be in the room in a matter of seconds.

I swam to the edge of the pool and pulled myself out of the water as the young men came closer. I was going to have to pass right by them I realized, they were directly between me and Trent's room. My face reddened in shame and I hung my head low as I began to hurry along my way.

Immediately they noticed me and started laughing.

"Holy shit, nice panties dude," one called out. I couldn't bring myself to to raise my head. The laughing continued as I brushed past them, and a flash of light lit the night. One of them was snapping pictures of me with his phone I realized. As I hurried away a second and third flash followed and their laughter echoed into the night. I was already running up the stairs towards the door to room 1102.

I reached for the doorknob, frantic to get safely out of sight. It was locked. I banged on the door in my urgency and waited for it to open. The three young men had stopped to watch me and I was in their direct line of sight, illuminated clearly by light above Trent's door. The one with the phone raised it up towards me again and called out, "Smile!" as he continued to take my photo as his friends laughed and jeered. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the door opposite Trent's opened and a middle aged man emerged from his room, his eyes widening in shock as he saw me.

The lock turned on the door in front of me and suddenly I was in the safety of Trent's room. I could still hear the young men laughing, or so I thought, until I realized it was Trent's laughter. He stood before me in the darkened doorway.

"Well I wasn't expecting all of that to happen," he said after a moment. "I'm going to have to try to find those guys and get copies of the pictures," he said and began laughing again, pointing at my groin. "Look at you!"

I looked down at myself. At some point after leaving the pool, the g-string must have shifted to the side. It was still covering the shaft of the cock cage but my hairless balls were dangling loose, exposed for the world to see. I groaned in my humiliation, pulling the g- string back into place to provide what modest cover it could.

Trent came close to stand beside me, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Someday, Matthew, you're going to look back at this moment and laugh," he said with a mock seriousness to his tone. I broke into laughter myself as he said this, he may be a hardass with his boyfriend but he definitely has a good sense of humor I thought.

In the commotion of my escape, I hadn't even noticed what Trent was wearing. He had changed from his dress clothes into something more erotic, a pair of leather chaps and black jockstrap, leaving his ass beautifully exposed. He was wearing nothing more.

Suddenly I became very conscious of his arm around me, his warm skin pressed against my own; cold and wet from the pool. I hadn't been this close to Trent since our midnight ocean swim the day I met him and his nearness was intoxicating. He stepped away from me and a moment later was wrapping a towel over my shoulders. "You're cold," he said.

We had been standing in the short hall between the exit and the bathroom this whole time. He led me forward and we were in the dimly lit bedroom. Sometime during my dash from the pool, Trent must have turned out the lights.

I turned towards the bed and saw Wes, bound face down with his ass in the air. Each wrist was tied behind a bent knee with what appeared to be a stretched tshirt. It was the same position we took earlier when Trent made me kneel for inspection after I had been shaved, only Wes no longer had the luxury of free movement. He was looking hot and vulnerable, ready to be taken advantage of.

"You still have all the rope," Trent explained, motioning at the tshirts used to bind Wes down. Trent took a seat in the chair positioned by the bed and waited for me to get started. "Go on," he said.

Wes lay there on the bed, wearing only the leather harness from earlier. His ass was still filled with the black buttplug and I could see his full balls and fleshy prick dangling between his legs, a metal cockring accentuating his manhood. I remembered how the harness disappeared into his jockstrap while he had been shaving me, it must be attached to the cockring I thought.

Beside him on the bed was the banana Wes had chosen from the buffet. Trent had instructed us when we finished dinner that I was to fuck him with the piece of fruit, and if he could take it like a man Trent would be ready to treat him like a man once again. All of this on the condition that Wes eat the banana after I'd fucked him with it. How I wished my dick wasn't locked away, it would have been hard as a rock and Wes would be feeling something better than a banana up that hot ass of his.

I climbed up on the bed and bent my face down to get a close look at Wes's ass. Already I could see the dark stubble of hair growing back after just a couple days. I wondered if mine would grow back as fast? The plug in his ass jerked as his sphincter twitched.

Trent was providing no instruction, he just sat by and watched us with that intent look of his. He had already made it clear what we needed to do and I decided to take the lead with what needed to be done.

I pulled the g-string down and kicked it off, happy to be rid of it. I reached a hand between Wes's legs and grabbed his big, full balls in a firm grip. I could feel his cock jerk to life as I began to touch him and he turned his head away so he wouldn't need to face me. Still pulling gently on his balls, I grabbed the buttplug with my other hand and slowly worked it out of his hole. His asslips quivered each time I drew the plug further out of him. As the bulb of the plug emerged, his muscles clamped down and Wes let out a deep moan and it slid from his ass in one quick motion. I held the buttplug in my hand and examined the slick sheen on its black rubber surface - the loads of the three hustlers who had fucked him earlier. I tossed it down onto the bed so I could focus my attention on the task at hand.

Wes's asshole was twitching with anticipation. Though it was wet with cum I decided he needed more lubrication before I fucked him with the banana. Eagerly I spread his cheeks apart further with my hands before diving face first into his beautiful crack. My tongue touched his puckered hole and Wes's body jerked in response, his arms straining against the restraints. I teased his sweet ass for a few moments, my tongue tracing its way over his rosebud and along the crack. I pushed my tongue into his loosened hole and I could feel the resistance of his asslips against my mouth. His taste was musky and smelled of sex, the masculine flavor of him was delicious.

Wes began to softly moan as I rimmed him. I did my best to get his hole nice and wet, ready to be fucked with the banana, enjoying the task as much as him. I could feel him shifting his legs apart to allow me more access to his sweet ass as I pushed my tongue in and out of him. The thought of his reluctance to give his hole up to those three twinks was such a turn on while I fucked him with my tongue. His own cock was now as hard as I knew mine would have been if it wasn't for the chastity device.

As much as I loved tasting his ass and poking my tongue into his cum-filled chute, I knew we had other business to attend to. I pulled away from him, my face slick with the wetness of his ass. I grabbed the banana beside him and aimed it at his hole. The stem had been cut off at the buffet and the tip of the fruit was showing through the banana's yellow skin.

I held it up to his exposed hole, pressing the fruit lightly against his opening. I looked towards Trent and asked, "May I, Sir?" He nodded in permission.

And with that, I pushed the banana deep into Wes's ass in one smooth motion. A moan of pleasure escaped him and he pushed himself backwards into me, attempting to force the banana even deeper. He obviously likes having things up his ass, I thought, his reluctance to bottom must be more of an issue with giving up control to another. I didn't give it much more thought though, instead I turned my attention to working the banana in and out of his hole.

It was a beautiful sight, this yellow dildo sliding in and out Wes's ass. The ring of muscle that made up his sphincter clung to the banana every time I pulled it out, reminding me of lips around a cock. Wes was rocking himself backwards against his restraints, meeting my rhythm with his own. He was clearly getting into the experience.

From time to time I would pull the banana free from his ass and tease his hole with my tongue, tasting the pleasant flavor of the fruit. This would cause Wes to moan in pleasure, and he would whisper 'put it back in,' the pleading evident his tone.

Unfortunately the banana was beginning to deteriorate, becoming softer as it started to squish within its peel. The hole left when the stem was removed was coming apart and peel began to come away in flaps. I had to hold the tip closed when I slid the banana back into his ass to prevent the thing from completely peeling as it went in. His ass was becoming a mess of mashed banana and leaking cum.

I pulled the fruit from his hole one last time and knew it was too far gone to continue fucking him with it. Trent took the opportunity to speak up and said, "Very good, boys, you've done well."

I fell back onto my butt on the bed, sitting facing Wes's twitching, sticky ass.

"Matthew, can you place the buttplug back into Wes's ass, please." I fumbled around on the bed looking for the plug before finding it had fallen to the floor. I slid the plug back up Wes's warm chute with a wet sounding plop.

"You took that fucking like a man, Wes. I am proud of you. This afternoon you sulked and showed no enthusiasm to those boys who so kindly gave you their clothes, I was embarrassed for both of us. But tonight you showed me you are ready to change. You just have one last thing to do..."

I took that as my cue. Wes turned his face towards me and opened his mouth. I held the ruined banana up to his lips and squeezed the mashed fruit onto his tongue. The first mouthful was probably equal parts banana and cum, and Wes gobbled it down like a starving man. I squeezed out the rest of the banana and Wes finished eating it just as fast as the first mouthful. I tossed the empty peel towards the garbage can near the hall, surprised that my aim was true.

"Excellent," Trent commented. He had begun to stroke his cock through his black jockstrap. "Matthew, would you be so kind as to untie Wes?" I obeyed.

When Wes was free from his restraints, he knelt on the bed beside me, both of us facing Trent. Where my body was lean and compact with a limp caged dick, Wes's was muscled and solid and his cock pointed upwards in an uncomfortable looking hardon. We could not have been any more opposite aside from our hairless members.

"Very nice, boys," Trent commented. "Wes, you have shown me you are ready to be a man again. However, you are still under probation and will wear that buttplug until I say otherwise. Is that understood?"

Wes nodded, his face flushing slightly.

"To celebrate your return to manhood, I will allow you to fuck Matthew."

I didn't want to express my disappointment, I had been hoping to finally get fucked by Trent. I didn't have time to complain however; Wes grabbed me and pushed me down onto the bed as he prepared to mount me like a dog. He spit onto my hole and pushed himself into me, wasting no time for pleasantries. As his cock forced its way into my ass I met Trent's eyes and he held me in his stare as his boyfriend fucked me. I'm not sure what was more of a turn on, Wes's rough fucking or Trent's intense stare. Either way, I was in heaven - aside from once again being denied access to my own desire to cum.

After a few minutes of Wes's quick, hard thrusts he blew his load up my ass. He was loud as his orgasm overcame him, roughly holding me down as he deposited his load deep in my bowels. Trent never broke his stare the entire time, and even as he stood and walked towards the bed he maintained his eye contact.

As he stood before us, with Wes still buried deep in my ass, he pulled his jock to the side and released his huge cock. The beautiful head was partially wrapped in foreskin, looking wet and delicious. It was obvious what he wanted as his prick pointed towards my face - I opened my mouth and let him fill me.

Wes began to pump at my ass again and I could feel his warm cum inside my chute. He continued to slowly work his cock in and out of me as I sucked on his boyfriend. I have never had a threesome before and I took to this new experience with enthusiasm.

Trent began to speak. "You may be a man again, Wes, but you need to remember you are still my boy and I expect better behavior from you. To show Matthew you have no hard feelings towards him, I want you both to share my cock." I couldn't think of anything more exciting.

Wes continued to pump himself into my ass, slow and deliberate, when Trent interrupted. "I said I want you to share my cock with Matthew, Wes. Now."

Ah, so it wasn't the metaphoric 'we are a family unit and you bitches can take turns with my cock' kind of sharing I realized. Wes completed my thought by pulling out of me and falling onto the bed beside me, his mouth open and his tongue outstretched as he moved towards his boyfriend's swollen member.

Trent rested a hand on the back of each of our heads as we passed his dick back and forth between our mouths, sharing in the taste of his manhood. As one sucked, the other licked, and we took turns pleasuring his cock and balls, our tongues and mouths often coming together in unison. Each of our backs remained arched, our asses pushed up and on display, Wes's hole twitching around his buttplug and mine wet with leaking cum.

Trent enjoyed the attention he was receiving, constantly telling us what good boys we were. Wes no longer displayed any hostility towards me with his body language and we were both able to enjoy our shared treat, along with brief moments of enjoying each other.

After a while, Trent was ready to cum. He pulled his cock away from us and gave it a couple strokes, instructing us to put our faces together. If we had hesitated even a moment in following his lead we would have missed the first blast of his hot semen. As it was, we had just went cheek to cheek when he shot his first squirt of cum over our faces. Sticky wetness splashed across my brow and down over my cheek, splattering on the side of Wes's nose and running down over his mouth. The following spurts of jizz practically coated our faces as Trent stroked his prick before us.

As he finished cumming, he pushed his cock into my mouth for a brief taste before pulling out and pushing past his boyfriend's parted lips. He passed himself back and forth like this as we milked the last remnants of cum from his cock. He would rub his dick over our faces, collecting the cum he had shot with the tip before having us suck him clean. When he was completely finished with his orgasm, Trent joined us on the bed and we collapsed together into a pile of warm bodies, kissing each other back and forth as we passed the taste of Trent's load around the bed.

At some point Trent removed his chaps and jock, and Wes slipped out of his harness. We lay tangled in the king size bed, our naked bodies wrapped around each other. For a while, I could almost forget that I was still locked away in a cock cage and not free to enjoy myself as the others. However, the closeness of these two men was very enjoyable and Wes was much more pleasant now that Trent had decided to again treat him like a man.

As I lay sandwiched between them, I thought of how lucky I was to have this opportunity to be used by such a hot couple. This was really turning out to be a vacation adventure of a lifetime. Though Trent had yet to fuck me, I drifted into a peaceful slumber with the thought of his impressive cock happily on my mind.

Next: Chapter 8

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