Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 16, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 5

I finished my shower, rinsing suds from my soapy body. I watched the water run down my chest and cascade over the chastity cage encasing my cock. I was able to clean myself up relatively well, the cage allowed for ample water flow through its many holes once my attempt at a hardon disappeared. As I dried myself off I could feel my pubes pulling against the hard plastic, it wasn't too uncomfortable but it made me all the more aware of the cage locked on my dick.

I rummaged through my suitcase for something I could wear. I was worried that anything too tight would show the outline of the cage and I searched for something loose. I wasn't a fan of boxer shorts, all of my underwear I had packed fell mostly into the small and tight category. I decided on a pair of black boxer briefs, similar to the pair Wes had been wearing. It provided the most coverage and the outline of the padlock was almost hidden by the dark fabric.

It occurred to me then, no one was going to seeing me in my underwear tonight so what was I fussing about? I slipped on a baggy pair of shorts and you could never tell I had a padlock and tube of hard, clear acrylic hidden underneath. I put on a lightweight button-up shirt, hoping the collar would once again mask the hickey on my neck.

I found it difficult at first to walk around with the chastity cage - it would rub against my thighs and pull at my pubes with each step. But by the time I made it to the restaurant I had grown more comfortable with the sensation. For once I wasn't the last to arrive, and spent a few minutes at the bar with Ryan's parents as we waited for a table.

Dinner was nice, we had eaten here the night before and the food was just as good. We spent the next couple hours enjoying each other's company before moving to the lounge in the lobby. I had been enjoying myself so much that I had practically forgotten what lay locked between my legs.

Everyone was a bit melancholy over it being their last night of holiday, and the entire wedding party seemed reluctant to return home to the cold winter weather. As the night progressed the group got smaller. First Ryan's parents left for bed, and then Felice's mother. Danielle and Jasmine convinced Felice to have one last drink and a dance at the discoteque, leaving me alone with Ryan and his sister.

It wasn't long before we decided it was time to call it a night too. We parted ways knowing that we still had a couple of hours tomorrow morning before they were shuttled off to the airport. Brother and sister departed arm in arm and I returned to my room alone. I knew I was being foolish thinking Ryan and I had done anything inappropriate last night, we were just good friends, nothing more.

I kicked off my shorts and turned on the TV before laying down on the bed. I thought about the events of the last few days while staring at the ceiling, hardly paying attention to the rerun movie on the television. I groped at the chastity cage through my boxer briefs, probing the hardness of the plastic underneath the fabric. I was beginning to get aroused and could feel my cock straining against its confines as it tried to grow. I wouldn't say it was painful, but having my erection completely denied in this way was certainly uncomfortable.

A knock at the door startled me from my thoughts. I had a good idea who I would find on the other side of that door - Trent coming to get his rocks off at my expense, or Wes sneaking around for another pass at my ass. To my surprise, it was Ryan.

I invited him in and was thankful I had chosen the black boxer briefs to hide the chastity cage. The hard plastic and padlock were not obvious, you really had to look at my package to notice anything unusual.

Ryan held out my shorts he had borrowed this morning, "I didn't want to forget to give these back to you," he said. He plopped himself down on the bed and I took a seat on the opposite side, a couple feet between us. It was just like our teenage years all over again, the two of us watching TV in his bedroom. Well, not exactly the same I thought, remembering how many people had fucked on this same bed in the last 24 hours. The maid hadn't even been by to change the sheets since Trent blew his load up Wes's ass.

We watched the movie in silence for a while, and I knew Ryan had something on his mind. I didn't want to force anything, so I waited patiently for him to come around.

"I want to thank you for coming to my wedding, Matt. You can't imagine how much it means to me," Ryan finally said. "You know we invited over 100 people? I didn't think many would come, but I guess I had hoped someone would have made the effort."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, had Scott and I not broken up I doubt I would have made the effort either.

"Things haven't been going so smooth with me and Felice lately, you know. We just bought the house and she's been talking about having a kid. It felt like the time to get married, but I don't know..." he trailed off.

I turned towards my friend and put my hand on his arm for comfort, it felt like the right thing to do. "It's going to be ok, Ryan. You're just getting cold feet. Being married isn't going to change your guys' relationship, you've been together so long already." I wasn't sure if I was saying what he wanted to hear.

"I guess," he said after a pause. And then out of the blue, "I fucked Danielle the other night."

I was at a loss for words, it felt like my eyes were big as saucers. "Ryan... I..."

He just started talking over me. "It's not a big secret, Felice knows. We've had an open relationship for years already. She's fine with it. I have needs, she has needs, we fuck around."

I didn't know what to say. "Yeah, man... but Danielle? She was a bridesmaid," I heard myself blurt out.

Ryan laughed and I looked at him in confusion. "I've been fucking Danielle for almost as long as I've been fucking Felice, how do you think they met? We're all good on that front, no one has any hard feelings."

This was a side of Ryan I never knew existed. I suppose we all have our private sides, and I imagined what Ryan's reaction would be to my recent sexual adventures. Would he be as open minded?

Still, I knew there was something more he wanted to say. "So what's the problem then? It doesn't seem like that's what's bothering you."

He looked at me and I knew I had hit a sore spot. "Well Felice is fine with me fucking other girls," he began to say, "but she gets all bent out of shape if I show any interest in a guy."

My jaw must have hit the floor. "What?" was all I managed.

"Now don't get me wrong, I'm not gay or anything. Sex is sex, you know what I mean? A wet hole feels good no matter if it's a mouth or a pussy or an ass." I suppose I could see logic in this.

"You remember Tommy Haine?" Ryan asked. How could I forget Tommy Haine. He was one of Kim's friends, a couple years younger than Ryan and me. The summer before I moved away I spent three months trying to get into Tommy Haine's pants. He was one of those dreamy guys that was confident and good looking, never once ashamed of being gay. The best I got out of him was a few minutes of making out on the deck after a BBQ one warm night before he confessed I was not his type. Of course I remembered Tommy Haine.

"Yeah, I remember him," I replied.

"He goes to the same gym as me, we started working out together about a year ago. Kim still goes out drinking with him and their mates a couple times a month." I waited for him to continue. "Well... he blew me in the shower a couple of times... and then he started texting me, asking me if I wanted to hook up with him. You know, like fuck buddies."

I could not believe what I was hearing. "Go on," I said.

"Well, we hooked up a couple of times. He would suck me off and I would fuck him. I guess technically that's pretty gay, but to me it was just sex, you know what I mean?"

I tried to stifle a laugh when he said this. "Technically," I said with a smile.

"Aw, piss off," Ryan said, "I'm pouring my heart out to you here." I gave him my most reassuring look and waited for him to continue.

"Anyway, I tell Felice about him and she gets pissed. We're always open with each other about who we're fucking, its always worked well to not keep secrets about anyone we have on the side. God knows she's just as bad as I am. But then she has the nerve to tell me she doesn't like me messing around with guys, says she can't compete with a dude the way she can with a girl. That's bullshit man, I don't get jealous when she fucks another girl."

Again I laughed. "Of course you don't," and immediately said, "sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"She's been pretty weird about it since then and we haven't really talked it over again. And then this morning she gets all bent out of shape again, I thought we had moved past this."

My stomach dropped and my mouth went dry. "What do you mean this morning? What am I missing?"

"You don't remember? I didn't think you were that drunk."

"What? What are you talking about?" I heard myself plead.

"You and me - we... kind of got together last night."

Silence. "Kind of got together? What do you mean?"

"Uh, well... it's not like I took advantage of you or anything, but I guess you were kind of half out of it..."

"Ryan, tell me what happened," I demanded.

He hesitated, then confessed, "I sat on your face and jerked off while you licked my ass." His cheeks flushed red and he shrank into himself a bit, awaiting my reaction. "You pulled yours out to jerk off too but you sort of fell asleep."

I thought he must be joking... Unfortunately though, it was all beginning to make sense; Ryan naked in bed beside me, my cock hanging out of my underwear, the dried cum on my chest. I was feeling overwhelmed and confused.

I turned away from him and sat on the side of the bed, trying to collect my thoughts.

Ryan gave me some space, but eventually said, "I didn't think you'd be so upset about it. I always thought you were attracted to me. I'm sorry."

The thing was I have always been attracted to him, and in all honesty I wasn't upset with him - but my mind needed a little time to process this revelation. I had dreamed of having sex with Ryan for over half my life already, it was just a shock it happened without me remembering.

"If it's any consolation, you're a better ass eater than Tommy Haine," he joked. I couldn't stop myself, I burst out laughing.

Ryan was relieved to see my spirits rise. He came up behind me and started to massage my shoulders and I began to relax immediately. "I don't want things to be weird between us, if you want me to stop just say the word."

I most definitely didn't want him to stop, but I had to say it. "What about Felice?"

"She told me to not come back until I had gotten it out of my system." He then added, "Gotten you out of my system."

I shivered with excitement, but then remembered my cock was locked away in that goddamn plastic cage. How would I explain it to Ryan? I couldn't see any way of avoiding the topic if we were going to go through with what I thought was coming.

Ryan pulled his shirt off and then unbuttoned mine, pulling it down off my shoulders. He inched himself closer and I could feel his warmth against my back. The soft hair on his chest ticked me and I could feel the hardness of a pierced nipple press into my skin. His mouth was against my neck and he was suddenly doing to me what I had daydreamed doing to him. His hands reached around my chest and he pulled me against him in an erotic hug.

"Do you want me to keep going?" he whispered in my ear.

I turned my face and kissed him hard on the mouth, twisting my torso as I answered him with my body. We fell backwards onto the bed in unison, our chests pressing together as I lay on top of him, exploring each other's mouths as we kissed. He slid his hands down under my boxer briefs and grabbed two handfuls of my ass.

"Take these off," he said.

A wave of panic hit me, the time to stay and reveal my shameful secret, or run and hide, had arrived. I pulled away from him and he could feel my anxiety.

"Stand up," Ryan instructed, his voice gentle. I stood up at the side of the bed and turned to face him, his head level with my abdomen. He reached his hands to the waist of my boxer briefs and began to pull them down over my hips. I hung my head in shame, certain our sexual adventure was at an end.

In a heartbeat my underwear was removed and my caged cock was exposed. I don't think I'd ever been so humiliated in my life, I felt tears beginning to gather in the corners of my eyes.

And then Ryan released all of the built up tension with a few simple words. "Nice, a cock cage. I thought you had something weird going on down there." My panic began to subside. "Felice makes me wear one of these when she goes out of town. They're pretty hot, hey?" I could feel myself able to breathe again, reassured our friendship was no longer hurtling towards disaster. I was surprised Ryan was so familiar with the chastity device, I had never seen one before in my life. "Who put this on you? That guy from last night?"

Though relieved, I didn't want to further my humiliation by explaining how I ended up with my cock locked away. "Yeah," I said.

Ryan ran his hands down my sides, starting above my hips and ending at my knees. "Do you still want to go through with this? I'm not going to get you into trouble, am I?" I wouldn't stop for the world, I had dreamed of this moment for years.

"No, it's good. I want to continue." I pulled Ryan up off of the bed and kissed him, pushing my naked body into his, my caged cock banging against his belt buckle. I had one hand behind his head pulling his hair, the other wrapped tight around his waist. Ryan was unbuckling his belt, working the front of his shorts open as he went.

I broke off our kiss and dropped to my knees before him. I eased his shorts down, followed by his boxers. They had a woodland pattern on them, repeated images of a moose and maple leaf proclaiming his Canadian roots in an almost ridiculous manner. Gladly, my attention was focussed on something much bigger.

Ryan's cock stood before me, pointing lazily at my face. It rose up from a thick bush of warm brown pubes, and hair grew down his legs and up his belly in a delicious looking trail. The head of his cock was glistening with precum, the circumcised shaft fleshy and pale. It was a beautiful sight, and I could have looked at it for hours if it hadn't disappeared down my throat. I was in heaven.

I worked my mouth over his cock, savoring his sweet taste and musky scent. My sucking was slow and deliberate, I wanted to make love to him with my mouth. With my own cock denied to me, I was able to focus completely on making Ryan feel good.

He moaned in pleasure as I blew him, breathing slowly and deeply. "You gay guys sure know how to suck dick," he said between breaths, "you could teach women how to do it right." I tried not to imagine what a woman could teach me about eating a pussy, the thought was frightening.

I continued my considerate blow job for a few more minutes before Ryan reached for my chin, pulling my face to look up at his. My lips were wrapped wet around his shaft when he asked, "Can I fuck you?"

I looked into his eyes and nodded my head, I would have said 'please fuck me' had my mouth not been full with his member.

He pulled himself out of my mouth and then told me to lay on the bed. I wasn't sure what way he wanted, and assumed a doggy-style position to hide my caged dick.

"No, on your back," he said. "I want to look at you."

I was beginning to think mr. big talk had been bullshitting me with his speech about how a hole was a hole and sex was just sex. Maybe it was just my imagination and the fact that he clearly cared for me as a friend, but I was certain we weren't just fucking - Ryan was going to make love to me.

He pulled my legs up over his shoulders and positioned himself before me. His moist cock touched my hole and he reached for something under the pillow. He pulled a bottle of lube out from hiding and squirted some over his prick and more onto my exposed ass. The little bastard had been planning this from the start, I thought, he even hid a bottle of lube under the pillow while he had been laying there.

My mental complaint was short lived, Ryan eased his hips forward slowly and began to enter my ass. As he pushed into me he maintained eye contact the whole time, watching my face for my reactions. I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me and moaned softly each time he pushed himself deeper. As he sunk the last bit of his cock into my ass, he pushed his mouth onto mine and we shared a kiss.

As he began to make love to me, Ryan either maintained eye contact or broke away for a kiss. He was being passionate and gentle and I felt myself melting into his touch. I wanted this feeling to go on forever, though my aching cock crammed into the chastity device reminded me of my predicament.

As if reading my mind, Ryan said, "I wish I could take that thing off of you. It would be so hot if we could blow our loads at the same time." I couldn't agree more, it would be very hot.

Sadly, my locked cock was the reality and I had to go without my own pleasure - at the worst possible time. But then it occurred to me, I was feeling intense pleasure - I was able to concentrate on the feeling of Ryan inside of me instead of squandering my attention on my own selfish desire to cum. Maybe this cock cage was a blessing in disguise?

Nah, I think I really just wanted to cum - old habits are hard to break!

Well at least one of us was able to cum, and Ryan did so with a gentle passion. As he neared orgasm, he began to frantically kiss me. His thrusts sped up and he began to moan with his mouth pressed into mine - he was cumming. He dropped his weight onto my body and held his cock still inside of me, I could feel it pulse as he deposited his load deep in my ass. He let out a soft whimper as he finished, this sound coming from such a masculine man was almost comical. It made me understand just how endearing he was as a friend, and as a lover. This intimacy we shared would remain in my memory forever.

Ryan pulled himself out of me, rolling onto his side. He gently pushed me to my side as well, and spooned me from behind. He flashed his goofy smile and said, "Was it good for you too?"

I could only laugh, it was good for me but how I wished I was allowed to cum too. We lay there for some time, I listened to his breathing as he held me close to his body, his warmth radiating pleasantly. I could certainly fall for someone at times like these, the intimacy between us fanning the fire in my heart. Even as I daydreamed we could be something more than friends, I knew we could never be lovers. At least not in the way I needed him.

Ryan began to run his fingers through my hair. I reached a hand behind me, resting it along the top of his thigh. I didn't think I would see this tenderness with Trent and Wes, and I tried to savor my time together with Ryan.

We must have been in bed for quite a while, the movie on the TV had long since finished and the screen was fuzzy with off-air static. Without getting up, Ryan said, "I have to go."

"I know," I replied, a hint of sorrow in my voice.

"Matty, you're one of my best friends. I really care for you." He hardly ever called me Matty, my mother was the only other person who called me that.

"I know," I said again.

"Nothing is going to change between us, ok? Things are just a little different now. A little more special, ok?"

I rolled over to face him, my nose practically touching his as I looked into his eyes.

"Did you get me out of your system?" I asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.

He stared into my eyes for a long moment before he answered. "No."

I closed my eyes as he said this, afraid of what may happen next. I felt his lips soft upon my brow and he kissed me gently.

Before I had time to respond, he reached a hand around me and swatted me hard on the ass - my body jerked in surprise. "But as far as the old ball and chain is concerned, you are officially out of my system!" Ryan said with a laugh.

He reached over to tickle my ribs and we rolled around on the bed like a couple of kids horsing around, each of us trying to get the upper hand over the other.

Just as I was about to pin him down and claim victory, he slipped from my grasp and sprung out of the bed, clapping his hands together in a foolish gesture of defiance. There it was, he was out of my bed and it was time for me to come back to reality. Ryan must have sensed this too, and he reached forward to stroke his hand down the side of my face.

"I won't forget that I owe you one ejaculation," the word sounded weird coming from his mouth, "it's only fair since you didn't get to cum."

I looked down at my caged cock and sighed. "Maybe this summer?" I said.

"Maybe this summer," he replied.

He gathered up his clothes and I slipped on my underwear, feeling slightly uncomfortable sitting before him naked. He dressed and I stood to meet him as he prepared to go.

Ryan pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly on the mouth. He whispered a thank you in my ear and then he was off. "See you in a couple hours," he said as he walked away.

I returned to my bed after switching off the television. I certainly didn't see that one coming, I thought, and I wasn't altogether unhappy with the end result. I was hopeful that our friendship would become stronger because of our shared intimacy. I always knew I loved Ryan, but it had always been the love of friendship. I wasn't a fool, I knew it was pointless to wish for anything more from him - he had already given all he was able to give. Still, it didn't hurt to dream.

Next: Chapter 6

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