Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 3

I awoke from my nap to a darkened room. For a second I was confused, trying to think of where I was. I was laying on something uncomfortable and rolled over to find the leather slave hood had worked its way under my back. If the hood didn't refresh my memory, the slick wetness between my asscheeks certainly did.

I checked the time, it was 8:46. I had to think about that for a moment, still a bit groggy from sleep. I sat up in bed with a start - the dinner reservation was for 9pm! Sleeping in seemed to be a running theme for me today.

I pushed the sheets away and made my way to the bathroom for a piss. I would never have enough time for a shower, I realized. I would have to go to dinner smelling of sex, with a load of cum still wet inside me. The door to the bathroom was partially closed, and hooked over the doorknob was a jockstrap. Trent must have left it for me, I thought, he must want me to wear it for our meeting tonight.

It was white, or at least it used to be white, and looked well worn. I held the fabric up to my face to smell it and caught a wiff of the unmistakable musky odor of a true man. The mesh fabric was stained light yellow near the waistband and I could tell it was from both cum and piss. A single dark wiry strand of pubic hair was stuck in the fabric on the inside of the jock, in the spot where Trent's balls would rest. The thought of this dirty jockstrap pressed up against my own cock and balls was practically enough to make me bust a nut right then and there.

I slipped the jock on and took a moment to admire myself in the mirror. The elastic straps were soft to the touch, yet still maintained a good fit around my waist and legs. The pouch was a bit big, even for my erect cock, but the looseness only emphasized the fact that I was wearing someone else's dirty underwear. I turned around and looked over my shoulder, admiring the way the jockstrap framed my ass. I had never worn a jock before and was instantly regretting never owning one over the years - I looked hot!

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to admire myself. I splashed some water on my face and rummaged around in my suitcase while brushing my teeth. The only pair of dress shorts I had brought were covered in cum, so I wore the pants from the wedding ceremony. I pulled a polo over my head, happy to see the collar covered the bruise on the side of my neck - thankfully no one but Ryan had drawn attention to it so far.

When I got to the restaurant, everyone was already seated. I took the last seat beside Ryan's sister Kim and we all toasted the happy couple on their marriage. Over the next two hours I tried to focus my attention on the celebration, but my mind kept drifting back to Trent and how he shot his load up my ass just a few hours earlier while I was blindfolded with a slave hood. I hoped my hardon hidden under the table was the only sign of my distraction.

Once again, Felice's mother let us leave after the photographer snapped a bunch of photos. Both Ryan and Felice's parents said their goodnights, the rest of us decided to have a couple drinks at the discoteque, the resort's on site night club. I made an excuse about changing into something more comfortable, and promised I would meet up with them shortly. In reality I was almost shaking with excitement about meeting up with Trent again.

I really did want to change into something more comfortable, and returned to my room. I picked out shorts made from a lightweight grey fleece, specifically because of their 'easy access' factor - they were quite loose in the legs and had an elastic waist that clung to my hips. I paired it with a sleeveless tshirt with holes for the arms that dipped so low they reached past my belt line. When I turned to the side, I could see a nipple under the loose fabric, and when I lifted my arm I could see the top of the jockstrap showing above my shorts. I hoped Trent would like my choice of clothes.

I left the room with my hardon tenting in my baggy shorts. The jock was too loose around my dick to hold it down, but I suppose it was used to covering Trent's huge cock and not my smaller member. I snuck by the discoteque on my way to the snack bar, happy to see it was quite busy - it would take Ryan and the others some time before they realized I wasn't there.

I pulled up a chair at the same table I sat at last night on the snack bar's patio. It was getting close to midnight and there were only a few other tables with patrons, unfortunately none of them were Trent. I couldn't remember the exact time we hooked up last night, and began to worry that perhaps I had missed him.

I ordered a drink and sat patiently to wait. I was slouching a bit in my chair and my hand was resting on my lap. I subtly began to fondle my cock through my shorts under the table, I wanted it to be hard for Trent when he arrived.

On my second drink I began to worry he wasn't going to show. By time my third drink was finished I was quite confident I had lost my chance to see Trent again tonight. I checked the clock one last time, it was almost 12:30 and I had been waiting almost an hour. I was disappointed and wondered if this was the end of my holiday as a whore.

As I walked back to my room I passed the discoteque and remembered I had blown off Ryan for a chance at getting my ass fucked. I felt ashamed, but maybe they were still in the club drinking and dancing and I could join them for a bit of fun. The crowd had thinned out considerably in the past hour, and there were only about 10 people spread around the room - thankfully Ryan was one of them.

"Hey man, where the hell have you been?" Ryan yelled over the music, holding a drink in each hand. He was sweating through his shirt and I could tell he was drunk, and the goofy smile on his face told me right away that he wasn't angry with me.

"I went for a run," I lied, and Ryan nodded his head in acknowledgement. He threw an arm around my shoulder and managed to splash half of his drink down the front of my shirt.

"Shit... sorry, Matt," he practically slurred and I reassured him it was nothing to worry about. He told me that Felice and Danielle had just taken Jasmine back to her room after the bridesmaid had spent the past 10 minutes throwing up in the washroom. Classy, I thought.

He was leaning on me for support and started to tell me how great married life was, launching into a story about Felice giving him a blowjob on their balcony last night under the stars. I didn't want to interrupt to remind him he wasn't a married man last night, but got distracted thinking how Felice wasn't the only one sucking cock outside last night.

Ryan was slurring into my ear and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. It was in the middle of him describing how beautiful Felice's tits were that I felt a tap on my other shoulder. I turned my head to see Wes, Trent's boyfriend, standing before me with a look on his face that could have been a smirk, or a frown - I wasn't sure.

"Your friend looks like he's had a bit too much to drink," Wes yelled, barely audible over the loud music. I was caught off guard, I didn't know what to say as I stood there with a dumb look on my face. Did Wes know about Trent and me fucking around behind his back? Was he here to start a fight? Was he going to say something and humiliate me in front of Ryan?

Before I had a chance to respond, Kim came sliding up behind Wes, carrying three drinks clutched to her chest. "That bartender is so fucking slow!" she exclaimed, setting the drinks on the table beside us. "Matt, you made it!" she beamed, and then turned to Wes and said, "Who's your friend?"

Wes was definitely smirking now. He reached his hand out to shake Kim's hand, "I'm Wes."

"Pleased to meet you," Kim said as she introduced herself, her eyes sparkling with mischief. But then she caught sight of her brother and quickly snatched the glasses out of each of his hands.

"I think you've had enough for tonight," she told him. "Are you forgetting we're going on that stupid boat ride tomorrow with your mother-in-law?" she scolded when Ryan looked at her blankly. "Right." she said in disappointment when Ryan's only response was a burp.

"We should get him back to his room," I said, nervous about what Wes was up to.

"I can take him back, you stay here with your new friend," Kim teased, pulling her brother to his feet and putting his arm around her shoulder. When I tried to help her, she pushed me away and said she could handle it. Wes stood beside me, silently watching things unfold.

Kim offered us her drinks, and looked me straight in the eye before pointing to her neck and then to Wes - winking to emphasize her point. "You boys enjoy the rest of your evening," she said as she pulled her stumbling brother out of the discoteque.

I was left there alone with Trent's boyfriend, feeling guilty and a little ashamed, uncertain of what to do. Wes had taken one of the drinks from the table and was draining the glass with several gulps. I took a moment to check Wes out as he stood there in front of me. He was handsome under the colored lights, his dark features angular and sharp. He wore a tshirt and a short pair of shorts, the retro kind boys would wear for gym class in the 70s. The brief inseam accentuated his muscular legs beautifully.

Wes remained there silently, looking me over as he set his drink down. Neither of us spoke for a moment and I began to fidget nervously. Finally he said, "Let's dance."

He put his arm on my back and led me out onto the dancefloor. There were few patrons left dancing and we had a corner of the discoteque to ourselves. We began to move to the thump of the bass, at first dancing with a foot of space between us. Neither of us spoke at first, and I began to feel less apprehensive about the situation - Wes had not humiliated me in front of my friends and for that I was thankful.

After a few minutes of dancing, Wes's eyes heavy upon me, he moved in close and put his hands on my hips, pulling me into his embrace. Instinctively I put my arms over his shoulders and behind his neck. His eye contact was intense and I felt myself feeling aroused dancing so close.

"So I understand you've been fucking my boyfriend," he said into my ear. There it was, the cat was out of the bag.

I leaned away from him and tried to come up with something to say, some excuse to explain this was all just a misunderstanding - but it wasn't, I had been fucking his boyfriend. Wes pulled my hips into his own and I could feel his hardening cock pressed up against mine. I don't think he's upset with me, I had time to think.

He leaned into me again and said in my ear, "Don't worry, he fucks little sluts like you all the time." I was shocked at what was happening, but my ever hardening dick demonstrated I was also extremely turned on.

Wes pulled back slightly once again to catch me in his intense stare, watching for my reaction. Despite the heat of his body against mine a shiver ran through me. I broke his stare by looking down and heard myself stutter, "I'm sorry..."

Wes's laugh sounded like a bark, short and deep. He continued to grind himself into me to the sound of the music, pushing me back towards a darkened corner. The only other couple on the dancefloor stood making out like teenagers, his hand sliding up the back of her miniskirt as they danced. The other patrons were scattered around in booths or at the bar on the other side of the room.

I felt my back up against the wall as Wes pressed himself into me. His hands were still on my hips and I slid one of my own from his shoulder up into his thick, dark hair. I pulled his face into mine and opened my mouth to meet his lips in a kiss, overcome with excitement.

Wes allowed me to kiss him, long and deep. I hungrily explored his mouth with my tongue, the passion of the moment overcoming my inhibitions. As I kissed him I pressed my cock into his in an almost urgent desperation. The knowledge that his boyfriend had fucked me just hours before made me ache with lust.

Wes broke our kiss short and moved a hand from my hip to give my cock a squeeze through my shorts. He maintained eye contact, watching me squirm while his hand worked on my hardness through the fabric. "You really are a slut," he said and I had nothing to say in disagreement.

He released my cock and slid both hands behind my back to feel my ass. I leaned forward and brought my lips to his neck, tasting the sweaty skin under his earlobe and savoring the feel of his hands fondling my ass.

Wes pushed his hands up under my shirt and then slid them down under the waistband of my shorts. The jockstrap left my ass exposed and I felt his hands against my bare flesh. He put fingers from each hand into the crack of my ass and pulled my cheeks apart, exposing my puckered hole still moist from being fucked. Before I knew what was happening, Wes inserted a finger into me and it slid in easily thanks to the remnants of cum and lube I had never washed away.

I moaned in pleasure, my head now resting on his strong shoulder. He pushed back and forth into my ass a couple times and whispered in my ear, "You like my finger in your pussy, boy? Your whore ass didn't even put up any resistance. You're still wet from being fucked, aren't you faggot."

I couldn't believe what was happening. Here I was on the dancefloor while some guy was fingering my ass in open sight of anyone who happened to be watching. I was beyond caring, I was overwhelmed with lust. "Finger my hole," I begged.

I spread my legs wider to allow his finger to slide into me deeper with each jab. I began to protest when he slid it out of my ass, but Wes interrupted and said, "Open your mouth."

It wasn't spoken as a request, and I immediately obeyed. He held his finger up to my face and for a brief moment it caught the light, slick with the remnants of the load deposited in my ass a few hours before. He touched his finger tip to my face and traced the outline of my lips, coating me with a film of cum. In the next heartbeat, he pushed his finger into my open mouth and rested it onto my tongue.

"Suck," was all he said. But even before he spoke the command I had closed my mouth around his finger and began to suck the salty taste of cum from his digit. I swirled my tongue around and did my best to clean off every remnant of my ass from his finger, gulping the shameful taste without a thought of hesitation.

After a moment Wes pulled out of my mouth and whispered in my ear, "You're a real filthy slut, you know that, faggot?" I nodded in agreement and ended up banging my forehead against his as Wes pressed his mouth into mine in a kiss.

This time his tongue assaulted my mouth, and the cum he had smeared on my face was getting passed back and forth between our lips as he continued the kiss. I was so fucking turned on right now, I would have done anything to get Wes's cock inside of me.

He broke our kiss abruptly and stepped away from me. He reached forward and grabbed my cock through my shorts and said, "Let's go. I have something I want to show you." With his hand still tight around my bulge, he pulled me towards the men's washroom at the back of the club - using my cock like it was a leash.

The thumping of the music was deadened in the small washroom, and the florescent light was blinding compared to the darkness of the dancefloor. Wes pushed me into the only stall and followed me in, closing the stall door behind us. I turned to kiss him, but he pushed me away and said, "Put your hands against the wall."

I turned to obey, my feet on each side of the toilet as I leaned forward to put my hands against the wall. Wes's hands pulled at the band of my shorts and he yanked them down, exposing my ass beautifully framed by the straps of Trent's jock.

I could feel him bring his foot up and hook it in the band of my shorts, pushing them down past my knees. I lifted my right leg to slide it out of the shorts, allowing them to fall to the ground around my left ankle.

"Nice jockstrap," Wes commented and I could feel my face redden in embarrassment. I arched my back and stuck my ass out towards him spreading my legs further apart until they were against the walls of the stall. I could feel cool air against my exposed hole and it twitched in anticipation.

Wes slid his finger into my ass again, just as he had done on the dancefloor. There was little resistance as I was still covered in lube from earlier. He swirled his finger around and hooked it to press against my prostate. I moaned in pleasure and begged him to fuck me.

He pulled his finger out of my ass and shoved it into my mouth, and then commanded, "Shut up."

I let my tongue do the talking, and once again sucked the tangy juices of my ass off of him.

"I am going to fuck your faggot ass," he hissed in my ear. "I am going to breed you like the whore you are." He pulled his finger from my mouth to unfasten his shorts, pushing them down to expose his himself. I turned my head to get a look at his manhood and saw he was still wearing my yellow and green briefs Trent had taken the night before.

His cock was hard and jutting from his groin stiffly, looking red and angry in his excitement. His olive skin was contrasted with short cropped pubic hair, his full balls resting on the waistband of my underwear stretched over the tops of his thighs. He had pulled the front of his tshirt up over his head and it was bunched behind his neck and arms like the straps of a backpack. His chest was toned and he had a coating of black hair over his pecs, a thin trail making its way deliciously down to his pubes. How I would love to follow his treasure trail down with my tongue.

He held his open hand in front of my face while he gripped his cock with the other. "Get it wet," Wes barked, and I spit a mouthful of saliva into his palm. He switched hands, coating his shaft with my spit as he stroked his cock. His other hand pushed the back of my head into the wall, forcing my face into the cold concrete.

I could feel his cock press against my asshole. He hooked his hands into the waistband of the jockstrap on either side of me, pulling me forward onto his prick. I felt the head slip past the sphincter and shivered in pleasure.

"Yeah, that's right. Look at your greedy ass swallowing up my cock," Wes said, pulling harder on the jockstrap. He bucked his hips forward and buried himself into me, balls deep. I gasped, the shock of his cock entering me so fast caused my muscles to contract around his shaft. I knew this intense pain would soon turn to pleasure.

Wes started to fuck my ass with steady strokes. "Take my cock, faggot! You know you want it in your ass-pussy." His dirty talk was making me hot and already I was beginning to enjoy getting fucked. Wes let go of my jockstrap and slid his hands up through the loose arms of my shirt to find my nipples. He grabbed them between his fingers and pinched, all the while plunging his big cock in and out of me.

It felt amazing, I felt so hot and dirty being fucked in this washroom stall. I began to stroke my stiff prick through the mesh of the jockstrap, fondling myself through the dirty fabric.

Wes let go of my nipples and one hand returned to my hip, the other dropped to his side. He fumbled around awkwardly for a second, eventually pulling his phone out of his shorts pocket. He held the phone in front of my face and slid his finger across the screen. "Check this out," he whispered.

The screen flicked on and I immediately saw a cropped image of an ass getting fucked. By the angle of the photo, it appeared as if the one doing the fucking had taken the picture. I wasn't sure what Wes was trying to get at showing me this picture, it didn't seem to mean anything. He continued to plow my ass as his finger swiped across the screen and another picture appeared.

It was the same couple fucking, this time the angle was a bit different and the camera was held further away. I squinted my eyes to get a better look and suddenly recognized the man getting fucked was wearing a black leather hood... it was a photo of me!

My eyes shifted to the other figure, noticing his olive toned skin, the black bush of his pubes pushed up against the ring of my ass. His shorts were bunched just under his ass and I could see that familiar yellow and green underwear peeking out from underneath. My confusion was overcome immediately with the realization that it was Wes who had silently fucked my ass earlier today, not his boyfriend Trent.

Wes must have recognized when I figured it out because he said, "This is the second time I've fucked your cunt today." To emphasize his point, he quickened his pace and plunged his cock into my wet butt a couple times. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and returned to fucking me in his regular, steady pace.

I was speechless even though my mind was quickly adjusting to the fact that I'd been tricked. The fucking Wes gave me this afternoon was perhaps the best I'd ever had, and the thought of him fucking my ass again now just increased my arousal. I must have stammered something in an attempt to acknowledge him, instead it came out sounding awkward and confused.

"Cat got your tongue, cunt?" Wes laughed. "Your mouth is better suited for sucking anyway."

He began to fuck me harder and I could feel his balls tightening against my ass, indicating he was getting close to dumping a second load deep inside me. I couldn't get over how amazing I was feeling right now, today involved the most intense sex I'd ever had.

It was at that moment we heard someone enter the mens washroom. Wes slowed his fucking to a snails pace and clamped a hand over my mouth to keep my moaning quiet.

Whoever it was took his place at the urinal beside our stall and started to piss almost immediately. My heart was racing, the thrill of being caught was exhilarating and having Wes's cock buried in my ass with a stranger literally a foot away was too much to bear. I was barely touching myself, but my cock responded to my tremendous excitement by exploding in my hand. Cum erupted from my dick's swollen head and oozed out through the jock's fabric. I could feel the sticky wetness trickle down my balls and drip down the inside of my thigh. Though Wes had his hand over my mouth, the groan I let out when the orgasm hit me was loud and long.

The stranger had finished pissing and was now looking over the top of the stall to see what was going on. There we stood exposed, Wes with his cock buried deep in my ass while I straddled the toilet, cum dripping down my leg. I met the stranger's eyes and recognized him from the couple that had been making out on the dancefloor while Wes had been fingering my hole.

He stared with a blank look for a second before cursing, "Fucking fags." My face flushed red in embarrassment, but Wes took this as his cue to resume his assault on my ass. He plunged his cock into my cunt slow and deliberate, and it wasn't until the third stroke that the stranger's head disappeared and we heard him leave the washroom.

I felt his cock start to throb and knew he was about to bust a nut, he had already been so close before we were interrupted. A second later Wes shouted, "Oh fuck, I'm cumming..." He shot his seed deep into my hot bowels. I could feel my gut grow wet as the spunk filled my ass over a series of hard strokes.

Wes collapsed against my back, the sheen of sweat on my skin dampening the fabric between us. Without warning he stood up, pulling his cock from my ass with a wet sounding plop and pulled his shirt back into place. He yanked his shorts back up, his slimy cock disappearing under my stolen underwear.

"I know you'd love to suck my dick clean, pussyboy, but we should probably split before that douchebag rats on us." Wes was already opening the stall door and making his escape.

I stood there stunned as I watched him go. I was covered in wet sticky cum from my own orgasm, and I could feel Wes's load dripping out of my ass. Common sense got the better of me though, I didn't want to get into trouble for public sex any more than Wes did. I picked my shorts up off of the grimy floor and slid back into them and then quickly left the washroom.

The discoteque was almost completely empty by this time. The only patrons remaining were, unfortunately, the stranger who caught us in the act of fucking and a few of his friends. I hung my head in shame and ran from the club. I heard him shout as I left, yelling a single word over the loud music - Fag! I wasn't too offended, it was true.

Outside of the discoteque Wes was nowhere to be seen. He must have hurried off back to the room he shared with Trent. I didn't wait around to investigate, instead hurried off back to my own room.

I had to catch my breath when I made it there. I practically ran from the other side of the grounds in my rush to safety. I couldn't believe it was Wes who had fucked me in the leather hood earlier today, and our second fuck session made the memory that much more intense. It hit me then how tired I was. I stripped down to the cum covered jock and lay in bed for sleep to take me. I couldn't have been asleep long when I heard a knocking at my door, if I had been truly sleeping the knocking would never have woken me.

I got up out of bed and made my way to the door. Would it be Wes? He must have decided he wanted me to suck his cock clean after all. I adjusted my stiffening cock in the jockstrap before boldly swinging the door open to greet my late night visitor.

I nearly fainted on the spot, standing before me wearing only a tshirt and tight white briefs was the groom, my childhood crush - Ryan.

Next: Chapter 4

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