Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 10, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

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Beach Wedding Slave Part 2

I awoke to sunshine streaming bright through the window. My skin was itching and I raised my hand to my face in confusion. What I felt was rough and it came away on my fingers sandy and dry. In my sleepy confusion it took a moment for me to remember last night - how I had fallen asleep with Trent's cum smeared on my face mixed with sand from the beach. Immediately the events of last night's encounter came flooding back, how Trent had held me down on the sand and fucked my face on the empty beach. How he had forced himself on me and called me all sorts of filthy, degrading things... and how I loved it.

I began to get hard lying in bed thinking about it. I could hardly wait to see him again, I thought, as I began to stroke my cock in fantasy. And then reality came crashing in on me - Ryan's wedding was this morning. I bolted out of bed and grabbed my phone to check the time. I had slept through breakfast and the wedding was to take place on the beach in less than an hour.

"Fuck," I yelped as I ran to the shower. I should have just enough time to get myself presentable before the ceremony. As I stood in the bathroom waiting for the shower water to warm up I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. My wavy brown hair was gummed up with dried cum and my face was dirty with flaking sand. I had a bruise on the side of my neck where Trent nipped me while we were splashing around in the water. My hand slid down my backside and my fingertips stopped in the crack of my ass - I had sand there too and it took me a moment to brush it from between my cheeks. It was like looking at another person in the mirror - it wasn't the reserved and proper Matthew I was familiar with. Before me stood a cum covered slut who let a strange man fuck his face on a public beach without complaint. It was the image of a whore whose cock was getting hard thinking about his next encounter, dreaming that they would have the chance to go even further. I think I was beginning to like the new me.

I made it to the wedding with a few minutes to spare.

"Where the hell have you been?" Kim whispered to me as I took an empty seat beside her. Ryan's parents were sitting in the row in front of us with Felice's mother, while Felice's girlfriends stood on the small gazebo in matching dresses and bouquets. The bride and groom were yet to arrive. I couldn't help but notice we were only a little further down the beach from where Trent had held me down and fucked my face the night before.

I ignored Kim's question, and instead asked, "How come you're not up there with Danielle and Jasmine?"

"I can't stand those bitches," was all she had time to say before one of the attendants turned on a small stereo to play 'here comes the bride.'

Ryan and Felice made their way down the path from a quaint little beach cottage at the edge of the sand. My childhood friend was wearing a tuxedo jacket complete with bowtie and cumberbund, his hair slicked back and parted at the side. But from the waist down he wore baggy boardshorts in blue and green and was barefoot. Felice was wearing a strapless white gown, softly curled hair cascading over her tanned shoulders. She was clearly struggling, having difficulty making her way through the sand in high heels. As goofy as they looked, they were grinning like fools and I felt grateful I was able to be part of their happy day.

The minister, though he looked more like a bartender, officiated the ceremony. He spoke briefly in a thick accent then led the couple through their vows. Felice's mother began to cry and before we knew it the wedding was over and Ryan and Felice were embracing, kissing each other as man and wife. We all got up to congratulate the couple.

As I pulled Ryan towards me in a hug, I spotted Trent and Wes walking along the beach past the gazebo - Trent's arm on Wes's back as they went. I squeezed Ryan tight and said, "I'm so happy for you," stalling as I watched Trent over Ryan's shoulder. At that moment, Trent turned his head and caught my eye and he puckered his lips as if to blow me a kiss. His hand subtly pulled his boyfriend's shirt up a few inches for just a brief moment - but it was enough time for me to see a flash of green and yellow before Wes's shirt fell back into place. His boyfriend was wearing my underwear that Trent had stolen from me the night before. I pulled away from Ryan before he could feel my hardening cock pressed against him in our hug.

"Thanks buddy!" Ryan beamed. I don't think he had noticed a thing. But a second later Ryan reached his hand up and pulled back the collar of my shirt. "Well well, what's this?" he laughed as he exposed the hickey on my neck. I blushed in embarrassment; I had hoped it would go unnoticed until at least later in the day. "This explains why we missed you at breakfast," he joked.

Thankfully we were swept up by Felice's mother and ushered back towards the resort where she had an entire restaurant booked for our private party until late in the afternoon. I glanced over my shoulder for one last look at Trent and Wes, but they had disappeared amongst the other beach visitors.

The remainder of the day was spent in celebration. It was a blur of eating and drinking, with the restaurant staff catering to us while a traditional band played music and sang all afternoon. After almost an hour of posing for the photographer, Felice's mother allowed us to take a break. We were to meet at another restaurant later in the evening, and she advised us all to take a siesta so we could be refreshed for more photographs. Kim walked me most of the way back to my room, and as we went by the pool I spotted Trent and Wes reclining by the water. Trent was wearing sunglasses with a straw hat tipped up over his forehead, possibly sleeping - Wes appeared to be reading a book. Neither one took any notice as Kim and I passed and I felt mildly disappointed. I suppose it was possible Wes was unaware of what happened last night, but I doubted that seeing as how he was wearing my underwear. Kim gave me a kiss on the cheek as we parted, and I promised to see her again in a few hours.

In my room I took off my dress clothes and decided I could use a nap before joining up with the rest of the wedding party. I was on the edge of sleep when I heard a knock at the door. Trent, I thought immediately. I was only wearing a tight pair of briefs, and decided to answer the door without covering myself up further.

To my disappointment, it was not Trent standing on the other side of the door. Instead, a young Cuban man in a resort uniform stood before me. He looked down at the bulge in my underwear and then looked back up at my face almost immediately. I could feel myself blushing in humiliation, what was I thinking answering the door almost naked! I instinctively stepped to the side so the door would partially cover my nakedness.

The young man held a plastic shopping bag out for me to take and said in perfect English, "A gentleman at the pool said you left this under your chair."

I took the bag and thanked him, eager to close the door before anyone else could see me. Once alone in the room, I moved forward to sit on the bed. I was confused and thought that someone had sent the bag by mistake. But once I looked inside, I knew it had been meant for me.

Inside was something made of black leather. It wasn't until I pulled it out of the bag that I could make out what it was - a leather slave hood with a zippered mouth. A detachable blindfold was fastened over the eyes with what I thought were snaps, but when I gave it a tug I realized it was riveted onto the hood and would not budge. I had fantasized in the past about things like this, but neither Scott nor any of my past lovers seemed to have any interest in this area of kink.

I looked to see what else was in the bag and only found a folded piece of paper. My dick began to get stiff as I unfolded it, I couldn't wait to see what it said.

'Take off your clothes, put on the hood and lay on the bed. Make sure your ass is lubed. Leave the door unlocked.' My heart began to pound as I read these three short sentences. What a turn on! I wasn't expecting to see Trent again until late this evening; he had instructed me to meet him again at the snack bar tonight. He must have been watching through his sunglasses when I walked by him at the pool, and my room was one of the closest to the poolside.

I'd like to say I had an internal struggle, and I suppose I briefly did - though I knew my mind was made up the moment I realized what was in the bag. The thought of getting fucked by Trent was the only thing on my mind, and the fact that he was forcing me to submit to his will was only making this more exciting.

I wasted no time. I got up and went to the counter in the bathroom. I pulled my white briefs off, down over my hard cock and round ass, kicking them off to the side. I grabbed my toiletry bag and rummaged around until I found the small bottle of lube I had packed. With my cock sticking out in front of me at an awkward angle, I spread my legs and leaned forward over the counter. At the same time I popped the cap off the lube and squirted a liberal amount of it into the palm of my hand. I reached back with both of my hands, pulling my ass cheeks apart with the first and then smearing the lube over my warm hole with the other. My pucker twitched in excitement when I rubbed the cold lube into it and I slid a finger into my ass to make sure I was lubricated inside and out. I pushed a second finger in to ensure that I was wet and ready for Trent's cock. I could barely contain my excitement.

I left the bathroom feeling my ass cheeks slide together as I walked, the wet feeling between my legs worked to heighten my excitement. I unlocked the door as I passed and picked up the hood from the bed where I left it, examining it to figure out how to put it on. It had a set of laces at the back that I loosened before pulling the opening wider. I slipped the soft leather onto my head and pulled the hood down over my face. It felt soft and warm against my skin and I enjoyed the sensory deprivation of the darkness. By feel alone I was able to pull the laces on the back tight, conforming the leather to my head before I clumsily tied the hood shut. It had two holes for my nostrils and I was able to breathe through my nose without any trouble. I fumbled around trying to open the zipper over my mouth, and opened and closed it several times trying to decide if I should leave my mouth exposed. In the end I left it open in hopes that I would get to use my mouth in the encounter to come, besides the cold teeth of the zipper felt weird against my lips.

I lay face down on the bed, with my legs spread and my ass exposed, waiting for Trent to make his appearance. I remained there on the bed for about 15 minutes before I heard the door to my room open and close, instinctively I arched my back to put my ready ass on display. Through the leather hood I could make out the sound of his footsteps on the tile floor as he approached. Part of me wished I could see him, but a larger part of me was thrilled at being under his control like this.

"Hello Sir," I said, though the tightness of the hood made speaking a bit difficult. I remembered how Trent insisted I call him Sir the night before.

My asshole twitched in eager anticipation as I lay there in silence. He wasn't saying or doing anything, as far as I could tell. I imagined he must be getting a nice, long look at me laying exposed before him.

Just about when I began to worry what was happening, I heard rustling at the bedside. Was he taking off his clothes, I wondered? Then I felt the bed shift and he joined me on the mattress, his warm skin against my own. He positioned himself between my legs as I lay on my stomach, pushing them further apart with his knees. I felt his hand at the small of my back, I could feel it's roughness as he traced his fingers down and over the roundness of my ass. After a moment his fingers returned upwards and rested at the top of my crack. With a single finger, he followed the line of my crack - pushing into the slick space between my legs. I could feel his calloused fingertip as it rested against my pucker and I let out a moan of pleasure.

He slowly traced around my tight hole and I found myself arching my back upwards, hoping to feel his finger inside of me. He was so silent and had not said a word since he came into my room. I continued to push myself up to meet his finger and was rewarded with a hard slap across my ass. I barely had enough time to draw in a quick breath before I felt him push his finger all the way into my hole.

It felt amazing and I reached my hands behind me to spread my ass apart, I wanted him to have complete access to my hole. As he began to slide his finger out of my tight chute he slapped my ass again, causing me to clench down on his digit. I let go of myself and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand back towards me - forcing his finger to slide back inside. He pulled his finger out of my ass and shook my grip from his wrist. He then grabbed both of my hands and pushed them down into the bed on either side of me. He didn't have to use words for me to tell what he wanted, I was to lay there and let him have his way with me - I was happy to oblige.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me up from the bed, so I was face down on my knees with my ass up in the air. I moved my hands up around my head to provide myself some support for what was to come.

"Please fuck me," I begged. Though I couldn't see anything with the leather hood on, I closed my eyes anyway to concentrate on the feeling of the moment.

His hands were still on my hips and I tried to press myself up against his body. I could feel the hardness of his cock as it rested on top of my ass and the tickle of his hairy balls on my sensitive skin. I could feel the roughness of fabric against my thighs and knew he had not taken his shorts off. I brought my ankles closer together so I could feel his hairy legs against my own. I could faintly hear his breathing as he positioned himself behind me. I could smell the scent of him through the hood, musky cologne mixed with a faint smell of pool chlorine. Without being able to see, I had no choice but to focus on my other senses.

I heard the sound of him spitting, and wetness splashed onto my backside. Another mouthful hit its mark and he removed a hand from my hip to spread the saliva over his cock. I was ready and I needed to be fucked.

He lined his dick up with my ass and pressed into me with his hips. I was tight but had made sure my chute was well lubed as he had instructed. His cock found my hole and he pushed forward, sliding in completely without giving me time to relax and get used to having him inside of me. I moaned in agony, grabbing at the sheet on the bed to help cope with the pain of his assault.

Thankfully, he held his cock inside me for a few seconds and the sensation of pain dulled considerably. I could feel the heat of his dick in my ass, and the press of his flesh against mine. He began to pump his cock, increasing the length of each stroke and I started to enjoy the feel of his swollen member as it passed back and forth in my hole. I caught onto his rhythm and pushed back with my body in time with his thrusts.

I moved one of my arms underneath me and grabbed my own stiff prick, stroking it in time with his pace. His hand left my hip and he knocked my arm away and pushed it down onto the bed. I tried to stroke my dick once more, and again he pushed me away.

We began to sweat and I could hear the wet sound of our bodies coming together. For a few more minutes we fucked, or rather he fucked me. It was hot under the leather hood and I could feel my perspiration soaking my hair and dripping down the side of my nose. His breathing began to deepen and he gripped my hips harder while increasing the speed of his pumping. He bunny fucked me with short powerful jabs, hitting my sweet spot deep inside with the head of his cock. I moaned in pleasure and felt a chill run up my spine.

He began to unload his seed up my ass, slowing to a stop and then slamming deep into my hole hard. Each quick thrust that followed was accompanied with another squirt of cum being planted deep inside of me. It felt amazing to have this hot man using me as a slut, breeding my ass as if it belonged to him. He collapsed on top of me for a moment and I sunk down onto the bed under his weight. He held his cock in my ass and I could feel it beginning to lose i's rigid stiffness.

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered, clenching the muscles of my anus around his cock to emphasize my point. Silence was my only response.

A few moments later his breathing slowed and he pushed himself up and off of me. His cock slid from my slick hole and suddenly I was left feeling empty. I lay there on the bed with the leather hood still covering my face. I could hear him pulling up his shorts and zipping them closed. I rolled over onto my back, my own cock hard and straining for release. There was a soft scuffle sound and I knew he was preparing to leave.

"Thank you for giving me your load, Sir," I said even as I heard his footsteps on the tile floor as he walked towards the door. The door opened, the door closed, and he was gone - as quick as that, not a single word spoken.

I thought it would be hot to leave the hood on while I jerked myself off, and my dick throbbed in agreement. I spread my legs in the air and put a hand to my ass, sliding a finger into my cum-slicked hole. I massaged myself, rubbing my prostate and stroking myself at the same time. I pulled my finger out of my ass and it came away coated in Trent's cum. Without hesitation, I put the same finger into my mouth to savor the taste of the load in my ass. It was enough to push me over the edge and as I sucked and licked the sticky mess off my finger I blew my own load all over my chest. I continued to stroke my cock through the orgasm and another spurt of jizz shot far enough to splatter against the slave hood - I couldn't remember the last time I came so hard.

My breathing was coming hoarse and ragged and the metal teeth of the zipper

rubbing at the sides of my mouth were becoming painful. As much as I wanted to keep it on, I thought the time to take off the slave hood had come. I clumsily untied the laces and pulled the leather up and off of my head. The air felt cool against my damp face and my eyes adjusted to the light quickly, the sun was setting and the room was cast in shadows of early evening.

I collapsed onto the bed with my knees bent upwards, spread wide apart. The moistness of the sweat and cum and lube smeared all down my ass-crack and on the back of my thighs was an erotic reminder what had just happened. The leather hood lay crumpled on my chest, halfway resting in a puddle of my own jizz. What a hot encounter I thought, my fingers rubbing the tender lips of my bred hole, tracing circles in Trent's cum as it oozed from inside me.

I glanced at my phone to catch the time; I still had a couple hours before I had to meet Ryan and the others for our late dinner. I considered hopping in the shower to clean myself up, but instead decided that a slut should keep the evidence of sex as a shameful reminder. Besides, I was exhausted and needed a nap if I was going to face the wedding party again tonight and still have energy to meet Trent for round three of submitting to his cock.

Next: Chapter 3

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