Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Apr 12, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 15

"I hear you have some cum in there for me," Trent said with hungry look on his face. Already I could feel him fumbling with his shorts, pulling them down around his hips. He had me pinned on my back and as he shifted his weight to the side, he pressed into me forcing the buttplug deeper. I let out a sigh of pleasure.

Trent reached in between my legs and pulled out the buttplug and I gasped as the wide bulb slipped past my sphincter. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me, Matthew," he whispered as he tossed the rubber plug aside.

I smiled up at him, still trapped in his stare. "I wanted to please you, Sir," I heard myself say. Just as the words escaped my lips I felt his cock enter me, he slid easily into me all the way home. I grunted in satisfaction as his groin crushed into my ass, my legs bent and trapped under his torso.

"I don't have much time," he said, propping himself up for a moment to pull off his shirt. "Wes is waiting for me." I gave Trent a look of disappointment and he smiled down at me, beginning to slowly pump his manhood in and out of my hole.

"I'm sorry it came to this, sweet boy," Trent said and a look of sadness flashed across his face. "I didn't expect Wes to be so difficult about you." He leaned forward and gave me a brief kiss on the mouth before resuming eye contact. "I told him I was coming over to pick up all our gear. I can't be long or I'll be in trouble."

"But you're the boss..." I said. "Can't you just make him do what you want?" There was a pleading in my voice.

"I could," Trent replied. "But our relationship won't work if he doesn't want to obey. I'm sorry, Matthew, but Wes is my partner, he has to come first." I was getting emotional, I had to look away before I broke down in tears.

Trent reached his hand up and gently turned my face back to look at him. I couldn't bear it, that look of his sent me over the edge and I could feel moisture collecting in the corners of my eyes.

"Don't be sad," his voice was soft and gentle. Trent maintained his slow fucking of my ass as he continued to talk. "I know you were hoping we could make something work back home, I could see it in your face these past few days. It's good that you didn't ask, Wes would have thrown his tantrum much sooner."

Trent picked up the pace slightly, causing me to moan in pleasure at the same time I was trying to hold back my tears. "I don't plan on giving you up, Matthew, you're too good to be just a quick fling." The shocked look on my face made him chuckle, I had expected this to be the end of my time with him and my mouth hung open in surprise.

"It's going to take Wes time to warm up to the idea though," Trent continued. "He has to want you involved with me before this has a chance of working." He picked up his pace again, jabbing at my prostate with the head of his cock as he held me down on the bed. The tears in my eyes were gone and my face was now awash with pleasure.

"He's halfway there already," Trent went on. "When we're all together he seems to genuinely like you, but when I'm alone with you he broods and gets jealous." The feel of Trent inside me was making it hard to concentrate on his words, I was moaning with each thrust.

"And when he gets jealous he misbehaves." Trent accentuated the last word with a deep thrust and I gasped at the intensity, my own cock throbbing hard between our abdomens. I wiggled my legs free of Trent's shoulders and hooked them around his waist, pulling him into me with each thrust. He smiled that amazing smile of his and I wanted to give myself over completely.

"We'll find a way to make this work, it will just take some time," he said before descending on my mouth and kissing me long and hard. There were no more words between us, just the sound of our lovemaking. Trent worked his cock in and out of me quicker and quicker and my breath was coming to me in ragged gasps. My legs around him clenched, tightening against his muscular body. We worked in unison over the next few minutes, building up to our eruption of pleasure.

Trent alternated between dominating my mouth with his and kissing at my neck and shoulders. I moaned in pleasure each time his cock drove deep into my hole and I could hear his quiet grunting every time I clenched down on his manhood with the muscles of my ass. I didn't want this moment to ever end.

His jaw clenched and the muscles on his neck tightened and I knew he was going to cum a second before I felt the change in his cock inside me. The warm semen shot into me and I could feel the quivering of his manhood as the orgasm overcame him.

"Uunnnngghh," Trent bellowed, breaking the silence between us. "Take my load, you little whore." It amazed me how quickly he went back and forth between tenderness and degradation, but perhaps that's what drew me to him. After all, the degradation was as much for my pleasure as it was for his.

It was bittersweet when Trent finished flooding my hole with his seed - I knew it would be the last time, at least for a while. He collapsed on top of me with his cock still lodged in my ass. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the neck and ear, running a hand through the hair on the back of his head.

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered to him.

Trent pushed himself up, propping himself above me once again. "Oh we're not done yet, faggot." The look on his face was pure mischief. In the blink of an eye he scooted back on the bed and pushed my legs up onto my chest. I gasped as he simultaneously buried several fingers in my slick hole and swallowed my cock in a single gulp.

I was literally thrashing on the bed as he worked on my dick with his mouth while slamming his fingers into my ass. The sensation was so intense, so pleasurable, I lost myself in the heat of the moment. Trent had never sucked my cock before and I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of it, he was doing something directly for my pleasure!

I couldn't hold out, I would be surprised if I was able to last even a minute. He didn't take his mouth off of my cock as I exploded, shooting my load into his hungry mouth. The entire time he didn't let up on fingering my ass and I was squirming in pleasure from the orgasm. Spurt after spurt of my seed shot into Trent's mouth and he didn't let a single drop escape. If things were going to end between us, I thought, at least we ended it with a bang!

I stopped cumming and Trent slid his fingers out of my hole and released my cock from his mouth at the same time. He pulled himself on top of me again, looming over me with a smile. I could see the wet glisten of my cum smeared all over his lips.

"Yum," was all he said as he caught me in his stare. I started laughing, I don't know what came over me. It was like all the tension I felt since Trent dumped me in the restaurant this morning just rose up out of me and escaped in my laughter. Trent gave me a puzzled look but as I continued to heave underneath him he started to crack up too. He poked a finger into my ribs and gave me a tickle, and I squirmed underneath him. "What's so funny, boy?" he teased and we laughed together before he locked his lips onto mine, kissing me deep and sharing the taste of my own cum.

Trent rolled over and lay on his back beside me. It took us a moment to get ourselves under control again, and when it did reality came floating back.

"I really need to get back to Wes," he said, still chuckling slightly.

I sat up in the bed to look at him. "I know," I said, dropping my face into his crotch. I swallowed his cock into my mouth in one quick movement, sucking the taste of cum off of his softening prick. Trent let out a groan but made no move to stop me. I licked and sucked every remnant of semen I could find, savoring every taste. When I finished, I sat back up on the bed and pulled his boxers and shorts back up over his hips, he lifted his ass off the bed to help.

"Can't send you back with a dirty cock, Sir," I said, smiling sheepishly at this beautiful man in my bed. "What would your boyfriend think?"

Trent let out another laugh and then rose up from the bed to retrieve his shirt. I got up too, gathering up all of his gear from the dresser drawer. I used the beach bag Wes had left behind, filling it with the rope, ball gag, leather hood, buttplug and pieces of the chastity cage. I had no intention of returning the jockstrap tucked away in my suitcase, just in case I never saw Trent again. He took the bag from my hands and bent his head to kiss me, wrapping a big hand around my waist and pulling me tightly against him.

"I'm so happy to have met you," I confided, allowing my body to be enveloped in his.

Trent hugged me tight and kissed me on to the top of my head. "Me too," he said.

We remained embraced like that for a moment, neither one of us wanting to end our intimacy. My mind was racing, I didn't know what to say. Could I say something to make him stay? My mind blanked. Suddenly I heard myself blurt out, "Who were all those guys this afternoon?" Of all the things to say, why did I come up with that?

Trent chuckled and I could feel his chest shaking against me in his laughter. "Resort staff," he said. "I had Romano spread the word, $5 pesos a load to whoever came in you." He gave me a squeeze. "The cooks and maintenance guys don't get tips like the waitresses and bartenders," he continued, "they were pretty excited to participate. Romano said most of them fucked you while taking a break from work." That would explain the quick pace most of them took, I thought.

"Did you have fun?" Trent asked.

"I did, but I kept hoping the next cock would be yours."

Another chuckle shook his body, "I bet you did."

After that, Trent pulled away from me and gave me one last kiss. "Goodbye, Matthew." He turned to leave, his bag of gear tucked under his arm. I stood there and watched him go, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes again. As he opened the door to leave, he turned and hesitated. "I will see you again, I promise. I don't know when, but I promise you it will happen."

My heart was pounding in my chest and I couldn't bring myself to speak. Trent shot me a smile and added, "I'll see if Wes is up for having breakfast with you. No sense in making you eat by yourself before we leave."

I nodded my head and swallowed the lump in my throat. The sound of my voice came out as a croak, but I managed to say. "Goodbye, Trent."

He raised an eyebrow at the sound of his name but made no other sign of disapproval. "Goodbye, Matthew."

I awoke the next morning feeling oddly rejuvenated. I had spent the rest of the night packing and thinking about Trent, and Wes. I really hoped that something could work out between us. I didn't want to come between them, but I didn't want to give up Trent either.

I lay in bed adjusting to being awake when I heard my phone vibrate. I excitedly grabbed it to check the text message, but my heart sunk as I read it.

'No go on breakfast. He's being a bitch.' I really need to program the unknown number to Trent's name, I thought.

I got up and prepped myself for the day. After a shower and a shave, I packed the last of my toiletries and set my bags by the door. I gave the front desk a call to have the bellboy take my luggage to the shuttle and headed out for breakfast. It was sad eating alone, but I took the time to reply to some of the messages I received since handing my phone over to Trent. I wanted to tell Ryan all about my adventure, but wasn't sure how much detail I should share with him. Just as I finished eating, I looked up to see the three straight guys that had posted my picture to their facebook taking a table not far from mine. Rick and Sam didn't notice me, but Woody caught my eye and smiled warmly before turning to his companions.

And as all good things must come to an end, I found myself waiting in the lobby for the shuttle to take me back to the airport, alone. My vacation was at its end. Trent and Wes appeared in the lobby too, but kept their distance as we waited with the other departures. They were pokerfaced and neither looked my way and I gave up trying to make eye contact after a few minutes.

The shuttle came and we all piled on, I sat near the front and Trent and Wes in the back with about twenty people in between us. The ride to the airport was long and I tried to distract myself with a book, but my attention kept wandering to the back of the bus.

The wait at the airport was just as painful, Trent and Wes were just a couple of people in front of me and I followed them through the checkout counter and then through security. Trent passed through the metal detector with no incident, but Wes set it off and was taken to the side to be passed over with the handheld device. After a bit of a fuss, two guards hauled Wes into a private room behind the security station for further investigation.

As I was placing my items into the bin to pass through the security point, I noticed my phone had a new message. I quickly checked it before dropping it in with the rest of my things.

'Chastity cage, metal lock. Oops.'

I stifled a laugh at Wes's plight and continued through the metal detector. I walked up to Trent as he waited for his partner, a smirk of satisfaction on his face.

"Nice one," I said as I stood beside him, breathing deeply his masculine scent.

"That's what you get when you don't behave," Trent said, still looking at the door Wes disappeared behind. He turned to me and added, "Don't you forget that." His words were hard but his face was warm and we both started to laugh after his dramatic pause.

"What seat are you in?" Trent ask, turning to watch the security door again. I checked my ticket and let him know, but he didn't say anything further about it. "I'm sorry about breakfast."

"It's ok," I reassured him.

"You better run," he said to me. "If Wes sees you there'll be trouble. It might be months before I can get him to accept you."

I nodded my head. "Goodbye, Sir," I said as I turned to leave.

"See you on the plane, boy."

I was in the departure lounge for about half an hour before I noticed Trent and Wes. Wes had a dark look on his face and I could tell he was not happy. The plane boarded soon afterwards and I shuffled on with the rest of the tourists returning home. I was smart enough to take an extra day off of work, and thankfully would have tomorrow to recover before heading back to work on Tuesday. It was going to be a weird adjustment going home after everything that happened to me this past week.

Trent and Wes made their way down the aisle and took the seats several rows behind me. Trent gave me a wink as he passed but Wes refused to look at me. I tried keep my mind on the four hour flight but had trouble fighting my urge to turn around in my seat every few minutes. I ordered a drink to calm my nerves once we were in the air, and hoped that the handsome flight attendant would bring it my way but was instead served by one of the two stewardesses.

We were in the air going into our second hour when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket - I forgot to turn it off with all my preoccupation with Trent. Never was I more thankful for being absent minded!

'Bathroom stall, back of plane. Get naked. Open door after 1 knock, then 2 knocks.'

My dick sprung to life in my pants and I unfastened my seatbelt to make my way to the bathroom stall. As I passed Trent, he gave me a sly wink. Wes was sound asleep beside him.

The bathroom was tiny, and I hardly had enough space to get my clothes off. I spit in my hand and tried to lube up my ass, sliding a finger in my hole to spread the saliva around. It took several mouthfuls before I was ready to be fucked.

The knock came at the door and my heart jumped into my throat. This was so exciting, having sex on a plane. And the thought of Trent inside of me while his boyfriend slept less than fifteen feet away had me hard as a rock. I flipped the lock on the door and took a step back, ready for my mile high adventure.

To my surprise, Trent was not at the door. Instead, the male flight attendant slipped into the small bathroom and quickly shut the door behind him. He was already pulling his cock out of his trousers and I had enough time to read his nametag before he turned me around to face the toilet. His name was Matthew, I laughed at the irony.

Into my ass his cock plunged. He didn't say a word as he entered me, and he was just as silent as he worked his cock in and out of my ass at a fast pace. I gasped in both pleasure and pain at the assault, he had a good sized dick and knew how to use it. Even though he appeared to be in a hurry he would reach around to pinch my nipples or squeeze my cock as he fucked.

I turned to watch him in the mirror, his wavy blonde hair becoming matted against his forehead with sweat as he worked his cock into my hole. He was about my age, maybe a little younger, and had a boyish face framed by a chiseled jaw. My naked body was a contrast to the dark navy suit he was wearing. His pubes were cropped short, from what I could see through his open fly. I longed to see what kind of body he had hiding under his clothes, but knew I'd never get the chance.

It was only a few minutes later when he tensed up and prepared to blow his load. He was clenching his teeth and trying not to make any noise, but a low growl escaped his open mouth and I could tell he was cumming. He pumped his cock into me repeatedly, sending spurt after spurt of hot semen into my bowels. He held himself in me for a few seconds, kissing the back of my shoulder as he regained his breath.

"Do you want to cum?" he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him over my shoulder, taken back by his attractive features. "No, I better get back before someone starts banging on the door." Really, I wanted to save my cum on the remote chance that I could blow my load for Trent.

Flight attendant Matthew smiled at me and said, "Good point." He pulled himself out of my hole and tucked his slimy cock back into his trousers before zipping up. "Thank you," he said, kissing me on the shoulder again.

"No, thank you," I replied and he gave me a broad smile. He slipped out just as fast as he came and I locked the door behind him. I quickly put my clothes back on and opened the stall door return to my seat, a middle aged woman was waiting for the bathroom and her eyes widened comically when she saw me. Obviously she saw flight attendant Matthew leave the same stall a moment before. I practically ran back to my seat, taking a moment to notice Trent's smirk while Wes remained asleep beside him.

Shortly after I took my seat, my phone buzzed and I checked the text.

'Enjoy getting fucked by yourself?' What a comedian I thought as I pondered what to text in reply. I was interrupted midway through when a drink was placed before me, and I looked up to see flight attendant Matthew standing in the aisle.

"Complimentary beverage, sir," he said as I took the cocktail. He shot me a naughty smile and was gone a second later. I took a sip and noticed something written on the napkin wrapped around the plastic glass. A phone number was scrawled out in pen, and written below it was 'Call me sometime, Matthew." I tucked the napkin into my pocket for safe keeping and finished my text to Trent.

'Was amazing. Thank you sir. He gave me his phone #'. I texted back to Trent.

I waited a few minutes for reply before my phone vibrated again. 'You'd make a cute couple. He can fuck your sweet ass before I have my turn anytime.' That was all I wanted at this point, for Trent to take his turn. How long would I be left waiting? My phone vibrated one more time and simply said, 'Get some sleep.'

The plane landed and I was home. I hadn't heard another word from Trent for the rest of the flight, though I exchanged some smiles with flight attendant Matthew before drifting off for a quick nap. I followed the rest of the passengers off of the plane and lined up for customs, my last step before truly being home. Just as I passed through and made my way to the baggage carousel, my phone vibrated with a new text.

'Closest washroom to baggage claim. Handicapped stall. Pants around your ankles.'

I wasted no time finding the washroom, it was just a stone's throw from the carousel. Thankfully it was empty when I entered, two urinals and three stalls, the far right handicapped. I closed the partial door behind me and pulled my pants down to expose my ass while I waited.

I heard several men come and go from the washroom and hoped each time it would be Trent, but it was minutes before I heard a quiet knocking on the stall. I threw open the door and immediately Trent was on me, smothering my mouth with a kiss. He broke away and turned me around, groping my ass with one hand as he opened his pants with the other.

He slipped a finger into my slick hole and wiggled it around. "Oh yeah, you're nice and wet. Are you ready for my cock, boy?"

"Yes Sir," I begged, trying to keep my voice low. "Please fuck me." His cock slammed into me and I was pressed hard into the wall. He began pounding me at an animalistic pace, grunting into my ear from behind me.

"Where's Wes?" I questioned between moans.

"Told him I needed a dump," Trent answered. "Didn't specify I needed to dump a load in your ass," he added with a chuckle.

He thrust into me a few more times before whispering in my ear, "Here it comes, boy. Why don't you stroke yourself? We can come together." He slowed his pace a little while I grabbed my own dick and started to stroke it with urgency.

It took only a moment, but as I started to shoot my load all over the wall in front of me Trent gave me a couple quick strokes and began to shoot as well. Our orgasms overlapped and we could no longer keep the volume down. I let out a moan and Trent hissed, "Awwww, fuck," as he coated my insides with his hot seed. There was no reply to our noise and I was thankful the washroom was empty.

Trent pulled out quickly and tucked his cock back in his pants in the same way flight attendant Matthew had. I pulled up my pants as well and moved away from the sticky mess on the wall in front of me.

Trent kissed me passionately, stabbing his tongue into my mouth like he owned it. He broke away just as I felt myself melting into his body. "Stay in here a while after I've gone, I don't want Wes seeing you." His tone was serious but his face was warm.

"Yes, Sir," I replied, the words flowing off of my tongue.

"I'm going to make this work, Matthew, I will," he reassured me. A kiss on my forehead and he was gone, out the stall and out my life for how long? I waited as he ordered and left the washroom after about five more minutes. Many of the people from the plane had already picked up their bags and left. Trent and Wes were nowhere to be seen. I collected my luggage and hopped in a cab, returning home after such an incredible adventure.

In the weeks that followed, I didn't hear from Trent at all. I debated sending him a text message so many times but in the end decided to leave the ball in his court. If he had been honest about wanting to see me again, he would contact me.

It was difficult adjusting to life back at home. So much had changed in me over the last week that I felt like a completely different person. I found myself checking out guys more than I ever had before, using my imagination to size up their cocks and what it would feel like to have them fuck me. My ex-boyfriend Scott came by one Saturday night, drunk and horny, begging for us to get back together. We had sex, and he was more than a little surprised when I held him down and fucked his ass hard and rough. I had always been the bottom in our relationship and though he struggled to resist me at first, he was begging for my cock before I shot my load. I don't know what surprised him more, the fact that I fucked him or the fact that I kicked him out on his ass after I blew my load. The poor bastard didn't even get a chance to cum.

I worked up my courage after that and decided to call flight attendant Matthew. Turns out he lived in the city too, though he was constantly flying around the world for work. We hooked up a couple times and fucked around, spending more and more time together in a sort of reverse dating order - sex then friendship. I confided in him about my time with Trent and Wes and he seemed more turned on than disapproving. I suppose he must have been pretty open minded in the first place to let Trent convince him to fuck me in the airplane bathroom.

Almost two months had passed since the vacation. Spring was in full bloom and flight attendant Matthew and I were seeing more and more of each other. I started calling him by his last name, Smith, to avoid confusion between us. He seemed content, it had been his nicname all through university. I had stopped hoping to accidentally run into either Trent or Wes out and about in the city and was beginning to forget about them. I shoved the used jockstrap and speedos, both the yellow one from Trent and the two from the twinks, into the back of a drawer to avoid seeing, adding the leather bracelet to the pile. I no longer let myself hope Trent would contact me and even fantasizing about him made me a little sad.

And then one day at work while on my lunch break, I received a text. It was a day short of being two months since our flight landed and Trent fucked me in that bathroom stall. The text simply said, 'Whats ur email?' If I hadn't remembered to program Trent's name into the phone to get rid of the 'unknown number' notification, I would have completely blown this text message off as spam. My heart leapt into my throat and I was embarrassed at my excitement, I was ready to forgive and forget being ignored for so long based on three little words - one of them spelled wrong at that! I couldn't argue with myself, I knew I'd forgive Trent in a heartbeat.

I texted back my reply and waited. Nothing. I finished my lunch, checking my phone for a new text or email constantly. I began to feel dejected again and returned to work, calling Smith/flight attendant Matthew on my afternoon break after checking my empty inbox over and over. Smith got me to calm down and promised he'd take me for dinner when he got back in town tomorrow night.

I drove home and stopped at the grocery store for something to eat, tossing my phone in the back seat to stop torturing myself by constantly checking for new messages. I ran into a girlfriend in the produce section and we decided to ditch the groceries and grab a meal together down the street at a new French bistro. It was great to have someone to take my mind off of things and I returned home after a lovely evening with a friend.

I had tried to forget about Trent's little message at lunch, and when I did think about it I just got angry. I had killed the battery in my phone from checking it constantly and sat at my computer to plug it in to charge. I decided one last check before giving up on Trent for good and opened my browser to check my emails.

My single new message was, of course, from Trent. The subject line simply said NSFW and I thought how appropriate that would have been eight to four hours ago when I actually was at work. Dickhead, I cursed him in my mind.

My fingers were shaking as I clicked the message open. All it had was a url for a website, long and full of random numbers and letters. The message was sent just minutes ago I noticed by the clock in the corner of the screen. With a brief moment of hesitation, I clicked the link.

It was some kind of porn website, and the page that opened was titled Beach Wedding Slave. I scrolled through and recognized picture after picture of myself, thankfully with my face blurred out. Pictures of me in the red g-string by the pool, pictures of me tied to the chair, pictures of me on the bed with the leather hood while Wes fucked me, pictures of me with the word SLUT written above my ass framed with the leopard print thong, closeup pictures of my yellow speedo with the chastity cage outlined underneath, pictures of me naked, getting fucked, sucking cock, cock locked in chastity, ass filled with a buttplug - the entire catalogue of images Trent had taken with his phone during our time together. I recognized familiar faces, there was Javier and Romano, the other twink Carlos who I had practically forgotten. There was even a grainy picture of me standing with my arm around Ryan shortly after he and Felice said their vows. Thank god the faces were blurred, I thought. The pictures were incredibly hot either way. As I scrolled to the bottom of the page, I saw a video. I clicked it to play and witnessed the string of resort staff fucking my ass and mouth as I wore the leather hood. Romano had not only been keeping me safe from harm, but had also been filming the whole thing.

I was shocked. I was turned on. I wanted Trent's cock and I wanted it bad. I started to read the string of comments at the bottom of the page, all posted in the last two months. People were saying how hot the pictures were and how much they wanted a piece of the ass getting fucked. It was flattering and it was making me hot. My dick was struggling in my pants for a release and I pulled it out and gave it a stroke as I looked over the webpage again.

The familiar plinking sound of a new email drew my attention and I switched screens. Another email from Trent awaited me in my inbox. I clicked the icon and gave my cock another stroke.

The email read: Matthew, sorry for the delay. Wes required severe retraining to deal with his attitude problem but I am confident the matter has been corrected. We would like to invite you to our farm this weekend for a relaxing getaway. I hope you enjoyed the website. Let's say 9:00pm Friday night?

An address was left under the message and I recognized it as being an area right outside of town, not all that far of a drive from where I lived. My heart felt like it skipped a beat and I flipped back to the screen with the website to finish stroking my cock. Wes had slyly captured a picture of Trent kissing me after one of our fuck sessions and it was to this image I blew my load, the biggest since the resort.

With warm cum soaking into the fabric of my work shirt, I switched screens and typed my reply.

"See you Friday, Sir."


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