Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Apr 6, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 13

"You'll never guess who we ran into. Did you know Javier's boyfriend is an American soldier?"

I sat in shock for a moment. So the whole thing had been a set-up? I can't believe I fell for it, but the three soldiers had been so convincing in their roles. The more I thought about it, the more I believed things could have gone very bad for me if I had resisted - set- up or not. I was lost in thought while we drove down the dusty road and Trent just smiled while it sunk in.

"You better eat your food before it gets cold," he called out to me over the noise of the jeep. I was pretty hungry, not to mention thirsty. I drained half the water bottle and then started in on the sandwich, it was delicious.

We drove for a while and I enjoyed the scenery while Trent and Wes talked in the front. I poured a little water into my hands and rubbed the mess off my face, I was covered in cum and dirt and probably sauce from the food. Thankfully, a couple napkins were tucked in with the sandwich and I used these to wipe myself clean.

Just as I finished, I realized we were rolling to a stop. Trent had gone offroad again and we were in an open field that looked like it had just been harvested. I could see tilled earth all around us, dark and rich. The jeep was perched along a narrow path between fields, the set of thin ruts made me think it was meant for a cart and not a vehicle.

"Out," Trent ordered.

I set the napkins down and hopped out of the jeep. I could feel the heat in the ground through my sneakers and was glad I hadn't worn sandals today. Trent and Wes came around on each side and converged on me behind the vehicle. I stepped back and could feel warm rubber of the jeep's spare tire pressed against my shoulders. Trent had that intense look on his face again and I knew we hadn't stopped to take pictures of the scenery.

I probably should have noticed earlier, Wes was acting more submissive than he had been before the restaurant. He wasn't standing beside Trent, but a foot behind his partner with his head bowed down.

"How many loads did you get in your pussy when those soldiers fucked you, boy?" Trent barked, stepping so close to me we were almost touching. I could smell him, he had been sweating in the heat of the sun and the faint odor was intoxicating.

"Three Sir," I answered, hanging my head down in submission.

"Nice, boy," Trent replied, inching even closer to me. "That's two more than Wes got. Isn't that right"

Wes remained silent for a moment before saying, "Yes Sir."

Trent turned and shot his boyfriend a smirk, and then focussed back on me. "You see, Matthew, while you were getting your ass fucked by those three soldiers, our little Wes here was busy getting fucked too. Javier's boyfriend was all too eager to dump a load in his tight little hole in the back of his truck. I could hear you moaning like a bitch in heat while Wes was begging for cock too."

I should have known, Wes's behavior was just like it had been when Trent punished him days ago. If I had any doubt in my mind that this whole day trip had been a set-up by Trent, those notions were gone now. By Wes's sulking, I was guessing him getting screwed too hadn't been part of their original plan.

I already knew Trent liked fucking an ass after it had been used by other men and was hoping that's what he had in mind now. I felt a little ashamed of myself for a moment, already eager for my next fuck after getting gang-banged less than an hour before. Without being asked, I pulled down my dirty speedos and they fell to the ground at my feet. I turned around and put my hands on the spare tire attached to the back of the jeep, arching my back towards Trent as I spread my legs apart.

"That's right, bitch, you know what to do," he hissed and I felt his rough hand run down my back. He reached between my legs and pulled the buttplug out of my hole in one swift motion causing me to jump in surprise. I watched the black rubber sail through the air as he tossed it into the back of the jeep. A second later he shoved two fingers up my ass and was working them in and out of my rectum as I moaned in pleasure. Wes seemed to follow our lead, I saw him removing his clothes as I looked over my shoulder.

A minute later Wes was also naked, and Trent pulled his fingers out of me and stepped aside. "Get your fucking cock in his ass, boy," Trent ordered his boyfriend.

Wes was only half hard himself and I could feel him move in behind me. I wished Trent was the one about to fuck me, but in all honesty I was content to have any cock in my hungry hole. I felt Wes push into me and could tell he was getting harder with every passing second. After the head of his cock slipped into my slick chute he slowly worked the rest of himself in. My cum-filled ass was putting up no resistance and he entered me smoothly and painlessly. I gasped as Wes finished with one slow shove.

"Ugghh, yeah!" I grunted when Wes stopped to give me a moment to adjust. He reached up and pinned my hands down against the back of the jeep before starting to pump himself vigorously into my ass and I could hear his sweaty flesh smacking loud against my asscheeks. I could see the muscles in his arms tense beautifully as they braced my body, his bare skin warm against my own.

"You boys are so hot," Trent said from behind us and I snuck a look to see him opening up his shorts and pulling his huge, hard cock out. He had pulled his shirt up over the front of his head, it was hooked behind his neck and looped around his shoulders. "Fuck that cunt," he encouraged his boyfriend.

Trent came closer as Wes continued to plow my hole. He positioned himself behind us and lined his cock up to Wes's ass, and as Wes pulled out of me he pushed himself back onto Trent's cock.

"Oooohhh, yes!" squealed Wes as his boyfriend's cock slid deep. He let out a sigh and then pushed his hips forward to drive his prick back into me before pulling out and pushing himself deep onto Trent's member once again. Wes continued to piston fuck me, each thrust into my ass pulled Trent's out of his, each draw back caused him to moan as his boyfriend filled him deep. Trent simply stood tight behind us, letting Wes fuck himself as he fucked me.

"Your cock feels so good, Sir," Wes moaned. He kept up the quick pace of his thrusts for a few minutes but I could tell the double sensation of fucking and getting fucked was driving him quickly over the edge.

"You're doing good, boy," Trent whispered into his boyfriend's ear.

I could feel Wes's sweat dripping off his brow and trickling down my back. Suddenly, he released my wrists and grabbed my hips, burying his cock as deep as he could inside me. I tried to help by spreading my legs open another inch and pushing my ass back into his pelvis.

"Ooohh, fuck!" Wes yelled and unleashed a hot volley of cum in my wet ass, adding his load to those left by the soldiers. He pushed so hard into me that Trent's cock slipped from his own hole and I could feel the hard plastic cock cage around me grind into the rubber of the spare tire I was propped against. He pulled back and slammed into me several more times, each jolt sending another spray of cum into me. He collapsed against me, breathing hard as his manhood still twitched weakly in my hole.

But Wes had barely a moment to rest before Trent grabbed him and pulled his boyfriend off of me. He stumbled and fell into the dirt, landing on his ass as he twisted to break his fall. He showed no sign of anger as he remained at our feet, instead grinning like a fool and fondling his spent prick as he watched us.

Wes's cock was out of my hole no more than a second before I felt Trent slide his slick member home. He started pumping my ass immediately, slamming his dick hard into my chute. From his intense energy I could tell he was incredibly turned on, more so than any previous time we had fucked.

"Your ass is so full of cum, slut. I can feel my cock in there practically swimming," he hissed into my ear before biting me on the shoulder. The unexpected pain caused me to clench my ass tight on his cock and he let out a moan. "You're a good whore, I love it when you fill yourself up with loads for me."

He was getting himself worked up and I was feeding off of his energy too. I found myself grinding back into him to match his pace, working the muscles of my ass on his pole. My own sorry dick was struggling in the cage, trying to get hard. Wes remained at our feet watching us, a pleased look on his face.

"Fuck me Sir, I want your cum inside me," I pleaded.

"You want my load, cunt? You want me to shoot in your hole? Beg for it," Trent said between grunts as he pumped in and out of my ass.

"I need your cum, Sir," I pleaded. "I need your seed inside me."

"You want me to breed you, bitch? Flood you?

"Please Sir, please!" Trent leaned in and bit me on the shoulder again, causing my ass to tighten up even further.

"Here it comes, slut," Trent groaned into my ear. "I'm going to shoot! Aaaarh...." He let out a long, loud bellow and slammed his cock one last time into my cum-filled hole. His cock spasmed once and then began to unleash a huge load of cum, spurting hot jizz deep inside my chute. With each pulse, I clenched myself down onto his member, milking his cock for all the cum I could. I was in heaven, my mind flashing back and forth between the pleasure of the moment and the anticipation of Trent allowing me to cum. I had been trying to get him to cum inside me every chance I could to cash in on our bargain.

He slowed his pace and I could feel the tenseness in his body relax as he pressed into me. His touch softened and he began to kiss my shoulder where he had been biting moments before. "You're such a sweet boy, Matthew," he purred in my ear. "Every time I'm inside you I feel like a lucky man." I turned my head and tried to kiss him, and Trent met my mouth eagerly with his own.

I let out a little whimper as we kissed, feeling Trent's cock slide out of my hole. With five loads in me, there was literally a steady trickle of cum running down my leg in the moment after he pulled out. I could feel Wes at our feet, pushing in between our legs. Trent broke our kiss to let out a low moan and I glanced down to see Wes working on his boyfriend's cock with his mouth. Suddenly Trent was working his fingers into my hole and it felt like he was digging for something. As quickly as he slid them in, he pulled his fingers out and I could see they were coated in semen. He pulled his cock out past Wes's slick lips and shoved his fingers into his boyfriend's hungry mouth.

With his free hand, Trent sunk his fingers deep into my hole again. A second later he was pushing those same fingers into my mouth and I could taste the sweet and salty flavor of cum on my tongue. He pulled Wes up to his feet and had the three of us standing together, Wes and I both sucking on the fingers of each of his hands.

"You boys both make me so proud," Trent whispered to us and the closeness of our three bodies was beautiful. He pulled his hands away from our mouths and slid an arm around each of us, hugging our bodies into his. I was lost in the moment of our shared intimacy, almost forgetting about Trent's promise to allow me to cum. But my caged cock grinding into Trent's hip must have refreshed his memory because he pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I suppose you want to cum now?" he asked, his voice almost gentle.

"Yes Sir," I said before adding, "please!"

Wes had broken away and was busy picking his discarded clothes up out of the dirt. Trent reached into his pocket and pulled out that familiar little brass key tied to a loop of string. As he handed it to me he tucked his own cock back into his shorts, zipping up and hiding his manhood away.

My hands were practically shaking as I worked the little key into the padlock on my dick. In a matter of moments I had pulled the cage off of me and my cock sprang to life in my eager hand. Trent took the pieces of the chastity cage from me and handed them to Wes who was now standing dressed beside us. Wes took the pieces and left to sit in the front of the jeep.

As I was stroking my prick in freedom, Trent grabbed my wrist and said, "No."

I looked at him confused, my cock still throbbing in my hand.

"What was our agreement, Matthew?" he asked and I was trapped in that stare of his.

It took me a moment to comprehend what he was asking before finally answering, "I get to cum each time you cum in me."

"Correct." Trent still hadn't released his grip on my wrist. "And what did you do when the soldiers were fucking you?"

Jesus, I thought, he was outside while Wes was getting fucked in the truck - he must have been listening to us. I knew immediately I couldn't hide the fact that the soldiers had made me cum in the cage without ever directly stimulating my cock.

"I came, Sir... but it wasn't my fault, I..."

"No excuses, boy!" Trent barked. "You knew our agreement, you owe me. Wouldn't you agree?"

Defeated, I answered, "Yes Sir."

Again his attitude softened in the blink of an eye. He released his grip on my arm, but also pulled the bracelet he had given me in the marketplace down off of my wrist. He knelt before me and looped the strap of leather around my cock and balls, tightening the strands through the beaded closure snugly around my manhood.

With my hard cock pointing towards his face, he looked up at me and said, "We're even now. And just to show you I have no hard feelings, I will let you wear this as a sign of my ownership of your dick instead of the cage." He flashed a warm smile up at me, causing my heart to flutter in my surprise. He was a beautiful man and I began to envy Wes. "I knew you hated wearing that thing, I think this will be a better fit," he said as he gave the leather bracelet a soft tug.

And if that surprise wasn't enough, Trent opened his mouth and ran his tongue along the underside of my cock - starting at the balls and ending at the tip. I felt my body convulse in pleasure and my legs felt like they were going to give out under me. In a heartbeat Trent was standing before me, holding me tight against his chest with his strong arms.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I'll stop teasing you." His smile was wolfish and endearing. Before I could react, he pressed his lips into mine and began to kiss me, slow and sensuous. We remained entwined like that for several long moments, enjoying each others' mouths.

Our moment of bliss was rudely interrupted when a sharp sound pierced through the air - Wes had honked the jeep's horn. "Would you two hurry up, we have to get the jeep back before they close," he yelled from the passenger's seat.

Trent released me from his grip and looked me in the eye. It seemed like he was going to say something and I waited with baited breath. However, nothing came and instead he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. "He's right, we have to go," Trent said softly. He bent down and picked up my speedo off the ground, handing it to me kindly. Trent slid his arm around my shoulder and walked me to the back of the jeep, supporting me as I climbed in bare-assed. I collapsed into the seat, not bothering to put the swimsuit back on just yet. He climbed into the front and started up the engine.

Wes turned around to look at me as we drove away. "Jesus, put some clothes on, you tramp," he said, his face contorted in a look of disgust. My feeling of joy started to sink but a heartbeat later he faltered, and his face transformed into a smile and he began to laugh. The smile he gave me was warm and sincere and I felt relief wash over me.

He held something out for me and said, "I should give these back to you." I took the rolled up ball of fabric from his hand and shook it out, realizing it was the green and yellow underwear Trent had taken from me that first night on the beach. I hadn't even noticed Wes had been wearing them when he stripped nude before fucking me.

With an equally warm and genuine smile, I held my underwear back out for Wes to take. "I want you to have them," I replied, hoping he would accept. He did, and in that moment I knew his feelings of jealousy towards me were gone and I was hopeful that we could become friends. I caught a glimpse of Trent watching me in the rearview mirror and he winked when our eyes met. The smile on my face lasted our entire drive back.

We made it back to the village before the sun went down, but unfortunately just missed the shuttle back to the resort. It came every two hours and we had some time to kill. I had put my clothes back on in the jeep as we drove, and I was carrying a plastic bag with my souvenirs from the market along with the pieces of the chastity device and the black rubber buttplug. I almost felt less embarrassed wearing the things than hauling them around in a bag that was practically see-through.

We were all getting hungry and Trent found us a small restaurant on an open patio just around the corner from the marketplace. There were a handful of tourists sitting around, enjoying delicious smelling food. A band was setting up in the corner by a small dancefloor and as we took our seats they began to play traditional Cuban music, fun and lively. We ordered food and sat back to enjoy the evening.

Our waitress was a young woman who was eager to practice her English with us. Wes would seamlessly switch between English and Spanish as he talked with her every time she stopped by our table. Everyone was laughing and joking and we were all enjoying each other's company. The food was amazing and I was thinking what a good thing it was that we missed our shuttle, we would have been crammed into the buffet eating the same selection of food as the night before if we had made it back to the resort.

The band was really getting into it and Trent was tapping his foot in time with the tune. The sun had set and the patio was illuminated with hanging lights strung all around us, creating a dreamy effect with small points of light everywhere. As I finished eating, Trent stood and held his hand out to me, "Let's dance."

I hesitated only for a second, worried about what everyone would think of two men dancing together. The sparkle in Trent's eye convinced me to join him, and I decided I didn't care what people thought. As soon as we stepped onto the dancefloor, Trent spun me around and grabbed my hand, placing his other on my hip. It felt natural to rest my hand on his shoulder and we began to move in time with the music.

We danced alone for a few minutes and I tried to keep up with Trent, he was much better on his feet than me. As we spun around I saw Wes dropping several bills into the band's tip jar and he shot us a warm smile. Just as the waitress passed by, he intercepted her and pulled her onto the dancefloor to join us. This started a chain reaction, and within a couple minutes the tiny dancefloor was crowded with couples moving to the music. I was so happy in that moment, I didn't want it to ever end. Trent and Wes traded places several times, each taking a turn spinning the waitress around. Wes had something clever to tease me about each time he took me in his arms, telling me that I had two left feet or asking me if the moves to Thriller were the only dance steps I knew. I may have looked foolish stumbling around on that dancefloor, but I was so happy I felt like a million dollars.

But all good things must come to an end and we had to catch our shuttle back to the resort. Wes paid our bill and left the waitress a big tip, giving her a kiss on the cheek as we departed. We climbed onto the shuttle with a handful of others and drove back in the dark. Trent and Wes sat in the back and spent most of the trip making out like a couple of teenagers. I felt a small pang of jealousy as I watched them while sitting by myself, wishing that I could trade places with Wes.

When we made it back to the resort things were pretty lively. It was Friday night and there was a big water show going on at the pool. We stopped to watch for a while and I got drinks for all of us at the bar. After a while we decided to head in for the night. Trent surprised me by handing me the keycard to my own room.

"I'll be along shortly," he informed me. "I expect you to be ready for me." And with that he and Wes went off towards their room, and I headed in the opposite direction to mine.

I decided to have a quick shower to wash off the dirt and grime after spending most of the day nearly naked in the back of a dirty jeep. I stepped under the spray and took a moment to stroke my cock, admiring the leather strap Trent allowed me to wear instead of the cock cage. Though I focussed on scrubbing my body clean, I avoided my ass so I could maintain as much of the 'fresh fucked' feel for Trent as I could.

I finished with the shower and tested my ass by slipping a finger into my hole. It slid in without a problem and came out still slick with the remains of cum from earlier in the day - I was content. I lay on the bed as I waited for Trent to make his appearance and ended up dozing off after an hour of waiting. It was approaching midnight by the time I awoke to the sound of the door opening, my cock immediately began to stiffen thinking about Trent joining me here on the bed.

As soon as he saw me he smiled, "There you are." I rose to greet him but he put his hands on my shoulders and gently held me down. "Sit." was all he said.

I positioned myself on the edge of the bed, sitting before him. He ran his hands through my hair, caressing the back of my neck with each pass. I closed my eyes and became lost in the moment, each touch sending a shiver down my back.

"You're a beautiful boy, Matthew," he said to me and I let out a soft sigh. I felt his hand on my chin and I opened my eyes to see him bend at the waist and move his face close to mine. His lips pressed into my own and Trent began to kiss me, slow and sweet. He explored my mouth with his tongue while he slipped a hand down my chest and used it to probe at my sensitive skin. When he gave my nipple a gentle pinch I moaned into his mouth with pleasure.

He broke our kiss and stood up straight, his hands massaging his lower back, muttering, "I'm old." I let out a laugh, he had been standing in a very awkward position I thought. Without further hesitation, I grabbed his shirt and lifted it up and sunk my face into the trail of hair leading up out of his shorts. I licked and kissed all around his abdomen, savoring the faint taste of sweat on his skin and the masculine smell of him. Trent responded by pulling off his shirt and letting out a soft sigh as I tickled him with my tongue.

I didn't wait too long before moving in for the real prize. Without missing a beat, I continued to lick his abdomen while unfastening his shorts, pulling them down around his ankles. He was wearing his usual boxer shorts and I hooked my hands into the waistband and slid them down his hips and muscular thighs. Trent's long, thick dick hung in front of my face making my mouth water.

I exhibited an ounce of self discipline and managed to sink my face into his pubes, licking him all around the base of his manhood. The deep scent of his masculinity was mixed with the smell of sex, I could tell he had fucked Wes before he came knocking at my door. Surprisingly, the thought of being his second choice turned me on incredibly - I imagined he must have been thinking of me while he fucked his boyfriend.

Spurred on by my sudden burst of excitement, I took his whole cock into my mouth and I could taste the precum that had spread along the head. Another taste was present and I knew it to be a faint mix of his cum and Wes's ass, something else to drive me wild. I worked my mouth up and down his pole, running my tongue along the shaft and savoring the feel of the head pressing into the back of my throat. I used a hand to hold his balls, squeezing and tugging gently as I sucked on his manhood. Trent let me have my way with him and concentrated on running his hands through my hair as he stood before me.

"Ooohhhh," he sighed, "you're such a good boy, Matthew." I wanted to be a good boy for him, I needed it I realized.

I continued my assault on his cock with more determination but Trent had other plans than shooting a load down my throat. He pulled me up to stand before him, his cock sliding out of my mouth as I rose from the edge of the bed. He wrapped his big arms around me and pulled me so tightly into him I found myself gasping for breath. His lips locked onto mine and he kissed me, eagerly tasting himself in my mouth. I could feel his hard cock pressing into me, throbbing in excitement.

I still had my eyes closed in enjoyment when I felt Trent spin me around. He was so much bigger than me that he had no trouble lifting me off my feet to move us. Trent pushed me up against the wall and in one swift motion, hoisting me up with his arms and pinning me down with his hips. I leaned back into the wall and could feel his hard cock pointing at me, waiting at the opening to my ass. He looked into my eyes and I was mesmerized that this man would want anything to do with me, let alone want to fuck me as much as I wanted him to fuck him. Without breaking eye contact, he let my weight drop and I felt myself sliding down onto his hard dick, gasping as the big head popped into my hole.

He continued to let my weight down slowly, reading my body for any signs of discomfort. I winced just after he slid into me and he stopped immediately, whispering, "Are you ok?" After reassuring him that I was, he resumed working his cock into my hole. When my ass came to rest against his groin he pushed me into the wall to make sure he was all the way inside.

He held me there, breaking his stare to kiss my neck. It felt so wonderful to have him take control of me like this yet be so gentle and considerate. My own hard dick was pressed into his chest, becoming slick with my precum.

"Trent, I need you to fuck me," I begged. He broke away from my neck to give me an odd look, his brow furrowed and his lips slightly pursed. It took me a second but I found myself pleading, "Sir! I need you to fuck me, Sir!"

His face melted into a big smile and then he kissed me so hard my head banged into the wall behind me. Trent began to rock me up and down on his cock, releasing my weight and lifting me with his hips, and then holding me into the wall as he pulled out. He had complete control and the only thing I could contribute was the frequent clenching of my ass muscles to compliment his thrusts.

"Do you like my cock in your ass, Matthew? Does it feel good to have me inside you?" Trent whispered as he dropped his head onto my shoulder.

"Your cock feels amazing," I panted in reply. "I need you, Sir."

Trent became more excited at this and he dug his cock deeper and deeper into my slick hole, rubbing against my prostate and filling me with an incredible sense of pleasure. He cupped his hands on my asscheeks as he repeatedly thrust back and forth.

"Take my cock, little boy," he sighed.

I groaned each time he drove his cock inside of me and I could feel myself stretching around his pole. I pulled him into me using my legs, and he kissed me hungrily as he worked his cock with skill. He looked me in the eyes and his focussed attention sent a wave of excitement through me almost as intense as the fucking. It felt so amazing to be held in his control, speared on his manhood and trapped in his gaze. I had to close my eyes to bring myself under control and he moved in to kiss me light on the lips, gently rubbing my face with his scruffy skin.

"Ooohhh," I moaned, "you make me feel so good, Sir."

I held him tight against me and his fucking got more and more intense, a sense of urgency in his thrusts.

"You're mine, Matthew," he panted, "I'm going to take good care of you."

Trent leaned in to kiss me again just as I was leaning forward to do the same thing. Our foreheads connected with a thump and we both recoiled in surprise. The flash of pain was brief and for a second my vision blurred, but a heartbeat later we were both laughing out loud at our clumsiness. Trent silenced me with a kiss, this time or coordination was perfect.

His cock began to swell inside of me and my hole struggled to adjust. His kiss became more forceful, more desperate. With his lips still locked on mine, he moaned into my mouth and I felt him explode, flooding me with his seed. He kept pumping my ass through his orgasm, each thrust pushing his cum deeper and deeper into me.

Trent broke away from my mouth, he was panting heavily and his chest was heaving against my own. His head dropped onto my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him to cradle him into me. We remained embraced like that for several moments, his cock still in my ass twitching occasionally while he held my weight. He began to regain his composure and started to kiss the side of my neck gently.

Without warning, he spun me around and tossed me onto the bed before collapsing beside me, laughing at my surprise when I felt his cock slide out of me before bouncing a foot off of the mattress. Trent was on his side now, propping his head up with a bent arm, one of his meaty legs wrapped over my own.

We lay there for a moment while I looked up at him, sharing smiles as we enjoyed the moment. His smile changed, from gentle to mischievous. He held his free hand up to his face and spat in the palm and I gasped when he began to stroke my cock. His slick hand slid up and down my member, squeezing the sensitive head with each pass. I melted into the bed, overcome with the sensation.

It didn't take long before I was erupting in his hand, spraying my chest with my seed. Trent continued to stroke my cock and I let out a whimper, the sudden intensity causing me to squirm. He let out a chuckle and released me, saying, "Good boy."

Trent raised his hand to his mouth and licked my cum off of his fingers. I watched him in awe, loving what he was doing. When he was satisfied, he removed his hand and rolled on top of me, pinning me down underneath his weight. He kissed me, slow and steadily, and I could taste myself on his tongue and lips.

We continued to kiss long into the night, rolling around in the bed as we explored each other's bodies with our hands and mouths. I eventually drifted off to sleep wrapped in his big arms thinking that this was the perfect end to a perfect day. I prayed to myself that this moment would never end, but in the back of my head I was painfully aware that tomorrow would be our last day on the resort, and quite possibly our last day together.

Next: Chapter 14

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