Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 11

"I brought company," Trent said from behind the three young men, a smile a mile wide on his face. How the hell did he convince them to come up here, I thought in a panic. "Matthew, I'd like you to meet Sam, Rick and Woody."

I was still so stunned, it took a moment to register that Trent had been speaking. The three dudes were standing there before me looking awkward and nervous. It suddenly struck me that I was laying on the bed naked and had been fingering my ass when everyone had come into the room. I pulled a sheet over myself to cover my hard cock and my embarrassment.

"I was just telling the boys here, Matthew, what a top notch cocksucker you are," Trent continued without missing a beat. "They're here on vacation without their girlfriends and haven't had much luck with the girls on the resort." Trent stepped forward past the guys and grabbed the sheet, yanking it down off of me in one quick motion. I was once again completely exposed in front of them all.

"I thought it might be nice for you to give them a little relief, show them how good you are at sucking dick," Trent said. "What do you think?"

I managed a weak sounding, "Yes Sir." My eyes passed over each of the guys, quickly taking in the situation. The first one, who I recall his friends naming Rick down by the pool, was tall and dark, a well defined chest under a tight fitting tshirt. The one in the middle, who had thrown my underwear into the pool, was shorter and built of solid muscle to match the cocky look on his face. The third dude was heavier, with a bit of a belly, a handsome face framed with a well trimmed beard. They all looked to be in their early 20s, not much older than the hustler twinks from the beach. It was obvious all three had been drinking and were clearly in various stages of being drunk. I was beginning to understand how Trent managed to convince them to come up to the room.

"Come on boys, don't be shy," Trent encouraged. "Matthew has been getting lots of practice lately, he won't disappoint." I picked up on how he said the word boys, it was the same way he said it to me - Trent was definitely in control of this situation. He signalled for me to get off the bed and I found myself kneeling on the floor before the three dudes, thankful that this new position offered me more modesty than laying spread naked on the bed.

"He can suck my dick," the muscular guy said, "but I'm not going to let him swallow my cum."

"Yeah, same here," the one named Rick added.

"Not a problem," Trent reassured, "Matthew had the foresight to lay out three cumrags for us." Trent was now leaning on the dresser and had found the speedos I had draped there.

This seemed to please the three guys, and they positioned themselves around me, Rick to the left and the other two beside him. The muscled one in the middle began to undo his belt first, for some reason he was wearing bluejeans in this excessive southern heat. He popped his buttons open and I could see a baggy pair of striped boxers underneath. To the left, Rick began to undo the laces holding his board shorts closed. The last one stood there massaging his manhood through the fabric of his cargo shorts.

"You want to go first, Sam?" asked Rick of the one in the middle, allowing me to figure out the heavier guy was Woody.

"Fuck yeah, I'm going to bust my nut on this queer's face," he answered. He yanked his boxers down and revealed a modest sized cock jutting out from a thick bush of dark pubes. He jerked his shirt up slightly and I could see the hair continued up over his defined abs. I opened my mouth and moved in, eager to feel his cock reach it's full hardness in my mouth. I grasped his thighs and felt his disproportionately thin legs through the thick fabric. Clearly he spent all his time at the gym working on his upper body, I thought to myself, no wonder he's wearing jeans.

Even as I approached Sam's cock, the aroma of his musky manhood rose up to numb my senses, clouding my mind with lust. He had a good looking cut cock, about the same size as mine. Two hairy balls dangled down from his shaft, resting on his jeans bunched halfway down his thighs. I reached forward and took his balls in my hand, gently pulling him closer to my face.

I ran my tongue along the shaft of his prick, taking time to swirl it around the head and taste Sam's precum. He moaned in response, his cock rock hard and throbbing even before I even took it into my mouth. I knew right away this muscled boy would not last long once I got my lips wrapped around his pole. "That's right queer, lick my cock," Sam groaned.

Beside me, Rick had opened his shorts and pulled out his handsome dark cock and was slowly stroking it to erection. Woody was still working his meat through his cargo shorts and seemed reluctant to pull out in front of his friends. From the corner of my eye, I could see Trent leaned up against the dresser watching us.

Rick looked towards Trent as I did and said, "Remember dude, no pictures."

Trent nodded, smiling as he watched me on my knees. "I'll remember as long as you remember to text me the ones you took of Matthew last night." He then looked right at me and said, "We're going to have to start you a scrapbook."

Rick continued to stroke his prick with one hand, and managed to pull out his phone and work it easily with the other. I have always been baffled when I've witnessed some guy in a washroom taking a piss and sending a text message at the same time, this struck me as hardly any different. "What's your number?" he said and punched it in as quickly as Trent listed it off. Barely a heartbeat later Trent's phone vibrated and chimed simultaneously. "There," Rick said and deftly returned his phone to his pocket.

I figured I wasted enough time licking Sam's shaft, it was time to show these boys what a good cocksucker I could be. I swallowed his prick whole, taking all of him down my throat without any gagging. I reached a hand up to stroke Rick's cock and another to rub Woody's through his shorts and all three boys moaned in unison. I slid my lips up and down Sam's hard shaft, his member slick with my spit. His cock started to throb and I knew he was getting close to orgasm. I may have been disappointed in his lack of stamina if I didn't have two more cocks awaiting my talented mouth.

"Fuck, I'm gonna shoot!" Sam threw his head back and let out a long deep moan. He put a hand on my forehead to push me away, simultaneously pulling his cock out of my mouth and I remembered his reluctance to let 'the queer' swallow his cum. Before I could give it further thought, I saw his cock erupt and felt him shoot his thick load onto my face. Gobs and gobs of his sticky white cum splashed over me and I knew I had done a good job giving him head.

"Fuck yeahhhhhhh," he groaned through clenched teeth.

When he finished, I had just enough time to run my tongue over my sticky lips and taste his seed before my vision went black with the fabric of the first speedo. Trent stood behind me and was rubbing the swimsuit over my face, collecting up all of Sam's load on the colorful material. "Next," he said and returned to lean on the dresser with the cum drenched speedo.

Rick stepped up for his turn, shouldering his friend to the side. His board shorts had fallen to his ankles and he held his cock in his hand, pointing it towards my face. It was darker than Sam's fleshy pink member, with a foreskin wrapped tight around the head. Rick's balls were hairless and his pubes were cropped close and sculpted into a neat patch. I reached forward and he let me take his cock in my hand and I opened my mouth to swallow his swollen member.

My mouth was hot and wet on his prick and Rick responded to me with a shudder that ran through his body echoed with a moan. I alternated between sucking on the head and running my tongue under his foreskin and licking up and down his rock-hard fuckpole.

After several minutes, I sensed he was getting close. He had been stroking his shaft while I blew Sam and had already worked himself halfway towards orgasm. I bobbed my head up and down on his pole until he began to shake in my mouth and I knew it was time for my second facial.

I allowed him to pull his cock out of my mouth and he started to stroke it quickly. I angled my head to the side and began running my tongue over his hairless balls. This brought Rick to the edge and he busted a nut on my face as I continued to lick his sack and around the insides of his thighs. As he finished cumming, Trent was once again behind me to wipe the load off my face with the second pair of speedos. "Good boy," he whispered in my ear.

Rick joined his buddy Sam on the edge of the bed, both boys had already pulled their pants up and were alternating between looking at me and looking at the floor. The only cock left was Woody's, their heavyset shy friend.

I turned my body so I was in front of him and reached for the waistband of his shorts. He was sporting a big erection, I could tell, but was reluctant to reveal his cock. I assumed he was self conscious of his body, particularly around his two gym obsessed buddies. If he only knew how attractive he really was, I thought, he was very handsome and his few extra pounds only added to his masculinity. Compared to his two friends who were basically douchebags, Woody was a catch.

But when I pulled his shorts down and his prick sprung to life before my eyes I knew his reluctance was not because of his body image. Running through the slit of his prick and looping down under the head was a thick metal ring - Woody was hiding a pierced cock.

"Shit man! When did you get that done?" Rick blurted when he saw his friend's penis.

"Did it hurt?" Sam questioned a second after.

Woody's only answer was a sharp inhale followed by a deep moan, I had already wrapped my mouth around his fleshy, pierced cock. He filled my mouth more than either of his friends, and I could tell he would have more stamina than the both of them combined. I worked myself up and down on his member, licking and sucking and trying not to chip a tooth on his piercing. It was an odd sensation having the metal move around in my mouth like that. I did my best to tune into what he liked and unsurprisingly found that he prefered when I held just the tip of his cock in my mouth and ran my tongue over the ring. He also responded quite well when I ran my hands up his chest, feeling his nipples and hairy belly.

I blew Woody for quite a while before he started to get close to cumming. For the past few minutes my mind was fixated on what it would look like when he came, the piercing was running right through his piss slit. I would have to be cautious not to get an eyeful of cum trying to solve this particular mystery I reminded myself.

Woody began to moan deeper and he made no move to pull out of my mouth. He took me by surprise by shooting the first burst of cum and I could taste his salty essence on my tongue. I pulled him out before he could dump his entire load down my throat and felt the next few spurts of cum splash over my face. He was groaning so loud it was almost yelling and I could hear his buddies coaxing him on. Another couple spasms of his cock and he was done. As I watched his cum shoot from his prick, I could tell the piercing was not doing much to block his flow.

One last time Trent covered my messy face with a speedo, this time my new yellow suit, and wiped the cum off of my face. By the time he was finished, Woody had pulled his shorts back up and all three of the dudes were awkwardly making their way to leave. Trent dropped the speedo into my lap and I could feel the cum soaked fabric wet against my dick. Standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders, Trent said goodbye to the boys. "Cum again anytime," he said, laughing to himself at his play on words.

The three shuffled out without a word and before they closed the door behind them I heard Rick say, "Holy shit, can you believe we just did that?"

"Dude was pretty good at sucking dick though," Sam replied before the door shut, leaving Trent and I alone.

Trent pulled me up and I turned to face him, the yellow speedo falling to the floor and my hard dick rubbing against his clothes. He pushed his mouth onto mine and we stood kissing for over a minute before he pulled away and said, "I love your dirty mouth, cocksucker." He gave me a peck on the forehead and I raised a hand to rub my cheeks, they were tingling from being rubbed by his stubble during our long kiss.

Trent pulled off his shirt and flopped down onto the bed, looking me over as I stood naked before him. "Why don't you try on one of those speedos," he said slyly.

"Yes Sir," I replied, picking up the yellow suit from the floor and setting it on the dresser with the others. I picked the one striped with blue and white, the first speedo used to mop up Sam's mess. Even though he rubbed me the wrong way, there was something incredibly hot about Sam's cocky attitude and my dick throbbed thinking about wearing the speedo covered in his cum. I pulled the swimsuit up over my nakedness and noticed Trent rubbing himself through his clothes.

"Hot," he said and I did a spin so he could see my ass as well. He motioned for me to come join him on the bed.

"How did you get those guys to come up here?" I asked as I climbed onto the bed, adding a 'Sir' to the question a moment later.

"Most men won't turn down a free blowjob," Trent said, "I hardly had to suggest it and they were eager to get their cocks sucked." He was running his hands over my body as I knelt on the bed beside him. He grabbed me and rolled and I found myself on my back with Trent on top of me, pinning me down.

"You've been a nonstop cockwhore, haven't you?" he whispered in my ear. I thought back to the afternoon fuck with the lifeguard and hustlers, ongoing sex with Trent and Wes, my romp with Ryan, and now blowing the three straight dudes. By my count 9 men had been inside me in the last week, an incredible contrast to several years of monogamous sex with Scott.

Trent began to lick my chest, holding my arms up over my head and working on my hairless armpits. I had been sweating and he was lapping at my pits eagerly. I tried to squirm under him, the sensation was causing my body to tremble, but he held me firmly down. My cock was straining in the cummy speedo and I could feel Trent's thigh pressed into my groin. I had spent so much time focussing on Trent's pleasure since we began fucking around that I was taken by surprise by his shift in attitude.

He continued to work his tongue on my chest, moving from my pits and heading south along my abdomen. The contrast between his hot tongue on my skin and the scrape of his stubble was amazing and I began to writhe in pleasure.

He worked his way down past my belly button and his face was in line with the speedo. He began to touch his tongue to the fabric, delicately at first and then with more pressure. I was squirming in pleasure underneath him, it had been days since anyone aside from me touched my cock with the intention of it being enjoyable. Trent was no longer licking my speedo, he was quite actively sucking it. A flash of disappointment washed over me, he wasn't teasing my cock for my enjoyment, he was sucking Sam's cum out of the swimsuit.

Still, it was a pleasurable feeling and Trent continued to work his mouth over the speedo for several minutes until the fabric was saturated with his saliva. He rolled me over onto my stomach and worked on the back, finding new cum stains to lick with his tongue.

Perhaps I had been too quick in assuming he was being selfish in his desires because after a few more minutes he yanked the speedo down over my hips. Without warning, he dove face first into my ass. I yelped in ecstasy as he ran his tongue over my tight hole, teasing my ass with his wet tongue. He pushed the speedo down my legs and forced my legs open, my wet hole vulnerable and exposed.

He continued to rim my ass and I squirmed in pure pleasure. "I wish your hole was full of cum," he drawled between breaths. I had several loads deposited in my ass during the afternoon orgy, but after a shower and about 10 hours of time in between I'm sure there wasn't much left for Trent to enjoy.

And then, as if to answer our prayer, there was a knock at the door. I had to laugh to myself, by now I pretty much assumed a knock at the door meant a cock in my ass - the only question was whose it would be?

Trent got up from the bed and made his way to the door. A moment later he led Woody back into the room and the two were talking quietly amongst themselves. I remained on my stomach, keeping my legs spread wide and looking over my shoulder at them.

"You said we could fuck him, right?" Woody was speaking barely louder than a whisper.

"You can fuck his ass all you want," Trent said and I could hear a little excitement in his voice. "But where are your friends? They didn't want a piece of ass too?" I could feel my cock throb underneath me thinking of Trent letting other men use my ass and mouth.

"Sam drank a half bottle of rum when he got back to our room and passed out. Rick locked himself in the bathroom and I could hear him on the phone with his girlfriend, I think they were having phone sex. I'm pretty sure he was jerking off."

"Well Matthew here is ready to be fucked, I'll just sit back and watch," Trent said. I could see the relief on Woody's face when he realized Trent wouldn't be making this fuck a threesome.

Trent took a seat across the room and kept quiet. I watched Woody strip out of his clothes, his pierced cock pointing excitedly towards me. He had a decent body, was built pretty solid and despite his little belly I could tell he was also muscular. His chest was covered with a matting of fur and his legs were thick with hair as well. I knew quite a few guys back home who were into bears and figured they'd be lining up for Woody if they had the chance.

He crawled on top of me and I could feel his body press down onto mine. He spit into his hand and then worked the saliva onto his cock before nestling it between my cheeks. The cold feel of his piercing sent a shiver up my spine. I expected him to fuck me in the same awkward silence that I experienced when I was giving him and his buddies head, but he surprised me by whispering in my ear, "Can I fuck you?"

"Yes, please fuck me," I eagerly replied and pushed my ass up to meet his groin.

Woody began to push into me and I could feel his cockhead slip past my sphincter, the tip of his cock invading my hole. I had wondered what the piercing would feel like inside me and was slightly disheartened when it felt no different than any other dick in my ass. However, Woody pushed himself a bit deeper and I could feel the piercing rub against my prostate and knew this fuck would feel different from all the rest.

I let out a groan of pleasure as he stretched my hole and he whispered in my ear, "Am I hurting you?" I shook my head no and pushed my ass further onto his cock to show him I was ok.

Woody continued to invade my chute with his pole, and held himself still once he was fully inside. I could hear his breathing behind me as he savored the warm tightness of my ass around his cock. Without warning, he began to kiss my neck and I was moved by his tenderness.

Woody continued kissing and began to withdraw his manhood as I tried to hold him in with the muscles of my ass. When just his cockhead remained, he reversed directions and drove his shaft back into me until his belly slapped against the small of my back. This began his constant motion, in and out, driving deep and then almost pulling free, listening to the slapping of our flesh as we met in rhythm.

Whenever I let out a moan, he would slow his pace and ask me if I was ok. I would reassure him that I was enjoying him inside me and he would pick up the pace and continue kissing my neck and shoulders.

The constant battering of my prostate by Woody's piercing was causing my cock to leak precum. I was enjoying him inside me so much I risked reaching a hand under me to grab onto my own swollen member, but noticed immediately Trent's disapproving look. I let out a sigh and let go of my dick.

A few minutes later, Woody quickened his pace and I knew he had reached the point of no return. Instead of holding himself deep inside me, he continued to pump my ass as he came - his pace never slowing. He pumped and pumped his load into me and I could see the smile widening on Trent's face as he watched. Woody squirted a few last bursts of seed inside me and then collapsed onto my back, breathing heavily into my ear. He left his cock buried in my ass and began to run his hand along the side of my chest in a lazy caress. He whispered to me from behind, "You're so hot."

I was beginning to think Woody was a little different from his friends. He pulled out of my ass with a wet sounding plop and raised himself up off the bed. "I've got to get back," he said as he began to look for his clothes. I wanted to show my appreciation for the pleasure he brought me and hopped out of bed after him. He gave me a brief look of fear and backed against the wall as I cornered him. I dropped to my knees and took his slimy cock into my mouth, cleaning the cum and taste of my ass from his wilting member. He relaxed immediately and hissed, "Ahhh fuck yeahhhhh," as I worked my tongue over his sensitive pierced cockhead.

In less than a minute his cock was spit shined and he pulled his cargo shorts up to cover himself. I stood up in front of him and dared to lean forward to give him a kiss. He was holding his tshirt and hesitated like a deer in the headlights. I pressed forward and put my mouth on his and began to kiss. He remained unresponsive for a moment, but then dropped his shirt to the floor and grabbed the back of my head with both of his hands and returned my kiss with an awkward passion. He wasn't a great kisser, but he made up for it with his enthusiasm. When we finally broke away from each other, he whispered a thank you in my ear before scooping up his shirt and making for the door, ready to escape.

I stood in the doorway as he left, watching him go. He practically ran down the stairs and looked over his shoulder once as he went, shooting me a smile. Trent came up from behind me and pushed an arm forward to close the door. Without a word he pulled me to the side and we were in the bathroom. I could see in the mirror he had pulled his cock out of his shorts and was standing behind me hard and ready.

He pushed me forward over the counter and kicked my legs apart at the ankles. I could feel a thin stream of cum leaking from my hole and running down the inside of my thigh. Trent caught my eyes in the mirror and held me frozen in his stare.

"I'm going to fuck your used ass, slut," he barked and aimed his cock at my twitching hole. In one brutal jab, he sunk his thick member all the way into me and I yelped in pain. He grabbed the back of my head by the hair, roughly digging his fingers into the flesh on my hip with the other.

"Take my cock, bitch. You just can't get enough dick in that ass of yours, can you?" He continued belittling me as he fucked me hard, battering my asscunt with his meat. Never once did he break eye contact through the mirror as he plowed me. After a moment though, I let my head drop - I couldn't hold the intensity of his stare and the intensity of his aggressive fuck at the same time and abandoned the one I could control.

My cock pressed hard against the countertop and I worried I might blow my load without even touching myself. Thankfully Trent began to shudder, his body signalling the oncoming orgasm.

"Should I flood your pussy? Do you want my load?" Just as I thought he would burst inside of me and spray my hole with his hot seed, he pulled his cock free from my quivering cunt. With a yell, Trent shot his load onto my cheeks and up my back. I could feel the trickle of his warm jizz run down the crack of my ass and let out a sigh, I had been so sure he was going to cum inside of me. I guess I won't be blowing a load tonight, I thought to myself.

Trent finished cumming and then stabbed his hard cock back inside of me. "You've been grabbing your prick all day like you own it, slut. You don't own it. Who owns your little dick?"

He slapped me hard across the ass and then grabbed my chin, forcing my face up to meet his eye in the mirror. "Who owns your little dick?" he repeated.

I felt a tear welling up in the corner of my eye, worried about what was going to happen. "You do, Sir," I replied meekly.

"That's right, slut, I own your tiny meat. I think we need to get that cage back onto you so you can focus on what's important instead of your selfish preoccupation with your dick." I sighed in defeat, I wanted to cum so badly it hurt.

"You better lose that erection of yours," Trent continued while he pumped my ass with his manhood.

"If you let me cum, I can get soft right away Sir," I begged, hoping he would take pity on me.

"Nice try, slut." He pulled out of me abruptly and I could see a small pool of cum collecting on the floor between my legs. Woody's cum and Trent's cum, sadly none of my own.

Trent grabbed me by the arm and took me back into the bedroom, pushing me down on the bed with his slimy cock still dangling from between his open shorts. He reached into the drawer and pulled out the pieces of the chastity device that I had just gotten free from. He tossed them onto the bed beside me and said, "I've gotta piss. You better have that thing on your dick when I come back."

He disappeared into the bathroom and I remained on the bed stunned. I wondered if I could jerk off fast enough before he got back, but abandoned the idea for fear of further punishment. Luckily, Trent must have known it would take me a couple minutes to get myself sorted and he appeared to be taking his time in the bathroom.

After about a minute of thinking of the most non-erotic things I could come up with, I felt my hardon begin to droop. Another minute and I was only half hard and thought I could squeeze myself into the cage. I struggled getting the ring around my cock and balls, and felt myself hardening at the stimulation. I hooked the ring closed and immediately let go of my dick, thinking of anything I could that was the opposite of sexy. It was at this moment I could hear Trent's stream of piss splashing into the bowl and I knew my time was almost up.

I grabbed the tube of the cage and jammed my half-hard shaft into it and crammed the thing into place on the ring, pinching myself uncomfortably in the process. I was so thankful that I squeezed into it at the time, but later felt a pang of shame knowing my cock was small enough to fit into the modest sized tube without much fuss. I snapped the lock into place just as Trent returned to the room. He eyed the cock cage locked around my hairless cock and balls and let out a whistle. "You're back where you belong, boy," he said to me.

He pulled his shorts and boxers off and stood before me, stroking his cock back to erection. "See how big my cock is compared to that tiny thing of yours?" he taunted. "You're just a boy with a limp dick and a cum filled hole, aren't you Matthew?"

"Yes Sir," I answered in submission.

"Turn over and stick that ass in the air, you're going to get fucked again," he commanded. I rolled over and did as I was told, hopeful that he would blow his load in me and we could put an end to this cock cage again.

Of course that didn't happen. Over the next hour Trent fucked me two more times, pulling out to blow his load on my back and on my face, but never once shooting inside of me. He thought he was making up for it by pushing his spent cum into my hole after each fuck, but it didn't help me get rid of the cock cage.

After the last fucking, his mood softened and he took me into his arms and we lay in the bed together. "You did good today, Matthew. I'm really proud of you."

Immediately I forgot about being denied my own orgasm, overcome with his sudden show of affection. "Thank you, Sir," I replied.

He kissed me on the forehead and then softly on the lips. "We better get some sleep," he said. "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Tomorrow, I thought, it's already tomorrow - it must be close to three in the morning. I drifted into a peaceful sleep wrapped in Trent's arms wondering just what he had in store for us when morning came.

Next: Chapter 12

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