Beach Wedding Slave

By Matthew David

Published on Mar 28, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only. All characters are over 18. Please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. Please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

Beach Wedding Slave Part 10

I woke from my nap to the sound of the television. I could tell Trent was still in bed with me by the feel of his hairy, muscular chest against my skin. The two twinks had since vacated. I stirred awake and saw the lifeguard watching television from across the room, seemingly by himself. Trent noticed I was awake and ran a hand through my hair.

"Have a good sleep?" he questioned. I nodded in response, still adjusting to being awake.

"Wes took the boys to the pool for a swim," he explained, and I remembered Trent had promised everyone dinner. From what I could understand of the resort rules, as long as visitors were accompanied by a resort guest they could enjoy all the same privileges. "Why don't we hop in the shower," Trent suggested.

The lifeguard, whose name was Javier, scarcely acknowledged us as we got out of bed - he was so enthralled with the TV. Trent admitted to me he still hadn't learned what the two hustlers' names were.

A few minutes later Trent and I were sharing the warm spray of water under the shower. He let me take the lead and I soaped him up, taking my time to run my hands over his wet, muscular body. I took special care when I sank to my knees in the tub, lathering up each of his legs and then bringing my attention to his full cock and balls. He had already begun to stiffen as we started the shower, and I found his manhood standing at full attention now that I knelt in front of him. I rubbed soap over his balls and along the shaft of his cock and he let out a sigh of pleasure.

He pulled me up and held me in his arms, his skin wet and slippery. I felt his hardness press into my abdomen as he kissed me, long and deep. He held me tight against him for a several long moments, our tongues exploring each other's mouths.

He broke away from my mouth and turned me around, pushing me up against the wall, the shower now spraying against his back. I could feel his fingers against my ass, and a second later he slid one into my slick hole.

"You're still wet with all those loads," he purred into my ear. "How many do you have up there, boy?"

I wiggled my hips, pushing myself onto his probing digit. "A lot, Sir," I answered, I was actually having trouble remembering the exact number. The past few days were beginning to blur together into one extended sex act.

Trent seemed to be pleased with my answer, however. "I love a well fucked hole," he said. "There's nothing hotter than sliding my cock into another man's load." He pulled his finger from my ass and shifted himself closer. I felt him press his dick against my ass, and I anticipated what would come next.

Next he pushed the head of his manhood into my eager chute, and he continued, "You know our cocks were designed to compete for fuckholes like you?" He pushed himself further into me. "The head of a cock is flared so it can slide past another man's load, and then scrape it out of a hole as he pulls himself out." He was all the way in me now and I let out a moan of pleasure.

Trent began to fuck my ass in long, slow strokes. "It's biology," he continued, "if you were a woman my cock would be competing for your womb, my seed for your egg." He accentuated this with a quick, hard thrust into my hole that made me grunt with its force. "I'd want to drag all those loads out of you so I could shoot mine in deeper."

I wasn't sure how true this was, it sounded like it was based more on fantasy than science, but I certainly wasn't in a position to argue while his cock churned the loads of semen left in me. My own dick was suffering from an uncomfortable hardon and I reached a hand in front of me to take care of myself.

Trent didn't pull my hand away, but his words had the same effect. "Don't make me put that cage back on you, Matthew. Remember our agreement." I let go of my prick almost immediately, praying that he would cum in me again so I could feel release.

At that same moment, I could hear the outer door close and knew that Wes and the two hustlers had returned. Trent pulled himself out of my ass in one slow, agonizing motion and I knew our fuck session would be cut short. A second later Wes stuck his head around the shower curtain and eyed us suspiciously, focussing on our twin erections. "The twinks are hungry," he said after a moment, letting the curtain fall behind him as he disappeared.

Trent grabbed my hips again and drove his cock back into my ass in one quick motion, sinking himself balls deep. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, "We'll have to finish this later, boy," before pulling completely out, leaving me feeling empty and abandoned.

We finished up our shower quickly and joined the others back in the bedroom. Wes was sitting with the lifeguard and the twinks were laying on the bed in their swimsuits, speedos smaller than my yellow one. Wes gave us a strange look when we emerged from the bathroom, towels wrapped around our naked bodies.

"Carlos and Romano need clothes for dinner," Wes said, finally revealing the young hustlers' names. "They only have their swimsuits. Javier will need something to wear too," he added, putting his hand on the lifeguard's shoulder as they sat in front of the TV.

"They can wear some of Matthew's things. You have some clothes that could fit Javier," Trent said to his boyfriend. I wasn't sure how I felt about the twinks wearing my clothes, I thought - I wasn't likely to ever see them again.

And with that it was settled. Trent and Wes escorted the lifeguard back to their room, leaving me alone with the young hustlers. Trent instructed me to bring the two over to the buffet in half an hour and we would all sit down for a meal. Without Wes to translate, I did my best to communicate with them, they knew limited English and I knew next to no Spanish. After an awkward dialogue between the three of us, I understood that they wanted to take a shower.

While they were in the bathroom, I fished out a couple tshirts I could live without, and set aside the shorts I wore to the gym as well as my second bathing suit, the long board shorts. The clothes would look a bit mismatched on me, I thought, but these two were young enough to pull it off. I set the clothes in the bathroom, next to the towel rack and got a glimpse of the two boys in the shower, they were horsing around and laughing with their hair sculpted into bizarre shapes with shampoo, their wet speedos laying discarded on the tile floor.

I returned to my suitcase and contemplated which underwear I was willing to part with, I was quite attached to every pair I brought with me. Before I had a chance to decide, I heard the water stop and the boys finished with their shower. I heard them laughing as they towelled off and then one of them peeked around the corner, holding a towel around his waist and my hair styling product in his other hand. He held it up for me to see and said, "Ok?" I nodded.

I picked out two pairs of underwear, begrudgingly, and set them aside for the boys. I chose some clothes for myself to wear while I was at it, the dress shirt I wore to Ryan's wedding and some casual shorts to go over a blue pair of low rise Calvin Klein briefs. By the time I dressed and brought the underwear to the bathroom for Carlos and Romano, they had already dressed in the shorts and tshirts I left for them. One of them saw what I had brought, Romano I think, and pulled the loose fitting gym shorts down over his bare ass to show me they had decided to go comando. Both boys laughed at my reaction and I left them to their business, thankful I would be holding onto my underwear.

They spent the next 20 minutes in the bathroom, laughing and talking and styling their hair and playing with the blow dryer. Each of them had worked their thick, dark hair into full bodied pompadours, looking surprisingly handsome. I had to get them to hurry up in the end though, I didn't want to be late.

The boys followed me to the buffet and we found the others already seated. Trent and Wes were dressed casually, but Jaiver was looking fit and attractive in a button down shirt and a pair of shorts so tight on his ass I practically drooled. He had also taken some time in styling his thick hair and looked more like a model out of the pages of a magazine than a lifeguard. We joined them at a large table near the back of the restaurant.

A moment after being seated, Javier spoke briefly to the twinks in Spanish and they shot up from their seats and virtually ran to the buffet. We were making our drink order with the waitress when they returned, bouncing with excitement and plates piled high with food. The waitress smiled at them and said something I couldn't understand, causing one boy to burst out laughing and the other to flush red in embarrassment.

"What did she say?" I asked Javier as she walked away.

"She knows Romano's mother," the lifeguard said with a laugh.

We enjoyed dinner in each other's company. At times it felt like we were one big, strange, gay family - but more often it felt like a table full of couples. Trent had his hand on my leg under the table whenever he wasn't using it to eat, occasionally reaching between my legs to squeeze my cock as he smiled at me warmly. Wes and the lifeguard were off in their own private world, talking low and quiet in Spanish, often their heads bent close together. Even Carlos and Romano were inseparable, running together back and forth from the table to buffett so often I lost count.

As we finished our meal, and the two twinks finally stopped eating, we decided to catch an evening show by the pool. We found enough seats for six, and spent the next couple hours being entertained by an odd variety show of singing and dancing to reenactments of hollywood movie scenes. By the end of it, Wes was yawning and the twinks were getting restless, paying more attention to the people heading towards the discoteque with its dance music thumping.

We got up to leave as the show finished and Trent took me to the side for a moment. "Take Carlos and Romano to the discoteque and get them some drinks," he said. "Javier says they want to dance until they get kicked off the resort."

"Yes Sir," I said, nodding my head in understanding.

"Come back to my room once you've got them settled," Trent instructed. "Javier will be spending the night with us, he has to work on the beach again tomorrow morning and it's too late for him to go home." More like Wes wanted to bone him, I thought.

We parted ways and I took the twinks over to the discotheque. I made two trips up to the bar, hauling a total of 6 drinks over for the boys, hopeful it wouldn't be too much liquor to get them into trouble. I bid them farewell and left them at a table in the crowded dance club, doubtful I'd ever see them again.

I returned to Trent's room, my cock already stiffening in my shorts imagining what may await me. I found the door unlocked and let myself in and found I wasn't disappointed. Though the light was dim, I could make out Wes laying back on the bed, completely naked. The lifeguard was between his meaty, hairy legs, going to town on Wes's cock and giving him enthusiastic head. The look Wes shot me when I came into the room told me I was not invited to join them. The door to the balcony was open and I assumed I would find Trent outside.

I went outside and as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, the first thing I noticed was a point of bright red light that disappeared as fast as it had appeared. It took me a moment to realize it was the end of a cigar, Trent was on the balcony smoking. He looked so hot standing there, he had taken off his shirt and I could see his jockstrap peeking out over the waist of his shorts.

"Take off your clothes, slut" he said around the cigar, a puff of smoke trailing into the air. The balcony was dark enough that I knew there would be very little risk in being seen by anyone passing by. I stripped out of my clothes without further delay, thankful that I was no longer wearing the chastity cage as my hard cock felt the cool night air.

Trent was leaning against the railing, his ass pressed along the handrail. He watched me in silence, his lips working on the cigar causing the tip to glow red as he inhaled . The sound of Wes moaning as he enjoyed his blowjob trailed out into the night.

"Get on your knees, whore," Trent commanded, his mouth working around the cigar. As I knelt before him, he opened his shorts and pushed his jock down under his balls, his thick uncut cock springing to life before my eyes. "Get your worthless mouth on my cock, boy," he barked.

I wasted no time and swallowed his manhood, taking it as deep in my throat as I could manage. Trent leaned back on the balcony, his hands gripping the railing to each side. I ran my tongue along the underside of his shaft and brought my hand up to grab onto his balls as I worked my mouth on his dick.

"Suck my fucking cock, you faggot," Trent called down to me, and as I looked up into his eyes I could see bits of ash falling lazily through the air from the cigar in the corner of his mouth. He let go of the railing and grabbed onto my head, a hand on each side. Like our first encounter on the beach that night, Trent began to fuck my face.

He started talking really dirty now. "That's a good cocksucker. Take my cock down that cumslut mouth of yours. It's all you're good for, sucking a man's dick, taking loads of cum like a bitch. I'm going to fuck your faggot face."

My mouth was full with his hard cock, he was shoving it in down to the root. His thick bush of pubes were tickling my nose and he would hold himself deep for several seconds, waiting for me to choke and sputter before pulling back out to repeat again.

"How does that feel, faggot? Choking on my cock? You're my cocksucking whore and I'm going to use you as I want," Trent drawled as he continued his assault on my mouth. All I could answer with in response was a moan of approval.

He kept pushing in and out, fucking my mouth. His breathing was coming quicker and I felt his balls tighten up as he berated me. I was convinced he was getting off more on the verbal abuse he was giving me than the blowjob I was giving him, but then again it had my cock rock-hard too.

"Do you want my load, slut? Get ready for my seed, I'm going to flood your pussy- mouth." My dick began to throb, after wearing the chastity device for so many fuck sessions I really regretted not being able to cum during, or after, a fuck. The thought of Trent shooting his load down my throat was more than I could handle, I grabbed onto my own dick in anticipation of having permission to cum myself.

Trent released the sides of my head, reaching up with one hand to pull the cigar from his mouth. I felt his cock pulse and I knew he was going to shoot. But in an instant of horrible disappointment, he grabbed his cock with his other hand and pulled his delicious manhood out of my desperate mouth. Immediately as he pulled it out, I felt warm liquid squirting all over my face. Trent's look was tense, his lips puckered and his eyes clenched tightly shut. A deep moan escaped his lips as he came.

He continued to spurt his hot seed onto my face and I could feel his cum dripping down my forehead and cheek. He looked down at me and laughed, stroking his cock to encourage the rest of his load out. "Look at you, you filthy cocksucker. Thought I was going to shoot down your throat and you'd get to cum too. Wrong." He stopped cumming and was now rubbing his slimy cockhead over my face in slow and deliberate movements. "You better take that hand off your little prick, boy, before I decide to lock it up again."

I hadn't realized I was still stroking my dick while Trent gave me a facial. My hand sprung off of my member as if it was causing me pain and I prayed Trent wouldn't make me wear the chastity device again.

He was puffing on his cigar, looking down at me with my face covered in his cum. "You look beautiful, fag." He rested his softening cock on my lips as I remained still, looking up at him. Before I knew it, he had reached a hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone and a second later the darkness was lit with the camera's flash. "Say cheese," Trent taunted, forever capturing my cum covered face under his uncut cock with a photograph. And if that wasn't humiliating enough, he flicked his cigar as he stood over me and showered my sticky face with a thin coating of ash.

He held his slimy cockhead against my lips and said, "Kiss it." I gave it a kiss, and considered myself quite daring as I stuck my tongue out to taste a little of his seed. He took one last photo before saying, "What do you say, slut?"

"Thank you, Sir," it came out of my mouth without thought.

"That's better," he laughed as he pulled his jock and shorts back up over his cock and balls.

He puffed his cigar for another few moments and I was trapped in that intense stare of his, awaiting further direction. I remained still and silent, praying that I wouldn't do anything further to displease him and end up in the cock cage again. After a moment, he pulled a keycard out of his other pocket and set it on the small table beside us.

"You will go back to your room and wait for me there, fag. You will make sure your ass is ready to be fucked," he instructed. My heart soared, perhaps I'd have a second chance to get his load inside of me and be allowed to cum. But as fast as my high came, it dropped to a new low.

Trent scooped up my clothes, every scrap I had worn that evening, and pitched them over the side of the balcony. I watched in horror as they fluttered down to the ground, like leaves falling from a tree. I didn't have to see where they landed to know my clothes were now scattered through the bushes and flower gardens in the front of the villa.

I turned to him and he pushed the key card closer to me on the table. "Get your ass in gear, whore. And you better still have my seed on your face when I see you again." And with that, I began the mad dash to get back to my room.

I found my tshirt first, it lay draped over a bush within easy reach. I moved to pull it over my head, but then stopped in mid action - worried I would smear Trent's cum off of my face if I put it on. Instead I held it in front of my nakedness, thankful for the darkness. So far I hadn't come across anyone since leaving Trent's room.

It already felt like a lifetime ago - I had grabbed the key card from the table and bolted back into the room to get downstairs to find my clothes. I was so focussed on myself that I forgot Wes and Javier were still in the room. They were on the bed and Wes was busy fucking the lifeguard's ass, the two men grunting and moaning in pleasure. I wished I could stop to watch, but was gone from the room as fast as I could grab my sandals and I don't think either of them noticed my presence.

I crawled deeper into the bushes to look for the rest of my clothes. I could see my shorts, they had actually landed on the edge of the patio of the room below Trent's. I could see people inside through the sliding glass door to their room as I crept closer. As I reached out to grab the shorts, a man inside looked directly at me - I was caught. But a heartbeat later, he looked away and I realized he couldn't see me in the darkness from inside his brightly lit room. I grabbed my shorts and moved out of sight of the glass door just to be safe.

I pulled on my shorts to cover my nakedness, shoving the keycard in the pocket and jamming my tshirt down the back. I contemplated leaving my underwear behind but noticed them caught on a branch just as I turned to leave. I snatched them loose and went running towards my villa across the pool as fast as I could. I glanced over my shoulder briefly and thought I could make out the red glowing tip of Trent's cigar as he watched me from the balcony.

As luck would have it, I didn't come across anyone as I raced around the pool. But my luck ran out as I turned down the path leading to my room. It was dark by the pool aside from the illuminated water and as I stepped onto the path my eyes were still adjusting to the increased lighting. I practically ran head first into three young guys, dropping my underwear onto the ground as I stepped back in surprise.

One of the guys bent down to pick up the briefs, moving to hand them back to me in a gesture of courtesy. His buddy to the left started laughing and the one to the right blurted out, "Aw shit, it's that fag from the other night!" At that moment, the one in the middle realized what he had picked up and all courtesy seemed to vanish. He held my underwear out and away from him in disgust, a second later he crunched the fabric into a ball and pitched it into the pool. I didn't have to look to know my underwear was floating out of reach in the water.

If they hadn't been blocking my way, I would have ran right past them in humiliation. The one that had spoken earlier said to his buddy, "Rick, how many likes did that picture get on your facebook?" I didn't have to be told it was a picture of me in that ridiculous red g-string from when I ran into these three by the pool last night.

"Over 200," Rick replied to his friend, "and then my account got suspended."

"Christ, what did you expect when you posted a picture of someone's balls?" said the third guy, the one who threw my underwear into the pool.

I couldn't take the embarrassment, I put my head down and practically ran into the three guys hoping to hell they would move out of the way and I wouldn't have to climb over them to escape. As I expected, they parted before me and let me pass, though their mocking laughter followed me all the way back to my room.

Once safely back in my room, I caught my breath while leaning over the sink looking at myself in the mirror. Though Trent had blown a huge load on my face just minutes before, there wasn't much evidence of the facial other than a dirty smear of wetness and cigar ash down one cheek. Wet smears continued down, trailing over my hairless body and I realized that the majority of Trent's cum had been absorbed into the fabric of my shorts thanks to gravity. I hoped this wasn't going to get me into trouble.

I stripped out of my shorts, the tshirt dropping out of the back when I began to unbutton. I kicked the clothes to the side and noticed the twinks had left their speedo's on the bathroom floor after their shower, and my dick hardened at the thought. It ended up being an excellent trade in my opinion, a couple old pairs of shorts and some cheap tshirts for two used speedos. I picked up the swimsuits and decided to try one of them on to see if I could fit into it. It was tight, but the stretchy fabric molded itself snugly on my hardening cock and round ass before catching on my dick as I pulled them back down. I moved to the bedroom and set the two swimsuits on the dresser displayed like trophies. I added my yellow speedo to the arrangement after a moment, pleased with myself.

I grabbed the bottle of lube Ryan had left behind after we had made love. I had intended to use it to lube my own cock and jerk off to fantasies of my friend, but the thought of having Trent fuck me with it was hot on my mind. I slicked my ass up and lay face down on the bed, legs spread wide and ready. I couldn't help but slide a finger into my hole as I waited.

Trent didn't keep me waiting long. I couldn't have been waiting more than a couple minutes before I heard the door swing open. I lay facing away from the hall, contorting my arm behind me to finger my ass, I wanted to show Trent that I was ready for him to use.

But something was off, the door remained open for too long I thought. I could hear multiple pairs of shoes on the floor and knew that Trent wasn't alone. I hoped that he would fuck me tonight, in that moment I worried he was going to get off on watching Wes and Javier take turns on my hole instead.

As the footsteps filed into the room, I pulled my finger out of my ass and turned to greet my visitors. My heart stopped dead and my mouth dropped open, standing before me were the three young men from the altercation at the pool. A second later, Trent appeared behind them, standing taller than all three. He had the biggest smile on his face and I found myself able to breathe again.

"I brought company."

Next: Chapter 11

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