Beach Vacation

By P P

Published on Sep 6, 2016


I recently went on a yearly family vacation, and got a lot of eye candy at the beach. Never got the chance for any hook ups, but I was certainly horny for one, and to soothe myself I decided to write a story about what kind of encounter I'd want to have. The character of Andy is basically me, with maybe a little of the humdrum reality edited out to keep things spicy haha.

If you're able, look into donating to this wonderful archive. The spank bank of material is growing every day, and it's all free! That's certainly worthy of a donation in my books!

The man caught Andy's eye pretty much the second that he crested over the sand dune carrying his share of beach gear, mostly because he was in one of the closer set-ups from where he and his family were aiming for. And because it was a little uncommon to see someone chilling out alone on the beach.

He was late 40s, somewhere between tanned and burnt, and rather handsome. That was all Andy could tell through the haze of ocean air that was already mugging up his sunglasses, but it was enough to pique his voyeuristic interest. In a stroke of luck, his parents decided to set up camp further back from the tide line compared to where the man's single chair and umbrella was, so peeking over at him would be easy and unnoticeable.

It was their second day at the beach, during the yearly family vacation, so chairs and umbrellas were quickly set up and everyone was in their favorite spot in less than five minutes. Andy preferred sitting with his feet in the shade and the rest of him baking in the sun, his pasty skin slathered up with sunscreen. While most people took a book or two to the beach to relax, Andy and his family had made an event out of it. They all read the entire day in the sun, only broken up by small walks along the surf or briefs dunks in the ocean to cool off. Andy himself had finished two books the previous day, and was happy to start in on the day's selection.

Every few pages, he'd look up and gaze around the beach, sweeping from side to side to see if anything interesting was going on while he soaked in what he had read. Today, he couldn't keep his eyes off the solitary man. He wasn't overtly handsome, but the looks he did possess quickly grew on Andy. From what he could tell, he had hair halfway peppered with salt already, both literally and figuratively. He was beefier than he first thought, arms and chest nicely rounded out with muscle. The hazy sunglasses and bright sun made it harder to tell any more specific details, but Andy was more than happy to just soak up the sights without getting too caught up.

A few times, it looked like the man was looking up at him as well, but it could just have easily been the man sweeping his own gaze across the beach. It was a nice daydream to think of the man cruising on him, but Andy couldn't imagine someone using some small-town Virginia beach as a cruising ground.

When he was starting to feel a bit crispy, Andy went down to the water's edge and started his slow march into the ocean. He had a relatively large space around him with no other swimmers, seeing as it was still a bit early in the day for most families with kids to arrive. It wasn't until he was up to his knees in water, with waves slapping against his upper thighs and stomach, that Andy realized the man was a little ways to the side of him, having come down soon after Andy did.

He didn't have his sunglasses on, so he could see better, but it would also be harder to be stealthy about looking. Still, he snuck a few peeks, seeing that man's body was indeed beefy, and rough with the looks of someone who spent a lot of years working outside under the sun. He didn't seem like he was looking much at Andy, so he quashed the nervousness that was bubbling inside of him and focused on enjoying the slightly chilly water.

But not before checking out the man's crotch.

He watched as a wave reached up and soaked his bathing suit with water, leaving a brief but memorable impression of the man's cock and balls. Andy was a rather impressed by the size of the bulge, especially considering that it was probably shrunken a bit from the water. That was as brash as Andy could stomach being, so he let his gaze drift away from the man and out towards the ocean so he could time his push past the break line with minimal flailing.

The water was refreshing, and seemed to be free of any jellyfish or angry crabs that could crop up from time to time. Andy let himself splash around, ducking under waves and floating on his back, though he was always mindful of the fact that the handsome man was only a few feet away. He seemed to be hunting for shells, diving under for minute before coming up to see if he had grabbed any good ones.

This was what vacation was about. Reading on the beach, floating in the ocean, and enjoying the occasional sighting of a hot guy. The man stayed in the sea when Andy made his way back in a few minutes later. He happily wrapped himself up in a towel and went right back to reading. He took sporadic glances at the man for the rest of the day, surprised that he seemed to be sticking around for a while. It wasn't unusual for Andy and his family to see two or three groups of people cycle through nearby spots before they packed up for the day. The man seemed to have plenty to keep himself occupied, though, with a few books poking out of his bag, and a phone he fiddled with fairly often.

Andy saw the man again when he went to the bathroom. The bathrooms at the beach were little huts, each with a single stall, spread out across the entire length of the public beach area. They were hot, and gross, but Andy's swimsuit was new and he didn't quite want to use it to filter his piss into the ocean yet.

The man was waiting outside when Andy was done, which gave him a bit of a jump.

"Sorry for the scare." The man said with a kind smile and a drawling Virginia twang, his voice rough from what sounded like more than a few years of cigarettes and whisky.

"Uh, it's okay, just didn't hear you walk up." Andy said. It was an awkward time to realize that the man was pretty tall, practically towering over him in a way that had Andy swooning.

The man nodded at him as he walked by into the bathroom, and Andy could only dumbly nod back before walking back to his chair.

When the man walked back to his own spot, Andy was almost sure that he gave him a long look through his sunglasses. He cursed his complete lack of experience with anything close to cruising, unsure if he was just being vain and paranoid about an innocent stranger.

When his family was starting to mumble about packing up and heading home for the day, Andy went down to the rising surf line for a few more minutes of swimming. This time, he noticed right away that the man casually followed him down after only a few moments. He stood closer than most would stand to a stranger, looking completely casual.

"Great day for the beach, huh?" The man asked as he stopped about a foot next to Andy.

"Yeah, nice and sunny, and the breeze was great." Andy didn't really know what the script was for this kind of thing, but luckily the man seemed more interested in checking him out. His slight sunburns hid his blush as he saw the man's eyes slide over his entire body.

"You visiting from somewhere?" He asked as he eyed Andy's flat, hairy stomach.

"From Pennsylvania, yeah. My family comes here every year for a week. How about you?" Andy started to toe the sand, half looking for any interesting shells.

"I'm local. Are you at the start or the end of your week here?"

"The start, only our second day."

Excitement raced through Andy's body as the man gave an appreciative nod, flashing him a crooked smile.

"Happy to hear it. Hope I see more of you around." He said.

Andy allowed himself to openly check the guy out, looking closer at his tanned body. Muscular, for sure, but not quite as tight as it would be if he were twenty years younger. His skin looked tough all over, and Andy was drooling at the thought of it rubbing against his softer skin. Most enticing was the curve of the man's plump looking ass, which lead down to some sturdy looking thighs. Those too were tanned to leathery goodness. He had laugh lines and sun-blasted wrinkles on his face. He was fairly average in the looks department, but in a way that got Andy's pulse jumping, like an approachable stud instead of a fantasy adonis. He wouldn't be surprised if the man was a landscaper or contractor, some type of labor job that kept him outside and working hard.

"I hope so as well." Andy said, feeling cheesy as he said it.

But the man gave him a big smile, subtly adjusting his crotch and wishing him a good day before he walked further into the surf. That was as clear a sign as any that he was interested. As hot as it would be to hook up with him, Andy didn't know how to go about it, which meant that it looked like too much effort to try.

When Andy got back, his family was just starting to pack things up. He got his regular load of stuff and put it away in their van before sliding into the backseat. He could already feel the day's sunburns settling in. He fished his phone out from where he stashed it under the seat, not trusting himself with electronics in the middle of all that sand. He checked his usual assortment of messaging and social media apps, then did what any bored gay man would do and brought up Scruff. He had been browsing it off and on since they get into the small island town, mostly just curious about the types of guys around him.

Surprisingly, there was a woof and a message waiting for him from a guy named Wallace. Even more surprising, he recognized the swimsuit that the faceless torso was wearing in the profile picture. There was a simple `Hey' that had been sitting there since a little after they had arrived at the beach earlier that day. He immediately sent out a message, even though he knew the guy was probably still in the ocean at that point, but not before checking out Wallace's profile. It was pretty sparse, saying that he was 47 to Andy's 23, looking for something casual and friendly, and that he was vers. Andy didn't know if he was closeted or just not one to flood his profile with extraneous information like Andy tended to do.

Andy: Hey, sorry, I didn't have my phone with me on the beach.

Andy: Thank you for the woof :)

He didn't get a response til they were halfway back home, driving through the small town a few miles from the beach.

Wallace: No worries. Ur welcome. And ur very cute.

Andy: You're quite handsome yourself.

Wallace: Thanks.

Wallace: Handsome enough to `sit on your face'? LOL

Wallace: Sry if too forward

As hot as it was to get asked that point blank, Andy had to roll his eyes at how Wallace seemed to type exactly like the stereotypical middle-aged person who didn't grow up with the technology. He also couldn't get too mad at the man for being forward even if he wanted to, since Andy had put plainly in his profile that he was looking for someone to sit on his face. It was phrased as a joke, nestled among his more mundane hobbies, but Andy meant it totally seriously.

Andy: Not too forward at all ;) From what I saw at the beach, you have a great ass. More than good enough to eat.

Wallace: Hell yeah bud. Love getting my ass ate by a cute younger guy. What all u into?

Andy: Rimming more than anything. But I can suck, fuck. Not much of a bottom though.

Wallace: That's perfect cuz im not much of a top LOL

Andy perked up even more when Wallace unlocked his private gallery. It only had a few pictures, and nothing with his face, but Andy had already seen it earlier anyways. The guy had a great body, his ass just as muscled as Andy had thought and a decently sized cock. It was surprisingly uncut, with some hefty balls underneath. He had to give himself a breather to let his cock go down so he wasn't parading a tent around when his family pulled up to the rental house.

He unlocked his own private gallery and hurried into his room.

Andy: Your photos are HOT man! Nice body, ass, and balls.

Wallace: Fuuuck, look at that cock on you boy! I need that bad boy up my hole. How big is it?

Andy: Only a little over six inches, but pretty thick. How big are you?

Wallace: Bout the same, 7' and thick.Those balls of urs look like they can give huge loads. U interested in meetin up?

Andy: Fuck I'd love to, but I dunno when or where. I'm staying at a rental house with family, not even sure what I'd tell them to go out alone for a bit.

Wallace: like I said before, im local. Live alone on the island. Could even come pick u up. Not often I find a cute young top on here.

Andy: Lemme think about it.

Wallace: No worries man, just want us both to have a good time. No pressure.

That made Andy feel a bit better, at least. The guy was obviously horned up, which was hot, but wasn't so selfishly into his own pleasure that he started making demands. The pull was strong. Wallace seemed like just the type of confident bottom that Andy loved to be with. The family vacation thing was a big obstacle, but not one impossible to get around.

He let the situation stew in his head as he cleaned up for dinner. He could just say he wanted to go walk around downtown, though chances were high his Mom would want to come with him. He could enlist his sister to help with an alibi, but then she'd have to go do something alone while he was with Wallace and that seemed unfair.

His constantly half-hard cock didn't help things. It was needy from going a few days without being touched. Usually he jerked off every day, but it was just easier to abstain whenever he had to travel and get settled in. Now he was paying the price of his neglect, because all he could think about was how good it would feel to eat out a beefy older man's ass and let Wallace ride his dick, because Wallace seemed the type to really ride a dick hard.

Andy spent most of dinner glancing outside, formulating a plan. It was the end of the summer, but there was still enough daylight to last well into the evening. It wouldn't be too out of character for him to want to go for a bit of a walk alone, and he still had about two hours before it got dark enough that he'd be expected back. It was a bit risky, but Andy figured if the guy was planning on doing something heinous, he wouldn't have approached him on a public beach.

Andy: Hey, I think I can get away for an hour or two if you're okay with picking me up. I wouldn't be able to stay for long, but I could at least eat you nice and good.

Wallace: Glad to hear it, bud!

The response was much quicker than Andy expected, but that was a good sign. He didn't really have a bunch of time to waste tonight on waiting if he wanted to keep things going smoothly.

Andy: When can you get me? Not to rush you or anything, just wanna know what's happening when.

Wallace: need some time to clean up, havent washed the beach off yet

Andy: I mean this in the least weird was possible but you don't have to. I don't mind some sweat and musk. So long as you're not, ya know, dirty, I'll be good.

Wallace: Bud, I like the way you think.

It was quick work for Wallace to decide on a good place to pick Andy up away from the prying eyes of his family. Andy shot a text off with the guy's address to his sister, just in case. She gave him a conspiratorial wink as he said he was gonna go for a bit of a walk around the town, his iPod in hand to discourage anyone from joining him. He slipped it into his shorts when he exited the house.

The meeting place was only a few blocks away, just a regular corner amongst some houses. Wallace had helpfully sent him a pic of his truck before he left, so Andy kept his eyes peeled. He saw, and heard it, within a minute. It was some type of older ford, half rusted but still powering along through force of will, the exact type of truck Andy expected a man in semi-rural Virginia to drive. The truck rolled to a gentle stop in front of Andy, with Wallace giving him a friendly grin from the driver's seat.

Andy's hand shook only a little bit as he opened the door and hauled himself up, stumbling a bit on the step up to the raised cab. He smiled back at Wallace, cock tingling as he saw the hungry look in the man's eyes. The cab smelled like gasoline, smoke, and ocean.

"Nice to see you again, bud." Wallace said, holding out a hand.

Andy shook it, enjoying the calloused roughness and strong grip. He hoped his own relatively weak grip wasn't off putting to the grizzled man. Wallace wasted no time driving back to his place once his hands were back on the wheel, taking the corners so fast that Andy had no doubt this man was a long-time local.

"You too. I'm not usually one for such quick meet ups, or even many meet ups at all, but I just couldn't help myself." Andy said lightly.

"A young stud like you? I figured you'd be swimming in action."

"Nah," Andy laughed. "I'm pretty shy most of the time, not one to take charge of plans so things tend to fizzle out during the rare times I look around."

"I'm guessin I don't have a dom top on my hands, huh?" Wallace asked, laughing raucously and giving Andy a wink.

Andy laughed a bit as well, feeling pretty charmed by his casual demeanor and drawling twang. He'd never ridden in a guy's truck before, but the sight of Wallace's strong arms and weathered skin sitting there across the bench-like seat was going straight to his dick.

"Not at alllllll," Andy said, drawing it out for effect. "I'm definitely more of the submissive type. Which makes most guys think I'm a bottom, but it's just not for me."

"A submissive top with a thick dick? I think I can work with that."

The look in Wallace's eyes was nothing short of predatory, and Andy couldn't help but moan a little in his throat. It was drowned out by the roaring engine of the truck, but nothing could keep Andy's tented shorts from escaping Wallace's attention. At a stop sign, he quickly reached over to grab a quick feel of it, whistling in appreciation.

"Hey hey, eyes on the road big guy." Andy said, mockly stern.

"Sorry bud, just couldn't help myself. Not often I have a hot piece like you in my truck." Wallace grinned.

The overdeveloped, touristy parts of town slowly, then quickly, gave way to older homes and marinas, with marshlands sprinkled in between. Luckily, Andy still had a good idea of where they were and where they were heading. The island wasn't all that big, so he'd picked up enough geography over the years of coming there to stay oriented.

"I'd think you'd have a ton of action as well, but I guess this is a pretty small town." Andy said.

"Yeeup," Wallace nodded. "I've got a few regular buds, but to be honest they ain't that satisfying. Luckily tourist seasons brings its fair share of guys." He said, eyeing up Andy out of the corner of his eye.

Andy was feeling more and more like a piece of meat, in the best way possible. No one had been so overtly into him before, and the hint of honest sleaze the other man gave off was both exciting and refreshing.

After ten minutes of talking and winding through the island, Wallace finally pulled off into a long drive way. Andy looked out over the property; It was pretty decent. The edges of the yard were a bit overrun with marsh grass and cattails, and the house had the sagging look that wood got after about fifty years of exposure, but everything was still in good condition. There was even a path out behind the house the lead down to dock where a sailboat gently bobbed in the water, just barely visible from the truck.

"Damn, you have a sailboat?" Andy asked, impressed.

"That old thing? I haven't taken it out for a while, but it's great for drinking and the rare times I wanna smoke." Wallace said, cutting the engine and stretching his arms out along the back of the seat.

He looked so studly that Andy froze for a second, overwhelmed by all the different things he wanted to do to Wallace. Did he wanna kiss him, or go for the bushy pit getting flashed in his direction? Wallace's shorts, some old pair that he'd just thrown on to be decent, were tight on his crotch and gave Andy a good impression of the tasty junk resting below.

Wallace must have interpreted Andy's lust-addled pause as nervous hesitation, because his lecherous grin turned soft. He shifted himself over a little bit, stretching the fingers of the hand resting across the seat towards Andy and beckoning him over.

"No need to be nervous, bud. Just wanna help you feel good." He smiled and licked his lips. His voice got lower. "C'mere, lemme help you relax."

He didn't need to ask twice. Andy shuffled himself over, his thighs already sweating a bit and sticking to the seats. He scooched until his thigh was pressed against Wallace's, the man's arm going around his shoulders. He could feel heat radiating off the man from his permanently half-sunburned half-tanned skin. The scent of sweat, musk, sunscreen, and salt curled up Andy's nose, a low heat starting to burn in his gut.

Wallace's arm curled around Andy's shoulder as smooth as butter. Wallace might not have showered, but Andy could smell mint on his breath as he slowly leaned in, his fingers lightly rubbing over Andy's shoulder and arm.

The first few presses of Wallace's lips were surprisingly gentle, barely ghosting over Andy's. Each brush brought more and more pressure, and Andy couldn't help but return the pressure in kind. The softest sound of their lips smacking against fluttered in the cabin. Though it was light and easy, Wallace still groaned deep in his chest, the sound seemingly surrounding Andy.

Andy was the first to open his lips, his tongue hesitantly licking against Wallace's bottom lip. The older man parted his lips, tickling their tongues together. Andy was pretty novice at kissing, so he wasn't sure if Wallace was good or great, but it sure did feel nice. He relaxed against the older man, letting their thighs press together harder. He felt self-conscious just sitting there, so he brought a hand up to grab onto Wallace's shoulder, gripping the hot skin.

"There ya go, bud." Wallace whispered gently, leaning forward so he was crowding into Andy's space.

Wallace quickly took control of the kiss, his tongue getting more demanding, the arm around Andy's shoulder tightening and holding him firmly. Their lips mashed together, smacks getting louder, both their breathing getting heavier. Wallace's stubble scratched against Andy's face, just enough stinging friction to make him moan. He sucked Andy's tongue into his mouth, pulling at the wet muscle. Andy answered in kind, opening his mouth for Wallace to plunge into, the man's tongue fast and strong as it dominated his mouth. It went from the softest kiss Andy had ever had to one of the filthiest. He leaned back when he needed a break, Wallace following for a moment to nip at his lips before pulling back himself, staring at Andy with intense green eyes.

"Holy hell that was hot," Andy said, panting a bit. "Never been kissed so hard, but I gotta say I love it. Not that the light kissing wasn't great too." He said, babbling a bit.

Wallace looked at him with rogueish smirk, still trailing his fingers along Andy's shoulder.

"I'm happy to give you more of both, buddy boy." He growled.

And give it to him he did. He switched between deep, obscene frenching and gentle kisses that borderlined on romantic, making Andy go dizzy from the constant gear change, all while pressing himself against the younger man. Wallace's presence was nearly all-consuming, the scent of sunscreen and musk swirling around Andy's head as the cab heated up from the setting sun and sweating bodies.

Wallace was the one to pull back this time, devouring the sight of Andy's kiss-plumped lips and stubble-burned skin. He left Andy with his mouth hanging open, and it took a moment for him to realize he was no longer being kissed. Wallace had that grin on his face again, but didn't seem like he was going to say anything. The silence pressed on Andy, and he felt like it was his choice what happened next. Tact was never his strong point, least of all when put on the spot in silence, so he said the first thing that came to mind.

"You smell amazing." He felt dumb as soon as it left his mouth, but Wallace only grinned wider.

"Yeah? Wasn't sure if it was too much. I know you said you like it a bit musky, but I'm more than a bit musky after a day at the beach." Wallace said.

"Definitely not too much." Andy said, giving Wallace his own grin.

Before he could over think it, Andy dove face-first into the open pit. The hairs were damp as they brushed against his nose and cheeks. The first sniff of raw sweaty pit sent a shiver down his spine, and he was happy to loudly sniff and moan as he rubbed his nose against the damp cave of skin and hair

"Oh yeah, buddy!" Wallace boomed, lifting his arm up and bringing his other hand to cup Andy's skull, pressing him deeper into his pit.

Andy stuck his tongue out and took a long lap against the sweaty skin. The earthy salt of skin mixed with the salt of the ocean, and although he could still smell sunscreen, he knew he wouldn't find any in Wallace's bushy pit. He took a few more big sniffs and one more mouth-watering lick before pulling his face out.

"A boy who puts his money where his mouth is, I like it." Wallace said before pulling Andy in for another deep kiss.

Wallace's tongue ran over Andy's lips and mauled his tongue, chasing after his own sweaty flavor. The kiss was short and sloppy. Wallace let go of Andy's head halfway through, and when the younger man pulled back for a breath of fresh air he caught the man's hand coming out from where it had been stuffed in the older man's shorts.

"How about this?" Wallace asked with a smirk.

He slowly brought his fingers up to Andy's nose. He could see the callouses on his thick fingers and palm. He waited until he felt the brush of them against his nose before he took a deep inhale, looking straight at Wallace. A big grin broke out across his face when identified the heady stink of musky balls and sweaty ass.

"Oh yeah, that's the good stuff." Andy sighed happily.

"Fuck yeah, baby. Lemme take you inside and you'll get as much of that as you want." Wallace cooed, his deep voice thrumming in Andy's head.

Wallace gave him one last deep kiss before he jumped out of his side of the truck. Andy wasn't as graceful at it. His thighs continued to stick to the seat and by the time he got to his door, Wallace was already opening it up. He held out a hand, another unexpected edge of tenderness showing through as he helped Andy down from the high cab, taking the opportunity to show off his strength a little bit. He held Andy's weight nice and steady as he lowered him to the ground.

Andy practically had stars in his eyes as he looked up at Wallace, intimately aware that he only came up to the man's upper chest. Wallace let his hands run all up and down Andy's back, even taking a quick grope of the his tight ass before he trailed one hand down Andy's arm, taking firm grip of his hand when he got to the end.

"C'mon, baby, I know you're on a bit of a tight schedule." Wallace said, walking towards his house with Andy in tow.

"Fuck, hope I didn't lose track of too much time. You're a great kisser." Andy said, eyeing the sun. It looked like he had a decent chunk of time left, but he also wasn't great at such practical astronomy.

"Only about fifteen minutes," Wallace replied, holding open the door for Andy, "Still plenty of time for your to ream my hole."

Andy could only groan loudly as Wallace continued to pull him towards his bedroom. He got a brief glimpse of the rest of the house. A bit kitschy in some places, but very much the home of a single confirmed bachelor with a bit of masculine persona. His bedroom was on the camo side of things, warm and comfortable looking. Andy knew both of them would be a sweating mess in just a few minutes.

"Usually I like a bit more foreplay, but I'd hate to get you in trouble." Wallace winked. "Strip, boy." He barked playfully as he pushed Andy onto his bed.

Andy obeyed, and both of them were soon naked. Andy's cock was stiff as nails sticking up from his crotch, and Wallace already had a sticky bead of precum dripping off his uncut head. Wallace stood in front of Andy, bringing up both hands to gently brush through his short hair and feel all around his head, rubbing his ears and thumbing his lips.

"You sure are a cute little stud." Wallace said softly.

"Like you aren't a big stud either." Andy said, bringing his hands up to grab onto Wallace's sturdy thighs, feeling up the thick muscles.

That sexy, crooked grin that Andy was growing to love was back as Wallace pulled softly on his head. He let himself be guided towards the dripping cock, but Wallace pulled him down a little further. Andy sighed, deep and happy, as his nose was pulled flush against Wallace's wrinkled sac. He looked up at the older man to catch his eye, then gave a loud, theatrical sniff. Salty ball funk. A moan rattled in Andy's chest as he sniffed and snorted around the sac, pushing at the soft skin with his nose.

"There ya go, baby," Wallace said, "Get in there."

Andy's tongue quickly joined in on the action, licking up the dusky seam of Wallace's nuts and tickling every wrinkle. Within a few moments the sac started to loose up, drooping down lower and lower. Andy happily sucked a nut into his mouth, slurping on the salty flavor, his nose pressing into the base of the thick cock. Wallace's hands stayed glue to his head, guiding him around and making sure Andy stayed mashed tight against his crotch.

There was a wet pop as the ball popped out of Andy's mouth. He ran his nose up the sac and continued up the twitching shaft. Precum smeared across his nose and cheeks as Andy sniffed at Wallace's puckered foreskin, digging the slightly different kind of musk wafting off his cock. He took an inch of it into his mouth, sucking gently on it and circling his tongue over the head. Wallace moaned in appreciation, fingers tugging gently on Andy's hair.

But they both knew that they weren't here for a blowjob. Andy licked his way back down Wallace's veiny cock, unable to resist giving his drooping balls some more sucking kisses and licks, then started trying to wedge his face under those hefty nuts, tonguing at his hairy taint. Both of them laughed quietly as Andy did his best to get to his asshole from the front, rubbing his face against Wallace's thighs and smearing ball sweat all over his forehead.

"Hungry for some hole, huh baby?" Wallace asked, tugging back at Andy's hair so he was craning up at him.

Andy nodded as best he could stuck in Wallace's gentle grip.

"Don't worry, Daddy knows what you need." Wallace said with a smirk.

He paused for a moment to see how the D-bomb landed, but Andy looked positively enamored, one hand slowly jacking his cock while he grinned wide at Wallace.

"Fuck yeah." Andy said quietly.

Wallace smirked again, and slowly turned himself around, keeping a soft grip on Andy's head. Andy drunk in the sight of that muscled ass revealing itself to him, a hefty bubble butt that was just as tanned as the rest of him. Andy wondered where on the island he walked around naked, but there were more pressing needs to attend to.

"Why don't you spread me open and get Daddy ready for that big cock of yours." Wallace said, his voice getting huskier by the minute.

"That's my kind of invitation." Andy said. "I could eat this ass for days and I haven't even tasted it yet."

Wallace let go of Andy's hair and bent over a bit, his cheeks just barely parting. Andy still couldn't see into the crack, but he did get a tempting glimpse of some hair. His hands honed in on the round cheeks, sinking his fingers into the squishy melons. He could get a fair amount of jiggle as massaged them, but most of the underlying bulk was muscle.

Andy took his time to tug the sweaty cheeks apart, savoring the sight. He grabbed a handful of ass on each side, close to the creek, and pulled gently. Andy's cock throbbed tightly as he heard the sticky peeling noise of Wallace's sweaty ass cheeks unsticking from each other. Their musky scent wafted up, the raw male stink of clean asshole stewing in sweat and heat for the whole day.

When he finally pulled Wallace's ass cheeks apart enough to see his hole, Andy couldn't stop himself from groaning loudly. It was a dark pucker, twitching softly in a ring of sweat-damp hair. It looked well-used and strong, puffy and thick. Andy could tell Wallace must really love getting fucked. The deep wrinkles that circled it drew your attention right the center of his hole. It was everything Andy had ever wanted in an ass.

"Holy fuck," He said, "This might just be the hottest ass I've ever seen. Now I'm starting to regret putting us on such a small time limit. It smells so fucking good, I could just sniff it for hours and still want more."

"You just focus on right now and maybe we'll figure something out for later, you little ass fiend." Wallace said, wiggling his ass in Andy's face.

"I'm going to eat you out now, Daddy." Andy said bluntly.

He surged forward and shoved his nose right against the twitching punker, inhaling deeply. His cock stood up completely hard for a few seconds straight, almost to the edge of cumming. His face was instantly drenched in ass sweat, mingling with the ball sweat that already covered him. The hole winked against his nose. Andy let himself rub his face up and down the entire furry crack one time before focusing on the task at hand. He could feel that time was running out, and as much as he wanted to pig out on Wallace's ass, he also wanted to bust a nut and be home before his parents sent out a search team.

The salty tang of sweat and salt and butt raunch sizzled against Andy's tongue. The texture of Wallace's wrinkled pucker was divine, and Andy reveled in licking it firmly, circling around and lapping at the center of the hole. He alternated between letting go of the cheeks so they pressed against his face, and spreading them wide so he could get more tongue leverage against the hole. He could practically feel Wallace's guttural moans vibrate through his body.

The sweaty hole easily opened up enough to accept his tongue inside. Andy drilled it in as far as it could go, but the angle they were at was awkward. He could only do so much with his neck cricked and Wallace bending over in front of him, but he did the best he could. He held the crack open with one hand while the other teased up an inch inside of the hole, tongue and finger tickling the muscle and helping it loosen up.

"Oh yeah baby, eat that ass." Wallace groaned. "Get Daddy ready to be fucked."

Andy moaned loudly and ate him out with even more gusto. He spent as long as he could pressed deep into Wallace's sweating trench, but eventually he needed air. He popped out and let himself fall back against the bed. He could still smell asshole on his face. He played with his aching cock as he stared up at Wallace, who had turned to look at him over his shoulder.

"Sit on my face, please." Andy said politely, like he was asking for the time of day instead of musky ass.

"How could a guy say no to that?" Wallace laughed, climbing up onto his bed.

He shuffled forward above Andy's body, letting his nuts drag along Andy's face while he settled on his knees, his ass right above Andy's beaming face. He lowered himself down slowly, rumbling in pleasure as Andy's face sank right between his beefy cheeks. His hole was instantly attacked by Andy's finger and tongue again. Wallace reached back and spread himself wide, gently gyrating his hips.

"Aww fuck baby boy, get deep in Daddy's ass, that's it." He encouraged.

Andy was in heaven, the plush ass cheeks obscuring most of his vision as he drilled deeper into Wallace. This angle was much better. He could see the sun setting outside of Wallace's shaded window, so he forewent his usual foreplay and started to slip his fingers deeper into the tight hole. One, then two fingers almost to the knuckle, rubbing soft circles and feeling the hot, clenching walls. His tongue kept up it's teasing licks, flicking across the edges of the widening hole. That really drove Wallace crazy as he ground back on Andy's face, pushing his hole so it loosened up further. In just about five minutes of that, Andy got Wallace's hole totally relaxed. He shifted his face out of the steamy crack, letting his chin rub against the spasming muscle.

"You have any condoms, Daddy? Probably should have asked earlier." He panted, out of breath from spending so much time tongue-deep in ass.

Wallace looked like he wanted to say something, but a glance outside at the lowering sun stopped him. He leaned over to a bedside table and rummaged through the drawer, quickly finding some condoms and a small bottle of lube.

"Baby boy, I wish I could ride that mouth of yours til next week," He grunted as he tore open the condom with his teeth, "But Daddy's gotta get you home soon, so you just ride his ass til you cum, okay?"

He worked with such impressive ease, rolling the condom onto Andy's cock with a firm hand before squirting a hefty puddle of lube into his hands and rubbing them together. One went straight up his hole, while the other palmed Andy's dick and lubed up the entire thing, all in just a few seconds.

"Gonna sit on it til I get comfortable, then we can do it however you want, stud." Wallace growled.

The predatory look was back in his eyes, and Andy was more than happy to let him go wild. They both moaned as Wallace sat down slowly, Andy's cockhead popping in after a moment of resistance. If Andy were in control, he would have gone much slower, but Wallace just stared down at the younger man while he slid down in one fell swoop. The man's weight was pleasurably heavy as he settled himself down onto Andy's hips, his ass pushing against Andy's balls as he bottomed out.

"You okay, big guy? Did that hurt?" Andy asked as Wallace hissed, looking concerned.

"I'm good baby, Daddy likes that kind of hurt." Wallace groaned. "Your cock feels so damn good up my hole."

Wallace sat there for a little while, breathing deep and moaning softly as he moved his hips around, letting himself get used to the size of Andy's cock. Andy was happy to let him, rubbing his hands up and down his strong thighs and rolling his hips ever so slightly, enjoying how it felt every time his cock twitched and throbbed in Wallace's tight hole. Suddenly, the warm hole clenched tight, gripping Andy's cock with surprising strength before relaxing again.

"Fuuuuuuuck." Andy whispered, eyes rolling back for a moment.

"Yeah, buddy?" Wallace asked, "You like Dad's ass milkin that thick cock of yours? I can feel it stretchin me so nice."

"Yes, yes, yes." Andy said, struggling to resist the urge to cum. "I'm probably not gonna last all that long, especially if you talk like that."

"Hah! That's what I love about you young studs. Nothin makes a man feel so good about his tight hole like a stud with a hair trigger. How do you wanna cum, baby boy?"

"Whatever position you like best. I want you to feel good too, Daddy." Andy said, his face flushing.

"What a good boy." Wallace cooed, leaning down to steal a quick, filthy kiss before he got up off Andy's cock and crawled into the middle of the bed.

Andy scrambled after him, resting on his knees while Wallace got pillows and sheets in place. He put one under his hips and pulled his knees up towards his chest, completely exposing his open asshole. He beckoned Andy forward, reaching out to pull him close.

Andy whimpered as he looked at body before him, all tanned and hairy muscle and a smirking grin. The heady scent of his sweaty pits was noticable from up here, and Andy openly enjoyed the scent of their sweating bodies. He let himself get pulled on top of Wallace, bracing himself on one hand, their chests almost touching. His other hand grabbed hold of his slippery cock and held it steady while he slipped into the buttery heat of Wallace's hole. His cock was easily accepted, quickly swallowed down to the balls once again.

"That's it, baby, that's it." Wallace murmured, sliding a hand down their bodies to grab firmly at the young man's hip.

He pulled, making sure that all of Andy was buried inside of him. Then, he pushed slowly, guiding the cock out of his hole, then back in. He set a slow pace, the two of them staring into each other's eyes. Wallace leaned up for a leisurely kiss, letting their lips slide together like silk. His grip got more demanding, pushing and pulling quicker and quicker. Once he was sure Andy had got the pounding rhythm down, he released the boy's hips and grabbed onto his drooling cock.

"Keep it up just like that baby, don't be afraid to get rough with Dad's hole." He growled softly.

"God, your hole feels amazing." Andy panted, stabbing his cock forward as hard as he dared. He was a pretty scrawny guy, so he couldn't exactly powerfuck Wallace, but he did his best to pleasure the man's twitching hole.

The sweaty sound of his balls and hips slapping against Wallace filled the air, with the quiet undercurrent of Andy's condomed cock sliding in and out of the juicy hole. Wallace was relentless with his asshole muscles, clenching and squeezing with every stroke. Their chests slid together, Wallace's pumped up muscles feeling as hot as the sun against Andy's slimmer physique.

On a whim, Andy danced his fingers up Wallace's chest and grabbed onto one of his nipples. They were thick, and stuck out decently far. Andy had a hunch that their size was the result of frequent play. His guess was confirmed when he pinched it lightly, drawing a booming moan out of Wallace.

"Oh fuck yeah baby, play with Dad's nips while you pound his hole." Wallace groaned, thrusting his chest up and clenching down once more.

Andy was happy to oblige. He fucked Wallace as hard as he could, making the bed rock and squeak. He rolled the hardening nipple between his fingers, pinching and pulling at it. Wallace suddenly snaked an arm around Andy's neck and yanked him down, their mouths smashing together. He kissed him, hard, practically sucking the air out of Andy's lungs while his tongue completely dominated Andy's. They kiss was deep and obscene, and Andy kept up his pounding and pinching as best he could, sensing that Wallace was getting close. He could feel his own orgasm not too far off.

The strange sensation of Wallace practically yelling a deep moan into his mouth was worth it as he felt a thick splatter of hot cum on his stomach and chest. Wallace's whole body was twitching as he shoved himself freely into his own orgasm. His hole, especially, puckered and spasmed on Andy's cock, and the young man took advantage of it by pounding deep and hard, letting the muscles give sweet friction to his sensitive cockhead.

Wallace milked himself as long he could, panting and moaning into the kiss, riding out the waves of pleasure radiating from his hole and his cock. He shivered as his the last of his thick cum drooled out of his dick. He put a hand back on Andy's hip, stopping his thrusts.

Andy was turned on by the fact that the entire force of his thrusting was stopped by just one of Wallace's strong hands.

"Fuck, baby, that was fuckin amazing." Wallace panted. "Give Daddy a second and then you can get yourself off."

Andy was almost worried that he meant he'd have to jerk himself off to completion. He would be okay with it, but a little disappointed. He stayed where he was, half his dick inside Wallace's ass. The pause was good for him to catch his breath, eyes roaming over the beefy body splayed under beneath him. His balls were tight against his body, and even through the small break in action he could feel himself teetering on the edge.

"Okay, baby," Wallace said, his body going lax. "Get your nut in Dad's ass."

He stretched out his long legs and wrapped them around Andy's waist, pulling him balls deep. His arms, too, wrapped around the younger man and held him close, Andy's face nuzzled into the sweaty crook of Wallace's neck. He relaxed his arms and let his weight rest on Wallace, who didn't seem the mind the added weight.

With the strong legs holding him close, he couldn't pull out very far, but he didn't need to. Andy's hips rolled as he fucked himself in and out of Wallace's hole in short strokes, the man still making an effort to clench and squeeze every time Andy started to pull out. The friction was just right through, stimulating Andy's frenulum over and over.

Wallace held Andy tightly, muscles flexing as he tried to pull the boy into himself. It left Andy a little breathless, but the pressure felt erotic as he rutted against all that sweating muscle. Wallace started murmuring filthy noise a steady stream of rumbling words that were half-unintelligible as the deep bass of his voice vibrated through Andy's body. He felt the cum rising in his cock and embraced it, body tightening as he completely hilted himself in Wallace's grasping hole, burying his face in the scruffy neck and moaning.

"That's it, baby, that's it!" Wallace praised. "Shoot your load up Dad's butt, ride it out."

It was an intense orgasm, his piss slit almost burning from how forcefully the cum shot out into the rubber. He kept his movements minimal, panting and shaking as his dick twitched with pulse after pulse of a fat load. Wallace held him throughout, supporting Andy's weight with no complaints.

"Jesus Christ," Andy sighed as he wound down. "That felt SO damn good."

"Glad you had a good ride, baby." Wallace said with a laugh, running an affectionate hand over Andy's head and neck.

He let his legs straighten out, and both of them fully relaxed onto the bed, Andy laying on top of Wallace's warm body. They're breathing slowed down. Andy could feel his cock softening and start to slide out of Wallace's hole, but he made no moves to clean up yet. The man's strong arms and warm chest felt too good to pass up.

"Hope I'm not too heavy." Andy murmured softly.

"A skinny buck like you? Not at all. Feels good." Wallace said, equally soft.

His hands trailed down Andy's sweaty back, his rough callouses scratching gently at the soft skin. He peppered a few light kisses onto Andy's head. They lay there for a few minutes, soaking up the other's presence and pretending that they didn't have a soft time limit ticking down.

"You did good, kid." Wallace drawled, patting Andy's back. "Surprised me how good you gave it. And that tongue! You sure you gotta go back home at the end of the week?" He chuckled.

"You keep being this nice and affection and, god, handsome, and I'll never want to leave." Andy replied, his voice muffled by the shoulder he was nuzzling into.

"Aw, shuddup, I know I ain't that good lookin."

"No, seriously, you're totally sexy." Andy said, bringing his head up to kiss gently at the side of Wallace's mouth before it fell back into his shoulder. "Very handsome, very nice, very good at sex."

"Good enough that we've got a bit of time left before the sun goes totally down." Wallace said, ignoring how flushed his cheeks were. "Reckon there's enough time to clean you up so you don't stink like fucking."

"Will we shower together?" Andy perked up, eyes bright.

"You bet, baby, get some last few minutes of fun in before I drop you back off."

That was enough motivation for Andy to get up. He rolled off the bed, stretching his arms up high to work out his sore muscles. Wallace followed, a little slower, his bones popping as they readjusted to standing position. He ambled over the Andy, laying a soft kiss on his lips while he palmed Andy's cock, still covered in a condom. The end of it hung fat off of the soft cock, the big load of cum weighing it down.

"Fuck, you really shot a whopper, didn't ya?" Wallace whistled. "Would have loved to have it go straight up my ass."

"Oh, yeah," Andy flushed, "That would have been hot. I really should have asked about that sooner, but in the heat of things being safe seemed like the best, and quickest, option. I mean, I'm negative, recently tested too, so it'd have been okay."

"Mmmm, I am too." Wallace rumbled, looking thoughtful. "We'll have to set that on the backburner."

Andy thought he'd never stopped being surprised by the gentleness that Wallace could summon up as the older man carefully peeled the condom off, making sure not to tug at any hairs. He made sure all the cum was sitting in the bloated end before pulling it off completely and quickly tying it up, though instead of throwing it into the trash he just left it on his bed stand. He winked at Andy as he led him towards the bathroom.

Wallace kept the water cool as he and Andy stepped into the shower, the old tub a bit cramped to hold two men, though neither seemed to mind. They slid around each other and giggled as they lathered up, freely exploring the other's body. Andy could feel his cock twitched as he cleaned off Wallace's corded muscles, paying special attention to his plump ass and lube-covered crack. Wallace was himself entertained with rubbing his big hands across the pale, skinny body in front of him.

"These are some interestin sunburns you got, kiddo." He laughed, rubbing soap on the blotchy red marks covering one side of Andy's stomach and chest.

"You probably noticed I read a lot at the beach, and I don't shift around as much as I should." Andy flushed. "I'm an indoors guy, okay?" He laughed.

"Looks cute on ya!" Wallace grinned.

When they were all clean, they toweled each other off and went to pick up their clothes from where they'd been hastily thrown around. Andy couldn't help but stare at Wallace's ass, still enamored with the chunky cheeks of bubble butt.

"Damn, can't believe I had my face up that hot ass." He whispered, adjusting his cock as he pulled his boxers on.

"And I can't believe your cute little face made such a nice seat for Daddy. Really made me wish we had more time so I could ride it proper." Wallace growled playfully.

"Oh yeah? Fuck, I love gettin my face ridden." Andy grinned back.

"Daddy rides rough, baby, you sure you can handle that?" Wallace was turning predatory again, sidling up Andy and looming over him.

"Ohhhfuckyesplease." Andy whimpered quickly.

As quick as the gleam in Wallace's eye had come, it was chased away by a playful sparkle. He ducked down to lay a loud smooch on Andy's blushing cheek.

"Fuck, buddy, if only I'd found you earlier. You say you come down here yearly, right?"

"Yessir." Andy said playfully once he'd composed himself. "Always in August for a week."

He paused and thought for a moment, before hesitantly speaking again.

"I usually always take a day or two off from the beach to let my pasty-ass skin take a break from the sun. That'd give us a whole day to do whatever we wanted." He offered.

"Yeah? Fuck, I like the sound of that, buddy." Wallace said, his eyes lighting up. "When you thinkin of taking that break?"

"I can do it anytime, but if you give me two days I'll be raring to go. Promise I won't jerk off." He winked.

"Hmm," Wallace mumbled as he pushed Andy out the door and towards his truck. "I'll keep in contact on Scruff and let you know what my schedule is like. Wanna make sure my baby gets a nice, sweaty hole again." He smirked.

"You're so good to me." Andy said with a laugh.

He suddenly found himself crowded against the door of Wallace's truck, the big man pressing himself against Andy's body and looking down at him with soft eyes. His physical prescense was borderline overwhelming, and Andy found himself swooning a bit.

"Only as much as you deserve, buddy. You're one great guy." He said, laying a soft kiss onto Andy's lips.

The kiss deepened, though it lacked the filthy quality of their earlier kisses. This one was just slow and soft, Andy's hands clutching at the mounds of muscle on Wallace's chest while he cradled the younger man's head in his hand. When they pulled apart, they looked at each other for a long moment, all quiet smiles and sparkling eyes.

Wallace opened the car door, helping Andy up with a strong hand. Andy sidled over the seat in anticipation for Wallace, happily pressing their thighs together once the older man was up into the cab. The contact felt good. They talked lightly on the drive back, Wallace confirming that he did landscaping for lazy rental house owners, while Andy told him about his job back home.

"No shit, you're a librarian?" Wallace hollered, grinning. "Hard to imagine you sittin quiet with all those books after your face has been neck deep in my sweaty hole."

"I'm not a librarian yet," Andy laughed, swatting playfully at Wallace's big bicep. "I'm a page, pretty entry level position. Though I do wear cardigans sometimes. I actually really like having such a quiet nerdy job, makes me feel kinkier to like kinky stuff."

"I certainly dig it." Wallace smiled.

Too soon, the truck pulled into the parking lot of a dollar store that was close to Andy's rental. The two men were quiet for a moment, looking affectionately at each other.

"I had a really good time." Andy said softly.

"Me too, buddy, really enjoyed havin you over. I'll let you know about later in the week, alright?"

Andy nodded.

"Okay, now give Daddy some sugar before you go." Wallace grinned, reaching over to pull Andy closer.

They shared another gentle kiss, and both of them sighed as they pulled apart. Andy said his goodbyes and waved as he got out of Wallace's truck, only stumbling a little on the tall step down. He looked up in time to see the man laughing, waving goodbye as well. He felt it was a little too obvious if they just smiled like idiots and waved at each other while he walked away, so Andy turned around and set out towards the house.

Whoo boy, it felt good to get out so many of my fantasies! I've still got a few more knocking around, so I bet Andy and Wallace will have an exciting second encounter. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me at spiranspiral at gmail dot com. Especially if you've got some kind words to say to a submissive top in his mid 20s ;)

Next: Chapter 2

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