Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 10, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Gerolamo Riboldi is the classic mother's darling, not because he's keen on it, on the contrary, but because he has a possessive, sitting-hen mother keeping him tied to her apron strings, with a double chain. He would really like to free himself from his mother's constant care, especially since, one year earlier, he discovered he likes men. But he still hasn't the courage to rebel - also because he is still only fifteen and he's an only child.

At his age, he is well developed (to the great pride of his mother) and seems two years older. It's possibly also for this reason that, the previous year, his swimming coach gave that long talk about friendship, mutual trust, then took him to shower together, once that they were alone in the gym, and there, with the pretext of washing him, the man caressed him, made him aroused, took him in his arms, kissed him, made him turn and finally deflowered him.

The boy didn't react, at first out of embarrassment, out of shame, but then also out of pleasure. The man hurt him a little, but gave him a lot of good feelings. He loved feeling the nice stake of his coach slipping back and forth in his warm and tight channel, the man's hands touching him all over his body, so that he felt as if his coach had a thousand hands like the goddess Kali! He liked that vigorous man gently biting his ear lobe, his neck, his shoulder while powerfully pistoning inside him. He loved the man's fingers kneading his hard balls, his tense member. He liked feeling the coach body stiffen, push into him with force while clasping his torso in his arms almost raising him from the floor, and then unloading in him moaning from his great pleasure...

So he crazily fell in love with his coach. With real joy and pleasure he let the young athletic man take him each time the coach whispered to him, with a beautiful, conspiratorial smile full of lust, to stop with him, later...

Until one evening when, to give the coach a surprise and offer his little ass to him, even if the young man didn't ask him, he loitered without being seen. When finally, after everybody left, he heard the shower water falling, he rapidly undressed and entered the shower room... to stop bewildered - amongst the steam of the warm water, his coach was pistoning with real gusto into the ass of Domenico, another boy from the swimming team!

"Oh, it's you, Jerry. Come, come here and suck his prick, and later I'll also fuck your nice ass and he will suck your pecker, right Domenico?"

"Yes, sure. Come, Jerry..." the other boy said with a broad smile.

But Jerry ran away, dressed in a hurry and went back home running all the way. He didn't cry, not at all. But he refused to swim any more. He succeeded in persuading his mother it was better if he practiced basketball and Mum, oddly, accepted this change without any problem.

In the gym showers, Jerry was dying with desire, seeing all those beautiful pendants between his mates' legs (he was the youngest, and those shafts more mature than his own, literally fascinated him) but nobody ever made advances and he, notwithstanding the strong temptation, never dared to make the first move. Thus he couldn't do anything with anyone. And his yen grew more and more strong and overpowering.

And now he is there, on the beach, his yen increased in seeing all that naked flesh, those nicely full bathing suits... But his mother doesn't let him go, not even a second. He is really bothered, not just a little, also because at times he can understand, by the glances of some boys, or youths or young men, that they like him, and that they would easily be game.

But, he accepts the inevitable. He hopes that one day a miracle will happen. But, besides when he goes to the gym, he's never alone - always there is dear Mum, especially now that they are on holiday.

"Jerry, let's go and do some shopping."

"Yes, Mum."

"Jerry, do you know that they are screening Gone With The Wind again? We'll go to see it, will we not?"

"All right, Mum."

"Jerry, a boy your age needs to have some fun - let's go to some ballroom dancing, you and I, next Saturday."

"Sure, Mum, as you like."

Today is the Patron Saint day in the small sea town.

"Tonight they let off fireworks. Let's go in time to get a good place at the Belvedere. Up there it will be crowded, because it's better than the beach, it's less damp. So we have to eat fast, and be there for eight PM."

"But, Mum, fireworks only start at ten!"

"Yes, right. We'll take something to read, as long as they don't turn off public illumination. But so we can be on the very first row. I've in mind the right place, you know? You know where the palms are, don't you? Near the low wall. So we can lean on it and enjoy all the show. You know that this year they're holding an international contest - I've heart it will be spectacular, something never seen. It will last three hours, until one in the morning, just think of that!" the woman says, excitedly.

Jerry nods in assent - he can't but do so.

At eight o'clock they arrive. There is still nobody there, as he had guessed. He sits on the low wall, near a street-lamp, his mother places herself on the other side of the lamppost and they both read their books. Jerry is not really interested in the book - one of the stories his mother loves so much. At times he reads, at times he looks at the people strolling along the avenue.

He sees a young man and at once recognizes him - he is the one who made him sweet-eyes on the beach, a couple of days before, then again the day before at the bar. He likes him a lot - about twenty-five, a dream-like body, blue eyes and dark-blond hair, a manly expression and, when he saw him the first time, wearing only his bathing-suit, something else in it that was also very manly! At the bar, Jerry made him a sign towards his mother. It seemed that the young man understood, as he shrugged his shoulders, smiled at him and left.

The young man passes in front of him, on the other side of the avenue - he's elegant, slender, and gorgeous. He looks at him and smiles. Jerry answers with a faint, shy smile, hidden by the lamppost dividing them, he points at his mother. The young man nods in understanding and continues his walk. Jerry wanted to yell with rage and frustration.

It is about nine PM. The young man passes once more and looks at him again. Other people take places along the low wall, but it's not yet really crowded. Jerry would like the young man to sit on the low wall too, near him. Just to be near, as he cannot even talk with him - his mother, as usual, would at once interfere and daze the young man with her chitchat. But possibly it's better if he doesn't come here, Jerry thinks, it would be insufferable having him so close and not even be able to touch him. Or, worse, possibly touch him slightly, but nothing more.

At nine thirty the wall is almost full of people. His mother sits on it, her legs dangling, and holds the lamp-post. Jerry is still turned the other way, leaning against the wall, and continues reading here and there, almost without paying attention to the text. At his side there is now a young couple, half- embraced, exchanging pecks and caresses. How lucky they are - they can neck in a public place and without their mums nearby... the boy thinks with a sad, strong envy.

"Turn, Jerry, its almost time." his mother says, solicitous.

"Yes, Mum." the son answers, complying.

Now there are people in double or triple rows, but behind Jerry there is still nobody, possibly because until then he was turned reading.

"You see we were right to come earlier? Why don't you sit like me? You'll be more at ease, won't you?"

"No, Mum, I can lean on the wall and I'll be at ease all the same..." Jerry says and, oddly, his mother doesn't insist.

Jerry leans on the low wall, on his elbows. Some bangs announce that the fireworks are about to start. More people are coming. The street-lamps are put out.

The show starts - it is really beautiful, Jerry let the view absorb his attention. The choral "Ohhh..." are abundant.

"How beautiful, isn't it, Jerry?" his mother squeals looking at him, happily.

"Yes, Mum, beautiful." the boy agrees.

Somebody places himself at his back. Jerry feels a light pressure. Whoever it is, as he is leaning in that way, he can see perfectly also without the need to push, Jerry thinks, slightly annoyed.

The pressure increases. Now Jerry has a clear feeling - against his butts is pushing... an erect member! He gives starts... no, that's not possible, he has to be wrong. The pressure ceases. But as soon as new fireworks explode, the pressure also resumes - yes, it is really a good hard cock, Jerry thinks, full of emotion. But who can be so daring... he turns his head and sits agape - the beautiful blond young man winks at him and brushes his lap against his ass. Jerry looks left and right - at his left the lamppost, at his right the young couple leaning out like him... nobody looks at them, nobody can see... Jerry resumes watching the fireworks, but now he pushes his little ass back and brushes it against that pleasurable hardness. The young man seems to appreciate this - his firm stake, imprisoned in the cloth of his trousers, throbs against him with urgency.

That secrete and discreet game continues, amongst the "ohhhh..." of the people and the applauses.

"How beautiful, Jerry!"

"Yes, Mum, really great!" the boy nods vigorously, pushing back his ass with pleasure, to renew the contact.

The young man pushes his pubes forward and brushes it against the little, firm ass of the boy. Jerry feels shivers of pleasure and now also his tool is hard as ever. The left hand of the young man works its way between the boy's body and the lamppost, turns, and daringly goes to grope his tenting fly. Jerry gives another start of surprise and the pleasure and makes his member throb under the hand of the young man. This one, as an answer, makes his tool palpitate against his ass.

Jerry is all a shudder. He again checks that nobody can see their maneuvers... no, all is ok. Almost as if the other had read his mind, he forces Jerry shorts' elastic and lowers them a little. Jerry is frightened. He tries to stop him, but the left hand of the young man, daringly slips inside his shorts and caresses the naked skin of his buttocks. Jerry feels his legs almost giving in.

"Look at this one, Jerry! How beautiful! Unbelievable!"

"Really, Mum... unbelievably good" the boy exclaims assuredly while the young man slips a finger between his buttocks, rummaging until he finds the hole and he probes it.

"Ohhh, how beautiful!" Jerry almost shouts.

"Well... this one was nothing special..." his mother says, somewhat amazed.

The young man behind Jerry becomes more daring, lowers Jerry's shorts some more. The boy is tense, somewhat embarrassed, but really excited. He looks at the couple to his right and sees that the boy slipped his hand under her blouse and is caressing her boobs. The young man behind him continues to play with his finger in Jerry's hole giving him very pleasurable sensations. Then moves his shorts down some more and Jerry feels the fresh air caress his butt. He understands that his ass is now half uncovered.

More "ohhhs" come from the crowd. Jerry is more and more aroused. The man stops playing with his hole and pushes his shorts down some five or ten centimeters more. Jerry thinks that if he continues pushing them down, he will have to hold them up or else they can fall on the ground... But why the young man doesn't touch his little hole any more? he asks himself. He turns a little to look - he is still there and smiles at him. Jerry sees he is making strange movements and looks more carefully.

The young man is opening his trousers fly! Jerry feels the blood flowing to his head. Goodness, no, not here! he thinks, in confusion. That's not possible! He looks towards his mother, then the couple at his right - everybody is engrossed looking the phantasmagoria of the more and more beautiful fireworks.

Then Jerry feels the stake of flesh, hard like iron, touching his buttocks, brushing against them, rummaging between them, then finding the right spot, and stopping there... What is he waiting for? the boy asks himself, feeling his head spinning and his body aflame. An explosion and, splendid, a firework opens in the air, and the young man with a perfect sense of timing, delivers his fatal stroke, full of energy, sinking in the boy's hole.

"Ohhhh..." the crowd shouts, prey of wonder.

"Ohhhh..." Jerry shouts, prey of pleasure.

The young man starts to pump in him, with slow but strong pushes, sinking each time deeper into Jerry's hole.

"Isn't it wonderful, Jerry?" his mother says, almost moved by the beauty of a new firework.

"Yes, Mum, it's really wonderful."

"This one really excited me, you know?"

"I too am excited, Mum. A real artist's masterpiece."

"Yes, really. This deserves the first prize..."

"But possibly the best has still to come, Mum... The final explosion!" the boy pants, enjoying that strong, hot flesh column that is conscientiously filing back and forth into his channel, making him enjoy another kind of fireworks.

In order not to compel the young man to move too visibly, Jerry moves to meet his pushes... and enjoys the fuck. The young man slips his left hand between the lamppost and the boy's body again, caresses his swollen genitals and starts to masturbate him.

"Ohhh..." Jerry moans at the right moments, excitedly.

More fireworks, more "ohhhhs...", more pleasure and more "ohhhhs..."

The young man is tireless, Jerry is literally in the stars, they enjoy each other with calm and yet strong passion. Jerry's mother is in raptures. Jerry is doubly enraptured. And, almost as if it was planned, when the final battery explodes, amongst the enthusiastic cheers and applause of the crowd, the young man and Jerry also shot all their batteries in unison.

"Great... great... wonderful... ohhh how good..." Jerry yells at the top of his voice, wriggling full of happiness.

"Yes, darling, really unforgettable." The mother says with an almost moved voice.

"Way too great!" Jerry, shivering and almost crying for the pleasure, says.

"Oh yes!" his mother says looking at him, full of understanding, and nodding several times her assent.

The young man slowly slips out, after giving a last caress to the boy's genitals. Jerry pulls up his shorts. The young man gives a light slap to the boy's ass and silently goes away. Jerry's mother slips around the lamppost to go near her son.

"Can we go, Jerry?" she proposes taking her son arm in arm and smiling at him.

"Yes, Mum."

"It was worth coming here, wasn't it?"

"I would come here every night, if there was something as good as tonight."

"I can believe you. A pity it was only tonight, eh?"

"Oh yes. Yes, Mum, a real pity!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 8

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