Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 6, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Marco and Sergio have been together four years. Marco likes Sergio; he feels great being with him, but Sergio's jealousy is a burden. Sergio doesn't leave him alone, not even for a moment. He watches over him, obsessed with the idea that he might cheat on him. Marco has never seriously thought of doing so but his man's mania strongly tempts him to make a cuckold of Sergio.

As in the previous year, they went to the little beach near the boat pier, in front of their seaside hotel. Sergio loves the place, and Marco doesn't dislike it. There are a lot of hunks around that often awaken his erotic fantasies.

The two of them are on the beach sunbathing. Sergio is doing his crossword puzzle, and looks often at his boy. Marco watches the people passing nearby. As one young man passes there, his swimsuit swollen, he guesses the man would be generously endowed. And what a body! Marco slightly quivers. If that man were gay, he would really like being ridden by him.

The young man throws him a casual glance, but then his eyes comes back to Marco and pass up and down over Marco's body as he is relaxed on the deck chair, and then lingers on his swimsuit. Then he goes on away. "Fucking hell, that guy must be game...," Marco thinks with a delicious shudder.

A short while later the young man passes by again and throws him another long, eloquent glance. Marco stares between the young man's legs, then worriedly looks at Sergio and sees that he is happily absorbed in his Word Puzzle Magazine. The young man goes away without looking back.

Another hour elapses. Marco is admiring another couple of fine virile bodies, but both of them are with a girl. Anyway, they are handsome.... Then the young man of before comes by once more and his glance again caresses Marco's body. Their eyes meet. The young man gives a slight smile. Marco looks worriedly at Sergio who, right at that moment raises his eyes.

"Would you like a drink?" his man asks him casually.

"Yes, thank you... a Coke..."

"Good. I will go to buy it..." Sergio answers standing up. He takes his wallet and goes to the nearby bar to buy the drinks.

The young man stopped nearby, continuing to look at Marco. On instinct Marco passes his hand over the front of his speedos. The other repeats the gesture, almost in answer, and smiles at him. Marco feels attracted to that chap, but... what to do? He has a body, not like a Mr. America, but almost, perfectly tanned, and the basket under the tight fire-red swimsuit promises delights- forbidden pleasure.

Sergio is back. Marco unwillingly quits looking directly at the other boy. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the red swimsuit going away. "So much the better," he thinks with regret mixed with relief. "I should not even think about him any more!"

He doesn't see "red speedos" again. Sergio and he, at mid afternoon, leave the beach. After the usual tours, they have supper, and then spend the evening with their friends, mainly other gay couples, and last they hit the bed. Sergio caresses him, pulls him against himself, makes him feel his desire. Marco offers himself to him. He likes how Sergio takes him in a tender, delicate, but also passionate way. And he is able to make it last a long time. But Marco at times would like also a good fuck in the "Tarzan way", as he defines inside himself a wild fuck, and he thinks that "red speedos" would probably be a guy who fucks wildly.

The following day, when they go to the beach, to their usual beach umbrella, Marco gets a jolt - "red speedos" is already there, lying on the deck chair under the near umbrella, reading a book and smoking a cigarette. Their eyes meet and the glance of the unknown man is warm and deep, stirring. Embarrassed, Marco looks away and sets their things down. "Red speedos" is sitting right at his side. Marco ostentatiously turns towards Sergio. But he would like so much to be looking at that hunk.... Or rather, he would like to know him...intimately.

Sergio stands up: "I'm just going to the toilet. I'll be back soon." he says and walks away.

Marco follows him with his eyes, and then turns towards the neighbor.

The young man smiles him: "My name is Valerio. And you?"

"Marco...." the boy almost stammers.

"I like you, you know?" the other plainly and clearly says.

"Thank you, but...."

"Is he your friend, that one?" Valerio asks nodding with his head towards the toilets.

"Yes...and he is also terribly jealous. Heaven help me if he even sees me talking with you."

"We will be careful. I really like you a lot. Can't you get away from him?"

"No, he never leaves me alone even just a minute."

"That's a shame...."

"Careful, he is coming." Marco says and turns taking up a magazine to read.

Sergio is back, quiet. "Happily he saw nothing," Marco thinks, "or else his face would show it at once." They go to swim. When they get back, Marco searches with his eyes for Valerio. He is still there, reclining on his deck chair, his legs slightly spread apart, the swollen speedos in good view. Marco swallows and shifts his glance away. He stretches out under the sun, side by side. Sergio talks with him and he answers with monosyllables - his mind is elsewhere.

After a while Sergio asks: "Would you please go buy some sandwiches and drinks?"

"Yes, sure...." Marco stands up. He notices that the deck chair of their neighbor is now empty, but his belongings are still there. He goes towards the bar, enters.

Valerio is at the counter and is sipping a Coke: "Hi, I heard he was sending you here, so I came."

"For sure he is looking in this direction."

"But he can't see me. I want to meet you."

"It's not possible."

"I think it is. I would like to fuck you. Don't you want to?"

"Oh yes... but how?"

"I'm friendly with the bathing attendant. Ask him for a row boat, and go out on the sea."

"Will you wait for me there in another boat? It's useless, he always follows me with the field glasses, when I take a boat."

"But he never comes, right? I noticed that. I have been observing you for several days."

"He would see you anyway, if you jumped into my boat."

"Don't worry. You just ask the assistant for the green boat. Green, remember. I'll take care of all the rest."

"Yes.... When?" Marco answers, stirred up.

"In exactly one hour."

"All right."

Marco goes back to his beach umbrella. He fears that Sergio can detect his excitement but all seems quiet. Time seems to never pass. Finally, the hour is nearly up.

"Sergio, can I hire a boat?"

"Sure, you know that. But remain here in front, understood?" Sergio says to him, just as usual.

"Of course." Marco answers.

He goes to see the bathing attendant: "I would like to hire the green boat...."

"Ah, yes, sure, the green boat." the attendant says with a little smile, "Come on, it's ready."

He guides him. The boat is tied to the pier.

Marco notices that inside there is a kind of big bundle, he is about asking to the attendant what is that brown cloth, but when the attendant says to him pointing at the bundle: "Careful not to step on it..." he understands.

He gets into the boat, sits on the sliding rowing stool, and takes the oars. While the attendant unties the boat and pushes it away, Marco looks towards Sergio. His man, from the beach umbrella, gives him a gesture with his hand - he already has the field glasses at his neck.

He rows away from the beach. When they are in the open sea, he says: "Here there are no other boats, but if you just sit up, he will see you."

The cloth slips aside and the smiling face of Valerio peeps out. Remaining down, lying flat, the young man settles himself spreading his legs wide apart like scissors around the rowing stool, opens the side hooks of his swim suit and pulls it off. Marco, continuing to row, looks fascinated at the now exposed genitals - he never saw anything so beautiful; he feels his mouth water. The member of the other is majestically rising and Marco thinks it is like the yardarm of a sailboat.

"Let me pull off your speedos, then slide as far as you can up on your pelvis." Valerio says.

Marco looks towards the beach. He can't see Sergio but he knows he is certainly watching him. He raises his ass slightly to allow the other to pull down his speedos, then he waves his arm towards the beach in a greeting sign to Sergio. He pushes his pelvis forward on the stool and Valerio slips his finger between Marco's butt cheeks and titillates his hole. Marco at once gets a very strong hard on. Valerio gets a tube, squeezes out some gel, lubes Marco's anus deeply. The boy shudders all over, anticipating what is about to follow and enjoys the maneuvers of the finger exploring the field of near conquest. Valerio slips a condom on to his hard pole... "Here we are." Marco thinks stirred up and incredibly excited.

Then Valerio, sliding on his back on the boats bottom, spreading his legs as much as he can, nears his powerful weapon to the boy's butts, aims it with his hand on the slippery hole and determinedly pushes.

"Ooooh..." Marco moans happily, feeling the pleasure as he is dilated and invaded by that powerful pole.

"Do you like it, Marco?"

"To die for..."

"Then, now, row... row... you'll see how good is it, each time you pull on the oars... Go on... go on..."

Marco starts again to row - each time he applies some force on the oars, "that" oar slips deeply inside him, and when he pushes forth is oars, it slips out that much that is needed for next thrust.

"God, it's great... oooh, how good... I can feel it all..." Marco moans enraptured, applying himself to row with increasing vigor. He just takes care to keep far from other boats, while at each oar's stroke he impales himself on that beautiful cock.

"Row, go on... row Marco... You like it, don't you?" Valerio instructs him, massaging Marco's hard member and tossing inside him his beautiful pole at each oar stroke.

"Yes, oh yes... God, what a nice cock you have... oh Valerio... aaah how good I feel it..." Marco pants rowing with zeal but without forgetting from time to time to wave his arm for his jealous and distrustful lover watching him from the beach.

Valerio suddenly starts to moan aloud, to push with all his means. Marco understands he is near is orgasm and starts to row with even greater vigor. Valerio reaches his orgasm and with a strong yell starts to unload inside Marco who frenetically rows. The boy also cumms and abundantly sprinkles his secret companion's chest.

They part and put back their swimming suits.

Valerio says: "Tomorrow again, agreed?"

"But yes! Same time, same boat..."

"Cover me back carefully with the cloth, and go back to the beach, now..." Valerio says winking at him slyly.

Marco rows to the beach, now calm and quiet. He silently gives back the boat to the attendant, who again smiles at him with a conspiratorial look, and Marco goes back to Sergio. He sits down, worn out, but really satisfied.

"You are tired, Marco, huh? I never saw you rowing with such diligence. But you have a white and red face, oozing health, more beautiful than ever. It really does you good rowing, both for your body and your spirit. Therefore, do you know what I want you to do? I decided that you have a good rowing session every day. All right, Marco?"

"Yes, Sergio, as you wish. Agreed."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 6

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