Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 26, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Mister Emidio gradually bought a whole block of one or two storey old fisherman's houses. Leaving the exteriors as they are, after careful restoration, he transformed the interiors into a small, comfortable, original little hotel - there are only twelve rooms, the bar and the restaurant open to the public, the services and the lodgings for his family. Mister Emidio has three children, the elder is married and helps in the hotel with his wife; the second is studying at the university in the regional capital and comes back only for the tourist season to give a hand, the third one, Lucio, is eighteen-years- old and he just ended the fourth year of the scientific high school.

Professor Gianluca Stradella is an English teacher, for five years, at the capital's high school. Ever since he was a student, he comes every year to mister Emidio's hotel "La lampara" and spends all his vacations there - he loves the sea and is a skilled swimmer. Gianluca saw Lucio grow up - a lively, intelligent, likeable boy. And this year he is assuming adult features, his body has become virile, even though having a fresh face with a clean expression. He became attractive, the professor notices - still a couple of years and... Gianluca likes young boys, but not too young.

But this year Gianluca perceives that the boy is sad - while he serves in the restaurant, even though he always has his gentle attitude, he is no more the extroverted boy with a bright smile that Gianluca knew. So, after the first four, five days, Gianluca asks Emidio what is up with Lucio.

"Ha, professor... he has to repeat the final tests. He has always been amongst the best of his class. But since January, all of a sudden he changed - even though he spends hours on his books, he started to fail his tests, to get lower and lover marks. He became taciturn, a slacker... I don't understand what's up with him. I had him visited by our doctor, but he says he is in perfect health... He only has to repeat English, where he had the worst marks; the teachers were kind to him to give him only one discipline, I think they want to help him, but... If he doesn't improve... I'm so worried... I planned to enroll him in the university; I thought he was the most talented of my sons... But now I'm afraid..."

"English? But then, why don't you tell him to come up to my room - I'll help him to study and you'll see he will succeed."

"Oh, professor, but you are here to rest, not to work..."

"But on evenings I've nothing special to do, and three times a week every other day, for a couple of hours, I would be glad to help him."

"I don't know how to thank you, professor. You are really kind."

Lucio would not take lessons, "It's useless, " he says to his father, "I can't succeed; don't waste your money for me..." But mister Emidio insists.

So, that same evening, Lucio goes to knock at the door to chamber 7, to see professor Stradella. The man welcomes him with a smile, talks for a while with him, then looks at the boy's book and at the exercises on his copybook.

"Well, let's start again from the basics: you'll see that in these two months I'll bring you to a good level. So..." he says and starts the revision.

While he explains, he looks at him - he really is a handsome boy, sweet, sensual. He feels strongly attracted to him.

The boy wears a tight, white T-shirt wrapping his well developed torso and that is slightly risen, in two pointed spots, on his small nipples. He has faded blue jeans, tight as well, showing off a full and promising roundness. How not to be aroused from such vision? Gianluca does his best to control himself, but his desire increases day after day. Lucio, sitting at his side, writing down the answers to an exercise, is making silly mistakes, just for a slip of the pen.

Gianluca puts his hand on the boy's knee and says, "No, be careful, how should you write it?"

The boy at once corrects his mistake.

"Good! You see you know it?" the professor says, slightly squeezing the boy's knee.

This becomes a kind of signal - when Lucio is making a mistake, Gianluca just squeezes his knee a little, and Lucio corrects the mistake. Gianluca feels the desire to move his hand on the boy's thigh wrapped in the tight jeans as a second skin. He refrains, but this takes a real effort.

Then a day he puts his hand on the boys' naked arm.

"You see, Lucio, you are able to do well?"

"Yes, but only because you are following me step by step and let me understand when I'm wrong. Alone, I would never succeed."

"But why, Lucio? Your father told me that you were the best of your class and then... What happened?"

"Nothing. My head just stopped working, I'm no more able to concentrate... and this, is not only in English..."

"So, all of a sudden? Something must have happened." Gianluca gently insists, unconsciously caressing the boy's forearm lying on the table slightly.

"No, no, nothing..." the boy objects.

Gianluca, without thinking, puts his hand on the boy's thigh, in a friendly gesture, "You seem sad to me... what's happened you?" he insists.

"Nothing... really..." the boy murmurs but he lowers his chin onto his chest.

The professor lightly caresses his warm, firm thigh, "Why won't you tell me? I may possibly be able to help you."

"Nothing... it's nothing..."

"With that face? How can I believe you? Do you have problems with your family perhaps?"


"So then... heart problems, perhaps?"

"No, nothing." The boy says with a broken voice.

Gianluca feels that the boy is on the verge of bursting into tears. He raises his chin with a hand, "If you tried to tell me..."

"I... cannot..." the boy says, his eyes swollen, then he starts crying - a silent, yearning cry.

Gianluca puts an arm on the boy's shoulders, tries to soothe him, pulls him gently towards himself, caresses his cheek, "Why don't you try? Open your heart to me, come on, whatever your problem could be. I really would like to help you. I almost saw you growing up, I'm really affectionate to you." He tells him continuing to squeeze his shoulders and to caress his cheek.

Lucio takes the hand that is caressing him with both hands, places a light kiss on it half opening his lips and brushing it with tip of his tongue. Then he leaves it all of a sudden, looks totally troubled at the man and in a whisper says, "Forgive me!"

"For what?" Gianluca gently asks, raising again his face and gazing into his eyes full of tears.

He dries them with a finger, lightly. Lucio throws his arms around the man's neck. Their faces approach, their lips lightly brush. Gianluca feels the boy shudder, he girds his waist with his other arm and pulls him against his body, making him slip away from the chair, taking him onto his lap, and their mouths unite in a tender and intimate kiss.

Gianluca is aroused; he wants that sweet and handsome boy. He caresses him all over his body, in a more and more intimate way, until his hand lingers on Lucio's warm, strong hard-on. The boy moans slightly with pleasure. Their bodies strictly adhere while Gianluca stands up. The boy caresses the nape of the man's neck and shoulders; the man caresses his back and his ass, pulling Lucio to himself. His hands move upwards, slipping under the boy's T-shirt and caress the naked back of the boy. Lucio shudders strongly, and passionately sucks the man's tongue deeply embedded in his mouth. They don't talk. Gianluca takes off the boy's T-shirt and Lucio raises his arms to facilitate him. The man lowers and sucks the small, hard nipples of the boy. Lucio moans aloud and trembles, and his hand slips between their bodies, between the man's legs, to assay Gianluca's virile hardness.

Gianluca starts to unbutton the boy's jeans, makes them slide down to the floor, together with his cotton shorts. Lucio, without bending, kicks away his shoes then his trousers, remaining totally naked in the man's arms. Gianluca bodily raises him, lays him on the bed, then bends to the boy's groin and captures his hard member with his mouth.

"Ohhhh." The boy moans arching his hips upwards, seized by intense pleasure. While delighting himself and having his fill with that already fully erect member pulsating in his mouth, Gianluca rapidly undresses himself.

He climbs on the bed, kneels astride the boy's hips. Lucio looks at him with dreamy eyes and caresses Gianluca's chest, his belly, then gently seizes the man's strong member and starts to kiss, lick it with devotion, makes it slip between his lips and lets it go down his throat, happily moaning, until his nose is pressed against the man's pubes.

Gianluca pushes him until he is on his back, lies on him and again kisses him on his mouth. Lucio seems seized in a frenzy, answers to that kiss and with his legs girds the man's waist. Instinctively, Gianluca rummages with his hard pole between the boy's thighs and Lucio strongly quivers and adheres even tighter to the man's body. The man feels that the boy wants him inside himself, so he starts pushing, raising on his elbows to be able to watch his expression. Lucio's gaze is intense... and silently starts to cry again.

"Why? Do you want me to stop?" Gianluca asks, becoming still and worriedly looking in his eyes - he fears he went too far... But Lucio shakes his head. "Why are you crying, then?" the man thoughtfully asks, caressing him.

Lucio embraces him tightly, hides his face against the man's naked, strong chest and murmurs, "I'm way too happy, I wanted this for months, Take me..."

"You really want me to?" the man, excited but still hesitant, asks him.

"Yes - you will be my first man..." the boy murmurs.

"Your first man?" Gianluca whispers, almost unbelieving.

"Please... take me..." the boy passionately murmurs strongly pushing his ass against the man's powerful, pulsating rod.

Thus Gianluca resumes pushing... and takes Lucio. Now the boy has a luminous gaze, is totally relaxed in the strong arms of the man and is enjoying with evident pleasure each lunge of the hard member inside him. Gianluca is enraptured by the blissful expression of the boy. Lucio's excitement increases his own, until it's so strong that he is no more able to control it and he empties inside him. Lucio also comes at once, lightly moaning.

While they are lying, still connected, Gianluca caresses the boy's face and sweetly asks him, "Now, you can tell me what happened to you?"


"You mean?"

"About one year ago I understood I desired this... but I didn't know whom to tell, how to go about it. All my mates, my friends, only talk about girls. I thought I was the only one different, wrong. I wanted to die."

"But you are not the only one, on the contrary..."

They talk for a long while. Lucio, little by little, cheers up. He now totally opens his heart to Gianluca. He tells him his thoughts, desires, fears, doubts, his loneliness. The man listens to him, caresses, consoles him, tells him about himself, how he understood his real sexuality when he was nineteen.

Lucio, during the following English lessons, makes rapid improvement. He is once again the extroverted and smiling boy as before. And after each lesson, he again makes love with Gianluca, with yearning passion and joy.

The boy's parents are aware of the change, and they thank the professor with deep gratitude. Gianluca gradually feels more and more fond, attracted towards the boy - he likes him more and more and not only physically.

When the vacations are coming to their end, Lucio has totally recovered his English preparation.

"You are leaving..." he says to the man.

"Yes, unhappily. Tomorrow... I will miss you..."

"I too. Can we write to each other?"

"You bet, Lucio."

"I would so much like you to be able to stay..."

"Lucio, I feel that... I think that I'm in love with you..."

"I... I know I am." The boy says in a whisper.

"When you pass your school leaving certificate, you already decided what studies you will do, afterwards?"


"Where I live, there is a faculty of Architecture... and my home is large enough for two people... If you wanted..."

"Would you like having me with you?" the boy asks with a brilliant smile.

"I would be enchanted..."

"As... as your boy?"

"Certainly yes... if you too desire me as your man."

"Good lord, Gianluca... you need to ask me? Don't you understand I wish for nothing else? I didn't dare ask you - you told me that you like boys older than I..." he happily exclaims, embracing him.

"Well... you'll grow older. Will you come?"

"Happen what may... You can bet I'll come, be certain! It's a pity I've another year to wait for..."

Lucio sees Gianluca to the station, "I talked with my parents - they say that if in one year you still agree, they would be happy to know that I am in good hands."

"Are you sure you will really be in good hands?" the man slyly asks.

"In the best hands I could dream of. Will you wait for me?"

"You must not doubt it even for a single moment."

"Do you love me?"


"I do too. We will write each other often, won't we?"

"More than often. I'll send to the poste restante, all right?"

"All right... See you in a year, then..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 16

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