Beach Tales

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jun 24, 2006


BEACH TALES by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written on October 23 rd 1994 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Brian


"BEACH TALES" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Simone and Paola are a young just married couple - only six months of married life. They are on the beach together. Both are beautiful people - he is twenty- six-years-old and she is twenty, they are elegant, the ideal couple, admired and envied. Paola has a twin brother, Piero, who is on the beach with them. Piero and Simone share the same passion for underwater fishing. They often go on the open sea, anchor their boat, and dive with air bottles and all the necessary equipment - not harpoons but an underwater camera.

They are on open sea, and are preparing themselves.

Piero asks Simone, "What's up? You seem strange, today."


"To be nothing, it's too visible... Did you by chance quarrel with Paola?"


"Because she also had a strange attitude, this morning... What happened?"

"Nothing." Simone repeated tiredly.

"Come on... you can tell me, can't you? Are we not friends, besides being brothers in law?"

"It's just that... Paola..."

"What did she do?"

"What she didn't do, rather." Simone says, sullen.

"That is?"

"I'm asking myself why she married me..."

"Oh, really! You seemed so happy..."

"Yeah... I thought that possibly she would change..."

"For heaven's sake, what's not working?" Piero asks with an encouraging smile.

"She doesn't... do it."

"She doesn't do, what?"

"She, with me... after we married... just four times. And each time she stays there, cold as a marble statue..."

"You mean... in bed?"


"Is she... frigid?"

"Right so... and so she cools me down also..."

"But... before marrying, weren't you aware that she..."

"She didn't want to do it... I thought she was just old-fashioned, and after all I appreciated that..."

"And on the contrary... Oh poor Simone, I can understand why you are gloomy..."

"As long as I don't ask her to do it, she's nice, merry, kind, solicitous... But only if I don't ask her for it."

"Heck, just four times in six months... how do you manage?..."

"How do I manage? I wank, but carefully so that she doesn't know, or else she calls me a swine."

"All this time! Shit, she has a man like you, one with everything - handsome, smart, well-educated, gentle, well endowed also physically and... That's almost unbelievable... Poor Simone, I'm really sorry... really... Who would have thought that was happening. You two seemed so happy..."

"I though it was just a question of time... you know, she was still a virgin and... Possibly, gradually, making her feel pleasure... I did my best, believe me..." Simone stops talking. "Let's dive, now..." he then says, determined.

They dive, shoot pictures, calling each other with big gestures as they discover something beautiful. Then they get back on the boat and go toward the beach. Simone seems somewhat more serene.

"Do you feel better?"

"A little. I enjoyed myself down there and it did me good being able to talk about it with you, to open my heart. I'm sorry I had to tell you such things about your sister..."

"No, don't worry about it. You did the best thing, we are friends, aren't we?" Piero answers with a gentle smile. "You can tell me anything any time..."

"Yes, thank you... now that we've broken the ice..."

Piero is alone with his sister, as Simone went to have their rolls of film shot earlier developed.

Piero faces her, "Hey, Paola... what's this story with Simone? What's the matter with you? Is he your husband or is he not?"

"What do you mean? Does it give him the right to use me anytime he wants to? Am I his slave?"

"No, don't talk bullshit! But you are his wife... It's seems only logical to me he wants to make love with you."

"You males only think about fucking. We just have to get in bed and he gets a hard-on..."

"Well, it's a compliment to you - it means that he likes you, that he desires you... Don't you like him?"

"Yes, he's likeable..."

"No, silly, not in that meaning..."

"I don't like being fucked, be it by him or by anybody else, if that's what you mean."

"But then... why did you marry him? I don't understand."

"To leave home. I couldn't stand dad and mum any more..."

"And for that... you make poor Simone unhappy?"

"Unhappy... just because he cannot fuck every night? I presumed he also had other interests..."

"But between every night and once every forty-five nights there is a huge difference. Surely you understand that."

"If I don't feel like it, I don't feel like it, do I? Once in a while, I take pity on him, so I let him do it..."

"Oh poor Simone..."

"Poor me, rather."

"No, poor him who married you."

"If you pity him so much, go and let him fuck you, then!" his sister says with venom.

"You bet! He is a handsome man!" his brother shouts at her, furious.

"What, are you a faggot?" Paola sarcastically persists.

"Yes, I'm gay, and so what? If I had such a man I would never let him escape me, you piece of turd! Simone will leave you, if you behave so."

"So much the better! And if you like him so much, go to console him, but leave me in peace!"

Simone and Piero are on the boat. Simone is wearing his air bottles, the breathing apparatus, and ballast. Piero looks at his beautiful, slender body, muscled and tanned. His eyes are captured by his yellow-orange speedo's whose lump let him guess the enclosed virile form. He feels attracted, aroused, troubled. He removes his gaze and he too dons his equipment. Simone takes the waterproof camera, they both put on their mouthpieces and, at a sign, they at once make a vertical plunge. They descend rapidly.

Simone explores, Piero follows him, but today he is not really able to take interest in what surrounds them - his thoughts are full of Simone, his fascinating body - his full speedo. He feels attracted, fascinated, bewitched.

Simone gestures him to approach and points out a coral-reef to him. With signs he made him understand he needs help, to keep still, as there is a current. Piero did this several times - he clings to his legs to keep him straight and to balance him while he uses the camera. But this time, just embracing his legs, having his face so near the generous lump of his bathing suit, makes Piero's desire rise to incredible peaks. He looses his mind, with a quick movement he lowers Simone's speedo enough, let go his mouthpiece and greedily takes his brother in law's member into his mouth.

Simone jolts, tries to move him away, to free himself, but Piero doesn't let him go and sucks him with ardor, sticking to him like a suction disc. Simone kicks, wriggles, but his legs are hampered by the boy, and his hands by the camera. He then tries to resurface, while Piero continues to suck him, filled with lust. Gradually the two, with Piero clinging, go up, go up, go up while Piero sucks, sucks, sucks...

Simone surfaces near their boat, throws the camera into it and while trying to hoist himself aboard, he pants.

"What's up with you? Are you crazy? Stop it, come on..."

With Simone's pelvis, Piero's head also emerges and he pauses for breath. Simone's member is turgid, pulsating. Simone tries to free himself with his hands from his brother in law and to hoist on board, but Piero resumes sucking him with renewed vigour.

"Oh, shit, Piero, let go... Piero, you are making me get aaan... aaan... aaangry! Oh shit, I'm co... co... comiiiiing!" Simone moans trembling, shuddering, vibrating.

Piero swallows all the jets in big draughts, and then he laps up the last drops.

"What the fucking shit is the matter with you!" Simone says angrily, furious, irritated but at last free, hoisting himself into the boat and tidying up his speedo.

Piero follows him. "I just did what my sister was presumed to do..." he says in a resolute tone, not at all frightened nor embarrassed.

"But you are not she!"


"Don't talk bullshit! You are a man, like me..."

"Didn't you enjoy it?" Piero asks in a challenging tone.

"Shit, no!" Simone answers curtly, removing his gaze from him.

"Don't tell me bullocks. He..." the youth answers pointing at the lump in Simone's speedo's, "cannot lie..."

Simone doesn't answer, and turns his back on him.

"It's useless to hide, at this point - you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Well, that doesn't matter." Simone says in a harsh, low voice.

"It would have been better if you were with me instead than with that turd Paola..."

"Stop it, what's the matter with you, today?"

"I would be able to give you pleasure, and not only in that way..."

"Stop it!"

"I like you enormously."

"Stop it, come on!" Simone almost begs, turning his back on him again.

Piero puts his hand on Simone's shoulder, "I would be able to give you all you need..."

"Give up... But what, are you a fa..." Simone says with vehemence, but then he stops at once.

"Yes, I am. So what? Even the word disgusts you?" Piero says accusingly, and withdraws his hand from Simone's shoulder.

"No... I just didn't think... didn't know..."

"Yes, I am gay, so then? And I like you, not only physically. I envied my sister, and the turd..."

"But I... I'm not. I'm sorry, Piero..."

"I think to be... in love with you."

"Oh shit... I'm so sorry, Piero."

"I just wanted to make you happy... Well, forgive me, I just fooled, wronged, deceived myself. Don't worry I'll never bother you again... Yes... I just... just can't understand what's the matter with me..."

For a while both of them are silent.

Then Piero, trying to resume a nonchalant tone, says, "I've spoiled everything. Let's go ashore. I'll find out the best train, and go back home as soon as I can..."

"No... Nobody is dead, after all... If it's only because of me..."

"No, it's because of me. How can I look you in the eyes now, after what..."

"Well, come on, making a... mistake, can happen to anybody, can't it? Come on, Piero... If I'm not upset with you, what have you to worry about?" Simone says turning again and showing a hint of a smile.

"Well, anyway... let's go ashore, please."

"As you like..."

Piero goes to the station to check the timetables. Simone says nothing. At supper a strange tension is in the air, made more heavy by the fact that all three are pretending to be carefree. They go to bed, Piero to his room, Simone and Paola to theirs.

After lying down awhile, not touching, Simone says, "Paola?" thinking to sound her out to know if she's aware her brother is gay, but without telling her directly.

"What do you want? Fuck me?" she says with rancour.

Simone says nothing. He feel furious. How's it possible she is such a bastard? He tries to control himself, offers the olive branch.

"I just wanted to talk..."

"Bah, and I just don't want to." She cuts in curtly.

"What now, not even talking is allowed?" He blurts out.

"Why, if I want to sleep, does it disturb you so much?"

Simone gets up, goes to the kitchen, and sits at the table, furious. He doesn't feel like going to bed near her again. If there was another bed in the house... He cannot spend all night without a sleep. Impulsively he stands up, enters Piero's room, leans toward him.

"Are you sleeping?" he asks in a low voice.


"I rowed with her..."

"I'm sorry..."

"May I... may I sleep here with you, now?"

"With me?" Piero asks amazed, sits up on the bed, lights the night-table lamp, and looks at him.

"Yes... If you let me... I don't feel like going back there, with her..." Simone says in a bitter tone.

"I've no problem... but are you sure?"


"Come..." Piero says, making room for him.

Simone lies near him. Their bodies don't touch.

Piero asks, "May I switch off the light?"


They are silent for a while, then Simone murmurs, "Embrace me..."

"Whaaaat?" Piero asks, bewildered.

"Yes, embrace me, please..."

"But... don't you think you are asking me too much? I clearly told you what I'm feeling for you, didn't I? ... You know it!"

"Love? Don't you think I need that even more than sex?"

"Yes, but to me... don't you, don't you understand my feelings?" "I do... and it's fine with me..." Simone whispers, and puts his arm on Piero's chest pulling him to himself.

"Simone, please..."

"You too, now, refuse me?"

"No... it's just that... now you are angry, disappointed, frustrated... but tomorrow morning? Later, when you get over it... You aren't gay..."

"Please, Piero..." the young man says embracing him tightly.

"In this way you are making everything very difficult..." the boy says, stiffening.

Simone gets on top of him and tries to kiss him.

"No, please, stop it... you will only hurt me, doing this..."

"I don't want to hurt you, Piero, really..." Simone says.

Piero feels his brother in law's erection pushing against him, his lips searching his own.

"Are you aware what are you doing?" the boy asks him, feeling his whole body aflame.

"I want your love..."

"And my body?"

"Also, if you want..."

"And... giving yours to me?"

"Also, if you want..."

"Body? Love?"

"Everything or nothing. I'm not asking you just to fuck, but to give me your love also."

"Are you really sure?"

"Yes... I'm sure."

"Such a sudden change..." Piero murmurs but Simone quiets him with a kiss.

And they finally start making love. They fall asleep very late, embraced, sated, exhausted.

The morning after, when Piero wakes up, he sees that Simon is looking at him.

"Don't go away, Piero... stay here... with me."

"Didn't you... change your mind?" the boy asks, amazed.

"No, on the contrary. I like what we did a lot..."

"But... how long can it last?"

"Forever. Do you think that's too long?"

"No... but... you really believe this?"

"Sure... You resemble her so much, physically..."

"But I'm a male..."

"Yes, I'm aware of that." Simone says with a smile, caressing his genitals.

"You... you never did it with a man, did you?"

"Better late than never..."

"But you aren't gay..."

"Oh, really? But I want you, I want your love, I want your body... Gay, not gay, does it matter so much?" Simone asks and lowers himself to suck the beautifully erect member of his brother in law.

Just as the previous night, they take each other, but this time during daylight, looking at each other with a pleased smile.

"Did I hurt you?" Piero asks, when they had relaxed, embraced.

"A little, but it was also good... I'll get used to it..." Simone answers, kissing him gently on his lips. "Anyway... you are a real champion, in apnea." He adds with a cunning, sweet smile.

"Well, you know, with a mouthpiece like yours... It still seems impossible to me. Are you really sure?"

"You are giving me all I need - that is love... and also pleasure."

"You would possibly prefer just to take me... isn't it so?"

"No. I like it when you slip it inside me also, from back or front. It has been really great, this morning even more than last night. You feel it? He is again rising up, just thinking of it..."

"Do you want... to do it again?"

"If you don't mind..."

"On the contrary, Simone..."

They enjoy each other for a long while, and Piero is happy seeing the radiant expression of the man with whom he is in love.

"We have to tell Paola, don't you think?" Piero says at the end of their love- making.

"She already knows about you?" Simone asks.

"Yes, since Wednesday."

"To me, you can tell anybody you like, Piero. It suffices me that you love me."

"Stay here... I'll go and tell her." Piero says standing up and summarily dressing.

He gets back more than an hour later.

"So, then?" Simone asks, sitting up on the bed.

Piero sits near him, "Done. All is settled..."

"You talked for a long time..."

"Yes, at first she was cantankerous."

"And now?"

"All is settled, as I said."

"Don't keep me on tenterhooks - settled, how?"

Piero smiles, "Only your yes is missing..."

"To what?"

"I can ask my bank to transfer me to the branch in your town. I will come to live in your apartment, but not in the guest room - in your room. She will move to the guest room. She is happy with this solution... but you?"

"Are you serious? You and I... together. And she... doesn't she want to leave?"

"No, she says she is all right with you, she likes you, just you have not to ask her to make love. She says that as a friend, or a brother, or... a brother in law, she accepts you." Piero adds with a sly smile.

"Only my yes is missing, you said?"


"No, it is not missing - of course my answer is a yes." Simone says pulling his new lover to himself.

That same day Paola and Piero swap rooms. Harmony as if by magic is back in the small apartment they are being lent in the seaside town. Besides the three of them, nobody knows about the exchange made between the two twins. What need is there to tell the others? After all, it's their business, isn't it?

They already start making plans for when they get back home. And Paola begins to talk of them as "her men", she is now tranquil as the constant worry about having to endure sex is over.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 15

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