Beach Party

By Zac R

Published on Mar 12, 2002


"Aaron, I...I don't know what to say. Can we do this later? When I get out of the hospital?" I said holding his hand.

"Of course Zac." He said.

"Will you lay with me for a bit, Aaron?"

"Do you really have to ask?"

He lay next to me and everything felt so right. We have cuddled together lots of times before this. But this, this was more intense. I held him tighter then I ever have before. I soon fell asleep and started dreaming.

I am running down the street. Someone is chasing me.

I don't know who. I keep running. Faster, and faster. They are still behind me. I feel out of control. I keep running, but it is getting harder. My feet start getting stuck in the pavement. I can't run anymore. They are catching up to me. I can't turn my head to see who it is or how close they are to me.


I wake up screaming. My nose is bleeding. Aaron is still here with me. He wakes up, when I scream.

"Baby. What's wrong?" He says rubbing my head. "You are sweating bad. Sweetheart your nose is bleeding. I am going to get the doctor."

"No. No. I will be fine. Just hold me." I grabbed some tissue, and held my nose together for a minute, but was fast asleep again.

Aaron finished cleaning me up and soon he was asleep again.

I start dreaming again. Leaving off right where it was.

After they crashed into me, everything was dark. I was outside that much I knew. I was lying down. I couldn't move. My head hurt. I opened my eyes, and there I was. Staring into the sky. I was lying on top of something. I turned my head a little. There I was. On top of my car.

"Why am I doing this again?" I said.

"You don't need to run from me." A voice said. Only, it was my voice. I started laughing. "What am I crazy now?"

"In a way. You are crazy about someone. Don't run from him. He completes you Zac."

"Why am I laying on the car again? Why am I dreaming of this."

"Look closely. Who is holding you on the car? Who is really there with you? Who has really been there all along, in the distance, waiting?"

"I looked closely. It wasn't Jacob. Those eyes, it is Aaron."

I woke up. I had a smile on my face. Aaron was still in bed with me. I leaned over and kissed him on his forehead.

"Aaron, wake up baby." I said rubbing his head.

"What is it princess?" He said.

"You know I hate that my prince." I said poking him.

"You know I hate that name too." He poked me back.

"I just had a dream. When I pushed you out of my way back at the house. You followed me didn't you? You saw me wreck, and fly out the windshield didn't you."

"Yes. I cannot lie to you. You just never asked me what happened. I was following behind you. You lost control of the car after you took the turn. Before you even wrecked I was on the phone with 911. I knew it was going to happen. I told them where you were, and I got out of the car, and held you till the ambulance came. You were delirious, I think. You called me Jacob. I was hurt, but I think that is who you really wanted to see. So I didn't say anything. I was talking to Rachel about it, and she told me that you would remember in time."

"I am so sorry Aaron. Please forgive me." I said hugging him.

"You know I will baby." He said returning the hug.

I just smiled. The next couple of days went by real fast. People coming in and out of the room, wishing me good health and all that crap. Most of all, Aaron was there, holding my hand the whole time. Making sure that things didn't get too much for me to handle.

He spent the night with me every night till I went home.

"Zacy, wake up! It's time to go home now." Aaron said.

"Yay! I am so happy. I can go home and make my own food, and sleep in my own bed. I am so excited."

I got ready and checked out of the hospital. I had been in there for a little over a month. My house better be clean or I am going to be pissed. We drove by the place where I wrecked and I got the chills. We pulled into my driveway, and there was a car I hadn't seen in a long time there.

"Aaron is that who I think it is?"

Ok sorry to leave it here, but you know...I like suspense...Let me know what you think...

Next: Chapter 8

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