Beach Cruising

By dale

Published on Sep 25, 2007


I had been to the local beach, several times since it had become THE place for cruising, and enjoyed several satisfying sessions with guys I'd encountered there. It was a fairly remote location, and there were never a lot of dudes there, but always enough that one could connect with someone, sometimes more than one, during an average evening. Each time I was there, I noticed one guy in particular: older ( maybe late 30's ), very handsome, about 6' tall, and a fit, slender build. He was usually standing by the wooden platform or the steps leading from it to the beach proper, or sometimes just sorta hanging back by the tree line; always watching whatever action might be happening. Each time I intended to approach him, some other guy, usually a young studmuffin, would beat me to the punch. I did notice though, that while he might have some young dude caressing his crotch or kneeling in front of him, a very short time later he would be alone and watching whatever was happening around him again. This past week, I paid special attention, and the first evening I saw a guy approach him, they talked, then the dude knelt and I saw him open the guys shorts & fish his cock out. Shortly thereafter, the dude stood, shook his head and walked away. This time, I saw what the 'problem' was: the guy was hung like a horse! Even from 50 feet away and in dim light, I could see he had a good 11", maybe more, and it was thick as a large cucumber, with lemon sized head! Apparently the guys coming on to him weren't able to accomodate his size. I watched this happen for a week, and finally decided I had to do something about it, especially since I'm somewhat of a 'size queen' myself.

Tonight, I slid on a pair of short stretch shorts and a tank top, slid my sandals on, and dropped a couple magnum-size condoms ( plus a couple regular size) & some extra-slippery lube into my pocket. He'd arrived just before dark every night this week, so I got there about 10 minutes earlier and hung back in the trees by the landing. I saw him arrive and as he walked past me he apparently didn't see me in the trees. He stopped at the wide stair landing, one foot on the wide bench, arms resting on the railing. My cock had been hard since I walked in on the trail, since I'd been thinking so much about what I planned to do, and my gentle rubbing of it through my shorts kept it that way.

I stepped onto the trail, making a little noise so he'd hear me, and when he turned to look, I slowly walked down to the landing, one hand lightly rubbing my 'tented' crotch. I stopped about 10 feet from him and continued lightly caressing myself as his eyes worked up & down my body. When his gaze locked with mine, I slowly peeled the tank top off, kicked off my sandals, then eased my shorts down & off, letting my hard 7.5" cock bounce free. I fished the condoms & lube out of my pocket, then walked over in front of him. I could see the distinct outline of his huge cock down his left shorts-leg, so I walked over to him and ran my fingers lightly the length of his cock, then turned and knelt on the bench with my ass pointed at him. I spread my legs, and leaned over to rest my right arm on the railing, which arched my back and thrust my ass out more. I reached my other hand back towards him, holding the condoms & lube out.

"If you're interested, why don't you get naked, and put one of these condoms on" I said softly. "I think that if you lube it enough, and make sure my ass is also lubed, with a little patience and effort we might be able to slide that beast in my tight little asspussy. I'm game if you are."

As I looked at him over my shoulder, I could see the suprise on his face. Then he smiled brightly and quickly stripped his clothes off & when his VERY large cock sprang into view, I got a little tingle in my loins. This close, it looked positively huge, and I started having second thoughts about whether it would fit. Now I could see thatit was more like 12" long and at least 2 3/4" thick, with the head being a good 3" across! I manged to get my free hand on it and the heat & hardness of suprised me. I stroked it a few times then turned & rested my head on my arms, waggling my ass as I did.

"All yours, Stud" I said huskily. "Take your time and make this last."

"Right here on the landing?" I heard him ask.

"I don't mind an audience if you don't. " I replied. "But no one else seems to be here."

I heard the condom being opened, then the squishy sound of lube, lots of it, being spread on his cock. A moment later, a generous gob of lube was being slathered up & down my asscrack, then more around my little pucker. I felt a finger probe my hole, then slide in and twirl around. A second finger soon joined it, then I felt cool lube running around the point where the fingers entered me. He finger-fucked me for several strokes, then a third finger worked it's way into my hole, stretching my assring nicely. More lube & finger-fucking followed. His other hand found my low hanging balls and rolled & twisted & tugged on them, then moved onward to stroke my rigid cock a bit. Then the hands & fingers left me and I felt the huge head of his cock spreading my asscheeks and searching for my hole. I wiggled around until I felt his cockhead center on my fuck-hole, then pushed myself back towards it as I strained out very hard with my assring. I could feel my asslips being pushed wider & wider, but when they reached what felt like their limit, the huge head still wasn't in me. I closed my eyes and willed my whole body to relax, then strained out harder and let my weight lean back even more. One of his hands was holding my hip, and the other was holding his massive cock in place, and as my weight pressed back against him, he made a small, quick jab forward & his fat cockhead burst past my anal ring with a jolt of sharp pain. Once the head was in me, he stopped and just made gentle mini-strokes, allowing my hole to adjust to his incredible size. After a few minutes like this, I let my weight ease back more and was rewarded by several inches of his big horsecock slipping into my mancunt. I paused, rocked forward until just the head was in me, then leaned back harder, taking a few more inches into my clutching asshole. I couldn't believe how incredibly full my anal canal felt, and he wasn't even all the way in me yet! I also couldn't believe that I'd managed to get even the head past my asslips, much less most of his cock! He was making a kind of grunting noise behind me and half-moaning in pleasure as his cock slowly moved deeper into me. I eased forward once more then quickly reversed and jerked my ass back at his invading beast: I felt a temporary resistance deep inside me, then his cock was all the way in, his pubic hairs pressed tightly against my quivering asscheeks. He groaned loudly and I could feel his cock flexing and twitching in my clutching ass chute. We rested like that for several minutes, then my ass seemed to have fully adjust to his size.

"OK, Stud" I hissed back at him. "That fat cock is all the way in. Now fuck me and pump your hot cum into me. Show those other dudes you've met, if they can see us, that they don't know what they're missing. Fuck my mancunt and fuck it good."

"Oh yeah!" he cried out. "I've never been able to penetrate an ass before, and you can believe I'm going to make the most of this. I'm gonna fuck you until I can't hump any more! Jeez, I can't believe my whole 12" is buried in your ass!"

With that, he started stroking his huge fuckstick in & out of my obscenely stretched ass with slow even strokes. I had to concentrate hard to keep my ass relaxed, but the feeling of his cock sliding up & down my hole was so good that I had a hard time concentrating. He fucked me slow like this for a good 5 minutes, the abruptly stopped with his whole cock buried in me.

"Feels soooo good" he rasped. "I had to stop before I cum too soon."

As he rested in me, I gently milked his cock with my inner muscles, drawing another moan of pleasure from him. Suprisingly, my own cock was still hard: it usually wilts when I get an overly large cock pumping me! I pushed up with my arms so I was in a more upright position, thenbraced myself with one arm while my other hand slipped down to my cock and started softly stroking it. I smeared my copious pre-cum over the head, rubbed it a bit, then switched to playing with my balls. His hands, which had been gripping my hips firmly, slid around until his fingers found my nipples, then he started rolling, tugging, and squeezing them. That caused my asslips to contract a hair, which in turn caused him to start fucking me again. This time, he increased the pace and his cock was pumping in & out of me fairly rapidly, his balls swinging to slap against mine with each in-thrust. I was jabbing my ass back to meet his thrusts, and when his pace quickened more, so did mine. I put both hands on the railing for support and started slamming my ass back hard to meet him. After about 5 more minutes of hard humping, he suddenly slammed into me, hard, and held me tight.

"Oh shit! Shit! I'm cumming" he bellowed. " Here it cums!"

I felt his cockhead expanding and pulsing deep in mymanpussy as spurt after hot spurt jetted into the condom. I could acyually feel the heat of his cum as it flooded the condom and was forced back along his cockshaft. I milked him hard now, wanting to draw every drop from his balls. His body convulsed one last time, then his head dropped onto my shoulder, his breath raspy in my ear.

"That was the most intense, incredible climax I've ever had" he croaked out jerkingly.

He lay against my back for a long time, his breathing slowly returning to normal, as I continued to gently milk his cock. I was waiting for it to soften inside me, then slip out, but if anything, it seemed to be getting even harder as we rested! A few minutes later, he started very gently and slowly easing his cock almost all the way out, then just as gently sliding it all the way back in. He fuck me like that for a good 10 minutes, by my watch, and then started pumping me a little harder & faster. Sensing something, I turned my head and saw a guy standing just a few feet away, furiously pumping a respectable looking hard cock. It was one of the young dudes I'd seen come on to the guy now fucking me, but leaving him frustrated. I looked at him and smiled.

"Got another opening that's available, dude" I said to him. "Or a very hard cock that is in dsperate need of a hot mouth: your choice, but ya gotta be naked to join in."

He hesitated for a nano-second, then almost ripped his clothes off. I figured he'd want me to suck him, and I was right. He stepped onto the bench and quickly brought his cock to my willing mouth. He started fucking my face almost as soon as his cock was in it: fortunately, while his cock was rather thick, it was about the same length as mine so I could easily accomodate him. I started playing with his balls as he pumped my mouth with his cock, then I managed to throw the rythm off of the guy fucking my ass, and finally got them in sync: both cocks sliding in at the same time. I was in heaven: getting pumped from both ends with truly great cocks. The huge chunk of manmeat in my asscunt now had a fairly rapid, full length stroke going and his balls were once more slapping against mine, although this time with much more force. Suddenly, the cock in my mouth started to pulsate and spurt after hot, thick spurt of cum shot into my throat. He grabbed my head and crammed every inch of his cock into my mouth, so that the jets of cum shot right into my throat. I worked his balls hard until his cum stopped flowing completely, then kept sucking until his cock went soft between my cum-flecked lips. He eased his cock from my mouth, and then, to my pure delight, quickly slid down onto the decking between my legs and literally inhaled my throbbing cock. The feeling was almost too much to take: the huge cock sliding in my ass was pummeling my prostate and stimulating nerve endings that seldom get stimulated, while the obviously very talented mouth working on my cock & fingers plying my balls combined to create almost mind-numbing pure pleasure. Horsecock now pounding my ass hard & fast, and the talented lips on my cock was a combination I couldn't overcome: seconds later my cock spewed spurts and spurts of thick cream into his suctioning mouth. The contractions of my asslips as I came was too much for the guy in my ass: he slammed in hard and came again. This time, after a few minutes of milking and rest, his cock slowly deflated in my hole, as did mine in the hot moist mouth it was cradeled in. Even soft, the cock in my ass felt bigger than some that I've had in me in the past did hard. As the cock in my ass finally slid out, I straightened, easing my cock from the mouth of the guy sitting between my legs. My legs were wobbly and I had to sit on the bench before I fell.

"I can't believe you took that cock in your ass!" the guy still sitting between my legs said excitedly. "I tried to suck him once and couldn't even get it in my mouth!"

"You'll get the hang of it, with practice" I cracked. "And I'd be happy to help ya practice" I continued.

Mr. Horsecock was looking at us with a look of pure content and bliss, a soft smile on his lips. He'd fished a paper towel from his shorts and was about to clean up.

"Let me, Stud" I said, as I reached for the towel.

I wrapped the towel around his shit & lube streaked cock, then eased the extremely full condom off carefully. As I held his cock near the halfway point, I tipped the condom and poured the still-warm mancream over his thick shaft & cockhead, then quickly opened my mouth and swallowed his whole cock. As I sucked him clean, I could feel a few more dribbles pop out of his piss-slit. I would have sucked his thick but soft cock for several minutes, but it started growing in my mouth and I wasn't sure I was up to another round just yet. Reluctantly, I let it slip from my mouth, then stood and put my arms over his shoulders. Before he really realised what I was up to, my lips brushed against his gently, and when he didn't recoil, I gave him a brief, but very passionate kiss. He'd started kissing me back when I pulled my lips from his and smiled at him.

"I'm Dale, by the way" I said softly. "And if you'd like to get together again some time, preferrably in a quiet private setting, I'd be happy to oblige. Only next time I want to sample your ass also."

"Was hoping you'd feel that way" he quickly responded. "My ass is yours whenever you want it."

After we dressed, we exchanged numbers, then walked out to the road together. My ass was still tingling from the hard fucking it had just received, but it was also eagerly awaiting the next get-together. The young guy that had joined us? Got his number also..... :)

Next: Chapter 2

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