Beach Blanket Bananas

Published on Aug 16, 1997



Beach Blanket Bananas

It was abalone season. Tim was on a near-deserted California beach late in the evening. The sun was slowly setting -- it was that interlude between light and darkness when shadows seemed to take on a life of their own.

Tim looked down by the beach, and realized he was not alone. A couple was locked in a tender embrace. They had apparently been skin diving for abalone; their wetsuits were still partially on. Tim could see flowing blonde hair on the woman; and the form of a darker male figure with a very good physique. The man and woman seemed locked in an embrace. Tim was wearing only loose-fitting swim trunks. He was glad that they were loose fitting, because he could feel his own manhood rising.

Tim heard the couple speaking softly, but could not make out what they were saying. The woman suddenly motioned for Tim to come to them. Tim slowly walked towards the couple on the beach. Their wetsuits displayed their muscular, in shape bodies. Tim decided that they were probably in their early 20's. When the got to the couple, the woman pulled down her partner's wetsuit, and pulled out his cock. Tim was quiet amazed. The cockhead was one of the largest he had seen. The woman gently took Tim's head, and forced it onto the man's cock. Tim noticed the smell of the man's crotch, which was actually quite pleasing, mixed with the smell of the rubber wetsuit and salty seaspray.

The couple began to kiss and moan even more fevereshly. The man started to tense up. Tim could feel the man's muscles tightening and tensing. The woman reached down, took Tim's hand, and placed it in her crotch. Tim put one, then two fingers into the woman. Tim could tell that she was enjoying this at least as much as Tim and her boyfriend. Tim's fingers began to move around inside her. Short gasps began to come from her mouth.

Tim looked up at the man. Suddenly everything fell into place! He realized that he had been sucking on his younger cousin! Apparently the couple had recognized him, and had decided that he would be their "birth control" that evening! Tim felt a sexual electricity and energy that he had never felt before! It had been several years since he had seen his cousin. In the back of his mind he had thought about sucking his cousin off, but he had never had the opportunity to broach the subject.

Now his cousin increased his pelvic thrusts into Tim's mouth. Tim's cousin was still wildly kissing his girlfriend. Tim could feel her response as well. Finally, with one loud gasp and thrust, Tim felt his cousin coming inside his mouth. The salty taste of the man's cum mixed with the salty taste of the sea spray on his wetsuit. The white cum pooled on his wetsuit. Tim took some of the cum, and fed it to his cousin and girlfriend. He was surprized, they both seemed to enjoy this experience. Finally, Tim's cousin reached down, touched Tim on the ears and mouth; pressed his lips against Tim's, and said "Hey -- thanks, cousin Tim!" Tim heard his cousin's deep voice, and the sound of the ocean waves, and knew that he would remember this experience a lifetime!!

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