Beach Bathroom

By moc.oohay@loof_gnivol_xunil

Published on Nov 4, 2000



Beach Bathroom part 1



If you're not 18, or it is illegal to be looking at this in your area, or you are offended by this kind of material please leave now... Otherwise keep reading and let me know what you think. By the way, the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent people in this. :P

and now the story...

Avery had just moved to Daytona Beach Florida. Being 17 and overweight made it hard to make friends. One day on the beach he had to go to the bathroom. He went to the nearest bathroom. The stalls had no doors and one of the stalls had a hole in the wall where you could look through. Avery, went in one of the stalls and started using the bathroom. A few minutes later an older guy came in. He looked in the stall where Avery was. Avery looked up and saw him. He was an older guy with gray hair and blue eyes and on the chubby side. The man went to one of the urinals. Avery finished his business and started to leave. Then he felt weird when he walked by the guy. He could see the guy's dick. It was about 5-6" and thick. Avery went back to the stall. The guy came over to the stall with his dick out.

"Hi. do you give bj's?," asked the guy.

"This is my first time here." Avery said.

"do you want to?" Asked the guy.

Avery nodded and the guy steped in the stall. He took the mans dick in his hand and puts it in his mouth. He licked the slit and the head and took the dick all the way in his mouth.

"Oh GOD!!! You have such a hot mouth. Oh yeah. Keep sucking on that!" Exclaimed the guy.

Avery kept sucking and licking.

"OH MY GOD!!!! I'm going to cum!!!! If you don't stop i'm going to cum in your mouth!" The guy exclaimed again.

But it was too late Avery knew what he wanted and he was going to get it. Avery preferred being a bottom but he also liked sucking dick.

"Oh god! Oh yes! Here it comes! get ready!" the guy said as he started pumping faster and started filling Avery's mouth with his hot cum

"Oh. That was great. we'll have to meet more often." The guy said as he put up his dick and walked away. Avery shot his load into the toilet. He then cleaned up and went home... But he knew he would be back.

To be continued...

If you want to see more of this please e-mail me at Everything in this story was true except the names... let me know what you think :P

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