Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on May 5, 2000


Hi There!

Its been a long time since I last posted a story. I don't mean to sound like a complainer, but I've barely gotten any e-mail lately about the story. Isn't anyone reading it? I'm sorry to say, but I'm seriously considering discontinuing it, cause I'm not really sure whether or not anyone is reading it. I feel sort of like I am wasting my time.

Please, please, please -- I beg of you, if you like my story and want me to continue writing it, please let me know!

As always, this story isn't meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Here is chapter 7, lucky seven as I like to refer to it.

Questions and comments to:

Be With Me Brian Chapter 7

By Daniel

Howie heard a knocking on his door at around 10 in the morning, and got up to see who it was.

"Hey Kevin," Howie said as he saw Kevin and A.J. standing at the door.

"You guys ready to go to work?" Kevin asked, as he walked into Howie's room.

"I am, but I don't think Nick's gonna go today. He was pretty sick last night, he had a fever and he was throwing up. I think it'd be better if he stayed here," Howie explained, as the A.J. and Kevin sat on the sofa.

"Okay," Kevin said.

"I'm gonna go tell Nick that we're heading out now, be right back," Howie said as he walked into the bedroom of the suite.

Nick was still in his bed sound asleep. Howie put his hand to Nick's forehead, it was still extremely warm.

"Nick...Nick," Howie said gently, trying to wake Nick. Nick half opened his eyes and looked up at Howie.

"Yeah?" Nick said.

"We're going to rehearsal now. I just wanted to see if you wanted me to get you anything before I go," Howie explained as he put his hand on Nick's arm.

"Just a glass of water, please," Nick begged. He was clearly dehydrated, and Howie noticed that Nick's lips were chapped and red.

Howie stood and got Nick another glass of water with ice. Howie pulled two more Tylenol out of the bottle. Nick sat up with assistance from Howie. Howie put the pills onto Nick's tongue, and gave Nick large drink of cold water to swallow them.

Nick's eyes had a glazed look on them as he lay his head back on the pillow.

"Are you hungry at all?" Howie asked.

"No," Nick shook his head.

"We'll I'm gonna go now, I'll see you this evening," Howie stood.

"Thanks Howie," Nick said as he closed his eyes. Howie pulled the blanket over Nick snug and exited the room.

Howie saw that Kevin and A.J. were still sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.

"I'm ready," Howie said.

Kevin and A.J. stood up, exiting the room and heading for the limo that would take them to the rehearsal.

"Ow! OW!!! AHHHHH!"

Brian awoke to hear Andy shouting.

"What wrong?" Brian asked frantically.

"I've got a cramp in my leg!" Andy clenched his teeth as he spoke. Brian hopped to his feet and grabbed Andy's foot, putting it on his stomach.

"Push against me," Brian said. Andy did, and soon the cramp was gone.

"Oh, that's better" Andy sighed as Brian sat back down in the chair.

"What time is it?" Andy asked.

"Um, around 11," Brian said, "How are you feeling?"

"My chest is throbbing, and I've gotta piss really bad," Andy stated, squirming around in the bed, even though his arms were restrained.

"Do you want me to find a doctor so he can put one of those catheters on you?" Brian asked seriously.

"NO! I don't want a tube in shoved in me. Would find me a bedpan or something please?"

Brian nodded and got out of his chair. He knelt down onto his knees and opened a cabinet. He searched through it, finding needles, gloves and assorted medical instruments. Finally, in the back, there was a bedpan.

"Found one," Brian said as he stood to his feet and walked over to Andy.

Andy was feeling a little bit embarrassed about his helplessness. He was blushing bright red.

"Okay," Brian said. After a few moments Andy had finished.

"Thank you Brian. I know its not fun having to wait on me like this, but I do appreciate it," Andy sounded shy as he spoke.

Brian giggled and put a smile on his face.

"Andy, its no trouble. I love helping you in anyway I can. Its fun playing doctor," Brian joked, putting his hand on Andy's cheek.

"I hate having to put a burden on you like this. You don't have to be here with me, you could be doing anything, but you choose to stay. It really means alot to me," Andy said while enjoying the soft feel of Brian's hand on his face. Andy opened his mouth and sucked on Brian's fingers gently.

The door opened, startling Brian and causing him to quickly pull his hand away from Andy to avoid being seen. Dr. Charles entered the room wearing a white lab coat.

"Hi guys," she smiled as she walked into the room.

"Hi," Andy said.

"So how are you feeling today?" Dr. Charles walked over to a machine near Andy's bed and pressed some buttons on it.

"My chest hurts pretty bad," Andy answered honestly.

Dr. Charles finished pushing buttons on the machine and turned her attention back to Andy.

"Beyond being sore, have you felt any other discomfort, like when you forgot to take your pills?" Dr. Charles asked.

"No, not really," Andy answered, looking down at his arms, "When can I get these things taken off my arms?"

"Not too comfortable lying on your back, is it?" Dr. Charles joked, "The restraints will be taken off in two more days."

"Two more days?" Andy whined.

"Yes, I'm sorry, two more days," Dr. Charles explained.

"Whenever I inhale it hurts because the bandages squeeze my chest," Andy said.

"You'll be more comfortable when they're taken off,"Dr. Charles assured as she wrote some things down on a chart that she was holding.

"Andy, I'm going to give you an injection, it should help take some of the pain away, but it isn't going to be as strong as the one you were given last night," Dr. Charles used pulled a set of keys out of her pocket and unlocked a tall cabinet on the wall, taking a small bottle and a syringe out. After extracting the liquid from the bottle, Dr. Charles cleaned a small area of Andy's arm with alcohol and inserted the needle, making Andy cringe slightly.

"Okay, there," Dr. Charles smiled as she pulled out the needle, "That should help a bit."

Dr. Charles threw the needle into the trash.

"I'm going to find a nurse to come in and feed you lunch in a few minutes, ," Dr. Charles spoke as she put a small Band-Aid on Andy's arm where she had given him the injection.

"Um, I could feed Andy instead of the nurse," Brian suggested.

"Sure, if you want to," Dr. Charles smiled, she didn't seem to have any problem with the idea.

"Okay, well I'll see you later then," Dr. Charles smiled and exited the room.

"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna run down to the cafeteria and get something quick," Brian said as he stood and headed for the door.

"Okay, I'll wait here for you," Andy joked. Brian giggled and exited the room, leaving Andy alone. Andy was extremely bored as he waited for Brian to return. He couldn't turn on the TV, read a magazine, or even fidget with his hands. Andy's thoughts began to turn to where his father was and what he was feeling.

Brian walked back into the room as Andy pondered his father's whereabouts. Brian had a container of ice cream, mint, Andy favorite.

"Mint Ice cream," Brian smiled as she held the carton.

"My favorite, you shouldn't have," Andy laughed.

"But I did," Brian said as he put the carton in the small freezer, "This is a damn fine hospital room, there's a freezer, a microwave, a sink, and two recliners."

"Yes, it is quite nice for a hospital room," Andy agreed.

A nurse walked in holding a large silver tray.

"Mr. Moeller, I've brought you you're lunch," the nurse said in a monotone as she put the tray on the small table near the bed.

"Thank you," Andy said kindly. The nurse nodded and left the room as quickly as she had entered.

"I hope you like meatloaf," Brian laughed as he saw the tray of food.

"I knew this hospital was too good to be true," Andy said.

Brian took a seat next to Andy and pulled the tray near. Brian took a small spoonful of the meatloaf and brought it to Andy's mouth. Andy gladly accepted and began to chew.

"Hey, this isn't bad!" Andy exclaimed, "Try it," Andy urged. Brian tasted a small spoonful.

"You're right, it is pretty good," Brian agreed.

Brian continued to feed Andy until every bite of food on the plate was gone, and Andy had eaten half the container of ice cream.

"I couldn't eat another bite," Andy said as Brian put what was left of the ice cream back into the freezer, "I'm going to get fat."

"So?" Brian said as he sat back down next to Andy.

"So? Then you'll leave me for a cuter, skinnier guy," Andy said jokingly.

"I doubt that. If you gained weight to be a thousand pounds I would still love you for the person you are inside. I must admit you are pretty cute the way you are now." Brian put his finger on Andy's nose so show affection.

"Kiss me," Andy requested. Brian looked at Andy and hesitated, "Please?" Andy asked again.

"I don't want to hurt you," Brian sounded serious.

"Hurt me?" Andy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"If I lean on your chest to kiss you, I might hurt you," Brian answered Andy's question.

"Don't worry about that, just kiss me," Andy whimpered, wanting to be kissed by Brian more than anything at that moment.

Brian leaned forward slightly onto Andy's chest. Andy gasped slightly and Brian moved forward further. Brian's mouth met Andy's and they began a deep kiss. Andy's tongue went into Brian's mouth. Brian moved forward, causing Andy to break the kiss and cringe in pain. Brian immediatley got off of Andy and sat up.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Brian sounded remorseful.

"No, I'm okay, just a little sore around the chest," Andy answered calmly, "What do you want to do now?"

"Well, I could give you a ride by pushing the bed around the room," Brian suggested jokingly, "or we could watch a little TV."

"I think TV, maybe the Real World is on."

Brian turned on the T.V in the room and went through the channels until he came to MTV. There was a news show on.

"And in other news, Andy Moeller, the eighteen year old singer who's song "For the first time," is number two on the top ten, and has the number one video on TRL, has reportedly been hospitalized for an undisclosed illness. MTV tried to contact RCA records to find out more about the rumor, with no luck. RCA stated that they knew nothing about the reported illness."

Brian hit the mute button the television.

"It doesn't take them very long to find out anything," Brian sounded a little angry.

"I don't mind if they know about me being sick," Andy explained, "just as long as they don't say that I've got aids from sharing needles and that I'm a drug user."

"They'll lie about anything if they think it'll sell one newspaper," Brian added seriously.

"It's okay," Andy said, not really giving the problem any though. It didn't bother him in the least, "I don't really wanna watch TV anyway, let's do something else."

"What?" Brian asked as he shut off the TV and walked over to Andy's bed.

"I don't know," Andy sighed, "Find me a knife and cut these things off my arms."

"Sorry, no can do buddy," Brian laughed as he sat in the chair. Andy's face instantly covered itself with a frown. It was not the reaction that Brian had anticipated.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked when he saw the look of sorrow on Andy's face.

"I'm going to have gigantic scars all over me," Andy explained sadly.

"So?" Brian said. Andy was shocked on Brian's reply.

"It doesn't matter to me how you look, just as long as you stay the same person inside," Brian added.

Andy smiled at Brian, appreciating what Brian had to say, but his mind was obviously on other things. Brian sensed that Andy wasn't wholly alert, and questioned him.

"So, what are thinking about?" Brian nonchalantly questioned.

"Alot of things, my dad, my surgery, my career, you and I," Andy answered in one long sentence.

"That's alot to think about," Brian commented.

"Yeah," Andy sighed and turned his head to the window, "More than anything I'd like to know how my dad is feeling, that's tearing me up the most."

Brian could tell how much Andy loved his parents, and how much this severance in their relationship was hurting him. Brian put his hand on Andy's hand, Andy didn't respond. He lay still and lifeless, thinking to himself quietly. Brian couldn't think of anything to say to comfort Andy, for he had not gone through this struggle with his own parents. Seeing how much Andy was hurting through this ordeal, it made Brian dread telling his own parents, a day he knew that would eventually come.

Thinking about Andy and his parents reminded Brian that he hadn't called his own parents in over a week.

"Andy, I'm gonna go down to the lobby and make a phone call, will you be alright?" Brian asked as he stood to his feet.

"Yeah," Andy shook his head yes.

"You sure?" Brian wanted to make sure.

"Of course, you go, I'll be fine," Andy affirmed.

"Well, well, well. So only three of you decided to show up today," Markus, one of the Backstreet Boys' top managers said in a sarcastic tone. All of the guys despised him. He was uncaring and very rude.

"Nick's got the flu, and Brian, well, you know Brian's on a leave of absence for two weeks," Kevin stated in response to Markus's comment.

"Yes, I know that, but I'm not exactly sure why Brian is gone. Please, elaborate for me," Makus said, very matter-of-factly.

"Personal reasons," Kevin dodged the question.

"I bet," Markus sneered and proceeded to pull his cell phone out of his blazer and hit an auto-dial button.

Kevin, Howie and A.J. turned around and walked towards the cafeteria area of the studio. They had been rehearsing for two hours solid, and all wanted to get in a little light lunch before they resumed at 3 o'clock.

"Man, what an uptight asshole," Howie commented as they entered the empty cafeteria. A.J. and Kevin both verbally agreed as they sat down at a table filled with all kinds of junk food.

"Well he does have a slight point," Kevin stated, "With two guys missing rehearsals for any period of time, we're not gonna be able to begin the tour in three weeks as scheduled."

"Maybe that's a good thing, Brian might be able to get a little longer time to spend with Andy before we have to leave," A.J. commented.

"Yeah, but you know how angry management will get. They lose alot of money when things don't go as planned," Kevin explained.

A.J. nodded his head as he took a bite from his sandwich.

Howie gave a loud, long yawn.

"Tired?" Kevin asked.

"A little bit," Howie answered back.

"We've only got three more hours here before we can go back to the hotel," Kevin commented.

Howie leaned back in his chair slightly, and shut his eyes.

"Give me a little nudge when the lunch break is over," Howie said as he tried to get a short nap in.

Kevin laughed to himself silently and continued eating his meal.

By the time that Brian finished his phonecall to his home, two hours had gone by. Brian and his mother loved to talk, and both seemed to have a natural gift for it. They discussed everything that was going on in their separate worlds, uninhibitedly. Brian even mentioned to his mother that he was seeing "somebody". Jackie, Brian's mother, tried to coax Brian to elaborate as to who the person was, but Brian explained it was "no one that she knew."

Brian enjoyed talking to his mother, but got a little upset that his mother assumed he was seeing a girl. Initially he was distraught that his mother didn't know that he liked guys, but soon logically realized that it wasn't her fault. She was still naive as to that Brian was gay, and that he was in love with another man. Since Brian wanted to come out in person to his family, he kept a tight lip about his relationship, not to cause anymore anguish at this time in his life.

That was chapter seven. I really don't wanna end my story like this, but if I don't get any feedback I'm afraid I'm going to.

So please, please write me! I need to know what people think! I know I sound crazy, but I have an insatiable need to know what people think about my writing.

I expect to hear from everyone who read the story so far! hehehe


Next: Chapter 8

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