Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Mar 2, 2000



Hi Everyone! :-)

As usual, I apologize for the lateness of this chapter of the story.I have been extremely busy in the past month, and writing the story hasn't gotten much attention. I finally did get another chapter finished (thank my lucky stars), so I think that should make everyone happy for the time being.

Once again, I thank EVERY single person who has e-mailed me about the story. I love getting e-mail, and it's been very pleasing to have people tell me what they think of my story and/or give me ideas. You guys are great, and I really appreciate the input!!!

Anyway, enough blab. Time to get to the story!

Don't forget to e-mail me!!!!

Please send ANY questions or comments to:

Be With Me Brian Chapter 5

By Daniel

Andy lay silent, curled up in Brian's bed for what seemed like hours before Brian finally entered. He noticed Andy lying in the bed crying. Brian quickly ran over to find out what happened.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Brian's voice had deep concern in it.

"I told my parents about you and I, they didn't know what to think. My mom thought you raped me or something and made me gay. They don't understand that we're in love," Andy stopped crying for a few short moments to answer Brian's question.

"I'm so sorry Andy," Brian pushed his stomach against Andy's back, curling up next to Andy, trying to make him feel better.

"Where were you?" Andy asked as he lay very still next to Brian.

"I told the guys about your surgery. They said they'll come to visit you everyday. Even Howie was upset so I think he's starting to warm up to you. The guys really care about you, as do I," Brian was trying to make Andy feel better, and it was working. Brian telling Andy that the guys liked him made him feel a whole lot better after what he had just been through with his parents.

"Brian, I'm tired," Andy slipped out as his eyelids got heavier and heavier.

"Go to sleep, I promise I'll be here next to you when you wake up tomorrow morning," Brian whispered lovingly to Andy. Brian got up from the bed, turned off the lights and crawled back next to Andy in the bed, falling asleep with his arms wrapped around the younger body. Andy instantly fell asleep being comforted in his lover's arms, but Brian didn't. His mind was going 150 miles per hour worrying about Andy's surgery the next day. It was all he could do to keep himself from crying and waking Andy. Brian awoke and slowly turned his head towards the electric clock on the nightstand, trying not to wake Andy. It was 5:30 in the morning, and Brian was still restless. He was upset because he knew he had to wake Andy up at around eight to go to the hospital, but wanted to let him sleep because of how much stress that coming out to his parents had caused him.

Brian got out of his bed and walked over to the sink. It was extremely warm and humid in the room. Brian turned on the cold water and splashed some on his face, replacing sweat with cool, fresh water. He looked at Andy sleeping in the bed and saw that he was sweating as well from the extreme heat. Brian adjusted the thermostat, turning the temperature of the room down to 55 degrees, invoking the air conditioner and cooling the room.

Brian immediately felt a blast of cold air coming from the vent near the ceiling. He wasn't quite sure what to do to pass the time until he had to wake Andy. He didn't want to turn on the TV, because it might wake Andy prematurely. Brian opened one of his suitcases and pulled out a deck of cards to play solitaire. Whenever Brian was nervous or bored he would always play the game to help calm his nerves, now more than ever was a perfect time for him to play the game.

Brian sat at the table. He played for what seemed like hours. Brian noticed that it was only 6:30 when he got tired of playing solitaire. It was now very cool in the room. The air conditioner had performed its task and the room had a very hospitable temperature.

Brian heard Andy cough and looked over at him. He was now curled up in a tight ball, snuggling with the blanket. Andy must have been cold because Brian noticed that goosebumps were beginning to form on his arm.

Brian crawled back into the bed next to Andy and gently pulled him near. Brian inhaled the scent of his younger lover. Andy looked so innocent and content sleeping that Brian was instantly taken aback, and almost hesitant to wake him from his slumber.

Andy felt the warmth that Brian generated and instinctively snuggled closer, for the room was cold from the air conditioner.

Brian slipped in and out consciousness as he snuggled with Andy. All he really cared about was spending a few moments with Andy, no matter how they were spent. Brian looked at the clock and noticed that it was close to eight.

"Andy, its eight, time to get up and get ready," Brian whispered delicately into Andy's ear.

"Brian?" Andy batted his eyelashes, trying to wake himself.

"Yeah, time to get up and get ready to go to the hospital," Brian gently explained.

"Today's the day huh?" Andy asked with a frown,

"Uh huh," Brian smiled, trying to get Andy to follow suit and do the same.

Andy sat up and grabbed his feet with his hands, stretching his body.

"Tell me that telling my parents about us was just a bad dream," Andy begged as he looked down at the blanket.

"I'm afraid not," Brian answered.

"I was hoping it was," Andy cringed.

Brian put his hand on Andy's bare shoulder and felt the warm skin. Andy tilted his head onto Brian's hand so that Brian's fingers were touching his ear.

"I love you Brian, I'm glad I still have you because I'm so scared," Andy kissed Brian's hand gently on the fingertips.

"You have your parents too," Brian smiled.

"Sure," Andy said in a sad, non-believing tone.

"They love you Andy, you know they do."

Andy sighed and let his body lie back down on the bed.

"You go take a shower and we'll head out," Brian pulled Andy back up into a sitting position by yanking gently on his arm.

"Okay," Andy sighed and got out of bed. He stood and pulled his boxer shorts off right in front of Brian, who watched contentedly.

"You like what you see?" Andy joked as Brian's eyes became focused on Andy's limp cock.

"Yeah," Brian put out his hand and gently slid his fingers down Andy's shaft, resting them on the head.

"I wish we had more time," Andy sighed as Brian's fist gripped the head of Andy's tender cock.

"Me too," Brian agreed with Andy as he took his hand away from Andy's hardening dick.

"I'm gonna go shower," Andy stepped out of the room slowly, Brian watched as Andy's now erect cock bounced up and down as he went into the bathroom.

Brian threw on a fresh pair of clothes while Andy was in the shower and quickly combed his hair. Andy reemerged from the shower, dripping wet, and wrapped in a towel, shivering because the room was cold.

Andy saw his clothes on the bed and put them on. After spraying a small amount of cologne on, he reattached his bracelet, the one that he always wore.

"Where'd you get that?" Brian asked as he admired the metal beaded purple and black bracelet.

"My friend gave it to me," Andy commented as he finally got the clasp closed.

"Which friend?" Brian was beginning to get nosy.

"My friend Angie. She gave this to me right before a drunk driver killed her when we were 10." Andy explained sadly.

"I'm sorry," Brian felt bad for Andy's loss.

"Its okay. I was really messed up after she died, she was my best friend," Andy explained his sentimental attachment of the bracelet to Brian.

Brian nodded, he could tell that he had brought up bad memories for Andy, and was sorry.

"Well the bracelet is awesome!" Brian smiled as he put his hand on Andy's wrist.

"Thanks," Andy smiled before sitting up and pulling on his shoes.

"Are you gonna go see your parents before we head out," Brian asked, hoping that Andy would say yes. Brian didn't get an answer right away; Andy just looked down at the ground and sadly shook his head no.

"Why not?"

"I can't, I......I just don't feel that I should," Andy explained, while simultaneously shaking his head.

Brian didn't push Andy any further than that. It was Andy's decision to make, not Brian's.

"Time to go," Brian looked at his wristwatch and noticed that it was eight thirty.

"Yep," Andy agreed and grabbed his backpack, walking towards the door. Brian followed slowly behind.

After a short limousine ride, which seemed to take hours, Brian and Andy found themselves in the lobby of the hospital, waiting to be called.

Brian sat on the sofa in the crowded waiting room, with Andy leaning on his chest. Brian could feel people staring at him and Andy; he wasn't sure if it was because he was a Backstreet Boy, or if it was because people saw two men embracing. Brian was not embarrassed to be holding Andy in public, nor was Andy to be seen with Brian.

"I'm so hungry," Andy complained as he sat almost in Brian's lap. It had been over 24 hours since he had last eaten anything, and his stomach was growling in agony.

"Right after you get out of the operating room I promise you that I'll bring you a big bowl of hospital Jell-O," Brian joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"You know what I want? I want a huge bowl of mint ice cream," Andy licked his lips in anticipation.

"Then that's what you shall have," Brian assured Andy, while rubbing his hand over Andy's shoulder.

The woman at the desk in the lobby yelled out Andy's name. Andy stood and walked over to the front desk with Brian. A man wearing a white lab coat greeted Andy and Brian.

"Andy Moeller?" he asked unsurely.

"Hi," Andy extended his hand for the man to shake.

"I'm doctor Jeske," the friendly man said as he smiled, "I'll be performing your operation today."

"This is my boyfriend Brian," Andy pointed to Brian, introducing him to the doctor.

"Boyfriend?" Dr. Jeske raised an eyebrow, putting a questioning look on his face.

"Yes, boyfriend," Brian affirmed to the doctor, trying to be courteous, and extending his hand to shake.

"Great. Let's go. I'll show you where you can get changed," Dr. Jeske instructed as he walked towards the elevator. Andy and Brian followed slowly behind the doctor.

"How many times have you performed this surgery?" Andy asked, trying to make conversation.

"14 times, 13 successes," Dr. Jeske answered proudly.

"And what happened to the person who wasn't a success," Andy asked nervously.

"That patient went into cardiac arrest during the operation. We couldn't revive him," Dr. Jeske explained.

The elevator door opened and the party of three exited and walked down a hallway to a small room that looked like a supply closet with a hospital bed in the middle. There was a hook on the wall with several hospital gowns hanging on it.

"Andy, please take one of these gowns and change into it. Then lie down on the bed. I'll be back in a few minutes to get you," Dr. Jeske instructed as he exited the room.

Andy immediately began to strip as soon as Dr. Jeske had exited, and put on the hospital gown.

"Do you think that I should take off my boxers too?" Andy asked Brian.

"It's up to you, but I think you can probably leave them on," Brian answered.

Andy nodded and pulled the gown over his chest.

"Come here," Brian motioned. Andy walked over and Brian tied the back of Andy's hospital gown. Andy got onto the bed and slipped down into the covers. He was cold being in the air-conditioned hospital and in the thin gown.

Brian sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Andy's inner thigh, gently caressing his penis.

"I don't want to go into the operating room with a boner Brian!" Andy laughed as he gently moved Brian's hand away, "Kiss me instead."

Brian fulfilled Andy's request and leaned down, opening his mouth to let his tongue slip into Andy's soft, wet, mouth. Andy put his hand behind Brian's head and pulled him in closer, savoring the taste of Brian's saliva. Andy's getting a hard-on was now inevitable. Brian slipped his hand onto Andy's chest and before he knew it, he was fondling Andy's hardening nipple through the thin hospital gown.

Andy gently nibbled on Brian's lower lip. Brian licked Andy's upper lip, trying to work his tongue back into Andy's mouth.

Brian sat up and looked at Andy. He giggled when he looked down near Andy's crotch and could distinctly see the tented blanket that was covering Andy's erection.

"I wonder what the doctors are going to say about that," Andy pointed and laughed. Brian smiled. Andy stuck his hand down in his shorts and pulled his erection flush to his stomach so that it wasn't noticeable.

Dr. Jeske reentered the room.

"Time to go Andy," Dr. Jeske looked at Andy and Brian.

"I'll see you when you get out of surgery," Brian assured Andy that he would be there.

"Give me a kiss," Andy requested as Brian sat up from the bed. Brian leaned down and kissed Andy deeply on the mouth, not caring that Dr. Jeske was in the room.

Dr. Jeske walked behind the bed and began to push it out of the room.

"Bye," Andy said to Brian, attempting to smile.

"Bye," Brian repeated to Andy.

Just like that, Andy was gone. Brian was scared and nervous. He didn't know what was going to happen next, or when he was going to see Andy again. Brian gathered Andy's clothes and backpack and left the small room, returning to the lobby. Brian felt sorry for Andy that his parents hadn't come to see Andy before he went into surgery, making Brian feel partially responsible.

Brian sat on the small couch in the waiting room next to a young blonde woman who was holding a small mirror while applying bright purple lipstick. Brian smiled at her and returned his focus to the magazine that he was reading, hoping that she didn't recognize him.

"You guys, quit fooling around!" Kevin shouted as Nick and Howie got into a small wrestling match. Nick rolled his eyes and stood from the ground, his white pants were now dirty.

"That's gonna look great in the video," Kevin complained as he noticed the dirty pants and pointed to the tear that was near the knee of Nick's pants.

"Geez Kevin, calm down. We're not actually shooting it today, its just rehearsals, they can always fix the pants," Nick said disgusted by Kevin's attitude.

Kevin didn't reply, he just turned around and made it seem as if he had forgotten the entire situation. He wasn't thinking about the video, he was thinking of Andy and Brian at the hospital, and wished that he could be there. The previous night when Brian told the guys about Andy's illness was a total shock to everyone.

"You okay man?" Kevin felt A.J. put his hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, just thinking about Brian and Andy," Kevin answered without making eye contact.

"We're going to the hospital after work, right?" A.J. asked.

"Mmm hmm," Kevin answered.

"Guys!" Nick approached Kevin and A.J., "Sheila wants us back out there, now!"

Kevin nodded, as Nick walked away.

"Let's stop at a store and get Andy a little present before we go," Kevin suggested as he began his walk back to the stage with A.J.

"Great Idea," A.J said happily.

Howie and Nick sat in two chairs as Sheila helped Kevin and A.J. perfect the new dance steps for the video. Nick was holding a cold bottle of Pepsi to his face. He was sweating profusely.

"Howie, do you like Andy?" Nick asked a very odd question at a very odd time. Howie didn't answer immediately.

"Of course I like Andy," Howie answered.

"I'm sorry, that's not exactly what I meant... Do you like Brian and Andy together?" Nick clarified for Howie.

"I suppose. I don't really have any choice, it's their lives, not mine. I'm okay with them together, but you know that I'd prefer Brian to be with a girl," Howie answered honestly.

"Why?" Nick wanted to know.

"I dunno, just the thought of two guys fucking kind of gags me," Howie answered.

"I'm perfectly comfortable with it, I think that Brian and Andy are sweet," Nick smiled.

"Geez, don't tell me that your coming out too Nickie," Howie laughed as he grabbed Nick's Pepsi and took a drink.

"You never know," Nick grouped Howie's knee as a joke.

"Well you're not going to be gay with me, I don't think Amy would appreciate that," Howie knocked Nick's hand off of his knee.

"How come you never bring Amy around anymore?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She's busy with school and work," Howie answered.

"What's she going to school for?" Nick inquired.

"She's going to Stanford law school, she wants to be a lawyer and she was accepted on full scholarship there," Howie proudly answered.

"Wow, you sure you can handle a girl that smart?" Nick joked. Howie laughed and handed the Pepsi back to Nick.

"I guess Kevin and A.J. are going to see Andy and Brian at the hospital tonight, I'm going too, are you gonna come?" Nick asked while looking at Howie out of the corner of his eye.

"Yeah," was the reply that Nick got.

Nick began to cough heavily, as he leaned forward in his seat.

"You okay?" Howie asked as Nick continued to cough.

"Yeah, I think I'm coming down with something," Nick said as he caught his breath.

"Hey, you two, get up here now! It's your turn to dance," Sheila shouted from the stage at Nick and Howie. Nick set his Pepsi down in the chair and walked to the stage with Howie.

Brian continued to sit in the waiting room, nervously awaiting any information on Andy. Brian had read almost every magazine in the waiting room, and was now extremely bored. Brian had an extreme stomach ache partially from hunger, but mostly from nervousness. He felt as if he were going to throw up at any minute, but contained himself as best he could.

Brian saw Dr. Jeske approach with a smile on his face, giving Brian a feeling small relief.

"How is he Dr. Jeske?" Brian stood and quickly walked over to Dr. Jeske to find out about Andy's condition.

"Good news, the operation went smoothly and Andy is recovering. You'll be able to see him in a few hours," Dr. Jeske said happily. Brian closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I'm so glad everything went well," Brian smiled.

"I'll have someone tell you when he wakes up. His arms are tied down to the bed because if he moves his arms at all he'll stretch the muscles that are attached to his rib cage, and could permanently injure himself," Dr. Jeske explained.

"I can't thank you enough Dr. Jeske," Brian shook the doctors hand.

"You're welcome. You must excuse me now, I've got to fill out about 200 forms about the surgery, and its gonna take me all night," Dr. Jeske smiled happily.

"Thanks again," Brian once again thanked the doctor as he walked away into the elevator.

Brian sat down and recited a prayer in his head, thanking God that Andy was alive. It was all he could ask for. Brian felt that he was at a point in his relationship that he would sacrifice himself for Andy without a second thought.

Kevin, Nick, Howie and A.J. were in a small clothing store, trying to find something for Andy.

"Okay, we've got the flowers, the balloons, and the candy, now we've just got to find something nice for Andy," Kevin told the guys as they browsed through the racks of clothing.

"Perfect!" Howie shouted as he held up a pair of orange pants and a lime green shirt.

"What? Do you want Andy to look like a carrot?" Nick laughed at Howie's taste in clothing.

"I've got an idea, everyone grab a shirt and a pair of pants that you think Andy will like and we'll get them all," A.J. suggested.

"That sounds like a good plan," Kevin agreed, "Do like the man says!"

"Yeah, but what size does Andy wear?" Howie asked.

"I dunno, he's a bit smaller than Brian. Just get something that looks like it would fit Brian and the next smallest size," Kevin gave his best guess.

The guys all nodded and began to browse the store.

A nurse, who had noticed Brian sitting in the waiting room all day, approached Brian.

"Are you the friend of Andy Moeller, the young man who had the experimental surgery this afternoon?" the nurse asked as she sat down next to Brian.

"As a matter of fact, I am," Brian answered.

"I was told to let you see him in a half an hour, but I don't see any harm in letting you see him now," the nurse offered.

"Great," Brian's face changed to a big smile.

"This way," the nurse instructed as she stood and walked towards the elevator.

Brian and the nurse entered a large room on the where Andy was resting. Andy looked terrible. His chest was covered with thick bandages. Brian could see blood seeping through the bandages, and dried blood on sections Andy's exposed skin.

Andy's arms were bolted down to the bed with thick, silver, metal bars, and rubber straps. There was an IV needle in Andy's arm and an oxygen mask over his face. Brian could hear the machines in the background beeping at a steady interval. Except for Andy's boxer shorts, Andy was totally naked and uncovered, from his head to his feet.

Brian let a tear slip out of his eye when he saw how Andy looked. It definitely looked uncomfortable, and Brian was glad that Andy wasn't awake so that he would have to suffer because he was tied down to a bed with all kinds of tubes and wires coming out of him.

"Oh man," Brian said sadly he let a few more tears fall down his cheek and onto the floor.

"You can stay as long as you like," the nurse said as she exited the room.

"Thanks," Brian whispered.

Brian sat in a blue upholstered chair next to the bed. Brian reached out and slicked back Andy's blonde hair gently, not wanting to wake him. Brian could hear the oxygen being pumped through the mask for Andy to breathe; it made him feel nauseous.

Brian couldn't contain himself any longer and began to weep silently, letting the tears fall onto the sheets of Andy's hospital bed. While continuing to sit in the chair, Brian laid his head down on the bed next to Andy's arm, pressing his lips against Andy's smooth skin, feeling warm against the sleeping body.

That was chapter five. I hope you considered it worth the wait!

Hopefully I will be more punctual with the next chapter, so keep an eye out for it.

Oh, one more thing. I don't know whether this is true or not, but I have heard that Brian Litrell is getting married-- to a woman :-(

If that's true, I feel really crushed. Oh well, its not like I really expected him to be gay and fall for me. Thank god I can still fantasize about him! That can never be taken away from me, even if he isn't gay.

Brian, I wish you all the best in life!


Please send me e-mail!

Next: Chapter 6

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