Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Feb 14, 2000


Hi Again!

I was fast posting this chapter, was I not? LOL

Faster than usual anyways. I hope you enjoy this chapter of the story. I racked my brain to get this one out. For a while I had a TERRIBLE case of writer's block. I couldn't think of a thing to write, but somehow ideas began to flourish the longer I thought.

As usual, this story contains sexual situations between Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys and his fictitious lover, Andy. If this offends anyone, then I suggest you read no further than this warning. This story is fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

I won't beg you for e-mail this time. Cause I've already told you how much I LOVE it in the other chapters. Keep that in mind!

Please send ANY questions or comments to:

Be With Me Brian Chapter 4

By Daniel

"Andy, quick wake up! It's twelve thirty, we overslept!" Andy heard Brian shout frantically as he lay in bed.

Andy quickly sat up and looked forward, to see Brian tossing on a shirt and jeans.

"Overslept? I don't have to pick up my parents until 1:30," Andy explained, trying to calm Brian down.

"Really? I thought you said one," Brian stopped to look at Andy.

"Nope, 1:30. This is the perfect time to wake up Brian," Andy smiled as he got out of the bed and grabbed his jeans, pulling them up over his legs.

"Let's chill here until one, then we'll go pick up my parents and go out to lunch," Andy suggested. Brian nodded his head agreeing, "We have to be at my appointment at 3:30 this afternoon."

"Okay," Brian finished putting on his shirt and jeans and sat down.

"I'm gonna go to my room and change, I'll be right back," Andy smiled as he exited Brian's room. Brian picked up the phone and called the front desk, instructing that they would need a limo at one to go to the airport.

Brian went into one of his suitcases and pulled out clean pair of clothes. He wanted to look nice to meet Andy's parents. After finding suitable attire Brian got dressed and went into the bathroom for a quick shave and to brush his teeth. When he came out of the bathroom Andy was still not in his room, and it was approaching one o'clock.

As Brian sat on the bed tying his shoes Andy walked in the room.

"Sorry I took so long, I had a few messages and I had to call RCA about something," Andy apologized.

"No problem," Brian smiled as he finished tying his left shoe.

Brian looked at the carpet for a minute, giving Andy the impression that he was thinking about something.

"Andy, before we go, are you gonna tell your parents about us?" Brian questioned seriously.

"I think so, they deserve to know," Andy answered without a second thought.

"You're sure?" Brian looked Andy in the eyes.

"Yep," Andy nodded.

"Well, let's go then, it's almost one," Brian looked at the clock on the wall.

Brian and Andy got in the limo and drove the short drive to the Orlando airport. When they arrived it was only about 1:10.

Andy and Brian sat in some chairs near the gate where Andy's parents were to arrive.

"Nervous?" Brian asked Andy.

"Little bit. Its been almost a month since I've seen my parents and I miss them somethin awful."

Brian understood how Andy felt, being on the road all the time and not being able to see his parents often either.

"How long has it been since you've seen Jackie?" Andy smiled as he questioned Brian.

"How'd you know my mom's name?" Brian asked, surprised.

"Brian, I've read my share of magazines to know almost everything about you," Andy laughed as he scooted closer to Brian, "But I know something that you everyone else doesn't" Andy's lips were almost touching Brian's.

"What's that?" Brian asked.

"How you like to be kissed," Andy answered. Just as Brian and Andy were about to lock lips in a kiss, Andy heard a familiar voice.


Andy quickly turned around to see an attractive woman with jet-black hair, bright red lipstick, and wire-framed glasses smiling at him. She was wearing a black double-breasted blazer with gold buttons, pumps and a black skirt. It was Andy's mother.

Andy sat and smiled at his mother. Mrs. Moeller pulled Andy into a tight hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi mom," was all Andy could say as his mother squeezed him tightly. Andy's mother finally let go of him. Andy looked at Brian, who was standing quietly, smiling.

"Mom, this is Brian Littrell, of the Backstreet Boys," Andy introduced his mother to Brian, "Brian this is my mother, Marie." Brian extended his hand and to shake Andy's mother's.

"Hello Mrs. Moeller," Brian smiled as he shook her hand.

"Please, call me Marie," Marie replied.

"Where's dad?" Andy questioned, not seeing his father.

"He'll be right out, he's just getting our carry on luggage. I rushed off the plane first to see you." Marie answered her son. Andy nodded and smiled.

"How's Jake?" Andy asked his mother about his dog.

"He's fine, I think he misses you though. Tony has been calling almost everyday to see when you'll be home. He really wants you to call him!" Marie laughed.

"Who's Jake and Tony?" Brian questioned, being left in the dark.

"I'm sorry Brian, Jake is my dog, a black lab, and Tony is my best friend since 7th grade," Andy explained. Brian nodded and noticed a man approaching them.

"Dad!" Andy yelled as he saw the man in a black Armani suit approach the group.

"Hey buddy," Andy's father hollered as he dropped the laptop he was holding to hug his son.

Brian smiled as he looked at Andy and his father hug each other.

"Dad, this is Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys, Brian this is my father, Jonathan," Andy repeated the introduction.

"Hello Brian," Andy's father said whole-heatedly as he shook Brian's hand. Andy's father turned around and picked up his laptop, putting it under his arm.

"You're father had to drag that thing with him," Andy's mother laughed as she noticed her husband picking up his laptop.

"Andy's father works for Apple Computer," Marie explained. Brian nodded and smiled.

"We have a limo waiting, lets go out to lunch, shall we?" Andy asked his parents.

"Sounds wonderful," Marie smiled as she grabbed his hand and began to walk forward. Brian could tell already that he liked Marie's chipper and perky nature.

Everyone got into the limo and headed for the restaurant, a few miles away. Andy's parents talked about life at home in Miami while Andy told his parents about the surgery. Brian stayed silent, listening to everyone visit.

When the arrived at the Chinese restaurant they were immediately seated and given menus. After ordering, Marie asked Brian a question.

"How did you two meet?" Marie looked at Brian with a smile.

"Um, we met on the Jay Leno show a couple weeks ago," Brian answered shyly.

"Of course! I forgot about that! I taped that episode!" Marie smiled at Brian.

"Andy, what time is the surgery tomorrow?" Andy father asked seriously, changing the mood at the table.

"Um, Dr. Charles wants me there at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning," Andy informed his father and mother, "But I have to go in for a physical today at 3:30."

"Its about 2:30 right now," Marie stated as she looked at her wristwatch.

"So Brian, you're in the Backstreet Boys, what's that like?" Marie inquired.

"Well, at times it can be pure misery, but mostly its a lot of fun," Brian answered honestly.

"I read a story in the Star about you and Nick Carter getting into a fist fight with Justin Timberlake, it was quite amusing," Marie laughed. Brian giggled and looked at Andy.

"Sometimes the stuff those magazines write is ridiculous. I like N'Sync and Justin. He's a cool guy, we're friends, contrary to popular belief," Brian explained.

"I'm glad Andy is making friends, he's usually so shy, and he doesn't need any enemies starting out like this," Marie looked at her son. Andy blushed and gave a shy smile.

"Marie!" Mr. Moeller laughed, sensing his wife had embarrassed his son.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters Andy? I never asked," Brian tried to change the subject.

"Nope," Andy answered in one word.

"We didn't have any more children because of the disease that Andy has. Andy's father and I both have a dominant gene present in our DNA, which cause the disease. After we found out that Andy had it, we went to a fertility expert who told us if we had any other children they had a 95 percent chance of also having the disease, so we made the decision not to have anymore children," Andy's mother answered with sincerity in her voice, "Its such a shame, I would have loved to have given a brother or a sister to Andy."

"Mom, please. I liked being an only child, I was spoiled," Andy joked.

"That you were," Marie agreed with a chuckle.

"You're staying at the Hilton, right?" Andy questioned.

"Yes. We decided to stay at the hotel instead of the summer house because it's in the city," Jonathan answered.

"Speaking of the cottage, Brian and I were there last night," Andy smiled at Brian, reminding him of the lovely evening they had spent.

"Boy, you two really are great friends, I had no idea," Marie commented. Andy simply looked at Brian and nodded his head. He wanted to tell his parents about Brian and him, but he knew that now was not the right time.

"The family reunion is in three weeks Andy, you're still going, right?" Marie asked in a near nagging tone. Andy rolled his eyes and nodded.

"I suppose," Andy answered.

"You know how bad your cousins want to see you, after all, you are the only celebrity in our family," Marie laughed.

"Oh yes, I can hardly wait to see Brad and Josh, the inseparable yet mean- spirited cousins. How could I ever live without them?" Andy asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You never did like them much, did you?" Andy's mother asked.

"Mom, are you serious? You mean you don't remember when I used to run in the house crying and screaming because they would pick on me when I was little?" Andy pointed out.

"Andy, I was joking! I know you never liked those two, but still the rest of the family would like to see you. I promised them that you would be there. Your cousin Ashley is dying to show you off to her friends."

"I'll do it for you, and for Ashley. She was the only one out of that bunch who was ever nice to me," Andy told his mother. Marie smiled at her son and put her arm around his shoulder.

"It's your decision honey."

Andy looked at her face and nodded.

"Are you nervous?" She asked as she saw him look down at the table. Andy nodded his head and let a tear slip out of his eye. Marie pulled Andy into a hug.

"I'm glad you're here mom," Andy said as he received the hug. Marie gently rocked Andy and finally released him. Andy sniffled his nose, taking in the scent of his mother.

"It's been so long since I've smelled your perfume. I never knew I'd miss your Chanel so much," Andy smiled, wiping the last tear from his eye. Brian sat back and watched how loving and caring that the Moellers were to each other; it made him miss his family even more.

Andy glanced at his watch and noticed that it was about five minutes after 3 o'clock.

"Whoa, we'd better get going if we wanna get there by 3:30," Andy said to Brian, looking at his face.

"We?" Andy's mother asked questionably.

"Uh, yeah, Brian is going to come with me to the doctor," Andy struggled for an explanation nervously.

"Why?" Marie asked, scanning her son's face for a hint as to why he was so nervous.

"I asked him to go with because he's my friend," Andy tried to state confidently. Marie was not convinced but nodded her head anyway. She sensed an anxiety in her son's behavior, but didn't question it, for she trusted Andy.

"We'll see you back at the hotel tonight Andrew," Marie quipped as Andy stood from the table.

"Bye," Andy stated to his parents before exiting the restaurant with Brian. Andy hailed a cab and quickly got in with Brian. Andy instructed the cab driver where they wanted to go and they were on their way.

"That was close," Andy stated as he looked at Brian.

"Didn't you want to tell them?" Brian asked, slipping his hand onto Andy's.

"Yeah, but not like that. They just got here, and I don't wanna shock them like that right away. I'm definitely going to tell them before my surgery tomorrow. If anything should happen and I don't make it, I want them to know about me and you," Andy was completely serious about his statement. Brian's face gave a saddened look.

"Don't talk like that, you'll be fine, really. I just know it," Brian wanted to believe his comforting words with all of his heart. He tried to disillusion himself into that mindset, for his sake, and for Andy's. Andy smiled and tilted his head, looking deep into Brian's eyes, perhaps into his soul.

"You have the most beautiful blue eyes Brian," Andy said as he admired Brian's face. Brian blushed and turned his head away. Andy gently put his hand on Brian's chin adjusted Brian's head so that he could once again look into Brian's eyes.

"Let me look at you, please," Andy whimpered gently while continuing to look at Brian. Andy traced his finger over Brian smooth lips, allowing his fingers to rest on their final destination, Brian's cheek.

Andy forgot that he was in the back of a cab, so he was quite surprised when the driver stopped the car abruptly, causing Brian and Andy to be shoved forward slightly. Andy giggled and looked at the Driver, handing him fare and stepping out of the cab. Brian looked at the huge hospital in awe.

"Let's go in," Andy smiled as he began to walk forward. Brian quickly caught up with Andy and they were on their way into the hospital.

Andy seemed to know where to go automatically, getting onto an elevator. After a short ride to the 18th floor of the hospital, Brian and Andy got off the elevator and headed down a narrow corridor to a very nicely furnished section of the hospital. Brian thought that it didn't look anything like a hospital at all, more like the lobby of a fancy hotel.

Andy walked over to an open door and walked inside with Brian. Andy took a seat and instructed Brian to do the same.

"She's late again," Andy complained as he put his hand on top of Brian's.

"Dr. Charles?" Brian asked.

"Yep, this happens a lot. She's really busy here, and sometimes I have to wait an hour or two before she gets in here to see me. Usually I just take a little nap over there," Andy pointed to a black leather sofa in the corner of the spacious office.

Brian smiled and began to run his hands over Andy's thighs, getting ever closer to his inner thighs. Andy sighed and pulled Brian's hand away.

"Brian, I want to, but if she came in here and caught us screwing, I would just die," Andy explained gently to Brian. Brian nodded that he understood and put his hand back in his own lap.

"I really like your parents," Brian tried to start a conversation. Andy smiled at Brian, gladly accepting the compliment.

"How did you ever get this blonde hair? Your mom's hair is black and your dad's is dark Brown. I know you didn't bleach it," Brian laughed as he pointed to Andy's crotch.

"Don't you like my hair?" Andy asked as he pouted his lips.

"I love your hair," Brian assured Andy. Andy smiled and put his hand in Brian's hair.

"Your hair is nice too," Andy giggled aloud as he ran his hand over Brian's soft hair.

Andy heard the door slam behind him and suddenly pulled his hand away from Brian. He almost had a heart attack because of the sudden noise. Andy saw Dr. Charles standing in the room, looking down at some pink papers that she held in her hand. Andy hoped that she didn't see him touching Brian.

"Good afternoon," Dr. Charles greeted as she looked up from her papers and walked behind her desk, taking a seat in the navy blue chair.

"Nice to see you again Brian," Dr. Charles smiled at him as she pulled a pen out of her white jacket and removed the cap. She pulled out a file from her desk and opened it.

"Well, Andy, lets start by you putting on a gown and getting onto the examination table," Dr. Charles instructed in a kind yet authoritative voice, "Brian if you would feel more comfortable, you could wait in the lounge outside of my office."

"Dr. Charles, that's something I wanted to talk to you about, I don't mind if Brian is here with me because, well....the easiest way for me to say this is that Brian and I are in love," Andy told his doctor the truth about the nature of his and Brian's relationship.

"I see," Dr. Charles said as she brought her hand to her cheek, her expression stayed that of a friendly one.

"Are you okay with it?" Andy asked, wondering what she was thinking.

"Yes, I think its wonderful that you two have found love with each other, its just a bit of a shock, I never would have guessed it otherwise. I didn't see you as the kind that liked other men, but I guess that's why most stereotypes aren't based in fact," She kept a look of friendliness on her face as she spoke.

Andy was relieved that he had told Dr. Charles about his love of Brian.

"Well, since you're both here, why don't we give you a STD test, that is if you're sexually active," Dr. Charles suggested.

"Yes, we're sleeping together," Brian answered.

"We'll do that towards the end of the examination though, for now I need you to go change into a gown in that bathroom Andy. They're are a few examination gowns in the closet," Dr. Charles pointed to the small bathroom to her right as she spoke.

"OK," Andy affirmed as he stood and walked into the bathroom. He turned around and closed the door gently, leaving Dr. Charles and Brian in the office alone together.

"Brian, I've been Andy's doctor most of his life, I feel almost like a surrogate mother to him. I want you to do me a favor, be caring with Andy, he's a very fragile person, and he could shatter like glass at any moment. I understand that he feels like he is in love, but I hope it is real and not a disillusion, for his sake," Dr. Charles chose her words carefully as she spoke to Brian.

"Dr. Charles, I do love Andy, I know I do. He's a special person in my life and I would never want anything bad to happen to him. I assure you, I love Andy," Brian spoke seriously while trying to put his passion for Andy into words.

Dr. Charles smiled and nodded her head slightly as Brian spoke.

"I truly hope that's the case Brian, I would hate for him to get hurt," Dr. Charles continued seriously. Brian knew that Dr. Charles cared a great deal for Andy, as did he.

Andy emerged from the bathroom in a white and green checkered hospital gown.

"Lets get started," Dr. Charles said when she saw Andy.

Dr. Charles performed about two dozen tests on Andy, including a blood test to determine whether he had any sexually transmitted diseases. She also drew a small amount of blood from Brian, for the same reason. Brian sat and watched as Andy was poked, pricked and prodded by Dr. Charles.

After four long hours of grueling tests, Dr. Charles was finished. Andy physically checked out for the surgery the next day. He was told not to eat anything for the next 24 hours, and to drink a lot of liquid.

"I'll see you here tomorrow at nine o'clock Andrew. Try to get a good night's rest," Dr. Charles advised as Brian and Andy were just about to leave her office.

"Thank you," Andy smiled as he exited with Brian.

Brian and Andy quickly caught a cab on the busy Orlando sidewalk and were on their way back to the Hilton.

"I'm glad that's over with," Andy said while putting his hand on Brian's knee.

"What are we gonna do when we get back to the hotel?" Brian asked Andy.

"I'm gonna call my parents and tell them that we're back, and then I'm gonna have them meet us in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning so we can go to the hospital together."

"Sounds like a good plan," Brian quipped as he threw his arm around Andy's shoulder. Andy leaned into Brian and laid his head on Brian's chest.

"The guys know about me right?" Andy softly whispered.

"Know what about you?" Brian asked.

"About me being sick," Andy informed Brian.

"Kevin does, but I don't think the rest of the guys do," Brian answered affirmatively. Andy took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"I don't really feel up to telling them tonight, I'm exhausted and I'm feeling a little woosy from all that blood being drawn. Would you tell them for me Brian?" Andy asked in a voice that was near begging. Brian couldn't resist Andy's sweet voice and innocent nature as he lay on Brian's chest.

"Sure," Brian answered, looking down at Andy's blonde hair. No sooner that Brian agreed to tell the rest of the Backstreet Boys about Andy's operation, the cab was back at the hotel.

Brian and Andy entered the hotel. Andy walked over to the front desk and inquired to the attendant at the desk as to what room his parents were staying in. After finding out what room his parents were in, Brian and Andy headed for the elevator.

"Go up to your room Brian, I'll be up in a little while, I just wanna grab a few things to take with me tomorrow." Andy pushed the button for the 13th floor. Brian nodded. Andy got off the elevator and went into his room.

After going into his room, Andy grabbed his backpack and began to stuff it with clothes. Andy quickly finished, double-checking to see if he had everything that he would need for the next day. Andy knew what he had to do next, and dreaded it. He was going to go to his parents' room to tell them about his relationship with Brian. He didn't want Brian to be there because wanted to spare Brian any pain that his coming out would cause. It was Andy's hurdle to overcome, not Brian's.

Andy grabbed his Charlotte Hornets cap and threw it in his bag before turning off the lights in his room and walking out. Andy got onto the elevator to go to his parents' room.

Andy took a deep breath before knocking on his parents' door. Marie opened the door and smiled at her son, inviting him into the room.

"Andrew!" she exclaimed excitedly as she saw him.

"Hey mom," Andy walked into the room, "Where's dad?"

"He's on the balcony right now, he's in the middle of a phone call with Steve," Marie explained that Andy's father was speaking to Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple computer, and Andy's father's boss.

"He never leaves his work at home, does he?" Andy smiled at his mother as he made the comment about his father. Andy's father had always been a work- aholic as far back as he could remember, but whenever Andy needed time with his father, Jonathan would drop everything to be with his son. Many a weekend excursion was planned to the cottage on the lake because Jonathan wanted to spend quality time with his family.

"Did you just get back from the doctor?" Marie asked as she walked over to the white sofa and sat down with her son.

"Yep," Andy answered without hesitation.

"How did everything go?" Marie removed her high heels, rubbing her feet as if she were in pain.

"Pretty good, I'm fit for surgery. I'm to be at the hospital at nine tomorrow morning."

"That's wonderful honey," Marie smiled as she stood from the couch and walked over to the bar, "I'm going to have a glass of wine, would you like anything?"

"Um, Vodka?" Andy asked with a smile over his face.

"Something NON-ALCOHOLIC?" Marie rephrased her questioned.

"Mountain Dew," Andy smiled as he answered his mother's offer.

Marie poured wine into a wineglass and pulled a bottle of Mountain Dew out of the refrigerator for Andy.

"You'll never guess who I got a call from,"Andy said to his mother as he took a drink of his beverage.

"Who?" Marie asked with anticipation.

"Madonna!" Andy exclaimed happily, smiling.

"Really? Wow! What did she have to say?" Marie was excited for her son.

"Nothing much, she just wants me to switch over to her record company," Andy explained.

"Are you going to?" Marie questioned.

"Probably not," Andy answered while shaking his head in sync with his answer.

"You're song is number 2 on the charts, I'm so happy for you! John Seagil called me and wanted me to persuade you to go on Loveline three days after your operation, but I told him that you wouldn't be feeling well enough," Marie told her son.

"He's been hounding me about that too. He says I'm not doing enough public appearances and my popularity might start to slip if I don't do more shows. He also wants me to go on tour soon," Andy explained his current situation to his mother. Andy had never been on tour before and was a little scared about it. He would be alone, no one to talk to. It didn't sound like fun to him at all.

"On tour," Marie turned her head and looked at the floor, "My god Andy, so much has happened in the last year. You've become a success almost overnight and now you're going to go on tour. I just can't believe it. I'm so proud of you honey," Marie put her hand on Andy's shoulder as she complimented him.

"Thanks mom," Andy blushed at his mother's kind words. Jonathan walked into the room, and smiled at his son.

"Hey Andy!" Jonathan said excitedly as he took a seat in a chair near his wife.

"Hey Dad," Andy leaned back on the couch a little bit.

"So how'd the doctor appointment go?" Andy's father asked, somewhat nervously.

"Dr. Charles says that I'm good to go for the surgery tomorrow."

"Great!" Jonathan looked happy, but he still knew what his son had to go through the next day.

"You better get some sleep, its almost nine o'clock," Marie commented as she looked at her silver wristwatch.

"I wanna tell you guys something first. Um, I don't know where to begin,"Andy was very nervous about he was about to tell his parents, but he knew he had to do it.

"Andy, is something wrong, are you in trouble?" Marie questioned instinctively.

"No, I'm not in trouble or anything like that. I've got to tell you something about me that you don't know," Andy gave his mother a little more information, but nothing specific yet.

A million thoughts ran through Marie's head, was Andy on drugs? Did he get a girl pregnant? Was he in debt for something? Had he broken the law? Marie didn't know where to began to sort her thoughts. She looked to Andy for more clues as to what he was talking about.

"What is it?" Jonathan asked Andy before his wife had a chance to speak. It was the calm before the storm. Soon a gigantic secret would be spilled and Andy's parents would be in complete shock.

"Well, I guess I should tell you the whole story," Andy took in a deep breath and continued, "When I got to Orlando and I met Brian, I liked him right away. We became friends instantly. We spent our first few days together and talked about everything. After a while I started to....I fell in love with Brian. Mom, Dad, I'm gay and I'm in love with Brian. I hope you can understand,"Andy let out his explanation in a barley audible whisper. He tried to keep a consistent tone, but his voice cracked as he spoke. It broke his heart to tell his parents, but he knew they deserved to know. They had given him unconditional love all eighteen years of his short life and had been through everything with him.

Marie's jaw dropped, she was in disbelief. Images of Andy touching Brian in sexual ways flashed through her head. It made her uncomfortable and nauseous. She couldn't picture her Andrew making love to another man. Marie didn't know any homosexuals, making the shock of Andy's confession weigh even heavier in her mind.

"Did Brian touch you or rape you?" was the only logical explanation that Marie could come up with.

"What? No, of course not! Brian didn't make me this way, god did. I've always had these feelings," Andy retorted.

"Why are you doing this to us Andrew?" Marie was beginning to cry.

"Doing what mom? I didn't tell you this to hurt you," Andy was beginning to cry himself, "I did it because I wanted you to know the truth if I didn't make it out of surgery tomorrow," Andy finished, too choked with tears to go any further.

Andy's reminder of his surgery was all that Marie could take. She soon began to sob loudly, remember that her son was very ill and his mortality was very much at stake in the next few days.

Jonathan had remained calm through the entire ordeal. He was shocked about what his son had just told him, but didn't know what to say. Had he done something wrong as a father? It put his whole ability as a parent into question. He wondered if he hadn't spent enough time with his son, or done something else that would have made Andy fall in love with another man.

Jonathan put his hand to his mouth and stared at the plush white carpet of the hotel room, not speaking or showing any emotion.

"I've gotta go," Andy didn't know what else he could do, his face was stained with tears and no one in the room was communicating with one another. Andy stood and began to walk towards the door when Marie grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving.

"Why?" Marie questioned. Andy looked at his mother with a blank, but sad expression.

"What did we do wrong? Why are you gay?" Marie clarified for Andy, hoping he would give her some kind of answer.

"I don't know, I just am. I've always been and I always will be. You didn't do anything wrong. God made me this way, not you or anybody else," Andy bit his bottom lip after he answered his mother's question.

"But you just met Brian, how could you possibly love him? You're not old enough to know what love is," Marie struggled to understand her son.

"I don't know, I just do, and Brian loves me. We love each other, age has nothing to do with love," Andy whimpered as his mother asked him a question.

Marie shook her head and gently positioned her hands back in her lap. She looked down at the floor, still weeping. Andy continued his walk to the door and exited, without another word being said to his parents.

Andy was frantically sobbing because of what he had just done. He pushed the button on the elevator and got on when the doors finally parted.

He leaned back into the wall of the elevator and slipped slowly down until he was sitting on the floor. He pulled his knees tight to his chest and put his face between them. When the doors opened at the penthouse Andy continued to sit on the floor. The doors shut and soon the elevator was traveling up and down to several different floors in the hotel. People got on and off the elevator, not calling any attention to the crying boy sitting at the back of the elevator.

Andy finally stood up and pressed the penthouse button. When the doors opened, Andy briskly stepped out and walked directly to Brian's door. After entering, Andy found no sign of Brian, the lights were off and the room was cold. Andy flicked on the lightswitch and got into Brian's bed.

Andy didn't know what to make of the situation with his parents, they weren't mad at him, they were confused, and he couldn't quite explain his feelings to them in a way that they could understand.

So, that was chapter four.

What did you think? Honestly, what did you think? I want to know!!

I respond to EVERY e-mail that I get. I believe that it is my obligation as an author, and for posting this story that I reply to ALL e-mails that I receive.

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Next: Chapter 5

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