Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Jan 31, 2000



This is the third chapter to my series, "Be with me brian" for gaymale/celebrity/boy bands

As always, I appreciate it!


Daniel Hey People! I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I've been extremely busy with school and life in general that this story was put on the back burner for a while. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you for the MOUNDS of e-mail that I've gotten from people. It really means a lot to me. I LOVE e- mail. I can't stress that enough. It's so wonderful to get. So continue to send it! There's nothing that brightens my day more (except maybe spotting a cute guy :-)

As usual, this story contains sexual situations between Brian Litrell of the Backstreet Boys and his fictitious lover, Andy. If this offends anyone, then I suggest you read no further than this warning. This story is fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Please send ANY questions or comments to:

Be With Me Brian Chapter 3

By Daniel

By the time the limo arrived back at the hotel, Brian had cried himself to sleep in Nick's lap. Nick awoke Brian by gently shaking his shoulder. The tears had dried and Brian was unsure of where he was.

"Brian, we're back at the hotel," Nick whispered to the sleeping Brian on his lap.

"Oh," Brian sat up and looked at Nick. A.J. and Kevin, still in the limo.

"Feel better?" Kevin asked Brian.

"Not really," Brian shrugged his shoulders. His hair was messed up, his clothes were wrinkled and scuffed from the fight, and his fist hurt from hitting Howie, "Andy left me, Howie and I hate each other's guts and I made a scene in a restaurant which is going to look really shitty in the paper tomorrow."

Kevin didn't have a response. He opened the door and got out of the car, followed by Brian, Nick and A.J.

"Lets just all sleep on it, and try to straighten things out in the morning," Kevin suggested as they got onto the elevator, "I'll call management and try to get the day off. We were supposed to go to a CD signing tomorrow, but with what happened tonight, I don't think it would be a good idea."

Everyone nodded in agreement and went to their rooms. When Brian got into his room he tried to call Andy to see if he was okay, but got no answer. Brian assumed that Andy was asleep or didn't want to talk about what had happened that night, he couldn't blame Andy for not wanting to. Brian turned off the light in his room and got into his bed.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Nick yelled at Howie, pushing him into the wall.

"Just get away from me Nick, I'm not gonna take any shit from you tonight!" Howie hollered back, pushing Nick off of him.

"Brian is your friend, why the hell did you treat him like that?"

"Because he's a fag!" Howie shouted.

"So what? It's a shock I'll admit, but what the hell do you care? He's still the Brian Littrell you always knew! Even before he told you, Brian was still gay! Just because you know now you hate him?" Nick wanted to understand Howie's reasoning.

Howie didn't respond.

"Well I hope you have a good night's sleep asshole!" Nick huffed as he got into his bed and shut off the light on the nightstand next to his bed. Howie angrily pulled off his shirt and got into his own bed.

About an hour later Kevin heard a knocking at his door. He had just gotten into bed to go to sleep. Kevin hopped out of bed, only wearing his boxers, to go and answer the door. He saw Andy standing before him, crying and looking a terrible mess.

"Andy?" Kevin said when he saw the boy standing before him. Andy threw himself forward into Kevin's arms. He was much shorter than Kevin, and buried his head in Kevin's chest, crying fiercely.

"I didn't want to go back to my room alone Kevin," Andy sobbed as he held onto Kevin, "And I didn't want to see Brian right now either. I have no one else to go to."

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked before wrapping his arms around the crying boy.

"No, first the fight in the restaurant, and then I was robbed and I had to walk home, "Andy could barley speak because he was so choked up with tears.

"You were robbed?" Kevin asked in a surprised tone.

"Yeah, some guy did it in an alley. He poked me in the back with something, he really hurt me. Then he took all my money."

"Let me have a look," Kevin gently turned Andy around. He saw blood soaking though the white shirt. He lifted the shirt and saw two bloody gashes on Andy's back. Andy continued to cry as Kevin inspected the cuts.

"Go sit down on the bed and take off your shirt," Kevin instructed as he went into the bathroom. Andy went to the bed and removed his shirt.

Kevin came back into the room with a wet washcloth, some antiseptic spray and large bandage.

"Lay on your stomach," Kevin told Andy. Kevin took the washcloth and cleaned the dried blood on Andy's back, along with the fresh blood that came out when he touched the area. He then sprayed a small amount of the antiseptic on the wounds. After opening the bandage, he positioned it over the tears in Andy's skin.

"You'd better see a doctor about this, these wounds look pretty bad," Kevin commented about the cuts. Andy didn't respond, he just sat up and began to cry once again.

"How is your face?" Kevin asked when he noticed the red marks still on Andy's face from Howie hitting him.

"It doesn't hurt much anymore," Andy sighed.

"How's Brian?" Andy asked.

"Not too good. He cried the entire way home from the restaurant," Kevin replied.

"What about Howie, did Brian hurt him?" Andy asked. Kevin was surprised that Andy cared about Howie's well being even though he had struck him.

"Yeah, I think he's okay. I'm really sorry about what he did to you and what he said, "Kevin spoke kindly.

"That's okay Kevin, its not your fault, he did it entirely on his own merit," Andy cried.

"So are you really gonna quit seeing Brian?" Kevin asked the younger boy.

"I don't know. I think it would be best, even though I don't want to. I shouldn't be the reason that you guys hate each other, it isn't fair to you, besides, I'm not worth it," Andy stated.

"To Brian, you are, to me, you are. Everyone else except Howie can accept it right now, but he will in time. Don't worry about him, hopefully he will be cooled off by morning," Kevin put his arm around Andy's shoulder, "Here, take off your clothes and lay down."

Andy pulled off all of his clothes except his boxers and laid down in the bed, tears still sliding down his cheeks. Kevin got into the bed next to Andy and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly. Andy continued to cry. Kevin wrapped his leg around Andy's body while Andy lay in the fetal position. Kevin did his best to try to comfort the young boy.

"Shhhhh," Kevin whispered as Andy snuggled with his chest. Kevin's much larger body wrapped around Andy made him feel safe. Kevin rubbed his hands over Andy's back as he held him in his arms. Andy felt warm and relaxed as Kevin tightly held his body. Andy was exhausted and began to slip off to sleep as Kevin embraced him.

Andy awoke the next morning in the bed alone. He looked across the room and saw that A.J. was still asleep. He looked at his wristwatch and saw that it was 8:30 in the morning. He got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked at what he saw. There large bruise on his forehead from being pushed against the wall by the attacker, and his cheek was still red and had a handprint on it from where Howie had hit him. His eyes were bloodshot from all the crying. 'I look like shit' Andy thought to himself as he examined his reflection. He went over to the small sink in Kevin's room, got a glass of water and took two of his pills. He was happy to see that he hadn't dropped his pills on the long walk back to the hotel the night before. Andy heard the door open and saw Kevin walk in holding his jacket in one arm and a fresh pair of Andy's clothes in the other. Kevin noticed Andy wasn't in the bed and looked over at the side of the room to see him standing near the window.

"Good morning," Kevin said in a chipper tone.

"Good morning Kevin," Andy returned the greeting.

Kevin walked over to Andy, and noticed the huge bruise on his head. He gently put his hand on Andy's forehead and ran his finger over it.

"Damn, that looks pretty bad, how'd that happen? I didn't notice it last night," Kevin asked concerned.

"That guy who took my money shoved me into a brick wall," Andy answered, "Is Brian or anyone else awake?"

"I just checked on Brian, he's still asleep, the only ones who are up are me, you, and Nick," Kevin stated.

"I'd better be going before anyone else gets hurt," Andy joked, while he headed for the door.

"No, here I went to your room and got you some clothes, go take a shower and get cleaned up a little, all of us have to talk about this together, and we need you here," Kevin stated.

"But Kevin," Andy began to object.

"But nothing, go take a shower, and we'll talk about it when you get out," Kevin was proving to be as stubborn as his cousin Brian.

Andy reluctantly took the clothes that Kevin had brought for him and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

'Poor kid,' Kevin thought as he saw the bathroom door close. Kevin heard a knock at the door and went to answer it. It was Nick.

"So, how's Andy this morning?" Nick asked Kevin.

"He feels better, but he looks terrible. He's got a big bruise on his forehead, his cheek is red compliments of Howie, and his back is all cut up," Kevin sadly told Nick, "Brian was right, we should have looked for him last night after he ran out of the restaurant, some guy stole all his money and cut his back with a knife. He's in the bathroom taking a shower right now."

"Did Howie say anything to you last night when you got back to the hotel," Kevin asked, hoping that Howie might have told Nick that he regretted what he had done.

"Not much, he was still being a prick when I got back," Nick stated.

"What a dick! What's up his ass anyway? I don't know why he has such a big problem with Brian and Andy," Kevin complained to Nick.

"What are we gonna do this morning?" Nick asked.

"We'll first we're gonna try and get Brian and Andy back together than we're all gonna talk with Howie," Kevin stated.

Nick and Kevin heard A.J. cough and noticed that he was awake.

"Good morning," Kevin said to A.J.

"Hey guys," A.J. responded, "What's happening?"

"A lot!" Nick smiled as he walked over to the bed.

"Nick, you explain it to A.J., I'm gonna go talk to Brian," Kevin instructed Nick as he left the room.

Kevin walked in Brian's room to see that he was still asleep. Kevin gently awoke Brian by putting his hand on Brian's shoulder.

"Kevin?" Brian asked as he began to awake.

"Yep,it's me Brian, time for you to get up."

"Where is Andy? How is he?" Brian asked all of his questions at once.

"Not too good Brian, he's still pretty shaken up about what happened at the restaurant last night, and then on his way home he was robbed at knifepoint," Kevin didn't lie to his cousin about Andy.

"Oh shit, is he okay, was he hurt?" Brian sat up in the bed in one quick motion.

"He's doing okay, he just got cut up on his back from the knife and he's got a big bruise on his forehead from being thrown into a wall," Kevin explained.

"Where is he?" Brian asked.

"In my room, want to go see him?" Kevin asked. Before Kevin could get a response, Brian jumped out of his bed and threw on his jacket. He was still fully clothed from the previous night.

Brian and Kevin walked into Kevin's room and saw Nick and A.J. watching TV while Andy sat in a chair looking at a magazine. When Andy saw Brian he immediately stood. Brian ran over to Andy and threw his arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Andy's hair was still wet from his shower.

"Are you all right?" was all that Brian could ask as he held Andy.

"I'm fine Brian," Andy whispered back, as they continued to embrace. Brian began to cry as he held the younger boy in his arms. Brian pulled back and looked at Andy's face, he could see the marks that Kevin had described. Brian gently pressed his lips to bruise on Andy's forehead and kissed it as lightly as he could.

"Brian," Andy giggled through tears as Brian caressed him. Brian pulled Andy forward and started to kiss Andy on the lips, inserting his tongue into Andy's mouth. A.J., Nick and Kevin looked on as the two kissed. The three had never seen Brian embrace another man so tenderly, or another person for that matter. It was odd to see him kissing another man, but they saw it was more than just sexual gratification for Brian, he truly was in love, which made it easier for them to accept.

As the kiss ended, Brian noticed that Kevin, A.J. and Nick were all staring at him and Andy.

"What," Brian asked as he smiled at everyone staring at him.

"Wow," Nick laughed.

Andy's face turned red, it was embarrassing for him to be put in the spotlight like that.

"I've got no problem with you two," A.J. smiled as he watched the two stand nervously.

"Me either!" Nick agreed as he looked at Brian.

Brian smiled and looked at Andy, who was also smiling. Nick walked over to watch TV with A.J. and sat down.

"Where's Howie?" Brian asked Kevin.

"Um, he's still asleep I guess, I'm not sure," Kevin answered.

"Oh, well I don't really feel up to seeing him this morning after what happened last night, I'm afraid that I'd kill him," Brian stated. Kevin laughed, trying to take an edge off the seriousness of Brian's last statement.

There was a knock on the door. Everyone knew who it was, but they all hoped to be wrong. Kevin opened the door. Everyone's feeling was right, it was Howie who stood before them. Howie didn't say anything; he just walked into the room. He saw Andy standing next to Brian, crying, Andy held his hand on his cheek with a fearful look on his face, almost as if he was scared that Howie was going to hit him again. Howie studied Brian's face and saw that it was filled with anger. Brian clenched his fists together, it was all he could do to avoid punching Howie square in the jaw.

Howie felt very uncomfortable, he sensed the hatred from everyone in the room. He kept a blank expression on his face as he walked over to a chair and sat down. Everyone continued to stare at him.

"What?" Howie finally spoke up in a voice that was just shy of being a whisper. None of the guys responded to his question. Howie's face was scarlet red. Kevin cleared his throat, piercing the silence that had enveloped the room.

"Brian, I've been thinking about last night," Howie started, " And I'm sorry for the way I acted."

"That's it?" Nick asked, surprised.

"It's a start," Brian was thankful for any apology that Howie could offer.

"You know I'm your friend. I don't know why I called you all those horrible things, but it wasn't right. Nick and I got into a little argument last night after we got back to the hotel and he had a good point. Even though I just found out that you were gay, you were always gay, you're the same Brian Littrell I met back in Miami Beach all those years ago. I don't know why I blew up like that at you, I just have never really known any fags," Howie stopped, "I'm sorry, gay people, and the idea that you were one really scared me. I don't know how to explain it, I was just afraid of you or something."

Howie's apology was flawed, but Brian knew that it was heartfelt and genuine. Howie looked up and noticed Andy looking at him; it reminded him of what he had done the previous night, making him feel ashamed.

"Andy, I'm sorry for hitting you. I know you'll probably never forgive me for that one. The only explanation that I can offer to you is that I was mad, I was mad at you because I thought you had come here just to steal Brian away and you made him gay. I know after thinking about it, it sounds ridiculous, but that's the way I felt last night. You seem like a really cool guy and if you make Brian happy then I'm all for it. I'm not going to pretend that I understand why you two like each other the way you do, but I don't have problem with it," Howie finished his apology.

Andy gave Howie an angry look and walked over to where Howie was sitting.

"Stand up!" Andy demanded. Howie didn't ask any questions, he did as he was told.

"Its payback time," Andy spoke as he raised his fist back as if he were about to hit Howie. Brian jumped forward to stop Andy, but instead of hitting Howie, Andy wrapped his arms around him in a hug, surprising everyone.

"Gotcha," Andy laughed as he hugged Howie. Howie hugged him back. Andy released Howie and stood back.

"Friends?" Howie asked as he extended his hand out for Andy.

"Friend's, as long as you don't hit me again," Andy responded in a happy tone but with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Never," Howie agreed.

Howie walked over to Brian and hugged him as well.

"I'm sorry for being an ass," Howie apologized in a soft voice.

"That's okay, when aren't you?" Brian joked.

"Well, now that Howie's made his peace with everyone, what about you and Andy, Brian?" Kevin asked.

"Hmm, lets see," Brian laughed as he pulled Andy close and began to give him and open mouth kiss in front of everyone, making sure that they had a good view of his tongue going in and out of Andy's mouth.

"Damn, I didn't need to see that," Howie laughed as he turned his head away from his kissing friends.

"Yeah, they were practically fucking before you got in here," Nick commented.

"Nick, if you thought that was fucking, then you certainly don't know much about sex," Brian tried to make a joke of Nick's virginity. Nick made an annoyed noise and walked away, returning to MTV.

"I'm starving, what is there to eat Kevin?" Howie questioned.

"Well I guess we could eat here, or we could go somewhere," Kevin suggested, while looking at Brian and Andy, as if it were their decision.

"I don't really care either way," Brian stated.

"Well then lets just stay here," Kevin walked over to the phone to call room service.

Brian pulled Andy out onto the balcony in Kevin's room and sat down in a lounge chair, next to Andy.

"So you're really okay? You're not hurt or anything," Brian asked while he held Andy's hand.

"I'm okay," Andy said in a monotone, which gave Brian suspicion's that Andy wasn't telling the truth.

"Let me see your back," Brian stood and sat on the ground, motioning for Andy to sit between his legs. Andy got up and sat down between Brian's legs. Andy lifted his shirt for Brian and leaned forward. Brian pulled off the bandage slightly, peeking at the wounds.

"Oh Andy," Brian sighed as he firmly reattached the bandage.

"What?" Andy asked.

"I know that must have hurt, I just wish I had went out to find you last night after you left, but I didn't. I could have prevented this," Brian felt ashamed.

"Brian, even if you would have found me in that alley I wouldn't have went with you, I was really confused, I needed some time to think about us, this would have happened regardless," Andy tried to rationalize things for Brian.

"I understand, but I still feel guilty that it happened, if I wouldn't have fought with Howie maybe..."

"Brian, what happened, happened. Discussing what we could have done isn't going to change it," Andy interrupted Brian. Brian nodded his head; he understood what Andy was trying to say.

"I'm glad you're not hurt too bad, I couldn't live with myself if you ended up in the hospital or anything," Brian rubbed Andy's shoulders.

"That feels great," Andy sighed as Brian rubbed his shoulder's, enjoying the comforting hands on his neck.

Kevin poked his head out on the patio to see Andy getting a massage from Brian.

"Hey, if you two want to stop fooling around, the food is here," Kevin joked.

"Yeah, we'll be in a sec, Kev," Brian answered. Kevin went back inside, shutting the glass door.

"Brian, you know my physical is tomorrow, do you still wanna go with me?" Andy questioned.

"You bet," Brian's answer made Andy happy.

"MY parents are gonna be here tomorrow too. That reminds me, my mom said she was going to leave a message to tell me what time I have to pick her and my father up from the airport," Andy explained, "I'm gonna run to my room and check my messages quick, K?"

"Sure," Brian answered.

Andy grasped onto the chair and stood. He was still a little sore, but he was okay. Andy went inside and walked out of Kevin's room.

When Andy got to his room he saw the green light on the phone flashing, indicating that he had messages. He picked up the receiver to listen.

"Andy, this is mom. Dad and I are gonna be at the airport at around 1:30 tomorrow. If we don't see you there we'll take a cab to the Hilton. Love you sweetheart," Andy heard his mother say with cheerfulness in her voice.

"Hey Andy, its Auntie Jenny. Uncle Ralph and I just wanted to wish you good luck for your surgery and wish we could be there with ya, see you soon sweetie at the family reunion," Andy's aunt reminded him of the dreadful family reunion that his mother had pressured him into going to in three weeks.

"Andy Moeller, I hope this is the right number, this is Madonna, I know you think its weird to be getting a call from me, but I just wanted to know if you'd be interested in changing labels to Maverick records, we could probably offer you a better deal than RCA, and we could get you more coverage. We'd buy out your contract with RCA if you're interested. Call me back soon, bye," Andy knew that it wasn't a prank call, he was a huge fan of Madonna and could spot her unique voice anywhere. It was a real trip to be hearing from one of his biggest idols. He wondered why she would be calling him directly and not one of her associates. It was probably just a ploy to get him to sign over to Maverick records, she would call him and it would flatter him so much that he would be compelled to sign on with her label. Andy wasn't going to take the bait immediately.

"Andy, this is John. MTV wants you to do Loveline next week, but I turned it down because of your surgery so we rescheduled for two weeks from today. Call me," Andy was angry that his manager would book him to do spots without consulting him first. He wasn't sure how he would be feeling in two weeks, and the thought of him being tied down with commitments made him feel less confident about his health.

Andy saw that there were no more messages and headed back to Kevin's room. Andy walked in and saw everyone eating.

"Have some," Kevin offered to Andy. Andy nodded and got a plate, filling it with a small portion of fruit salad. Andy sat next to Brian on the sofa and began to eat.

"That's all your having?" Brian questioned.

"I'm not really that hungry this morning," Andy explained.

"Any messages?" Brian inquired.

"Yeah, I've gotta pick up my mom and dad at the airport at 1:30 tomorrow and Madonna wants me to switch to her record company," Andy explained.

"Madonna? She's one cool lady. We met her a couple of times in New York," Howie commented.

"She sounds really nice on the phone," Andy agreed.

Andy finished the last grape of his fruit salad and tried to watch TV with the rest of the guys but couldn't seem to keep his attention on the show. Several thoughts ran through his mind as he sat. He was worried about the surgery, worried about what to tell his parents about Brian and worried about his career. Every minute that passed was another minute closer to the surgery. Andy tapped Brian on the shoulder. Brian turned to see what Andy wanted.

"Let's go somewhere," Andy whispered into Brian's ear.

"Where," Brian whispered back.

"We'll find a place, don't worry."

"Okay," Brian stood up and walked to the door.

"We're heading out now guys," Brian said as he opened the door.

"K, see you later guys," Kevin spoke, keeping his attention on the TV.

"You guys act like you've never seen a TV before," Andy laughed as he got into the elevator.

"Yeah, we don't get much of a chance to watch TV on the road, and Nicky really likes it. He turns it on and then the rest of us can't keep our eyes off of it," Brian told Andy.

"I never really much liked TV, the only show I would ever watch was the Real World on MTV, I love that show! When I was in New York working on the album, my mom would tape it for me and send me the tapes." Andy saw the elevator doors part and stepped out with Brian.

"Let's take the car we did the other day to go to Doctor Charles' house," Andy suggested. Brian agreed and walked up to the manager who was standing at the front desk.

"Hi, can we get the same car we had the other day?" Brian asked the manager.

"Certainly!" the manager smiled as he grabbed the keys from underneath the counter and handed them to Brian.

"Thanks," Brian smiled his gratefulness and turned to exit the hotel with Andy.

"You wanna drive? I don't even know where we're going," Brian laughed as they approached the Lincoln.

"Um, I can't drive a car, I don't have a license," Andy admitted.

"WHAT?" Brian asked in disbelief.

"Yep, I never took Driver's Ed. because I was always so busy. I was tutored to finish high school and get my diploma, but I nixed driver's ed. from my schedule because my manager called it an 'unnecessary course'."

"Well, I guess I'll drive then," Brian stated as he opened the door.

"Where to?" Brian asked, as he drove out of the parking lot. Andy explained to Brian where to turn and drive until they found themselves at a small lake in rural Florida. The drive took about an hour and a half.

"Where are we?" Brian asked, as he drove the car into a secluded wooded area on a lake.

"My parent's cabin," Andy smiled. Brian pulled up to a majestic log cabin and turned off the ignition.

"I haven't been here for 3 or 4 years," Andy stated as he opened his door and got out of the car.

"Its beautiful," was all Brian could say as he got out of the car.

"Let's go inside," Andy walked up to a tree and reached into a small hole inside of it, pulling out a key. Andy inserted the key into the door, unlocking it.

"Wow, this place is spotless for you not being here for a long time!" Brian commented.

"My parents come here about 4 or 5 times a year though," Andy explained to Brian why the cabin was so clean.

Andy turned on the lights and sat on the blue sofa.

"God, I missed this place," Andy flopped his arms out and reclined on the sofa.

"Yep, it sure is a nice place Andy," Brian studied the cabin with his eyes.

"Let me show you the lake," Andy grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him to the back door. Brian and Andy exited the cabin and walked to the lake, less than 30 feet away from the cabin. Brian saw a long dock extending into the calm water. Andy walked over to a canvas near the dock and pulled it off a rowboat.

"Let's go for a little ride on the lake," Andy suggested as he shoved the boat into the water.

"Okay," Brian agreed. Brian and Andy got into the boat and started out for the middle of the lake, Brian rowing.

"Its such a nice day, warm, sunny, not too hot," Andy commented as they approached the center of the lake. Andy pulled off his shirt, and threw it on the floor of the boat.

"Might as well get a tan while I'm out here," Andy giggled at Brian while reclining back onto Brian's chest slightly.

"You're not wearing any sunscreen," Brian commented as he looked at Andy.

"So what?" Andy asked jokingly.

"You're blonde!!! You'll get sunburned in like 5 minutes!" Brian nagged.

"Oh Bri, don't worry about me," Andy sighed as he relaxed on his lover's chest.

"I can't help it, I do worry about you, all the time," Brian smiled.

"I appreciate it," Andy smiled before closing his eyes and letting the sun's rays glow on his exposed skin.

Brian enjoyed the scenic view on the deserted lake as the two quietly floated along. Brian could hear birds happily chirping in the distance. The lake was as calm as could possibly be.

"Don't you just love this place?" Andy wanted to know Brian's opinion of the lake.

"Yeah, its great," Brian agreed happily with Andy.

"My parents would bring me here every summer when I was younger, I miss those days," Andy reminisced as he lay on Brian.

"What was it like being an only child?" Brian asked.

"What was it like having a brother?" Andy asked.

"You're right, stupid question," Brian giggled and relaxed even further.

Brian heard Andy take in a deep breath and slowly exhale. Brian wasn't sure if Andy was awake, his eyes had been closed a long time and he hadn't moved for a few minutes.

"Are you scared about the surgery," Brian asked Andy, who lay on his chest.

" I keep trying to tell myself that I shouldn't be, and that it's for the best, but I'm terrified. The first day or two after is gonna be terrible pain. Even with painkillers its gonna hurt something terrible," Andy confessed.

"If I could trade places with you I would," Brian put his hands on Andy's bare stomach.

"Thank you Brian," Andy whispered.

"For what?" Brian asked.

"You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better," Andy whispered, still keeping his eyes shut.

"Andy?" Brian asked.


"You'd better put your shirt back on or you'll get a sunburn," Brian kindly advised.

"Alright," Andy didn't object, he sat up and slipped his bright red T-shirt back on.

"What time is it," Andy asked Brian.

"Oh, about 4:30, why?" Brian lazily questioned.

"I've gotta take my pills right about now. Let's go back to the cabin and get something to eat," Andy suggested.

"Is there food in there?" Brian asked.

"Should be, my parents were just here two weeks ago," Andy answered as Brian began rowing back towards the dock. When they reached the dock Brian hopped out first and the extended his hand for Andy to grab for support, which he happily did. Andy pulled the boat back to the shore and re-covered it with the canvas.

The two walked into the cabin. Brian sat on one of the stools near the island in the kitchen while Andy went to the fridge and pulled out two cokes, handing one to Brian and taking one for him.

"Thanks," Brian smiled as he twisted off the lid and took a large gulp. Andy pulled out his pills and took two of them with a small swallow of soda.

"Let's see what there is to eat," Andy smiled as he opened the refrigerator door.

"You're in luck. Go into the living room and watch TV while I make us something to eat," Andy happily said as he pulled out some ingredients from the refrigerator. Brian got up and went into the living room, turning on the TV.

"Cool! You guys have cable out here!" Andy heard Brian yell from the living room as he pulled a frozen steak from the freezer. Andy turned on the stove and began to prepare the food.

Brian sat in the other room flipping through the channels, trying to find something good to watch. He finally decided to watch "Sex and the City" on HBO. He had never seen it before, but he had heard that it was funny.

Andy was back in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on his meal. He set the table and lit two candles, creating a shadow effect on the walls of the cabin.

Andy peeked his head into the living room where Brian lay watching television, "Brian, its finished if you want to come and eat."

"Great," Brian sat up and followed Andy into the dining room. Brian sat down while Andy went into the kitchen, returning with two plates. Andy set one in front of Brian and put one on the other side of the table for himself.

"Whoa, this looks delicious!" Brian exclaimed as he looked down at the steak, pasta and vegetables on his plate.

"Thank you," Andy smiled at Brian's compliment. Brian took a bite of the pasta.

"It is delicious!" Brian said.

Brian and Andy ate their candle-lit dinner happily. Brian continued to compliment on how delicious the food was while Andy blushed. When they had finished Andy suggested that they go back to the hotel, to which Brian agreed. It was near 10 o'clock at night and they were both a little sleepy. Andy told Brian to go and watch TV while he washed the dishes and cleaned up before they left. Brian insisted that he would watch the dishes, but Andy refused to let him. He finally gave Brian a light shove out of the dining room, to which Brian finally gave in and went back into the living room.

Andy stared out of the small window in front of the sink as he washed the dishes. It was pitch black outside, but Andy could see fairly well because of the moonlight. He remembered all the summers he had spent at the cabin as a child and how frightened he would be of the dark nights. Andy recalled many nights where he would be in his room and would start crying because he had thought that he heard a noise or a maniac outside of his window trying to get into the cabin. He would always end up running into his parent's room crying, and then crawl into bed with them.

Andy finished washing the dishes and rinsed the soapy water off of his hands. Andy turned off the lights in the kitchen and made sure that the water was turned off securely and the refrigerator door was shut. Andy locked the back door of the cabin and went into the living room. Brian was asleep on the sofa while a soft-core porn played on Showtime. Andy laughed at the sight. He walked over to Brian and gently shook Brian's shoulders, attempting to wake him.

"Brian sweetie, we've gotta go now," Andy spoke softly, trying to awake Brian.

"What? Oh, we do?" Brian wasn't sure what was going on.

"We've gotta go back to the hotel," Andy reminded Brian. Brian sat up and looked at Andy, who was smiling.

"I'm so tired," Brian complained.

"If I had my license I could drive and I'd let you sleep in the backseat, but I don't so you're my ride home."

"Okay, lets go then," Brian yawned as he stood from the sofa.

"Do you have everything you brought with you?" Andy questioned as he turned off the television.

"Yep," Brian answered. Andy flicked the light switch off and grabbed the keys. Andy made one last check to see if all the lights were off and exited the cabin, into the pitch-blackness of night. Andy had a hard time finding the keyhole to lock the cabin, but finally did. He reached up into the old tree and put the key back inside.

Andy noticed that Brian was already in the car. Andy made a mad dash to the car, even though he was no longer a little boy, he was still afraid of being in the dark forest alone at night. Andy hopped in the front seat and slammed his door.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," Brian giggled as he turned the key in the ignition.

"I just get the creeps when I'm in the woods at night, that's all," Andy explained. Brian laughed and began to drive away from the cabin.

"Damn, I'm tired," Brian was trying his best to keep his eyes open.

"Maybe this will help," Andy grinned erotically as he placed his hand on Brian's crotch. Brian laughed loudly.

"What?" Andy was confused.

"That was so clich,!" Brian giggled.

"Fine," Andy huffed and took his hand from between Brian's legs. Brian could tell that he had hurt Andy's feelings.

"I'm sorry," Brian spoke softly. Andy didn't respond, he just looked out the window as if he hadn't heard Brian's apology.

"Don't be mad Andy," Brian begged in a sad tone.

"I'm not," Andy continued his stare out the window, emotionless.

Brian gently grasped Andy's hand and put it between his legs, like it had been a few moments earlier.

"Please?" Brian begged, smiling at Andy. Andy didn't move his hand, or look at Brian. Brian unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis, while trying to drive the car at the same time. Andy didn't notice that Brian had unzipped his fly and was shocked when he felt Brian's penis touch his hand. Andy turned his head to his hand to see Brian's cock pushed against his hand. Brian took Andy's hand and began to rub is up and down his shaft. Andy let Brian do all the work; the only way he was involved is that it was his hand that was being rubbed up and down Brian's meat.

"Take over," Brian smiled as he pulled his hand off of Andy's.

At first Andy didn't respond to Brian's request, but after a few seconds his hand was slowly jerking up and down Brian's shaft. The precum was beginning to squirt out and Andy's hand became wet as he used it to lubricate Brian's cock.

"Ohhh.....God, that feels so good.....Andy...don't stop," was all that Brian could moan out as Andy continued to jerk him off. Brian was having a hard time driving and enjoying the intense feelings of pleasure that were being generated by Andy's warm, young, hand. Brian pulled the car to the side of the road and turned off the ignition. Andy continued his stroking as Brian adjusted the seat backwards, so that he was laying back.

After Brian had moved the seat, Andy had enough room to put his head over Brian's cock and suck on it. As Andy's lips met Brian's head, Brian's body shook from the intense feelings that he was experiencing.

Brian put his hands on Andy's neck and gently stroked the soft skin. Andy slowly let Brian's shaft travel farther and farther into his mouth until the head was buried deep in the back of his throat.

"FUCK!! Don't stop!" Brian exclaimed as Andy deep throated Brian.

Andy bobbed his head up and down, slow at first but went faster and faster as Brian's sweaty hands traveled down his neck and to his back. Andy took his hand and gently moved it under Brian's shirt and up to his chest to meet Brian's erect nipples, which he gently teased with his fingertips. Brian moaned as Andy played with his nipples and sucked his dick all at the same time.

Andy took Brian's cock out of his mouth, surprising Brian. Andy unsnapped Brian's fly and pulled his jeans down to his ankles underneath the steering wheel. Andy then grabbed Brian's boxers and slipped them down to his ankles as well. He began kissing the tiny area underneath Brian's belly button and continued kissing until his got to Brian's pubes. He stuck out his tongue to gently taste the auburn hair. Andy slipped his hand on Brian's knee and delicately spread Brian's legs further apart. Andy put his finger in his mouth, coating it with saliva. He gently took his finger and began to slowly insert it into Brian's ass, to which Brian loudly moaned. Brian spread his legs to allow more space for Andy to maneuver his finger within Brian. Andy rotated his finger, pushing it further and further into Brian's tight ass. Andy looked up at Brian's face to see whether or not he was enjoying the finger fuck, he had his eyes shut and a look of intense pleasure on his face, indicating that he was in ecstasy, so Andy continued.

Andy kept his finger inside of Brian as he went back to Brian's cock, slurping it into his mouth.

"Ohhhh Andrew," Brian sighed as his lover penetrated him.

Andy began to bob up and down in a fast motion, trying his best to get Brian to explode within his mouth. Andy ran his tongue over the hard dick as he went up and down. Brian put his hand in Andy's blonde hair, enjoying the soft feel of Andy's head.

"Andy, I'm gonna......It's gonna happen," Brian exclaimed as pushed hips forward to meet Andy's mouth. The warm cock in Andy's mouth began to explode, shooting hot cum into the back of Andy's throat. Andy moved forward to prevent from choking on Brian's gift and began to swallow, feeling the warmth of the cum as it slid down his throat.

When Brian came to completion he sighed and laid his head back, trying to recover, as Andy removed his finger from inside of Brian. Andy moved his head to Brian's stomach, running his tongue up and down Brian's six-pack. Andy licked his way up to Brian's nipple and removed his tongue. Brian was looking at him, looking into his eyes. Andy lifted an eyebrow to create a provocative look. Brian put his hand behind Andy's neck and pulled him forward into a kiss, plunging his tongue into the younger boy's mouth. Brian pushed his tongue as far as he could into Andy's mouth, trying to reach the back of Andy's throat, but he could not. Andy let Brian run his tongue all throughout his mouth as the passionate kiss continued.

"I'm not sleepy anymore," Brian laughed as he broke the kiss.

Andy smiled and sat back in his seat, allowing Brian to catch his breath. Andy reached over and turned the key forward, the clock on the stereo came on, indicating to Andy that it was a few minutes past midnight. Brian reached down, pulling up his boxers and his jeans.

After moving his seat back into the normal position, Brian started the car, continuing his hour and a half drive back to the hotel.

"Cold?" Brian asked, noticing that Andy was shivering slightly.

"Little bit," Andy replied, for he was wearing only a thin T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Brian leaned over and switched on the heat in the car. Andy sighed, feeling much better.

"Thanks," Andy sighed as he leaned his head back on the seat, relaxing himself.

"Now you're the tired one," Brian laughed as he approached Orlando city limits.

"Yep," Andy answered.

"Who's room do you wanna stay in tonight?" Brian asked Andy.

"I like yours better," Andy giggled, "The bed is bigger," remembering that he only had a queen-size bed in his room whereas Brian had a king.

"Okay," Brian laughed. Andy fell asleep during the remaining twenty minutes of the trip back. Brian pulled into the hotel parking lot and shut of the ignition.

"We're home," Brian said as he attempted to wake the sleeping young man. Andy yawned and stretched out his arms.

"Okay," Andy replied while yawning.

Brian returned the keys to the front desk before dragged Andy into the elevator. Andy was still half-asleep when Brian pulled him into his room.

Andy flopped on the bed and tried to sleep immediately.

"You're gonna wear you clothes?" Brian questioned as he stripped off his shirt and jeans.

"Take em' off for me then," Andy requested without opening his eyes.

"Can't pass up that opportunity," Brian giggled. Brian knelt down and unbuttoned Andy's pants. He pulled them off of Andy's ankles and then grabbed Andy behind the shoulders, sitting him up.

"Raise your arms," Brian gently asked as he pulled the shirt over Andy's head.

Andy's shirtless body fell back to the bed. "Cold," Andy complained in one word as he wrapped his arms around his chest and shivered.

"Get up for a sec, get under the covers." Brian pulled off his own jeans and got into the bed with Andy, wrapping his arms around the near asleep boy and pulling the covers over their bodies.

"Goodnight Andy," Brian kissed Andy on the forehead and shut his eyes, still snuggling with him in a warm cuddle.

There you have it. Chapter 3 of my story. I wish I could have gotten more than 2 stories posted before January 20th to be included in the Awards as a series, but oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait until the next awards, which I think is this summer.

I promise to post another chapter in a reasonable amount of time, but in order for me to do that, I want to hear from you. Please, please, please send me e-mail with whatever is on your mind!!! I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I love e-mail!!!

So, please send it!


Next: Chapter 4

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