Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Jan 2, 2000


So.....I assume that because you're reading this, you've survived the first chapter and enjoyed it. This is the second chapter of my story (well duh....that's obvious, isn't it?).

I'm not going to say much.....i just want you to read my story! :-)

I just want to say before you get started that this story contains depictions of love (yes, love, not sex!) between two males. If that offends you, then go elsewhere!

This story is fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Please send ANY questions or comments to:

Be With Me Brian Chap 2

By Daniel

"What are you thinking about Brian?" Andy was still cradling Brian in his arms.

"Alotta things Andy. This relationship is going to be very difficult, you realize that, don't you?"

Andy nodded his head.

"First we have to tell the guys, then our families. We don't have to do it right away, but eventually they all have to know. If the public finds out that we are together, I can pretty much guarantee that our careers will be over." Brian knew what he was telling Andy was hard on him, but it was the truth.

"Yep. Brian, why does it have to be so hard? If two people love each other, why does society get to make the judgement whether its right or not?" Andy asked rhetorically.

"It just isn't fair," Brian agreed with Andy.

"So where should we start?"Andy looked into Brian's eyes.

"I'm not sure, but I think we should probably tell the rest of the guys first, at least so we can feel comfortable around them. Kevin already knows about us," Brian answered.

"Really?" Andy asked.

"Yep, he was in here this morning talking to me. I just told him that I liked guys two or three days ago. He told me that he could accept it if I could accept myself. When he found out that you and I are together he said that he was behind us 100%."

"That great! If the guys don't accept us when we tell them, we'll have Kevin to back us up. You're lucky to have such a great cousin Brian. Most of my cousins are assholes. When I used to see them they always treated me like dirt. Now they all want to be my best friend after I started my singing career," Andy commented.

"Andy, I don't understand how anyone could ever treat you like dirt. You're a really fun person to be around, and you're great in bed too!" Brian joked.

"Thanks Brian," Andy blushed at Brian's compliment.

Brian suddenly leaned forward and kissed Andy on the mouth. Andy kissed back, pushing his tongue into Brian's mouth, allowing their tongues to meet. "I'm lucky! You're a great lover, great singer, and a GREAT kisser!" Brian laughed as the kiss finished.

"You're not so bad yourself b-rok," Andy smiled as he looked into Brian's blue eyes.

Andy glanced at the clock on the wall, he noticed that it was noon.

"Oh shit." Andy jumped out of the bed and threw his boxers on.

"What is it?" Brian asked, wondering why Andy was in such a hurry.

"I've gotta get to the hospital at 12:30 for a meeting with my doctor about the surgery."

Andy quickly pulled his shirt over his head and leaned down to pick up his pants. When Andy mentioned the operation, Brian's heart sank. He wished that he could trade places with Andy to stop his suffering. Andy put on his pants and walked over to the sink. He poured himself a glass of water and took two pills.

"Do you want me to go with you Andy?" Brian wanted to be there to support Andy. "No, thats okay Brian. Everything will be fine. My doctor just wants to know today whether or not I'm actually going to have the operation so she can call her staff and schedule an appointment with the doctors who perform it." Andy answered.

"Okay, but if you need ANYTHING at all, I'll get it for you, I promise."Brian said without hesitation.

It melted Andy's heart that Brian was so kind to him.

"I'll see you when I get back this afternoon Brian, if you're still at the hotel."

"Don't worry, I'll be here. Even if the guys go to a mall or something I'll stay behind because I want to know how your appointment went," Brian was definite that he was going to wait up for Andy.

"Brian, you don't have to stay here on account of me. Go, have fun with the guys," Andy tried to change Brian's mind.

"No, I'd rather wait up for you. Besides, if I go with the guys I wouldn't have fun because you wouldn't be there Andy."

Andy smiled at Brian. He was now starting to learn just how stubbourn Brian Littrell really was.

"Do you want me to tell the guys about us?" Brian asked Andy.

"No, I don't think that would be fair for you to take all the heat. I want to be there too, we should both tell them." Andy sincerely answered.

"Okay, I'll see you this afternoon then."

Andy walked up to Brian and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye," Andy said as he closed the door.

Brian lay in the bed. He couldn't believe that he was actually in his first real relationship. He was captivated by Andy. Something just clicked when he met Andy. He believed in his heart that the two were made for each other.

Brian got out of bed and put his boxers on. He was feeling a little lonely without Andy at his side. Brian picked up his phone and asked the operator to connect him to Kevin's room. "Hello," Kevin answered.

"Hey Kev, its me. So, are you guys still all in your room?" Brian asked.

"Yep, we're watching The Birdcage right now. You wanna come over with Andy?"

"Andy just left, he had to go somewhere, he won't be back until tonight or late this afternoon. I'd love to come though. I'll be over there in a few minutes."

"Okay, see you soon Bri." Kevin hung up the phone.

Brian finished getting dressed and left his room. He knocked on Kevin's door and Kevin immeadietly answered.

"Hi Brian," Kevin greeted.

"Hi Kevin."

The guys were scattered all throughout Kevin's room, all their eyes were glued to the TV. Howie was in a chair near Kevin's bed, Nick was lying on the bed on his stomach, and A.J. was laying on the floor, his arms propped under a pillow.

"Sit down Brian" Kevin offered a chair near his bed to Brian. Brian sat and began watching The Birdcage. Kevin handed Brian a pepsi.

"Thanks," Brian told Kevin.

Andy sat in a black swivel chair in his doctor's office, awaiting his doctor's arrival. He had made it to the appointment just in time, but his doctor had not. Andy nervously sat, staring at the diplomas plastered on the wall.

'Where is she?' Andy thought as time slowly slipped by.

After about a 45 minute wait, Dr. Charles walked in and greeted Andy.

"How are you doing Andy," she asked while shaking his hand.

"Pretty good, a little tired, but other than that, I'm perfectly fine."

"Thats good. I'm sorry for being so terribly late, I was stuck in a meeting with the hospital board. We were deciding wheter or not to buy an M.R.S. machine for laser heart surgery." Dr. Charles apologized for her tardiness.

"Thats okay, no problem."

Dr. Charles sat down and put on her glasses.

"So Andy, have you made up your mind about the surgery?" She asked in a very professional manner.

"Yes I have, I've decided to do it." Andy answered.

"You do realize what it entails? It will be painful, theres no question about that. Recovery will be about two to three weeks." Dr. Charles wanted to make sure that Andy knew what he was getting into.

"Yes, and I want to have the surgery."

"Very well. Now we have to schedule an appointment time for the operation and a last minute physical before we operate." Dr. Charles told Andy,"I'm going to call Dr. Jeske this afternoon to schedule an appointment for him and his team to operate. I will call your hotel either tonight or tommorow to tell you when the operation will take place. Expect it to be within a week or so."

"Sure," Andy was a little nervous, but glad that Dr. Charles was helping him through the entire process.

Brian sat in Kevin's room watching The Birdcage. When the part where Nathan Lane dressed up as a woman came on, Howie made a comment.

"God, gay people are such sick fucks. Goddamn faggots!"

All the guys laughed except Kevin and Brian. Brian turned red and sat embarrassed. Kevin looked at Brian and felt sorry for his cousin. It pissed him off that Howie was so rude, but didn't say anything because it was Brian's decision whether or not he was going to tell the guys.

"They should be all shipped off to some part of the country where they all can act faggoty together, and won't bother the rest of us!" Howie added to his evil comments.

Brian was hurt by what Howie had said. Kevin was enraged.

"Shut the fuck up Howie, thats really fucking cruel, how would you feel if you were gay and someone said that to you?" Kevin had anger in his eyes.

"Well, I don't have to worry about that cause I'm not a homo Kevin!" Howie answered like a smart-ass.

"Just shut up Howie!" Kevin retorted.

Howie didn't know why Kevin was so angry. He blew off Kevin's anger and continued to watch the movie, not giving it another thought. Nick and A.J. gave each other a look of surprise, wondering what caused Kevin's outburst.

Kevin glanced over at Brian, noticing a tear rolling down his cheek. Kevin walked over to Brian whispered into Brian's ear to come with him into the other room. Brian sat up, the rest of the guys didn't notice that Kevin and Brian had left, there attention was still focused onto the movie.

Brian sat on the floor as did Kevin.

"Kevin, I had everything planned perfectly with Andy, we were gonna tell the rest of the guys about us, but I can't now, not after what Howie said. I couldn't afford getting Andy upset by Howie's asshole attitude with the condition hes in." Brian cried out.

"What condition Brian?" Kevin asked, wondering what Brian meant.

Brian realized that he had accidently slipped out something about Andy's illness and regreted it.

"Andy's really sick Kevin. Hes got some kind of a disease that gives him pain if he doesn't take these little white pills. He's going to have surgery for it very soon, and its going to be very hard for him, both physically and emotionally."

"Shit Brian. Thats terrible." Kevin stared at Brian as Brian sobbed. He wasn't sure if Brian was more upset about Howie's rip on gay people or Andy's operation. Kevin heard the phone ring and got off the floor to answer it.

"This is Kevin."

"Hi Kevin, this is Andy, is Brian there?"

"Yeah, just a sec, I'll get him,"Kevin walked over to Brian and handed him the phone, mouthing the word "Andy" to let Brian know who it was.

"Hi Andy," Brian tried to disguise his voice so Andy couldn't tell that he'd been crying.

"Hey Bri. I just got back from the doctor's office, and I'm in my room right now. I told her that I want to have the surgery done. She said that it would probably be next week or so."

"I'm glad you came to a decision about it"

"I'll just be happy when its over and I don't have to worry about it anymore."

"I'll be to your room in a few minutes Andy."

"Do you want me to come up there so we can tell the guys?" Andy asked.

"No, I don't think thats such a good idea right now, I'll explain it all when I get to your room" Brian told Andy.

"Okay, bye Brian." Andy said before hanging up the phone.

Andy went over to the refrigerator in his room and got out a bottle of coke. He popped two pills in his mouth and swallowed. 'It'll be great when I don't have to take these anymore' Andy thought to himself as he stared at the bottle of pills in his hand.

Andy opened the glass door on the balcony and stepped outside. Though it had rained all day, it wasn't now. Andy could see the hazy sunset in the distance. He leaned over the edge slightly and looked down, noticing how tiny the people looked from so high up. "I bet Brian wouldn't even think of stepping out here," Andy said aloud as he kept his eyes on the street below.

"You could be wrong," Andy heard a familiar voice say as a pair of arms wrapped around his stomach from behind.

"Sometimes I don't wanna be," Andy seductively spoke as Brian kissed him on the back of the neck. The kiss sent shivers down Andy's spine. Andy leaned his head forward, giving Brian a larger area to kiss. Brian stuck out his tongue and licked Andy's neck, causing Andy to moan in pleasure. Brian began to slip his hands into the front of Andy's pants while still kissing his neck.

"Brian, we'd better stop, we have important stuff to talk about," Andy told Brian while Brian continued to hold him bent over on the railing of the balcony.

"Okay," Brian kissed Andy's neck one last time and moved away.

Andy grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him back inside of the hotel room.

"Sit down," Andy gestured, pointing at the bed. Brian sat, while Andy walked over to the fridge.

"Want something to drink?" Andy asked Brian.

"Nope," Brian answered.

Andy walked back over to the bed with a pepsi. He placed the bottle on the floor and sat next to Brian.

"Hold me Brian," Andy leaned on Brian, almost begging him. Brian wrapped his arms around Andy and held him tightly, comforting Andy.

"Thank you," Andy sighed as he snuggled his head into Brian's chest. Brian leaned back on the bed, taking Andy with him.

"So why can't we tell the guys about us yet?" Andy whispered erotically.

"I'm not sure if they'd accept us if we did. We were watching The Birdcage in Kevin's room and I think its safe to say that Howie doesn't exactly see eye-to-eye with gay people by some of the comments he made about the movie." Brian explained.

"I see." Brian could tell that Andy felt bad about what Howie had said.

"Oh fuck them, if they can't accept it, than thats too bad," Brian said, making up his mind on what to do.

"Are you sure?" Andy was unsure if that was the best course of action.

"Yeah I do, I don't really care what they think. At least if we tell them, then we won't have to hide it from them anymore."

The phone suddenly rang, taking Andy's attention away from Brian. Andy answered the phone.

"Hello?" Andy asked.

"Andy?"He heard a woman say.

"Speaking," Andy told the femal voice on the phone.

"Andy, this is Dr. Charles. I just talked to Dr. Jeske. Your operation is scheduled for the 21st, but you'll need to come in for a pre-operative physical on the 20th at 3:30."

"Great, I'll be there. Thanks for calling Dr. Charles, I appreciate it," Andy was glad and nervous at the same time. He now knew when his operation was going to take place.

Andy hung up the phone and saw Brian staring at him.

"Dr. Charles?" Brian asked.

"Yep. Its now official, I'm having the operation on the 21st. Thats, lets see," Andy thought a moment, "six days from now."

Brian frowned and looked at Andy.

"What's wrong? This is good news!" Andy tried to make Brian smile.

"Just the thought of you in pain hurts me as much as it hurts you. Don't worry, I'll be there holding your hand through the whole thing." Brian said very sincerly.

"Thanks Brian."

Andy reclined on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, staring at the little white tiles. Brian layed back and stared at the tiles with Andy.

"So what are they going to do exactly in this operation?" Brian asked.

"Well," Andy sat up and got on top of Brian, kneeling over him while Brian continued to lie on his back. Andy pulled Brian's shirt up to his neck.

"First they are going to make an incision on my chest," Andy traced his finger Brian's chest, imitating what the doctors were going to do in a few days, "Then they are going to remove an excess of a fluid called fiet on my ribs, thats the stuff that causes the irritation on my diaphragm and causes the pain. After that they are going to take a laser and burn off the glands on the muscles which excrete fiet, they have to be careful though, because sometimes the laser accidently burns through to the diaphram, causing the patient to stop breathing. Then they'll sew up my chest. The whole thing should take about 2 hours." Andy put his hands on Brian's bare chest as he explained the rest of the procedure.

"What happens after that?" Brian wanted to know everything.

"Well, I pretty much have to stay in the hospital bed for a few days afterwards, then I can leave the hospital, but I won't be able to do much because I'll be really weak and it'll be hard to breathe. Even walking is going to be difficult for me for a while after the surgery." Andy told Brian.

"I promise I'll be there with you through the whole thing," Brian said, looking into Andy's eyes.

"I have to call my parents tonight or tommorow. They wanted to be here with me during the operation too."

"Great, I'll get to meet your parents! If they're anything like you, I know that I'll love them," Brian grinned.

"They're great Brian, I don't think anyone could have gotten a better set of parents," Andy bragged.

"Your parents did something right, considering how much I love you," Brian was in a very flirtatious mood.

"So did yours," Andy leaned down and began to kiss Brian's lips. Brian put his arms around Andy's back and gripped him tightly. Brian could feel Andy's cock growing against his bare stomach. Andy sat up and grabbed Brian's shirt, pulling it off over Brian's head and throwing it on the floor.

Andy pulled off his own shirt and got back onto Brian. Brian let his hands slide down Andy's back and into his pants. He grabbed Andy's ass and began to squeeze and play with it. Andy moaned as Brian gently massaged his ass.

Brian pulled Andy off of him and stood up. He put his hands on Andy's fly and unbuttoned his pants. After he had the zipper unzipped he pulled Andy's pants off of his ankles and gently tossed them onto the floor. Brian only had one other obstacle, Andy's boxers. Andy sat up and pulled Brian's head to his crotch. Brian sniffed in the scent of Andy. "Damn you smell good" Brian sighed as he put his nose near Andy's cock. Brian tugged off the boxers in one quick motion and went right for Andy's cock. Brian took the head in his mouth and began to suck on it, tasting it with his tongue. Andy began to moan as he stared down at Brian sucking his dick. Brian put his hands on Andy's rock hard abs and pushed him down onto the bed, to which Andy didn't resist. Brian took Andy's cock out of his mouth and looked into Andy's eyes. Andy knew what the look meant, Brian wanted to know whether he could truly make love to Andy. Andy softly whimpered, "Do it Brian, I want you inside of me." Brian pulled Andy's legs to the edge of the bed. Brian stood and gently slid his pants down around his ankles and kicked them to the side of the room. He grabbed Andy's feet and put them over his shoulders. Andy could feel the tip of Brian's head coming close to his ass, so he shut his eyes. He had always been told that fucking was painful, but he was ready to do it with Brian because he knew that Brian wouldn't hurt him.

Brian slid the head of his cock into Andy's ass, Andy didn't make any signals making Brian think that he was in pain, so Brian continued. When Brian was about half way inside of Andy, Andy began to make a low moaning sound and suck air through his teeth. "Should I go farther?" Brian asked, worried that he was hurting the young teenager.

"Yes Brian, go all the way inside of me" Andy continued to clench his teeth and keep his eyes closed.

Brian continued his journey. He kept pushing his cock until it was entirely inside of his young lover. The friends of Andy's were right, it was a little painful at first. Andy grabed Brian's hand, motioning for him to keep still. After a few moments the pain subsided for Andy. "Okay," Andy whispered to Brian. Brian began to slowly withdraw his cock and then move back inside of Andy. His pace was slow at first, but began to pick up speed as Andy moaned.

Brian grabbed Andy's cock and began to jack off Andy while penetrating his ass. When Brian's hand touched Andy's young penis he opened his eyes and looked at Brian. Brian was thouroughly enjoying himself. Andy relaxed and enjoyed the sensations that he was feeling. His cock was being gently massaged by Brian in addtion to Brian making love to him. Andy enjoyed the warmth of Brian's cock in his ass and the fullness that it created.

Brian began to go faster and faster. Andy could feel Brian getting bigger inside of his ass. Andy couldn't take it anymore and finally began to cum as Brian jacked him off. He shot six big streams of cum all over his stomach and chest. Brian put his fingers in the pool of cum and brought some up to his tongue, tasting it. The taste of his young lover's semen drove him wild. Brian began to buck his hips faster and faster, while he penis grew even harder inside of Andy's ass. Within moments his face clenched and he began to cum within Andy. Andy could feel the warm cum inside of his body, and moaned. Brian stopped humping Andy's ass even after he had cummed, his cock was limp inside of Andy's ass. He slowly withdrew and fell onto Andy's chest, panting heavily.

"Thank you Brian," Andy whispered as Brian lay, recovering on his chest.

"No, thank you!" Brian responded.

Andy was exhausted and so was Brian. It was now pitch black outside. Brian and Andy both fell asleep in Andy's bed, naked and in each other's arms.

Andy awoke and glanced at the clock, it was about 3:30 in the morning. He had to piss really bad so he got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. When he was finished he walked back into the bedroom, to see Brian sleeping peacefully in the bed.

Andy decided that he might as well do some work while he was awake so he opened his black leather napsack and pulled out a folder full of papers, while slipping on his black luxottica glasses. The papers were from his doctor, they were legal documents about the surgery that he was to read and sign before the surgery in six days. Andy thought it was incredibly boring but he knew that he would have to sign them sooner or later.

As he came across a legal disclaimer, which waived his rights for reimbursment from the hospital if anything went wrong because the operation was an experimental surgery. He reluctantly signed it, hoping that the operation would be worth it.

He worked for a few more hours reading and signing the documents and finally finished at about 6:00A.M. When Andy saw the time he realized it was time to take his pills. He opened his backpack, but his pills weren't in it. 'Where did I put them?' he thought as he looked on the nightstand near the bed. They weren't there either. He began to get frantic. 'Where did I have them last?' was the only thing that ran through his head.

Andy picked up the phone and was connected to the front desk.

"Hello, Hilton Front desk, may I help you?" an operator asked. "Yes, I was wondering if anyone found a bottle of pills today and maybe brought them to the front desk or something?" Andy asked nervously.

"I'm sorry, I don't think so, but if I hear anything I'll be sure to let you know. Enjoy your stay at Hilton."

"Damnit!" Andy hung up the phone.

Andy tore through one of the suitcases in his closet, trying to find his prescription refill. He couldn't find it, so he looked in second suitcase, also not finding the refill form. Andy ripped through all 7 of his suitcases, not finding the prescription refill. He was beggining to panic.

"Whats going on?" Andy was startled when he heard Brian speak.

"I can find my pills or the refill," Andy blurted out in a scared voice.

"Where did you have them last?" Brian asked.

"By the refridgerator, but they're not there!" Andy was now in tears.

"Here, let me help you look," Brian jumped out of the bed and began to look around the room, mostly near the refridgerator. Andy went back to his leather backpack to relook in it, still not finding anything.

"Where could they be?" Andy sobbed out loud, now at the end of his rope.

"I can't find them, what can we do?" Brian asked Andy, wanting to know how he could help.

Andy got off the floor and went over to his leather backpack and pulled out his address book.

"I'm going to call Dr. Charles, she will know what to do," tears still streaked down Andy's face. He opened the tiny black book, trying to locate Dr. Charles's number. Andy found it and dialed the phone.

"Hello?" Andy heard a groggy voice say.

"Dr. Charles? This is Andy, I can't find my pills and I don't have any extras," Andy cried.

"Calm down Andy, you're sure you can't find them?" Dr. Charles asked.

"Yes, me and a friend have been looking for them for a half an hour now and they're no where to be found, I can't find my perscription refill forms either," Andy explained, almost incoherently.

"The forms won't do you any good, pharmacies don't usually carry the experimental drug that you take. Listen, is someone there who can give you a ride?" Dr. Charles asked.

"Yes, my friend Brian," Andy answered.

"Okay, then I want him to drive you over to my house right away, I have some xansar injectables here that I can administer to you, its a stronger dose than usual, but it will be just as effictive. Do you have my address?" Dr. Charles asked.

"Yes, I have it in my address book. I'll be there in about 20 minutes," Andy said.

"Andy, if you do have an attack on the way over, I want you to lie on your back, don't sit up or lean forward on your stomach, it could cause you to stop breathing," Dr. Charles instructed.

"Thanks, bye," Andy said.

"Bye Andrew," Dr. Charles said.

"What did she say?" Brian asked Andy.

"We have to get to her house right away, she has some medicine there," Andy answered.

"Lets go," Brian said. He realized that he was still naked and threw his clothes on in a frenzy. Andy put his jacket on and waited for Brian at the door. When they got to the lobby, Brian approached the front desk.

"We need a rental car," Brian said to the clerk.

"I'm sorry, but you have to fill out these forms first, and then we need to see a current license," a woman with bright red hair told Brian.

"We don't have time, we have to get somewhere right away!" Brian shouted.

"Well, I'm sorry, but thats the way that it is sir," the woman said back in a very rude tone.

"I want a car and I want it now dammnit!" Brian hollered and threw his fists againt the counter. Andy admired the way that Brian took charge of the situation.

Just as Brian finished yelling, the same hotel manager who had escorted Brian and the rest of the Backstreet Boys to their rooms when they first got to the hotel walked over to the clerk.

"Whats going on here?" he asked in an annoyed voice.

"My friend is sick and this woman won't give us a car!" Brian yelled.

"Susan, do you know who this? This is one of our most important customers! Please leave, I'll take care of this and have a word with you later," the manager gave the clerk an angry face as she stepped away.

"Now, let me see here," the hotel manager began typing on the computer, "We have two Lincoln Towncars availible, will one of those do?" The manager asked.

"Yes, yes anything will do,"Brian was becoming impatient.

The Manager bent down and grabbed a set of keys that were hanging on a hook underneath the counter.

"Here you are Mr. Littrell," The manager said as he handed the keys to Brian.

"Thanks, wheres the car?" Brian asked .

"Over there in the parking lot, next to that red Camaro," The manager pointed to the car.

"Thanks again," Brian turned and grabbed Andy's hand, gently pulling him with him.

The two stepped out and approached the car, the doors were unlocked, so they both got in.

"Why don't you get in the back and lay down," Brian suggested, opening the door for Andy.

Andy got in the back seat and layed down. Brian got in the driver's side and started the car, driving out of the parking lot.

"So where does your doctor live?" Brian asked.

"South Bay Highlands," Andy answered.

"Whoa, she must really be loaded!" Brian commented.

"Brian, she's a doctor and her husband is a surgeon," Andy informed Brian.

" I know just where that is, just relax, and we'll be there in a few minutes.

Brian speeded, worrying more about Andy than a speeding ticket. Brian finally approached South Bay Highlands.

"Okay, which house,?" Brian asked Andy as he drove through a row of expensive mansions. Andy sat up in the back seat and pointed at a red brick mansion that had a large "C" painted in the lawn. "That one," Andy said.

Brian pulled into the drive way and parked the car.

"I hate driving these big cars," Brian commented as he shut off the ignition. Brian got out and opened Andy's door. Andy was feeling kind of sick and weak. Brian extended his hand for Andy to grab ahold of.

"Put your arm around my neck and hold on tight," Andy tried to object, but Brian didn't let him so he did as Brian asked. Brian put his arms underneath Andy's legs and lifted him up, carrying him out of the car and up to the front steps. Brian rang the doorbell and Dr. Charles immeadietly came to the door, wearing a white silk bathrobe..

"Hi Andrew," Dr. Charles said to Andy.

"Hi Doctor, this is Brian," Andy was feeling terrbily sick, like he was going to throw up any second.

"Hi, come right in," the doctor pointed, Brian carried Andy in and set him down on one of the three sofas in Dr. Charles's living room.

Dr. Charles came back into the room wearing latex gloves and holding a small syringe filled witha bluish white fluid.

"Andy, I'm going to inject this directly into your chest because thats the only way that it will be effective. You will get a little sleepy after the injection, but nothing to worry about. This dose will work until tommorow afternoon, I'll have a bottle of pills sent to your hotel for you by then," The doctor explained as she pulled up Andy's shirt. She took a cotton ball, soaked it in a bottle of alcohol and swabbed a small area of his chest, near his left nipple.

"This might sting a little," she told him as she slowly began to insert the needle into his chest. Andy flinched and closed his eyes. Dr. Charles pushed the syringe until all the liquid inside was in Andy's chest.

"There we go," Dr Charles smiled as she wiped a few drops of blood from Andy's chest and applied a small band-aid.

"Thanks Dr. Charles," Andy looked at her kind face.

"No problem Andrew. How would you two like a little something to eat? I was just about to have Bridget make a little breakfast for me, I insist, you are both guests in my home."

Brian looked at Andy and gave a little nod. Andy stood up and grasped Brian's shoulder for support. Dr. Charles directed them into the her huge dining room and invited them to sit at a 20 foot long cherry oak table, surrounded by at least 15 chairs.

" I hope you like eggs," Dr. Charles smiled as she went into the kitchen.

Brian smiled at Andy and Andy smiled back. Dr. Charles came back into the room and sat down.

"Brian, you look awfully familiar, where have I seen you before?" Dr. Charles asked as she studied Brian's face.

"Well, I'm a Backstreet Boy," Brian shyly said.

"Thats it! My daughter Amanda has your posters plastered all over her room. Shes has the biggest crush on you," Dr. Charles laughed. Brian smiled shyly and blushed.

" I bet she would love to meet you, but shes not home right now. She and her father went to palm beach to a summer resort for a few days."she explained to Brian.

Dr. Charles's maid, Bridget walked into the diniing room pushing a silver cart which contained three plates of eggs, bacon and fruit. She put a plate in front of each of them and then left the room.

"Thank you Bridget," Dr. Charles said as Bridget exited the room.

"You sure don't eat like a doctor," Andy commented as he looked down at the bacon on his plate.

"Usually I don't eat this kind of food, but every once in a while I have to splurge on myself. Its what makes life worth living,"Dr. Charles explained as she took a sip of her coffee.

The three ate and discussed their careers, two of them being singers and her being a doctor. Brian really liked Dr. Charles. He was happy that she was Andy's doctor, because she was very down to earth compared to some of the doctors that he had known in his past. She seemed to really care about her patients more than the average doctor would. They finished breakfast and thanked Dr. Charles.

"Thanks for coming boys, I really enjoyed your company," Dr. Charles, smiled as they thanked her for breakfast and the medicine, "I'll see you on the 20th Andy, for your pre-oprerative physical."

"About that," Andy was nervous, "Would it be okay if Brian came with me, I would feel more comfortable."

"Sure that would be fine," She assured Andy.

"Great," Andy was happy that she didn't mind.

"Thanks again doctor," Andy said as he got up and pushed in his chair.

"No problem, it was nice meeting you Brian," Dr. Charles looked at Brian.

"You too."

Bridget showed Andy and Brian to the door. The two got into the towncar and headed back to Orlando.

"I wonder what Kevin's thinking right now, he must be wondering where we went," Brian joked.

"Call him," Andy pointed at the cellular phone in the car.

"Good idea," Brian dialed the hotel number and put the phone to his ear. He was connected to Kevin's room and heard Kevin answer the phone.

"Brian? Where the fuck are you? I've been trying to find you for the past two hours!" Kevin was a little upset.

"Andy couldn't find his pills this morning so we had to go to his doctor's house to get him an injection. We're on our way back right now," Brian explained to Kevin.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize. How close are you to the hotel? We have to go over to Jive in about a half an hour."

"I'll be at the hotel in about 10 minutes," Brian told Kevin, noticing that Andy was looking out the window.

"Okay, come to my room right away, see you soon," Kevin said before hanging up the phone.

"What are you thinking about?" Brian asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Just how lucky I am to have you. I can't thank you enough for taking me to Dr. Charles' house this morning Brian," Andy was very sincere.

"I'd do ANYTHING for you Andy, I mean ANYTHING!" Brian looked over at Andy.

"I know Brian, thats what I love about you." Brian could see the love and admiration in the younger boy's eyes. Andy leaned over and gave Brian a kiss on the cheek. His hand slid down to Brian's cock and began to fondle it though Brian's jeans.

"Andy, you shouldn't do that," Brian begged, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Then pull over or something," Andy whispered deviously.

"But we're in the middle of the freeway," Brian moaned as Andy rubbed his growing erection through the thin material of Brian's jeans.

"Okay," Andy sighed and took his hands off of Brian's crotch.

"Later, I promise," Brian smiled.

The car pulled into the Hotel parking lot and the two got out. Brian stopped at the front desk and handed the keys to the manager, thanking him for use of the car. Andy and Brian got into the elevator.

"When I get back from the studios I'm gonna call you so we can tell the rest of the guys about us," Brian told Andy.

"Okay," Andy nodded. The elevator doors opened at Andy's floor. Brian pulled Andy close and began to kiss him on the mouth, putting his hands on Andy's ass, massaging him.

"See you later," Brian said after releasing Andy.

"Have a fun time with the guys," Andy wasn't afraid to show his affections.

"I'll try,"Brian smiled as Andy got off of the elevator and went to his room.

Brian knocked on Kevin's door, to which Kevin promptly opened the door.

"How is Andy?" Kevin asked, concerned.

"He's fine," Brian answered.

"So, are you ready to go now?" Kevin wanted to know.

"Yep, as ready as I'll ever be," Brian answered affirmatively.

Brian and the rest of the boys got into the limo. As the driver began to leave the hotel parking lot Nick asked, "Where have you been these last few days Brian? I've barely seen you."

"Just hanging out with Andy," Brian kept his answer short and sweet.

"So you and Andy are really good friends now, huh?" Nick wanted to know.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Brian smiled at Kevin as he answered Nick's question.

Andy picked up the phone and dialed. He was calling his parents to tell them about the surgery that he was going to have in a few days.

"Hello, Moeller residents," Andy heard his mother say.


"Andy? Hi!" Andy's mother said happily.

"Hi mom," Andy was hear a familiar voice.

"Andrew? You haven't called me in days! Where have you been? I've tried to call you at the hotel, but no one answered." Andy's mother scolded.

"Sorry mom. I've been with Brian Littrell, you know, of the Backstreet Boys, him and I are really good friends now. And yesterday I was at Dr. Charles's office all day."Andy told his mother.

"Really? What did she say?"his mother asked.

"Well mom, thats what I called to talk to you about. I'm going to be having the surgery on the 21st, and I was wondering if you were coming." Andy wanted his mother to know about his operation.

"Of course Andrew! Your father and I will fly down and be there on the 20th," Andy's mom said happily.

"Thanks mom," Andy was happy that his mom was coming.

"How could I let my baby go into surgery alone?" She asked Andy.

"I won't be alone," Andy stated.

"What do you mean?" his mother was puzzled about what he meant

"I'll explain it to you when you get here mom, I love you."

"I love you too Andrew, you take care of yourself until your father and I get there. I'll call you later this week to tell you when our flight will be in. Bye hun," Mrs. Moeller said.

"Bye mom." Andy hung up the phone. No sooner than he put the reciever on the base it rang. Andy immeadietly picked it up.

"Andy? Is that you?" a man's voice asked.

"Speaking, who is this?" Andy wanted to know who he was talking to.

"Andy, its John. We're a little worried about you over here. Since your song hit number 2 on the top 100, you've almost dissappeared. What's going on? The record execs down here are starting to get nervous, they'd like to be filled in about whats happening," Andy heard John from RCA records say.

"I'm sorry. I just found out yesterday that I'm going to have the surgery on the 21st and then I'll need at least a week or two to recover," Andy apoligized.

"Okay, but after that week or two we need you to call us and fill us in on what you want to do next. We can't just stay idle like this with your career began to take off like this. Strike while the iron is hot, that is a rule that we have to live by in this business. You don't wanna be a one hit wonder!" Andy laughed at John's analogy.

"Okay, I will. Is that all you called me about?" Andy asked.

"Pretty much. I hope everything goes okay during the surgery," John told Andy.

"Okay, thanks for calling John, bye," Andy didn't know whether the record company cared more about his health or the profit that could be made off of his fame. He knew that cutting back his recovery time to a week or two probably wouldn't be good for his health, but he didn't want to put his singing career on hold, because if he did , he might endanger his chances of picking up where he left off.

The effects of the medication that Dr. Charles had given him earlier were starting to set in on Andy. His eyelids became more and more heavy as he sat in the comfortable recliner. He finally decided that he should get some rest, since he didn't have anything else planned for the day. First he slipped out of his clothes except his white Arizona tank top and his black boxers. Andy didn't even bother turning off the light before he fell asleep, for he was too tired.

"I like this one," Nick stated, while pointing at a white and navy blue vest with silver buttons.

The Backstreet Boys were working with a costume designer from New York, picking out costumes for an upcoming video that they were to make in a few weeks. They had narrowed it out to two choices. "No, I think we should definitley go with the all- silver vests and vinyl pants," A.J. suggested.

"There's no way I'm squeezing my ass in these," Nick held up the pants trying to prove his point.

"Maybe if you lost a few pounds you wouldn't have to worry about that," A.J. joked.

"Shudap!" Nick joked back in a child-like voice.

"Hey guys, come on, lets try and make some decisions here, this nice woman didn't fly here for nothing" Kevin urged the group, smiling at the costume designer.

"Don't worry bout' me hun. I get paid whether you guys make a decision or not," the woman stated in a strong southern accent, while taking a long drag off her cigarette.

"Lets just take a simple vote. Who wants the silver look?" Kevin asked. A.J. and Howie raised their hands.

"And who wants the more traditional white and navy blue vest?" Brian and Nick raised their hands.

"What do you want Kevin?" A.J. asked, wondering what Kevin liked the best of the two costume choices.

"I'm gonna have to go with the white and navy blue vest, sorry A.J.," Kevin said. Nick gave Brian a high five and stuck out his tongue at A.J., giving him a raspberry. "Next time blondie," A.J. warned Nick.

"Okay, now that we got that out of the way, its time for fittings," Kevin tried to sound enthusiastic. The guys all groaned in unison except A.J.

"I've got no problem with getting naked and having a woman measure me!" A.J. laughed.

"Yeah, thats probably why you never keep a girlfriend," Nick joked. All the guys laughed at Nick's joke as they followed Kevin to the fitting area.

There were four seperate changing rooms in the fitting area. Nick, Howie, and A.J. each took one, while Kevin and Brian took the one the farthest to the left.

"So how is Andy?" Kevin asked Brian while slipping off his shirt.

"Better, but I feel so bad for him, ya know? He's had to live with this pretty much his entire life," Brian sadly stated while he put on the pair of pants that he had chosen to wear for the video shoot.

"He's lucky to have you there for him Brian," Kevin tried to make his cousin feel better.

"Thank Kevin, I'm really scared about this surgery that he's going to be having in a few days. What if he doesn't make it through?" Brian asked. Kevin was surprised how emotionally attatched Brian and Andy had become in only the past week.

"Don't think about that Brian, he'll make it, don't worry," Kevin smiled, "So have you made a decision about telling the guys yet?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna do it soon, but Andy wants to be there with me," Brian answered his cousin's question.

"How do I look?" Kevin asked as he finished putting on the outfit for the video.

"Great, and me?" Brian stood back so Kevin could get a good look at the outfit he was wearing.

"Great," Kevin comlplimented his cousin.

Andy awoke, feeling refreshed after his little cat nap. He glanced at the clock and saw that he had been sleep for about 4 hours. He was still a little tired, but had a huge craving for some ice cream, the worst craving that he had ever had in his life. Andy threw on his Levi khaki's and a Old Navy t-shirt. Andy grabbed his leather napsack, threw his glasses in it and exited his room. He knew that there was a baskin robbins a few blocks away from the hotel, and decided that he could walk it. "The fresh air will be good for me," Andy thought to himself as he exited the hotel.

Andy walked into Baskin Robbins and looked at the flavors, trying to decide which one to get. Andy loved mint, and decided on choclate mint.

"Can I help you sir?" the teenage girl asked from behind the counter.

"Um yeah, I'd like a medium chocolate mint which no whip cream please," Andy asked, while smiling at the attractive blonde girl.

"Okay, that'll be $6.50," the woman said as she finished putting the ice cream into a white plastic bowl with a clear lid. Andy handed some money to the clerk and smiled. He knew of a small park nearby that he could go to and relax.

It was a beautiful day in Orlando. Andy enjoyed his short walk to the park. He entered the park and picked out the perfect spot, he saw a large tree and sat underneath it for shade. Andy slipped off his shoes and socks, enjoying the warm grass on his bare feet. He took a small bite of his ice cream, 'delicious,' Andy thought to himself.

Andy opened his napsack and put on his glasses. He pulled out the papers describing the surgery and read them several times while enjoying his ice cream. He couldn't believe that what was printed on the papers that he held in his hands, were actually going to be happening to him in a few days. He was extremely nervous about the operation, but also felt a sense of closure. He would no longer have to worry about taking pills or worry about having any attacks in the future. It gave him peace of mind, and satisfaction, two things that he hadn's had in a long time.

A teenage girl approached Andy, pulling her sunglasses up, studying his face.

"Oh my god!," She exclaimed as she kept her glare focused on Andy, "You're Andy Moeller!!!!" Andy sat up and looked at the girl. She was blonde, looked about 14 or 15, and had her hair in a tight bun on the top of her head. She was wearing a white Ralph Lauren sundress.

"Nice to meet you," Andy said as he extended his hand for her to shake. "Wow, I mean, WOW!" She shook Andy's hand firlmy while smiling at him.

"Nice meeting you....whats your name?" Andy asked her.

"Meghan," She answered him, still starstruck and smiling, "Can I please have your autograph???"

"Sure, you got it," He said as he pulled out a pen, "Do you have any paper?" he asked her.

"Will you sign my dress?" Meghan asked as she pointed to her white dress.

"Sure, where do you want me to sign it?"

"Right here," She pointed to her thigh.

"Sit down," Andy requested. He took the cap off his sharpie pen and signed her dress, "There you go."

"Thanks, can I have a kiss," she shyly asked. Andy was surprised that she was so straightforward and asked him for a kiss.

"You bet," he said as he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed, "I'm never gonna wash my face again!!!!" Andy laughed as she stood to her feet.

"Bye," she waved and walked away. Andy sat for a few more minutes, silently thinking about Brian and himself telling the rest of the guys about their relationship, not coming up with any definite answers.

The sun was starting to set Andy decided that it would be a good time for him to get back to the hotel. He put his socks and shoes back on and put the papers back into this bag. He threw the ice cream container in a nearby garbage can and began his walk back to the hotel.

Andy walked to the front desk of the hotel to see if he had any messages.

"Um, lets see," a woman said as she typed into the computer, "YOu have a message from your mother to call her, and a message from a Mr. Littrell to meet him in his room at 9 o'clock tonight. There was also a delivery, this was delivered for you by an associate of Dr. Charles," she handed him a bottle of pills, which he put into his pocket.

"Thanks," Andy thanked the woman and headed for the elevator.

Andy entered his room and set down his bag. The contents of his suitcases were still spread around the room from that morning.

"Better clean up this mess before a maid comes in here and steals my stuff," Andy said as he knealt down and began to repack his suitcases. It took Andy 40 minutes to neatly fold and repack his suitcases. He was amazed how little time it took him to rip through them, and how much time it took to fill them back up. Andy sat down and flipped through channels, trying to find something to watch. Nothing was on that appealed to his viewing tastes.

Andy glanced at the clock. It was almost nine. He got up and exited his room. The elevator ride to the penthouse was a short one. Andy knocked on Brian's door and Brian promptly opened it.

"Hi Brian," Andy hugged Brian, as if he hadn't seen Brian in days, "have a good day?"

"Yep," Brian answered Andy, "sit down Andy."

Andy sat down and looked at Brian..

"So?" Brian asked.

" 'So' What?" Andy wanted to know what Brian was talking about.

"Wanna go tell the rest of the guys about us?" Brian clarified for Andy.

"Oh that. Sure, but only if you want to Brian," Andy answered.

"Yeah. Let me just prepare you, I don't think we'll have any problem with A.J. or Nick, I think they'll both be cool with it. The only problem we might have is with Howie, hes a real homophobe," Brian explained.

"Okay, just as long as he eventually excepts it," Andy stated.

"He will, they all will, but at first it will be shocking to all of them. Wouldn't it be shocking to you if one of your friends suddenly told you that they were gay?" Brian asked.

"Well, for me, no, because I'm gay," Andy smiled.

"You're right, bad example," Brian said. He stood and headed for the door.

"Lets go then," Brian told Andy.

"K," Andy stood and walked with Brian out of the room. Andy assumed they were headed to Kevin's room, but Brian walked towards the elevator.

"Where are we going?" Andy asked, puzzled as to where Brian was headed.

"Kevin and I decided that it would be best if we went to a resturant to tell the rest of the guys about us. I left the studio a little early to come and get you. They should get to the resturaunt about the same time as we do," Brian told Andy.

"Okay. Cool," Andy calmy said, as he got on the elevator with Brian. Brian and Andy got into the limo and started out to the resturaunt.

"My parents are coming on the 20th to be with me for my operation,"Andy stated.

"Are you gonna tell them about us?" Brian asked.

"I don't know. I know my mom would take it fine, but my dad, thats a whole different story. Pretend your a father and your son came out to you. Wouldn't you feel like you fucked up somehow? I just know my dad is going to feel bad," Andy looked out the window as he spoke to Brian.

"Yeah, I can see where it would be hard. You don't have to tell them if you don't want to, its your choice 100%. If you do decide to do it though, you know that I'll back you up," Brian didn't want Andy to make a decision because of him.

"Thanks Brian. I'm not going even think about it though until my parents get here. Its already gonna be hard for them with me going through the operation. I don't wanna add any addtional stress to their lives," Andy continued to stare out the window. Brian felt sorry for Andy, he had so many things to worry about, and he was only an eighteen year old kid. Brian wished that he could do something to help him through the tough times that Andy was facing.

The resturaunt that they went to is one that Andy had never been to. It was called "Stayton's". The resturaunt was casual, but very nice inside. Kind of like an upper- class Olive Garden.

The waitress showed Andy and Brian to a table to where the rest of the guys were sitting.

"Hey guys," Nick said as he saw Brian and Andy sit down at the table. Andy gave a wide smile and sat down with Brian on his left and Howie on his right. He felt uncomfortable sitting next to Howie because what Brian had said about him earlier.

"Hi Nick," Andy smiled at Nick as he sat.

"We've all ordered guys, we were just waiting for you two," Kevin stated.

"So did you order something for us?" Brian inquired.

"Yeah, I ordered the garlic chicken for the both of you," Kevin answered.

"That sounds good," Andy said as he pulled out his bottle of pills, taking two of them with his water. The guys stared at Andy as he took the pills, no one asked him what they were for.

"So, what have you been up to today, Andy?" Kevin asked, trying to break the ice.

"Nothing much. I got some ice cream and then I went to Bryar park. A fan recognized me and wanted me to sign her dress. Then she wanted a kiss," Andy laughed as he told the guys about the girl he had met. The guys all laughed.

"What did you guys do today?" Andy returned the question.

"We just made some costume descions and fittings today with the help of a really nice chain smoker," A.J. giggled.

Brian sat thinking, and boldy started to speak.

"We have something to tell you guys," Brian stated suddenly, surprising Andy.

"Okay....." A.J. wanted Brian to elaborate.

"Well, ever since the Jay Leno show..." Brian trailed off.

"Yes?" Nick asked.

"Well, Andy and I kinda...."Brian started out.

"What?" Howie asked.

"I'm gay, Andy's gay, and we're in love," Brian blurted out in one quick sentence. The table went silent. Andy's face turned bright red. He could feel the stares of Howie, A.J. and Nick, he looked down at the floor.

"You're joking, right Brian?" Nick asked seriously.

"No Nick, I'm not," Brian looked at his blonde-haired friend in the eyes, trying show the seriousness of his confession.

"Whoa, wait a sec here Brian, you're a fag?" Howie asked.

"No I'm not a fag, i'm gay," Brian answered in an angered tone.

"Fag, queer, homo, what the fuck is the difference Brian?" Howie shouted back, "Well thanks for fucking lettting us know now! You're so fucking selfish Brian. Did you ever consider what it would do to the band if you suddenly decided to go gay?"

"I'm sure he didn't 'decide' to become gay out of the blue," Nick defended his friend.

"What the fuck does it matter now? This little pussy comes along and to take Brian and fuck over the band," Howie said while slapping Andy on the shoulder.

"KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ANDY!" Brian yelled at the top of his lungs while knocking Howie's hand off of Andy. Other people in the resturaunt began to stare at the feuding group.

"Hey, knock it off you two," Kevin shouted at Brian and Howie, while standing from his chair. Andy continued to sit in his chair, face red and on the verge of crying. He felt terrible because he knew he was the reason that Howie and Brian were fighting.

"You fucking queer," Howie said to Andy in a slow but calm tone, an angry look was plastered across his face. He knew exactly what he was saying. Howie turned around, but as he did he purposely hit Andy across on the cheek full force, making a cracking noise as if someone had been slapped. Brian went crazy and jumped onto Howie's back. Howie was knocked to the ground on his back. Brian began wailing his fists into Howie's chest. Howie tried to push Brian off of him, but was unsuccessful, Brian contiuned to pound his fists into Howie. Kevin ran up and tried pulling Brian off of Howie, but Brian resisted. People in the resturaunt started to gather around the boys and stare as the fight progressed.

Andy stood up from his chair and looked at Brian and Howie.

"Just fucking stop it you two! STOP IT! I'm the reason you're doing this, I don't want to be, but I am. Brian, I love you, but I don't want to be the reason you fuck up your life and career. Goodbye," Andy sobbed out through tears as the guys stopped and stared at him. Andy ran out of the resturaunt, and into the street, crossing it and heading for an alley. He sat and leaned up against large green dumpster and continued his crying. His blonde hair was dishelved, his cheek was red from Howie striking him and he was totally uncomposed.

Back in the resturaunt Kevin had finally pulled Brian off of Howie. Howie just lay on the ground staring at Brian, who was crying and trying to escape his older cousin's firm grip. Though Brian had an angry look painted arcoss his face, tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

Howie stood to his feet and looked at Brian. No one said anything. People in the resturaunt began to return to their chairs and contiune their meals.

"Howie, why do you have such a problem with it?" Brian asked, still with an angry look across his face.

"Because Brian, you do this without even asking us if its okay, you know it will screw up the band if the people finds out," Howie hollered back.

"Ask you? I don't fucking need permission to date someone. What about you and Amy, Howie? You didn't fucking ask us whether or not it was okay if you two could date," Brian shot at Howie.

"That's different," Howie responded.

"How so?" Kevin asked Howie.

"BECAUSE I'M NOT A FAG!" Howie shouted back, "I'm taking a cab back to the hotel." Howie turned around, pushing Nick out of his way, exiting the resutraunt without glancing back.

"Where's Andy?" Brian asked as he eyes searched around the room.

"I don't know, he ran out of here," Nick told Brian.

"I've gotta find him," Brian stated as he pulled away from Kevin.

"You don't know where he went," Kevin tried to stop his cousin.

"But I don't know if he has any money for a cab or anything. We can't leave without him," Brian was genuinely worried about Andy's well being.

"Brian, hes a smart kid. He'll find his way back to the hotel," Kevin assured his cousin. Brian reluctantly nodded his head and walked out of the resturaunt with Nick and A.J., getting into the limo.

"So much for a nice evening," Brian whispered as he got into the limo.

Andy sat in the alley still crying into his hands. It was now around 10:30 at night and he was beggining to get cold sitting in the alley on the concrete. The events that had happened in the resturand a few minutes earlier played over and over in his mind. He couldn't believe that Howie had actually hit him. Andy knew before going into the resturaunt that he would encounter some resistance from Howie, but nothing like had actually happened.

When the cool Orlando night air became too much for Andy's exposed skin to bear, he stood up and began to leave the alley. He heard a noise behind him like someone running and swiveled his body around to see what it was. Andy was suddenly shoved into a wall, bumping his forehead, and causing him to moan in pain.

A man pushed Andy firmly against the wall, twisting Andy's arm behind his back. Andy could feel a sharp object poking into the small of his back through the thin material of his shirt.

"Now, if you don't want to get hurt, be quiet," a man whispered in a raspy tone as he continued to pin Andy against the brick wall.

"What do you want?" Andy asked in a frightened tone.

"I want your fucking money," the man said, jabbing the object harder into Andy, piercing his skin.

"Okay, its in my back pocket," Andy replied.

The man put his hand into Andy's pocket and pulled out his wallet. He looked into the wallet and saw over $300.

"Jackpot," the man exclaimed as he shoved the money into his own pocket, "Now, you pretty little blonde boy, turn around and stay there. Don't turn around or I'll fucking kill you, understand?"

"Yes," Andy whispered.

Andy could hear the man running away. He stood against the wall and started to cry once again. He held his cheek against the wall, feeling the cool of the bricks on his red and throbbing face.

Andy walked out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. He didn't have any money because of the attacker so he couldn't get a cab, he began a long walk back to the hotel.

A.J., Nick, Kevin and Brian sat in the limo in silence. Brian was still crying because what had happened at the resturaunt. He was mad at Howie, and himself for fighting with Howie. He didn't know where Andy was and what Andy was thinking, it scared him. Nick and A.J. were still in shock about Brian's admission and the fight that had broken out at the resturaunt. Kevin felt sorry for Brian and Andy, and that Howie was such a jerk to them both. He was also extremely angry with Howie for hitting Andy.

"Brian?" Nick asked.

"What Nick?" Brian looked at Nick, sniffling as he did.

"Please don't cry," Nick put his arm around Brian and pulled him close. A.J. and Kevin watched as Nick comforted Brian. Brian lay his head down in Nick's lap and continued to cry, as Nick gently ran his hand through Brian's hair. Brian closed his eyes as his friend carressed his hair.

"Fucking Howie," Nick mouthed silently to A.J. A.J. nodded his head in agreement. Brian kept his eyes closed as the limo continued its journey to the hotel.

Now, aren't you glad you read that chapter? I'm glad that you did!!!! Please send me e-mail (i love getting it!) with your comments to:

Take care of yourselves people! :-)

Next: Chapter 3

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