Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Jan 2, 2000


Hey Guys!

I know you've probably heard this a million times before, but this is my first attempt of writing a story of this nature. I began this story this summer...and i haven't gotten around to sending it into Nifty until now because.....well....because I'm scared that no one would like it, but my friends have convinced me otherwise after reading it themselves. I hope SOMEBODY enjoys it; I know this sounds kind of corny, but if I get at least one positive e-mail about this story it will be all worthwhile :-)

I tried to be as original as possible....but working from a very narrow category (boy bands), ideas get used up pretty fast after a while. I put A LOT of time and effort into this story (writing, revising, adding adjectives, LOL) I hope you guys enjoy it.

Please, please, please, send me any comments/suggestions, positive or negative (hopefully more positive than negative) to:

Before reading though...I should warn you that this story contains sex between two males...and if that makes your skin crawl, leave this page now! This story is fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Hope you get a kick out of this!

Be With Me Brian

By Daniel

Brian Littrell lay in his bunk of the tour bus, trying desperately to get to sleep. The Backstreet Boys had been on tour for two months straight now, and they were headed back to Orlando for a much deserved three week break, scattered with a little work here and there, but overall, more time for the guys to rest and recuperate from the pressures of being a famous band.

Brian tossed and turned in his bunk, trying to sleep, but with no avail. He finally decided to go into the lounge of the double-decker tour bus to get some milk to cure his insomnia. He quietly peeked his head out of his bunk and walked into the lounge slowly. He opened the tiny refrigerator, pulling out the gallon of milk. He grabbed a glass and began to pour some milk into it when he noticed that Kevin was watching him.

"Hi Cuz!" Brian said with his trademark smile painted across his face.

"Hey Bri, whats up?" Kevin asked, noticing that Brian looked tired.

"Not much, just having a hell of a time trying to get to sleep. Thought some milk might do the trick" Brian responded to his concerned cousin's question.

"Remember when I used to come over to your house when we were younger? We would always wrestle over who got to sleep in the bed, and who would sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor of your bedroom? We were always pretty tuckered out after those little fights! I can still remember Aunt Jackie coming in and telling us that if we didn't quiet down that we would wake Uncle Harold." Kevin said as he reminisced his childhood summers at Brian's house.

"Yep, mom and dad weren't too keen about little arguments," Brian responded while looking at the glass of milk in his hands.

"Well, I'm back to bed," Brian said as he finished his milk and put the glass in the small sink near the refrigerator, "By the way, when do we get to Orlando?"

"Oh, I'd say we'll be there in about six or seven hours, maybe later because of this rainstorm that we're having" Kevin replied.

"Great, just enough time for me to get a decent nap before getting home!" Brian said, thinking happily that he would soon be back in Orlando.

"Pleasant dreams!" Kevin said, while gently patting Brian on the back.

"Thanks," Brian quickly responded as he headed for his bunk.

Brian got back into his bunk and covered himself up with his blanket. Brian was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion and started crying. He didn't know exactly why, but soon tears were rolling down his cheeks and his face was flush. 'What's wrong with me', he thought, as he continued his quiet sobs. Brian then realized why he was crying, he was lonely. Of all the guys in the Backstreet Boys, he didn't feel normal. He had always been attracted to other guys and he didn't know whether to tell the other rest of the group, or keep it to himself. Some how he felt that it was wrong to want to make love to another man, or even have intense sexual desires for a person of the same gender. He decided that if he was going to tell anyone it would be Kevin, because Kevin was there for Brian all the time, no matter what happened. The sacred bond between the two cousins could not be penetrated by any force.

Brian thought for a little while longer, before silently crying himself to sleep.

Brian awoke to the loud screams of Kevin yelling. "Hey everyone, get up!!!! We're back in Orlando!"

Brian groggily rubbed his eyes and looked at his watch. It was 10 O'clock in the morning and he was still extremely tired. 'Well, at least I got a full eight hour sleep!' Brian thought to himself as he remembered that it was about 2:00 A.M. when he fell asleep on the tour bus the previous night. Brian decided that he had better haul-ass and get ready because Kevin had little tolerance for the guys when they were late. Brian sat up, feeling the brisk air sweep over his shirtless chest as he pulled the covers off of himself. He put his foot onto the edge of the bed and slipped a white sock on. He did the same with his other foot. Brian grabbed his silver and black airwalk shoes and slipped them on. Just as Brian was about to put his shirt on, A.J. jumped out of the top bunk above Brian's, nearly giving Brian a heart attack as he loudly hit the floor.

"Jesus A.J.! You scared the shit out of me!" Brian laughed as he pulled his black Nike sweater over his head.

"Sorry Brian, just wanted to get the hell out of here. We're finally home, can you believe it man?" A.J. enthusiastically stated, while shaking Brian's shoulders.

"Yeah, its been quite a while," Brian said as he gathered his CD's and CD player, putting them into his backpack.

"Brian?" A.J. questioned, as he sat down next to Brian in Brian's bunk.

"Yeah A.J.?" Brian wondered what A.J. was going to ask him.

"Well, maybe I was dreaming, but last night I could have sworn I heard you crying, it could have been my imagination, but it sounded an awful lot like you crying. Is anything wrong?"

Brian shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just a little homesick I guess."

"Well don't worry bro, we're home now." A.J. said while putting his arm around Brian's shoulder.

"Yep,"Brian said.

"Whoa, look at the time! I'd better hurry up before Kevin freaks," A.J. said while standing up and getting back into his bunk to gather his things.

Brian finished getting ready and grabbed his backpack . He stood up and began to walk to the front of the tour bus, looking out the windows to see the dreary, dark morning that was created because of the rainstorms that Orlando was experiencing. As Brian stepped off the bus he saw the guys standing in a circle in front of the hotel that they were going to be staying at. He was relieved that there were no fans there, and that management had kept a tight lip to the press about where they were staying.

"Hey Brian!" Nick said as Brian approached the small circle.

"Hey Nick" Brian smiled at his friend.

"Where's A.J.?" Nick inquired to Brian.

"Um, I think that he's still getting his stuff together on the bus, he should be out in a minute." Brian informed Nick.

"Well lets hope he doesn't take too long, I want to stay on schedule and explain whats happening today, so A.J. had better hurry his ass up." Kevin said in an all-too- familiar tone. Just as Kevin got finished with his statement A.J. walked up to the guys , "I'm ready. So Kev, whats up for today?"

"Okay," Kevin cleared his throat, "Today is a free day, we can do whatever we want, or go anywhere we want, but tomorrow we have to go down to the Jive studios to discuss with management how exactly we want to promote Millennium."

"Damn, we're always busy, but I'm glad at least we have today off. That was the most grueling tour we've ever been on!" Howie stated his true feelings.

"Yeah, well, anyway, what do you guys want to do today?" Kevin asked.

"I want to check out the mall, its been so long since we've been to one!" Nick answered.

"I'll go with you blondie!" A.J. said with a grin, agreeing with Nick's idea.

"Well, I want to go clubbing!!" Howie said.

"But its only 11 o'clock in the morning!" Kevin said, surprised at Howie's response.

"Yeah, but I heard Amy's gonna be in town and she said that she would meet me at a bar today around noon," Howie answered, informing the guys that him and his girlfriend Amy were in a serious relationship.

"Whoa, I didn't think you two were that serious!" A.J. said, not knowing the nature of Howie and Amy's relationship.

"Yeah, we are," Howie said with a shy smile across his face.

"What about you Kevin, where are you going?" Nick asked, pointing to Kevin.

"Well, I think I'm gonna take Brian out to lunch because we have to talk about something." Kevin said, looking at Brian. Brian's eyes perked up. He looked at Kevin's face questionably, wondering what Kevin wanted to talk with him about.

"Okay, now that we all know what we're gonna do, lets figure out who's staying in who's room," Kevin spoke.

"I'm with Nick," Howie said without hesitation.

"Well I'm with Kevin then," A.J. said.

"Thanks guys, I guess nobody likes me," Brian sadly stated, "Good, I don't want to share a room with any you jerks anyway, more privacy!"

"I'd be happy if I got my own room," Kevin tried to lift Brian's spirits, sensing that he was depressed. "Let's get a move on it!" Kevin walked into the hotel.

The guys were greeted by the concierge. "Uh, the Backstreet Boys, I presume?" a fifty-ish man dressed in a black suit asked the guys.

"That would be us," Kevin answered for everyone.

"Well, lets get you up to your rooms. We have reserved an entire floor for you gentlemen, the penthouse, which only has 3 individual rooms, as requested by your manager."

"Yeah, we already figured who is staying with who," Kevin said.

The entire party stepped onto the elevator. The hotel manager pressed the very top button on the elevator control panel. Brian's stomach jumped as they rode to the top of the building. He had slight claustrophobia and was deathly afraid of heights. He was always worried when he rode in elevators because after seeing the movie "Speed," where the elevator cable broke, elevators weren't exactly his favorite mode of transportation.

When the elevator reached the top floor the guys attempted to exit the elevator, but Brian pushed his way to the front and was the first one to get off.

"Are you okay?," the hotel manager asked, concerned.

"He's okay, he's just a little nervous when it comes to riding in elevators," Kevin answered for his cousin's actions.

"Here are the keys for the rooms, and if you need anything at all, call the front desk and I will personally assist you," the manager said as he presented 3 sets of card keys to Kevin.

"Thanks," Kevin answered politely in his southern accent.

He handed Brian and Howie a set of keys, and kept the third set for himself and A.J. The guys then went into their rooms in an attempt to get settled.

Brian walked into his room and immediately flopped his body down onto the bed. 'Well at least the bed's comfortable,' he said to himself as he snuggled into the hunter green sheets and huge down pillows. Brian felt very small in the king size bed all alone. It made Brian think for a moment and decide on something that had been on his mind for weeks. 'I don't want to live this way anymore, I'm going to tell Kevin my true feelings, I know he'll understand,' Brian thought to himself. He had every confidence that Kevin would accept him for who he was, and not love him any less because of his sexual preference. Just as Brian made up his mind, he heard a knock on his door. Brian got up and casually opened the door. Kevin stood before him in a different outfit than he was wearing just a few minutes earlier.

"Get ready so we can go out to lunch!" Kevin urged his cousin.

"Sure Kev, come sit down, I'll just be a minute."

Kevin entered the room and sat on Brian's bed, while Brian grabbed a duffel bag and went into the bathroom. Brian quickly threw on a blue Calvin Klein shirt and a pair of Khakis. He emerged from the bathroom to see Kevin impatiently waiting for him.

"What's the big rush?" Brian asked as they headed to the door.

"I made reservations for noon at a restaurant and I don't want to be late so they give up our table!" Kevin explained as he ushered Brian out the door.

The two went downstairs and through the lobby to the revolving door of the hotel. They saw a black Lincoln stretch limo awaiting them and nonchalantly stepped inside of it.

Kevin and Brian sat in silence as they traveled to the restaurant, neither one of them attempting to make small-talk. The limo drove to an elegant restaurant called "Chey Stefan's." The driver promptly got out of the limo and opened the door for the guys. Kevin stepped out first and then Brian. They hurriedly ran into the restaurant because it was now pouring rain. As they walked in Brian was amazed, he had never seen such a beautiful restaurant before. It was causal , but had a very modern and elegant decorating style. The waiter immediately recognized them and directed the two to a table in a corner of the restaurant near a marble water fountain. Brian pulled out his black lacquer chair and sat down, as did Kevin.

"So, I'm dying to know Kevin, what do you want to talk to me about?" Brian asked with anticipation.

"First lets order, then we'll talk," Kevin knew that Brian was eager to know what the topic on conversation was going to be about.

"Sounds good," Brian said, opening his menu.

After several minutes of thoughtful consideration, Brian and Kevin both had decided what they wanted to eat. Kevin ordered lasagna and garlic bread, while Brian ordered the Caesar salad and a plate of Fetticine Alfredo with an order of tomato on the side. The waiter wrote down the orders and walked away, leaving Brian and Kevin to themselves.

"Okay, now Brian, this is what I wanted to talk to you about. You have seemed kind of depressed lately, and I'm wondering whats wrong. Every time that the guys and I decide to go somewhere you always want stay back on the bus. A.J. and Nick have told me that you've been crying alot for some reason. I know when something is wrong, so just tell me what happened, maybe I could help," Kevin offered, trying to win Brian's confidence.

Brian realized that this was a perfect opportunity to tell Kevin his secret, but struggled to find the right words to explain to his cousin.

"Well, actually Kevin, there is something that I want to tell you, but I'm not sure how to explain, or how you're going to react. Please don't go crazy on me, I don't think I could handle it if you get mad," Brian said nervously.

Kevin sensed Brian's nervousness, and tried to make Brian feel more comfortable.

"Brian, we're like brothers, unless you killed someone or something like that, then believe me, I won't get upset. Now just tell me, don't worry!" Kevin assured Brian.

"Okay. Well, Kevin, my entire life I've kinda been attracted to guys more than girls, and well..... Kevin, I think I'm gay." Brian stuttered out, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Kevin's mouth opened as he stared in utter amazement at Brian, not saying anything or moving his body at all. His blank expression made Brian nervous. Kevin continued to stare at Brian for a few minutes until Brian finally sobbed out, "Say something!" Kevin simply opened his mouth and stuttered, ", you." Brian got out of his chair and ran out of the room. Kevin sat for another minute collecting his thoughts and got up to find Brian. Just as he did the waiter came back with the food.

"Just put the food on the table, I'll be back in a minute," Kevin said to the waiter.

The waiter nodded accordingly and proceeded to do as he was instructed.

Kevin walked into the restroom to see Brian slouched against the wall with his head between his knees, crying fiercely. Kevin shut the restroom door and locked it tightly, not wanting to be disturbed by anyone while he talked to his cousin. Kevin sat down next to Brian and put his arm around him. Brian continued his crying and kept his body in a very still position.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted Brian, it just came as a total shock to me, I never would have guessed that you were going to tell me THAT in a million years." Kevin quietly apologized as he rubbed Brian's shoulder. Brian put his head on Kevin's chest while Kevin pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Kevin if I disappointed you," Brian sobbed out as he held onto Kevin tightly.

"Disappointed, about what? You didn't choose to like guys, you were born that way. Don't be sorry about something that you had no control over. Its just the way that you are, and nothing can be done to change that. Brian, I can accept you because I love you and you are part of my family. It will take some time getting used to, but I'm sure it won't be any problem. I wouldn't care if you were attracted to sea turtles, I would still love you for who you are. Never be ashamed of yourself." Kevin continued to hold Brian in a hug, trying to make him feel better.

"Thanks, Kevin," Brian said as he continued to closely snuggle to Kevin for comfort.

"Okay, now that you got that off your chest, shall we go eat?" Kevin asked, trying to take Brian's mind off the pressures that he was experiencing.

"Actually Kevin, I don't really feel like eating now, I'd just like to go back to the hotel and go to sleep." Brian wiped some of the tears off his face with his sleeve.

"Okay, if thats what you want, we'll go back," Kevin said, knowing that Brian was emotionally upset.

"Thanks," Brian attempted to smile.

"You go out to the limo and I'll take care of the bill." Kevin instructed Brian.


Brian stood up and walked out of the bathroom. 'God I'm lucky to have a cousin who cares about me like that' Brian thought to himself as he got into the limo.

Kevin soon was walking towards the limo. Kevin got in and saw Brian still lightly crying.

The limo started back towards the hotel. After about ten minutes the limo was back at the hotel. The two got into the elevator and went up to the Penthouse floor that they were staying on. After going into Brian's room, Kevin told Brian to sit down. Brian sat in a chair near the bed. Kevin sat also and began to ask questions concerning Brian's sexuality, which made Brian slightly uncomfortable, but he answered anyway because he wanted to be open and honest to Kevin about everything.

"Have you always felt this way?" Kevin asked Brian.

"Yeah, I've always been attracted to guys. I've felt ashamed cause it didn't seem normal for me to have those feelings. I never told you because I wasn't sure how you'd react to such a big thing like that," Brian answered honestly.

"Wow! I'm just glad I know now. Its still kind of weird to accept something like that Brian, but over time I'm sure I'll be able to understand." Kevin commented.

"So, what kind of guys do you find attractive?" Kevin asked jokingly.

"You asshole! I don't have to answer that!" Brian smiled at Kevin because of such a ridiculous question.

"Hey, maybe I can play matchmaker! I'm sure I can find some hot young stud for you. What about Nick? I've always suspected that he was gay, maybe I could put things in motion for you two!" Kevin had a huge grin across his face as he joked with Brian.

"First of all, I would never date Nick! He's good looking and all, but I've just never thought of him as anything more than a friend. And second of all, I don't need you to play matchmaker for me!" Brian said defiantly.

"Okay, but just know that my offer is always open." Kevin informed Brian.

"I'll keep that in mind," Brian giggled.

"Kevin, now that I've told you, please don't tell the other guys just yet. I will tell them eventually, just not right now. It was hard telling one person, it will be even more difficult trying to explain my feelings to three people," Brian asked of his cousin.

"Sure, you can count on me." Kevin affirmed. It put Brian at ease.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed now. I am feeling so exhausted!"Brian said as he stared at the clock on the wall.

"Yep, I think I'm gonna go to my room too and call it a night," Kevin yawned.

"Night Brian," Kevin said as he walked out the door.

"Good night, thanks for understanding," Brian smiled at his cousin.

"No problem, what are cousins for?" Kevin said as he shut the door.

Brian was relieved that the day had gone well. Kevin was so understanding of Brian's dilemma. Brian stripped down to his boxers and got into the king size bed , quickly slipping off into a deep sleep.

Brian awoke the next morning to see the blinding sun shining in his eyes. He looked over at the clock at saw that it was 8 o'clock in the morning. 'Wow, I actually slept 12 hours' Brian thought to himself as he crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Brian turned on the shower, hot, the way that he liked it and pulled off his Tommy Hilfiger Boxers. He put one leg in the shower, feeling the hot water slide down his leg. Brian fully stepped into the shower. The water felt great rolling down his body. He grabbed the bar of soap and began to clean himself. He scrubbed up and down his chest and then washed his hair. Brian was now very relaxed after such a warm shower.

Brian turned off the water and got out of the shower. He grabbed a nearby towel, covering up his naked body. He started shivering as he exited the bathroom and walked over to his bed. Brian opened up one of his bags and pulled out some clothes to wear. He put the clothes on and quickly combed his hair. Just as he was about to put some gel in his hair to keep it styled, he heard a knock at the door.

"Just a second," Brian yelled as he walked to the door. He saw Howie standing in front of him.

"Good morning Howie, whats up?" Brian asked in a cheerful voice.

"Everyone is gonna meet in the hotel restaurant for breakfast in 15 minutes, so if you want to come, we'll all be down there," Howie responded.

"Okay Howie, I'll be there!" Brian said, smiling at his friend. Brian then turned around and shut the door.

When Brian finished fixing his hair the way he wanted it, he left his room and got into the elevator. Brian pressed the ground floor button closed his eyes, hoping that the ride would be over soon. As the doors on the elevator opened Brian ran out as fast as he could, trying to get as far away from the elevator as possible. He didn't notice that someone was standing in front of him as he bolted from the elevator. Brian tripped forward and fell into the young man's arms, causing them both to fall to the ground and the young man to drop a folder that he was holding to the ground, scattering papers all over the hotel carpet.

"Are you okay?" the young man asked Brian, as Brian lay on top of him.

"Um, yeah....I'm so sorry about that, I'm just kind of nervous about elevators," Brian said as he stood up and held out his hand, offering it to the blonde teenage boy that lay on the ground.

"Thats okay" the young man smiled as he grasped Brian's hand and stood.

The young man then knelt down and began to collect the papers that were scattered on the floor, putting them back into the manila folder.

"Here, let me help you," Brian kindly offered as he started to collect the papers with the young gentleman.

As the last few papers were put back into the folder, the young man smiled at Brian and said thanks. Before Brian could say anything the boy was already back on the elevator and the doors were almost closed. Brian waved and the teenage boy waved back. Brian thought that he must have been in a hurry because he had left so fast. Thats when it hit Brian, he had seen him before; not in person of course, but he had seen him. Brian couldn't remember where, so he decided to give up trying to ponder who it was, and go about his business.

Brian walked into the hotel restaurant to see all the guys seated at a long black table with a variety of foods spread across the it. His stomach was growling by then, so he was really happy to see all the delicious food that the guys had ordered. Brian took a seat next to Nick and grabbed a plate. He put some bacon, a Kiwi , a few strawberries and a bagel with cream cheese on his plate and began to eat. Nick turned his head and noticed that Brian was sitting next to him, "Brian, I didn't see you come in."

"Morning Nick." Brian said as he ate a strawberry.

"Sleep Good?" Nick asked.

"Yep, I slept a full 12 hours, its been a while since I've done that, and I feel really refreshed!" Brian answered Nick's question honestly. Nick nodded and turned his attention back to Howie.

Brian finished his breakfast quietly while the other guys conversed about this and that. Brian looked outside, watching the pedestrians pass by, not hearing Kevin speaking to him.

"Brian!" Kevin spoke in a loud tone. Brian turned his head and noticed that everyone was standing, looking at him.

"We have to go" Kevin was very impatient.

"Oh, okay," Brian said as he stood and started walking with the guys out of the hotel.

As they got outside, a bellhop motioned for the Backstreet Boy's limo to pull forward. The limo drove up to where the guys were standing and the bellhop opened the door. Brian got in last and shut the door. Brian sat in silence on the way to the studios. When they arrived at the studios they got out and went into the office set up especially for them.

The day went fast. The Backstreet Boys discussed with management what techniques that they were going to use to promote Millennium, and pick out concepts for their new videos. At about 5 O'clock the meeting ended. The guys were instructed to go back to their hotel and get ready to go to a taping of Jay Leno later that evening. Brian went up to his room and started rummaging through his clothing, trying to find a suitable outfit for the show. He picked out a Navy blue Tommy Hilfiger sweater and a pair of Calvin Klein Jeans and slipped them on. He then put his leather coat over the sweater to create a warm, but good-looking ensemble.

After Brian had styled his hair, he went out into the hall and waited for the other guys. When everyone was ready, the group departed. The boys went straight to the airport and got on a plane that was headed to Burbank California, where the Jay Leno show was located. After a short and smooth plane ride they were soon on their way to the Jay Leno show. As they reached the show at about 7:30, Jay Leno's producer , a woman named Susan, graciously showed them to the green room, which was liberally scattered with a buffet and food of every kind. Everyone's eyes perked up when they saw the bounty of food that was laid out before them. Nick was the first to run up to the table and grab some chips and start eating them. Jay's producer, Susan laughed, "Guys, help yourselves to the food. Just watch the monitor and when its your turn to go on, a stagehand will come and get you."

"Okay," Kevin said affirmatively.

Brian wasn't feeling all that hungry, so sat down on the black Leather sofa, next to Howie. Howie smiled at him when he saw Brian sit down and continued his conversation with Kevin about their Millennium CD. Nick came back and sat next to Brian, still eating the food that he had gotten off the buffet.

"Want some Brian?" Nick asked as he stuffed a chip into his mouth.

"No thanks Nick," Brian smiled, giving Nick a slightly disgusted look because of the way that he was eating.

Just as Brian had finished his last sentence, the television monitors in the room came on. The band started playing and Edd Hall began announcing the guests. "Tonight, the musical group Backstreet Boys, from the movie Saving Private Ryan, Tom Hanks, and the new singing sensation, Andy Moeller. With Kevin Eubanks and the tonight show band, and me, I'm Edd hall, now here's Jay Leno!" Edd yelled at the top of his lungs. Just as he finished, it showed Jay walking out and greeting audience members by shaking their hands. Jay then started his monologue, cracking jokes as usual. Brian relaxed and watched the show contently, not nervous at all that they were going to be on stage in a few minutes singing, "I Want It That Way." He was just trying to remember where he had heard the name "Andy Moeller" before.

Jay finished his monologue and sat down at his desk. Tonight was Monday, the day that Jay always did his headlines skit. People would scour their local newspapers looking for funny things, and then when they found them they sent them into Jay so he could read them on the show.

Jay continued his headlines skit as Brian got off the sofa and headed over to an empty chair on the other side of the room. Brian sat down and closed his eyes. He didn't intend to fall asleep, but nonetheless, within minutes he was. Brian slept for about 20 Minutes before he felt Kevin shaking his arm, trying to wake him.

"Brian, get up! We go on in five minutes, Tom Hanks' interview is over and the show is in commercial!" Kevin demanded of Brian.

"I'm up, I'm up!" he said, trying to convince Kevin that he was awake.

"Lets go!" Kevin said loudly.

"Okay," Brian gave up trying to get a few extra minutes of sleep.

Brian and Kevin went with the rest of the guys to the stage where they were to perform. The curtains were closed so the audience couldn't see them. There were five stools set out for the guys . Nick quickly sat on the middle stool, as he always did, because in his conceited mind he thought that he was the most popular member of the Backstreet Boys. Brian sat on the farthest stool to Nick's left, the closest one to Jay's desk.

"In 5,4,3,2,1," a man wearing a pair of headsets yelled. As he reached one, the cameras went into a shot of Jay, who was sitting at his desk holding a Millennium CD, for the audience to see.

"From their new CD Millennium, the Backstreet Boys singing their hit single, 'I Want It That Way!"

The curtains parted and the audience went wild. The Backstreet Boys began singing perfectly to the music while the audience cheered. When they finished the song, Jay walked over to the stage and shook all of their hands.

"We'll be right back and then we'll talk with the Backstreet Boys!" Jay said as he continued shaking hands with the guys.

The manager yelled "Clear," and Jay ushered the guys over to his desk and then sat down. Brian sat the in the chair closest to the desk. He felt uncomfortable because sitting near Jay meant that the majority of the questions would probably be directed to him. Even though Brian was in a successful band now, he was still the shy country boy that he always was.

The cameras did a closeup of the desk and the stage manager once again said, "5,4,3,2,1." Jay smiled at the camera and said, "We're back with the Backstreet Boys, so guys, what was it like working on your new album?"

"It was great! I think it was the most fun to work on because we wrote some of our own songs." Kevin answered with a huge grin on his face.

"I had N'Sync here the other night, is it true that you two are rivals like the tabloids say?" Jay asked inquisitively.

"No, we actually like the guys of N'Sync. The tabloids just blow things way out of proportion when they write about our two bands. We're happy for their success, as they probably are about ours," Brian answered intelligently.

"I see. What kind of schedule have you guys had lately?" Jay asked.

"Well, right now we just got off an exhausting two month tour and now we get about a three week vacation in Orlando. We have to do some work, like album promotions, but besides that, we're just chillin'" Howie said cockily in response to Jay's question.

"What do you guys plan on doing during your break?" Jay asked.

"Well usually we just hang out at the hotel, sometimes we go to amusement parks or shopping, but mostly we tend to stay close to Orlando in case the record company needs us," Kevin explained.

"Heres a question I'm sure the audience would love to know. Do any of you have girlfriends?" Jay questioned, while the audience cheered.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Nick answered first.

"Me either," A.J. answered.

"I used to have a girlfriend, but we recently broke up," Kevin told Jay.

"I'm as single as they come ladies," Brian looked at the audience, giving a big grin.

"What about you Howie?" Jay asked.

"Yep, I've got a girlfriend that I just started dating a few months ago, its getting pretty serious," Howie proudly answered.

"Anyone we know?" Jay asked, trying to divulge the identity of Howie's girlfriend.

"Nope, and I really can't say because I respect her privacy," Howie said, keeping Amy's identity secret.

"Well, I wish you guys all the best and I love the album, a lot of hits on it no doubt," Jay said while keeping direct eye contact with Howie.

"When we come back the hot new singer Andy Moeller," Jay told the audience.

The stage manager made a motion that meant that they were in commercial and Jay began to make small talk with the guys.

"Have you guys ever met Andy Moeller?" Jay questioned.

"I think I've heard that name before, but I don't actually know who he is," Brian answered. The rest of the guys nodded in agreement with Brian. Because of the tour, the guys barley had any time to meet anyone besides their fans.

"Well he's pretty new, and he's apparently pretty popular with the teenage girls." Jay explained.

"It'll be nice to check out our competition," Nick said in a coy voice.

The stage manager for the third time did his count down out of commercial. The camera's turned to Jay, who was holding up a CD case that said "Andy Moeller" on the front of it. The CD had a reflecting intricate design on it, it was very visually appealing.

"From his first self-titled album, here's Andy Moeller singing 'For the First Time'" Jay spoke.

The curtains parted. A blonde teenage boy stood with a microphone, smiling at the audience. Brian almost fainted when he saw who it was. It was the same person that he had run into in the elevator back at the hotel in Orlando. Brian's jaw dropped when Andy started singing. Brian thought Andy had the best voice that he had ever heard. Brian stared at the teenage boy throughout the entire performance. When the song was over the audience went wild cheering for him. He modestly smiled and walked over to Jays desk. Kevin stood and shook hands with Andy, the rest of the guys followed Kevin's lead and shook hands with Andy as well. When he got to Brian he smiled, remembering that Brian was the guy that ran into him that morning, literally.

"Andy, the Backstreet Boys. Backstreet Boys, Andy," Jay introduced the guys to each other. Brian graciously got out of the chair near Jay's desk and immediately sat on the couch next to the chair, allowing Andy to sit.

"I think I know this guy already Jay," Andy chimed as he patted Brian on the shoulder.

"Really?" Jay asked. Both Jay and the Backstreet Boys were curious to know what Andy meant "that he already knew Brian."

"Yep!" Andy said, "Its kind of a funny story, this morning at the hotel in Orlando, I was just about to get on the elevator when the doors suddenly opened and Brian rushed out, accidentally running into me. I had no idea it was Brian from the Backstreet Boys, if I would have known I probably would have chased him down to get his autograph, but I was in a real hurry this morning."

Jay started laughing and asked, "So you guys are staying at the same hotel?"

"Yeah," Brian blushed, embarrassed about the whole incident.

"What a coincidence, that you run into each other and then you're both on my show on the same night!" Jay said, sensing that Brian was slightly embarrassed.

"First of all, just so I get this right and you'll come back on the show, how do you pronounce your last name Andy?" Jay asked.

"A lot of people ask me that, some people think its pronounced 'Molar' , but the correct way to pronounce it is 'Miller'" Andy answered Jay.

"Okay, I'll remember that," Jay affirmed, "Andy Miller, Miller" he once again pronounced to make sure that he was saying it right.

"Well, now that that is out of the way, whats your schedule like?" Jay questioned.

"Well, like the guys I'm headed back to Orlando tonight where I'll be staying for 4 weeks for album promotions and stuff. I just can't believe how fast my song is climbing the charts, I never would have expected anything like this in a million years, I'm very grateful to god," Andy had a look of disbelief on his face.

"I understand that you wrote 10 of the 14 songs on your album, is that right?" Jay asked Andy.

"Yep, I started writing songs when I was 14 and I have been writing ever since. Last year, which was supposed to be my senior year of high school, I moved to Atlanta to write the final songs and record them for my album," Andy smiled.

"So things have been pretty busy, huh?" Jay questioned.

"Yep, unbelievably busy. Some days I can get so tired, but its 100% worth it, I'm doing what I always wanted to do," Andy excitedly stated, with a huge smile on his face.

"Well congratulations on your success, and I hope both of your albums go platinum," Jay said looking at the Backstreet Boys and Andy.

"Thanks to my guests Tom Hanks, The Backstreet Boys and Andy Moeller. Thats all for tonight, tomorrow, Julia Roberts, Nathan Lane and Lea Thompson, Good night and stay tuned for Conan," Jay announced as the credits began to roll on the monitor.

Andy turned to Brian and smiled. "Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually talking to you!" Andy said, star struck as he kept his gaze into Brian's blue eyes.

"I can't believe that you are at the same hotel as me!" Brian was embarrassed about his celebrity status.

Jay then stood up and shook everyone's hand while saying, "Thanks for coming." The guys, including Andy headed back to the green room to get their jackets and belongings before they headed back to the airport.

"It was really nice meeting you," Brian said as he extended his hand for Andy to shake.

"Yeah," Andy replied with a huge grin across his face as he tightly held Brian's hand.

"Bye," Brian said.

"See ya!" Andy replied, as two continued to shake each others hands.

"We gotta go!," Kevin said as he tugged on Brian's leather jacket, pulling Andy's hand from Brian's and motioning for Brian to come with Kevin.

"Okay, I'm coming Kevin, let go." Brian quietly whispered, to avoid Andy from hearing what he was saying.

Brian walked out of the green room. He followed closely behind Kevin. Kevin suddenly turned around and said, "Just for the record, you like him, don't you?"

Brian looked away from Kevin, blushing at the reality of what Kevin just said. Kevin giggled, "You do like him! I can tell Brian! He's good looking, for a guy that is! Maybe you two could hook up, that is, if he's, well , if he's...." Kevin trailed off.

"Gay Kevin, if he's gay! You don't have to worry about saying that word in front of me, it doesn't bother me one bit. Just don't act like you're ashamed of me or anything, I'm not ashamed of myself." Brian said, explaining how he felt to Kevin.

"Brian, I'm not ashamed of you, I'm just not comfortable using that word to describe you yet. It just feels weird...thats all." Kevin attempted to make Brian feel better.

"Anyway Kevin, yeah, actually I do like Andy, he's smart and funny, and he isn't just good looking, he's great looking!" Brian exclaimed to his cousin with fire in his eyes.

"I could tell that you liked him," Kevin smiled back at his cousin, "We'd better get going or we're gonna miss our flight." Kevin grabbed Brian's shoulder and pulled him towards the exit. The two stepped outside and saw that the limo was already waiting for them. Brian and Kevin got inside and Nick complained, "Where have you two been?"

"I just had to piss before we left," Brian lied, smiling at Kevin.

"We've gotta get to the airport, our flight is leaving in fifteen minutes," A.J. said with an urgency in his voice. With that, the limo began its descent to the airport.

The guys hurriedly rushed through the airport terminal and made it to the gate of the airplane that was to take them back to Orlando.

A pretty blonde stewardess escorted the boys to the front of the plane, the first class section, which had about ten or fifteen empty seats remaining. The guys all scattered and sat down in any seat that they could find. Brian was the only one who sat alone. His seat was next to the the window. He admired the view of the night sky from the plane. It was now around midnight. Brian heard a voice say, "May I sit here?" Brian kept eyes to the windows and unconsciously said, "Sure." When Brian turned to see who was sitting next to him, he was shocked yet another time that day. The person sitting next to him was none other than Andy.

"Andy!" Brian smiled at his new friend.

"Brian?!? No shit!! This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder! It really is a small world!" Andy exclaimed, while staring at Brian's face with a huge grin.

"So, you're going back to Orlando too? Wow, we keep running into each other. Are you going back to the hotel when we get there?" Brian asked Andy, hoping that he would say yes.

"Yep, I'm glad because I am exhausted," Andy said while yawning.

"Yeah, me too,"Brian yawned too, mimicking Andy.

Brian looked out the window and saw the plane next to theirs getting ready to leave. He felt something touch him and quickly looked over and saw that Andy had fallen asleep, and was leaning his head on Brian's shoulder. Brian smiled and stared at Andy as he slept. 'He's so cute when he's asleep' Brian thought as he watched Andy's chest rise and fall every so slowly. Even though it was slightly uncomfortable for Brian, he let Andy sleep the whole time on his shoulder, all the way back to Orlando. To pass the time he read a magazine that a stewardess had given him to look at. He turned the pages very quietly, not wanting to awake Andy, who was contently snuggling with Brian's shoulder.

Four hours later the plane landed, an abrupt jerk awoke Andy from his slumber. He noticed that he was leaning on Brian's shoulder and pulled his head away.

"Was I leaning on you the whole time?" Andy asked while trying to adjust to the bright light of the cabin.

"Yeah, it was no problem though," Brian answered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. You must have been uncomfortable." Andy apologized.

"No, I wasn't uncomfortable at all," Brian lied.

"We have now landed in Orlando , please gather your carry-on luggage and proceed to the nearest exit," the captain instructed over the loud speaker.

"Well, I guess we'd better get off,"Brian said. Brian immediately slipped off his seat belt and awaited for Andy remove his own seat belt. Andy was having trouble.

"This thing is stuck. I think my shirt got caught in it," Andy frustratedly tried to get his seat belt off.

"Here let me try," Brian grabbed for the belt. Before he could realize what he was doing, he was attempting to pull open the jammed seat belt. Brian pulled on Andy's shirt hard, trying to pull it out of the buckle. Andy giggled while Brian struggled to get the seat belt off. It finally came out and the buckle snapped open. Brian then moved his hands away, but as he did, he accidentally brushed against Andy's crotch. He didn't mean to do it, and quickly apologized.

"Sorry," Brian said nervously.

"Sorry? For what, you got the seat belt off didn't you?" Andy asked, not realizing why Brian had apologized.

"Yeah, well, we'd better get going," Brian said nervously, glad that Andy didn't notice what he had done.

"Okay," Andy replied, smiling at Brian.

Everyone got off the plane and stood in the airport terminal. Brian asked Andy how he was going back to the hotel.

"Um, I think I'm probably gonna call a cab, do you know where the pay-phones are?" Andy asked.

"Why don't you go back with us, we've got a limo outside already waiting for us," Brian offered.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble for you guys, I can always call a cab you know." Andy said in response to Brian's invitation.

"I insist!" Brian chimed as he grabbed Andy by the arm, pulling him forward. "Thanks," Andy walked with Brian towards the doors of the airport.

When Brian and Andy got outside he saw the guys parked near the entrance to the airport, waiting for him.

"Andy's gonna ride back to the hotel with us," Brian announced, smiling at Kevin. "Great, lets get going," A.J. said as he stepped into the limo. Brian sat next to Howie in the limo, staring at Andy. Andy didn't notice Brian's stares, so Brian continued. Kevin saw Brian staring at Andy and patted him on the shoulder, motioning for him to stop. Brian blushed and looked out the window at the passing cars.

"So, what's your story, how did you get into the music business?" Kevin asked in a serious tone.

"Well, I've always loved to sing. I wrote a few songs when I was 14 and ever since then I've tried getting hooked up with a record company in hopes that I might actually make it. Last year, on my 17th birthday, I got a call from John Seagil at RCA records. He wanted to fly me into Atlanta from my home in Miami so he could hear me sing some songs that I sent to him on a demo tape. After I got to Atlanta, things started rolling, and before I knew it I had signed a contract with RCA records . They wanted me to start recording an album with the songs that I had written. Its kind of amazing, I still can't believe that it actually happened to me," Andy explained with an excited grin on his face.

"I'm really happy for you, you've got the voice that can really make it in this business," Brian complimented Andy.

"Thanks," Andy responded, blushing at Brian's kind words.

When the limo pulled up to the hotel it was about 4:30 A.M. and everyone was exhausted. The guys crawled out of the limo and headed straight for the elevator. Kevin pushed the Penthouse button and Andy pressed a button to go to the 13 floor.

"Whoa, they stuck you on the 13th floor? That could be unlucky!" A.J. joked.

"Yeah, but I've got a great room! Actually its the best hotel room I've ever stayed in. Now that things have started to take off, management has been splurging on my accommodations more than they used to," Andy smiled.

As the doors opened Andy walked out of the Elevator. Andy had a huge smile on his face, "It really was great meeting you guys! I hope to see you again!"

Brian quickly interjected while holding open the elevator door, "Hey, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon?"

"Um, I don't think I'm doing anything, as far as I know," Andy answered.

"Well would you like to go over to the mall with us tomorrow?" Brian asked, not knowing if the Backstreet Boys were actually going to a mall the next day or not.

"Really? That would be great!" Andy smiled at Brian.

"What room are you in, I'll call you tomorrow morning to let you know when we are leaving," Brian said.

"I'm in room 283," Andy answered happily.

"Okay, good night," Brian said as he finally let go of the elevator doors, causing them to shut.

"Are we going to a mall tomorrow Kevin?" Brian whispered to Kevin.

"Well, I guess we are now!" Kevin answered his cousin with a laugh.

As the guys got off the elevator to head to their rooms, Kevin began to speak.

"Tomorrow meet up in Brian's room at nine so we can decide when we should go to the mall tomorrow, and to eat breakfast," Kevin instructed. The guys all nodded and proceeded to their rooms.

Brian went into his room with Andy on his mind. He couldn't believe how fortunate that he was to have met Andy and he was glad that they were becoming friends. Brian couldn't wait until the next morning to see Andy once again. Brian was very attracted to Andy. Andy had a sweet, modest, innocent, and shy personality, which Brian admired.The thought of Andy made Brian's heart take flight, he couldn't help but wonder if Andy felt the same way about him.

Brian had never had a real girlfriend before. The most he had ever done with a girl was kissing and one time he made out with a girl, but he found absolutely no satisfaction in it because there was no real love, so he decided for it not to go any further.

Brian slipped out of all of his clothes except his boxers, got into bed, and turned out the lights. He peacefully fell asleep, thinking about Andy.

The next morning Brian awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. He picked it up, groggily answering the caller, "Yeah, its Brian."

"Brian, its Kevin. Its about 8:30, just wanted to see if you were up. I called room service and they should deliver the food to your room in about 20 minutes or so. I'm going to call the rest of the guys to make sure that they are up also. We should be in your room at about nine." Kevin stated.

"Okay, I'll see you then," Brian sleepily responded to his cousin.

Brian got out of his bed and put on a sweater. It was unusually cold in his room so he checked the thermostat. He turned it up just a bit and then walked over to the window. As he opened the drapes he saw that it was another gloomy day in Orlando. It was pouring rain outside. Brian sighed as he heard thunder rumbling in the distance .

Brian heard a knock at the door which startled him. He immediately got up and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" Brian asked before opening the door.

"Room service."

Brian opened the door. The bellhop pushed three carts of food into the room. Brian went over to his wallet to get a tip for the bellhop. He pulled out some money and handed it to him.

"Thank you sir." the man said to Brian as he quietly exited and shut the door.

Brian looked on the cart and grabbed a small bowl of raspberries, which he began to eat happily. He heard another knock on the door and yelled, "Its open!" Nick walked into the room with Howie and both said in unison, "Morning Brian" "Morning guys," Brian returned their salutation.

Nick and Howie started to eat their breakfast and discuss the terrible weather.

"Whoa, I'd never thought I hear the day when our band got so boring that we actually had to discuss the weather!" Brian joked as he ate a raspberry.

"Yeah, not being on tour is unusual for us. Its a lot less strenuous, but I like it. We can do whatever we want!" Howie responded.

Just as Howie finished his last sentence, Kevin and A.J. walked into the room, greeting Brian, Nick and Howie.

"Sleep good?" Kevin asked Brian.

"Yeah, until you woke me up!" Brian lightly punched Kevin on the shoulder.

"So whats the game plan for today?" Howie asked, interrupting Brian and Kevin's joking.

"Well, like Brian said last night, lets go to a mall. We don't have any work to do today so that would be fine with me." Kevin told the group.

"Great! I want to get a present for Amy!" Howie exclaimed, speaking before he thought about what he had just said.

"You're really hung up on her, aren't you?" A.J asked his friend.

"Yeah, she's a great girl! I'm so lucky to have gotten her. She was dating this really big football player before me, but she caught him cheating, so they broke up. I guess you could say I got her on the rebound," Howie explained to A.J.

"Well I hope you guys have a good relationship, cause you know how it can be with girls and being in a band. Remember that I had to to brake up with Vivica because of it," Kevin said, reminding the guys of his ex-girlfriend Vivica, who he had broken up with because of touring pressures.

While the guys discussed girlfriends, Brian silently sat in his chair, staring off into space. He did have something on his mind however, Andy. Thoughts of the previous night in the airplane with Andy sleeping on his shoulder filled Brian's head. He couldn't forget how wonderful it made him feel to have the younger boy snuggle onto him as if they shared some kind of trust. It gave Brian a feeling in his stomach that he had never felt about another human being before, though Brian didn't know yet what it was, he did know one thing, that he wanted to spend more time with Andy.

The guys finished breakfast and then sat around Brian's room, talking about their new CD. Brian didn't participate in the conversation because the CD was the last thing in his mind. It was now 10:30 A.M. , Brian decided that now would be a good a time to call Andy and invite him to his room so that they could head out to the mall. Brian picked up the phone and heard an operator immediately speak. "What room ?" the operator asked.

"Um, room 283 please," Brian stated politely. With that, the phone made a clicking sound and a ringing started. He heard someone pick up the phone and groggily say, "Hello?" Brian immediately recognized it as Andy.

"Good morning," Brian cheerfully said.

"Brian, is that you?" Andy questioned.

"Yep, sure is. All the guys are in my room right now. We're just about to head out to the mall in a little while," before Brian could finish his sentence, Andy cut in, "Oh, I'm sorry, I overslept. I'll be right up in a few minutes. What room, what floor?" Andy desperately asked all of his questions at once.

"Top floor, penthouse suite 3," Brian answered in response to Andy's question.

"Okay, I'll be right up after I change, bye Brian," Andy finished.


Brian sat down on his bed and realized that he was still in his boxer shorts. He ran to one of his duffel bags and grabbed some clothes which he quickly threw on.

"Whats the rush to get dressed?" Howie asked.

"Andy will be up here in a few minutes, and I don't want to be parading around in my boxer shorts with him here," Brian responded.

"Why's that? Why would you care if a guy saw you in your boxers? " Howie questioned Brian, while Brian threw on a pair of pants. Before Brian could answer, he heard a knock at the door. He was saved from Howie's question that he didn't want to answer. Explaining to Howie that he wanted to look good in front of Andy would make Howie suspect his crush on Andy. Something that he didn't want to disclose to the rest of the guys just yet.

Brian got up, went to the door and opened it, hoping that he would see Andy on the other side. His wish came true, Andy stood before him, wearing a pair of blue jeans and an Adidas jacket covering his shirt because of the cold and rainy weather in Orlando.

"Hey Andy!" Brian over-excitedly said as he invited Andy into his room.

"Hi Brian," Andy replied, while softly yawning.

"Still tired?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, as soon as I got back to my room last night I fell asleep," Andy answered.

"You sure rushed up here fast," Howie commented. Andy shyly looked at his feet and whispered, "Uh huh."

"So what?" Brian said defensively to Howie.

"Nothing, just noticed it Brian, no reason to get upset," Howie said, wondering why Brian was being so defensive when it came to Andy. Andy sat down on the couch and Brian took the spot next to him.

"Did you eat anything for breakfast?" Brian asked Andy with a smile on his face.

"Actually, no I haven't," Andy told Brian shyly.

"Well we've got all this food here, please have some," Brian generously offered.

"I don't want to be any trouble Brian," Andy said, fidgeting with his hands.

Brian thought it was really cute the way that Andy was so modest and how he never wanted to inconvenience anyone.

"No, of course its no problem! Why let the food go to waste?" Brian got up and started to prepare a plate for Andy. After he put as much food as he could possibly fit on the plate, he brought it back over to Andy and handed it to him.

"Thank you," Andy said, smiling at Brian, revealing his pearly white teeth.

Andy ate his half of the food that was on his plate and said that he couldn't possibly eat anymore. Brian asked him if he was sure, and he assured Brian that he was. Brian wanted to make Andy feel 100% comfortable around him at all times. Brian patted Andy on the knee and said, "Shall we go to the mall now?"

"Yep, I'm ready, if you guys are," Andy said, looking at the rest of the group.

The small group walked through the hotel lobby and got into the limo that was waiting for them. Kevin instructed the driver to go to the biggest mall in Orlando. The driver did as Kevin said, and the journey began. When they got to the mall, Kevin told everyone to stay in the car for a moment.

"Andy, since you're new to this business let me explain something to you. If someone recognizes you, or us, take off and run! Don't stick around because it will only get worse. After a person recognizes you and starts attracting attention, more people will gather up trying to get an autograph or rip off a piece of your clothing for a souvenir. I know it sounds rude to take off on a fan like that, but its the only way to prevent getting mobbed. Just ask A.J., one time on our European tour A.J. got trampled by fans who were trying to get a piece of him." Kevin explained while pointing to A.J. as he did. A.J nodded his head, affirming that what Kevin had just said was in fact true. Andy looked at Kevin and nodded, signaling to Kevin that he understood. Brian knew that Kevin was being a little overdramatic about the fan thing, but didn't say anything because he respected he cousin's speech.

The group got out of the car and walked into the entrance of the mall.

"Hey, there are actually six of us this time, we can each take a partner," Howie suggested.

"Good idea, lets choose!" Nick said, obviously wanting to go with Howie.

"Let Andy choose first," Kevin said, trying to encourage him picking Brian. Andy looked at the rest of the boys, and then at Brian.

"Okay. I'll go with Brian if thats okay with him," Andy said, smiling at Brian. Brian was extremely flattered that Andy chose him.

"Sure," Brian responded happily.

Kevin smiled. He was glad that Brian and Andy we're going to get to know each other better because they were shopping partners.

"We'll I'm with Howie,' Nick quickly stated, Howie not disagreeing.

"Looks like were stuck with each other yet once again," Kevin jokingly told A.J. A.J. smiled at Kevin and nodded.

"Okay everyone, meet up in the food court at 5 o'clock," Kevin stated, looking at his wristwatch, noticing that it was around noon.

The guys departed briskly, leaving Brian and Andy standing at the door.

"So, where do you want to go?" Brian asked, wondering where Andy wanted to go.

"Um, well, would you like to go to a clothing store? What about that new clothing store, American Male?" Andy suggested.

"Sure, I'm cool with that," Brian responded. The pair started walking though the mall. As they walked near the water fountain Andy stopped.

"What is it?" Brian asked.

"Lets make a wish," Andy said, digging in his pocket to find some change. He pulled out two quarters.

"Here," Andy said as he handed one of the quarters to Brian, "think of a wish and throw the money into the fountain." "Okay," Brian said, accepting the quarter and smiling at Andy.

Brian thought quietly for a few seconds. He decided the thing that he wanted more than anything at that moment was to for Andy to like him the same way that he liked Andy. Brian wanted that to be his wish, and threw the coin into the sparkling blue fountain. Andy did the same and then smiled at Brian.

"What did you wish for?" Andy asked.

"It might not come true if I tell you, and I want it to come true more than anything in the world!" Brian told Andy.

"I hope my wish comes true too," Andy said as they walked away from the fountain, still smiling at Brian.

Brian and Andy soon got on the escalator, riding to the very top floor of the mall. Brian pointed at a store, signaling to Andy that it was American Male. They both casually strolled into the store and began to browse through the racks of clothing that were laid out before them. Brian's attention immediately went to the preppy clothing that American Male had. He really liked the blue Abercrombie and Fitch shirts that he saw. He wanted almost everything that he saw, but he finally decided on three shirts that he like the best. Andy found two shirts and a pair of shoes that he wanted.

"Well I found everything that I want. Did you find anything Brian?" Andy asked.

"Yep, these three shirts," Brian pointed to the shirts that he held in his arms.

"Ready to go?" Brian asked.

"Yep!" Andy answered Brian.

Andy and Brian walked over to the counter and handed their clothing to the clerk. Brian paid for his first with a credit card. Andy paid for his in cash. Brian and Andy left the store, deciding where to go next before the day was finished.

As they walked past a video store Andy stopped and looked at the display in the window.

"Do you see something you want?" Brian asked Andy.

"Yeah. Look! The movie "You've Got Mail" is in there. I've wanted to see it since it premiered, but I haven't had the time yet." Andy stared in the window while talking to Brian.

"Hey, I've got an idea, lets get the movie and then go back to the hotel and watch it!" Brian said, wanting to spend time alone with Andy.

"Are you sure? The guys don't mind if we leave, do they?" Andy asked, wanting to make sure that the others would approve of them going back to the hotel.

"We'll just have to find Kevin and tell him, then we're on our way. You go buy the movie and I'll go find Kevin. Be back in a few minutes."

"Sure!" Andy approved Brian's idea.

Brian walked away from the video store, trying to find Kevin so he could let him know that he was going back to the hotel with Andy. Brian didn't have to look very hard, he saw A.J. and Kevin outside of a men's clothing store. Brian walked up and said, "Hey guys."

"Hey Bri," Kevin held a bag from a store in his hands.

"Kevin, Andy and I are gonna catch a cab back to the hotel to watch a movie. I just wanted to let you know so you don't think we got kidnapped or anything," Brian told his cousin.

"Sure, you guys have fun!" Kevin waved to Brian. Brian walked back over to the video store to let Andy know that he had informed Kevin that they were going back to the hotel.

When A.J. heard that Brian was going back to the hotel with Andy, he began to get suspicious. Brian had been acting really depressed lately and ever since he and Andy became friends, Brian's attitude took a 360 degree turn. While A.J. couldn't' put his finger on it, he definitely sensed a change in Brian. He was glad to see that Brian was happy once again.

Brian and Andy were soon in a cab on their way back to the hotel. Brian asked Andy questions about his family, to which Andy answered truthfully and honestly. Brian wanted to know everything that he possibly could about Andy. Andy didn't seem to mind the questions that Brian asked. He enjoyed talking to Brian about whatever was on his mind.

When they arrived at the hotel, Brian jumped out of the cab first and grabbed the bags of clothing from Andy, allowing him to get out of the car. Brian carried the bags into the hotel while Andy followed. The two then got on the elevator to go up to Brian's room. When the elevator began its descent to the top of the building, Brian tightly shut his eyes, wanting to forget where he was. "You're really afraid of elevators, aren't you?" Andy asked Brian, sensing his fear.

"I know it sounds really stupid, but yeah, I am." Brian was embarrassed to admit his fears to Andy. He kept his eyes closed.

"Don't be. I don't like to be in the forest after dark because of all the Friday the 13th Movies that I've seen." Andy tried to make Brian feel at ease. Brian giggled and continued to squeeze his eyes shut. The elevator doors finally parted, allowing Brian to escape.

Brian opened his door and told Andy to put in the video. Andy immediately stuck the tape in the V.C.R. He got onto Brian's bed and grabbed a pillow, wedging it under his elbows while laying on his stomach. Brian walked back in the room and saw that Andy was already watching the movie. The movie began with Meg Ryan getting an e-mail message from Tom Hanks, about his dog Brinkley. Brian tried his best to follow along with the movie, but couldn't seem to keep his eyes on the screen. His quick glances at Andy soon became stares. He watched the eighteen year old boy intently. Andy was thoroughly enjoying every minute of the movie. When a comical part came on, Andy started laughing. It was the most unique and sweet laugh that Brian had ever heard. Everything about Andy made Brian quiver.

When the movie was over Brian sat up and asked Andy what he wanted to do. Andy thought for a moment, and then said that he wanted to play truth or dare, but first he had to go back to his room to get something. Brian sat on his bed and awaited Andy to return. When Andy finally returned he carried a small bottle of pills. Brian asked him what they were. Andy pointed at the bottle and said they were vitamins. Andy went to the sink and got a small glass of water. He put 2 pills in his mouth and then took a large gulp of water.

"Okay, now for truth or dare," Andy put the glass of water in the sink.

"Who should go first?" Brian asked.

"You. Truth or dare?" Andy said coyly.

"Um.......truth," Brian chose, not knowing what Andy was about to ask him.

"What did you wish for at the fountain today?" Andy asked almost immediately, grinning at Brian. Brian got very nervous, his face turned bright red.

"I think I'll take dare instead," Brian stuttered out, hoping that Andy would reconsider and quickly come up with a dare so he wouldn't have to answer the question about the fountain.

"Okay, I want you to..," Andy stopped himself, "I dare you to kiss me."

Brian was shocked. The boy that he was attracted to was asking him for a kiss. Brian wasn't sure what to do.

"Really?" Brian asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," Andy shyly answered back, looking at his hands.

Brian slowly leaned forward and put his lips on Andy's mouth. Brian felt Andy put his hands Brian's back, pulling him further into the kiss. Andy began to slide his tongue into Brian's mouth, surprising Brian. Brian let his lips part for Andy's tongue. Andy then released Brian's shoulder blades. Brian sat on the bed and stared directly into Andy's bluish-green eyes. "So you feel the same way I do," Brian asked Andy.

"I don't know how you feel, but I really like you," Andy looked down as he answered Brian in a shy manner.

Brian put his finger underneath Andy's chin and gently tilted his head up so that they were both looking into each other's eyes. Brian saw tears starting to roll down Andy's cheeks.

"Whats wrong Andy?"

"I feel so attracted to you, but I'm not sure if its right."

"What does your heart say?" Brian asked.

"My heart says that I really like you alot. I feel like I've known you longer than I actually have."

With that Brian pulled Andy into a hug. The two lay in Brian's bed quietly for several minutes. Brian stroked Andy's platinum blonde hair and rubbed Andy's back while Andy lay on top of Brian, whimpering and letting tears soak Brian's shirt. Brian couldn't believe how fast everything was moving. Andy moved his face up to Brian's mouth and started to kiss Brian once again. Brian returned the kiss, enthralled by the taste of Andy's lips. Brian's lips parted, letting Andy's tongue enter his mouth. This was the first time the two had ever shared this pleasure, and both were enjoying it immensely.

Andy moved his head down to Brian's neck and gently began to kiss it, running his tongue up and down the nape of his neck. He then moved his tongue to the side of Brian's head and started to insert his tongue in and out of Brian's ear, causing Brian to gently moan.

Brian let his hands slide up and down Andy's back, massaging the young flesh as Andy sucked on his neck. Brian gripped Andy's shirt, pulling it off over Andy's head. Brian put his hands on Andy's smooth chest, rubbing his fingers over the erect nipples as Andy sat up, grinding his pelvis into Brian's. Brian was fully erect by that time, and so was Andy. "This is great," Andy whispered as Brian unzipped Andy's jeans, revealing his checkered boxer shorts. Brian saw the tent in Andy's shorts as he grabbed the pole that was sticking straight out. Andy moaned as Brian's hand came into contact with his penis. "Play with it Brian, please," Andy begged as Brian massaged his penis though the thin material.

Brian moved his hands to the top of Andy's boxers and slowly slipped them down, revealing Andy's erection. Brian sat up and gently pushed Andy's body down onto the bed so that Andy was laying on his back. Brian stood up and pulled off his shirt, pants, and boxer shorts. The only thing he had on were his socks. He then got back onto the bed and pulled Andy's pants off fully. Brian moved up to Andy's face and started to kiss Andy once again. Brian felt the warmth that their two bodies generated. Their cocks rubbed together freely as the kiss deepened.

Brian scooted his head down to Andy's belly button and gently inserted his tongue , savoring the taste of his young lover. Brian gave three long kisses to Andy's six pack, his lips gently touching the young flesh. Andy moaned as Brian slid down even further to his cock. Brian put his hand around the large hard on and pulled it to his cheek, feeling its warmth on his face

Brian wasn't sure what to do next, he was a virgin and had never experienced this kind of physical love with another person. "Please," Andy moaned, while looking down at Brian's face. Brian smiled up at Andy and opened his mouth. He put the head of Andy's cock into his mouth and gently started to swirl his tongue around the head, causing Andy to jump a bit because the feeling was so intense. Andy ran his hands through Brian's hair as Brian pleasured him.

Brian took Andy's gentle stroking of his hair as a sign to go further. Brian slowly went down on Andy's shaft until he could feel the head touching the back of his throat, gagging him a bit. Brian kept a slow up and down motion while Andy passionately moaned. Brian's hands were firmly planted on Andy's hips as he sucked on Andy's cock.

"Ohhhh Brian," Andy exclaimed as the sucking continued. Andy felt his entire body shudder and knew that he would soon be cumming.

"Brian, I'm going to cum soon," Andy warned Brian of what was going to happen very soon. Brian continued, wanting to taste the young, eighteen year old's juices in his mouth.

Brian felt a warm gooey liquid in his mouth and realized that Andy had reached the breaking point. Andy's cock jerked as he shot several loads of hot white cum into the back of Brian's throat. Brian attempted to swallow most of the cum, but there was just too much of it. As Andy's dick quit shooting, Brian stuck out his tongue and began to lick the excess semen off of Andy's penis. Brian gently gave a kiss on the staff one last time, before moving up to Andy's face, kissing him gently on the cheek.

"Brian, that was the first time that I have ever done anything like that," Andy panted, attempting to recover from his orgasm.

"Me too," Brian said as he lovingly moved his hands up and down Andy's chest.

"Now let me return the favor," Andy said, pushing Brian off of him and onto his back. Andy grabbed Brian's penis and began to furiously jack him off. He hand went faster and faster on Brian's shaft.

Brian put his hands on Andy's shoulders and pushed him down to his crotch, to which Andy didn't resist. Andy leaned down and opened his mouth, letting Brian's cock slip in. Andy didn't hesitate, he began to go up and down immediately after Brian's cock was in his mouth. Brian began to buck his hips in rhythm with Andy's sucking as he fucked Andy's face. Andy withdrew Brian's cock from his mouth and began to gently caress and kiss Brian's legs. He moved up to Brian's pubes and began to run his tongue in the light brown hair of Brian's crotch. Andy returned his attention's to Brian's penis and put it in his mouth once again. Andy bobbed up and down as Brian moaned softly into the air of the hotel room.

Brian knew that he was close, but he had no idea how close he was. Before he knew it, he was blowing his load in Andy's mouth, splashing five big loads onto Andy's tongue. Andy made a soft moaning noise as he swallowed Brian's gift, letting the warm cum slide down his throat. "That was so good," was all Brian could say as he sat back, trying to slow down his heartbeat after getting so worked up.

Andy moved up to Brian's face and laid his head on Brian's chest. Brian stroked Andy's hair and kissed the top of his head ever so sweetly. Brian felt Andy shivering because the temperature of the room was slightly cold. Brian pulled the blanket over their bodies. They both quietly fell asleep as Brian cradled the young eighteen year old in his arms.

Brian woke up the next morning still in disbelief about what had happened the previous night. The only evidence he had was Andy snuggling next to him. Brian looked at the sleeping Andy, admiring his mussed blonde hair. Brian ran his hands through Andy's hair several times, very lightly, not wanting to wake Andy from his peaceful slumber.

Brian slowly slipped out of the bed, attempting not to move Andy, or wake him. The second that Brian got out of the bed Andy made a slight moaning sound, as if he knew Brian had left him. He took the blanket and covered Andy, making sure that he wouldn't get cold. Brian exited his room and walked down the hall to Kevin's room.

He lightly knocked on Kevin's door. Since it was so early in the morning he naturally assumed that Kevin and A.J. were not awake. He turned the knob, it was open so he walked in. Kevin and A.J. were still indeed asleep. Brian walked over to Kevin's bed and gently shook his cousin's shoulder while whispering, "Kevin, please wake up."

"Brian? What is it?" Kevin asked in his sleepy state.

"I need to talk to you, its really important."

"Okay, just give me a second to wake up. Go back to your room and I'll be in there in a minute," Kevin was adjusting to being awake.

"Thanks," Brian said before exiting Kevin's room and going back to his own.

Brian walked back into his room and saw that Andy was still soundly asleep. Brian walked over to a chair near the window and sat down. He popped a piece of gum in his mouth and began to chew furiously. Kevin walked into the room and was surprised by what he saw. His attention was focused on the young boy that was sleeping in Brian's bed.

"I assume this is why you wanted to talk to me?" Kevin said in a calm tone while pointing at Andy.


"So, what happened between you guys last night, not that I can't figure it out for myself...." Kevin asked, smiling at Brian.

"Kevin, I'm really worried. What am I going to do when Andy wakes up?" Brian begged his cousin for advice.

"What do you mean, 'what are you going to do'?"Kevin questioned.

"After what happened last night I don't know what to do. Its so confusing. I can't believe that we made love," Brian said, putting his head in his hands.

"There is just one question that you have to ask yourself. Brian, what was your reason for doing this??"

"I like Andy very much. He makes me feel special." Brian said sincerely.

"Well there you have it Brian. Thats all you need to know. When Andy wakes up talk with him, ask him how he feels about you. Hopefully you will both feel the same way." Kevin dispensed his advice.

"Thanks Kevin."

"No problem Bri. Instead of coming into your room this morning we'll meet up for breakfast in mine, I'll let Howie, Nick and A.J. know that you won't be there, I'll tell them that you aren't feeling too well or something." Kevin told Brian so that the guys wouldn't find out about Andy and Brian's relationship.

"Okay, thanks Kevin." Brian informed Kevin.

"Sure. See you later Brian, and good luck" Kevin said, while exiting Brian's room.

"Bye," Brian responded.

Brian crawled back into bed with Andy and tried to go to sleep, but with no success. Brian stared at Andy, watching him sleep. He had a slight smile on his face, which made Brian wonder what he was dreaming about.

Andy rolled over onto his back and suddenly opened his eyes slightly. He looked at Brian and realized where he was.

"Good Morning," Brian said, smiling at Andy.

"Um, good morning Brian," Andy said nervously, recollecting the events of the previous night.

"Sleep good?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I slept great. I think I forgot where I was," Andy answered sincerely.

Andy suddenly made a twisted face and grabbed his chest in in pain, curling his body into a tight ball.

"Owwww, Oh shit!" Andy moaned as he held his midsection.

"Whats wrong??" Brian asked as he moved over to help Andy.

"Please, just get my pills," Andy asked Brian in a raspy voice, attempting to gasp for breath.

Brian immediately jumped up and ran over to the counter, grabbing the bottle of pills that Andy had brought with him the previous night. Brian opened the bottle and handed it to Andy. Andy quickly pulled out two pills and popped them into his mouth.

"Do you need any water?" Brian asked Andy in a worried tone. Andy shook his head no and swallowed the pills. Brian watched as Andy tried to catch his breath. Andy eased himself and lay silent for about 10 minutes.

"Are you okay?" Brian finally asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," Andy answered, glancing up at Brian, while still clenching his stomach.

"What happened?" Brian asked, concerned about Andy.

"Brian, I really care about you, but before we go any further, I have to know if you feel the same way about me as I feel for you," Andy said, deflecting Brian's question.

"You are special. I know something is happening between us because never in my life have I had had these feelings for another person. I know this is right. Yes, I do feel the same way about you," Brian answered sincerely, letting Andy know how he felt.

"I feel the exact same way," Andy paused, "Brian I'm going to tell you whats wrong with me so that you know what you are getting into. I am very sick, I've been sick for awhile now, about three years. Its a very rare disease and there aren't many treatments for it. The pills that I have been taking aren't vitamins, there pills to help me feel relaxed and pain free, kind of like a sedative, but with no drowsy side- effects. I need to take them everyday or I will get extremely sick. The pain that comes when I don't take them is unbearable."

Brian sat intrigued, hanging onto Andy's every word. Brian didn't know what to say. a look of shock enveloped his face.

"Remember the other day when I ran into you in the elevator?" Andy asked.

Brian nodded.

"And do you remember the folder that I was carrying with the papers?"

Brian nodded once again.

"Well, my doctor had just delivered them the hotel for me to look at. It was a report on a new experimental surgery that can be done to alleviate the pain and get rid of the disease itself. I was eager to get back to my room and look over it. My doctor wanted me make up my mind whether or not to operate. That is the real reason I'm here in Orlando, to check into the procedure and possibly have it done because the doctors who perform it are located here. The operation is extremely painful and debilitating, the immediate side effects are drastic, but in the long run it will ultimately rid me of the illness and put a stop to the excruciating pain." Andy said calmly, revealing to Brian everything concerning his illness.

Surprisingly enough Andy was the unnervouse one of the two. Even though his life was falling apart because of an unfortunate illness, he was calm and collected. After Andy had disclosed to Brian about his illness, Brian immediately began hysterically crying. Andy pulled Brian's head to his chest and started to gently run his hands through Brian's soft hair and make a gently 'shhh' sound with his lips. Brian continued to cry, only his sobs became more and more quiet until he was altogether silent. He lay on Andy's chest, thinking of the terrible things that were happening to Andy's body and what Andy had to go through everyday just to feel normal. He didn't want to lose Andy, though Brian had only known him for a few days, he knew deep in his soul that he truly loved Andy Moeller.

Andy continued to lovingly stroke Brian's hair until Brian spoke.

"So are you going to have the surgery?" Brian sniffled out, still being cradled in Andy's arms.

"I think so, I've reviewed the procedure and I think it would definitely be worth it, so does my doctor. It has an 85% success rate. It will be extremely painful, but I think I can handle it. The operation would get rid of my disease forever," Andy explained.

"I wish you weren't sick," Brian said innocently to Andy, as if he were a child worrying about his mother.

"Thank you, I wish that too, but its just not what god had planned" Andy said, appreciating Brian's concern for him.

"Do you think god intended for us to be together?" Brian asked a theological question.

"Brian, I don't know what god's plan is for any of us, but I hope he did plan for us to be together, it just feels right somehow, I don't know how to explain, just does."

"You don't have to explain it Andy, because I know exactly how you feel," Brian told Andy, snuggling his body next to Andy's warm chest.

Brian stayed firmly in Andy's arms, worrying about Andy and how he was going to tell Howie, A.J. and Nick about his relationship. Brian admired Andy's calm because he couldn't seem to achieve the same level of confidence that Andy had about the problems that the two were facing. Brian had no idea where to begin to discover solutions to his difficulties.....

Well....that was chapter one! As I said in the starting, I worked very hard on this story, and I would truly appreciate anything you have to say about my story. Feel free to speak your mind :-)

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Take care!

Next: Chapter 2

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