Be Careful what you wish for..." : TG - magic/science fiction

By Sukey Cox

Published on Feb 5, 2008



Be Careful What you wish for. . . by sukey cox (

Silence grew as the echoes of my scream died down; even the bloody scream had been feminine! I stood staring at the bathroom mirror, eyes wide, mout h hanging open. A stark naked drop-dead young blonde woman stared back at me. She was fucking incredible, she was big breasted, she was flat tummied, she was perfectly shaped. . .and she was me . . .

I glanced down, not really knowing if I expected to see anything different. Perhaps it was a hallucination, and I'd see my usual naked male self, including slightly overweight belly. But I couldn't see my belly, my tits were in the way. Oh my God. . . my TITS were in the way?! Experimentally I reached up and felt them - firm and full. I watched myself in the mirror as I stroked them, teasing the nipples out. Without doubt, that should give me a massive hardon, but. . . of course! Oh Fuck! My hands instantly shot down between my legs. The sight of caressing my breasts had made me horny, but instead of my hard cock, my fingers felt my new pussy - warm and ready. It was even neatly trimmed! Oh god, this was too much to take. I grabbed my dressing gown and quickly covered up. What the fuck had happened to me? What the hell was I going to do? I could hardly go to work! And what about my bank account, or credit cards? No one was going to believe this very obvious woman was Will Holmes! Oh shit. I sat down on the couch and thought hard. This had to be a terrible nightmare; I'd wake up soon and it would all be o.k. . . There was no way I'd just turned into a fucking woman overnight. O.k. calm down, deep breaths I thought. Who can I speak to that I can trust? Only one name sprang to mind, my best friend Mike. I found my mobile, and texted him to come over, urgently. I wasn't sure what he'd make of it, but at least I knew I could trust him to keep him mouth shut. And not freak out. . . which was pretty damn important at the moment! While I was waiting for him, I was going to get a strong coffee, avoid any mirrors, and convince myself than all Mike was going to see was the usual me acting a little strange.

And I was half way there, and on my third coffee when the doorbell finally went. I was going to explain the situation through the door first, but it seemed rather pointless since I'd already trying talking, and I sounded like a gorgeous blonde too. . . I just pulled the dressing gown extra tight and answered the door. I had expected a slightly different response to be honest. . . Mike just smiled and walked straight past me.

"Hey, Will, you dog!" he called as he headed into my hall. I turned and followed him, shaking my head a little.

"Will, you old bastard - you fucking show off!" I caught up with Mike in my kitchen, still lost for words. He turned to face me, still grinning from ear to ear. "Hi Becky," he said, "Where's Will hiding?". Becky? Who the fuck was Becky? Mike went on, "I can't believe you fell for that sly gits charms - and even worse he tells me to come over, just so he can boast that he. . .well. . .you know! " Mike laughed. After a few seconds of no response, he asked for me, or rather Will, again. All I could say was "Who. . .who's Becky? You know who I am?!" "Of course I know who you are, you've been playing tennis with my wife for over 6 months now - whatever Jen says, I'm not that self-absorbed!"

"But. . .Mike, it's me. . . Will. . . "

"Will?" Mike's eyes opened wide. I nodded. Mike laughed again, a little more uncertainly. "It's me, Will", I said, "I just. . .woke up, like this. . .like .. . .Becky?"

"No fucking way. . ." Mike shook his head, "Stop it Becky, it's not funny. . ."

"Seriously! Look, Mike. . . erm . . .", I thought hard, "Ah! Who else would know this? Your PIN is the date you lost your virginity, aged 18, although you claim it was 15. Last summer you told Jen we were going fishing but actually we went to that strip club and you got so drunk you tried to tip the dancer with a Visa card. . . erm. . . you fancy the pants off your wife's tennis partner but you daren't sa. . ." oh fuck, that was me wasn't it?! Sort of. . . Without thinking, I pulled the dressing gown a little tighter. Mike just dropped onto my couch and sat there stunned. For a few moments he said nothing, then he looked straight up at me and said "I can't believe it fucking worked. . ."

I sighed and began pacing around the kitchen again. "So let me get this straight. . . you are to blame for all this?"

"Maybe, look, I don't know, o.k.? I said it would be cool, but. . .I mean. . .fucking hell. . . seriously?!"

I slumped back onto the chair, and rubbed my eyes again. It would have been so stupid, but he couldn't have dreamt it would work. Stupid, stupid

horny bastard. . . As if. . .I sunk my head to the table. O.k. well, first things first, I had to find out more about Becky, and what, if anything,

had happened to her. My god, had she woken up like me?! What if she was going through the same thing in reverse, and shocked though I was, she definately got the raw end of the deal. . .

And what if she did something silly, or panicked? What if she got crazy and ran out into traffic or took an overdose, what would that mean to me?! Shit, I had to find out, now! I jumped to my feet.

"Mike, did this mystic say anything about what would happen to her?!" Mike shook his head, "I didn't really take it all that seriously Will! I just paid her the money for the fortune-telling and wish! I didn't REALLY expect to find out that you really HAD her body! I just thought it would be so cool if the up-tight bitch was more up for the whole threesome idea like I know you would be!" Stupid twat, I thought to myself.

"Mike, where does Becky live!? We have to find out what's happened to her!" Mike looked up, fear growing across his face. "I. . . don't know, she always picks Jen up from our house. Maybe Jen'll know, or have an address?"

"O.k. Let's go". I got to the door before I remembered I was still in a dressing gown, and had no clothes at all. Mike must have read my mind;

"I've got a present for Jen in the car, I'll go get it." Ten minutes of struggling later, I was dressed, of sorts. Despite Mike's request to help, I'd dressed myself, alone. Becky was a cup size or two larger than Jen, and maybe a dress size smaller. I doubt that even if it had fitted perfectly it would have been comfortable; the present for Jen was really for Mike. The black basque, knickers and stockings were kinky enough, without the excess breasts being pushed out the top. It was only just a step up from being naked, and I wrapped myself in my long coat before venturing out of the room. Given the cause of the whole problem, I could see Mike was pretty disappointed. . . fuck him, it wasn't his body to be oggled. Damn it, I was already starting to think of it as "my" body!

It only took a few minutes to drive to Mike's, and we started search their bedroom for Jen's address book. I was so engrossed in the search, I almost wet myself when I heard Jen herself behind me. . . "Hi! I didn't see the car so I thought you weren't here yet!" I span round, only just grabbing the flaps of my coat in time. "Erm . . . " It seems Jen had got past Mike too, because he came running into the bedroom, stopping suddenly at the door. "Hi. . .erm. . . Becky just popped over to. . ." he faltered. I picked it up ". . . find my bracelet. " Shit, I hoped Becky wore bracelets! "I thought I might have left it here." Jen smiled. "Your special bracelet. . .?" Thank god, she did wear them! "Yes!" I replied, thankfully. "That bracelet." Jen laughed, "It's in the car already, let's go, we can take mine for once."

I tried to protest, but before I knew it, I was in Jen's Clio and onto the main road. I explained I'd forgotten my tennis stuff, but Jen just laughed again. "Tennis stuff. . .yes. . .what is up with you today?" I'd always liked Jen's giggle, and she was a very attractive redhead, but at the moment I had other things on my mind, for obvious reasons. I didn't say much the rest of the journey, and it wasn't long before we arrived at the country club.

It was extremely posh, and I was distracted for a second wondering how Mike could afford the membership! I didn't have any choice but to follow Jen in; I could hardly make a run for it in an area I knew nothing about. This was a hell of a fucking bind - I was trapped in a woman's body, miles from anywhere, with no fucking idea how it had happened and when, or even God forbid, if, it was going to stop. I was wearing tarty ligerie, had body parts I'd never had before and lost some I was quite fond of, had developed a sexy arse-swinging walk without thinking about it, and to top it all off had no bloody idea how to play tennis or anything to play it in! It was all I could do to keep sane as we approached the reception desk, desperately trying to think of ways to get out of this. There was a cute blonde behind the desk, who smiled broadly at Jen. "The usual, please" Jen said sweetly; the receptionist winked back. "Certainly, doubles or mixed doubles?"

"Doubles. . .then mixed!" and they both laughed - a little too much for me. I followed Jen as she headed toward the stairs, and up to the first floor of the attached hotel. We walked along a corridor of hotel rooms, and Without looking, she reached into her handback, pulled out a key and let herself into one of the rooms. Never having been here before, I had no knowledge of whether this was usual or not; perhaps you always got changed in a guest room? I followed her in, by which time she was already in the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the bed. What was I going to say when she came out? How could I convince her to just take me home. . . and then come to think of it, how was I going to get in to my "new" home? I stood up and began pacing around the room - I tend to pace when I'm nervous. Not looking where I was going, I stubbed my toe on the cabinet and my desperate plan revealed itself - an injury. Tennis elbow was too cliched, but I could easily pretend to twist my ankle. I was just thinking it through when I heard the bathroom door open behind me. Still not completely finished with my plan, I just had to put it in to action. Here goes, I thought, turning round. . .

Jen smiled as she walked toward me, her ample breasts bouncing slightly. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't imagined her naked on more than one occasion, but the real thing was even better. "You've not changed. . . " she said, putting her hands under the collar of my coat. I could only manage a brief "erm. . ." before she'd pushed it off my shoulders, revealing my full whore outfit beneath. "Oooh. . . lovely. . ." Jen said as her hands cupped my neck and she kissed me firmly, her tongue probing into my mouth. Completely involuntarily, I was aware of my nipples hardening as I felt her breasts pressing into mine. Almost without thinking, I started to return the kiss. Jen's hands worked their down to the top of my basque, and with a sharp pull down, my tightly squeezed tits popped out. I felt almost helpless to resist as she kissed down my neck and began licking and teasing my new chest. As she kissed, she pushed me gently back to the bed so I leant over, lying on the bed with my legs over the edge. The pleasure sweeping through my body was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I was used to having one centre of sexual excitement, but everywhere was alight now. And it intensified as Jen swept her hands down my torso, and hooked her fingers round my knickers. With a single sweep down my legs, she took the underwear off. Her lips moved down my body, as did her hands, softly stroking and caressing. With a firm push on my knees, she separated my legs.

I couldn't stop myself moaning with pleasure as she kissed her way up my thighs, and I heard her whisper "Shall I serve?" just before her tongue began probing my cunt. Oh my God! That was amazing. . . I grasped the duvet and barely suppressed my screams as she explored my pussy and clit. I never dreamt that oral sex was so incredible for women! My back arched into the bed as she brought me closer and closer to climax, the ecstacy just built up and up without end. I wrapped my legs around her back, and automatically began pulsing my hips up and down. Jen pushed them back flat onto the bed. Oh God. . . I wasn't sure how much more I could take. . . and just when I thought I was about to explode, I felt Jen's hand gently squeezing on my breast. Fucking hell. . . as a man I would have cum long before this, but the sensation just kept building. It was no surprise I screamed out in anguish as Jen stopped licking and kissing. She had slipped her head out from between my thighs, and walked around the bed. "Just as well I had your 'bracelet'" she said, pulling a set of handcuffs out from her bag. I couldn't resist kissing and sucking her nipples as she leant over me; securing my wrists behind the headboard. Ever since Mike had first introduced me to Jen, I'd fantasised about gets her tits in my mouth - but never like this! My tongue flicked and teased unlike I'd never done before; it was impossible to explain, but it entirely different to how I'd treated breasts as a man. And Jen was making noises I'd never been responsible for before either. . . but it was nothing compared to the response when I started licking her pussy. She knelt over my face, leaning back slightly so she could stroke my cunt as I worked. She was a natural redhead, but was almost completely shaven. I'd give oral sex before; this time I had something to copy. . . and the more passion I put into pleasing her, the more she put into stroking me. It was hard not being able to move my hands, I desperately wanted to touch her.

After a minute or two, Jen moved and lay onto of me, her face buried between my legs again in the classic 69 position. I was so distracted, I didn't notice the three men enter until Jen lifted her head and said "Hello boys.. . ."

Instinctively I tried to pull my arms over my body, but of course they were still handcuffed behind the bed. As Jen climbed off me, I'd never felt so exposed in all my life. I guess I had started to get protective of this body, even if it wasn't mine! I twisted my head to the side, trying to look at the guys. It was hard to see, but one was in his mid-forties, and looked like a management type, the other two looked a lot younger and more junior; in fact one of them must have been eighteen at most, and was nearly as nervous at the sight of me as I was at him! The older guy came over to Jen, and gently pushed down on her shoulders until she was kneeling at his feet. As he unzipped his flies, he made a joke about it being time for some mixed doubles. . .

"Come on chaps. . . " he said, as his cock disappeared into Jen's mouth, "there's a spare on the bed!"

The slighty older of the other men wasted no time in getting onto the bed, and presenting his dick to me. He gropped at mt tits as his cock bounced less than an inch from my face. In my younger days, I had been curious, so I'd sucked cocks before - I'd decided it wasn't for me. However, things were a little different now, and it wasn't long before my hopeful friend became a little more forceful. He held my head, and pushed his cockhead into my lips. I opened my mouth, and he pushed himself deep into my face, moaning. All I could do was suck as he began fucking my mouth roughly. He straddled my neck, and began pounding hard, ingoring my choking. My muscles ached as I instictively tried to push him away but was completely unable. It was blessed relief when he finally climbed off.

"Give the lad a shot!" the manager was saying, still being blown by Jen "Don't hog the whore all to yourself!" I gasped for breath, waiting for my boobs to stop hurting too. The young lad still looked terrified, but the massive bulge in his trousers was obvious. He stared open mouthed at my chest, subconsiously stroking his crotch. He was being laughed at; "Perk of the job, mate, get stuck in! We lend them the room to use for their pleasure, provided we get to use them for our pleasure!"

It took him a while to overcome his fear, but eventually he climbed onto the bed and unzipped his flies at my face. His dick was enormous! He must have been at least 10 inches long, with an impressive girth. With almost gentle precision, he directed his cock into my mouth. . .He was much more gentle than the first guy, and I almost enjoyed giving him the blow of his life. . .

Ten minutes later I was twisted over, lying face down on top of the boss, with my arms crossed above my head. The sensation of his cock sliding in and out of my brand new pussy was amazingly pleasurable. It was weird to feel a piece of body that I'd never felt before, and he was using his whole length to fuck me. I'd never say that size doesn't matter again! But just when I was almost enjoying it. . . I felt the young lad climb on top of me. I jumped as his cold lubricated finger slid up my ass. A few seconds later, a second followed, and before I knew it, his cock. . .I screamed as red hot pain shot through my asshole. He grabbed my shoulders and used my own body to force his full length up my ass. The pain was intense as the pair of them fucked my holes in rhythm. The lad was lying hard on me, breathing on my neck and grasping my tits. His boss insisted on licking my face, nibbling at my ears as well. Gradually I got more used to the agony of having my ass ripped into, but it wasn't long before I felt the dick spasm inside me.

As his cock slurped out of my gaping hole, the still warm cum ran out too. To my horror I saw the lads cock, fresh from cumming out my arse and still glistening, appearing right in front of my face. "Oh. . .no wa. . . !" I started, but opening my mouth to talk had been a mistake. With both hands on my head, he rammed home. A few more squirts shot into my mouth, and after a few deep thrusts he was spent.

I gagged a bit on the cum, and the thought of where his cock had been a few moments ago, but I didn't have long to recover. Right next to me, the remaining guy was cumming inside Jen's cunt. He groaned and wriggled as fired his load, panting heavily. Both men slid out at the same time, and I was pretty powerless to stop them as they turned me over face up again, with the older guy still beneath me - the only one who hadn't cum yet. While they were turning me, Jen had got to her knees and straddled my face. I could see the sticky white cum between her legs as she lowered her pussy onto my mouth. Her damp cunt touched my lips just as I felt a new cock force into my jizz-lubricated asshole.

Two firm hands played with my tits as I licked the semen out of Jen's twat. The manager was moaning and groaning in my ear as he told me what a lovely asshole I had. . . what firm tits and eager tongue. My face was getting sticky and damp as it rubbed between Jen's thighs, but she was almost screaming as I probed deep inside her. She was bouncing up and down, her breasts swaying and jumping as the two other guys wanked their rapidly re-hardening members. It was hardly surprising all the guys were getting aroused again. . . they were watching a stunning blonde in a basque and stocking getting her asshole firmly reemed while licking their jizz out of another amazing woman's cunt who boobs were bouncing around right in front of them . . . what I wasn't so keen on was that they were getting closer and closer to my face.

It was much longer before I felt the dick pop out of my ass and was roughly shaken around as the guy climbed out from beneath me. I bounced slightly on the bed as he clambered over to my head also. Pushing Jen gently out of the way, he rested his cock head on my lips and with a couple of quick strokes, shot his entire massive cum load into my mouth. I choked and gagged, but still felt two more less powerful cumshots landing across my face and tits from the other two guys. I was powerless to stop him as he squeezed the last of him sesem into my mouth, having no choice but to swallow or choke. . . By the time I had regained my senses, the three men were already getting dressed again. And they just left me, tied to the bed covered in their juice, cunt and asshole gaping. . .

"Wasn't that fun?" Jen asked as she started licking the cum off my breasts and face. Only once I was thoroughly clean did she stop, and reaching into her bag, pulled out an almost unbelievable large vibrator. I closed my eyes and tossed my head back as simultaneously the buzzing toy penetrated my vagina and Jen's tongue touched my clit. . .

Part 1 - Copyright sukey Cox E-mail:

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