Be Careful What You Wish for Series

By Mike Phillies

Published on Dec 21, 2014



He led me to the middle of the room and used the reins to tether me to a stout pole that supported an overhead beam. He addressed me in a stern tone. "Be quiet and stay put, slave. I'll be back in a moment. Take a look at your surroundings." He went back upstairs. It took my eyes a moment to adjust to my new environment. The basement was cool and dimly lit.

I got a quick visual lesson about what comprised a dominant's dungeon. In one corner of the room next to the stairs stood a simple metal-frame bed and night stand adjacent to a cubicle that I later learned contained a small stall shower, a toilet, a sink, and essential toiletries. One wall of the room featured an array of restraints hung from hooks: Numerous sets of handcuffs, shackles, and coils of rope. A second wall was decorated with a variety of medieval-looking implements that I took to be gags and muzzles to silence the mouths of submissives; by appearances, cruelly, if need be. The third wall housed paddles, whips, and other spanking and punishment tools. Three large wooden X-framed crosses were mounted on the fourth wall, each with shackles obviously intended for wrists and ankles. The middle of the room featured two spanking stations: An antique-looking pillory with openings for a captive's wrists and neck and a padded spanking bench.

I stood perfectly still in enforced silence and wondered about the predicament I had gotten myself into. It was then that I realized the appropriateness of his mocking comment: "Be careful what you wish for." But my submissive desires again betrayed my better judgment; even though I was frightened about what lay ahead, there was no concealing the full erection my cock had once again developed.

He returned with several bottles of water. He loosened the reins attaching me to the pole and turned me around. I was greatly relieved as the handcuffs were removed from my wrists and the ball gag was unbuckled, freeing my mouth and relieving my aching jaw.

"Turn around." I obeyed and instinctively assumed the inspection position without needing to be prompted. This sign of subservience obviously pleased him; he smiled almost benignly and nodded his approval. I was handed a bottle of water and was told to drink it. I did not realize how parched I had become from wearing the gag and quickly drained the bottle before handing it to back to him and resuming the expected posture.

He looked at the erection tenting my boxers and smiled. "It seems that your boy-cock is sending me a loud and clear message. A boy's naughty mouth can lie, but his naughty boy-cock never does. Shall I get to work on my captive college boy?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered. I was his; there was no use denying it.

"Will anyone at home miss you tonight?"

"No, Master," I replied.

"Good boy. Here's what I have in mind for you. I am going to paddle your ass and discipline and tame that naughty boy-cock of yours. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. I by now was realizing that the edging and milking of my cock was something I really needed and wanted and was eager to experience.

"Very well. I will then complete the process of dominating you by teaching my boy how to orally service his Master. If you are an eager and obedient slave, I will then bed you down for the night and send you home in the morning a much more disciplined and respectful boy. Understood?"

I was mortified by the thought of taking him in my mouth; oral service was something that had been taken off the agenda when I agreed to report to him. "But Sir?We had agreed?"

He cut off my protests by slapping my face, abruptly and hard. "Shut the fuck up. You have tried to top me from the bottom for the last time, college boy. We do this my way, or you leave now. I will keep your clothing as punishment and you will have to drive home naked, but that will be the end of it. Or you drive home tomorrow morning greatly satisfied and a better person for your time spent under my control. The choice is yours."

I pondered a long moment. There was no one home; leaving my clothing behind was an inconvenience that would only become an issue if my car was pulled over, so his threat was not much of a threat at all?

And?I truly wanted him to dominate me. I was falling victim to my secret desire to be dominated by a stern, controlling, older man. He had been right all along: "You cannot deny what you are and wish to be?I know what you want and need." I was trapped, and we both knew it.

I looked down at my rock-hard cock, so desperate for release, just as my pent-up desires desperately needed to be liberated and satisfied?They were different from anyone else's that I knew, but I could not help that?

It was like he was reading my mind: "I know, boy. I deal with a lot of boys like you. Why do you think I run that ad? Because no one ever answers it?"

My voice was a muted whisper. "I know why, Sir. Because boys like me want what you do and need it."

"Yes, slave." He was smiling again. "Now, decide. As I said, the choice is yours."

Once again, I succumbed to my repressed desires and my rigid cock. I swallowed hard and said it. "Yes, Master. I am your boy for the night."

"And you need and deserve what I am going to do to you?"

I looked down in shame, almost overwhelmed with humiliation?and desire.

"Yes, Master," I whispered.

He put his hand on my cheeks, raised my head, and puckered my mouth. He looked me in the eye, nodded, and playfully tousled my black wavy hair with his other hand. "Good boy. I know you must do it. That's why you are here. I will get to work now."

"Yes, Sir," I slurred.

He released my mouth and snapped his fingers and I assumed the pose. He looked down and once again snapped the waistband of my boxers against my skin. "Time for me to take care of these foolish things once and for all. What were you instructed to have on underneath?"

"Briefs, Master."

"Do these underpants meet the standard?"

"No, Master."

"Then strip 'em off, and hand 'em over. I have use for them. The socks also."

I quickly complied and got back into position. For the first time my body was fully naked before my captor and my erect cock was in full view, twitching and pulsing slightly as it saluted him.

He held the discarded boxers in his hands and began compressing them into a ball. "You disobeyed my orders, and you have admitted it. I want my slaves in modest, boyish briefs, and you were too proud to comply. So, since you wanted to wear these boxers so much, I will allow you to wear them, but as I choose and in a way that will humiliate and humble you. Open wide."

I dreaded what he was about to do to me, but had no choice; after all, I had agreed to stay. I opened up as wide as I could.

He worked hard and I grunted involuntarily as he stuffed my mouth with my underpants, packing me so full so that by the time he had finished only the elastic waistband - still proudly proclaiming the AE brand - protruded from my lips. I blushed with embarrassment - yes, being gagged with one's own underpants is supremely humiliating - and he laughed out loud at my discomfort.

He finished off the gag by taking a length of narrow rope, centering it directly over the fabric in and outside my mouth, looping it twice around my head, and tying it tighty behind my neck. I would not be making a sound, with my mouth packed full and secured like that?

He proudly surveyed his handiwork and smiled and winked at me. "Next time, wear the briefs as instructed, college boy."

I nodded glumly. "Now, let's get you good and spanked." He pointed to the pillory. "Get over there, slave."

I quickly scampered to my station. He unlatched the top plank and raised it. "Wrists and neck. You are a college boy and are educated; you can see where they go. Put them in place."

I bent over at the waist to get into position, and the top plank was brought back down and latched, imprisoning my head and wrists and putting my ass in an exposed and vulnerable posture. He went behind me and used a spreader bar and shackles to position my feet about 12 inches apart and keep my lower body immobilized.

I watched as he went to the wall displaying the spanking implements. He took his time making his selection, picking out several items and slapping them into his palm and then putting them back in place, allowing the anticipation and fear in me to build. My eyes went wide when he settled upon a large polished wooden paddle and approached me with it.

"When we were upstairs I belted your sorry ass over your underwear. This time, let's try a harder surface on a bared ass to make a more lasting impression." He stood beside my rear end and continued to build the anticipation for my impending spanking by gently massaging the now-quivering skin of my buttocks in a slow circular motion with the smooth, cool wooden surface of the paddle. "Once I begin paddling my naughty college boy, I want to hear him count the strokes through the gag stuffing his insolent mouth. Work real hard at that, slave, and there will be fewer blows for you to endure."

He withdrew the paddle, and I held my breath. He reached down and grasped my erect shaft, causing me to gasp inaudibly as my cock twitched and throbbed in his hand. I closed my eyes and steadied myself?

The first blow really stung and sounded like a gunshot; I winced in pain and counter out "One" as best I could through my gag. Each successive blow increased the sting and I was close to both crying and ejaculating when he stopped after I had counted twenty.

He returned the paddle as I slumped and went limp in the pillory. The spreader bar was removed from my ankles and the plank unlatched and raised. He grabbed a fistful of my mop of hair and forcibly stood me up. Despite the lingering burning in my cheeks and the tears in the corners of my eyes, I knew to immediately assume the inspection posture.

"Good boy. Learning fast." He nodded his approval. "The slave's spanking is complete, and he endured it well. Let me attend to my slave for a moment." He turned me around and untied the cord at the back of my neck and removed it. He then turned me back around to face him. I suddenly realized how much my jaws ached from having been forced wide open by the fabric stuffing my mouth. He took hold of the spit-soaked underwear and slowly pulled them out. Relieved, I whispered, "Thank you, Sir." He quieted me by putting a finger to my lips.

"Be silent, college boy." I nodded. He produced a bottle of water and put it to my lips. I was parched and eagerly drained the bottle.

"Are you going to remain quiet for me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied softly.

He smiled at me and again playfully tousled my hair. "I know you are, college boy," he said with a wink. He gripped my right ear between two of his fingers and led me to the station where the array of gags and muzzles was displayed. I did not want to watch and lowered my head as he began sorting through his inventory.

"Head up," I was instructed. I obeyed and saw that he had selected a device featuring a leather strap and a harsh-looking metal bit.

"Please, Sir." I looked at the gag and swallowed hard. The bit was wedge-shaped and large and would be very unforgiving. I spoke as softly as I could. "I don't need that. I promise to be quiet."

"Enough talking. I have these tools for a reason. Naughty mouths like yours require the discipline of a gag. Hands to the side, and open up." His voice was stern and forceful. I closed my eyes and obeyed. The cold metal bit was inserted in my mouth and the gag was expertly secured by cinching the strap tightly behind my head and buckling it into place.

"Look at me." I opened my eyes. He took notice of my discomfort and nodded and smirked. I watched in silence as he reached down and took firm hold of my semi-rigid cock. I felt my shaft immediately come to attention and pulse and throb in his hand.

"Now that your mouth has been disciplined, let's attend to this naughty boy-cock of yours and discipline and tame it and put it in its proper place." Using my now-erect shaft as a leash, he marched me to one of the wooden X-frames and positioned me against it.

My wrists and ankles were secured by shackles and he used a leather strap tightly cinched around my waist to lock me in place. I was now gagged and spread-eagled on the wooden frame and completely immobilized with my erection jutting straight ahead.

My eyes went wide as he produced latex gloves and a tube of lubricant. He had a cruel smile on his face as a gloved and lubed hand took gentle hold of my twitching shaft. It jerked spasmodically in his hand and I began to squirm.

He winked at me. He set an alarm on his watch. "Thirty minutes of edging for your naughty boy-cock, and then I milk you down."

The next thirty minutes were agonizing. He expertly stroked and manipulated and fingered my slippery shaft, causing it to jerk and throb and twitch. When my muffled pleas and pulsing cock and writhing body signaled that I was ready to burst and climax, he would remove his hand and slap my prick and pinch my nipples and then resume tormenting my cock. I alternated between desperately hoping the thirty minutes would elapse and wishing that the time would never pass.

The timer finally went off on his watch and he stroked me hard past the point of no return. I was dripping sweat and my entire body convulsed and shuddered as I erupted and broke and splattered into his gloved hand.

Completely spent, I went limp and slumped against my bonds. He removed my restraints and I dropped to my knees in exhaustion before him, positioning me exactly as he wanted to complete his domination of his captive. He unbuckled the gag and removed the bit from my mouth. "Clean it up, boy," he ordered, as he forced me to lick my still-warm ejaculate from his gloved hand.

He worked fast and unbuckled his jeans and lowered them and his briefs. A large, erect cock sprang free in front of my face. I had been completely subdued; his ownership and domination of my cock and control of my orgasm ensured that I would be docile and compliant. I offered no resistance as he puckered my lips, opening my mouth. He slid his shaft in, grabbed a handful of my hair, and deliberately and methodically fucked my mouth. Seconds before he came, he withdrew his cock and erupted onto my face.

"College boy just got christened. Hope you enjoyed your first facial," he growled. "I have marked you as my own. Now clean it up."

I dutifully complied, collecting his salty fluid in my hand and licking it off.

"Good boy. Stand up."

He assisted me none too gently by taking a handful of my hair and pulling me upward. Weary and utterly broken, I managed to assume the expected pose.

He pointed to the cubicle next to the bed. "Get in there and clean yourself up. You have ten minutes to use the bathroom, shower, and brush your teeth. Move!" He shoved me in the proper direction and hurried me along by slapping my still-sore behind.

With that, he left. I quickly entered the cubicle, showered myself clean, toweled my body dry, and brushed my teeth. I knew to be standing beside the bed in the captive position when he returned.

He had an alarm clock and several more bottles of water. I was permitted to drink until I had quenched my thirst as he went to the wall and picked out another ball gag.

The clock and gag were placed on the night stand next to the bed with the remaining bottles of water. "Time to bed you down, college boy," he said. "The alarm is set for 6:30. When I come back down here at 7:00 sharp, you had better be freshly showered, properly gagged, and standing at attention. You will sleep naked. If all is in order, I will return your clothing and you will be sent on your way. Any questions?"

"No, Sir," I obediently replied.

He pointed to the bed. "In you go."

I pulled down the white cotton sheet, climbed into the bed, and covered myself. He left without another word. The lights went out after I heard him go upstairs and close and lock the door behind him. The sheets were crisp and cool against my skin, and I succumbed to complete exhaustion and quickly drifted off into a deep and comfortable sleep.

The alarm jolted me awake at 6:30. I jumped out of bed, used the bathroom, showered, dried off, and brushed my teeth. I knew better than to disobey the expected protocol; I had strapped the gag in my mouth and was standing at attention in the inspection posture when he came back down at 7:00 as promised.

I cringed as I felt my cock spring to life and begin to stiffen as he looked me over, up and down. He smiled knowingly as he noticed my cock's reaction to his presence. He nodded his approval and placed my shoes and clothing - including my socks and AE boxer shorts, all of which he had laundered and dried - on the nightstand. I was ordered to get dressed. I quickly complied and resumed the expected position.

"Remove the gag." I did so and put it on the nightstand.

"You have done very well. Take the gag with you. Your phone and keys are where you left them when you arrived. Pick them up on your way out. Drive safely. And if you feel the need to re-learn any of last night's lessons - hardly the type of lessons you learn in college - You know how to contact me. Be sure you strip naked and strap on the gag before you begin any communication with me. But if you do contact me again" - he paused, smiled benevolently at me, and winked - "Just be careful what you wish for."

I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," I replied with conviction. He pointed at the stairs; I picked up the gag, climbed the stairs, collected my things on the way out, and got in my car and drove home. I took my time and it was actually a pleasant drive; on the entire trip home I felt a sense of relief and release and, yes, an inner peace?


I had thought long and hard about what my Master had termed "lessons." (I had not decided if I would see him again, but I certainly was not ruling it out. I realized I had undergone a catharsis of sorts from my experience with him that night. He had tapped into desires I did not fully know I had, and I was slowly beginning to realize that I needed to release myself from the twin constraints of shame and embarrassment and accept myself for who and what I was. I thought often about what he had said: "You cannot deny what you are and wish to be."

I suppose that was what my Master had meant when he remarked I would be a better person when I left him?


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