Bdsm Matchmaker Got Matched

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 23, 2020


So, gentle readers, thank you for sticking around this long. Now, we're going to finish this tale, and maybe you'll come and do some "shopping" with Madame Seth.

So, I told you Steve left late on Sunday afternoon. He did. And he came back in an hour, with a bag. And he had changed. Now, if I had thought he was drop dead gorgeous before, when he came over on Sunday, well.... Madame had NOT taken a blue pill , and Steve's buttocks are probably very happy. You know those jeans you see on someone sometimes, that you KNOW are jeans because there's just the faintest suggestion of blue? Well, he was wearing those. Or maybe I should say he had painted them on before he came over. And a white t shirt. It could have also been painted on. His nipples were pointing out of them as if they were begging to be harvested, or at least played with. (I'll get to that). How his circulation was not cut off by how tight those sleeves were, I do not know.

So, after we had made up for lost time (the time he had spent going back home on his motorcycle to get "a few things" as he put it, including, as we will soon see, a gift for Adrienne), I sat him down in my computer desk chair (Not the office computer mind you: my personal one. Why I kept a personal one, I don't know. Adrienne knew everything on the private computer anyway.). So, he gave me the information on how to get in touch with this Phil via zoom. He needed to do this because I had decided that the point would be made most clearly, if Steve were tied up while he was talking. And indeed, I used some of my strongest knots to put that boy in the chair and make sure he wasn't going anywhere. Then we got in touch with Phil. Phil's first reaction was, of course, interesting:

"Steve? So nice to hear from you. You look good." Then... "Are you tied up? It looks hot." "I am tied up Phil. I'm at the home of my new Dom Master. He tied me up before I got in touch with you to tell you, it's over." Phil laughed. It was kind of a sick sad laugh, but it was a laugh anyway "Oh, you didn't need to tell me that stevie. This was over at least 3 months ago. Hector here has applied for a visa, and he'll be coming back with me. " I saw a smile over Phil's face. "Unless of course you'd like to be the beta sub." My face was hidden, but my hand came down and rested on Steve's left nipple. I saw the smile on Steve's face. "I don't think that's going to work Phil. Seth is very jealous, and very possessive. I looked at someone last night and, well, I got a 50 whack spanking . Later I'm going into chastity for a week. So, no sharing." I saw a look of almost bliss go over Phil's face at the thought of Steve being paddled and put into chastity. "You remember when I used to fuck you, Steve?" THEN, sweet Steve came up with the best rejoinder I have heard in a long time. "Not really Phil. I guess your topping was forgettable." Madame had to turn so that no one could hear her laughing. "You know, you're a piece of work Steve. I come down from my level to treat a guy like you better than he deserves, and the first chance you get, you dump me." "I thought you said this was over 3 months ago Phil." Now, that bastard was almost apoplectic 'IT'S SIR PHIL DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" "Phil, I don't understand how you could say it was over 3 months ago and then be angry that I'm ending it now. "BECAUSE I ENDED IT 3 MONTHS AGO. I DON'T NEED TO TELL A BOTTOM ANYTHING. YOU DON'T GET TO MAKE DECISIONS. AND IT'S SIR PHIL." Steve just kept his calm. "I really didn't mean to disturb your Sunday Phil. Maybe the four of us could have a meal when you're back. "DON'T GET IN TOUCH WITH ME AGAIN. EVER." Then the zoom connection went dead. Steve turned to me. "Can you let me laugh a little before you gag me, Sir?" I did. Then I kissed him. I kissed him hard. Then I pulled out my trusty ring gag. Because my cock WAS going in that handsome mouth. And it did. And unfortunately, that t shirt met an unfortunate end because, well, you see, while the t shirt was hot, steve's chest is even hotter. And what makes a chest hotter than a pair of nipple clamps. Have you ever heard the sounds a sub makes when he's wearing a ring gag and you put on clamps? It's kind of hot. Almost as hot as pulling that chain when you fuck his face, if you know what I mean. ...

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Well, that was my FIRST orgasm that afternoon. The second one came somewhat later, after I HAD taken my little blue pill and I had stretched my boy out on the bed, and edged him for well over an hour. I had switched gags: now he had one of those standard gags with a small leather ball in the middle. Still, the sounds were like some of the best music I have ever heard. And no, I didn't let him cum after that hour. Instead, I plowed his field. (Isn't that a funny metaphor? I mean, yes, seed goes in, but does a plant ever come up? If it did, wouldn't we all be very scared?). Only after Master Seth finished, did I let sub steve cum. It was still too early to do anything about dinner, so we had a little bit of a nap, wrapped up in each other's arms. Readers, I had forgotten how good that felt. And when we had woken, I did NOT want to let him go. He just kind of smiled at me as I played with that luscious hair. (Have I said he has perfect teeth? He does. That smile. OH GOD. That smile is better than half a blue pill). When he said to me "Why did I take so long to visit you? ",I really didn't have an answer.

"You'll have to get Adrienne's views on that. She usually has a much better feel for the spiritual and the reasons why things work than I do. "OH. Thanks for reminding me. " He struggled to get out of my grip and when I flipped him on his back he laughed. "No, really. I have a gift for Adrienne. I want to put it on her desk." "Is it a Chanel bag?" He made a face. "How did you know?" "She has twelve of them. Don't ask. " Now, Adrienne knows MOST of my secrets. She does not know ALL of them. I reached into a drawer and pulled out a small box. "This is a Tiffany tennis bracelet. Every time a man gives her a Chanel bag she sighs and says "when is one of them going to give me a fucking piece of jewelry." "Well, what should I do with the bag?" We looked at each other and said it at the same time. "RANDY!" Steve laughed. "He'll spray paint it magenta." "C'est la vie. By the way, I'll take out the cost of that bracelet in trade." "Can I start paying by taking you to dinner Sir?" I was charmed. I did not expect that. When he pulled out the black silk shirt he was planning to wear - the one that then clung to him like the shirt of Nessus did to Hercules (look it up gentle readers: always take the chance to improve yourself), well, I suddenly had a tremendous desire for beef or mutton. And no, the shirt did NOT do to him what it did to Hercules. He had also brought a second pair of jeans, possibly tighter than the first. And when he was finished getting dressed, I stepped in.

"One minute sweetheart. No one's gonna have their hands on you but me. And to make sure..." I pulled out a collar and put it on him. It said "Seth's property." I think I had bought that "just in case," about forty years before Moses came down from the mountain, but this was my first chance. He took me to Clyde's: a restaurant not particularly known for its food, but known as a place where my peeps announce "I'm off the Market." I half expected to see Randy there, but he was not. I wondered if he had broken up already.

At dinner, as steve wound his leg around my foot , he told me he was taking off on Monday, so if he could stay... "DUH." After we had eaten and they brought a dessert menu , I said to him "You know, looking at your nips through that shirt, I am getting hard again." He signaled the waiter and asked for the check. We popped on the motorcycle and... well.. THIS time I didn't use the restraints. Steve challenged me to a wrestling match, and when I had him pinned, I went for his ear and neck, and , well, how he explained the love bite when he got back to work on Tuesday, is something he didn't explain to me.

Steve must have been making the coffee when Adrienne came in. I was still half asleep. I heard their voices, and when I made my appearance, Adrienne had a big smile on her face. She displayed her wrist. "FINALLY Seth! Finally a man who thinks outside of the box." She paused. "I did not say that." She smiled at Steve. "What can I say? Perhaps some of Seth's DNA DID get somewhere and..." She paused again. "Oh dear. I MUST keep those thoughts to myself." I looked at her. "REALLY Adrienne? I'm not going to ask you how old you are but." "Good. Then I don't have to lie." "But how long have you NOT been keeping those thoughts to yourself?" "Hmmm. Probably since I realized I didn't like the taste of breast milk." Steve almost dropped the coffee he was bringing to Adrienne. "This man treats me like a princess Seth. " She looked at him. "UP YOUR GAME. Treat me like an empress!" We all had a good laugh at that, as Randy came in. Now, let me tell you, puns are what they are, but.... when he came in, Adrienne looked at him. "My heavens. We have Madame Seth and the Magenta Yenta" And the name stuck. When Randy eventually did open his own shop, he was known as "Randy, the magenta yenta, because he did where something magenta everyday. (And yes, he DID dye the chanel bag Magenta. I think Adrienne was close to crying). "OH. I wanted to tell you all something. I made those pink cupcakes again last night. They're still good." We looked at each other "OH NO. I didn't bring any. I ate half of them for dinner and half of them for breakfast." "I bet you didn't sleep well, Randy," Steve observed. "Yeah. How'd you know?" So, steve hung around for the day. I remember the roll of the eye, and the finger point from Adrienne: upstairs to the bedroom, when steve asked if we could have lunch. I asked him what he wanted, and he told me sausage sounded good. He got it. And then of course, there was the midafternoon snack - mine. It's amazing how much meat you can find on a strapped down police officer.

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Well, gentle readers, that's how it happened. It was three years ago. About a year ago, steve noticed that the body that had never let him down, was in fact beginning to let him down. He joined a gym. Let me tell you folks. There is VERY little hotter than hogtieing your hot police officer boyfriend when he comes back, sweaty from the gym, gagging him with his jock, and tickling his feet until he begs for your cock. And what there WAS that was hotter, we did that too. And we're still doing it. In fact, you'll have to excuse me because , well, I think leaving a hot man tied up for 45 minutes with a hitachi want on his balls, is probably a bit cruel. No, maybe not. Let's go for an hour. Madame Seth smiles a lot. Adrienne wears her tennis bracelet every day. Randy has an office downtown. His market is artists and the "non binary." God bless him. I'm glad someone does it. So I guess that sometimes, in a fairy tale, everyone does live happily ever after. May your fairy tales all end with happy endings gentle readers. And if you find yourself in need , come and visit Madame Seth . Or maybe the Magenta Yenta.

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Ciao for now amici. A presto.

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