Bdsm Matchmaker Got Matched

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 3, 2020


Well, to quote a line from an old favorite Paul Simon song of mine

"oh, oh what a night/oh what a garden of delight/even now that sweet memory lingers." The song then goes on about guitar playing, but ends with the line "just thanking the Lord for my fingers." And indeed, I was. Seriously, gentle readers, if there was a part of Steve's body I didn't get my hands on that night, then send me back to anatomy class and call in Dookie Howser. As my grandma used to say I "slept the sleep of the dead," and when my alarm went off, and I reached over (it was on Steve's side of the bed), he wasn't there! And I could smell coffee. It took this sleepy head a few minutes to put it together. Usually, I made a pot for Adrienne and myself, as soon as I got up, but if I overslept, or was out (which never happened), she made it. "DID I SLEEP THAT LATE?" I thought? I looked at the alarm. Nope. 7:30. Usual time. My head still wasn't putting it together. I dressed in my big terry robe, and went out to the kitchen area. There was steve, his back turned to me, wearing nothing but a pair of bright red briefs that fit him, uh, real well. He was putting together coffee. I came up behind him and draped my arm around him.

"You have a hairy back. I didn't know that" He laughed. "That's because you kept me on it most of the night." "MMM HMMM. Did you like it, stud?" My fingers found his left nip, the one that was most sensitive. "OH GOD . Yes. Yes I did. " He breathed hard. "Damn Seth. I want you to stop, and I want you to just keep on doing that." I kept on doing that. I was tenting. I could have taken him back to bed right then and there. "So, do you wanna shave my back, Sir?" He asked, before I squeezed his nip tighter, and he gasped. I hadn't shaved yet that morning, and I brought my mouth to his ear. "No. Fucking. Way. I may shave other parts. But that back is as sexy. Not as sexy as this..." I groped his ass. "But there isn't a part of you that isn't sexy."

You know, I haven't described him yet, at least not enough for you to get an idea of why I was so boned, all the time. Remember when Robert Conrad was in that show "Wild West?" Of course you do. Now, imagine he had a brother ten years older than him, but in that kind of shape. Right? And a cop too.

I continued to play with Steve's nip, and he put down the coffee carafe. He leaned his head back into my nibbling, and moaned. "OH GOD. PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE INVITING ME BACK TONIGHT SIR." I whispered: "I may make you call in sick and stay all day." He squirmed and turned around to face me. "That may have been the hardest thing I'll do all week Sir." He kissed me. "I can't today. This is one where I have to be a witness in court. " "You gonna dress up so I can see you in a suit?" He laughed. "Well, not this time. I'm gonna be in full police uniform." He smiled. "You want me to come in that uniform tonight?" I gave him "The look." "If you don't, the penalties will be severe. I WON'T tie you up, I WON'T tease your nips, and I WON'T tongue your ass. " "Maybe I should find one a size smaller." I laughed and he kissed me again. "Seriously Sir, I really have to move. I gotta get cleaned. Seems there's dried jizz all over me, and I got to get to the precinct. But tonight?" "Tonight sweetie. Just let me know when you're on the way so I can prep ." He kissed me one more time. "I had an amazing night last night Seth. What did you say about riding a bicycle? The way you rode me, I think you're ready for the Tour de France." "Yes, he has a way with words too. When I don't have him gagged. So , he went off, got cleaned up, and dressed in street clothes. DAMN did anyone wear a t shirt better than he did? He was leaving just as Adrienne was coming in. She had on her "come fuck me sailor" black dress, and her pearls. And stilettos. She's the only woman I ever met who wore stilettos better than a drag queen." She smiled as she saw Steve. "Early meeting Adam?" "You could say that. I'm on my way to work." "I seee. " "By the way Adrienne, that dress suits you. I didn't think anything could make your cleavage look better, but that does." Yup, he got Adrienne where she lives. I rarely saw Adrienne smile as wide as she did. "I hope you said something similar to Seth last night." "He did darling. Let's let the man get to work. He promised to come by in uniform tonight." "Hmmmm. Take pictures. I have a date. I can't stay too late." "OH, are you and your husband going out? Where?" She smiled at Steve. "I said I had a date. That's all you need to know." "Understood." He gave her a peck on the cheek. He looked at me. "Keep your hands off anyone else, Sir. I'll need to be undressed tonight."

He got on his bike and rode off. Adrienne looked at me. "Alright darling. Now, you can tell me ALL about it AFTER you get that boner taken care of and you put on some clothes. We have a busy day today. That intern is coming in, and trust me, he is gonna feel like a slave bottom when I get through with him." I had forgotten. Randy (perfect name for someone in this business, don't you think), was starting. He had written (WRITTEN, not emailed) me a lovely letter about how he was interested in becoming a matchmaker and he had heard that I was the best. So, he was going to train with us that week. "Ok, yes, you're right." As I went back to my apartment, I heard Adrienne singing, softly "subyenta/subyenta/make me a match/ find me a find/catch me a catch."

I hate that woman. And I love her.

Randy was scheduled to come by at ten. That gave Adrienne and I some time to go over the calendar. I would be interviewing a few candidates who were looking for Doms, and then trying to match a new guy, who had been referred to us by Steve, and a second guy. Randy was early: a TALL drink of water, with a lovely smile, a fashion sense that most men would die for, and an extremely appealing attitude.

I asked him why he had written a letter. He told me "well, my best friend's fiancee' told me that nothing stands out like a hand written letter. So, he pulled out some stationery he had, checked my handwriting, and... " He smiled. "Here I am!" "INDEED YOU ARE." said Adrienne. "And you're working with me first. Before I unleash you on Seth, you're going to have to show me you know how to file, how to answer phones, and how to comport yourself at an office. Our work may be unusual, but it's professional." "Yes ma'am" he answered. Adrienne was used to that. She didn't even smile. She just handed him a pile of about 80 folders, and pointed to the file cabinets. "GET TO WORK." "Yes ma'am." I was going over photos when I heard him say, a half hour later "What next ma'am?" She looked up. "Are you already done? " "Yes ma'am." "Let's see. " She went to the file cabinet and looked for ten files. She found them all in proper place. She also found that he had "neatened" the files so that everything was in an even array. "Hmmm. If you don't make it as a yenta, Randy, I may ask you to cover for me when I go on vacation." I looked up. "you haven't taken a vacation since we've been working together." She smiled. "I have a date tonight, remember?"

So, you know how you have those days where it seems that everyone you meet is a nut case? Well, that was the morning, and our first new referral. He came in, looking a bit disheveled. Not someone you'd think of as a potential client for us, but his financials proved up , and I went into the private room to meet with him. His name was Curt. "So, Curt, how can we help you?" He pulled out a photo. This is the guy I want." He showed me a photo. Now, I'm not any expert on popular culture, but I recognized the singer immediately. "AH. You want us to find you someone like him? Let me pull out the album of young blondes." "No. I think you didn't understand me Seth. I don't want someone who is LIKE him. I want HIM" I looked up. I thought he was joking. No, this man was serious. I could see it on his face. I tried my best . I smiled. "Curtis, what you're talking about is kidnaping. We don't do that. We set up dates." "So, set up the date and I'll kidnap him myself." "Oh dear, " I thought. He's really serious about this. Now, I've had obsessed clients before. I've had clients who were impossible to satisfy (I think I was dating one, except, well, he seemed satisfied), but I've NEVER had a client ask me to help in a kidnaping. "We could perhaps arrange a scene with one of our other clients, Curtis. One where you kidnaped him, but.." "YOU DON'T GET IT MISTER. I WANT THIS GUY. THIS. GUY." I smiled. "I think my associate may be able to help you." I called to Adrienne. "Would you send in Randy for a minute, please?" You could hear Randy's big feet. He must have been, oh, I don't know, 6'4" Curtis was 5 '10" , maybe. I think a strong wind would have blown over Randy, but he didn't need to know that. "Mr. Seth, you wanted me?" "Yes Randy. Curtis here does not seem to be satisfied with what we have to offer. Would you mind offering him a coffee to go with him, and see him to the door?" He saw my look. "Sir, I'm afraid you'll have to leave. " "FUCK. I HATE YOU FUCKING PEOPLE. HE AND I ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. AND WE WILL BE." "And I'm sure you will be, but you won't even have to pay us a dime. Best of luck with your hunt." After the door slammed (why do they always slam the doors?), I took a deep breath. "Thank you Randy. I didn't expect to rely on you for muscle, but I'm so pleased I can." He blushed. "I may have wet myself a little Seth. I don't think of myself as butch, but..." I laughed. "It's all in the mind darling. Adrienne is the butchest one here, and she knows it. " In fact, she was right there. "Excuse me ladies. I DID get a photo of him on the way out. Should I?" "Yes, thank you. Adam should know about this.

"Thank you Adrienne." I turned to Randy. "Let's look at some photos. Actually, no. Why don't you have a bit of lunch, because our first new sub client is coming in in about an hour."

God knows how much food that boy needed to sustain himself, but it seemed to be quite a lot. There was some cake left over in the refrigerator, and he ate that too. Then we were ready when Lionel came in. Handsome boy - 28 - very nice skin, good body, looking for a dark, dominant man. I often have to ask the politically incorrect questions, so I did: "How dark, Lionel, so that I don't waste your time or ours?" He pulled out a picture. I was pleased. He was prepared. "Ok. Now I understand. " I sighed. "The unfortunate thing, is that darker men go to darker matchmakers, and vice versa. BUT.. I will call one of my friends. In fact, we'll call him right now. Let me get a snap shot of you, I'll send it, and then, we'll see what we can do." I can look back and say: I knew what I was doing. It took a few months, which is usual, but Lionel found himself a Dom, and Patric found himself a loyal sub, who loves nothing more than licking Patric's pits after Patrick has worked out - which he does 3 or 4 times a day. After Lionel, we had a new sub client, named Mike, who probably would NOT be hard to match up. A red head: OH, is there a demand for red heads. Seriously, readers, if you know a sub red head out there looking for the best, just send him my way.

Then... I sent Randy back to work with Adrienne, because the next man was a referral from Steve. A Dom. A rodeo rider named Clete. And he looked every inch a Clete. "So nice to meet you Clete. I'm Seth." "Yes, Steve told me all about you." I pretended to draw a blank at the name Steve. He smiled "It's ok, Seth. We know each other out of the police department, so he doesn't use the fake name with me." I laughed. "Well, THANK YOU. That will make my head work better." So I conducted the interview, took the information and all was fine. Then, we were chatting, and Clete said to me "You know, you're a real sweet guy to find Steve a temporary Top man. " I looked at him . I said nothing "Temporary Top man?" I thought. I can cover pretty well, so I caught myself. "You know, he did tell me temporary, but it's been one of those days.. How long did he have in mind?" "Oh, just six months until his partner comes back from overseas work. FBI, you know. Always a new place." "Indeed. Well, Steve is such a charmer that, what could I do? I don't do that kind of thing normally, though. You're right." I took a breath. "Clete, would you like to take a look through these albums? Perhaps I can get a sense of what you like if you do see a man or two you like, and then we can move the process along."

I stepped outside to where Adrienne was working. She looked at me . "SETH. Did you just see a ghost? You look worse than you did when that crazy was here." "I. just. got. some . information. about Steve. It's not good." She reached out and patted my hand. "Tell Mamma when you finish business here. We'll send Randy home early and have a chat." I went back into my office. Clete was sitting there, shaking his head. "Damn Seth. You've got some fine boys here." He had been very careful about marking the ones he liked. All thin. All with curly dark hair and dark eyes. All with big smiles.

"Oh, you're going to make this so easy Clete. Let me try this : I'm going to start with the boys you marked, and if none of them please you, we'll start again. Does that sound ok?" He smiled. "It sure does. " He rose to shake my hand. "You know, Steve told me you were the best, and you are. THANK YOU." So that you know, this was one where I should have stopped after the first meet up. He and Nicolas hit it off immediately, and I think, at this point, they've been living together on the ranch for three years. (And NO, I do NOT know if Clete branded him).

I went to Adrienne and told her what Clete had told me about Steve. She sighed. "So, what are you going to do? Call him up and dump him?" I smiled. "Now, Adrienne, in many ways we are alike. That's not what YOU would do, is it?" "HELL NO. I'd fuck the shit out of him one time and THEN send him on his way." I shook my head. "And that's exactly what I plan to do."

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Steve texted me about 20 minutes later. "Hey stud. I can be there in half an hour. You ready? " He ended the email with an emoji of an eggplant and a peach. "Adrienne, I don't speak this dialect. Do you know what that means?" She looked and laughed. "Oh sure. This one is easy. The eggplant is, well... a cock, and a peach is... " I filled it in. "I got it." A bitter grin on my face, I sent back an emoji "100%"

As she left for her date, Adrienne took my hand. "Whatever you do tonight is fine, love. Even if you fuck him to death. Just take photos. " I laughed. "I'm serious. Even cigarette burns will be okay with me." She gave me a big kiss "Enjoy your date. What are you doing?" "Each other," she said, and walked out.

I had just enough time to change into something a little more threatening looking, and to wash my face - three times because I was crying - as Steve pulled up. Even with the helmet on, he looked quite fine. When he took it off, I thought "DAMN. Are you sure you don't want this until the boyfriend comes back." It was tough but I told myself. "No, I'm not the second prize.

Steve came in. He had on what could have been a uniform from that old series "Chips" (who did you like better? I liked Larry Wilcox, the blond, but I wouldn't have kicked Erik Estrada out. And I hope all of you held up better than he did."

He put his helmet on my coffee table, and put his hands behind his back. "I missed you today." "You're sweet." I said, and kissed him. "You know, it's been a very tough day, and I'm horny as shit. Can we have some fun before we have dinner?" "You're the boss, Sir." I pulled out a collar with a short leash, and put it on him. "As you are about to find out. "

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When we got to my bedroom, I tied his wrists behind him, and left him standing. "POINT YOUR CHEST OUT." He whispered "yes sir. " and then I began unbuttoning his shirt. When that beautiful chest was exposed, I began working it. I stayed away from the more sensitive left nipple for a while, but eventually got there. He began to moan. "Oh SIR. Please kiss me. Please kiss me. " I pulled the leash forward, and shoved my tongue down his throat. I could feel his cock was hard in his pants. I whispered "What color briefs you have on?" "I'm wearing a black thong Sir." "OH, was this going to be hard. I undid his buckle, took off his gun belt, and then slipped his pants down. His cock shot out right away. "Lay back, so I can get your boots off. " "Yes sir. " Once I got them off, I untied his wrists. Then I re-tied them, to the top of the bed. Now, I planned to fuck him, HARD, but not quite yet. So I secured his ankles. He looked puzzled. "Something special for you tonight Steve." After he was stretched out, I lay down next to him. "So, your buddy Clete came by today." "Nice guy. Real sweetheart. " "I agree. REAL sweetheart. I pinched his nips just a bit too hard, and got an "OW" from him. "Steve, I need to ask you something. " "Sure, go ahead Sir." I began slowly stroking his belly and his hips began to pump. "Clete told me something that, maybe, he wasn't supposed to. He told me about someone in the FBI. Someone you've been involved with for 3 years?" I saw his face get red, and scared. "Seth, it's not what you think. Please . Untie me. Let's sit and talk about this." I laughed. "Oh, I'll untie you . When I'm done. " Then I reached over and grabbed my biggest penis gag. "OPEN UP FUCKHEAD." "Seth please. Really . Let me . MMMPH." A squeeze to his balls got his mouth opened, and in went the gag. "Now, I'm gonna untie you. AFTER I fuck you. And then you're gonna get dressed AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND OUT OF MY LIFE." "MMMPH. MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH." Steve was clearly dying to say something. I wasn't having any of it. "Now, you may be wondering why I tied down your ankles if I'm just gonna lift your legs in the air? Well... " I began to laugh. I pulled out my torture toothbrush, the electric one, and got to work. He twisted, and fought, and struggled, until he had no more energy. That's when I applied it to his balls. And he got more energy. He got back the hard on he had lost. "Well. Now it looks like we're where we should be. Except for..." and I pulled out nipple clamps. And after I attached them, I took a phone shot. "Adrienne is going to want to see this. And now.... " I undid the ankle restraints, and the first thing he did, was try to pull his legs together. A pull to the clamps put an end to THAT. "YOU KEEP THEM SPREAD MANCUNT. My cock needs to get in there, NOW. I am sure I've punishment fucked someone before, but I couldn't remember. And I certainly never fucked someone as hard as I did that night. No rubber, no nothing. Just Seth, having that BITCH. I shot into him, deep. And while I'm usually a gentleman, I was NOT going to be one that night. I began untying him and I took out the gag. "GET OUT. GET DRESSED, GET ON THAT HOG, YOU PIG, AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. AND DON'T COME BACK." "Seth please.. It's not." "IT'S NOT GOING TO BE YOU FUCKING LOSER. GET OUT. GET THE HELL OUT." "Can I at least try to explain?" "Is there someone at the FBI? " "Well, yes, but.." "That's all the explanation I need. GET THE FUCK OUT." That seemed to take the steam out of him. "you mean, that's it? We're done." "Oh, we are SO done. If I ordered a steak and it came out as done as we are, I'd do what I'm doing now. Sending you back. GET THE FUCK OUT." "Ok.. " "I'll give you your privacy. I think you're adult enough not to do anything stupid. I'm going to my office, and in thirty minutes, I WANT YOU GONE." "Ok Sir. I'm sorry. I...." "29 minutes. Keep in mind you're not the only cop I know." "Yes sir." I left the room and went and hid in my bedroom. I heard the door open and close about twenty minutes later, and I heard the motorcycle take off. That's when I started crying. I kept on crying. I was crying when his text "I'm really sorry," came in. I kept on crying when Adrienne called to check in on me. "Not good A. " "I already canceled tomorrow's appointments Seth. I told Randy to take a day off. I'll be there though. Now go drink until you're fucking blotto. I'll see you tomorrow." "Thanks Mom." "Tomorrow I'm big Sis, Seth. We'll talk." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We did. So did Steve and Adrienne. Now, if you remember the first part of this story, you'll know there's a happy ending. But you'll just have to wait.

Next: Chapter 6

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