Bdsm Matchmaker Got Matched

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 13, 2020


Many people think that Confucius said "Out of adversity comes opportunity." Well, it sounds like something the old guy would've said, but actually, it was another old guy - Ben Franklin - at least that's what I was told, and who I was thanking as I started walking home with Adam. "Seth, remember that I told you my name was Adam? Well, it's not. My real name is Steve." Now, the events of that evening may have had Adam/Steve rattled a bit, because he HAD told me Adam wasn't his real name. I had in fact been debating whether to use this information or not in a roleplay once we got back to my dusty, rusty dungeon.

"Tell you what Adam. Let's pretend that you never told me that. It may come in handy a little later." I was very pleased with his answer: "Yes sir. You're the boss." THANK YOU MR . FRANKLIN. As I began talking to Adam about what I had in mind, he put his hands behind his back, and began walking as if he were a perp. Hot. Yes, it was. A white T would have shown his nips better, but he was doing right fine with what was showing in the black one. I'm experienced enough and clever enough to know how to check a guy out, to see if he's excited or not. Let's just say it wasn't just Adam's enthusiasm that was "growing."

"I would suggest, Adam, that we put a time limit on tonight. I don't envision doing anything that will involve the need for a safe word, and I don't think that a stay over is in order. Let's just treat this as a bit of horseplay, making the best out of what Faulkner would call " a broken evening."

Yes, Faulkner, folks. I majored in Eco, but I minored in American Lit. No one has ever taught me more about the human condition than Faulkner.

Adam smiled. "You're the boss Sir, but that sounds fine. I like being clean, and I didn't pack an overnight bag. It was my way of having an excuse if the date didn't go right." I laughed. "Adam, for a beginner, you seem to know an awful lot. That's brilliant. You can always say 'I'd love to stay over but I don't have what I need.' And then I asked "But Adam, remember when I asked you: why the black T shirt, and not a white one?" "Oh, I should have explained that Sir. I kinda like punishment. And I figured if a Top man had an excuses for punishing me for trying to pretend I was a Top like him, well..." I would be lying if I said that Adam's enthusiasm wasn't the only one that was growing. "Understand something then. If we ever do anything again, you can wear black jeans, but only a white t shirt." He looked at me and smiled. "Yes sir. "

As we got closer to the house, I decided it was time to get into character. I put my hand on his left bicep, and led him to the door. I dropped my voice a bit and said. "Now, you're gonna find out what happens when a cop gets cocky enough to think he can bring me down alone." Adam got into it. He squirmed just a bit, and grunted out. "You're not gonna get away with this. You know that, don't you." I chuckled as I opened my door. "Just get in 'adam.' If that's your name." I heard him gulp.

I led my prisoner downstairs, and I pointed to a chair. "SIT. " "MAKE ME" he grunted back, and I smiled, walked close, and put my hand on his crotch. "I said SIT." I squeezed just hard enough, and he exhaled, before sitting down, with his hands behind his back. NOW I bound them. I found a piece of leather strap on a side table that was just long enough to restrain his masculine wrists. "Go ahead adam. Try it. You'll find out... Boy scout training comes in handy when you're breaking a cop." He did. He pulled against the strap. He strained, and I could see it in his face. He began to sweat, and the sweat was marking his t shirt, which made him even hotter. DAMN. Is there a better word than opportunity? Finally he stopped. He took a deep breath. "Ok. You got me. What do you want?" I smiled. "First, I want you pushing out your chest, and spreading your legs." "That's not happening." I paused, walked around him, and began massaging his shoulders. "Fuck that feels good" he whispered, coming out of character for a minute. "Enjoy it cop. Because I'm coming back with something that may just... persuade you to be a bit ore obedient." I picked up one of my paddles. Not too big: not big enough for spanking, but the perfect size for beating a pelvis. I smacked it against my hand before I came back around in front of him. I saw his body jolt a bit at the sound. Good sign. I came around, and I slowly dragged the paddle across his crotch. "Let's go over that again. You can push out your chest, and you can spread your legs, or...." And I brought the paddle down on my hand for effect. He sighed, and did what I told him.

"EXCELLENT Cop Adam. I think we'll get along fine... " "Now, what I want from you is.. your real name, and a list of ALL the officers who are working on this case." "You KNOW my real name. And I don't know what you're talking about."

I smiled. "Is that right?" I happen to have double jointed thumbs, and I poistioned them, so that I could rub the end part of my thumb head, over his nipples. He sucked in breath, and tried to get composed. "You sure about that cop." He gritted his teeth. "Yeah I'm sure." "You REALLY sure?" and I pushed a knee into his crotch. He made a sound like a cat when it's happy. I smiled and rubbed that knee, back and forth.

"I have a LOT more ways to make this extremely interesting for you Adam. So why don't we start with something easy. What's your real name." He ground his teeth together. "YOU KNOW MY REAL NAME. IT'S ADAM" "No, I don't think so stud... Let's see if you change your mind after...." I turned around, and picked up a set of nipple clamps. I saw his eyes get big and wide when I brought them over. I couldn't tell if he was nervous, or excited that I was going to use them.

"I don't want to tear that beautiful shirt of yours... YET. So you'll only experience PART of what these boys can do... Unless you wanna tell me the truth." I began rubbing the clamps over his nipples. My knee was still in his crotch, so I could feel him getting more excited. "I already told you. My name is ADAM" "Ok.. You chose it.." I opened the clamps at mid width, and closed them on his nips, through the t shirt. "OOOOOOOH" he moaned. "OOOOOOH" as I picked up the change, and "FUCCCK" when I dropped it. " I smiled. "Now, try to imagine what that's gonna feel like when I rip that shirt off, and they're directly on flesh. Wanna reconsider your answer?" "NO." "Okay.. then... " I smacked his balls just hard enough for his mouth to open. I put the chain in his mouth. CLOSE IT. AND PULL." Then I smacked his balls again. He whimpered, and did what he was told. As he pulled the chain up, I could hear muffled cries of pain.

"Now just hold it there. As long as you can..." I began slowly beating his balls. "Ready to tell me your name?" Foolishly, he shook his head NO. That took the chain with him, in each direction and his nips too. "Sure about that?" I increased the speed and intensity of the smacks. The moans were getting louder. I didn't tell him to, but he spread his legs further apart. I could see a small wet spot appearing. Then, the chain dropped. 'FUCCCCCCCCK. OK. I'LL TELL. I'LL TELL. MY NAME IS STEVE. STEVE MIDDOWS" I laughed. "AH. Officer Middows. I've seen that name before. You're not just rank and file. You're the head of the task force. Ha ha ha. " I twisted the clamps. "I know the NYPD doesn't negotiate for lives, but that's fine. I'm not after money, and clearly, you're the one who knows everything. " I twisted his clamps again. "I want names, Middows. I want names of everyone." "You'll have to kill me first." "Oh no I won't. See... I have an idea of EXACTLY how to get what I want out of you.." I yanked the clamps. GET UP. I'm moving you somewhere else." He yelped when I did that. Clearly, I had pulled too hard. I was all set to say "GEEZ, I'm sorry bud," but I caught myself. We were both into the scene. I brought him over to what I called my "work table." and while I untied his wrists, I kept the clamps taut, and made him lay down on it. Then, I grabbed his crotch before I pulled off the clamps. "Take off your shirt. " When he hesitated, I squeezed harder. 'I SAID TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT."

Now, Steve looked a little confused. He couldn't figure out where I was going. "Lay back. " When he did, I pulled out some leather cuffs, and secured him. "What a pretty picture, officer Middows. Or shall I call you steve?" Again he pulled on the restraints, and it did him no good. Then I reattached the nipple clamps. "Please. Do you have to use them? They hurt..." I sneered. "That's why I have to use them. Gotta keep you in line. " I stroked his torso, and he bucked. "Oh.. Our officer steve has some ticklish spots. " He didn't answer, but that was ok. I wasn't planning on tickling him on our "first date." Instead, I began unbuckling his 501s. I slid them down, and put my finger under his balls. "WAIT. What're you gonna do to me?" "Anything I need to, to get the information I want. " He had tried to sit up when I moved my finger, so I pulled the chain. He fell back in a hurry. Then, I ran my finger along the back of his cock. "OH SHIT" I heard him whisper through his teeth. Then I moved my finger EVER so slowly over his cockhead. "Ever jerk off, officer steve." "I don't think that's any of your business fucker." "I'll take that as a yes. " I formed my fist around his cock. It was thick. And very, very warm. I slid it slowly, back and forth. "So... How long do you think it'll take me to... stroke you, while I pull this chain... before you give me what I want." "I won't talk." And I laughed. "Yeah, you will. It might be twenty minutes, it might be two hours. But you'll talk. " In fact, much to my surprise, it took just over 90 minutes of edging, and twisting those clamps. I would give him breaks with the clamps. I'd leave them on for ten, and take them off for two. When you do that, your bottom thinks he's getting a break. Then, the sensation when they go back.... I tell you, seeing a bottom's face when you do that the first time... never gets old.

But I digress. Just after an hour and a half, he gasped. "you win. You win. " He began spouting out names. Who they were, I don't know. I didn't care. Were they cops? Who knows? For our little scene, they were. He yelled, loud. (Adrienne had long gone home, but if she had been working, she would have smiled and stayed in her chair. Nothing phases her), as he shot all over. . I smiled as I took off the clamps, for the last time that night.

I kept him tied down for a while, while I stroked his torso. I knew his nipples were raw and sore, so I stayed away. I just played in his little mound of chest hair, circled his navel with my finger until he began to giggle, and smiled. "Did I save the evening for you steve?" He breathed hard. "Hell yeah, Sir Seth. Only thing that's missing is you cumming too." I smiled. "You're still a client Steve. Or should I say Adam? Your choice. " He blushed. "How about bottom?" I laughed. "Oh, I know a lot of those. Let's stick to Adam for now. Seriously. I haven't quite come out of 'service the client'mode yet, and when that happens, his wants come first." I leaned down and kissed his nose. "I promise you though. I WILL play this scene over in my mind, and I WILL pleasure myself thinking about what we just did. Now, let me untie you." He pouted. "I really wish you wouldn't Sir Seth. I wish you'd do what you just did to me again." I laughed. "Maybe another time. It's getting late, and I'm going to send you home. I want to do a bit of work before it gets WAY too late. There are two other guys who I have in mind who might be right for you. One of them has a particular thing for cops. Another one is just an overall brutal top. So let me do my homework, Steve/Adam/Bottom. I will call you in one or two days after I have more set up. " I smiled. "You know, you may be the most interesting client I've had in years." "Not the most interesting one ever?" He flashed a smile that was brilliant, and flirty. "I've been around a while stud. Let me think that one through. You wanna use the bathroom before you leave?" "Nah. I've worn my own jizz more than once on the way home. I'll just get a cab. " He smiled. "Next time I'll bring my motorcycle. Maybe I'll give you a ride. "

There is no justice in the world. A hot , sexy, smart, self aware bottom, me single, and trying to find him a date.

BUT... again, sometimes, the best laid plans of man get pushed aside by chance and the gods. There was so much more about Steve to learn. More hot spots (especially his ears). How HOT he looked in full cowboy gear, and how much he LOVED to wear a chastity cage.

But that's to come, gentle readers. Stay tuned. We'll see each other again.

Next: Chapter 4

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