BBC on Campus

By Colton

Published on Sep 16, 2015


My usual disclaimers:

  • My experiences color everything I write, sometimes an image that I recall, sometimes much more. This story, however, is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  • If it is illegal for you to read this story because of your age, location or some other reason, don't read it.

  • This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Please do not republish any parts of this story without consent of the author.

  • This story depicts unprotected sex. Plenty of unprotected sex. In real-life, be safe!

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Following our day skiing and snowboarding, Toshi scheduled dinner at the University Club in the Westcliffe Hotel. A meal with the Japanese stud and his college-aged, fuck-toy son had disaster potential amply written all over it. A couple of glasses of wine and a loose tongue might clue Toshi in about the late afternoon liaison in the snow Koichi and I enjoyed. It wasn't clear if revealing that uncomfortable fact would be more awkward for me or for Koichi. The two of us fucking within hours of being introduced for the first time might not go over well with the tall, bookish academic.

I was mostly worried about Koichi inadvertently revealing something. I had learned the hard way to be cautious in delicate situations. During a party when I was high school in Chicago, I let it slip that I was fucking two different lawyers. Unfortunately they were both at the party and married to each other. Of course that meant they had both been cheating. They buried their differences by deciding to have me bury my cock in both of their asses during a three way. What could have been a disastrous incident instead turned into a series of wild, fuck-train threesomes. But having dodged that bullet, I made certain to be more circumspect afterwards.

I showered and changed before meeting Toshi for a drink before dinner. The repurposed gas station below my room was quiet, as it had been since Christmas break started for the resident college boys. Compared to the usual beehive of activity, the place was eerily deserted. Max was the only rock climber in residence during Christmas break, and he wasn't around, perhaps taking advantage of the bluebird day to run or perhaps get in an hour of climbing. I found I missed the activity. To a point.

I met Toshi at the Cruise Room, a bar wedged into a corner of the Westcliffe Hotel. While the hotel was a classic western Victorian, down to stained glass windows and elaborate wooden details, the Cruise Room came from an art deco era renovation. The bar mimicked a 1920s or 1930s cruise ship with deco finishes that would have been at home on South Beach.

Westcliffe's bars were either town' bars or gown' bars. The handful of gown' bars catered to college students, those already 21 and those with passable fake IDs. In other words, every student in town, given the tendency of the town police to believe they had bigger issues than attacking the time-honored tradition of underage college drinking. The town' bars were filled with local residents, although given its location, Marco's Supper Club might better be characterized as a `ranch' bar. The Cruise Room was firmly in the town category. Although plenty of the University's faculty and staff frequented it, the college boys and girls found it too quiet and staid.

In the dim light of the Cruise Room, Toshi looked hot. Hell, in the blinding sunlight on the ski slopes earlier in the day the tall Japanese man looked hot, too. He was wearing a black mock turtleneck, which draped across his broad shoulders in a way that highlighted his chest and pecs. Once again, Toshi's age-defying appearance was on display. From across the room, he could have been 20, rather than 45. From five feet away he could have been 20, rather than 45. The gray wolf in me stirred, sensing prey.

I didn't think too much about Koichi not joining us for drinks. He was a senior at Cal Poly, so there was an outside change he might not be 21. Perhaps Toshi wanted some time to talk with me alone before dinner. When we finished our cocktails and the maître de at the University Club showed us to a table for two, it was apparent that Toshi and I were dining alone.

"Koichi isn't joining us?" I asked as I sat down.

Toshi shook his head and gave an exasperated sigh. "He spent the drive from the ski area texting and surfing the web – no surprise there – but before we got to the hotel he announced he discovered a friend was in town and they were going to hook up. Small world, I guess." I wondered if Toshi understood the meaning of `hook-up' among today's college students. I also wondered if Koichi's absence was cautionary, his way to avoid revealing something that might cause his dad to suspect Kochi and I had done more than just snowboard earlier in the day. Or had Toshi, perhaps, steered his son away so he could have a dinner alone with me?

"He seems like a nice kid," I replied. `Kid' was an odd term for me to use for Koichi, given we were likely the same age, or within a year or two at most. But I wanted to subtly suggest to Toshi that I was older than I was, and, in particular, that I was older than his son. Some 40-something men like the idea of bedding a man 20 years younger, but others don't, particularly if the man's potential sex partner is the same age as the man's children. I placed Toshi in the latter category, although it was hard to know. Toshi might have worked out my age by investigating my background, but he might not have looked, or if he looked, he might not have discovered the details.

"He's turned out okay," Toshi said with a fatherly smile. "Hell," he chuckled, casting away his Asian reserve. "He turned out great. I love the kid like nobody's business."

Dinner was pleasant and I enjoyed talking to Toshi. He was smart and engaging, his interests wide ranging. His soft brown eyes glittered in the candlelight, making him look enticing.

As the night wore on, Toshi steered the conversation toward more personal things. We were finishing our entrees when Toshi leaned over the table and said, "I think Koichi might be gay." Judging from how rabidly the kid had gone after my cock and planted his ass on it on the ski slopes, Toshi was late to the party. I was surprised Toshi didn't know his son was gay, given how forward Koichi had been about male-male sex. But if his father didn't know, I was absolutely not going to out the kid.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, curious about what Toshi knew and didn't know.

He sighed. "All the usual signs. He dated infrequently in high school, and doesn't talk about women now that he is in college, other than women that I know are only friends. Little things, here and there."

Toshi looked directly at me and added, "I see a lot of myself in him."

Was Toshi about to come out and declare he was gay? He was.

After a pause, Toshi said, "I'm gay," looking for my reaction. I had little doubt of that fact as far back as Thanksgiving dinner, but I was glad Toshi put the issue behind us. Some older men can't bring themselves to cross the line. I gave him a warm smile and stared directly into his eyes, and he relaxed.

"So I understand the signs better than most," Toshi continued. "Koichi knows I'm gay, too; has known his entire life. Of all people, he should feel comfortable talking to me about his sexual orientation."

Being a hungry cumslut might be something you wouldn't discuss with your father, even if your father was gay. Exactly how do you go about telling your dad that you are a power bottom? I stifled a grin, envisioning Toshi's face after Koichi said to him, "Uh, dad, I just wanted you to know that I'm gay and I'm a total bottom. I've taken it up the ass from just about every gay college boy at Cal Poly, and I spend weekends down the road in Lompoc getting butt fucked by a line of fly boys at Vandenberg Air Force Base that want to get off and don't mind fucking an ass rather than a vagina."

Kids didn't want their parents knowing about their sex life, gay or straight. "How much detail do you go into with Koichi about your sex life?" I asked.

Surprised by my question, Toshi frowned and said, "None. He's just a kid."

I smiled. "If I asked him how much detail he goes into with you about his sex life, Koichi might say, `none, he's my father!'" Thinking about what I said, Toshi grinned and nodded.

I was speaking partially from personal experience. My parents knew I was gay, but I went out of my way to ensure they didn't know the details of my sex life. Probably a wise decision, because while they were open minded and pretty liberal, it was hard to know whether they would be scandalized if they knew everything. I had sowed untold quantities of wild oats in a parade of men's asses. Someone once said that you only regret the things in life you haven't done, and if that were true, I could have no regrets on my sex life.

"You'll always be his father and he'll always be your son," I continued. "Parents are the best friends of their children rarely, and almost never when the kids are teenaged or college-aged. Kids talk to their friends about stuff they would never dream about discussing with their parents. And most parents don't talk to their kids about certain things. Like their sex life. Give him time. If he's gay he won't be embarrassed about telling you, but he'll do it in his own way and in his own time." Presumably Koichi would come out to Toshi by leading with something other than, `I'm a power bottom, dad.' But, who knew?

Toshi smiled, his grin making him look twenty-something again rather than forty-something. "You're right, of course," he said. "I'm Koichi's father first and a gay man second. The father-son relationship trumps everything else."

Toshi leaned back after taking a sip of wine, and an outline beneath his shirt caught my attention. He was wearing a leather harness. It was only visible when the material of his shirt pressed against the harness, and then only a faint outline of straps and rings appeared. That outline, however, was unmistakable to anyone familiar with men in leather. More than a few leather boys were attracted to my 6'5" frame and long dreadlocks. That and my big black cock. I hadn't assumed Toshi was into leather, but I learned long ago that you can't read a book by its cover.

I nodded, letting the conversation pause slightly before taking the opportunity to transition away from talking about Koichi. I asked, "So, do you have a husband or a boyfriend waiting for you in LA?"

"Not currently," Toshi said. His dark brown eyes fixed on my pale, greenish-brown wolf eyes. We both knew where this was headed. Well, Toshi might not have as clear an image as I did, because he might not see himself bottoming for me. But I knew with certainty that his long legs would be in the air as my fuck rod split his slender ass.

"Good," I said. "I'm not a homewrecker." Toshi chuckled, happy that, with a single comment, I set the stage for us to fuck later.

"You've had your opportunities, if I'm not mistaken," Toshi replied with a knowing smile. I shrugged. If only he knew. I maintained I wasn't a homewrecker, and I steadfastly avoided playing that role, but sometimes guys didn't tell me they were in relationships until after they cheated with me. Like the two married lawyers. By then, the damage to the relationship might already be done. If I had relegated myself to high school and college boys while growing up, it wouldn't have happened as frequently, but my affinity for older men meant more than a few guys had become attached to my big black cock before I knew they were cheating on their husband or boyfriend.

Toshi's comment about home wrecking made me wonder whether Toshi had been there. I asked, "What about you? I can see you sweeping a man off his feet. Anyone accuse you of being a homewrecker?"

Toshi's eyes froze for a second, showing me that I was correct. He sighed. "To this day I feel awful about it, but when Koichi was a baby, I managed to wreck not only my own marriage but another one, too. I got involved with my brother-in-law, of all people. Not only my brother-in-law, but my ex-wife's identical twin. I'm not certain who my ex was more furious with – her twin brother or her husband. I probably fell for Seiji because he was so similar to my ex. Virtually the only differences between the two were my ex's tits and vagina and Seiji's cock and balls. I found I liked his equipment better than hers.

"Seiji and I both got divorced and we moved in together. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him, but Seiji had a wandering eye. My ex warned me, but when you're in love you ignore that type of caution, and even resent it. Seiji and I lasted a couple of years. I've had a boyfriend or two over that time, but I stayed single and never settled down with anyone else."

"What happened to Seiji?" I asked.

Toshi gave me a wistful smile and sighed. "I was in my early 20s when Seiji and I got together, and I believe I hold the record for the oldest man that has graced his bed. That tells you pretty much everything you need to know. Seiji left me for a 17-year-old boy. The kid was stunningly beautiful, but his brain didn't have enough watts to turn on a nightlight even if he had an army of frantic hamsters to help him. And I don't say that merely out of resentment."

I smiled at Toshi's humor. He continued. "Sammy was literally the boy next door. He lived with his mother, who was divorced and claimed to be happy her sons had two successful male role models next door. Seiji started hiring Sammy under the pretense that the kid would do odd jobs around the house. Sammy's real job was to look pretty and fuck, about the only skills he had.

"Unknown to me, Seiji started fucking Sammy when the kid was 16. On the night of his 16th birthday party, Sammy spotted Seiji alone at our pool, and left his own party, climbing the fence to our yard and stripping off his clothes. Sammy was drunk and high, and he skinny dipped while Seiji watched. The kid crawled out of the water and plopped himself on top of Seiji. He wiggled his ass, rubbed his cock against Seiji's, and told Seiji that he was a virgin, but two of his older brother's friends were going to fuck his ass after the birthday party. Sammy told Seiji he had been dreaming of having sex with Seiji and he would much rather lose his cherry to Seiji than his brother's friends.

"Sammy was a dream come true for Seiji. The boy was hardly the virgin he claimed to be, because Sammy's older brother, who recognized Sammy's sole talent, had been pimping him out for a year, starting with the aforementioned friends. Seiji fell for the story, gave Sammy the fuck he claimed he wanted so badly, and the rest was history.

"By the time Sammy was 17, Seiji confessed he wanted to do three ways with the kid. I concede to being oblivious to what had been going on, and that was my first hint about Seiji's fixation with teenaged boys. I rejected the threesome for months, sensing my relationship with Seiji going south the entire time. In a futile attempt to save it, and against my better judgment, I let the two of them talk me into the three way. I felt like a stranger in my own bed, watching Sammy cuddle up to Seiji and seeing the look of rapture in Seiji's eyes, something I had not seen since Seiji and I first became lovers. I gave Seiji an ultimatum – no more three ways. Seiji gave me the keys to the house and moved into a love nest with Sammy.

"The breakup bugged me, making me wonder what had gone wrong with my relationship with Seiji. I blamed myself, and couldn't see what Seiji saw in Sammy. The kid looked like a model, but beneath his shaggy blond hair, he was an airhead whose idea of a fun weekend was playing video games, getting drunk and stoned, and having sex. Within a couple of years, Sammy was out, and Seiji had another teenaged lover. By the time a third teenager took up residence in Seiji's bed, it was obvious Seiji had an age fetish.

"As time went by, Seiji stopped the pretense of treating his catamites as husbands. Now he just hires houseboys fresh out of high school, 17 or 18-year-olds. Seiji keeps them shoeless and shirtless and their tenure lasts a few years, until they are too old for Seiji's tastes or until a younger boy hits the stage. At the latest, it's time for Seiji's houseboys to move on when they are old enough to buy a drink. God forbid they get hair on their chest before then. To his credit, Seiji has put several kids through school. Not Sammy, but college was never in that boy's future. The severance package for Seiji's former houseboys is usually paid tuition for four years of college, so it works out well for the kids. Fortunately, as a famous architect, Seiji can afford it."

Toshi was pensive after he finished the story. He took a big drink of wine and said, "I'm sorry. That was way too much detail. It isn't something I've talked about with many people before. I guess I wanted to get it off my chest more than I knew."

"No problem," I smiled. "I like hearing about college scholarship programs." Toshi chuckled, shaking his head.

Toshi's story about Seiji was sad and cast a brief pall over dinner, so I decided to route things in a different direction. "Koichi told me his mother was in Colorado," I said.

Toshi chuckled. "Yes. We're still on good terms, at least passably good terms, given what happened. Our breakup was inevitable, given that I'm gay and she shares her twin brother's lust for younger men. Her latest husband is a kid that Koichi snowboarded with in high school, if you can believe that. Koichi is almost a year older than his stepfather! Koichi will need to get used to it, because, just like Seiji, I imagine she'll divorce this kid in a few years and find a horny, younger stud to bed and wed."

When Koichi told me the story of getting fucked by his stepfather, I wondered if it was manufactured, created for shock value. But Toshi had collaborated Koichi's story without meaning to. One of the snowboarding dudes that hooked up regularly with Koichi had later married Koichi's mother. I had a brief image of a holiday celebration at Koichi's grandparents, with Toshi's ex and Seiji both showing off their latest trophy teenage studs and Koichi plotting ways to get both boys to fuck him. The image veered completely off course when I rolled the clock back a few years and juxtaposed Seiji's uncontrolled desire for boys and Koichi's unbridled lust to bottom. Koichi told me earlier in the day that an older man trained him to bottom and had used his ass throughout high school. Surely not...

I had enough stories of youth-crazed 40 year-olds and incestuous families for one night. Well, for one lifetime. I redirected the conversation to something innocuous and we made small talk until the bill arrived and we split it.

"Join me upstairs, Dillinger," Toshi said with a faint smile as we finished an after dinner drink. It was halfway a question and halfway a statement. Far different than Akili Brooks, who had chickened out in the same situation in the same restaurant two months ago. I hadn't let that deter me, inviting myself to Akili's suite and fucking his ass for hours. With Toshi, I intended to force him to change his comment until it was neither a question nor a statement, but a desperate plea.

"Perhaps," I said, smiling. I reached forward and touched Toshi's chest, tweaking a nipple and confirming my suspicion that he was wearing a leather harness. "What's the night's entertainment?"

Toshi stared into my eyes. He liked the game of cat and mouse we were playing, and he desperately wanted me. My question put the ball in his court, and he kicked it back to me. "I proposed skiing earlier in the day," he replied, opening his mouth slightly and licking his lips. "And dinner. That means that the next two moves are yours."

"With two moves the match is over," I replied, shaking my head. "Checkmate. And to the victor belong the spoils."

"And what does the victor claim as the spoils?" Toshi smiled.

"It's not complicated," said quietly. "You. For the night. You're going to pleasure me in every way. When I release you tomorrow morning, you will never quite be the same." Toshi was silent, his big eyes betraying excitement.

"Just tell me that that is what you want, and leave the rest to me," I said.

"I've been thinking about this ever since Thanksgiving," Toshi said. His look betrayed his lust and he added, "Let's get to it, then."

The elevators in the Westcliffe Hotel were ancient wire cages that took forever to reach the top floors and were open for everyone to see as they passed from floor to floor. As soon as the gate closed, I shoved Toshi against the wall and rammed my tongue down his throat. Toshi glanced furtively as the elevator slowly chugged past floors of the hotel. He wasn't used to taking chances with sex in public places. But I was.

I unbuttoned Toshi's shirt, running my hands over his slender, harnessed torso. Toshi's pants fell to the ground, revealing a red jock strap. The bright color was at odds with Toshi's serene personality. Maybe the Asian stud wasn't quite so laid back when the lights were out. I pressed Toshi against the wall of the elevator, grinding my body against his.

I unbuttoned my jeans far enough to shove Toshi's hand inside. His long, slender fingers closed around my shaft. "My God," Toshi exclaimed, "you're huge."

"The better to fuck you with, my dear," I snarled.

"I've... never taken anything that big," Toshi said, suddenly cautious. At least Toshi understood who would be fucking and who would be getting fucked.

"You're in for a treat," I said. "Pain and pleasure mix well together. But you know that." Toshi's nipples were pierced, and I twisted the metal in both, making Toshi moan as my tongue continued to rape his mouth.

"I don't know if I can take it," Toshi mumbled.

I was on verge of being annoyed with Toshi's worries. "You seem to think you have a choice," I said, clamping a finger in his mouth. "Which you don't. Your destiny has been determined. The big fuck rod in your hand owns your pussy. I'm going to shove my black pole into your mouth and you'll deep throat it, and when I'm hard and wet, I'm going to breed you like a cheap whore. And you're not going to get fucked only once, either. No, your ass is going to take my cock over and over again. I'm going to pummel your cunt and seed it repeatedly. Once I'm done, you won't be able to forget having a big black cock deep inside you. You'll crave it and beg me to fuck your ass again."

The elevator finally stopped, and Toshi moaned, "Oh, God, do it!"

Toshi fumbled with the room key, taking forever to get the door open. Before we entered, I shoved him to his knees and guided his mouth to my cock. "Suck it, bitch," I hissed.

Toshi was terrified to be sucking my cock in the hallway, where anyone getting off the elevator on that floor would have a full view of him on his knees, his shirt open, his leather harness exposed, his pants at his ankles, and his throat wrapped around my black python. But it excited him, too.

He struggled – but finally succeeded – in getting my black fuck stick down his throat. I was always dominant, but, for some reason, tonight I was in the mood to take it an extra step. I would turn Toshi into a cum dump.

I face-fucked Toshi, the back of his head pressed against the doorway as he gasped and gagged, spit running down his chin. When my cock was stiff and hard, and I dragged him into his room and ordered him onto his hands and knees, telling him to spread his pussy and prepare to be boarded.

Like most Asian men, Toshi had almost no body hair. The exception was a few wispy black hairs in his armpits and around his asshole. As I bent down and aimed my fuck stick at his defenseless hole, Toshi moaned, begging me to fuck his ass. I granted his wish, powering into his fuck chute relentlessly until my cock was completely buried. I pulled out and began thrusting into him, pumping his ass. This was raw sex, two men rutting, concentrating on nothing but their primal urges.

As I rode Toshi, watching my black prick puncture his smooth ass cheeks, I thought about fucking Koichi earlier in the afternoon. For some reason, I realized I now had something in common with Koichi's new stepfather. We both had fucked Koichi before fucking one of his parents. I found the sexual predilections of Koichi's family to be bizarre, but here I was adding to the tangled web by fucking the son and then the father, on the same day, only hours apart.

I was the only person that knew Koichi and Toshi had both bottomed for me. But what would happen when Koichi inevitably came out to Toshi? Would they compare notes and experiences? Would they realize they had given it up to the same man?

Yeah, of course they would. I had an uneasy premonition that Koichi and Toshi would have that conversation sooner rather than later. Toshi might be pissed as hell that I had fucked his son, although if Toshi understood what a horn dog Koichi was, he would know that it wasn't totally my doing. I might as well prepare myself for the inevitable. If a confrontation with Toshi never happened, great. But if it did, I would be ready.

I kept comparing two fucks. Toshi's and Koichi's asses were indistinguishable; wet, warm fuck tubes massaging my black rod. Koichi was by far the more vocal of the two. If you ignored the massive tattoo that graced Koichi's back, father and son looked the same with their Asian asses impaled on my black dick.

It all felt surreal, but not enough to deter me from the task at hand. I rammed Toshi's hole, anticipating my nut and plotting how many times I was going to seed him until dawn broke. I pumped faster and faster, finally blowing my load, my cum powering into Toshi's dark hole. I caught my breath, but within minutes, I was ready to ride the Japanese hunk again. And again.

Still on the floor of the hotel room, I turned Toshi over, raising his legs to my shoulders and circling my cock around his cummy hole. My cock had softened slightly after my first load, but it was still hard enough to plunder Toshi's ass. I powered back inside him, feeling his hole close around me. "Oh, God, yes," Toshi moaned.

Toshi had a nice looking cock, slender and straight. He grabbed it and started to stroke, but I ripped his hand off his tool, forcing both of his arms above his head and holding them down.

"No!" I growled. Toshi's surprised eyes gazed at me as I ground my cock deep inside his hole. "You're not getting off tonight. Touch your dick and I'll break your arm."

It sounded harsher than I planned, but I had a hunch about Toshi. Staring into his dark eyes, I said, "Your job, your only job tonight, is to use your holes to get me off. Work your ass, work your mouth, and work `em good. The only thing you'll focus on is my big bull cock. How full it makes you feel when it's inside you, how empty you feel when it's not. Your cock doesn't exist. My cock will be inside you all night long, dumping cum until it drips out of your ass and out of your mouth. I want you as horny and sex crazed at dawn as you are now. More. And... if you service me well, at dawn I'll permit you cum. But don't even think about it until then."

Toshi gasped, but his fevered look showed I was right about him. Fucking his son earlier in the day had been a short sprint. Fucking Toshi would be a long marathon.

It was close to 7:00 a.m. the next morning when I left Toshi's room, having deposited more loads of cum in his amazing ass than I had counted. I've never needed much sleep, but I was going to want an afternoon nap. With Westcliffe not in session, that wouldn't be a problem.

I kept my promise to Toshi, not letting him touch his cock and climax until shortly before I left his room. He was riding me for the second or third time, his pre-cum dripping cock bouncing up and down as, despite his exhaustion, he gamely raised and lowered his sore and raw ass on my fuck pole. As I got close, I whispered to him, "It's time Toshi. Touch yourself. Jerk yourself off. You're gonna climax. You'll cum knowing that you've never had an orgasm as intense, all because my big black cock has been inside you all night long, breeding you like a slut." Toshi moaned in relief, fisting his cock furiously for several minutes before his balls exploded and filled the air with rockets of thick, white cum. Toshi gurgled, and his stretched ass spasmed as he climaxed, bringing off my nut as well. Drained, the tall Asian panted and stared at me with dead eyes.

As I waited for the ancient elevator outside Toshi's room, the door to the next room opened. To my astonishment, Max stepped out. He was wearing a thin tank top that he wore when he ran, but I didn't remember seeing him in it since the weather turned cold in October. I couldn't tell who was inside the room until Koichi's tattooed arm reached out and gripped Max's head, pulling Max into a passionate kiss. Only the side of Koichi's face and his bare shoulder was visible as the two boys snogged. Max broke away and said, "Thanks a lot for the tip. I'm really glad you contacted me. And California sounds good." Koichi's hand drifted to Max's package and squeezed. Koichi said something, but I couldn't make it out.

Max turned to head for the elevator, pulling on his jacket as Koichi's door closed. Koichi hadn't looked down the hall to where I stood. Max took a couple steps before looking up and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. He looked like he had seen a ghost. With a faint smile, I nonchalantly said, "Morning."

Max blushed, glanced back at Koichi's door, and rushed to explain. "I, uh, I got contacted on the website late yesterday afternoon. You weren't around, but I accepted the gig anyway. Overnight. I made sure he paid through the web app."

I now understood what Koichi was checking out yesterday during his trip from the ski area to Westcliffe. He had accessed my Harvard buddies Austin and Benny's web app and its pictures of Max's naked, greased body. Max was the `friend' in town Koichi discovered on the way to Westcliffe.

Koichi didn't fit the profile of a guy that had paid to get his ass seeded. He could get laid with minimal effort. Instead paying, the kid was in the sweet spot for the app's rent boys – guys who got paid to give it up. With my supervisor credentials on the web app, I might find out who used the app to trick at Cal Poly and the central coast. Maybe Koichi had gotten an education as a power bottom and financed his tuition at the same time. If he wasn't tricking on the app, he would be a perfect recruit as a rent boy.

I nodded nonchalantly, and, as the elevator arrived, asked, "Good tip?"

"Yeah," Max replied as we stepped inside the elevator and it began its tortured descent to the lobby. Max's blond hair was still damp from the shower. He pulled a hundred dollar bill from his jeans, presenting it to me the same way he always did with his tips. I pushed his hand back toward him, and Max stuffed the bill into his pocket.

"How was it?" I asked. "Did you enjoy topping for a night?"

Max frowned, wondering how I knew he topped. He quickly assumed I accessed the web app and had seen Koichi's message inquiring how much Max charged for an overnight of continuous butt fucking. "Um, yeah," Max replied. "Was okay," he shrugged.

I gave Max a raised eyebrow and a quizzical look, and he continued. "He was quite a bottom. Odd dude, though. Bizarre, really. He told me he was in love with his father."

"Stepfather," I said, recalling Koichi's story of getting fucked for two years by his future-stepfather-to-be.

"No," Max said. "But's that's totally wild, too. He slept with his stepfather for like, two years, before his stepfather married his mom. But, no, it's his birth father he's in love with."

It was my turn to be befuddled. Seeing my puzzled look, Max went on. "Koichi's father is gay, but Koichi is afraid to tell his dad that he's gay because he thinks after that, one thing might lead to another and he would end up making a pass at his dad." I now had the explanation of why Koichi hadn't come out to his father.

Just when I thought Koichi's situation couldn't get any weirder, another chapter of the Twilight Zone opened. Part of me felt a sense of relief that my contribution to the weirdness – fucking both Toshi and his son – was mild compared with the rest of the soap opera. Perhaps I should have been more careful, although my afternoon and night of ramming my cock into hungry Asian asses had been hot. Both men had wanted it, bad.

"Another thing," Max mused. "He wore a jock strap the entire night and wouldn't let me get him off. This morning I found out he was wearing a weird metal chastity cage underneath the jock. It was really intricate and had a tiny lock on it. He said it drove him crazy to get fucked and not be able to get hard or cum." My surprise turned from Koichi's sexual fantasies to the detail of Max's report. Not the chastity cage – that made sense after Koichi made no effort to get off during our romp in the snow earlier in the day. But Max seldom talked this much and out of the blue he had volunteered a detail of information about chastity cage. Why did he want me know?

A chastity cage was exactly what I should have used on Toshi. Toshi had periodic trips to Westcliffe in the spring and had already offered to plan them around my schedule, although who knew whether I would be sleeping with Toshi if he found out I had balled his son. But if that inconvenient fact didn't deter the tall Japanese man, maybe I would lock his junk up on one trip and keep the key so he was caged until the second trip. Like father, like son...

"What did you think of the cage?" I asked.

"It was... interesting," Max said, his clear blue eyes eager.

"Really?" I replied. "Do you want to try one?"

Max gazed at me, thinking for a moment before saying, "If you would like me in one, sir." He was the perfect sub, not having a real opinion but committed to doing whatever I wanted him to do.

"Hmmm," I said, contemplating the possibility. Probably not, I thought, but it could be interesting to lock Max's cock up for a week or two to see how it affected him. Maybe it would help his race times on the track. Some guys claimed that not cumming for a couple of weeks did. Supposedly the buildup of testosterone helped your physical performance.

"Was your boy's ass nice and juicy?" I asked, changing the subject.

Max frowned again. "Sloppy," he replied, as if he had only now realized it. "I'd swear he'd been fucked minutes before I arrived last night."

"Well, why would he hire you if that had happened?" I queried.

"Yeah, you're right," Max said. He didn't understand power bottoms the way I did. A power bottom never gets enough. One load just whets the bottom's appetite.

The vision of Max plowing Koichi's juiced ass gave me pause. Max and I should have reversed roles. Fucking Koichi after Max seeded him a couple of times would have been amazing. Maybe I should use Max for tag teaming. Bottom boys would love Max's cock, and I could send him in to prepare the way for me. A good session with Max's stiff ramrod would loosen up any hole, and Max's big balls could splash all the cum-lube necessary to welcome my fuck rod. Max was showing more potential every day.

We were silent for a while before Max said, "He said he would hire me if I'm ever in in San Luis Obispo. Wherever that is."

"That's good," I replied. "Nothing beats a happy client. Good for business. You did great last night."

My compliment made Max glow. He was quiet again, par for the course for the rock climbing runner. As the elevator door opened and made our way through the sparse early morning crowd in the hotel lobby, I pointed to Max's tank top and asked, "What's with the getup?"

"Koichi wanted me to wear a running top so he could see my biceps and shoulders," Max shrugged. "I don't know why. He pulled it off not long after I arrived." Max didn't understand that sometimes revealing clothes are sexier than a fully naked body, and stripping a man can be hotter than having him totally nude.

As we trudged through the blustery December day back to the old gas station, Max said, "I didn't take any loads in my ass last night, so it isn't sloppy, but would you fuck me anyway when we get home, sir?"

I laughed and replied, "My cock needs a day to recover."

Disappointed, Max shrugged and said, "Mine too."

Normally, I would have been annoyed by a guy begging to get fucked. I made those decisions, not the men I fucked, and Max should know that by now. But for some reason it didn't bother me. I smiled at Max and said, "At least your asshole won't be sore. You know, for tomorrow..." The ripped blond twink gave me a conspiratorial grin.

If he needed another clue, my admission that my balls were in a replenishing mode gave Max the roadmap he needed to deduce why I was leaving the Westcliffe Hotel at 7:00 a.m. He just didn't know we had both been enjoying Japanese ass all night long. Between Max and me, the Asian father-son duo would be importing plenty of cum into California from the Montana mountains.


Email me and let me know if you like the story, the characters, the sex, or whatever.

Chapter Nineteen will hopefully appear in a week or two. It begins the home stretch of the story.

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2015

Next: Chapter 19

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