BBC on Campus

By Colton

Published on Sep 4, 2015


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  • My experiences color everything I write, sometimes an image that I recall, sometimes much more. This story, however, is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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Chapter Seventeen – Slope Side Sex

Toshi, the tall Japanese man I met at Professor Wang's house at Thanksgiving, had kept in touch with me one or twice every week since we met. His communications were not suggestive, but he periodically texted or emailed me some item he thought might interest me. I knew the signs. He wanted me.

Intrigued by Toshi's intelligence and calm demeanor, I was willing to let things unfold. Older guys wanted to get to know you first and fuck later. College boys wanted to fuck first and get to know you later. Provided, of course, that the sex was hot and the dude didn't look too much worse in the harsh light of day as compared with the way he looked in the drug and alcohol haze of the night before.

Toshi visited Westcliffe periodically for meetings on a research project, and he had a trip planned for the week before Christmas, when the research team had time available because the University's students were on break. He was planning a day of skiing when he made the trip. Montana had great early season snow, but before Christmas the slopes were largely deserted. I was happy to join him, and had a suspicion that the day in the mountains would be followed by a night between the sheets.

Black kids from Chicago didn't do snow sports, so until I went to Harvard I hadn't been on a ski slope. But Stian, my Norwegian fuckbuddy for two years in Cambridge, taught me to snowboard. I was eager to get back on the slopes, and looking forward to enjoying western powder in lieu of eastern ice.

The best ski areas in Montana were around Yellowstone, quite a trek from Westcliffe, but there was a small, reasonably convenient area outside Missoula. I drove up to meet Toshi at the ski area a couple days after becoming business partners with Max's ass and cock. Max was alone at the old gas station where the rock climbers lived, doing whatever college boys do to decompress after exams and kill time. And, he undoubtedly was resting his asshole, which I had been using regularly.

I met Toshi at the base lodge, and was surprised that he wasn't alone. He hadn't told me he would be bringing someone, but when I spotted Toshi, he was with another tall Japanese man, a younger version of himself. "This is my son, Koichi," Toshi announced, introducing us. Koichi looked to be 18, maybe 20, 22 max. I quickly did the math and figured Toshi had to be at least 40. That was the top of the range I had him down for. The man looked damn good.

Koichi could have been his father's twin. Toshi didn't look his age, and only subtle differences distinguished the two men. Close scrutiny confirmed Koichi was younger, and hipper, too, given the diamond earrings he wore in both ears and the tattoo on his neck, visible even under his ski clothes. Both men were tall for Japanese men. Koichi's eyes were brighter and happier than his father's smoldering brown eyes. He was much readier to smile. In all, the normal differences that 20 years brought.

Koichi was a senior at Cal Poly, so that made him my age, maybe a little younger, although he might have been older, too. I rode with Toshi on the first trip up the double lift, and he confided that Koichi had decided last night, on the spur of the moment, that he wanted to come along for a day of snowboarding. Koichi had a separate room at the Westcliffe Hotel, a point Toshi carefully slipped into the conversation. Another piece of evidence suggesting that Toshi planned this trip as more than just a friendly get together.

Toshi was mystified by his son's impetuous behavior. I was less surprised, being a recent college graduate myself and having spent the last four and half years surrounded by college boys. Hard to underestimate the relief a college student feels after exams are finished. Even harder to underestimate is the craziness that ensues in the post-exam world of college students. A ski trip to Montana on the spur of the moment made perfect sense to me.

We had a spectacular day for skiing. Six inches of fresh snow blanketed the slopes, but the storm that blew through the night before had cleared out and the sky was bright blue. The only negative was that we were only days away from the winter solstice, so the sun was discouragingly low in the sky.

Nothing is quite like the first run of the ski season. The sense of floating on the snow, breathing the cool, crisp air, and flying down a ski slope while surrounded by incredible mountain scenery – all are stunning reminders of why snow sports are so great. I understood the excitement hard-core skiers and snowboarders felt when strapping on the boards at the opening of every season, despite snow conditions that were usually miserable until mid-January.

Koichi and I were on snowboards while Toshi was skiing. Toshi was a solid intermediate skier, but Koichi knew his stuff. The kid had to have been boarding for years.

By midmorning, Koichi had scoped me out frequently enough that my gaydar was firing on all cylinders. But my gaydar wasn't reliable with college kids. Some college boys were just curious enough about a 6'5" man with light black skin and long dreadlocks to stare in the same way a drunk gay boi with a stiff boner would stare.

Koichi and I were riding the lift together later in the morning when I asked where he learned to board. "My mom lives in Colorado," Koichi said, "so I grew up hitting the slopes almost every Saturday during ski season. She put me in ski and snowboard classes to keep me out of trouble, which worked while I was a little kid, but by the time I was in middle school and high school, the dudes I boarded with were pretty wild. Plus, a couple of us hung out with some older shredders that weren't exactly model citizens and took it upon themselves to corrupt us in every way possible. I learned a lot more about drugs and sex from my boarding buddies than I would have hanging with the kids in Denver that my mom thought were such a bad influence on me."

Koichi turned to me and gave me an odd, almost challenging smile. He added, "Got my butt fucked for the first time when I was 15 by a dude that was one helluva snowboarder. He was smoking hot, and he fucked like a crazy man, just like he boarded. I couldn't get enough of his cock, or his friends', either. Not enough good pussy to be found in ski areas, and I was happy as a pig in mud to use my holes to help dudes relieve the pressure on their balls. Maybe that's why I like boarding so much," he grinned. Koichi's sudden, no-holds-barred confession confirmed my gaydar was working just fine.

When I didn't react with horror to Koichi's revelations of being a gay slut, he eagerly plunged further and continued describing his sexual adventures. "Got fucked by a couple of my mom's boyfriends, too," he said. "My new stepdad plowed my ass regularly, like weekly for two fucking years, before he got into her pussy. Mom and I have the same taste in men. Hung dudes that want tight holes and like it rough."

We were well into the `too much information' category. I didn't feel that way because I was shocked – I wasn't. I knew other guys that had had sex with their sister's or mother's boyfriends. I knew guys that relished incest, too, although I suppose Koichi's liaison with his future stepfather wasn't technically incest because it happened before the guy married Koichi's mom. But the only reason for Koichi to relay the details of his sex life, when he barely knew me, was shock value. As I said, I wasn't shocked, but saw no reason for Koichi to understand why not. No need to give him any insight into me.

To change the subject, I latched onto the first thing that was unrelated to sex that came to mind. Pointing to Koichi's snowboard I asked, "How do you like that board?"

"It's okay for a rental," Koichi shrugged, his sexual shenanigans forgotten for the moment. "You've got a damn nice one," he added.

For an instant, I thought Koichi was talking about my cock, and I glanced down to make sure it wasn't unusually prominent. But Koichi wasn't commenting on my package after all. He added, "Where did you learn to board?"

Relieved by the change in the direction of the conversation, I told Koichi more than I would have normally. "Well, black kids in Chicago aren't into snow sports, but at Harvard one of my best friends was a Norwegian guy that had just retired from the professional snowboard circuit. He had a promotional deal where he made appearances and did tricks at a ski area in the northeast. For three years he was at the ski area for a week at Christmas and spring break and for long weekends over MLK Day and Presidents Day. Paid tuition that way. After I met him, he insisted that I come along and he taught me to board. I went with him on pretty much every trip for two years. He was a great teacher, although I never let him sucker me into trying the crazy jumps he could do in his sleep."

I didn't tell Koichi that Stian begged me to join him on those trips so he could get his butt fucked every night. Stian was a cock connoisseur, and he treated my big black cock like it was a godsend. For my part, I saw no reason to pass up the chance to enjoy the mountains, learn to board, hang with snowboarding royalty, watch kids idolize Stian, and use his fine, grade AAA Norwegian ass a couple of times every night. The ski area picked up the tab for everything, so Stian and I had a series of free vacations.

"Who was your friend?" Koichi asked, puzzling through who he might be.

"Stian Sandvig," I answered.

"Stian Sandvig!?" Koichi exclaimed excitedly. "Holy fuck! I had the biggest crush on him growing up. When he medaled at the Olympics, I watched his runs and the medal ceremony over and over. I fantasized about him for days. Hell, years. His looks and his long hair gave me endless jack off material. I love boarders and I love dudes with long hair." Koichi gave my dreadlocks a pointed gaze, making sure I knew he found them hot.

"I should introduce the two of you," I said. "Stian likes black-haired dudes." I didn't tell Koichi that beyond black hair, Stian wasn't particular – black cocks, Asian cocks, Latin cocks, Middle eastern cocks – all were fine as long as they could be counted on to fuck his brains out.

"What's he doing now?" Koichi asked.

"Practicing law in New York," I replied. "He finished law school last spring."

"How did you meet at Harvard?" Koichi asked. "You weren't in law school with Stian, were you?"

"No, I was an undergrad," I replied, adding, "We knew each other socially." I feared that Koichi would spend the day pumping me for details about Stian, but we were at top of the lift so the conversation ended. Toshi, Koichi and I were alternating riding together on the double lifts, so it would be another hour before I rode with Koichi again. Koichi was a smart boy, and if my comment about Stian liking black-haired dudes hadn't already told Toshi what he needed to know, an hour would give him plenty of time to put two and two together and realize what Stian and I did après-ski.

We broke for lunch and afterwards Koichi announced that he wanted to check out an area he heard about from a ski patroller. Reportedly, a short hike from the top of one of the lifts would get you all the untracked snow in the trees that you wanted, and almost no one made the hike, so the area was deserted and the snow pristine. It sounded fun, but I knew Toshi wasn't up for it. He confirmed my suspicions, but also said that he was only going to do a couple more runs and urged Koichi and me to go together.

The untracked snow in the trees was as good as advertised, and Koichi got wild, looking for cliffs to jump. The kid liked air and was good at it jumps. It was all I could do to keep up with him. Maybe I should introduce Stian and Koichi, I thought. Stian bemoaned the paucity of good gay boarders. He found plenty of dudes willing to experiment on the down low, but he got tired taking cock from hung-up straight dudes.

"Damn," Koichi said as we rode the lift back up to our hiking point. "I can't believe you've only been boarding for three years. Stian must be one helluva good teacher."

"He's good at a lot of things. That's only one of `em," I commented with a sly smile.

On the next run, we took slightly different paths through the trees and I was sitting on the slope waiting for Koichi when he landed a huge jump and then executed a perfect turn and headed toward me. As he approached, he appeared to catch an edge, and tumbled into a heap, landing in between my legs.

Koichi was too good a boarder to make the mistake I had just witnessed, so I suspected that the crash was intentional. Of course, it was late in the day and early in the season, a bad combination, and things happen when your muscles get stressed. But my suspicions were confirmed when I caught a mischievous glint in Koichi's eyes and his hands found my package, buried under my board pants.

"I bet Stian couldn't keep his hands off this," Koichi said.

A gray wolf never passes up easy prey, and Koichi might as well have been presented to me on a silver platter. His stunt got my juices flowing. The kid was free and easy, and I was about to nail him.

I gave Koichi a faint smile, letting the tall Asian college boy continue to massage my dick. He didn't waste time, fishing my big black cock from my board pants.

"My God!" he exclaimed. "This is a cock to die for!"

"Then get your fucking mouth on it and suck," I said. Koichi gave me a quick smile and dove onto my cock, swallowing me in no time.

I developed a mild fondness for outdoor sex in public during four years of fucking my college roommate, David. The tattooed, ex-Marine muscle stud from New Orleans wasn't happy if I didn't breed his ass outdoors at least once a month. The trees Koichi and I were boarding through were isolated enough that the risk of being caught was low, although the ski patrol might decide to check the area at any time. But I didn't mind the risk. I had chanced much more risky situations with David. I halted Koichi long enough to kick out of my bindings and give him full access to my cock. Nothing like a blow job from a talented mouth with the winter sun warming me.

My cock was not the first dick Koichi had sucked. And not the first big tool, either. The kid took me without a hint of gagging. Damn. As he hungrily slurped on my rod, his dark eyes staring at me, I mentally graded his effort. He was right up there with the blow jobs I had gotten from Jesse and Max.

Koichi wasn't settling for eating a load of my cum, and I wasn't interested in getting only a blow job. Koichi wanted my cock in his ass and I was intent on balling him. Taking only the slightest break from chowing down on my fuck tube, and despite the cold temperature, Koichi stripped off his clothes until he was only wearing his socks and a black jock strap. He had a slender, defined body, his skin smooth and tight. Luckily the sun was still shining, providing a hint of warmth.

"Dude, you're gonna get fucked," I said. "Fucked hard."

"Oh, God, yeah," Koichi murmured breathlessly. "Destroy my ass!"

A power bottom in prime form is amazing. I had plenty of experience with good power bottoms, but finding one Koichi's age was rare. The kid must have been bottoming throughout his college years, maybe high school, too. Koichi scrambled around so that he was on his hands and knees, his knees braced on his snowboard. He spread his ass cheeks and panted, "Fuck, dude, shove it in me and ride me like a cheap whore. Fuck my brains out. Show me your big black cock rules."

Koichi's inviting Asian ass, arrayed against a mountainside of fresh white snow, was too intriguing to pass up. I dug my boots into the snow to brace myself and pointed the head of my cock against Koichi's dark hole. "Fuck me!" Koichi demanded, "Wreck my ass."

I pressed forward, the head of my cock slipping inside Koichi's hole. "Oh, God, yes," Koichi cried. "You feel amazing. Fuck my ass!" I powered my fuck rod farther and farther inside Koichi's ass, until my pubes touched his smooth butt cheeks.

"Oh, God your black monster is huge," Koichi groaned. "It feels incredible. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" he begged.

Gripping Koichi's hips, I pulled his ass back at the same time I rammed my cock forward, eliciting a happy moan from the Asian college stud. He had taken my cock without any sign of distress. The boy was a slut, used to sucking cock, used to taking dick and used to being fucked hard. Over and over he begged me to pound his ass.

I began to pump in and out of Koichi's butt. Koichi's ski parka was on the snow in front of him, and he buried his bare shoulders and his head in his coat, raising his ass and demanding that I pummel him. His smooth back was graced by a spectacular tattoo of a pair of wings that rose from deep in his ass crack and spread across much of his back. Each time I pounded into him, his bubble butt made the base of the wings flutter.

Despite the faint rays of the sun warming my back, it was cold enough that I wasn't going to draw this fuck out. I'm usually indifferent to whether a bottom is enjoying a fuck or just tolerating it, but Koichi was clearly into it and his enthusiasm and excitement turned me on. He made no move to touch his jock-strap imprisoned cock, so I didn't either, instead keeping my hands clamped on his narrow hips and using them to slam his hole onto my bull cock as I rammed forward.

"Breed me like a bitch," Koichi moaned. "Use my ass! You own it! Fuck me!"

I piston fucked the Asian slut, my cock slamming into him in quick, staccato bursts as I felt my nut build. For several long moments, I teetered on edge, close to blasting a load and seeding Koichi. Suddenly my balls pumped and my cock fired. Cum blasted deep into Koichi's pussy. The Japanese snowboarder gasped and said, "Oh, yeah, God, yeah."

My balls rapidly drained into Koichi's hole. I caught my breath. Koichi's fuck chute felt awesome clamped around my cock. Only the cold weather deterred me from fucking Koichi again, but after a few minutes, I pulled out. It was getting late, and I knew the ski patrol would be making a run through the trees at the end of the day to check the slopes.

Koichi stayed on his knees, his head still buried in his coat. His gaping asshole spasmed several times, and a line of cum dripped from his used hole. The Asian bottom stuck a long finger in his pussy, coated it with cum and then brought it to his mouth, sucking his cum coated finger and moaning as he tasted my man juice. If it hadn't been so cold, I think he would have stayed where he was for a long spell, relishing the feeling of his ass being seeded and abused by my cock. But after a minute or two of working his puckered hole, Koichi reached for his clothes and quickly pulled them on.

"Fuck, that was hot," Koichi said as we stepped back into our bindings and headed down the hill. "I've been fucked half a dozen times on ski slopes, but damn, dude, none of `em compare to this." Neither of us had the energy to try any more jumps or stunts, and it was late enough in the day that we joined Toshi in the lodge.

As I headed back to Westcliffe, I decided it probably didn't make sense to introduce Stian and Koichi after all. Two confirmed power bottoms would just frustrate each other. Maybe after the first of the year I would explore a snowboarding trip with the two of them. A threesome could be hot. But, while I liked to dump four or five loads a day, keeping one insatiable bottom happy was demanding enough, let alone two. Maybe we would have to find another top with a big dick and plentiful balls and make it a foursome. That would have the added advantage of ensuring Stian and Koichi's boy cunts were even sloppier and juicier, and spread farther for my cock. The challenge would be finding time to snowboard.


If you like the story, the characters, the sex, email me and let me know.

Look for Chapter Eighteen in another week or two. But we are entering the home stretch of the story...

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2015

Next: Chapter 18

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