BBC on Campus

By Colton

Published on Jul 15, 2015


My usual disclaimers:

  • My experiences are in everything I write, sometimes an image that I recall, sometimes much more. This story, however, is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  • This story depicts unprotected sex. In real-life, be safe!

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A few days after I had Damian's ass for dessert on Thanksgiving weekend, I ran into Kyle in the gym locker room. Kyle was the twink that took my cock the day of the Bikinis and Goggles race, after he cruised me and I decided to use his ass to relieve pressure on my balls. He looked the same as he had three months ago – long brown hair that fell over his forehead, a surprisingly good upper body, and legs that were sticks.

I hadn't given much thought to Kyle since the day of the race, and wouldn't have given him more than a glance, but he was changing clothes with a guy that caught my attention. Kyle's friend was a big, muscular kid with curly, dirty-blond hair and meaty muscles. His chest, legs and arms were smooth, and his pecs were huge. The kid obviously pumped iron, and plenty of it. The upper part of his left arm was covered with an expansive, swirling tribal tattoo. He looked like he was Russian or some other flavor of Slavic. He would look even better my cock buried in his bubble butt.

Kyle was completely out of place next to his stud friend. The guy's muscular body dwarfed Kyle's slim twink frame. I wondered if the muscle boy was the boyfriend Kyle mentioned when I fucked him in his dorm room three months ago. Probably not. Kyle was cheating on his boyfriend then, and given the half-life of college romances, Kyle could easily have gone through three or four boyfriends since then.

Kyle pointed at me and whispered to his friend as I walked past. Both college boys stared. I might have said something to them if the two guys hadn't been so obviously cruising me. I remembered Kyle saying his boyfriend liked black guys. I wasn't up for twinks that were curious about me because of my skin color or the size of my cock. I needed a man to fuck, not more college kids. Maybe I was still recalling last night, which happened to be the first Wednesday of December – the day every month when I destroyed Kent's manhole, pumping my balls dry inside the hot prof's eager holes.

Classes at Westcliffe ended the next day, with only two weeks of final exams left in the semester. That signaled to the college kids it was time to buckle down for a final panicked flurry of studying. I was essentially on early vacation because I didn't have any teaching assignments and wouldn't have papers and exams to grade for a week or two. I planned to spend most of the time concentrating on my thesis, but the mountains above Westcliffe had gotten some good early season snow, and I decided to take a break and snowshoe up to a warming hut that was supposed to have a panoramic view of the Continental Divide.

The hike was great. The air was cool and crisp, and the sun reflecting off the snow was blinding. A blanket of fresh snow covered everything and deadened any sound. When I stopped to take in the views, it was perfectly quiet and still. Six inches of fluffy snow had fallen the night before, and I was glad someone else had been up the trail because I wasn't familiar with the path to the hut. Three or four people appeared to have broken the trail ahead of me.

The warming hut was rustic, just two rooms in a small, weathered wooden cabin. One room was occupied by a communal kitchen, dining and living room. The second room had five bunk beds for overnight stays. Despite the sunny day, it was cold enough in early December that the thought of spending a night in the unheated cabin during the dead of winter was daunting, at least for a city boy from Chicago like me.

I reached the cabin to find three pairs of snowshoes were resting against the wall, but I didn't see anyone in the kitchen. It was soon clear where the owners of the snowshoes were. I had no more than stepped inside the hut and closed the door when I heard a familiar voice say, "Yeah, fuck his ass, Jack. Ram him. You like having my cock in your mouth and Jack's dick in your ass at the same time, don't you Donny?"

If I hadn't just seen him, I might not have recognized Kyle's voice, but I was sure the campus gay slut was in the next room. Kyle's comment and the count of show shoes outside the hut indicated he was with two other guys. I pulled off my coat and warmed up, listening for several long minutes to the unmistakable sounds of fucking coming from the bunk room. It was actually funny, three guys going at it and not realizing I could hear everything through the thin walls of the hut.

I eased the door to the bedroom open and stood in the doorway, watching the show. The big, muscular Russian kid, who looked to the world like he would top, was on his hands and knees getting split roasted. Kyle was holding the guy's head and pumping his cock in and out of the muscle boy's mouth. Meanwhile, a dark haired guy was on his knees behind the muscle boy, dicking the stud's bubble butt. From Kyle's comment earlier, I surmised that Donny was the meaty Russian and Jack was the dark haired guy drilling Donny's ass.

Jack was slim and had wavy hair. His face was pretty enough that he could model, although his body was on the slender side. His long, straight jaw line and his upper lip were graced by what amounted to a trendy heavy scruff or light beard. A spray of dark hair across his chest, leading to a tiny treasure trail cascading between his abs, through his bellybutton and into his crotch, caught my attention. Jack's chest was far from hairy, certainly not the lush rug on Jake's chest, but coupled with the facial hair, the light coating of hair made him look mature, particularly compared to the smooth-skinned Kyle and Donny. After a semester of fucking smooth rock climbers, I liked the contrast. It was hard to tell how old Jack was, but from the doorway I guessed he was in his mid-20s.

The show continued as Kyle and Jack got into a rhythm, both of them powering into Donny's holes at the same time, making the jock's big muscles jiggle with each paired thrust. Jack wasn't a guy that I would immediately be drawn to – too pretty – but as he clenched his jaws and flexed his abs, powering into Donny's butt, the guy looked hot.

As the fuck scene developed, Jack began breathing heavily. His hands clenched Donny's hips as he slammed into Donny's asshole. "I'm gonna cum," he gasped.

For some reason, in the moments before his climax, Jack spotted me. He froze midfuck, his dick ready to slide back into Donny's hole, and exclaimed, "Oh, shit!" A look of terror flashed across his face. I suppose Jack felt awkward, butt naked and in the middle of a three-way fuck in front of a 6'5" black stranger with long dreadlocks. Kyle and Donny were too preoccupied to react immediately, but when Kyle noticed Jack staring at the door, he looked over and his eyes got huge. Donny was oblivious, his eyes trained on Kyle's pubes, his holes filled with cock, but when Kyle stopped plunging his cock into Donny's mouth, the muscle stud turned his head and added his stunned look to those of the other two boys.

Unfortunately for the threesome, their clothes were in a pile by the doorway, next to me. Jack's eyes fixed on the clothes and I sensed he was ready to lunge for them, but I anticipated his move and kicked the pile into the kitchen, shutting the door.

The threesome looked at me like deer caught in the headlights. "I didn't give you permission to stop fucking," I said, folding my arms across my chest and leaning against the wall. "You better make this a good show," I added.

The room was silent for a long moment, other than Kyle and Jack panting as they caught their breath. None of the three twinks said anything. Finally Kyle broke the stalemate. A faint smile crossed his face and he grabbed Donny's head and began to feed the jock his cock again. In addition to being the campus slut, Kyle apparently had a streak of exhibitionism in him.

Jack continued to stare at me, frozen in place. "Well?" I demanded of him. He glanced at Donny's bare back and upturned ass and Kyle's rigid tool pumping Donny's mouth, glanced back at me, and began to slide his cock into Donny's fleshy bubble butt. When you've been a stroke or two from cumming, it is hard to resist the urge to finish the job. But Jack's action was more than just physical horniness. It wasn't necessarily exhibitionism, but the boy like performing.

I watched the scene for a while longer, making no move to join in. Kyle was enjoying putting on a show, glancing at me periodically as he face fucked Donny. Jack was slower to relax, but his cock had been ready to blow before I interrupted his fuck, and it did not take much for him to get back into full fuck mode.

Jack must have done modelling. The way he moved, the way his biceps were always flexed in just the right way to show off his definition, the way he played to me, all pointed in the same direction. He was used to being in front of camera and was happy, eager to perform for me. He was fucking because I wanted him to fuck. I might as well have been the photographer on his modeling shoots.

Jack's movements reminded me of Oliver, a Brit model I fucked for a solid week during my last summer in New York. I met him by accident at the beginning of a men's fashion show. He and a couple of other models happened onto a subway car on which I was riding. The three boys were in their late teens or early twenties and were dressed in the latest fashions, which in Oliver's case was skinny jeans and a thin cotton V-neck that probably cost well over a hundred dollars. For that you get top quality material that exposes your collar bones in just the right way and reveals the perfect amount of suggestive cleavage in a smooth chest.

The threesome talked excitedly and any doubt that they were gay vanished when Oliver's friends got off the train and both boys gave Oliver big affected kisses. Oliver had given me several long glances while talking with his friends, and after they left, he pointedly sat down opposite me, giving me a dazzling smile.

Pretty boys don't do it for me. Their bodies are great, and if only my eyes and hands were involved in sex, my reaction might be different. But inevitably pretty boys had fucked up personalities. They worried constantly about their appearance. At the same time were jaded because people seeking them out did so only for their looks. Damned if they did and damned if they didn't, pretty boys wanted to be desired for their bodies and when they got exactly that, they discovered – guess what – they were desired only for their bodies and not for who they were.

I wasn't the only person on the subway that noticed Oliver. A group of smitten teenaged girls had been awestruck by the threesome of models, and once Oliver was alone, they kept giggling and staring. More sinister was one of New York's street bullies. He purposely bumped into Oliver, and when Oliver responded with a very British, "Terribly sorry," the game was on.

The bully started berating Oliver, calling him names and getting in his face. The tourists on the train stared in shock, while the New Yorkers steadfastly ignored the combatants, trying their best to remain uninvolved. I watched the scene play out, halfway amused at Oliver's discomfort. Oliver wasn't facing any real danger, but not being used to New York, he lacked the same confidence in his fate.

The show went on until the bully started calling Oliver a faggot and hurling a series of other gay put-downs. He had crossed the line and I couldn't stay still. Oliver might have been a vacuous Brit air head, but it pissed me off to hear anti-gay language. "Shut the fuck up," I said to the bully, rising to my feet and using my height to stare down at him. "He hasn't done anything to you."

Even the New Yorkers were staring now, looking up from their cell phones and books and wondering what would happen. The bully gave me a look of hate and for a moment I wondered if he might have a blade. But if he was considering violence, my being 6'5" and having long dreadlocks, along with a subway car of witnesses, dissuaded him. Instead, he snarled at me, "If you like fucking faggots so much, why don't you kiss one?"

Not the response I was expecting, but I was happy the situation wasn't playing out in a more threatening way. I never hesitated, pulling Oliver to his feet and planting a big kiss on his lips. In shock, he resisted for a brief moment and then kissed me back, his tongue playing with mine as I took possession of his mouth. His arms clung to my shoulders.

The tension on the train dissolved as the crowd of subway riders burst into spontaneous applause. The bully realized he had lost and, muttering, he shoved his way to the other side of the car, getting off on the next stop.

I got off two stops later, and Oliver followed me. "Thanks for doing that," Oliver said, obviously wanting to talk to me.

"No problem," I shrugged, adding, "keep the change." I headed for the exit.

"You... you know you can't kiss a bloke like that and leave him hanging," Oliver said, keeping pace with me.

I stopped and gave him a slight smile before asking, "Why not?"

Oliver looked at me sincerely and said, "You just can't, that's all." He reached for my hand.

Half an hour later, Oliver's long legs were wrapped about my hips as my big black cock plowed his ass and coaxed a happy moan from him. The kid was a sex fiend, at least the week he was in New York. He wanted my cock constantly. I was happy to oblige him because, unlike most pretty boys, Oliver proved to be much less trouble and had no attitude. He brought an incredible sense of enthusiasm and excitement to sex. Oliver maintained that he was at his modeling best while he was on the runway and could relive having my cock shoved up his asshole.

Watching Jack's cock sink into Donny's muscular bubble butt got me turned on. The stud's ass looked as good in the flesh as I had envisioned when I saw him in the locker room two days earlier. The prospect of seeding Donny's bubble butt after Jack had gotten it good and sloppy was too good of an opportunity to pass up. Jack, with his model good looks and stage movements, would be a hot fuck, too. I sensed that he was following my orders, fucking for me, seeding Donny's bubble butt for my amusement. What he really wanted was my big black cock inside him.

I pulled off my shirt and dropped my jeans, exposing my big piece. Jack's eyes almost bugged out and Donny looked like he had forgotten to breathe. "I told you so," Kyle whispered, excitement showing in his green eyes.

I crossed to the threesome and straddled Donny's body, facing Jack. I grabbed my piece, pointing it toward Jack's red lips. Kyle wasn't a bad cocksucker, but he hadn't been able to handle my meat. I preferred to watch Jack's chest hair and thin beard compared to Kyle's smooth pecs and face, and I would take the chance on Jack knowing how to suck cock better than Kyle.

It was a good roll of the die. Jack knew dick. As he began pumping Donny's ass again, he licked my cock, playing with my foreskin and squeezing my balls. I reached down and pulled his scruffy chin up, making him look at me as he worked on my dick, slowly getting me hard.

"Yeah, fucker," I said. "Suck it good. Make love to it. Because it owns your white slut boi pussy. And you want it in you so bad."

Jack struggled with the size of my piece and fought to get it down his throat, but he succeeded where Kyle and countless others had failed. I could see his slender throat expand and contract as my cock sank in and out of his mouth. Below, Jack's long, thin cock pumped Donny's muscle butt. Jack's dark eyes told me I had succeeded in enslaving him. I owned the fuck toy and he hungered to be bred. Whether he recognized it or not, he was performing for me, fucking Donny to turn me on. The goal of his show was to seduce me, to get my cock in his hole. He hungered for the feel of my big black cock breeding his pussy, seeding his white cunt with black ball juice and leaving him hungering for more.

I felt Kyle's tongue rimming me from behind. The gurgling sounds from below me confirmed he was continuing to face fuck Donny, but I guess Kyle didn't want to miss out on the action and was taking the opportunity to eat my ass. Neither rimming nor getting rimmed is my thing, but I let the little slut chow down on my hole anyway.

Jack was the first to blow. He had one hand wrapped around the base of my cock as he deep-throated it, and the other on Donny's glutes to ensure that the muscle twink's hole was lined up to take Jack's thrusting cock. I almost could feel Jack's climax as his body shuddered, his cock buried all the way in Donny's fuck chute. He hesitated in sucking my cock only for moments.

The furry twink would happily have blown me, but ramming my stud buster in Donny's freshly seeded muscle boi pussy wasn't something I was going to forego. I pulled Jack off my dick, slapping it across his scruffy face a couple of times, and said, "I'm not done with you, but right now I'm gonna take a detour into your friend's asshole."

I rolled Donny on his back, putting his legs on my shoulders. He hadn't gotten an up-close view of my big black cock when it was fully erect, and as it swung over him, he stared at it with a look that alternated between disbelief and dread as he realized it was about to penetrate his used hole. Horned up from my blow job from a hot, furry model boy, I was ready to fuck and fuck hard.

The always-prepared Kyle produced a tube of lube that I used to grease up my pole. Donny's fuck chute was dripping with Jack's white cum, so I figured the stud's hole was lubed enough without another coating. I handed the lube back to Kyle and said, "Fuck your boyfriend. I want his ass used and ready for my bull cock after I breed your muscle boy." Kyle gave me a wide-eyed look and Jack gave me a frown, but both boys moved to comply with my instructions.

Donny's cock was rock hard, and I was surprised at how short and squat it was. It was five inches long at best, maybe only four and a half, but it was the thickness of a beer can. It looked like a butt plug. It was going to be a perfect joy stick to manipulate the muscle boy's ass.

I leaned forward, pushing Donny's legs forward and his ass up. No reason to let any more of Jack's cum leak from the muscle hole. Positioning my cock against Donny's fuck chute, I stared at my victim and began to push inside. Donny had a mixture of fear, resignation and excitement on his face, and he gasped, "Just ram it in. I love it fast, furious and hard."

That conveniently corresponded with the mood I was in, so I granted Donny's wish. After my fuck rod split his guts and Donny let out a yelp, he may have reconsidered his desire to get fucked hard. But he was about to discover it was too late to turn back. I pulled my cock out of the muscle boy's ass, noticing with some satisfaction that it was coated with Jack's cum, and then drilled back in. Sloppy is my favorite consistency of man ass.

Donny's hole was the Little Red Riding Hood of fuck holes. Just right. Not too tight and not too loose. Not too dry and not too wet. His big, strong body gave me something to brace against as I power fucked the helpless muscle boy, and his fat fuck tool was great for jerking his ass around as I plowed it. Fast, furious and hard Donny had said. That is what I delivered.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack on his hands and knees and Kyle topping him. Jack wasn't that old, but with his scruffy beard and soft, downy chest he looked like a man being butt fucked by a high school kid. Kyle's green eyes were glazed, as if he was on a different planet, cognizant only of his cock sliding into Jack's slender ass cheeks.

Even though the hut was unheated and it was early December, with four young bucks rutting inside, the bedroom heated up and the two windows, tiny squares at the front and back of the room, fogged over. I even began to sweat a little as I railed on Donny's ass.

None of us were big talkers during sex, at least this time. I remembered Kyle talking plenty when I fucked his ass after the Bikinis and Goggles race, but maybe the boi slut was only vocal when he had a cock in his pussy. The only sounds that punctuated the air were assorted groans and gasps, and the slapping sound of skin hitting skin and cocks slamming into greased assholes.

Kyle nutted first. He let out a solitary, "FUCK!" and both Donny and I turned to watch as he crammed his cock into Jack's ass and closed his eyes. He kept his eyes shut for a long time, but, panting, he eventually opened them and collapsed on Jack's bare back.

I probably could have fucked Donny for another half hour, but I wanted Jack's ass and liked the idea of sliding my dick into it while it was still hot with a fat load of cum. I began to piston fuck Donny, ramming my black python into his ass at a furious pace. I felt the beginning of my climax, and I went for it, not backing off and edging myself like usual, but pressing forward with urgency. I was surprised at the suddenness and intensity of my climax. My cock pumped Donny's ass like it was filling a water balloon.

I rested for a bare minute or two after my last volley of cum shot into Donny's hole, waiting only until my cock was not too sensitive. Then I pulled out and got to my feet. My knees needed a break from the hard wooden floor of the hut and I wanted my hands around Jack's slender body as I bred him. I pulled him to his feet, kissing him briefly but harshly, and then turned him around. He clung to the bedpost of one of the bunk beds while I swirled my dick in the mixture of cum and lube dripping from his ass.

Jack was on the tall side, but not tall enough, so I had to bend down to position my cock below his hole. I powered upward, lifting Jack off his feet as he let out a surprised gasp. His hole felt like silk as the weight of his body impaled his ass on my fuck pole.

Jack put one leg on the lower bunk bed to balance himself. The position opened his ass up more and I took advantage by beginning to thrust into his hole, sloppy and wet with Kyle's thick boi cum. I wrapped one hand across Jack's hard stomach and the other across his chest, feeling the silky hair that graced his pecs. I discovered a barbell in one tit and I twisted it, causing Jack to moan.

With Jack's hole already filled with Kyle's cum, my cock was coated with a thick load of Kyle's boi jism. I suppose it was good that Kyle had loosened Jack's cock hole up, but the slender young man still wasn't prepared for my monster. As I split his guts, he grimaced and gasped, panting. He grabbed my arm with a vice grip. I pulled out slightly, giving him a chance to relax his ass, but one chance was all I would grant. Squatting down and then straightening up, I rammed my rod upward, at the same time lowering Jack's torso onto my cock. A strangled cry escaped from Jack's throat.

I like fucking guys while standing up. I'm tall enough that most guys can't stand on their feet, which means they cling to something for support and their weight rests on my cock. I enjoy being able to wrap my arms around my partner's torso and nuzzle their necks.

I started to move in and out of Jack's hole, powering upward as I lowered Jack's body with my hands, then dropping downward and raising him slightly. Jack's agonized groans gradually subsided and he got past the pain. I looked down to see that his cock was hard and leaking, so he wasn't hating it too much. "Oh, God," he moaned. "I was made to get fucked like this!"

I was vaguely aware that Donny had Kyle flat on his stomach on the hut's floor and was pounding the young twink's hole. I guess after taking two loads without cumming himself, Donny was in no mood to delay getting his rocks off and Kyle's tight twink ass was a convenient tool to get the job done. I wondered once again if Donny had been the boyfriend Kyle was cheating on when I first met the twink slut last fall. Or maybe Donny had been the guy that had fucked Kyle earlier that morning, before I introduced Kyle to the joys of big black cock. Instead of Donny, maybe Jack was the boyfriend or the other man. Most likely, neither Jack nor Donny were in Kyle's life then.

Jack began squeezing his ass around my cock, and I realized he was beating himself off as I fucked his man cunt. Jack's prick had gotten hard after seeding Donny in little time. And his second climax didn't take long, either, happening sooner than I would have thought. Jack moaned, "Oh, God, Oh, God, Oh, God," in quick succession and cum bubbled from his cock, coating his hand. Jack clenched his ass around my black pole and before I could react my cock lurched and shot. Damn, I thought, that's what a power bottom can do.

Donny still had his fat cock buried in Kyle's boy cunt, the muscle boy's big body crushing Kyle into the floor of the hut. The sight of Donny's muscular glutes flexing each time he thrust himself into Kyle was impressive. Happily, Jack made himself useful by sucking my dick and keeping it hard. I like a guy who willingly takes my cock into his mouth after it's been inside the guy's asshole. Not that I minded unwilling guys that had to be pressured into doing it, either.

I had fucked Kyle once, and while the kid was not a bad fuck by any means, I had not gone out of my way for a second excursion into his hole. But I did love sloppy cunts, and from the sounds Donny's fat stub was making in Kyle's fuck hole, it was going to be juicy once Donny shot. It would have been even better if Jack added a cum contribution, but after shooting twice, I wasn't certain how much Jack's balls had left. In any event I wasn't interested in waiting while Jack drilled Kyle's boi pussy.

Donny let out a groan as his balls exploded, and he kept jabbing Kyle's asshole with quick, short strokes until his body finally went still. I could tell Kyle was feeling crushed by the big muscle boy, because as soon as Donny finished, Kyle slipped out from under the stud. A wet spot graced the floor where Kyle's cock had been. Kyle might pretend to be versatile or even masquerade as a top, but some boys were born to be bottoms, and Kyle was a card carrying member of that club.

Kyle gave me a hungry look and I nodded with a small smile, signaling that the slut was going to get his wish. He got on his knees, his ass facing me, and looked over his shoulder with a come-hither look. As if to add an exclamation point, he reached behind himself and spread his ass cheeks, revealing his pink hole and tiny flecks of Donny's white spunk. Damn if the fucker didn't work it open and shut, squeezing small dollops of Donny's jism from his cum hole.

I love sloppy, seeded boi pussy. Being wet with cum is a plus, but also I can jam my cock into a used fuck chute without having to let the bottom get used to the size of my big gun. The first time I fucked Kyle, he had trouble taking my dick, even though he had been fucked earlier in the day. But with Donny's fat, stubby cock having greased the way, Kyle was going to get fucked the right way.

Positioning my black shaft at the entrance to Kyle's hole, I circled the head of my cock in the cum and lube oozing from Kyle's pucker. Grabbing Kyle's thin hips, I rammed my fuck tool inside the twink boi, eliciting a gurgling gasp from the slut and shoving Donny's thick, rich load of jism deep inside Kyle's guts. I never looked back, beginning to slam fuck the slut, pulling my black monster almost all the way of his hole and then drilling back inside him. I had to keep a tight grip on Kyle's hips to keep his ass still, and I started to pull Kyle backwards and as I thrust forward, setting up a nice rutting rhythm.

Jack and Donny played with each other and kissed as they watched the show, but I guess they wanted Kyle's available hole, because they got in front of Kyle and made the slut alternate, sucking first one and then the other. The scene was almost comical, with Jack's long, thin pole juxtaposed next to Donny's short, fat stub. Kyle eagerly moved between the two cocks, deep throating them and licking his friends' balls.

Jack still wanted me, and he bent forward and pulled me into a deep French kiss, inviting my tongue to rape his mouth as his fingers ran through my dreadlocks. He eventually dislodged his cock from Kyle's mouth so he could suck face with me as I rammed Kyle's slut hole.

You would think that my third climax would take longer than the earlier two, but that has never been the case. Hell, the same dynamic applies to my fourth or fifth back-to-back climaxes. Once I get a load out and get into multiple fucks, they seem to come faster, not slower. I drove my big snake into Kyle's twink ass repeatedly, but I could feel my balls churning and knew it would not be long before I seeded the slut.

I began a sprint to the finish as I pounded Kyle's hole faster and faster and plunged my tongue into Jack's mouth. As I felt my climax crest, I sat back and pulled Kyle's ass onto my cock as my balls fired and my dick erupted deep inside the boy. I wasn't paying close attention, but I think Donny fed a load of cum to Kyle's mouth at the same time. Kyle, bless his butt, shot yet another load on his own cock and balls.

I was tempted to start round four and fuck either Jack or Donny again, or maybe both of them, but I had a long trip on snowshoes ahead of me and no interest in trying to find the trail down the mountain in the dark. I dressed and split, leaving the twink threesome recovering on the floor. I could guarantee that their three asses would be leaking cum as they trekked down the mountain.

Less than a mile down the trail, I stopped to listen to what I was sure was the haunting, distant howl of a gray wolf. It reminded me of my sometime nickname, wolf eyes. And reminded me that, despite my afternoon dalliance with three twinks holes, I still had one of the rock climbers to hunt and take down.

The stillness of the late afternoon was interrupted by a couple of young guys coming up the trail. They carried big packs with sleeping bags and food for an overnight stay. They stopped and asked about the trail ahead and how far it was to the hut. I wondered if they would find the bedroom still reeking of cum and sex. For that matter, they might find three naked twinks fucking their brains out.


Drop me a note with your reactions.

Chapter Thirteen will hopefully be up in another week, and contains a story about Jake's son, who made a very brief cameo appearance in Chapter Five.

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2015

Next: Chapter 13

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