Baywatch Guys

By Male Lover

Published on Mar 30, 2002


This work is purely fiction, based on my imagination and desire to see the characters of the famous TV series, Baywatch and Baywatch Hawaii, in male fantasies. This story is not an indication of the male stars' sexual preference. This work is just a creation of my lust and desire of the characters, not of the real actors. My apology is given in advance if this offends anyone. Baywatch and the characters from the TV series are trademarks of and copyright Tower 12 Productions.

Someone told me that he is not familiar with the TV characters. So, the following is a short guide to the characters appearing in this story.

Cody Madison (on TV, acted by hunky David Chokachi) Jack "J.D." Darius (on TV, acted by beefcake Michael Bergin) Jason Ioane (on TV, acted by hot Jason Momoa) C.J. Parker (on TV, acted by 'Don't call me, babe' Pamela Anderson)

In the 2nd last season of the original Baywatch, CJ left Cody. JD had only joined Baywatch, as an old friend of Mitch, a season later. In order to make my story simpler for me, I assume that CJ and JD had worked together before CJ's disappearance.

I hope you guys will like this story. I apologise again for the grammatical errors. If you do like the story, please let me know at Thank you. Any other sites wishing to use my material, please write in to ask for permission. Thanks.

In the first installment, lifeguard Cody and ex-lifeguard CJ went to Hawaii to celebrate the joyful occasion of her coming back into his life. They stayed with JD. JD was their old friend who had been transferred to Hawaii.

But when Cody was not around, JD was busy filling up CJ with his big cock. Cody caught them red-handed one night. Although Cody was angry, he could not leave CJ. After reconciliation, CJ managed to persuade Cody to invite JD for a three-way. But what should be a night of the two guys fucking her, went out of control when both guys experienced too, their first male sex together.

The three of them were not the only ones who knew their secret affair. They had a voyeur. Jason Ioane, the young hot lifeguard, enjoyed watching them secretly. But Jason did not know that Cody knew they had an uninvited audience.

Title: Baywatch Guys II

The jetski experience in Hawaii was something Cody had slightly underestimated. The currents in the area were way stronger than the ones in Malibu. However, Cody could pride himself in reading and understanding fast the waves and in applying his sense, he was able to share some tips with Jason.

Jason, riding the jetski, learnt fast for someone who had been with the team for only a couple of years. He swerved the machine around the waves and even balanced the vehicle well, as it leaped over strong tides. He gripped the handles tight, as he took control of the jetski.

Cody was impressed. In fact, it was more like Jason was showing him lessons than the other way around. As the pillion rider, he took the opportunity to hold Jason's hips when they skidded over weaker waves, causing his topless body to clash with Jason's naked back.

Jason was too aware of Cody's hands on his hips. But he could not tell Cody to remove the hands, as it might lead to Cody questioning the reasons for his discomfort. Besides, it was normal for any pillion riders to hold the rider that way.

As the waves caused the jetski to bounce a few times violently, Cody purposely let his hands slipped up, holding Jason on his waist. Cody needed to know Jason's reaction to him and JD eversince they two had performed a little exhibition for Jason the night before.

JD did not know Jason was outside their window watching. And Jason did not know that Cody knew there was someone spying. But Cody just had to find out if the spy was Jason.

As Cody spread fingers wider, to hold more Jason's skin under his palms, Jason got panic and did not want Cody to go any further. Jason deliberately turned the jetski 180-degree with one forceful turn. It almost sent Cody off the jetski, if Cody had not gripped Jason tighter.

Cody's palms struggled to find a hold, and in doing so, he clutched onto Jason's pecs.

Jason yelped of pain.

The jetski slowed down and eventually stopped moving.

Cody's palms were still over Jason's nipples. Jason pretended he was not aware of them.

'Are you ok?' asked Jason, in his husky voice. He turned his head, sideway, slightly to the back, hoping that Cody would say something to break the awkward situation he was in.

'Yeah, I'm alright,' Cody said, as he removed his hands and patted Jason's back.

'Sorry, I made that turn just now without warning you,' Jason offered an excuse, 'but I almost had forgotten you were behind me. When I ride the waves, I tend to be with them. Sorry, man...'

'No problem, kid!' Cody said, shifting his hands back to Jason's waist.

Jason shivered at the touch of Cody's palms on his skin. But he could not afford to create any scene, no matter if it would be a minor one only.

Cody liked the challenge of getting closer to this young Hawaiian lifeguard. He would not mind if this kid would join him, JD and CJ for some fun. But since that they were planning to go away for sailing together the following week, Cody saw no harm in being patient. The day would come when he made his move on this guy.

But a little tease was what Cody wanted to do at that time.

He pulled himself closer to Jason as Jason restarted the jetski. His hardon was pressed onto Jason's bum. Since that their shorts were thin, Cody had no doubt that Jason could feel his manhood.

Jason did feel Cody's manhood pressed up on him. He became more nervous. He was not so sure whether this was what he had wanted. He did spy on them. But it was because he had a huge lust for CJ. Seeing the guys getting it on together was not what he had expected, but Jason did feel excited to see two hunks fucking each other. It was more like thrill and awe over the dominant guys being dominated, including JD, a guy whom Jason had grown to worship for his ability to attract women easily.

Jason budged his hips forward.

Cody slid forward again, bumping his groin gently onto Jason.

Jason shifted his seat again.

But the waves were not helping Jason, as he could feel Cody's hard cock rubbing on his right asscheek each time the jetski bumped up.

Eventually Jason stopped resisting. They had almost reached the HQ and Jason had no more space to move forward. He let Cody had his fun, pressing his groin and chests on his back.

Cody was disappointed. If they were not so near the HQ, Cody knew he still would be safe to explore Jason further. He was hoping to have a sneak preview of Jason's cock. His palm was prepared to slide down Jason's shorts. But as they approached the HQ, not only Cody had to cancel his plan, he had to distance his body away from Jason, to avoid any suspicion from anyone who could see them clearer.

Jason was glad that they had to return the jetski. He had to go for duty at Tower 22. Although he was not comfortable being so close to another male, his growing cock was telling him that he enjoyed it too, and he was afraid of that.

Cody left the HQ after using the gym. But instead of going back to CJ, he dove into the water and swan in the opposite direction. The chicks in bikinis were turning him on. Instead of going around supporting a boner, Cody thought it was a great day to cool down in the water. Waves were crashing onto his body as he made his way towards the further end of the beach.

He swam for about 15 minutes when he came to an obstruction. A group of guys and girls in the water was in his way. Cody slowed down. As he floated himself around them, to get through, he saw Jason at his tower. Jason was looking out at the beach, but a teenage girl was approaching him. Her bikini was not covering much and she got Jason's attention immediately. Cody watched how the girl flirted with Jason. Although Jason's eyes still checked the beach once in awhile, Cody knew Jason was concentrating more on his new prey.

It was alright to pick up girls this way. Cody had done that many times, as long as no one was complaining about him. Girls fell for men in uniform. In this case, for the male lifeguards, their uniforms would not conceal what they had under their bodies. Cody had easy access to the ladies. They drooled over his muscular body. Cody knew Jason would have not much problem either.

Turning his attention back to the water, Cody continued his swim. It took him half an hour and an exhausted body, when he almost reached the rocks. But as the waves were making dangerous splashes at the rocks, Cody stopped his exercise. He swam to the shore, but instead of going back immediately, he decided to enjoy the water splashes there.

Lying there, on the rocks, he shut his eyes and tried to take a little nap to the sound of the wave splashes.

The beach was almost empty, with only a few late swimmers still on the beach, when Cody made his way back to the HQ. He walked slowly, as he was sure that JD still had a lot to complete that day. The next day would be a Saturday and the lifeguards knew the number of visitors would triple.

When he reached Jason's tower, he was about to move on, but a blue bike parked at the roadside a distance away, caught Cody's attention. He knew that bike belonged to Jason. So, that meant Jason should still be around. But his tower was already shut. Cody looked around. There was no sign of Jason.

Cody was curious. He approached the tower, but instead of going up the stairs, he went nearer to listen for any sound. He could not hear any.

Cody climbed up the stairs quietly. His eyes looked around the beach to see if there was anyone else nearby. There was none too. But his mind had this intuition that he must clarify.

The beach was almost void of life and the area was getting dimmer. That actually helped Cody to notice weak light, coming from within the tower room. The window, where the light was seen through, was situated high up the wall, blocked by the roof from the eyes of those outside. But when one stepped closer to the tower, the window was easily seen. Someone inside was using torchlight to lit the room, but was careful enough to make sure that the low light would not attract attention.

Cody pressed his ear on the door. He heard soft moans.

Cody checked the surrounding area again, to be safe, and when he was pretty sure that no one was around, he climbed up the bench by the wooden wall. He stretched his neck to have a peak what was inside the room.

Jason was in there, humping the bikini girl that Cody had seen earlier. Jason had already completed the last duty of the day. Instead of going back, he was getting hard on from the girl's consistent patting on his thighs and butts.

So, instead of reporting back to HQ, Jason led the girl into the room and shut the door. No one should suspect that there would be someone in there, as the beach was almost deserted.

Cody was rewarded with the sight of Jason's ass, raising up and down, as he drove his cock into her. She was gasping and moaning, softly though, suppressing her excitement. As Jason pounded her faster and harder, her moan increased.

Cody could not see much as he was blocked by Jason's back. Jason's red shorts was slipped down to his thighs. Other than Jason's naked back and butts, Cody could only hear the groaning of these two kids.

Cody had not been there for 5 minutes when he saw Jason pulled back, and sprayed his cum all over the girl's body. And the show was over.

On his way back, Cody replayed the images of Jason's butts. Cody felt a stir in his groin. He wanted to see more Jason. He just had to.

Jason was there that night again, to watch the 3 having sex. As JD and Cody buried their cocks into CJ, Jason could only fantasise that it was his cock in CJ and his mouth on her tits. But that night, unlike the nights before, Jason watched Cody more with interest. Although Jason was scared, he was curious, especially after Cody had came on to him. He watched Cody's thick cock as it slid in and out of CJ.

Even when Cody had a private session with JD later, Jason was watching, with eyes hardly blinking. His heart wondered if he would mind going that far, even for sex, which was something he loved. Although he had cummed twice earlier on while he was watching CJ, his cock was hardening. He felt uneasy. But yet he wanted to continue watching. His mind was like playing a trick on him, bringing him to a state of confusion.






Jason could not make up his mind.

The two following days were uneventful in JD and Jason's sex lives as they struggled to monitor the beach activities. There were a couple of rescue missions and by the time the lifeguards checked out for each day, they were dead tired.

Jason was doing more as he juggled between his shift and getting the boat ready for their sailing. He was having a second thought of going with them.

It was fine for him if he was lucky enough to sleep with CJ in their private cruise for the next two days. But to be there with the two hungry guys, Jason was not sure. He still had this reserve opinion on a guy touching another guy in sex.

But a promise was a promise. So, he decided to keep his words and go with them. Besides, aside of his fear for Cody, and JD, Jason liked the Malibu couples as they treated everyone nice. And without Jason, they would not be able to borrow the boat. So, like it or not, it seemed that Jason was stuck with the plan.

And to be sure that he could still get something from the whole 2 days, Jason deliberately assigned Cody and CJ to a room where the window would help his voyeuristic task. Jason and JD had to alternate their rest in the smaller room. So, if one was sleeping in that spare room, the other would have to sleep on the deck. But Jason doubted that JD would be fighting with him over the small room, as Jason was sure that JD would be spending more time in the other room.

Monday morning came and JD was glad another weekend nightmare had passed without much trouble. He left a whining Kekoa to be in charge of the HQ. Kekoa wanted to come along, but since that there should be a senior to take up of the place, and she was the most capable, she had no choice.

And instead of taking only two days, JD decided to take four days of boat sailing. Jason did not complain. Four days of leave are fours days with CJ at the sea.

CJ was wearing very little, leaving almost nothing to imagination. Her tits hardened as she felt the burning stares she was getting from the guys on the boat. The thin material was showing the outline of those tits.

JD sighed.

Cody counted his blessings.

Jason almost drooled.

The day, and the journey, had just started.

CJ and JD were looking forward to more encounters together, with Cody.

Jason was hoping for at least a private session with CJ.

Cody was hoping for more. He wanted Jason.

In the afternoon, when the boat was stopped somewhere near Na Pali Coast, JD did not wait for the rest as he stripped off his shorts and jumped into the clear water in his speedo. He wanted badly the water to clear the aching body of his, from all the endless calls for emergencies during the weekend.

'Are you guys coming in?' JD screamed, happily splashing water at his buddies on board.

CJ and Cody ducked, giggling.

Jason was unlucky. Even before he could stripped his shorts off, he was already wet. He pretended to be humming mad with JD and vowed to get even.

But when they swam around the cold but clear water, each one seemed to be adrift off, in his or her own thoughts. No anger. No frustration. No worries.

JD let his body floated on the water, as he shut his eyes, keeping his head above the water. The day was too good to be true. He enjoyed the newfound freedom.

But his silent meditation was interrupted shortly, when he felt a hand on his crotch. He opened his eyes and saw Cody underwater, feeling his cock. JD looked around and it seemed that Jason had gone to the other side of the boat. CJ was too occupied with her swimming to be bothered with the guys.

Cody pushed himself up and he appeared beside JD.

'Enjoying yourself so far?' Cody asked as he wiped his face off the water running down from his hair.

'Well, if you give my boner a massage, I will enjoy my day better!' JD said with a grin.

'Slut!' Cody teased, as both of them laughed.

As the laughter died down, JD looked into Cody's eyes. JD had no opportunity to join Cody and CJ for the past two nights as he was really tired. But at that moment, JD longed for either one. He needed a good fuck to release his tension.

JD felt Cody's hand touching his pecs, feeling the curves and their hardness.

JD looked around. There was no sign of Jason still. CJ was climbing up the boat. She was done with her swim.

JD felt Cody's fingers playing his nipples. He let out a soft moan.

'Oh yeah.... that's right...'

A jolt of thrill was sent throughout JD's body, as Cody started to pinch and rub his pointy nipples. JD liked that. He loved the gentle massage Cody was giving him underwater.

Cody slipped his hands lower and felt JD's lean abs. One hand slipped into JD's speedo, feeling JD's hardon. Cody was beginning to develop a hardon too, but he preferred to take care of JD.

Feeling Cody's hand on his hard cock was exciting. JD was nervous at the same time too, worried of being caught by Jason. He feared for Jason's reaction, if Jason were to find out he let Cody feel him that way.

JD had no idea Jason had already known that secret.

Cody moved closer to JD. He removed his hand from JD's cock. Placing both hands on JD's bums, Cody pressed their bodies together. JD's groin rubbed against Cody's. Cody massaged and squeezed JD's ass.

Cody liked CJ's ass. It was big and fleshy. It bounced as Cody fucked her dog-style. But with JD, it was different. JD's bum was big too, but firm. Fucking JD's ass was like using a cock to penetrate muscles. It was like empowering over another strong man. It brought the excitement of sex to a higher level.

JD felt Cody's hands slipping into his speedo again, but this time it was too massage his asscheeks. He felt Cody ran his palms and fingers all around his butts, and even tried to poke his ass. JD jerked a bit when Cody's finger managed to wriggle in a bit. In doing that, JD's hardon was crushed even harder on Cody's. Both of them grinned.

But without warning, Cody suddenly shifted his hands up and cupped JD at his armpits. With one lift, he threw JD up. JD felt his body was flung slightly up above the water, before he fell back into the water, to the sound of two male voices laughing. He struggled to float and when he managed to, he heard Cody whispered an apology. JD turned around to see Jason was swimming towards the boat. Jason had just reappeared from around the corner of the boat.

JD took it as Cody purposely did that just now, so that Jason would not suspect anything. JD sighed again. His fun with Cody short-lived.

When they climbed back up the boat, CJ had already dried herself and lied down on her stomach, enjoying a sunbath. She turned her head to give them a smile. She returned her head back to her sleeping position, ignoring the guys as she tried to enjoy her rest. She knew her ass was tempting the guys. She did not bother. It would be a build up to their night.

But what CJ did not consider was that she was giving Jason a hard time. Every inch of CJ's body was like calling to him. He quickly diverted his eyes away, so as not to get any hardon.

JD quickly made his move to the bathroom below deck. He did not wish to let Jason see him with a hardon. He took a towel and wrapped it around his waist, as he climbed down the stairs.

Cody was supporting a semi hardon, which was quite obvious in the tight speedo. He did not bother to cover it as he wanted Jason to have a glimpse of his manhood up close.

Jason saw it and moved his eyes up to look at Cody. Jason was getting nervous. Did Cody know about him watching them all those nights? He prayed not. Cody was giving him a wicked smile. Jason smiled nervously and quickly followed JD down. But instead of going to his cabin, Jason went to radio his friends. It gave him an opportunity to avoid the guys.

JD was in the bathroom, with the shower running. His cock was hard, but the cold water, from the ocean and from the shower, failed to reduce his erection. With one hand on his nipple, twitching it, and another on his hard cock, stroking, JD moaned softly to the sensation he was feeling everytime his palm slipped past his mushroom cockhead.

He needed to take care of this. He could not wait any longer for the night to come. His whole hard body responded to his strokes. Shower hit his hard chests and ran down his lean body. He increased his strokes.

Again, he was interrupted. This time, it was a knock on the door.

'Er.. who is it?' JD asked, as he removed his hand from his hard, throbbing cock. He felt frustrated not finishing the job. Somewhat empty, without his palm on his cock. He reached for the towel and leaned nearer to the door.

'Cody!' the voice whispered.

'What is it?' JD asked. His hand had placed the towel back on the hanger. There was no need to hide his hard on from Cody.

'Open the door!' Cody whispered again.

JD unlatched the door and Cody pushed it ajar before slipping in. Cody was grinning.

'What do you want?' JD asked, confused but was glad to see Cody.

'I believe it should be what YOU want..' Cody replied, wrapping his fingers around JD's pointing hard cock.

JD smiled, but brought a finger to his lips. They would need to keep it down. Jason was on the same floor as them, and JD wished not to be caught.

Cody nodded. He slipped his shorts down but was having difficulty as JD's straining cock was in his way. He could not bend properly as the bathroom was narrow. It was only 4' by 2.5', good enough to fit in one person comfortably.

But JD did not mind. He wanted sex, and if the two of them had to be crushed between the walls, so be it.

Cody stood up, offering his ass to JD. He raised his bum up, tempting JD.

JD took the body shampoo near him and lathered his cock up. He ran a bit too, on Cody's asshole. His fingers slipped in a bit, causing Cody to groan.

'Shhhhhh!' JD whispered to Cody's ear. Cody nodded again.

Guiding his cockhead to Cody's ass, JD bent his knees down a bit to aim better. He raised his hips and felt Cody opening up for him. His cockhead had slipped in. JD wanted to moan but he suppressed it. He clamped both of his lips together, not allowing even a single soft voice to slip through. The ecstasy from his cock invading Cody's sweet ass was great. Holding back the moan was not easy for JD.

As he raised his hips higher, grounding more of his thick cock into Cody, Cody fell onto the wall from the pressure built on his ass.

'Arrgh..' Cody moaned softly, trying hard to suppress himself.

JD paused, feared that Cody could not take it. Cody reached behind JD and patted his asscheek, encouraging JD to go on.

JD gave it one hard thrust and he felt his cock slipped all the way in. His pubic hair was crushed onto Cody's asscheeks. JD sighed a breath of relief. Slowly, he retracted his cock a bit by bending his knees and then pushed himself up, forcing his cock to slid into Cody again.

JD fucked Cody, both of them standing, bounded by the narrow bathroom. As JD pulled back, his ass bumped onto the wall behind him. When he thrust his cock into Cody again, Cody was crushed onto the wall in front as JD used all his body strength to push his cock as deep as possible into Cody.

Cody liked the fucking but JD's cock was too thick. The way it expanded Cody's anus, was causing Cody to cry inside, both of pain and pleasure. Cody's cock twitched, aching for eruption as JD's cock kept pushing itself into his ass.

JD kept a gentle fucking rhythm on Cody's ass. He could not go faster, as Cody would moan louder. Even with this soft fuck, Cody was moaning away, enjoying JD's cock inside him. JD wrapped one hand around Cody's waist and the other, stroked Cody's cock. JD leaned on Cody's back, as he reached forward and nipped Cody's ear. Cody moaned even more.

As JD continued to hump Cody's ass, both of them heard someone moving outside. Shit! It was Jason. It sounded like he was clearing some of the boxes they had carried down earlier on.

JD knew fucking Cody would be tougher now, as Cody kept moaning, could not bear the pain of JD's thick cock, sliding up and down in his anus. Cody held his head down, to swallow his cry.

JD wished not to stop now. He was so close to cumming. He kept thrusting his cock into Cody's ass. He kept his eyes check on the door, as Jason was making some sound from his box moving and unpacking.

While Jason was doing that just merely a few feet away, JD was stuffing Cody's ass with his hard cock behind the close bathroom door.

JD reached over and used his palm to cover Cody's voice, while the other hand continued to wrap itself around Cody's waist. That reduced more of Cody's soft grunting. JD picked up his pace and rammed faster his cock into Cody's ass.

The anal pressure and pleasure were too much for Cody. He bit JD's a bit of palm as he clamped his teeth together, holding back urge to moan. JD groaned in pain. Instead of falling forward, Cody fell back onto JD's hard body for support.

JD supported himself by leaning on the wall. Slowly, he began to glide up and down the wall on his back. Cody followed his lead. In doing so, JD's cock continued sliding in and out of Cody's asshole.

Cody could not hold back any longer. Holding his cock in his own hand, he spurted cum onto the wall opposite him.

As Cody ejaculated, his asscheeks clamped on tighter JD's cock. JD felt the blood pressure rushing towards his cockhead. As Cody pumped more cum out, JD shot his own in Cody's ass.

When they two came up to the deck, CJ was chatting away with Jason. There seemed to be a problem.

JD was expecting Jason to ask where Cody had gone to, but Jason did not.

'Hey guys, there is a tiny problem!' CJ said.

'Yeah.. you see, Billy, the boat owner, forgot to pass us the scuba diving suits. He placed them in a box, which he overlooked when he passed us the rest,' Jason asked, as he placed both hands on his hips, looking a little frustrated. 'So?'

'Then I guess we can just skip that, I think,' Cody answered, as he walked over to CJ, grabbing her by the waist and pulled her close. CJ planted a kiss on his lips. The other two guys just watched.

'Hey, we can still do some snorkeling, right?' JD asked, as he turned his attention to Jason. Both CJ and Cody also looked at Jason, waiting for the answer.

'Yeah... and we do have 8 small tanks of oxygen,' Jason said. 'That should help if we decide to go slightly deeper, but not too deep.'

'I guess that's ok,' CJ tried to console everyone.

'Yeah... there can always be a next time,' Cody added. He knew JD and Jason tried to perfect their trips. He did not want CJ and himself to be a burden.

Cody patted Jason's shoulder, and said thank you for everything. JD was relieved that no one was upset, since that scuba diving was definitely a favourite activity of theirs. But everyone was alright. That was what mattered.

The dinner was fine. Soon, the activity was continued on the deck as CJ talked about her mistake in running away from Cody. She talked about her life in Mexico and how she missed her days as a lifeguard. Jason and JD could understand how she felt. They felt their life would be less meaningful too, if they had to stay away from the what they liked best - the beach.

It was already 10pm when they finally paused without a topic to chat about. Cody was holding CJ in his arms as both of them sat on the deck, facing the water. JD was admiring the moonlight and the couple in front of him. Jason was feeling left out. All four just let the silence of the night be.

Eventually, Cody began to feel CJ, moving his right hand slowly up to her breasts. CJ turned and kissed Cody.

Jason got up and excused himself.

JD followed him.

But when they got to their cabin, the space was too small for both to be in. JD took this as an excuse to go and find something to do, as he advised Jason to rest for the night. When asked, JD claimed that he would be checking the engine room. Jason offered to accompany him but JD kept refusing, citing Jason's need to get some rest as an excuse. Jason knew JD was eager to go back to the couple. So, he played along and said his goodnight to JD. Jason purposely made some noise as he latched his door, so that JD believed Jason was locking himself in for the night. Jason even switched the light to a dimmer one, so that JD could see the red light beneath his door.

When Jason heard them climbing down the stairs later, he waited for a few more minutes before climbing off his bed. Quietly, he climbed back up to the deck. Slowly, he crawled to their window. Peeking in, he could CJ holding both hard cocks to her mouth, with her tongue alternating one another. The guys were hugging each other close, to push their cocks closer for CJ. CJ looked like she was mumbling her moans as she licked their big cockheads. Her hands were busy stroking the shafts.

Each guy had a hand on her breasts, playing with her tits as she struggled to please them. In return, they slid their tongues down each other's throat as requested by CJ.

They sucked and fucked for almost 1 1/2 hour. By the time they were done, Cody had collapsed, giving out small laughter as he lied on the floor, covered in sweat. JD hugged CJ close in his arms. CJ purposely pushed her breasts up against JD's naked body. All tried to shut their eyes for a nap.

Jason had to take of his own hard cock. He had been lying down on the deck, watching Cody and JD fucked CJ. And then Cody fucked JD as CJ fingered herself. He had cummed half an hour ago, but his cock was hardening again when JD's cock assaulted Cody's mouth. Slowly, he wiped his cum from the deck and made his way back to his room quietly.

When he slumped his body onto his bed, Jason thought of their whole fucking and felt devastated he was not in. His eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. But as he thought of CJ's breasts bouncing as she rode on JD, his cock began to fill his shorts. His hand slipped in and grabbed his tool. It throbbed in his hand.

Jason had only jerked himself a few times when he heard someone turning the knob of his door. Quickly he pulled his hand out and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and whoever it was, stood there for a while, obviously checking to see if Jason had slept or not. Instead of hearing footsteps walking away, Jason felt the person approaching his bed.

Jason felt a hand on his right thigh, shaking it. Jason refused to react. He was planning to lie down still, so that whoever it was, would leave the room.

'Jason?' It was Cody.

Jason kept still, continued to pretend to be asleep. Cody shook his thigh gently again.


When Jason did not respond, the hand left his thigh. A moment later, Jason could hear the door shutting. But before Jason could open his eyes, the same hand rested on his thigh again. So, Jason was in the room alone with Cody. Jason began to feel nervous. His heartbeat raced. He thought of opening his eyes and pretended to be surprise Cody was there with him. Maybe just asked Cody what he needed. Or just shut the eyes, and to wait and see what Cody would do.

Jason was too chicken to confront Cody. So, he kept his eyes shut, although he felt his body tremble was a little too obvious.

Jason felt Cody's hand moving up, touching the side of his hardon in his shorts. Jason was tensed up. But he still did not move. Cody seemed to be more daring and began to cup his hardon. Jason swore he could hear Cody saying a soft wow.

So, that was it. A man touching him. His first time. Jason kept still, trying hard to pretend asleep.

Jason felt Cody's fingers running along his hard cock outline, from the base until the fingers reached the cockhead. The touch was so wonderful that Jason was oozing precum. He prayed that his shorts was thick enough, not to show his wet spot. The fingers had left the head, running back down to the base and then onto his balls.

Without warning, Jason felt Cody's fingertips on his naked abs, about to slip into his shorts. Jason felt terrified. He did not know if he wanted that or not. So, as Cody's fingers were trying to slip into his shorts through his elastic band, Jason, still pretending to be asleep, turned his body to the other side, away from Cody. Jason was planning to sleep on his stomach, so that Cody could not do what he had planned.

But Cody was faster. He gripped Jason's hip and forced it to turn back. Jason was stunned but he guessed he was powerless. He fell back onto his bum, with his groin opened for any groping. Jason tried hard to remain calm. He did not dare to face Cody. Yet.

The hand managed to slip in and fingers were wrapped around Jason's cock. Another woh and wow were heard.

Cody could not believe what he was feeling in his hand. He somehow had knew when he was feeling the cock from outside the shorts. But since that he had held Jason's cock in his hand and he still could not believe it, he had to do the next thing.

He pulled Jason's shorts down, exposing Jason's naked from his thighs upwards. This kid's cock was huge!! Cody held Jason's cock up in his hand. Measuring by the distanced tips of his thumb and the index finger, Cody marveled at Jason's cock. It must be at least 9 inches. Maybe 9 1/2. Another wow escaped his mouth.

Jason was nervous at first, feeling another man's hand on his cock. He knew Cody was awe-ing, because of his cocksize. He had the label as 'the hung hunk' even back in school days. So, when he saw JD and Cody's, he knew they would be envy of his. But as Cody continued to hold his cock, Jason began to warm up to the idea.

This is not going to be a bad thing, Jason told himself. It will be just another person helping me to get off. No big deal, he kept repeating in his head, as he braced himself.

Jason felt the hand on his cock began to move, gently, up and down. And then the hand slid up and down, covering every inch of his cock. Cody's other hand began to massage his balls. Again, Jason could feel Cody's admiration for the size of his balls.

But the hand soon left the balls and joined the other one, pulling Jason's cock and its skin up, and gently releasing it back. Both palms were sweating, adding moisture to his huge shaft and the strokes. The hands on his cock began to pump faster and then fell back to a soft one, before turning back to faster.

Jason wished he could groan his pleasure out, but he dared not. His throat twitched as each moan was swallowed back in.

The stroking stopped. The hand on his cockhead left. Jason was glad. He knew if the hand did not move away soon enough, he would have come within a few more strokes. He could feel the blood pressured into the cockhead.

But before he could think what was next, Jason felt Cody's mouth engulfing his cockhead, and then sliding in, to swallow more of Jason's cock. Jason's legs trembled with excitement.

Jason felt Cody's mouth slid back up to the cockhead, with the lips brushing the sensitive underside of the cock. Jason knew the pressure was building in him. He was going to cum soon.

The mouth on his cock started to bob up and down faster. It took a few strokes like that only to make Jason's body tensed, and more blood was pressured into his huge cock.

Cody felt Jason's cock thickened and a moment later, a huge sum of cum was shot into his mouth. Cody gagged, as the cum blocked his throat. He gulped in as much as he could.

Cody pulled out Jason's cock, just to see that this kid had much to offer. Cum were still gushing out from the tip. Cody stuck out his tongue and licked the cum up as fast as he could.

When Cody had done giving Jason's cock a bath, he gave the cockhead a kiss, before pulling up Jason's shorts.

Jason was in seventh heaven. Seldom he felt a sex so intense. So terrifying and yet exciting.

Then, he heard Cody whispered to him.

'You can pretend to be sleeping all you want.'

Jason held his breath.

'You know my secret. Now, I have your secret. Night, Jason.'

Cody walked out of the room, but before shutting it, he whispered again to Jason, who was lying on his bed, eyes shut.

'And another thing. I'll be back for more.'

Jason woke up the next morning, feeling wonderful. But he was still in doubt whether to avoid confronting Cody or not. Whatever it was, he would decide only when the night came. When he stepped up to the deck, JD was fixing something. Before Jason could find out, he was distracted by CJ's voice, laughing away. And then he heard Cody's too.

When he looked out to the water, he saw them. Both naked, skinny-dipping. When CJ saw Jason, she laughed and hid herself behind Cody, shooing Jason away, although she was still laughing away. Of course Jason refused to go away. So, slowly, CJ revealed her naked body to Jason. Assuming it was normal, CJ continued her water-splashing with Cody.

Cody called out for Jason to join them, but Jason declined with a smile. He was not that open about swimming in nude. JD turned down their offer too, as he needed to repair the equipment. So, only Cody and CJ enjoyed a swim that morning.

In the afternoon, JD brought the boat to a coast, on the north of Kauai. The area was secluded, rarely visited. Only those with boats and proper engines would be able to come up to this area. The water was crystal clear and they could see many corals inviting them to explore.

They did some snorkeling and an hour later, came back up as they realised that the anchor they had released was harming the corals below. JD offered to take of the boats while they continued. Cody did not want JD to be left alone. CJ offered to accompany JD. Cody knew what CJ was up to. She wanted a 1-to-1 with JD. Jason seemed to read between the lines too, and reluctantly agreed to go with Cody.

'I wish we could go until the seabed further up. I don't think we can see much here with snorkeling.' Cody said. 'See that area there?' Cody pointed to an area around 100 feet away. 'I think it has more corals and fishes. That area is deeper.'

'I think we can. Let me get the oxygen tanks,' Jason offered his idea.

Equipped with the small oxygen tanks, the two guys dove into the water and swam towards where Cody was pointing. Cody was right. The sight there was nicer. The marina fishes were more colourful and the water was like a room litted by the sunlight. The seabed was only around 45 feet below the water surface and yet there were many items to admire.

Cody was admiring, alright, As he swam behind Jason, his eyes kept coming back to Jason's ass in the his speedo. Cody could feel his own speedo straining, as his cock began to get hard.

Both of them stopped as they watched a rare medium-sized fish float by. It was a small-headed fish, blue in colour. Almost the size of a baby dolphin but more striking in colour. Both of the guys landed on their feet and tried to chase the slow-swimming fish. But as they grabbed its tail, it swam up and away. The big rocks were blocking them from giving it a chase. Jason and Cody laughed as they watched their victim sped away.

Jason turned his head the other direction to see if there was any other such fish around. There was none.

Cody turned his head too, to see where Jason was looking, but his eyes drifted down, admiring the ass in front of him. He could not help it. He reached out and cupped Jason's left asscheek. Jason jumped and the current sent his body floating a bit, before the gravity pulled him back down to the sandy ground.

Jason's eyes were telling Cody that he was stunned. Cody tried to go closer, but Jason waved his hand no. Bubbles broke out more from Jason's lips. He was trying to repeat no through his mouth, forgetting that it was covered by the loose oxygen mask.

Cody paused. He did not want to frighten or shock the poor boy. He raised his hands up, like he surrendered his idea.

Jason sighed relief. No one would fuck his ass. No way.

Cody lowered his hands, but as his palms reached the same level as his face, both hands closed the fingers, except for the indexes. Jason read that sign as 'wait - I've an idea'.

Cody wanted this kid badly. Jason was simply gorgeous. Tanned body with nice looking nipples. Thick lips and long, slender body with built pecs. Cody had to try to have Jason.

Cody turned around and slowly bent his body down. As he bent his body forward, he raised his bums to Jason. Cody's hands reached behind and pulled his speedo down, exposing his asscheeks to Jason. He hoped this would work.

Jason was stunned again by Cody's offer. As he tried to stay afloat on his position, he pondered on the invitation. He turned his head, wanting to swim away. But a quick flash of JD ramming his cock into Cody came into picture. He paused, and then turned to look at Cody again. Cody had already stood up, facing Jason.

Jason was unsure. This seemed so wrong. He had to decide. Cody was waiting. Jason felt the fear. he just could not. He should not.

His head nodded slowly. His desire betrayed his thoughts.

Cody pointed to the rocks. He walked towards them and bent down, placing his palms on the rocks for support. His ass was raised up. Cody purposely bent his backbone forward, pushing his ass higher.

Jason felt his hunger arose. He walked over, positioning himself behind Cody. Jason had to find a balance, as the weak current was moving his body about in the water.

He reached out and slipped two fingers into Cody's speedo. Another two fingers slipped in, on the other side. With one pull, Jason lowered Cody's speedo to his thighs.

Jason held his breath for a moment, before pulling his own speedo down. His balls held the speedo. Jason's cock was already 6 1/2 inches and was only semi hard. He gave it a rub and inched it closer to Cody's ass. When its cockhead touched Cody's cockhead, Jason's cock jerked excitedly and lengthened even more.

Jason placed his hands on Cody's hips to pull Cody closer. Jason shivered again. He was touching another man! It was not horrifying but rousing.

One hand went down and held his cockhead near Jason's asscrack. The other used its fingers to search for Cody's assring. Slowly, Jason pushed his harden cock forward. Jason's big cockhead had no problem in slipping in, after being loosened by JD a few times. Jason pushed further and more of his shaft was swallowed by Cody's ass. Jason began his rhythm of fucking Cody. The current in the water seemed to slow down his thrust. It was not easy for Jason to rock his hips to and fro. But the excitement was obvious. It felt good for Jason to plow Cody's ass with his 9 1/2" mantool.

Jason pulled Cody's hips closer. More of his cock was thrust into Cody. Cody yelped but only bubbles came out of his mouth.

Jason began to realise why the guys liked this. It was like a tight smooth skin wrapped tightly around the cock, brushing and teasing every sensitive area of the long shaft. As Jason's cock thickened inside Cody, he felt more assault on the sensitive ring around his cockhead. A few more thrusts and Jason exploded cum inside Cody. Bubbles escaped Jason's mouth as he cried out pleasure.

The water suddenly felt colder as Jason felt all his energy left his body as his huge cock kept pumping his juice for Cody's ass. He tensed for the last spurt of cum and pulled out.

Cody was satisfied. He felt as though Jason's huge cock was splitting him into two. But he would not mind doing it again, anything for sex with the kid.

When Cody turned to face Jason, he found himself alone. Jason had already swam away.

Cody was not angry with Jason. On the contrary, he was worried that Jason was not talking about it at all. Since that Jason did not say anything, Cody thought perhaps he would bring it up in another time. Maybe the next day when they two had the chance to be alone. Or maybe tonight, when he would visit Jason in his room again. Jason was acting cool, as if nothing had happened. Jason still greeted him like normal.

Jason regretted his walking away. But he guessed it was cowardly character to confront such situation. He also planned to talk to Cody, but everytime he met Cody, he was speechless. He was lost for words.

That night, as the gang had their fun again, Jason watched from his spot. He was happy that he had sex that day. But that did not stop him from getting erection when he saw CJ's pussy and ass were rammed by both JD and Cody. He longed to be the third guy in the picture. As he watched CJ's mouth moaning, he fantasied it was his long, thick cock filling up that luscious mouth.

It was more than an hour wait before the sex toned down to only JD and CJ. As JD fucked CJ dogstyle, pressing his hard muscles on her back, Jason cummed for the second time that night.

Cody was lying on the floor. Seemed tired, but enjoying his view of his best friend's cock inside his girlfriend's pussy, sliding in and out. Jason caught Cody's eyes looking at him, caught him spying. But instead of blowing the whistle, Cody just smiled and turned his attention back to the show in front of him.

So, he knew, Jason thought. He was glad Cody was cool with it. He guessed he should be more grateful.

Cody was late, thought Jason. Jason was still with a hardon, yearning to blow his cum off. Jason lied on the bed, waiting for Cody. Jason believed Cody would come. But after more than half an hour, there was no sign nor sound of door opening.

Jason could not take it anymore. His hard cock was screaming for attention. Jason realised that he had to rely on his own to find a relief that night. Sigh...

With his left arm over his eyes, his right hand ran down his naked torso and slipped into his shorts. But as his fingers touched his swollen cockhead, he heard the knob turned.

Quickly he pulled up his hand and let it rest on his stomach. He continued to play the sleeping guy act.

The same stunt as the night before, but this time, the hand went straight for the cock. After a few seconds of admiration, Jason felt his shorts were pulled down. But this time, it was pulled off. Jason was glad that his arm covered his eyes. He suddenly felt chickened out again, although the feeling had no effect on his hard cock lying on his stomach, jerking up once in a while when blood rushed to its head.

Fingers wrapped around his cock and it was pulled up. A few strokes, just like the night before.

And then, the familiar warm mouth. The tongue was tickling the sensitive cockhead at the right places. Jason felt the lips closed down on his shaft. He wished he could groan, but he still dared not to.

But instead of gentle, this mouth was bobbing up and down in a violent speed. Jason clenched his toes together, could not suppress anymore of the assault. His cockhead swell bigger and fired cum into the mouth. Jason was panting for breath through his mouth, hoping that it would not be too loud or too obvious.

After the last gush, Jason felt the mouth was busy playing his cock still. Just cleaning it up, Jason told himself. But when the mouth tried to take Jason's whole cock into his mouth again and started to bob Jason's long cock back to life, Jason realised that he could not continue to play dead.

His right eyelid slowly parted a bit, peeking to access the surrounding. Jason's cock suddenly thickened with excitement.

It was not Cody sucking his huge cock.

It was JD.

The End. Date: 24 March 2002

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