Baywatch Guys

By Male Lover

Published on Mar 24, 2002


This work is purely fiction, based on my imagination and desire to see the characters of the famous TV series, Baywatch and Baywatch Hawaii, in male fantasies. This story is not an indication of the male stars' sexual preference. This work is just a creation of my lust and desire of the characters, not of the real actors. My apology is given in advance if this offends anyone. Baywatch and the characters from the TV series are trademarks of and copyright Tower 12 Productions.

Someone told me that he is not familiar with the TV characters. So, the following is a short guide to the characters appearing in this story:

Cody Madison (on TV, acted by hunky David Chokachi) Jack "J.D." Darius (on TV, acted by beefcake Michael Bergin) Jason Ioane (on TV, acted by hot Jason Momoa) C.J. Parker (on TV, acted by 'Don't call me, babe' Pamela Anderson)

In the 2nd last season of the original Baywatch, CJ left Cody. JD had only joined Baywatch, as an old friend of Mitch, a season later. In order to make my story simpler for me, I assume that CJ and JD had worked together before CJ's disappearance.

I hope you guys will like this story. I apologise again for the grammatical errors. If you do like the story, please let me know at Thank you.

Title: Baywatch Guys I

'Are you sure we should trouble them with our visit?' CJ asked, as they walked past the custom checkpoint.

'They want to see us as much as we want to see them too, honey!' Cody said, as he brushed her blonde hair aside, and kissed her cheek. 'And to remind you, we are here for our holiday.. and not to be on duties!'

Cody was a blonde hunk, with good looks. With a height of 5' 11", and weighed around 175 pounds, he packed his body with a washboard abs and strong bulging pecs and arms' muscles. With a charming smile and fine body, it was not surprising how this lifeguard hunk was able to find girls easily. In this particular case now, how CJ actually missed him so much, she came back to him, to renew their relationship.

Cody smiled, looking at his girlfriend, who had just came back into his life. This time, he promised to spend more time with her. Hence, they jumped at the idea of a vacation in Hawaii, something affordable for the time being.

'I know. Oh God! I am so happy, Cody!' said CJ, breaking into a wide smile, as she kissed Cody back on his lips. Her busty boobs pressed onto his hard body. 'Promise I'll be good to you this time...' she added, as she wrapped her arms around Cody's neck and pulled him close. They were drawing attention. With her 36-22-34 body stats, and Cody's hunky body in tight fitting T-shirt, people at the Honolulu airport were beginning to slow down when they walked pass the couple.

'Let's get a cab and get out of this place!' Cody said. He grabbed their luggage and pulled CJ's arm, as he rushed to a taxi he spotted outside the arrival hall.

The last time they were a couple, Cody waited for CJ at the altar, not knowing that she had ran away with a music rocker. She realised it was a mistake to be married to that singer and left. No, she was not ready for a married life. Not to that rocker, neither to Cody. She was just not ready. And Cody was not ready for her too, or any other ladies. He was too engaged to the beach life, to settle down for the ladies who had romanced him for the past few years. But this time, they were back together, for another chance. Both sides agreed to give another try and this vacation was a test to see if they were ready for one another again.

'You miss all this?' asked Cody, with CJ resting in his arm, as the taxi drove along the beach.

'You know I do, Cody. There is always that sense of belonging to the water, and the breeze, the sand...' she said, as she pulled Cody's wrist, wrapping his arm tighter around her.

'Yeah.. the sunrise, the sunset, the waves...' Cody added, to which both of them smiled and sighed together.

'Yeah...' CJ agreed, but her face expression turned sad after that, '.. the rescues, the failures, the problems.. oh Cody, I don't know whether I regret leaving Malibu Beach. I still long for the beach life there, but...'

Cody hugged tighter.

'Hey, hey.. now, forget the ugly ones... we did save lives, didn't we?' Cody tried to console her.

CJ nodded her head, thinking of what Cody had just said. She broke into a weak smile.

'Let's forget about all those... You and I are here, just for ourselves. Let's enjoy the week, ok?' Cody added, as he shook his arm, wrapped around CJ's breasts.

CJ patted his arm, agreeing, and continued taking in the beautiful scenery, offered by the crystal white sandy beach.

'I hope we'll get to the station soon, before the last shift. I wouldn't want to keep JD waiting too long!' Cody told CJ.

'JD?!' CJ got up and turned to face Cody.

'Yeah, JD. Why? Is there something wrong, sugar?' Cody asked as he was stunned to see CJ's shock expression.

'I thought you said he won't be around this week?' asked CJ, who was still stunned.

'Oh.. I thought I keep this as a nice surprise for you!'

'What surprise?' CJ asked.

'We are staying with him.'

'We what?!'

'Staying. With him. Why? Why are you so shocked?' Cody asked. His hands held CJ's arms, stroking them.

'No.. nothing... it's just that.. er.. I thought .. er.. we are going to stay with Sean?' CJ stammered as she tried to avoid answering. Sean was the head of the lifeguard team in Hawaii.

Cody gave out a little laughter. 'Oh, Sean! It turned out that JD should not be the one attending the seminar. They want the team leader. So, Sean had to go. JD and I thought it would be nice to catch on things together. And that you will be delighted to see an old friend again.'

Cody turned CJ to face the beach again and pulled her onto him. CJ just rested her head on Cody's shoulder, not saying a word.

'Since that JD is going to be around, he insisted that we stay with him. We had good times together back in Malibu, right?' Cody continued. His eyes were studying the beach he knew a little too well, on his last visit there. JD, Cody and CJ had battled many difficulties together, with the other lifeguards, to save many victims. They bonded much from their struggle with the currents, and their personal lives, almost like a family. Cody missed having all the old friends around him.

'Right.. right..' CJ answered, in a whisper almost too soft to hear. Her heart was racing, but slowly a little smile was forming on her lips.

The old driver took them in his taxi, the rest of the way to the HQ as both his passengers sat in silence, remembering the old times. Only occasionally would they hear noises from kids and adults as people had began to clear the beach. The sun at the famous Waikiki beach was setting.

When they got out of the cab, the HQ looked almost empty of life. Most of the lifeguards must had left for home. There was a young lifeguard by the staircase. When he saw the cab approaching, he got up and walked to them. He was wearing the lifeguard red shorts, with its windbreaker. Cody figured he must be around 20 years old. Curly, dark brown hair and a handsome face. Tanned. A Hawaiian guy. He was tall. CJ was only 5' 7" and Cody was 4 inches taller than her. This kid must be at least 6' 5".

'Cody?' the young guy inquired as he approached.

'Yeah! Where's JD?' Cody asked, as he extended his hand to shake the kid's.

'Oh, JD got caught up with an emergency rescue. I am supposed to bring you to his place,' the kid added. 'By the way, I am Jason. Jason Ioane. And you are CJ, right?' he asked as he smiled to Cody's gorgeous partner.

'Hi, Jason,' CJ replied, as she nodded to his question. She smiled back as she shook his hand.

'Well, aloha and welcome to Hawaii,' Jason greeted both of them. 'Hawaii will be livelier now, with you here,' he added, with a smile to CJ.

'Why, thank you, Jason,' CJ laughed.

Cody laughed too, proud that his girlfriend was making a good impression on the Hawaiian. Of course CJ's cleavage was doing the job of attracting young Jason's eyes, but Cody saw no harm in another man admiring his girlfriend, as long as they kept their hands to themselves.

'So, if you two don't mind, let's get your luggage and I'll lead you two to his place,' Jason said to Cody and CJ, as he noticed the old driver was restless.

'Okay, give me a minute to take them out from the cab!' Cody said as he walked to back of the car. Jason lent him a hand as CJ took out money to pay the driver.

'You look even more pretty in person,' Jason complimented as they walked from the HQ, along the beach in the opposite direction where Cody and CJ had came from.

'You know me?' CJ puzzled, as she continued her stroll, in between the two guys.

Cody was interested to know too, as he turned his head to Jason, waiting for his answer. They continued to walk slowly, enjoying the cool breeze.

'Yeah! You know, JD is so proud of you guys in Malibu. He showed me photos of you all before. He tells us stories of your adventures there. You know, he is so happy that you guys are coming,' Jason answered. His eyes were still looking ahead as he walked with them, on the right hand side of CJ.

'Oh I see!' said CJ. Cody just nodded.

'So, did he tell you anything nasty about us?' Cody teased. CJ laughed. Jason realised they were joking and laughed along.

'No. Nothing. Only how great friends you all are to him,' Jason answered, as he turned to face them, as he stole glances at CJ's braless breasts, bouncing in her T-shirt as they moved along.

Along the way, Jason told them briefly of his experience as a lifeguard there. Jason told Cody and CJ how the days there for the past few weeks were slow, as there was no major incident. Cody and CJ listened to Jason as he pointed out a few spots around them where there were accidents for the past few months. Although new, they realised that this young lifeguard had learnt much. Cody was anxious to get into action, but realised that he was there to be with CJ. CJ was beginning to miss all the actions that Jason was describing. As Jason left them at JD's medium-sized hut, he made Cody promised to show him how to improve his skill in riding the Jetski. JD had told Jason that Cody was one of the best in Malibu. In return, Jason bring them for snorkelling.

JD's hut was built in such a way that it suited JD's bachelor life. It was of concrete wall, with only two rooms, one for the guest but rarely used. Cody had never stayed in this hut before, although he had been to Hawaii before. JD had just moved there a year ago. It was situated at the end of the beach, a 15-minutes walk from the HQ. It was near a cliff, surrounded by poorly-taken-care-of palm trees. On top of the cliff was a almost deserted-road that the people used, only to go for hiking along a stream nearby. JD chose this place as it was far from distraction.

Cody and CJ unlocked the door, with the key given by Jason, and stepped into an unusually clean living room. JD had cleaned his place, although not too well, for their visit. Cody and CJ knew JD well enough to know JD was not that tidy. JD spent more time on the beach or on his workout, than on the cleanliness of his place.

They put down their luggage, in the second room. It was a room at the back of the house, next to JD's room. The curtainless room-window was facing the fence, which was around 4 feet tall, separating the cliff from the backyard. The only offer of comfort from the sunlight was its dark-tainted glass. Only the living room's window was facing the beach. There was a bathroom beside the kitchen, near to the room they were staying. It was poorly taken care of. Bottles of hair and body shampoos were scattered around, and the mirror looked as if it had not been cleaned for quite some time. There was a shower head, and at least the bathing area was clean. But the sunlight was penetrating into the bathroom, through the cracks of the small window.

The kitchen was slightly cleaner. JD had filled up the fridge with whatever he could think of, for the three of them. All in all, everything was done simple, so suitable for a guy whose life depended more on the ocean, than on a luxury living.

CJ demanded to take her bath first. She complaint of her sticky body.

Cody took his next. By the time he came back to the room, he opened the door to find CJ sitting in front of the dressing table, with a towel wrapping around her body. When she saw him, she stood up and turned around to face him.

Her towel was dropped onto the floor. Cody grinned. The vacation had officially begun for the two of them.

'Hey, Cody! CJ!!' JD greeted them, excitedly, as he opened the front door, to find them waiting in the living room. At the age of 32, JD still looked solid, and younger than guys his age. The shirt he was wearing, revealed well his perfect muscular body. Standing at 6' 1" and weighing around 180 pounds, dark brown hair, hazel-coloured eyes with a killer look, he was a Greek God reincarnation.

'Hahahaha.. hey you!' Cody laughed as he jumped up and hugged JD. JD hugged him tight as he patted Cody's back a few times.

'Hi gorgeous!' JD turned to CJ. CJ hugged JD as he opened his arms to her.

'So, you two've been here long?' JD asked, as he switched his attention from CJ to Cody.

'3 hours, I believe,' Cody answered, as CJ moved to his side and put her arm around him. JD threw himself down the single sofa. Cody and CJ walked over to the other one.

'Man!! I can't believe you two are here at last!! Good to see you guys! How long has it been?' JD asked, trying hard to avoid any accidental questions that might cause CJ to feel uneasy about her last runaway. This was definitely not the good question. He last saw Cody two years ago. CJ disappeared a year before.

'Two, buddy!' Cody answered. 'So, how was the rescue just now? Anyone injured?'

JD told them the whole event but he told the story fast. He was hungry and he knew Cody and CJ must be too. He excused himself for a quick bath and when he was ready, the three of them headed out for Waikiki's famous restaurant and nightlife.

That night, as Cody rammed his 7 1/2 inches into CJ again and again in their room, JD stayed awake, embarrassed that his room wall was a little too thin. CJ and Cody's moanings could be heard from where he was lying. As the couple banged each other hungrily, JD took care of his own boner with the help of his ten little good friends. If only had his on-and-off girlfriend, Jessie was there to help him. But she had left with Sean. JD stroked himself that night, thinking of Jessie, and Kekoa.

The next morning, Cody and CJ woke up to an empty hut. JD had left for work. He informed them that he would take the afternoon off to bring them around. They were invited to help themselves to any food in the house.

When JD came back after lunch, he found the lovers swimming together, near his hut. During lunch, JD told them that he was taking the next Monday and Tuesday off, to bring them sailing. Jason, the kid they met the day before, managed to borrow a boat from a friend. So, they would be sailing off to the famous Na Pali Coast in Kauai. And they should be able to make it to the Big Island the next day, before coming back to Honolulu. Cody and CJ were thrilled.

That afternoon, JD brought them for shopping. CJ pampered herself on a shopping spree and by the time they had taken their dinner and came back, the sky was already filled with glittering stars.

JD excused himself as he wanted to check with the HQ. Cody and CJ turned in, to their room to make love again.

On their third day there, JD asked if Cody could help out a senior lifeguard and him in the HQ, to explain the dangers of strong currents and how to watch out for them, to junior lifeguard in the evening. CJ pushed Cody to go for the program. She wanted to enjoy the beach that day, without the hassle of going to nearest town for pleasure.

When Cody was done with the program, he decided to go for dinner with the gang. JD assured Cody that CJ would be able to take care of her own dinner as he had stocked up a good supply of food in his house. JD was about to lock up the HQ when a phone call came from the town's police station, asking for a report that JD owed them. As it would take some time, JD asked the gang to go ahead without him.

Cody had a good time, re-explaining what he had taught earlier and adding in a few more tips. He answered the questions from the enthusiastic teenage lifeguards. Fred, the other senior lifeguard, treated them all for the meal. By the time they had completed their meal, it was already 9pm.

Cody walked alone, back to JD's place. There was no light from the HQ, so JD must had left for home. Cody missed the beach activities. He felt fulfill when he was racing against time to save lives. He needed to feel wanted. But then again, CJ was back into his life. He was indeed needed. The sand, the cool air, the waves and CJ. He could feel his life, almost as if, being completed. He smiled alone, to the quiet evening around him.

Cody could see the house from afar. As he walked nearer, he sensed that there was a dark figure rushing away from the back of the house, scrambling near the fence and disappeared into the trees near the cliff. Or was his mind playing illusion on him? He decided to quicken his pace. But he was nearer to the house, it looked peaceful enough, so, obviously his mind was playing a trick on him. There was no sign of commotion.

He opened the wooden gate and unlocked the front door. JD had just entered his room. Cody could hear JD's room closing. Cody went to his own room. He opened his door, just in time, to see CJ wrapping herself in a towel, ready for a bath.

'Hi sweetie!' Cody stretched out his arms. His angel looked so beautiful, although she had just gotten up from the bed. Her hair was in a mess. Messy or not, CJ looked striking.

'Hi baby! You're back?' CJ greeted him and she planted a quick kiss on his lips, pushing his arms away gently. 'I was just about to take a bath. I'll see you in a short while, honey!' She made her way around Cody and went to the bathroom.

Cody took off his windbreaker and flopped himself down on the messy bed. Another tiring day. But never too tired to fuck CJ for another night. This was going to be a beautiful vacation.

That night, JD was given the free audio show of their moanings again. It must be at least 2am before the moanings stopped repeating.

The next day was spent with Jason, as he took them kayaking. In his speedo, Jason seemed to have a tough luck hiding his huge bulge. It was a big bulge although Jason was still soft. He might be young, but he was indeed a man, when it came to that size. CJ giggled lustfully as she jabbed Cody's rib, pointing at Jason's manhood, when Jason was not looking. Cody laughed as he grabbed her head around his armpit playfully. Naughty, naughty was all he said to her.

That night, Cody decided to head for town in JD's bike, to get more suntan oil for him and CJ. JD had not returned from the HQ yet.

An hour later, when he approached the hut, JD's room light was already on. JD had come back. Cody swore he saw a shadow running away again. He guessed it must be the shadow cast by the swinging palm trees.

JD was sitting on his sofa, wearing only his red shorts, in the living room when Cody walked in. He was holding a surfing magazine.

'Hey! How was the day?' JD greeted when he saw Cody.

'Fine! How was yours?' Cody asked.

'Great.. There were a few accidents. Minor ones but the rushing make me tired,' JD answered, smiling weakly, followed by a yawn.

'Where is CJ?' Cody asked.

'Taking her bath. She had just gone into the bathroom,' JD answered. 'So, what's your plan tonight?' JD asked.

'Maybe out for a walk. CJ and I had not done this for sometime.. you know, the moonlight, the beach...' Cody told JD with a grin. JD smiled back.

'Well then, you two enjoyed yourself. Just don't get caught doing anything hanky-panky in the public, okay? I don't want to be the one to bail you two out.. hahahahaha.'

Cody laughed too. JD got up and went to his room.

'Goodnight!' JD said, before closing his door.

'Goodnight,' Cody wished back, to a closed door.

Cody carried his stuff into his room. CJ must had been too tired from the afternoon kayaking. She must had slept when he went out. The bed was uncovered. The blanket was thrown to a side. Cody carried the bottles he had just bought, to place on the dressing table.

'Shit!' he yelped softly, not wanting to alarm JD next door, when Cody stepped on something funny on the carpet at the end of the bed. He turned around to see a few wet spots on the floor. There was a sticky stuff on his foot.

JD's room carpet was going to be tainted by this stain if Cody did not clean it up quickly. He grabbed a nearby tissue and sat on the bed as he scooped the sticky stuff of his foot. It was a white, creamy but sticky gel. CJ must had spilled some hair shampoo on the carpet. Or was it? Cody brought the tissue closer. It was too sticky to be shampoo. He sniffed it and quickly moved it away from his nose. He bent down and scooped the rest from the carpet with the tissues.

All of a sudden, Cody felt a letdown. He knew what was going on.

JD was fucking CJ!! These were fresh cum of JD.

All emotions started to pour into his heart. He felt betrayed. Angry. Sad. Confused. Angry with CJ? Or with JD? Sad? Sad?? Might be. Might be sad because he thought it was going to be him and CJ forever this time... but at that moment, he knew better...

Cody decided to act cool with the whole discovery. He still did not know how to confront the two of them. He prayed that he was wrong. But how could he be? The semen was too sticky and moist to be his. And Cody bet they did it too, the night before. He should had known. But he was too trusting.

A best friend would not cheat on him that way. And CJ was supposed to be the his again... He could not accept it.

That night, he told CJ he was tired, and hence, no sex. CJ did not mind, although she did want to suck his cock. Cody lied about being too tired to have the mood. CJ was not aware of any sign of him knowing of her cheating. She honestly believed he was really tired. They took a stroll together, but Cody was quiet, with only a few words shared. CJ was so happy that night. She did not even bother trying to get Cody to chat.

The next day, Cody decided to go canoeing alone, when Kekoa invited CJ for shopping again. CJ promised to be home by 7pm, but Cody told her that he might be late. So, there won't be any point in waiting for him. CJ asked if Cody was alright, and he forced himself to grin. CJ bought that grin and left with Kekoa.

He spent many hours canoeing along the beach. By the time he decided to call it a day, he had already planned to go back to Malibu the next day. There was no point to hang around Hawaii anymore. He had lost the purpose. It was already 8pm when he gobbled down his dinner, on his own.

This time, he took cautious steps back to the hut. He wanted to catch the two of them red-handed. Instead of the beach, he took the road.

He had reached the cliff near JD's place. Looking down the cliff, again he could see a figure standing outside his room window. The room light was on, but Cody was in a different angle, so he could not see inside the room yet. Cody tried to see who that someone was. As he climbed down, in not so far a distant, he saw him clearer. It looked like Jason!!! He was Jason's height and had the figure like him. He was spying through the window. He was wearing black T-shirt, and his body was leaning near the window edge. One hand was resting on the wall for support as he peeked with one eye into Cody's room. He was definitely enjoying what he was spying on, as his other hand was in his shorts. He was busy stroking himself.

Cody stepped on a stick and it snapped. The figure looked up and saw Cody. He turned the other way and rushed off, jumping over the fence and disappeared into the other side of the house.

Cody was almost sure it was Jason. But that was not his interest then. He needed to see what that spy was looking at. Cody climbed over the fence and made his way as quietly as possible to the window.

There, he felt his heart broken again.

On the bed, with one leg raised up, was CJ, lying on one side of her body, totally naked. Kneeling over her thigh, was JD, with his hard cock, fucking CJ's pussy. He was totally naked and his body was flexing his hard, muscular built. CJ's leg was pushed up, on JD's shoulder, exposing her cunt. Her breasts were bouncing up and down as JD fucked her. JD kept ramming his thick 8 inches into a groaning CJ, who was screaming for more.

Cody could not take it any more. Slowly, and quietly, he made his move to the front. He unlocked the door slowly and walked to his room. At the count of 3, he turned the knob.

'CODY!!' CJ jumped, causing JD's hard 8 inches to slip out.

'Cody?!' JD turned his head too, just as his hard tool spurted cum unto CJ's cunt. His body jerked, but he tried hard to cover his big cock. His palms covered his cockhead, but soon cum was spilling out between his fingers.

'Cody!' both of them screamed.

'We could explain,' begged JD.

'Yeah, I am sure you two could,' Cody sneered, as he turned around and walked away. He wanted so badly to punch JD, but he could not do it.

'Cody!!!' CJ yelled as she jumped off the bed and chased him. But Cody was faster. He left CJ, who covered her naked body with a blanket at the front door, soon to be accompanied by a still-hard JD, as he walked off into the night.

'Cody, you know I love you,' CJ said to a calmer Cody. It was the next day. He came back to pack his things. CJ was there waiting. JD was not around. After her begging and pleading, Cody realised that he still felt something for CJ. Although it was with a heavy-heart at first, he was willing to forgive CJ.

They made love again, although Cody was not comfortable with it at first. But the sight of CJ's naked big boobs and inviting pussy, he was taken over by his lust, and his hard dick, as he climbed onto her and rode her. Every thrust of his cock into her was like taking anger off his chests, but to CJ, it was heaven.

'Why are you smiling?' Cody asked, as CJ cuddled close to his hard, sweaty body. They were resting on the bed after the fuck.

'Nothing...' CJ giggled as she bit her fingernail, playfully.

'Come on...' Cody asked.

'No...' she repeated. 'It would make you upset!'

'So there is something...' Cody said, as he pushed himself up.

'Nope... nothing...,' CJ insisted, as she picked up her towel and rushed off to the bathroom.

Cody continued to lie down on the bed. He raised his hands and placed them below his head. He pondered. He looked out the window. So, it was only during the daytime where one could view outside, but during the nighttime, anyone outside could see in, without the people inside noticing. But was it Jason?

His mind switched back to what CJ had brought up. He let go of Jason from his thought and began to think what it was that CJ was hiding.

He quickly got up and went to the bathroom. He knocked and the bathroom opened. CJ was already wet from head to toe from the shower.

'It's gotta do with JD last night, isn't it?'

'No, baby,' she gave out a little cry. 'Now, leave me alone!' She said, as she pushed naked Cody out of the door, as she shut it close.

Minutes later, when she walked out, she grinned when she saw Cody. Cody threw gently a pillow at her. She screamed. 'Ok, ok! I'll tell!!' CJ yelped, as she ducked, giggling.

'Well, er... I actually knew about you and Caroline. You two were at it when we were going steady the last time. Come on, don't deny it!'

Cody was busted! He had almost forgotten the incident, if CJ did not bring up the issue. He was speechless.

'So, I guess we are even now, right?' she giggled, as she climbed onto the bed, to Cody, who was now dressed up in shorts.

'Hmmmm....' Cody mumbled, as she caressed his naked torso, and slipped her hands into his shorts, playing with his soft cock.

'Just do me this favour, Cody. Don't be angry with JD. I was as much wrong as he was.'

Cody did not move. He looked away. But he was not pushing her away. So, it must be he was willing to, if she played her words right.

'Okay, I guess...' said Cody, somehow relieved when he felt his anger with JD disappeared. Besides, Cody did not know what to do with his friendship with JD, if he continued to be angry. They had been through many things together.

'Thanks...' CJ happily hugged Cody, when she saw his smile.

'So, was he better than me?'

'What?!!! I am not going to answer that!' CJ said as she jumped off the bed, laughing.

Cody just smiled, as he watched her wiggled her big ass to the dressing table.

CJ sat down and started to brush her hair. She watched Cody once in a while through the mirror as she applied powder and lipstick on herself. Cody was smiling, watching her. He was glad the whole confrontation with CJ was over. He could still enjoy his vacation. But it might not be in JD's hut anymore. It would be too awkward to continue to stay there.


'Nothing, baby,' replied CJ.

'Not again!'

'Well... promise you won't be angry?' asked CJ, as she raised her hands to tie her hair. Her eyes were still watching Cody from the mirror.

'I promise!!' Cody said, as he made a cross on his heart.

'You know, you said you wanna try fucking my ass all this time and I kept saying no?' she giggled.

'Yeah...' Cody said, suddenly got excited as he sat up. 'Tell me you're gonna let me?'

'Hmmm... I don't know...' CJ teased.

'Then? Why did you ask?' Cody asked in desperation, fearing his lost opportunity.

'Maybe we can make a deal?' CJ asked, as she was done with the hair, but continued to talk to Cody, by facing the mirror.

'What deal?'

'If you let me have my wish...'

'And what's your wish?' Cody inquired, smile began to form back on his lips.


'Come on, you can tell me...' Cody urged. Desperate again.

'Three way. You, me and.... JD!'

'What?!' Cody raised his voice a little.

CJ did not answer. She continued to stare into the mirror, at the reflection of Cody, waiting for the answer.

Cody watched her face. She was giving that wicked smile. So, one man was not enough for her. She wanted to try two muscles at once. He could imagine how the scene would be like. Cody would be fucking her cunt while JD rammed his huge cock into her mouth. His cock stirred. He smiled back at CJ.

'Man! You mean you two had been cheating on me back in Malibu and I didn't know anything 'bout it? Is there anything else you two aren't telling me?' Cody said to JD, in a raised tone, as they two walked together along the beach. JD was in his red shorts, on duty, to check on the towers. But instead of taking the wheels, he decided to check on the nearby towers only, as he needed to talk things over with Cody. Cody was wearing the same, enjoying the sunbath on his muscular body.

But this time, his raised voice was with a little laughter. Cody was more receptive now of JD and CJ's affair. They had been talking for the past one-hour and JD was thankful that there was no punching. In fact, he was surprise how well Cody took the whole incident.

'Only twice, Cody!'

Cody kept silent, trying to abrosb the new info.

'So? What about what I'd said just now?' Cody asked, referring to his and CJ's offer.

'Are you sure YOU're okay with it?' JD asked. 'She's your girlfriend...'

'If that's what it's going to take... to let me taste her tight ass...' Cody broke into a laughter.

'What?! Oh.. ok...' JD stammered in surprise. '..and as long as Jessie doesn't know about us three.'

'Deal, buddy!' Cody grinned wide.

JD was excited too.

'Okay, we will meet you back at the house! Don't be late, ok?' Cody said, as he turned to trace his way back to JD's house. He was eager to go back to let CJ know their plan was on.

JD turned and raised his fingers to signal an 'ok' sign as he watched Cody hurried back to CJ.

Cody ran past Jason at the HQ. Jason was watching the two of them. When he saw Cody, Jason was little scared, but he tried to smile. Cody slowed down his pace but decided that he had more important matter to handle. The sun would be setting in a short while. Cody continued running, waving at Jason.

Jason was relieved to see Cody going the other direction. He thought of the night before. He was totally in lust with CJ. To see naked CJ was a dream come true. He had desired for her since JD showed him CJ's photo. To see her fucked was even better. To see JD cheating on his best friend, a tempting taboo - that really made him hard. As he thought of CJ and JD, and wondered what Cody was up to, he realised his pecker was beginning to harden, as he replayed images of CJ's pussy being fucked by JD's thick cock. That woman needed a good hard man to tame her. Jason allowed himself to breathe a smile onto his face. But he was still wondering what the commotion was about. What was so urgent, that Cody was running like he was excited about something. What was it, Jason wondered. Jason was expecting Cody and JD to fight, but things turned out fine. Jason guessed he just had to find out for himself that night.

That night, as the three of them went out for dinner together, the atmosphere was awkward. They were forcing themselves to giggle and laugh, although things they chatted were not that funny. There were tension and anxiety felt. CJ was sitting closer to Cody, and JD kept glancing to and fro between CJ and Cody. His eyes kept feasting on CJ's breasts. It was no secret JD lusted for big breasted ladies, especially those who knew what they have and knew how to flaunt them.

When they got back to JD's place, JD poured some wine. He hoped that would help to ease the tense.

CJ glanced at the two hunky men and strolled her way, sexily, into her room, leaving the door open. JD turned to look at Cody, for any signal. JD's heart was beating fast.

Cody was too. He tilted his head to a side, inviting JD to get into the room with him.

JD nodded, with a grin.

The night fun was about to start.

The two of them walked into the room. CJ was already in the center of the bed, with her back on the wall, legs spread open, invitingly. She reached down, and pulled her mini-skirt up. She slipped her panties off, slowly. JD was beginning to get hard. Cody was too.

'Wanna switch off the light?' JD asked, although he did not mind fucking with light on.

'No,' Cody answered. His eyes were still on CJ's cunt. She had slipped a finger into her pussy. Cody's mind was thinking of Jason. He decided he wanted to let Jason have a free show. A little exhibition. He liked that idea. He loved showing off his girlfriend's body to the kid, especially tonight where there would be two men satisfying her.

'So, are you two gonna join me, or am I playing all alone here?' CJ teased, as she raised her soaking wet finger to her mouth and licked it.

JD quickly climbed up the bed. Cody joined him. Cody kissed CJ, as JD hesitated at first. JD's hand was resting on CJ's right thigh. Once Cody moved aside, JD kissed CJ, as his fingers slid down to tease her pussy. He was not gentle. Once his fingers reached the tip, he shoved two fingers in, causing CJ to yelp. But JD's lips were still over hers. CJ's cry was foiled by JD.

JD retreated as Cody pulled CJ's top off. CJ lifted herself to let her shirt pulled off, by the two men. Her breasts flopped as the tight shirt was yanked up her body. JD smiled greedily at his prize that night. Cody smiled, proudly, as his best friend envied his possession.

With his fingers still poking CJ's cunt, causing her to moan, JD got down beside her, lowering himself to lick her right breast and bit her tit. He lapped it hungrily, joined by Cody, who was hungrily attacking her other tit. Cody's hands were cupping both breasts, pushing them up for him and JD to enjoy the breasts' firmness. CJ groaned at Cody's grip on her.

Cody licked his way up, from her breast all the way to her neck, where he ran his tongue all over the sensitive areas he knew. JD, not wanting to be left behind, increased his fingers' thrust on CJ's cunt. CJ cried louder. Her moans increased.

JD moved down to lick her pussy. Using his tongue, he began to tease her cunt. He shoved his tongue into her and pulled out with a slow, long lapping. Cody found her freed breasts and began to lick them hungrily. Cody felt JD's saliva on CJ's right tit. But his tongue could not stop teasing CJ's tit. Cody cupped CJ's breasts together and alternated his tongue between her tits, ending by sucking hard each one. CJ cried for more.

JD stopped to pull off his shirt. CJ tried to pull Cody's shirt off, but as JD had gone back to licking her cunt, she could not sit up. Her body fell back onto the wall, groaning the pleasure of JD's tongue on her pussy.

Cody tried to finish her job by pulling his own shirt off. But he made a mistake. He had forgotten to unbutton, so, his head had blocked his shirt from coming off. He was stucked! He struggled and CJ had to pull herself up to help him.

'Here, let me!' JD offered, as he got up and moved his hands into Cody's shirt to help him to unbutton. JD's hand felt Cody's skin as he wriggled his hands into Cody's tight shirt.

CJ's eyes were widening with interest. A man touching another man? Hmmm... She liked watching these two men close together, with their bodies, hard with muscles, doing such an intimate act. She wondered if they realised their skins were touching one another as JD tried to free Cody. She could see JD's arms brushing Cody's hard nipples as JD struggled to release Cody. They managed to, somehow. Cody's shirt came off. She did not know the answer, but the interest to know was there. It was forming.

JD went down, back to CJ's pussy. CJ trembled at the feel of JD's wet tongue on her cunt. It felt good. Cody noticed her ecstasy and kissed her. His tongue was pushed into her mouth, met by hers. They played awhile, but Cody could feel CJ was pushing him down. He kissed her chin, her neck and slowly down to her breasts, as she continued to put pressure on his head to go lower. As his lips brushed her tits, he realised that she wanted him to go lower. She wanted him to go down on her.

Cody got up and adjusted his position. He knelt down beside JD, as CJ spread wider her thighs for the two men. JD tried to get up, to go for her breasts and her hand made him stayed there.

'Come on, Cody! Eat me!' CJ demanded.

Cody turned his body side way and joined JD at CJ's cunt. JD was not stopping. He was getting high from eating CJ and her pussy juice.

'CODY!' CJ urged.

Cody stretched out his tongue and licked it when JD pulled back. CJ pushed JD's head down when JD tried to give Cody space. Realising CJ wanted two tongues on her pussy, the guys obeyed. Both stretched out their tongues again and licked her pussy lips.

'Yeah.. that felt good!'

But the space was limited. For the first time, Cody felt another man's tongue.

JD was hesitating at first, but the pussy was calling him. This was going to be his first 3-way, and he would not let another man's tongue spoil his experience. As both guys licked and nipped her pussy lips, the men felt each other's tongues, saliva and each other's lips.

'Oh man!!!!! This is a major turn-on!! Don't stop.... I like to see two men together.. Arrghh...' CJ cried out.

They realised she was into it, coz they began to feel her juice gushing out bit by bit. She had cummed. They wanted to stop, but she commanded them to continue. Knowing CJ, both men knew she could cum many times in one night of fucking.

'Guys... come on.. play your tongue with each other... Do it for me, baby...' CJ ordered.

JD and Cody were both hot and lusty from the whole pussy-eating, and from making CJ cummed. If that was what she wanted, they did not mind.

As they retracted from CJ's pussy, their tongues were playing with each other. Lips kissing one another. It was one thing to kiss a woman, but to be ordered by a woman, to kiss another man, was just another sexual act that sparked the steam of the moments. Cody covered JD's lips with his and licked both lips longingly.

CJ moaned as she thrust her fingers deeper into her, as she was turned on by the men's' kissing.

JD returned Cody's kiss, by pressing his lips hard on Cody's and pulled away after sucking and pulling Cody's bottom lip. When he let go, the lip flopped back onto Cody, making a 'tud' sound.

The two men turned to CJ to hear an applaud. CJ ran her tongue around her lips, showing her approval of their performance.

CJ's feet had been massaging both of the men's' groin while they were kissing earlier. Both never lost their hardness as both tried to prove to CJ that they were better lovers, kissers. The sensation of whatever the source was, purely lusty to them and nothing else mattered much then.

CJ's foot was pulling Cody's crotch, telling him that she wanted to suck him. He got up and knelt beside CJ as she bent her body forward to take his cock. Cody's shorts had been pulled down around his knees, exposing his fair butts. His 7 1/2 inches cock was standing straight, ready to be devoured. CJ opened her lips and took the hard cock in, sucking it to the point that Cody began to moan hard.

JD went back to CJ's pussy, licking up her juice. His cock was hard and he wanted to fuck her badly. As he was wearing jeans, it was less easy for him to take them off, compared to Cody. He knelt straight up again, as he tried to unzip himself. He could not! He tried the buckle, but it was giving him problem too. Damn!!!! JD wished he did not wear his new outfit that day. Curse! Curse!!

He struggled and the other two realised.

'Here, this time, my turn to help you..' Cody offered as CJ released his cock from her mouth.

Cody turned his body to face JD, who was beginning to be pissed off with his jeans.

Standing face to face with one another, this would be another first for both of them as Cody undressed a guy, and JD's first time too, to be undressed by the same sex.

'Thanks, buddy!' JD whispered, embarrassed by his buckle and zip.

'Happens all the time..' Cody lied, trying to console him.

JD smiled weakly.

CJ was getting more excited.

Cody knew, as he was watching her from the corners of his eyes.

JD was watching Cody's hands as Cody reached for his jeans. As Cody inched closer, JD saw Cody's hard-on for the first time. JD was slightly longer and thicker than Cody's, but Cody's tool was good enough to keep any woman happy.

JD was trembling at the thought of another man's hands on him, feeling his skin. But this was Cody, his best friend. So, he guessed it was ok.

Cody's hard cock was only inches away from his.

Cody tried to pull the buckle but it was too tight to be loosen. His fingers reached for the zip. He could feel JD's hard cock from the outside of the jeans. Cody whistled, admiring JD's length. JD just blushed.

'Keep playing like that, boys.. and I'll let you two have anything you want with me..' CJ dared them.

JD and Cody turned their heads towards where CJ was. They just smirked at her challenge. It was too kinky for them to say no. But the problem then was still with JD's jeans.

Cody tugged at the zip. It won't budge. He tried harder. It was still stuck. JD began to grumble, but softly.

Not wanting to give up, as Cody still wanted CJ's ass, he needed JD for the 3-way that night. He moved back to the buckle and pulled as hard as he could. The buckle snapped. The belt was loosen.

Slipping his fingers into both sides of JD's pants, Cody held himself steady before attempting to pull JD's zip apart. His fingers felt JD's skin as his fingers slipped in and moved into positions. He pulled and JD's zip was ripped open.

JD sighed, relief. His hard cock was aching for release and he wanted it to be in CJ.

Cody stripped off his own shorts. JD followed his lead. Both men were naked. Their cocks were straining hard of excitement. Both turned their attention and cocks, back to CJ.

She was grinning wide.

CJ pulled JD to her mouth as she blew him just like the nights before. Cody positioned himself at her cunt and plowed his way in. Both cummed minutes later, one after another. JD shot his load down CJ's mouth. Cody cummed inside CJ's ass, as he fucked her there for the first time, thrilled with her tight asshole.

Jason was watching the whole scene from outside the window. He was glad that he had come although he was almost caught the night before. As he stood out there watching these three fucking, his hand was jerking his hard cock. And when both Cody and JD had cummed, he knew there would be more to come. He stayed in his place, eagerly awaiting for the next action.

Cody knew he was out there. He caught the shade of the voyeur's head when it peeked in. Cody quickly turned away, not wanting to frighten his voyeur away. If it was Jason like Cody had suspected, then Cody would love to give a demonstration how he fucked his girlfriend. Cody was thrilled at the idea of being an exhibitionist.

The night was still young. None of them wanted to end the game too early. Each wanted more.

JD lied on the bed, as CJ sat on his mouth. His tongue busied itself, by thrusting into CJ's freshly fucked pussy. JD could feel a different taste as he licked CJ. Her pussy juice had been mixed with Cody's precum earlier on. There was the taste of Cody's cock in CJ's pussy too. But as CJ kept flaunting her cunt near his face, JD just could not stop.

Cody was feeling CJ and kissing her at the same time. He had to climb over JD's naked body to be able to kneel face-to-cafe with CJ. As he pressed his hard body onto CJ's huge breasts, his hands pulled CJ's head closer to him, as he tried to push his tongue into her mouth.

JD felt Cody's balls and hard cock were resting on his abs. Cody could feel JD's hard body as well. But there was no such thing as space in this sex act. There would be no space for shame, or shyness.

As JD's body rocked slowly everytime he thrust his tongue into CJ, Cody could feel JD's skin moved against his balls and the cockhead. That sent shiver up his spine. As much as he loved having CJ's tongue in his, and his hands playing with CJ's breasts and tits, he enjoyed too the gentle massage his cockhead was getting from JD's motion.

JD's cock was twitching and when it jumped a little, its head hit Cody's asscheeks. Cody felt it, but CJ was holding him too tight for him to move away. CJ was leaning on Cody's body, pressing her busts on his hard pecs. When CJ bent forward, Cody was pushed down by her increasing weight on him. Cody moved his body back a little and in doing so, he sat on JD's groin. Cody's balls were on top of JD's hard cock.

JD's cock twitched again. But CJ was not letting Cody go. Her lips were hungrily biting Cody's mouth. JD did not budge at all. He was too busy eating CJ. So, they continued to sex each other, with Cody's bum pressing on JD's groin, another barrier between these two men was broken. Between Cody and JD, it was felt no longer wrong to feel one another.

CJ's hands stroke Cody's hard cock. When Cody sat on JD's, her hands found JD's as well, and began to stroke both of them together, each in one hand. Her hand was pushed lower and deeper, to grab more of JD in her hand. In doing so, Cody had to lift his balls up to let CJ have more access. CJ let out a joyful whimper as she felt the length of JD's 8 inches, throbbing in her hand. It twitched again and slapped Cody's balls.

Cody crossed his leg over. He knew that CJ wanted to 69 JD. JD's hands had joined Cody's, in feeling her breasts.

Since that he knew he would be able to get such action later, Cody decided to step aside. But CJ grabbed his head and continued to press her lips on Cody's mouth. CJ still wanted Cody with her.

As CJ bent forward, Cody's mouth followed her lips. When there was no more space, as CJ's lips were nearing JD's throbbing hard cock, Cody released himself from her lips. CJ turned her attention to JD's cockhead, opened her mouth and swallow it in. JD moaned.

Cody lied down beside CJ, as he stretched his legs towards the pillow, careful not to place them where JD's face was. Supporting himself up with one arm, he watched as JD's hips, close to his face, raised up and down, fucking CJ's mouth. CJ groaned with her mouth full. Cody caressed her back as she plunged herself onto JD's groin.

JD must had been tired with the pussy eating. He lifted CJ's hips to the other side of the bed, and raised his torso up, resting on both arms, as he watched CJ licked away his thick tool.

Cody smiled. JD noticed his smile and a grin appeared on his face too. It was like they two agreeing how good the idea was to share CJ.

CJ pulled her mouth away but continued to stroke JD's cock with her right hand. She smiled a 'thanks' to Cody. Cody smiled back, as he lifted one hand to brush her hair.

CJ pulled away from JD's cock. Her hand was still stroking JD. She leaned towards Cody and kissed him. Cody kissed back, but CJ was not letting go again. She pulled him forward with the other hand and when she released his lips, Cody looked down to see JD's hard cock beneath his chin. His heart began to race faster. Should he? He looked at JD. JD looked stunned too, but quickly, JD smiled a wicked grin. JD was not attempting to move away. His hard cock was offering itself to Cody's lips. Cody had to decide fast.

Shutting his eyes while letting his mouth open, Cody lunged at JD's cockhead. It tasted big in his mouth. It was warm, wet and salty but smooth. Cody removed JD's cockhead from his mouth and stared at the huge cockhead he had just put into his mouth. It looked tempting and angry.

CJ was grinning horny. She stucked her tongue out, wriggling it around, encouraging Cody to go on.

Cody stretched his tongue out and licked JD's cockhead.

JD's thighs shivered as Cody ran his tongue around JD's cockhead. JD was definitely enjoying that. Soft, stammering moan escaped JD's lips.

Cody was not planning to stop. If that was the new sex to be explored, it was a good timing. And on the right hunk too. His tongue continued to lap around JD's cockhead before swallowing it in again. He was beginning to feel the hunger for JD's manhood. His mouth stretched as much as it could and Cody managed to take half of JD into his mouth. JD's cockhead was already jabbing his throat opening. Cody slid up JD's cock but before it reached the tip, Cody's mouth lunged back on it. Cody repeated this blow a few times. JD was in ecstasy.

CJ was enjoying the whole new show by these two guys. She was not so sure if Cody and JD would go that far, but she was glad she tried. She felt another orgasm coming, as her fingers continued to fuck her cunt. She lied there, by JD's side, watching Cody's mouth going up and down on JD's long, thick cock.

JD was enjoying himself with his new sex partner. To be able to watch his best friend going down on him was a thrill that he never thought of before. But since that it had happened, JD felt a higher excitement building in him. He loved watching Cody's lips wrapped around his hard cock, sliding up and down. Cody was pushing him to another level of sexual joy.

Cody busied himself with JD's cock. His tongue loved the feel of JD's hard and smooth shaft as his mouth moved up and down on that huge pole. His own cock was throbbing hard. When he moved his hand down to stroke his hardness, another hand beat him to it. Cody turned sideway to see whose it was, without removing JD's cock from his mouth.

It was JD. Cody's cock was only 1 1/2 feet away from JD's face. With Cody's cock kept jerking away, JD could not resist the temptation anymore. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around Cody's shaft. JD stroked it gently to the beat of Cody's blowjob on his cock. Cody's cockhead drooled with precum. JD used his thumb to wipe Cody's precum and slowly brought his thumb back to his own mouth. JD sucked his thumb, soaked with Cody's precum.

Cody's eyes widened for a while, but his face expression turned into a smile, as he continued to bobbed down JD's cock.

CJ felt like she was about to cum again watching these two guys at it. She knew she needed them to fill her up as soon as possible, before she cummed on her own account.

'Okay, stop it guys... I need one last good fucking!' she claimed as grabbed JD's cock at its base and pulled it away from Cody's hungry mouth.

She climbed over JD and slid his cock into her pussy. Both groaned with pleasure. JD wrapped his arms around CJ and pulled her close, onto him. Her boobs crushed onto JD's muscular chests.

Exposing her ass to Cody, Cody took this as a signal to her invitation to her asshole again. It was still oozing with Cody's cum. Cody got up and positioned himself behind CJ's ass. He could see JD's thick cock rocking slowly, in and out from CJ pussy. Cody aimed his cockhead at CJ's assring and poked its head into her. CJ screamed with delight as JD sucked around her neck.

Together, the two guys rode CJ until she had her third orgasm of the night. With her pant dying slowly, the two guys continued to assault her pussy and ass until they cummed too. The three of them collapsed onto the bed, tired and sweating from the hour long sexercise.

Jason had cummed too. He shot his cream onto the wall as he gasped for air. He had been holding out on his ejaculation. But the moments were getting hotter with more sex rides, and when he saw Cody pulled out and spurted sperm onto CJ's pussy and JD's cock, he could not hold back anymore. His cock strained hard as cum shot again and again, emptying his balls.

'That was wonderful!' Cody said.

'Hey, thanks man for asking me to join in... Phew! I never knew I could enjoy sex any better!' JD said as he blushed into a wide grin.

'So, tomorrow night again?' Cody asked.

'Tomorrow? Sure!!' JD jumped at the invitation.

JD knew nothing could stop him from enjoying sex with CJ. And now, with Cody, the sex was even better. This was of course as long as Jessie, his girlfriend did not find out. Thank heaven she was not in the island.

CJ had complaint about them dominating the bed. She decided to call it a night as her ass and pussy were sore from all the licking and ramming. She got out of the bed before JD could do so, and told JD she wanted his room all for herself that night. She begged for a good night sleep, as the guys did not quit talking and at the same time, running their hands all over her body again. Before JD could say anything, CJ had already shut the door of his room.

Both guys were lying naked on Cody's bed. Both still had that tingling feeling in them. Both had gone beyond and explored the forbidden side of sex. So, what now? Both were not sure how to bring it up.

Jason had moved from Cody's window to JD's personal room's. He was hoping to see CJ's naked body again, but JD's window was covered with a curtain. He could not peek inside. He decided to move back to the original window and waited, to see any new development.

'So, was fucking CJ's ass good?' JD asked.

'Oh yeah... it was tight alright... Her pussy still serves well, but I need to fuck her there too. I just need to feel that I had explored every part of her. It feels damn fucking good to have a tight hole.' Cody broke into a smile, thinking of his cock going in and out of CJ's asshole.

'And er.. ahem! I see that you enjoy sucking too... new hobby?' JD teased.

Cody gave JD's arm a light punch. JD laughed. Cody blushed.

'Actually...' JD asked, as his cock was beginning to rise again, '.. since that CJ is now out of the picture, and I am not that tired, wanna go for another round? Only you and I?' JD asked, as his head tilted to one side, watching Cody for his reaction.

'You mean, me sucking you again?'

'Yeah.. why not?' JD asked again.

'No way, not fair!!! You have to go down on me too!' Cody said, as he grabbed his semi hard cock hard, causing his own cock to jerk into life again. 'I'm horny for action too!'

'Hmmm...' JD hummed, as he reached over for Cody's cock. His hand replaced Cody's, admiring and feeling Cody's hardness in his palm.

Cody let go of his, to take JD's big cock in his hand. Cody wrapped his fingers around JD's and began to stroke it gently.

JD followed his lead as he slid his palm, up and down, along Cody's shaft.

Both giggled at their new adventure.

But their laughter toned down as they began to be enchanted with their strokes. JD's attention switched between his palm on Cody's cock, and Cody's palm on his.

Cody was more indulged in JD's cock in his hand. It felt huge and thick. And when blood pumped into JD's shaft, Cody was thrilled to feel JD's cock thickened in his hold. His eyes were fixed on seeing JD's cockhead expanded as blood gushed into it.

Cody got up and knelt down between JD's thighs. He took JD's cock into his mouth and blew JD. JD moaned. To have a man blowing him, he sensed a power over Cody's masculinity. He loved that feeling.

But he knew he had to give in to Cody as well.

Cody worked like magic on JD's cock. JD's body trembled as Cody's mouth retracted, felt like pulling his shaft along, as Cody's lips slid up JD's cock.

Cody increased his speed on JD. That increased the tense within JD. JD's hands gripped hard on the bed sheet. JD could not take it anymore. He needed to stop Cody. If not, he would ejaculate soon. JD did not want to, yet.

JD pushed Cody's head away gently.

Cody knelt on the center of the bed. His body was covered with sweat. He looked alluring, with all his hard muscles moving to his panting. His cock stood hard, presenting itself to JD.

JD got up and knelt on all four. One hand reached out and grabbed Cody's cock by its base and pulled Cody nearer. JD opened his mouth and took Cody in.

With his best friend's mouth on his cock, suddenly Cody felt his body turned weak. The desire was too much. The sensation was too strong. Looking down, seeing his best friend sucking him off, Cody felt blood rushing fast to his cock. His cock throbbed, again and again, in JD's mouth. Cody was in heaven.

Jason was stunned. He considered JD as a macho stud. Perfectly straight. His role model. But seeing JD on his knees taking Cody in his mouth, Jason was aroused. He decided to stay on, although he did not actually think he would be watching male sex. Jason just had to watch, to see how far these two guys would go on each other.

His cock was rising again in his shorts. His hand had gone down, massaging his hardening cock from outside of his shorts.

JD removed his mouth from Cody. Cody felt empty, but was somehow glad, as he knew he could not hold back much longer if JD continued to assault his cock.

'I wanna fuck you...' JD said, in a soft tone, as his eyes looked up at Cody.

Cody knew there was no turning back for both of them. They had to go all the way.

JD moved to the edge of the bedside, for Cody to lie down.

Cody lowered his body, and rested on his stomach. His ass was raised up, for JD.

JD positioned himself at the bottom of the bed. He spread Cody's legs, giving him a full access to Cody's bums. He ran his hands in circles around Cody's butts, feeling his fair, lovely butts. JD sighed in approval of his next target. His hands spread Cody's asscheeks, exposing Cody's pink, virgin asshole. JD smiled. He was ready.

JD aimed his cockhead at Cody's assring. He pushed a little in. Cody was too tight.

Cody knew it was going to be difficult. He raised his ass higher and reached behind for JD's cock. He helped to guide JD's cock to where his asshole was.

'Push!' Cody ordered.

JD thrust forward. His cock slipped up Cody's asscrack.

Cody adjusted JD's cock again, but this time, he pressed JD's cockhead at his hole.

'Again!' Cody demanded.

JD held Cody's hips tight and rammed himself in. His cockhead slipped into Cody's asshole. Cody groaned.

Jason's hand was stroking faster. He could not believe his eyes that JD was fucking Cody. But the shock did not reduce his excitement. Jason's cock responded well to the exhibition.

JD had managed to push more than half of his 8 inches into Cody. Slowly, as he rocked to and fro, bit by bit more of his hard cock slipped in. After a few more thrust, JD's cock was all the way in Cody's ass. His abs could feel Cody's bum each time he rammed his cock all the way in.

Cody felt JD's balls, slapping his, as JD continued to slam his cock into Cody's ass. He knew then how CJ must had felt as JD's thick cock slid in and out, in his anus.

'Arhhhh... this feels good, Cody.. You are much tighter than the girls!' JD yelped. Sweat was running down his body.

Cody groaned onto the pillow as he tried to suppress the joyful pain his ass was feeling.

JD felt the innerwall of Cody's anus brushing the ring of his cockhead again and again, as he pumped Cody. It was getting tighter, as JD's shaft thickened as he continued fucking his best friend. Looking below, it turned JD on, to watch his cock going in and out of Cody's yummy butts.

With one more ram, Cody felt JD's cockhead expanded inside him and shot cum. JD's hands on his hips shook tense as he unloaded more cum in Cody.

JD's chests expanded wide as he breathed in for more air. That was one of the most awesome sex he had had. Slowly, he withdrew his cock from Cody's ass. JD flopped his body down the bed beside Cody. JD was damn pleased!

Cody positioned his cockhead at JD's asshole. With JD's legs resting on both sides of Cody's shoulders, Cody aimed at the opening of JD's asshole and pushed himself in.

'Arr.. that feels tight!' Cody cried out as his cockhead was swallowed in by JD's ass. He retracted his cock a bit and rammed more in.

JD groaned. His body became more tense as more and more of hard Cody slipped into him. But the pain served as a pleasure for JD too. He tried to relax his body, to allow his body to enjoy Cody's cock, which was beginning to pump faster in him.

Cody was having it easier to pump his cock into JD, as they had greased his hard cock with JD's cum. As his cock slid down JD's anus, Cody watched JD's face expression. Every thrust Cody made, JD bit his lips harder to suppress his groan.

With a hard push, Cody thrust his cock all the way in.

JD yelped and his hands gripped hard Cody's back. But as Cody continued fucking his ass, JD began to feel the sexation of having Cody's cock inside him. JD's own cock began to stir back to life.

The two of them rocked slowly to the rhythm of Cody's thrust. Their eyes watched each other. JD was still biting his lips, anticipating more pain. Cody knew he had to do it. He let JD's legs down as he leaned his body forward and kissed JD. When he retracted, his eyes met JD's. None spoke of anything.

Cody increased his thrust into JD. JD hollered in pain. Cody pressed his lips on JD's, alternating his suck on JD's upper and lower lips.

JD moaned. Their hard chests were rubbing each other hard, as Cody's cock kept rocking them together, releasing pleasure for both of them.

Then, Cody growled. His cock thickened as he spurted cum inside JD.

JD felt Cody's cockhead expanded each time he felt Cody's cum ejaculated inside him.

Cody collapsed onto him. JD put his arms around Cody and held him tight. Cody was still pumping away his cock inside JD, but his thrust had slowed down. Slowly, the rocking slowed down and Cody pulled himself out of JD. They lied there, huffing and puffing for air.

Jason shot his second load of cum, watching them. After a few more minutes, he realised JD and Cody were not going for another round. He took it as a signal for him to go home. He had enjoyed enough the night. There could always be another night, as long as Cody and CJ were there in Hawaii.

The quiet night helped Cody to be aware that his uninvited guest had left. He heard someone jumping over the fence. JD was too tired to be aware of any sound outside. Cody wondered if it was really Jason. Cody was supposed to go jetskiing with Jason tomorrow. He wondered how Jason would treat him after that night...

The End Date: 21 March 2002

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