Baywatch Birthday

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Sep 30, 2001


WARNING: This is an erotic fiction story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story in several parts is a fantasy of my own creation. It is not meant to imply behavior nor sexual orientation of David Charvet, David Chokachi, or Jeremy Jackson, the actors who portrayed the characters named in the story. Use of the character's names is without knowledge of anyone involved in the production of the television series "Baywatch". The TV series "Baywatch" and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Baywatch Production Company and Gregory J. Bonann Productions.

"Baywatch Birthday" by Captain Chlorophyll

Part 4

The three young men went to dinner in the same outfits they had worn all day. Matt and Cody hadn't brought a change of clothes, and they still wanted to turn heads anyway. Besides, it was summer in southern California, and the sun wasn't down yet.

"Aw, shit, man, you're not taking me in here, are you?" Hobie wondered as Cody steered his Mustang into the parking lot of the Porn Palace after leaving the restaurant.

"Of course," Matt responded as Cody parked. "You have to use this present." He handed Hobie the envelope with the purple ribbon.

"Oh, man, it's embarrassing. What if someone recognizes us? What if I get a boner?"

"First, they'll be just as embarrassed that you recognize them. Second, stay between us if that happens," Cody said.

"Mm, I like that idea," Matt said.

"Welcome to the Porn Palace. Please let me know if you need some help finding anything," the young blonde said. Hobie was surprised that such a pretty girl would work in such a place. "May I see some ID, please?" she asked him. "Ah, your eighteenth birthday today. Congratulations. Are you his brothers?"

"Sort of," Cody responded.

"We're the three musketeers," Matt added, grinning.

"Enjoy yourselves. Please let me know if I can be of assistance."

"Thanks," they each said and turned to enter the aisles of merchandise.

Cody and Matt showed Hobie through the displays of accessories used for sex by men or women, straight or gay. They explained how each might be used. Hobie blushed several times, but he didn't get hard. As they passed through the videos, Cody pointed out that Hobie could rent or buy any of them, or even go into a booth in the back to watch.

"What I thought you could do is get one of each kind of magazine. That way, you can take them home, look through them, and figure out what type of guy you like. When you do, we can bring you back for more specialized items."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what kind of guy turns you on? You can find porn with guys of any age: barely legal, 20-something, or even grandpas. There are blonds, brunets, redheads, blacks, Asians, white, skinny, toned, fat, bodybuilders, hairy, or shaved smooth. There are also themes like rubber, leather, bondage, watersports -- that's piss, not kayaking -- wrestling, cops, military, cowboys, you name it."

"Wow!" Hobie exclaimed, amazed at the world which lay before him. "Well, I guess it's from growing up around Craig and Eddie, you two, and some of the other guys, but I have a thing for lifeguards."

"We can probably find that here," Matt said. "I'll look." While he browsed through the themed photo collections, Cody and Hobie picked out one of each of the periodicals. "Here's one," Matt said and placed it on top of the stack Hobie held.

"Oh, yeah!" Hobie whispered and quickly rose to full erection.

"By George, I think he likes it!" Cody observed. "Maybe we'd better stick that in the bottom of the pile, eh, Hobie?"

"Um, yeah."

"I think Hobie would rather stick it in some other bottom," Matt quipped.

"Can we stand here a minute, guys? I don't want to check out yet."

"Sure thing, buddy. Do you want to go into the straight section to cool down, or maybe the lesbians? I know that always makes me lose interest," Cody suggested.

"Say, that reminds me," Matt interrupted, a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, no! Not here, not now!"

"Oh, yes."

"What?" Hobie wondered.

"What do you call a sauna full of lesbians?"


"Matt likes to tell the lamest jokes he can think of. I don't know. What do you call a sauna full of lesbians?"

"A clambake," Matt grinned.

Cody moaned and held his head in mock agony. "Eww!" Hobie said.

"Yeah, well, it worked, didn't it? Let's go check out now." Sure enough, the joke had distracted Hobie enough that he was no longer hard.

When they returned to Hobie's house, the sun was going down. The trio sat down in the living room to open the last of Hobie's presents. As Hobie flipped through the pages of his new sex manual, he exclaimed, "Gosh! I never knew there were so many ways to fuck."

"There are just as many ways to make love," Cody observed. In a more serious tone, he added, "Hobie, I hope that Matt and I have taught you the difference between fucking and making love. We've been together for nearly five years; we don't "fuck" any more, but we do have sex often. Too many people nowadays -- straight or gay -- have sex with someone they barely know. They can't understand the bond that making love can bring to a committed couple."

Matt took up the conversation. "We wanted your first time to be special, Hobie. We didn't want you to get caught up in the moment with some guy who might not care about you like we do. When you've been seeing one guy for a while, and you decide you want to make love, it might not be your first time having sex, but it will be your first time together, and it will be so much more special because you will have waited until it felt right."

"Matt and I will use the book to give you a few more lessons, but what you do with your knowledge is up to you. You're an adult now, and I hope you make your decisions in an adult manner. For example, your first decision is do you call the guy that gave you his number this morning or not? Then, if you do go out with him and he says, Want to do this again some time?' do you say yes or no? If he asks to have sex, will you say Okay, lets go,' I like you, and I want to get to know you better before we do,' or just No thanks'? Man, you've know you're gay for several years, but what you do now is even tougher. I don't mean to bring you down, especially with another lovemaking lesson yet to come, but love and sex are serious, as well as fun."

"You're right, guys. I guess I was thinking about all the fun I could have an not realizing what it all means. I think I will call this guy. In the time before we meet, I can decide how far I want to go with him. After all, it will be my first real date. Who knows if he'll even like me?"

"Smart boy," Cody said.

"Smart man," Matt rejoined.

The three started kissing. "Are you ready for your next lesson?" Cody asked.

"Does it feel like I'm ready?" Hobie replied, placing Cody's hand between his legs.

"Let's take this into the bedroom, guys."

Once in Hobie's room, Matt and Cody stripped Hobie of his tank top and shorts, leaving him in the red thong which was bulging with his teen cock. "The human body can have numerous erogenous zones," Cody said, licking Hobie's neck, "but each person is different. Many men like their nipples stimulated," he continued, lightly flicking his tongue around Hobie's right nipple, "but not all men."

Hobie moaned, and his knees weakened. "Obviously, you're one of the ones that do," Matt observed, gripping Hobie tightly around his waist from behind, steadying him. "How about here?" Matt asked, lightly sucking Hobie's left earlobe between his lips.

"Uh-uh," Hobie answered.

"Try finding some of mine, babe," Matt suggested to his young friend.

"Wait, man, check this out," Cody interrupted. "The dude's abs are almost as good as mine," he said, running his fingers up and down Hobie's stomach as he turned Hobie to face Matt.

"A little more work, and you'll be as good as my man there," Matt observed. He then leaned in to kiss Hobie deeply.

"Ease off a bit," Cody asked, moving behind his lover. He slipped the loose, white tank top over Matt's head. Hobie's eyes glazed over.

"What?" Matt asked.

"You're turning him on, lover, what else? He's leaking." Sure enough, a dark spot had appeared on the front of Hobie's thong.

"May I.... May I touch you?" Hobie whispered.

"Sure thing, man," Matt responded. "As a matter of fact, touching is a good beginning. You can explore your partner's body; you can arouse him...." Matt paused as Cody pulled down his partner's shorts and kissed the center of his back, making him shiver. "Just don't pinch my nipples too soon. Unless you ease your way to them, it'll hurt me, much like a woman's clitoris if too much stimulation is applied too soon."

"And how would you know about that?" Cody asked, dancing his tongue behind Matt's ear and rubbing his still-clothed body against Matt's back, making sure his own bulging crotch was up against Matt's firm, tanned ass cheeks.

"I read about it back when I was trying to convince myself I wasn't really gay." He paused. "It didn't work."

"Obviously," Cody smirked, groping his lover's erection through the pouch of his white thong.

"And I'm glad," Matt concluded.

"Are you ready to give your first blowjob, Hobie?" Cody asked.

"I know I am," Matt added. His dick bounced as Cody pulled off his thong.

"Just lick and suck, Hobie."

"Don't worry about how much you can get in your mouth, buddy. We don't want you trying too much too soon."

As Hobie orally stimulated Matt, cautiously at first but then with the manner of a starving man, Cody's lips and tongue were buried in that sweet spot between Matt's cheeks. Matt frequently grunted and groaned; he had never been double-teamed before.

"Oh, man, I'm getting close," Matt warned. "Don't try to swallow it, Hobie. I might not be a gusher like you, but you're not accustomed to taking a load."

Hobie ignored his advice. When Matt came, he kept the head in his mouth. After the second shot, however, he pulled off, unable to swallow. As the third stream of Matt's cum squirted onto his face, Hobie closed his eyes. Spurt after spurt gushed onto his face. "Oh, man!" Matt groaned. Cody had removed his tongue from Matt's hole just in time, and now he gently licked the tightly clenched rose bud. "Oh, shit!" Matt gasped as his ejaculation stopped and Hobie opened his eyes. "I must have come as much as Hobie!"

Hobie's face was awash with Matt's juices. He was frantically trying to lick up as much as he could. "Don't let it get away," Cody warned, "that's liquid gold." He then began lapping up the semen that Hobie couldn't reach himself.

"Stage two, buddy," Cody said as he pushed Hobie back on his haunches and pulled off his pupil's red thong, now sporting an even larger wet spot, "your first fuck. Onto the bed. Here's a condom," Cody continued as Hobie sat Indian-style on his bed, his erection proudly jutting from between his thighs. "Be careful as you open it; you don't want to tear the rubber. It's also a good idea to do it before your hands are slick with lube."

"Before you unroll it," Matt continued, "you should pinch the tip of the rubber to create a reservoir for your semen. The force of your ejaculation -- well, any man's ejaculation, but yours especially -- can rupture the latex, greatly increasing the chance of disease transmission -- or unintended pregnancy, if you're fucking a woman."

The partners observed closely as Hobie carefully unrolled the condom onto his dick. They were satisfied, so Cody said, "Here's a bottle of lube. It helps penetration and thrusting, and it's water-based, so it won't damage the latex. Get yourself nice and slick while I prepare Matt's ass. How do you want it, lover?"

"I think on my hands and knees. It'll be easier for him to penetrate that way, since it's his first time."

"Okay, up and at `em," Cody replied, lightly slapping Matt's rump. "First, I'd better take these off. I feel overdressed."

Cody quickly disrobed and fingered Matt's hole with lube as Hobie looked on. "You should push in gently; you don't want to hurt your partner -- even though Matt has done this a lot," Cody smirked.

Hobie slowly pushed his way into a man's ass for the first time. "Oh, man, that's hot... tight and hot," Hobie groaned as Matt's anus constricted around his cockhead.

"Start off slowly. You don't want to come before you enjoy it."

"I don't know if I can, man," Hobie said through clenched teeth. He tried a few, gentle strokes, but already his balls were tightening. He sped up his thrusts and then froze deep in Matt as his orgasm overtook him. He collapsed onto Matt's back.

"Ease off, son. It's my turn." Cody had already put on a condom and applied lube. "The usual position, hon'; I want to kiss you." Hobie again watched as Cody fingered his partner's hole, relubing it.

"I get his ass now because he had mine before," Cody explained.

"And just to make things even, you get to fuck him next," Matt added as Cody slipped his cock in and began pumping. They began kissing as Hobie admired the love makers.

Even though Cody had been quite aroused watching Hobie lose his final cherry in his lover's ass, he was taking his time. Hobie began caressing Cody's muscular back, butt, and legs. Cody moaned. "That feels nice, Hobie."

Hobie soon became more daring and decided to rim Cody's hole. "Oh, yes!" Cody exclaimed, "Lick my butt!" Hobie spread wide Cody's glistening, bronzed ass cheeks and buried his tongue as deeply as he could into the dark tunnel.

"Oh, shit!" Cody yelled. He pushed up on his arms and threw back his head, his eyes clenched shut in ecstasy. His anus clenched, spitting out Hobie's tongue, and he shot his load.

The guys took a short break to remove the spent condoms and rinse themselves with a damp wash cloth. "I can't believe I didn't blow a hole in the condom, like I had warned Hobie about. I wasn't expecting to shoot that big of a load."

"Maybe we should expect that each time we get together with Hobie, love."

"I hope not; we're not as young as he is any more."

"Still, are you ready for him, Cody?"

"Yeah. Doesn't that thing ever go down, buddy?"

"Not when it knows what's coming next."

"You're the only one coming next; you drained us, man. This time, all you have to do is lie back on the bed. I'm going to ride you."

Hobie moaned as Cody mounted his young friend and took him into his ass in one, smooth move. "That's nice; I think I'll be able to handle this," Hobie commented as Cody rocked back and forth.

"Then let's up the ante," Matt suggested, and he trailed his hands up and down Hobie's legs. His thighs were smooth, and his calves had the lightest sprinkling of dark hair. Obviously, he got the body hair gene from his mom's side of the family.

Suddenly, Hobie's legs twitched, and he moaned. "The backs of your knees, Hobie, remember that."

Matt's observation prompted Cody to begin his own finger play. He found no arousing spots on his arms, but when Cody's fingers brushed the outside of Hobie's pecs, toward his armpits, his nipples quickly firmed up. "There's another one," he whispered into Hobie's ear. Hobie began breathing more heavily.

Cody continued his nipple play, now using his tongue. Hobie quietly moaned. As Cody leaned forward to kiss and suck Hobie's chest, Matt used his tongue to a similar advantage on his balls and thighs. It was all too much for Hobie; his orgasm neared.

Even though they had never double-fucked anyone before, the partners moved in synchronicity. Just before Hobie came, Matt licked his balls and tickled behind Hobie's knees, and Cody pinched Hobie's nipples. Hobie shouted with every burst of his cock and bucked his hips.

"Happy birthday, buddy," Cody said, kissing Hobie as he rolled off the finally cum-drained young man.

"We love you," Matt added, as he, too, kissed Hobie and took off the soiled rubber. "Damn, man," he whispered to his lover, "almost as big as all his other loads!"

"Come on, buddy, let's clean up and get some rest."

Again, the three toned lifeguards took turns washing each other in the shower. As they dried off, Hobie said, "I don't know how to thank you guys," as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"First, be careful. We don't want to regret unleashing you on the world -- or setting the world loose on you." Matt nodded in agreement. "Second, meet Mr. Right and spend the rest of your lives madly in love with each other, as Matt and I are doing. Let's get to bed."

"Hobie," Matt whispered as the three snuggled together in the darkness, "we have two more days off, and they're all for you. I suggest we stay naked all the time and work on making that luscious ass of yours as golden brown as the rest of you."

"Of course," Cody chimed in, "we'll have to go out to get more condoms. That book has a lot of positions to try."

"Two more days," Hobie whispered as the three sated friends drifted off to sleep. He would have pleasant dreams that night!

-- THE END --

AUTHOR'S NOTES: 1) I realize that David Charvet and David Chokachi did not appear regularly on the show at the same time. However, it is my prerogative as author to cast them together, and it's more fun that way, too!

  1. I have never been to the International Male store in West Hollywood. I do not know if they stock all the clothing mentioned above, which at one time appeared in their catalog and the affiliated Undergear catalog. In fact, the garments might no longer be available. To avoid any other semblance of advertising, I won't list the company's URL's. If you are interested in visiting those web sites, please e-mail me at, and I will send them to you.

  2. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status of any character, nor the presence/absence of chest hair on David Charvet or David Chokachi. Readers who prefer one state or the other can infer it to enhance their reading pleasure.

  3. I appreciate critiques of my work. I also want input for a possible continuation of this story. I already have a request from my editor to tell what happens between Hobie and the man he met in part 2. Would you like to read more? Please send your comments to If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  4. Permission to post this story and affilated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT: July 1, 2001

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * these here parts, you have to * * deal with me! * * -- Pinky and the Brain -- * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * * ***********************************

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