Baywatch Birthday

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Sep 30, 2001


WARNING: This is an erotic fiction story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story in several parts is a fantasy of my own creation. It is not meant to imply behavior nor sexual orientation of David Charvet, David Chokachi, or Jeremy Jackson, the actors who portrayed the characters named in the story. Use of the character's names is without knowledge of anyone involved in the production of the television series "Baywatch". The TV series "Baywatch" and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Baywatch Production Company and Gregory J. Bonann Productions.

"Baywatch Birthday" by Captain Chlorophyll Copyright July 1, 2001

Part 3

"You guys aren't serious?!"

"Isn't this serious?" Cody asked before he stuck his tongue in Hobie's ear.

"Or this?" Matt asked as he leaned down to lick Hobie's nipple.

"Oh, shit!" Hobie exclaimed.

"No shit, Hobie," Cody said before taking his turn kissing Hobie.

Hobie moaned, and blood began flowing to his organ. Matt stroked Hobie's legs as Cody caressed his chest. Shortly, Hobie was at full erection.

"We're going to teach you how to please a man," Cody said, "but first, you'll learn how good it feels to receive."

"It's better to give than receive," Matt said, before resuming his suckling of Hobie's nipple.

"Well, let's find out," Cody said. Then, he matched his partner's actions on Hobie's other nipple.

Matt's hand moved to touch Hobie's balls and stroke his dick. He licked his way to Hobie's navel. Cody concentrated on Hobie's chest, neck, ears, and face.

Hobie frequently moaned, and he could hardly keep his eyes open, though he badly wanted to watch Matt's progress downward. As Matt took his first lick from the base of Hobie's dick to the head, Hobie's eyes clenched shut; his head snapped back, and he moaned loudly.

"Let's make you more comfortable. Hold yourself up," Cody instructed. He lowered the back of the chaise lounge. "Now lie back." Hobie was now flat on his back, and Matt and Cody had unobstructed access to his body. Matt continued licking Hobie's dick as his partner resumed teasing his nipples.

"You'd better join me down here, lover. I don't think he's going to last long."

Cody shifted positions and mirrored Matt's actions, one man on each side of Hobie's cock. In no more than a minute, Hobie began quivering. Imitating Scotty from "Star Trek", Matt declared, "He canna take any more of this, Cap'n. He's gonna blow!"

Cody and Matt quickly moved to lick Hobie's balls, as much to get out of the way of the impending ejaculation as to continue orally servicing their friend. After giving one loud grunt, Hobie erupted. The first shot reached his chest. The second drew a line over his face. The third reached just under his chin, and the fourth joined the first. All successive spurts painted Hobie's abdomen like a Jackson Pollack canvas.

"I think he liked it," Matt observed dryly.

"Really?" Cody replied, equally sarcastically.

"G... g... g... g...." Hobie sputtered.

"I think he needs a minute. Shall we prepare for part two? Where's the lube?"

"I'll get it. It's in my bag," Cody volunteered.

"Hobie? Babe?" Matt whispered, "I need your help. Would you shift more towards the end of the chair? Let your knees hang over the end."

"Sure thing," Hobie replied dreamily.

"Good. One more thing: would you put your feet up on the chair?"

"Anything you say, Matt." Hobie was a little more lucid. "What are you going to do to me n... now?!" He paused and gasped out the last word. "That feels incredible! What is that?"

"Well, I can't say for sure, since I can't see past Cody's head, but, judging from your reaction, I think it's Cody's tongue in your ass."

Cody had wasted no time fetching the lube for Hobie's next lesson. He returned just as Hobie raised his feet to the end of his lounge chair, exposing his pucker to the sunshine streaming down on all three toned, tanned, and slightly sweaty bodies.

"Oh, shit, that feels good! I thought asses were just for fucking. It never felt this good with my fin...." he drifted off, distracted by the pleasure.

"What was that, Hobie?" Could it be that there was something Hobie hadn't talked to Matt about before?

"I mean.... Oh! Well, I've fingered myself before, as I jerk off. I usually cum buckets when I do that."

"Well, buddy, Cody and I are here to help."

"I think he's ready for more, Matt," Cody warned his partner.

"Okay, lover. Hobie, Cody's going to start slipping fingers into you, as he continues to rim you. You said you've done it before, but it might hurt a little anyway. I'll be kissing you, in case you need to take your mind off the pain. If it hurts, squeeze my hand, all right?"

"Shut up and kiss me," his horny friend said.

Matt and Hobie made out as Cody continued his tongue and finger work on Hobie's ass. Hobie took the first two of Cody's fingers with ease, thanks to his earlier practice. Matt and Hobie shared the stream of cum that had hit the younger man's face earlier, but Matt did not try to taste any of the load remaining on Hobie's pecs and abs. He was saving it for later, when he and Cody would share the task of cleaning up their young friend.

Cody removed his tongue and grabbed the lube. He squeezed some onto his fingers and inserted a third one into Hobie's ass. Hobie gasped at this, but he didn't squeeze Matt's hand. "No pain, man?" Matt asked.

"I'm ready for it," Hobie insisted.

"Did you find his prostate, man?" Matt asked his partner.

"Yeah. Watch this." Hobie's dick flexed, and he moaned in response to Cody's fingers.

"Remember where it is. When you're in him, I want him to have an orgasm he'll never forget."

"If you think I'm going to forget the fulfillment of my fondest wish, you're crazy," Hobie grinned.

"Then get ready to be `full-filled'," Cody quipped. "Suit me up, lover; he's ready."

Matt opened one of the condoms that were part of Hobie's birthday present and unrolled it onto his lover's dick. Then, he lubed the rubber-coated surface generously. Cody pulled his fingers from Hobie and lined up his erection with Hobie's cheeks. Hobie's hole remained slightly open. "Put it in, please!" Hobie requested.

"This will probably hurt, baby," Matt warned. "Squeeze my hand."

As Cody's rubber-encased cock pierced Hobie's virgin asshole, Hobie wrenched Matt's fingers, and his dick softened. "Shit! Don't move, man. Son of a bitch!"

"I want to give you time to get used to it. The worst part is over; my shaft isn't as wide as the head is." Cody could feel Hobie's sphincter constrict as it tried to expel the intruder. He recalled his first time. It had taken him several minutes to be sure he enjoyed anal sex, and he never regretted the experience. To his lover, Cody said, "While he gets used to me, why don't you take the opportunity to enter me?"

Matt did so, although his lover needed far less preparation. Matt entered Cody's channel easily and nestled his pubes against his lover's smooth, golden cheeks. "Mm, I hope Hobie eventually feels as good as I do," Cody sighed. "Ready, Hobie?"

"Go for it man, but slowly." Hobie grunted as Cody slowly pushed in the rest of the way. "Give me a minute to get used to you." Hobie put his head back and closed his eyes. Sweat beaded his upper lip and forehead. A while later, he nodded. "I'm ready," he said.

"Work on his prostate, man," Matt suggested.

Cody shifted a couple of times. "There!" Cody nudged Hobie's love button a few more times, and the ex-virgin's penis swelled to full erection.

"I'm going to start thrusting, Hobie. It will be uncomfortable for a little while, but you'll get used to it. Matt," he continued, directing further comments to his lover, "I think it will be easiest if you try to stay still and let me bounce between the two of you."

"Okay, babe, I'll try."

Cody's plan worked reasonably well. Hobie didn't constrict his muscles around Cody's cock; he was too distracted by the wonderful new sensations. It didn't really matter, since his ass was so tight anyway. Cody and Matt were thrilled by the physical sensations as well as the satisfaction of helping their young friend realize his dream.

Soon, Hobie began to moan, punctuating it with grunts as Cody's dick head stimulated his prostate. "He's close, Matt. You won't want to miss this." Matt leaned in tight and rested his chin on his lover's left shoulder.

Hobie yelped, signaling the start of his orgasm. Like his previous one, it was a gusher. The first spurt hit his face.

"Aw, shit!" Matt gasped. As Hobie's second shot also reached his face, Matt began fucking Cody with short strokes. Seeing Hobie cum again had pushed him to the edge. He pumped his load into the condom as he continued pounding his partner's ass.

Cody valiantly tried to carry on and extend Hobie's orgasm with internal stimulation, but the pleasure he received was too much to bear. It was just as well; it looked like Hobie wasn't going to stop cumming any time soon. Cody grunted and froze. The contractions from Hobie's ass and Matt's thrusts brought him to a halt. He closed his eyes and came into his rubber, fully up his young friend's chute.

Only Matt continued moving through the three-way climax. He was also the only eyewitness to the eruption of "Mt. Hobie". Only he saw the great arcs of semen with which Hobie coated himself.

While trying to catch his breath, Cody spoke. "Hobie, I have to pull out now. Hobie?" Hobie moaned incoherently.

Cody grasped the ring of the condom and withdrew. Hobie's anus constricted and dilated repeatedly, hoping to return to normal yet wishing it was still penetrated. Matt, in turn, removed himself from Cody.

They compared their used condoms. "Shit! If we combined our loads, we might equal just one of his. How does he do that?" Matt wondered.

"Think back to when we first made love, babe. We were so pumped with anticipation, we made quite a mess ourselves."

"Yeah, lover, I guess you're right. Speaking of messes, we have a big one in front of us. Hobie, buddy, you can put your legs down now. Cody and I are going to clean you up."

"Okay," Hobie dreamily replied.

Again, the elder lifeguards positioned themselves on each side of Hobie. Starting with his abdomen, the men licked and slurped Hobie's load off his tanned skin. They avoided Hobie's shrinking dick and made quick work of his nipples, to avoid overstimulating him. When they reached his face, they each kissed Hobie and shared his own load with him.

Hobie sighed. "Thanks, guys. This was some birthday present!"

"The day's not over yet, babe," Matt replied. It's just early afternoon, and we have more planned."

"First, we need to clean up, and then I think we all could use a nap," Cody chimed in. "Let's go inside."

His arm around Hobie's shoulders, Matt guided his young friend towards the bathroom. Cody put the remaining cake in the refrigerator. "Okay, ready?" he asked, as he joined them in the shower.

Matt and Cody soaped and rinsed Hobie, who, in turn, helped the life partners clean each other. By the time they dried off, Hobie was more alert.

"What's next, guys, if I can stand it?"

"Like I said, a nap," Cody replied. "Set the alarm for six o'clock. We'll need dinner after this workout, and there's another stop we want to make before bedtime."


  1. I realize that David Charvet and David Chokachi did not appear regularly on the show at the same time. However, it is my prerogative as author to cast them together, and it's more fun that way, too!

  2. I have never been to the International Male store in West Hollywood. I do not know if they stock all the clothing mentioned above, which at one time appeared in their catalog and the affiliated Undergear catalog. In fact, the garments might no longer be available. To avoid any other semblance of advertising, I won't list the company's URL's. If you are interested in visiting those web sites, please e-mail me at, and I will send them to you.

  3. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status of any character, nor the presence/absence of chest hair on David Charvet or David Chokachi. Readers who prefer one state or the other can infer it to enhance their reading pleasure.

  4. I appreciate critiques of my work. I also want input for a possible continuation of this story. I already have a request from my editor to tell what happens between Hobie and the man he met in part 2. Would you like to read more? Please send your comments to If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  5. Permission to post this story and affilated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT: July 1, 2001

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * these here parts, you have to * * deal with me! * * -- Pinky and the Brain -- * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * * ***********************************

Next: Chapter 4

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