Baywatch Birthday

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Sep 30, 2001


WARNING: This is an erotic fiction story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story in several parts is a fantasy of my own creation. It is not meant to imply behavior nor sexual orientation of David Charvet, David Chokachi, or Jeremy Jackson, the actors who portrayed the characters named in the story. Use of the character's names is without knowledge of anyone involved in the production of the television series "Baywatch". The TV series "Baywatch" and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Baywatch Production Company and Gregory J. Bonann Productions.

"Baywatch Birthday" by Captain Chlorophyll

Part 2

"Grab your gym bag, Hobie. We'll tell you what to put in it." As Hobie followed Matt's directions, Matt ran through his mental list. "First, a bath towel and body wash. You'll need to wash up. You had better bring a plastic bag, too -- one that's large enough to hold the wet towel and bikini. Grab some sandals for your feet -- wear them; don't pack them. Let's see. You can put your shorts and tank top back on afterwards, so you don't need any of those. Don't forget your wallet and house keys. Don't worry about money; we're taking care of you today."

Hobie looked up at Matt with concern when he heard he wouldn't need money. Then, he saw Matt's smile and smiled, too, relieved of any feelings of guilt.

"You forgot something, love," Cody prompted.

"I was just saving the best for last. You'll need underwear. I remember the first time I put on my Onionskins without anything else; I thought the liner would be sufficient. However, they're so light, I thought I wasn't wearing anything. I was so self-conscious that I couldn't leave the apartment until I put on a jockstrap. Take my advice; unless you want to keep worrying about where your shorts went, you'll bring something to wear under them."

Hobie had opened his underwear drawer as Matt was speaking and had pulled out the last two boxes Cody and Matt had hidden in his room. "Oh, I get a choice now. I guess I'll open this one first, since it's bigger." Hobie's eyes bulged when he lifted the lid. "Holy shit! Is this all underwear?" Hobie began pulling out and unfolding various colors and styles of bikini briefs. "There must be at least a dozen different ones here!"

"Hobie, there's more to life than tidy-whities. You're eighteen now. It's about time your dad stopped buying your underwear," Cody said.

"Think of it as a sampler pack," Matt added. "Wear them a while; try each one. When you've decided which kinds you prefer, Cody and I will take you to buy more. We can even show you different brands and colors of ordinary briefs, if you still like that style, but I guarantee you that you'll never settle for a store-brand 3-pack again!"

"Wow!" Hobie exclaimed. "I never realized...."

"You have one left," Matt interrupted, "and that's the one we want you to take along."

The yellow ribbon didn't even hit the floor before Hobie got the box open. "What... what is it?"

"It's a thong, dude, a Y-back thong."


Matt interrupted. "Oddly enough, it feels all right. Then again, maybe it's because I like having something stuck between my cheeks." He grinned.

"Besides man," Cody chimed in, "it'll show off your best ass-ets without showing brief lines. When you go clubbing, you'll tease all the guys. They won't see brief lines and think you're free-balling, but you'll feel comfortable, knowing that you're actually wearing underwear."

"Put it in the bag, man. You have to grab breakfast so we can head out."

Hobie dropped his gift into the bag and zipped it up. He strapped on his sandals and set the gym bag by the front door as the three tanned lifeguards headed for the kitchen. Once there, Hobie poured himself a glass of orange juice and swigged it down. Then, he grabbed a packet of Pop-Tarts. "Let's go. I'll eat these on the way." Hobie rinsed out his glass and put it in the dish drainer next to the sink.

The Pop-Tarts were nearly gone by the time the car exited Hobie's neighborhood. Cody headed his car eastward and turned up the volume of his car's CD player. There was no point in them talking; with the top down, it was hard enough to hear the music. Matt laid his hand on Cody's thigh and left it there for most of the trip. Since you can't really drive in L.A. traffic and hold hands at the same time, the men used this as their alternative.

Hobie sat in the back, enjoying the sunshine and the wind on his face. He didn't know where they were going, but Matt and Cody were his two best friends, and he knew they were going to do whatever they could to make his birthday great. Hobie was also partly aroused. He had never worn such a brief tank top before, and the wind was keeping his nipples firm. He pondered licking his finger and rubbing his nipple, to see how the moisture would feel in the draft, but he was afraid he might become too aroused. After all, the guys showed up early, so he didn't have a chance to jerk off as he usually did each morning. Hobie simply tilted his head back on the seat and smiled. It was going to be a great day.

"Here we are, buddy," Cody smiled at his young friend, "our first stop." Cody had driven them to the Raging Waters theme park. As the guys got out of the car and Cody unlocked the trunk, he explained, "We wanted to take you someplace to christen your new bikini. The ocean would seem too much like work, and your pool is someplace you can go any day."

"This is cool, guys, thanks!"

The locker room was nearly empty. Cody led the trio to the farthest corner, where no one else was. "I thought a locker in the back would be less crowded. Most guys will choose lockers up front, close to the entrance. Besides, I thought you'd want some privacy when you put your new underwear on afterwards."

"Um, yeah. I had kind of worried about that."

The men undressed wordlessly. The only sound was the occasional clank of lockers as other park patrons stowed their clothing. Matt thought to himself that the real reason he chose that area was because it was the longest walk possible past other wet, naked men. He and Matt were committed, but it wouldn't hurt Hobie to show off a little. Besides, they were so used to nudity at work that Hobie probably wouldn't even realize anyone else might be admiring his body.

"My only rule here is that you have fun. It's your birthday," Cody said, when they were closing their lockers. "Matt, anything you want to add?"

"Only that I want us to try everything at least once."

They did indeed. They made the rounds of the park first then returned to their more favorite water features several times. They played like kids: splashing and laughing and dunking each other. Many eyes admired the friends that day. Older men wanted to be young and energetic again. Their grandsons wanted to grow up strong and handsome. A few careful watchers noted the trio's matching bikinis.

"Okay, guys, it's a little past twelve. Shall we change and get lunch?"

"Lead on, guys. I'm having a blast, but I know you must have something else planned."

As the three friends entered the locker room, the only other guys there were a man about Cody and Matt's age and his six year old son. Both were naked, and the man was helping his son get dried off. From their conversation, it appeared that the man was having his weekly visit with his son, who lived with the man's ex-wife.

Reaching their lockers, Cody, Matt, and Hobie removed their bags. Each one peeled off his wet bikini and sealed it in the plastic bags they had brought, to keep their gym bags from getting damp. "We're going to share your body wash, Hobie. I figured it didn't make much sense for each of us to bring a bottle," Matt said.

"Sure thing, guys." Hobie grabbed the bottle, and each man took a towel and comb. Then, they headed for the showers.

"Wait, Daddy, I have to go first," they heard as they passed the first row of lockers. The little boy streaked between Hobie, in the lead, and Cody, who stopped short, resulting in Matt's groin bumping into his firm ass. Amused, they watched the naked boy enter a stall and shut the door.

"Excuse my son, guys," the man said. He stood there naked, holding his son's white briefs.

Hobie nodded and continued on to the showers. Matt said, "It's all right." Before he and Cody could move on, though, the man kept talking.

"We don't have much time, and Timmy doesn't know why his mother and I are divorced. Are any of you interested in getting together later on?"

"Matt and I are a couple," Cody explained, grasping his partner's hand, "but our friend Hobie might be interested. Leave your number in the navy blue gym bag in the last row."

"Thanks, guys."

"No problem."

Still naked, the young father took a business card out of a side pocket of his gym bag, wrote something on it, and dropped it off in Hobie's bag. He had just sat down on the bench in front of his own locker when his son, done washing his hands, returned to finish dressing. "Okay, Daddy, I'm ready."

It didn't take Cody, Matt, and Hobie long to shower. The man and his son were just about to leave as the trio emerged, each with his towel draped over his shoulder instead of wrapped around his waist. "See you later," the man said.



"Take it easy."

Back at their lockers, the men added the towels to the plastic bags containing their bikinis and then took out their underwear. The young father's business card fluttered to the ground. "What's this?" Hobie asked.

"Dude, I think that guy was hot for you," Matt said, as he pulled on a white thong that matched the red one they bought for Hobie and the blue one that Cody was donning.

"But he has a kid."


"Hobie, why do you think he's divorced?" Cody added.

"Oh. Oh!" Cody and Matt grinned as realization hit.

"Come on. I want to see you in that thong. Just don't put in on backwards," Matt smirked.

"It feels... weird, yet comfortable at the same time."

"Pretty soon, you'll forget you even have it on, just like those tidy-whities you're used to," Cody responded. "Hey, man, what did that guy write on the back of his card?"

"It's his home number. He put `Call me'."

"What about your underwear?"


"See, I told you you'd forget all about them!"

"Oh yeah, right."

As Hobie pulled on his shorts, Cody asked him, "Where do you want to eat lunch?"

"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it."

"How about someplace where we can show off California's newest man?" Matt suggested.

"How about Hooters?" Cody responded. "Just kidding! It will have to be someplace pretty casual, though, with what we're wearing. How about that salad, soup, and sandwich restaurant? We can eat something healthy before the birthday cake. That okay with you, Hobie?"

"Sure, but I'm hungry. They might need to restock when I'm done eating!"

"Just save room for dessert, man," Cody warned, and he winked at Matt.

Exiting the locker room, Cody told Hobie, "On the way back to your place, we have to stop by our apartment to pick up the cake."

"No problem, guys; I'm in your hands."

"You soon will be," Matt reflected to himself.

Hobie unlocked the front door of his house, and the three young men entered. Matt carried the cake. "Let's eat by the pool," Cody suggested. "Hobie, would you please open the patio door for us? I'll take our bags out and spread out our towels and bikinis in the sun to dry. While you get plates, forks, and something to slice the cake, Matt can put the candles on it."

"All right."

When Hobie stepped back outside, he was faced with the sight of Matt's ass as he bent over to slip his shorts off. Cody was just taking off his tank top. "I thought we'd keep up the tradition of sitting naked by the pool," Cody explained. "Besides, if we spill any cake, it won't get on our clothes."

Matt had finished stripping. "I'll get the sun screen," he said and walked back into the house.

Hobie put the plates and utensils on the patio table and did a double take when he saw his birthday cake. Matt had put candles that looked like the numbers "1" and "8" in the upper left corner. The whole cake was coated with chocolate frosting. White icing comprised the message, "Happy birthday, Hobie." Here was the startling part. The "e" at the end of the message extended to the tip of an erect cock and balls of pink frosting in the lower right corner. It looked like the dick had ejaculated the greeting. There was even pubic hair made of black icing.

"Like it, Hobie?" Cody asked, as he stepped up next to the table.


"We found a special bakery. We didn't bring the cake with us this morning because we were afraid your dad might want a look. By the time he comes home next week, that part of the cake will be long gone."

"I got the sun screen. Oh, admiring the cake, huh?" Matt had returned to the patio. "Put some on my back, babe," he said, as he tossed the bottle to Cody.

As the partners slathered on the sun screen, Hobie doffed his clothes. They then helped Hobie put on sun screen before he blew out the candles and cut the cake.

After they each ate two pieces, Hobie asked, "What's next on the agenda, guys?"

"We have another present, Hobie. Are you ready, Matt?"

"No time like the present, Cody."

Cody groaned at the pun before saying, "Be back in a second."

Cody quickly emerged from the house, holding a small box wrapped in white paper and a red ribbon. "Here you go, buddy," he said, as he tossed it to Hobie.

"Condoms?" Hobie asked, after he unwrapped the box. "Guys, we've already had this discussion, and, before you two, it was my dad and my health teacher at school. Do we have to go through it again?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt to refresh your memory," Matt explained as he and Cody knelt on either side of Hobie's chaise lounge. "However, this isn't a lecture; it's a demonstration."

"I don't get it," Hobie remarked.

"We're giving you the wish you made when you blew out the candles, buddy," Cody said. "We're going to teach you how to make love."

"Happy birthday, buddy," Matt whispered before he kissed Hobie on the lips.


  1. I realize that David Charvet and David Chokachi did not appear regularly on the show at the same time. However, it is my prerogative as author to cast them together, and it's more fun that way, too!

  2. I have never been to the International Male store in West Hollywood. I do not know if they stock all the clothing mentioned above, which at one time appeared in their catalog and the affiliated Undergear catalog. In fact, the garments might no longer be available. To avoid any other semblance of advertising, I won't list the company's URL's. If you are interested in visiting those web sites, please e-mail me at, and I will send them to you.

  3. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status of any character, nor the presence/absence of chest hair on David Charvet or David Chokachi. Readers who prefer one state or the other can infer it to enhance their reading pleasure.

  4. I appreciate critiques of my work. I also want input for a possible continuation of this story. I already have a request from my editor to tell what happens between Hobie and the man he met in part 2. Would you like to read more? Please send your comments to If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  5. Permission to post this story and affilated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT: July 1, 2001

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * these here parts, you have to * * deal with me! * * -- Pinky and the Brain -- * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * * ***********************************

Next: Chapter 3

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