Baywatch Birthday

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Sep 30, 2001


WARNING: This is an erotic fiction story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story in several parts is a fantasy of my own creation. It is not meant to imply behavior nor sexual orientation of David Charvet, David Chokachi, or Jeremy Jackson, the actors who portrayed the characters named in the story. Use of the character's names is without knowledge of anyone involved in the production of the television series "Baywatch". The TV series "Baywatch" and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Baywatch Production Company and Gregory J. Bonann Productions.

"Baywatch Birthday" by Captain Chlorophyll

Part 1

"Thanks for helping Hobie celebrate his birthday, guys. I feel bad about missing seeing my only son turn eighteen, but they wouldn't reschedule the groundbreaking ceremony for the new international lifeguard training center we're opening in Hawaii next year, and they need me there."

"Think nothing of it, Mitch," Cody replied. "We've watched Hobie grow up for so long, we're like brothers. If you want family with him on his birthday, you couldn't do better than Matt and I."

"All right, I have my bag and airplane ticket," Mitch said, patting his pockets. Hobie's mom sent a present, and I left it in the living room. If you guys spend any money, I'll pay you back when I return from Hawaii."

"Don't worry about it, Mitch. It will be our pleasure," Matt replied.

"Thanks again, guys."

"Have a good trip."

As Mitch drove off, Matt walked back out to Cody's car, a blue Mustang convertible, opened the trunk, and removed a large, paper department store bag filled with boxes. There were many sizes and shapes of boxes, and each was wrapped for Hobie's birthday. As Matt reentered the house and Cody shut the door behind him, Matt said, "Let's get these in place before we get Hobie up."

"Oh, lover, you have such a way with words," Cody whispered into Matt's ear.

"Shut up. You know what I meant. Besides, it was all I could do to keep from laughing when you made that crack about `family'."

It was 6:45 a.m. To prepare their surprise, Matt and Cody had asked Mitch to give all three young men the day off. It was a Monday, and their days off usually were Tuesday and Wednesday. Now, they had a three-day "weekend" to celebrate Hobie becoming a man (in more ways than one). Mitch was reluctant to give two of his senior guards an extra day off, especially while he was out of the state, but they convinced him that Newman was more than capable of handling the crew in their absence.

Besides, Cody wasn't lying when he said the three were like brothers. Matt and Cody were the only two people to know that Hobie was gay, and Hobie was the only person to know that Matt and Cody were lovers. They came out to each other over four years ago, when Hobie caught them kissing in the Baywatch HQ shower after their shift ended. Hobie admitted he had been attracted by male guards since Craig and Eddie were on the staff, and Matt and Cody became his mentors. They answered all his questions, counseled him through adolescent traumas, and were ideal role models -- both as lifeguards and as a happy, stable, homosexual couple. Eventually, Hobie confessed that he loved them and wanted to give them his virginity. The couple demurred at the time, but they assured the boy his first time would be special. For the past few weeks, they had planned this celebration, and now, with Hobie as a legal adult, they were going to make his fondest wish come true.

Matt snuck into Hobie's room and switched off the alarm on his clock radio. Even though it was set for 7:30 a.m., leaving Hobie ample time to prepare himself for his friends' expected arrival time of eight o'clock, Matt didn't want to risk the alarm waking his friend before he and Cody had finished their preparations.

Matt returned to the living room and helped his partner hang streamers. They placed a large present on the coffee table, next to the one from Hobie's mom, and scattered confetti and glitter on top of the gifts and the table. "That was the easy part," Matt said. "How do we hide Hobie's other gifts?"

"I've given it some thought," Cody responded. "We can put his first present, the body wash, in the bathroom now. Then, while he's in the shower, we can hide his other presents in his bedroom."

"Sounds good. Let's do it."

Hobie's clock read 7:02 as Matt and Cody slipped into his bedroom. They gazed at their young friend a moment. Hobie was covered with a sheet from the waist down. He was lying on his back, so his tanned, muscular chest and abdomen were in plain sight.

"He looks so peaceful," Cody whispered.

"Like an angel," Matt agreed.

"Oh yeah? Well, that's not an angel tenting his sheet down there, is it?"

"Angel or devil? In a few hours, we'll find out. Well, let's get started."

One man crept to each side of Hobie's queen size bed. They leaned down close to his ears then yelled, "Happy birthday, Hobie!"

Hobie thrashed about and leapt six inches off the bed. One leg kicked out from under the sheet. His eyes were wide open, and he looked around and saw both his friends grinning. He thrust his head back onto his pillow and closed his eyes. "Shit!" he exclaimed. Hobie opened his eyes again. "You guys sure can be a pain in the ass some times." He looked at his alarm clock. "You're not supposed to be here for another hour."

"Surprise!" Cody laughed.

"C'mon, buddy. You don't want to waste a minute of your special day. Cody and I have a lot planned."

"All right. Do I have time to take a shower, or does your itinerary not allow it?"

"Go ahead. We'll even let you eat breakfast."

As Matt spoke, Hobie got out of bed. His erection had subsided, but his dick was still plump. His firm butt cheeks, tan from lying naked in the sun next to the pool in his backyard (usually with Matt and Cody) while his dad was at work, twitched slightly on his way to the door.

"Speaking of itineraries, you dad said he'll give you your present when he gets back from Hawaii. Your mom sent one; it's in the living room."

Hobie disappeared out the door. "I'll open it later," he shouted over his shoulder.

The bathroom door clicked shut. "Let's go for it, Matt."

"Okay, bro'." Matt left the room and quickly returned with four boxes. Each one was wrapped in shiny, white paper but had a different colored ribbon and bow. "I still don't know how you remember what's in each one. They all look the same to me."

"Okay, I'll explain it to you again while we hide them. You look for his underwear drawer and put the ones with the blue and yellow ribbons in there. Blue begins with "B", and the Bikini Briefs are inside. Yellow has the Y-back thong in it. I'm putting orange in the drawer with his shorts because the Onionskins are in that box. Black goes in the drawer with his Bathing suits. The white one, that we put in the bathroom, had the body Wash in it. The green ribbon in the living room hides the "Gay Karma Sutra". Later on, we'll give him the purple, the gift certificate to the Porn Palace, and the red, the Rubbers."

"I think I'll like giving him that one the best!"

"I know you will. Now, lest you have forgotten this, too: except for the black and white, all the ribbons are colors of the rainbow, your favorite pride symbol and mine."

Hobie shut off the water, toweled off, combed his hair, and shaved before returning to his room. Cody and Matt were grinning. "What?" Hobie asked suspiciously.

"It's just that... that... our little boy is all grown up." Matt faked sobbing and pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.

"Oh, you guys." Hobie sat down at the foot of his bed; his balls hung loosely over the edge. "Where are we going today?"

"If we told you, that would spoil the surprise," Cody answered.

"I need to know what to wear today, unless you expect me to go out like this."

Matt and Cody grinned at each other then back at Hobie.

"Naw," Matt said.

"There are laws against that, I'm pretty sure," Cody responded.

"You'll need a swim suit," Matt prompted.

Hobie stood up and approached his dresser. As luck would have it, he kept his bathing suits in one of the bottom drawers. Matt and Cody were rewarded with the tantalizing view of Hobie's cherry deep in his lightly haired crack, as he bent over to open the drawer. Cody sucked air in between his teeth, and Matt licked his lips.

"What's this?" Hobie straightened up and turned around. He was holding the gift wrapped with a black ribbon.

"It's your birthday present, man," Matt answered.

"You already gave me one: the body wash. Didn't you?"

"Yeah, but this is another one," Matt replied. "This whole day is a birthday present."

Hobie rushed over to his two friends and hugged them. He didn't seem to remember that he was naked and they were fully dressed. ("Fully dressed" is merely a convenient phrase. If one wanted to be technical, the loose, stringy tank tops that let Cody's and Matt's nipples peek out frequently, the skimpy nylon running shorts, and their sandals revealed so much skin that "barely covered" would be more appropriate.) "I love you guys. I don't know what to say!"

"How about `thank you'? Now unwrap the box already!" Matt grinned.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks, guys!" Hobie nearly shouted as he backed off and sat on the bed again.

Hobie was not the type of person who carefully unwrapped presents. Within seconds, the paper and ribbon lay crumpled on the carpet. "Speedos?" he questioned, pulling a silver bikini from the box.

"Hardly, my man," Cody answered. "That's even skimpier than my racing suits. It's meant to lure all those hot guys to you. Try it on."

Hobie slid the bikini up his legs. Matt and Cody stared openly as he carefully packed his genitals into the pouch. "Dude, check yourself out."

Hobie walked over to the full-length mirror on his closet door. "Not bad," he said.

"Not bad?" Cody remarked. "Man, turn around."

The eighteen year old did so and strained to look over his shoulder. "I can't see. Hang on a sec'."

Hobie dashed out of his room and returned with a hand mirror. He held it up to see his reflection as he backed up to the closet mirror. "Holy shit! Is that my ass?"

"You bet, man," Cody smiled, amused by Hobie's reaction. "It's called the Buns bikini."

"I can see why." Hobie couldn't tear his eyes away from the mirror.

"Come on, man, don't fall in love with yourself. You haven't finished yet," Matt urged.

"Oh yeah, right." Hobie put the mirror onto his dresser. "Will I need this mirror again?" he asked Matt, as he skinned the bikini down his legs.

"Nah. If you want to ogle yourself, you can do it later."

Hobie picked up the box he had left on his rumpled sheets and pulled out a light blue bikini next. "Anything special about this one, Matt?" He wasted no time donning the scrap of fabric and admiring himself in profile.

"Actually, yes. It's made of a special fabric that lets UV rays through so you can tan all over, yet it provides SPF 10, just like sun block. With that suit, you can get your all-over tan at the beach or by your pool when your dad is home. You don't have to limit yourself to times when it's safe to lie out naked."

Cody joined the conversation. "Matt and I have had ours for a couple of years. Have you noticed how you still have a faint tan line but we don't? It's because we wear these suits. You won't need it today, but save it for the next time we go somewhere."

"Um, I'm not sure I can wear it anyway."

"What's the matter?" Matt asked. "It looks like it fits perfectly." Hobie was facing the mirror now, so neither Matt nor Cody couldn't see why Hobie was concerned. He and Cody stepped behind Hobie, and each one peered over a shoulder.

"That," Hobie said, running his pointer finger along the top of his new bikini. A half inch of his dark brown pubic hair protruded above the waistline.

"That's no problem, man. All you have to do is trim your pubic hair. Matt and I do it all the time."

"You do?"


"But you still have crotch hair."

"I said trim' not remove'." I guess some guys might shave themselves completely to wear a revealing suit, but don't you think we'd get weird looks in the locker room if we walked out of the shower with bald dicks?"

"Yeah, but you guys don't look... well, weird down there."

"We've gotten enough practice so it looks natural," Matt chimed in. "Unless you get `up close and personal' -- and only one guy does that," he smirked at Cody in the mirror, "you can't tell. I guess some guys might think we just have less hair than they do, like Newmie or your dad for example."

Cody jumped in. "We'll have to teach you later how to do it. You shouldn't need to do it for the suit you need today. It's still in the box, by the way."

"Oh, right." Hobie dropped his bikini right there, between his two friends, and squeezed between them to get back to his bed.

They got the briefest glimpse of Hobie's butt as it disappeared into the last bikini in the box. He turned around and, as he walked back to where his two friends had remained by the mirror, he showed how well he could fill out the suit. "Wild pattern, guys." The bikini was a medium purple overall, with darker spots and streaks. "It looks like drops of cum on a crystal formation."

"Interesting thought, Hobie."

"I'm not going to look at our suits the same way again, Matt."

"Suits?" Hobie asked.

"Yep. We bought matching bikinis at the International Male store in West Hollywood. In fact, all the clothing you'll unwrap today came from there. Yours is purple; mine is red, and Matt's is green. You'll get to see them today."

"Wherever it is we're going," Hobie muttered.

"Shorts!" Matt exclaimed. "You'll need shorts to cover up that bikini until we get there."

"Again, Hobie bent over a drawer low in his dresser. With his butt covered, Matt and Cody ogled Hobie's firm, tan, muscular thighs sparsely sprinkled with hair.

"Hey, Cody," Matt whispered, "tell me again. If this is Hobie's birthday, why do we get the best present?"

"We all get to share the best present today, love." Cody followed up his response with a peck on the cheek.

"Aw, how sweet," Hobie smirked. "Now, if you two are done, may we get back to the business at hand? I want to open this box I found in with my shorts. By the way, how many more presents am I going to find hidden here?"

"That's for us to know and you to find out."

"Wise ass," Hobie replied.

"The rest of him is pretty darn smart, too," Cody remarked, as he stretched his arm around Matt's waist.

"You should know," Matt smirked.

By the time this verbal repartee was finished, Hobie had again demolished the wrapping and opened the box. He pulled out a wad of blue nylon. "What's this, a handkerchief?"

"No, you dope, those are running shorts. You're supposed to wear them today. They have a liner, so you don't need underwear with them, but go ahead and put them on over your bikini," Cody encouraged.

"Dude, they're so light!"

"They're called Onionskins. They're the same kind as Matt and I are wearing." As Hobie put on the shorts, he saw that Cody's were red and Matt's were black. "Complete the outfit," Cody prompted.

Hobie pulled from the box a stringy, white tank top, identical to Matt's and Cody's, and put it on. "Now you look just like us," Cody said, as Hobie turned around, modeling the outfit. "We're the three musketeers: all for one...."

"...And one for all," Cody and Matt concluded together.

Hobie teared up. "Oh, guys!" He wept as he again hugged his two friends. "Thank you."

"Happy birthday, buddy," Matt said quietly before kissing Hobie on the cheek. Hobie kissed him back and did the same to Cody.

"Let's move on, before `Mr. Weepy' drowns us," Cody sarcastically commented.


  1. I realize that David Charvet and David Chokachi did not appear regularly on the show at the same time. However, it is my prerogative as author to cast them together, and it's more fun that way, too!

  2. I have never been to the International Male store in West Hollywood. I do not know if they stock all the clothing mentioned above, which at one time appeared in their catalog and the affiliated Undergear catalog. In fact, the garments might no longer be available. To avoid any other semblance of advertising, I won't list the company's URL's. If you are interested in visiting those web sites, please e-mail me at, and I will send them to you.

  3. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status of any character, nor the presence/absence of chest hair on David Charvet or David Chokachi. Readers who prefer one state or the other can infer it to enhance their reading pleasure.

  4. I appreciate critiques of my work. I also want input for a possible continuation of this story. I already have a request from my editor to tell what happens between Hobie and the man he met in part 2. Would you like to read more? Please send your comments to If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  5. Permission to post this story and affilated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT: July 1, 2001

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * these here parts, you have to * * deal with me! * * -- Pinky and the Brain -- * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * * ***********************************

Next: Chapter 2

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