
Published on Aug 17, 1997





Uploaded to Pink Triangle by Simon Jones

FROM: BATMAN - Vince D. TO: ALL SMRY: True Experience - part 1

I worked over a hot bottom I met on this board, and left him instruc- tions to leave details of the encounter on this board. He hasn't logged on since, so I thought I'd give y'all the pleasure personally. And, rather than leave his name, we'll just call him "boy". Hopefully, he'll have enough guts to "C" his acknowledgement at the end of this msg when he reads it!

I flew out to meet him, and stayed at a nearby hotel. (Since it was our first encounter, I thought it wise to be in a relatively public place.) I arrived at the hotel, and called him to come over.

He was prompt. And hot. Blonde, blue, ivory skin. Lean, muscular, and horny. I had told him to keep his hands off his dick for an entire week before I got up there. He had broken down and beat off earlier in the week. As punishment, I made him pluck 50 hairs from his nuts (with follicles attached), and put them in an envelope for my arrival. I bet he must have pulled 100 to get 50 complete hairs. It kept him from beating off any more.

This boy was heavily into bondage, but new to S&M, and didn't know how much was hot fantasy, and how much he wanted to be real. He was also understandably quite nervous. I told him to sit down in a chair while I lied in the bed, and we chatted for a while to relax him.

Finally, I told him I was tired of being patient, and ordered him to strip and get on the bed. He complied, of course. This guy was hot! Nice tight buns, and the kind of pubes that are long & lush. And blon- des just smell different. Mmmmmm....

I got out handcuffs and thumbcuffs. Handcuffs went (barely) around his ankles (good thing he was lean), and thumbcuffs bound his hands. Tied both together with a rawhide cord, and tied the cord to his balls with about 6" of play between his nuts and his limbs positioned behind him (hog-tied, more or less). I took of my shirt, revealing my smooth, de- fined chest, and slid his face over my left nipple. He needed little encouragement to start gently sucking away. Led his face to my armpit; he licked quietly and efficiently.

I ordered him to take off my fatigue pants. The first button is the hardest. He pulled, strained, and worked his lips over it like a man possessed, showing admirable determination. It wouldn't budge. He had to flip himself over and get his hands on it. Well, he eventually did just that. A little groan as he pulled on his nuts, but he got me down to a jockstrap. Which he licked. Then told him to take that off as well -- but no hands. He was very careful not to nip at my flesh as he pulled the strap into his mouth, and pulled from side to side with his hands and feet bound to his nuts. My cock was already stretching to the ceiling, and we'd barely just started.

He was eager to suck me, but I only let him lick my nuts while I pressed my dick against his face. I brought him back to my nipple and made him suck it while I played with his cock. Get it hard and throb- bing, then let it go. Still, not a peep from this guy. Very reserved and quiet. I decided my goal was to make this guy a noise-maker.

I played with him some more, then beat myself off, cumming all over his face and chest. Left him like that on the bed for a while, tied, dripping, and covered with my jism. Around 4AM, I untied him and let him go home. With my cum dried on him, and his dick still hard. The next day we got more serious. Tied him spread-eagle on the bed, face down, his head hanging over the foot of the bed, his ankles at each end of the headboard. Then attached a ball stretcher to his nuts, gave a squeeze, and found a short chain that barely reached from them to the collar around his neck. After a few minutes, I unlocked the chain from his collar, and re-fastened it a few links down. He was in subtle, but ever-increasing pain. He'd try to arch his back, but could only hold it for so long. His buns were trembling (which got my meat juicing up a storm), and the muscles in his shoulders and neck were getting tighter and tighter from the weight of his head.

After about 10 minutes or so, I blindfolded him, then attached the chain to the blindfold, which was higher on his head, forcing him to hold it even higher. His breath shortened, but no groans. Yet.

I slid a chair in front of him and sat down, my crotch right in front of his face. "Lick my nuts, boy." He stuck out his tongue, but not far enough. He had to push himself forward to make contact. I finally got that groan. But it wasn't enough.

Got another short length of chain, held it over his butt (which I was licking and tickling to drive him crazy), and softly swung the chain onto his butt. Sounds simple, but remember, his nuts were still tied to his head, and were precariously over his asshole. I'd swing closer and closer to those shiny, stretched marbles. His breath would softly catch as I made contact with his cheek, centimetres away from his orbs.

By now he'd been in the position for about 30 minutes. I'd made myself at home at the head of the bed, watching his muscles dance under pres- sure. I'd lift the chain with my foot, forcing him to arch his back. I'd lay on top of him and whisper into his ear, telling him how hot he was getting me, and slide my meat between his ass-cheeks. Or I'd just run my fingernail against the underside of his cock (which was point- ing to his ankles), and watch it leak. Damn!

I untied him, and retied him face up, head at the headboard. Left his right hand free, and told him to start playing with himself. I wanted him hard, but not cumming, for the next two hours. If he were to shoot, or to get soft, I would shave his chest and crotch, a prospect he did not find comforting.

I'd run my hands softly up his legs and chest, or tickle him for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. He didn't realize that this first hour was more or less a breather for him. But once it was over, I tied his right hand, and told him I would be playing with his cock, but the same rules applied. No soft meat, and no orgasm. He was worried about not being able to hold back. Little did he know!

I took an ace bandage, and started wrapping it tightly around the base of his cock and balls. I kept wrapping, pulling his balls out, enclos- ing his scrotum, until only his dickhead was uncovered. Then got out some baby oil, and wrapped his dickhead in the greased palm of my hand.

For those of you who think this is pure pleasure, let me warn you. It feels fantastic for the first few minutes. I could tell this boy was in hog heaven, and seriously thinking he'd be shooting in seconds. But without any friction on the dickstalk, it starts to go numb. Pins and needles. You throb, trying to get some sensation on the stalk, but all you feel is that soft skin back and forth across the head.

After about 10 minutes, this boy's legs were trembling. His breath was getting short. After 20 minutes, he was franticly grasping the bed- spread, trying to push the cum out of his dick. But no good. He'd gri- mace, though, while he strained, and that was hot.

Every once in a while, I'd stroke his meat through the bandage. He'd start to get off on it, and I'd go back to rubbing his dickhead. After 30 minutes, this boy was no longer a silent partner. Moans, grunts, and cries. "Vince, this doesn't feel good any more!" What an understatement! His hard cock, though, led me to ignore his feeble re- quests for mercy.

Finally, I knew his legs were sore from being held spread so long. (Remember, this guy's new to all this.) I untied his legs. He thought I was done with him. No way. Back to his cockhead I went. He screamed, and started pulling hard with his wrists. (They were tied to the nightstands, and he was pulling the furniture!) I was feeling generous and relented. As soon as he was untied, he started stroking his meat, savoring, as he said, the sensation of something a little lower on his dick.

It didn't last long, though, because neither of us wanted him to cum that way. At his suggestion, we put him through a favorite fantasy. Dressed him up (with his cock and balls hanging through the fly of his jeans), and sat him on a nightstand. Chained his boots to the front of the stand, ran a chain underneath which we attached to a beltloop in the back. Then used a belt wrapped a few times to hold his hands in back of him, and locked them to the chain as well. Then I gagged him, and sat back for a while.

He was already rock hard. Tried pushing back and forth, rubbing his dick against the heavy denim fabric, but all that did was make him leak some more. I reached over, finally, and started stroking his meat. Every time he'd get close, though, I'd remove my hand and start stroking my own cock, watching his eyes look at my dick desperately, wanting to be able to cum. I'd get myself close, then go back to his cock, which was no longer at the very edge.

I kept this up four or five times, until he was learning some new noises to make. Finally, I stroked him just enough, then let go, so he was pushing the cum out without my hand to help him. Guys, you never saw white lava as thick or as plentiful as this! And, to add to his torment, as soon as he stopped, I started stroking on his cock some more, until we got a second load out of him. Then, while he recovered, I beat off. Was going to cum all over him, but decided I'd rather feel it all over me. I think he liked the show.

Now, lets see if this boy is man enough to add his name to this testi- monial! And, by the way, should you run up against him here, he is one hot guy!

File downloaded from PINK TRIANGLE BBS -- England's only OUT Gay Board

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