Bastian and Hanson

Published on Jul 10, 2022


Bastian and Hanson: C26 (chapter 26)

This is my first story.  I’ll say it simply: if you’re reading this and you aren’t supposed to, then just don’t get caught. If I told you not to read it I’d be a hypocrite, because that’s exactly what I’d do in your position, and I can hardly blame you for being curious at the very least. But be warned-this story contains sexual innuendo concerning innocent acts between two boys: myself and Zachary Hanson. None of it actually happened, or indeed ever will, I’m sure, but hey, I can dream can’t I? No slight intended on Mr. Hanson, of course, for whom I have the utmost respect and regard.


Bastian and Hanson:  C26 (chapter 26)

We didn’t sleep for long this time; only a few minutes really. I woke up rubbing my hands over the whole of his butt, rubbing and massaging. I could feel him getting hard on top of me, and his dick was right up against my hip and he was starting to hump himself against me in his sleep. His eyes were squeezed shut slightly and I could feel a wet spot from where he’d came in his underwear. I guess he just had a spontaneous eruption from what he’d done earlier, because I certainly hadn’t done anything.

But now he was slowly waking up, with one of my hands down his pants and the other in his hair, holding him to my chest. He looked up at me and grinned, sliding up to kiss me and to mash his hard-on into my soft cock just right. It was so cool, I started getting hard again almost immediately. Talk about reload times. I felt goofy and I grinned back and we started laughing for some reason. We didn’t laugh for long, though; we started to get involved with our bodies again, mostly rubbing up against each other. After that last experience we weren’t in the mood for something that crazy again so soon, so we just took it kind of slow. There was no urgency to our motions this time, no frenzy of lust. We took our time, slowly rocking ourselves to a sedate (if it can be called that) climax, renewing the dampness of his underwear when we both blew our loads all over the front of them.

We took the time to get cleaned up (we couldn’t shower at the house remember), and I’m disappointed to say we took separate showers for some reason. Talk about missed opportunities, jeez!  I didn’t bother to dry my hair, letting it hang loosely instead. It was almost long enough that I’d have to get it cut again, but then again I might just let it grow long like Zac’s. Nah, that would be too obvious. Besides, at school we weren’t allowed to have hair longer than shoulder length, even though I sometimes pushed that rule a little.

Twice spent, and it not even being noon yet, we decided to go out for a while. Not to anywhere in particular. We just wanted to get outside. It’s a kid thing, you adults probably wouldn’t understand it. We bladed around for a while, secure in the knowledge that the crazy girls were probably all at school. We were stopped once by a cop, a truant officer he said, but Jim just shoed him away while we were snagging some drinks.

The whole afternoon was going fine when Zac came up with the show-stopper.

"Hey, let’s hit up a record store. I wanna see if anything new’s come out yet," he said, swinging into Music City, a warehouse-size cd chain that just came to town. I didn’t have the chance to object since it was my hand he was holding when he did his swinging. I felt him let go just as the door revolved, swallowing him into the inner recesses of the monstrous store. I took my turn, letting the door bump me through into the air-conditioning.

What I saw before me had me laughing in two seconds flat. It took one to get over the shock, and another to get the sound flowing. Zac had creamed a girl, and by the looks on her face and the Hanson cd in her hand, she was about to cream herself. Zac was doing his best to hide his embarassment and to force himself out of his shy, I’m-not-trying-to-be-noticed mode so he could take control and be the smooth, suave drummer-gentleman that would eventually help her up. She took no notice of his attempts to recover his composure, though, and just stared at the outstretched hand in awe.

"You, you, you’re, you’re," she stammered, unable to get it out.

"Yup. Sorry about that. I really should watch where I’m going." He reached out his hand again and this time she took it. By that time, though, Jim was there with us to find out what was going on. He grabbed her other hand and helped Zac heave her to her feet, where she swayed unsteadily for a while. Her mother showed up to keep her steady while we did the introductions.

"Hi, I’m Rebecca, Julianna’s mother. Are you alright?" She asked Zac, looking him up and down, not knowing who he was.

"Yes ma’am. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I’m sorry. Hey Julianna, how would you like an autograph," he said, trying to make it up to her. I knew he was feeling really awkward and all, what with having a girl fawn over him in the lobby of a record store. I wanted to help him out somehow, but I didn’t know how, and I was still laughing so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. He shot me a really pissed and helpless look, and I had to do something.

"Hi, I’m Dominick, and I’m gay. We’re in love," I said, extending my hand to a now very shocked mother and daughter.

And then, for no good rational reason whatsoever, gravity ceased to exist and I felt myself spinning like a bathtub tornadoe into myself. I imploded with a plop-plop fizz-fizz.

Actually, the plop-plop fizz-fizz was Zac opening a can of Coke in the kitchen. I opened my eyes to find myself shirtless and cold, but my pants were at least done up. My pants were warm and wet, telling me that at least part of the dream had been true. The better part, I thought with a shudder. I was thirsty, so I joined him in the kitchen.

"So what’s there to do around here, huh?"

"You’re in the boonies, boy; thar ain’t shit to do ‘round ‘ere," I said in my best Arkansas drawl.

"Oh, come on, this is California. Don’t you guys go surfing every other day or something?"

"Or something. The beach is an hour away, ditz. Would be nice though."

"We gotta do something. I’m gettin’ bowered just sittin’ round heyar," he said, imitating my terrible accent and tossing his head to one side.

"Well, I guess we could go get lost in the woods for a couple’a days."

"We’d probably get lost just trying to find the woods."

"Yeah, okay, so we can count the woods out then."

"You guys got a lazer-tag place around here?"

"Nah. To glitzy."

"Oh. What about an arcade?"

"At the mall, but everyone’d recognize you. We can’t go there."

"I want you to know being a celebrity really sucks sometimes," he said heatedly.

"Yeah, like you’ve got a lot to complain about," I retorted.

"Not now that I have you," he said, wrapping his arms around me with a grin.

"Don’t you have to practice or rehearse or go to some hip party? You celebrities are always doing the cool stuff," I teased his ear with my lips.

"You are the party, Bastian. You’re the happening scene right now," he started in on my neck.

"I’m the only scene you mean."

"Shut up and let’s make a scene."

"No," I said, pushing him away slightly.

"Whaddya mean, no?!"

"No," I repeated. "Not until you sing for me."


"I sang for you. Now you have to sing for me. It’s only fair."

"FAIR?!" I backed away aprehensively, but with a wide smile.

"Fair," I said emphatically. I crossed my arms on my chest to make myself look more unwavering.

"Maybe later," he said, taking a step toward me and trying to grab me again.

"No. Now," I said, evading his grip.

"Fine," he said with a wicked grin, and then he started.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Bastian, happy birthday to you," he sang, off key and warbly. I had my hands on my ears at the second line, and by the end of it we were both rolling around on the floor, laughing deliriously. Then a thought occurred to me.

"So where are your parents?"

"They’re a couple of rooms down."

"What do they do while you’re here by yourself?"

"I dunno. Usually they stay with us but since you’re staying with Hanson-the-band, they don’t want to intrude they said. It’s kind of nice to not have to deal with them."

"Tell me about it," I said.

"Just did."

"Smart ass."

"Try to be."

"And yet you always fail miserably," Ike said, walking through the open doorway.

"Oh yeah, enter the voice of reason."

"Enter the voice of someone twice your size," Ike said with an evil grin. Zac pretended to cower for a second and then lunged right at Ike. Ike just dodged, having had years of practice. Zac, having had just as much practice, simply grabbed Ike’s shirt and used it to pull himself around and into Ike’s back. Ike was ready for this, though, and deliberately stepped backwards, foiling Zac’s slingshot maneuver. Zac’s momentum having suddenly disappeared, he was left standing still while Ike stepped right back into him, having used Zac’s energy to get his own momentum. The result of the physics lesson was a wide-eyed and surprised Zac landing flat on his ass on the linoleum. I made a mental note to remember that move. Jonathan liked to try that on me sometimes, and it would be nice to have a way to convince him it wasn’t always a good idea to bodyslam big bro.

In walked Tay and Dean, and from the looks on their faces the scene before them wasn’t hardly out of the ordinary. Just a quick smirk as they stepped over a still-stunned Zac on the way to the fridge was all it merited. Oh well, maybe they just couldn’t see how amazingly cute he was like that, with that ‘oh-wow’ look on his face and his hair hanging down all over him, just barely obsuring his baby-brown eyes and seductive red lips. Zac recovered pretty fast, though, jumping up before anything else could be done to him. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t try to say anything, which would only have made it more embarrassing for him anyway.

Speaking of embarrassing, I just then realized that I was standing there with all three of them, plus Dean and Taran (don’t even remember when he got there), and neither Zac or I had a shirt on. I blushed and looked down for any other signs of our, ahem, fun, but luckily it didn’t show through my pants, or Zac’s. Enough of this, I thought, time to get cleaned up.

"Um, I’m gonna go take a shower. I’m still kind of dirty from yesterday what with having to sing and all," I said, and I left to do just that. Thankfully, no comments were made.

"Hey, wait up, I’ll come with you," Zac said, grabbing my hand and, like in my dream, pulling me through the door. I thought I heard laughter as I was dragged down the hall.

You know, at first it was nice having three older guys around for once, instead of younger sibs, but now it was getting to be a nuisance. Whenever we did something they thought was cute, or when it reminded them of themselves, they laughed at us, like we were supposed to know what that meant. All I knew was that I was about to get naked with my boyfriend, and they were laughing at our eagerness. At first it was cool, but now I was getting a bit indignant with having them watching us all the time. About the only person that didn’t say anything was Taran.

Okay, so I did feel a little guilty about leaving Taran out, but hey, I was in love. What was I supposed to do?

Anyway, through the bathroom door we went, Zac slamming the door shut behind us. I looked around at the bathroom, noticing for the first time the really big bathtub. It wasn’t even a bathtub; it was more like a hot tub or a jacuzzi, whatever the difference is. Needless to say, I was excited before we got to the door, the prospect of a naked Zac more than enough to drive my already overdriven body to the point that it could go another round. My dick had spent so much time that day hard already that it was actually hurting from the workout. But let’s face it: I wasn’t going to say no.

At first I was just going to hop in and hop out, just for having an excuse to change my pants so it wouldn’t be real obvious what we’d been doing (like it wasn’t already, I thought with a blush), but Zac quite obviously wanted to do something more. He sat down on a side bench and pulled me over and made me sit down across from him. He looked at me and grinned a little, like to tell me not to worry.

"We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to," he said. "I’m kind of hurting, too."

"How’d you know?" How the hell could he tell my dick was killing me?!

"Just the look on your face. Let’s wait a while before we do anything else, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," I said, allowing a look of relief to appear on my face. I would have done whatever he wanted me to do, but it would have been physically painful no matter what.

"That doesn’t mean we can’t still take a bath, though. Here, give me your foot," he said, reaching down to grab my left foot. I had no idea what he had in mind until he started unlacing my shoes. I hadn’t been undressed like that since I was a little kid. He took his sweet time with each foot, pulling off each sock slowly, like it was my last piece of clothing. I took my turn next, removing each shoe like he’d done with me, and then each sock, savouring the unveiling of his precious feet. So perfect, so cute, so smooth I thought. We must have stared at each other’s feet in our hands for hours before letting go. I had no idea that even his feet could turn me on like that. Hell, everything about him turned me on, so I guess it wasn’t that big a surprise. The really good news was that after five minutes my cock had gone soft and had time to recover.

This was where I got really nervous. Zac made me stand up, and he was reaching out to completely nudify me. I was turned on like I hadn’t been before, and my refreshed cock was straining so hard I thought it was going to punch a hole in my shorts. I couldn’t think of anything else to do to make it any better, so I just closed my eyes and let him take over.

I felt his fingers fumbling with the button on my shorts, and then I felt the zipper opening, tooth by tooth as he slowly undid it. I caught my breath, letting it out in gasps as I felt it down the length of my boner, and then against my nuts at the bottom. He let go and then brought his hands to my chest. I felt them glide over my ribs and down to my hips, softly caressing my skin, almost tickling but not quite. He hooked his thumbs in my pants and started to pull them down, and it felt so good I had to groan. He got them to my feet, teasing my legs with his hands the whole time, and I stepped out of them, kicking them out of the way. I expected him to go back for my underwear, but he didn’t.

"Okay, now you do me," he said, standing up in front of me, so close that we were actually touching. I didn’t have any choice in the matter here; I just reached out and pulled him to me and kissed him full on the lips, one hand on his back and one in his hair trying to push his lips into my mouth. I was about to hook one leg around him when he put his hands between us and pushed me down onto the bench. Okay, I thought, I can wait a little while longer. Not too much longer, but a little while.

Fuck that, I thought, and I stood right back up. I didn’t kiss him on the lips, though. I started on his neck, nuzzling gently in the curve where it disappeared into his smooth shoulders. I wanted to find every part of him that I hadn’t seen before and I wanted to kiss him all over. After I got done with his neck. I felt his breath stop, and it was like my body became one with his. I raised my hands to his shoulders, like I was a vampire trying to hold my victim while I killed him with gentle tendernesses.

I slid down to his throat, kissing that little spot just below his adam’s apple. I let my hands fall down his sides, caressing his arms all the way down, never really touching his arms but only the little hairs on them. When they got to his pants I was back to his neck and shoulders, smothering them in kisses like the drops of a soft summer rain. I undid the clasp at his waist, and felt his shorts go slack. There wasn’t any zipper, so I just let them fall. I felt dizzy with love, and I started to sway.

"Hnnnnnnnn," a moan escaped our lips at the same time. I put my hands on his hips, curling my fingers around him to hold myself still. He put his hands on top of mine and suggested to them that it was time for the underwear to come off, the silence somehow patiently expectant. I slid my hands down his shorts and gently gripped the smooth curves of his perfect ass, lifting his last layer with the backs of my hands down and over hips.

We were buried in each other now, he with his underwear bunched up around his knees and me trying to break free of mine. His hands let go of my arms and he let his underwear fall to the floor in a sensual whisper; the only sound in the room other than our beating hearts and our ragged breath. My turn I thought, and I put my hands back on his hips to steady myself. I felt him slip his fingertips under the band and slowly rub the thin skin over my hip bones, teasing my skin with the cool air and his warm fingertips. His hands moved around just under the top of them, teasing the sensation, making it last longer. I didn’t mind a bit.

He put his hand over my hard-on through the cotton and ran his fingertips up the length of it. He dipped in and grabbed it lightly, reaching around behind my to pull my pants down over one cheek and then massaging the exposed. The feeling of being half-undressed was absolutely new to me, and like the other new things I’d been experiencing I found it to be exquisite. But it wasn’t to be, because no sooner had he uncovered one side, than he uncovered the other, using one hand to flip down my pants and pull me to him and the other to hold me while he kissed me more passionately than we’d ever done before. There was something about this bonding that was different somehow. Once again we were taking our time, and it was nothing like I expected it to be.

I was running my hands over his back and ass, through his hair and over his arms, trying to learn as much about him as I could. I took a deep breath, memorizing as much as I could about the way he smelled, the way he tasted. Our cocks were up against each other. I looked down and saw his dick for the first time. It wasn’t short or long or thick or thin. It was just right. We were the same length, both of us with barely a dusting of blond pubes, almost too blond to see. I saw it and all of a sudden I wanted to feel it, to touch it, hold it, run my fingers all over it, just to make him feel good. I wanted to give him everything I could to make him happy, and nothing was too big to ask for. Nothing more meaningful to me than his happiness.

His hands were centered in one place: me. Which is to say they were all over me. He found places on my body that I didn’t know existed, and all of a sudden I was aware of them crystaline clarity.

Zac was getting close, and so was I. We were kissing, rubbing, teasing, and stroking, and we felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Our balls were mashed against each other, our thighs where the other’s should have been, our mouths somehow coexisting in the same space, our arms holding each other up. He pulled his lips from mine, not without protest, and brushed his hair back. He stepped back and, taking my hand, he led me into the tub. We stood in the middle of it, the hot water just lapping our stomachs, and we started where we left off, the hot water helping us catch up.

But I couldn’t take it anymore; I had to do something now-for him and only him. I pushed him away slightly and looked him in the eyes, telling him with all my soul that I wanted, needed, to give him something. I put my hands on his chest and let them drop to his cock and balls, cupping and massaging under the water while he closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. I reached down and put my hand behind his knee, helping him step up onto the lowest seat on the side. He put his hands on my shoulders to steady himself while I took in the sight. I ran my hands over his thighs, pulling myself to him while he worked his hands into my hair.

And then I did it. I reached out with my tongue and gently rolled the tip of his dick around on it. And then I opened my mouth and let his head in, running my tongue all over it, savouring the flavour, the Zacness of it, along with the moans and shudders coming from somewhere above me. I started to move on down, taking him into my mouth. I breathed in, once again noting how Zac somehow made everything seem good. There was something distinctly horny in the way he smelled, and I loved it!

He jumped a little as I ran the tip of my tongue down the length of his shaft, and his breath became more ragged. His body was wracked with tiny convulsions as he shook from the pleasure I was finally able to give him. I loved Zac more than anything in the whole world, and I wanted to give him everything, and this was my first chance to show him how much I loved him and I wanted to do it right. He came suddenly, with only a little yelp, spurting into my cheeks. I tossed the stuff around in my mouth for a while, testing it’s Zacness, falling in love with the purest part of him and finding myself yearning for more. I continued to run my tongue over his shaft even as it softened in my mouth, my own horniness still keeping me in overdrive. I wanted to suck his nuts out through his cock; to take as much as I could into my mouth.

But he put his hand under my chin and made me let go. I looked up and him and our eyes met.

"I love you," I said. I put up my hands to help him step back down. He wrapped his arms around me as he stepped down, kissing me deeply as soon as our mouths could connect. Then his arms dropped down to my ass and he lifted me up so that my cock was above the water, and he dove down on me with a splash, my cock and my balls disappearing into sensational bliss as he licked them up and down, taking them into his mouth to roll them around and then bathing my cock with his lips. He pushed me back slightly and I sat on the seat around the ring of the tub. He kneeled in front of me and continued, his hands holding my legs up.

"Unghhhh," I moaned, unable to say anything else it felt so great. It didn’t take long before I started cumming, spurting the white stuff to fall on his back while he was bent over paying attention to my nuts. He kissed my head one last time before standing up. Then he stepped in and leaned forward to kiss me, brushing back the hair that had fallen down over my face as we mixed our seed together and shared our essences.


If you like this story, you can ring me at  If you don't like it, it’s not my fault. But you can still ring me up and tell me why it disagreed with you. If you’re interested in the whole thing, it can be found at under "Dominick".   §

Bastian and Hanson: C26 (chapter 26)

This is my first story.  I’ll say it simply: if you’re reading this and you aren’t supposed to, then just don’t get caught. If I told you not to read it I’d be a hypocrite, because that’s exactly what I’d do in your position, and I can hardly blame you for being curious at the very least. But be warned-this story contains sexual innuendo concerning innocent acts between two boys: myself and Zachary Hanson. None of it actually happened, or indeed ever will, I’m sure, but hey, I can dream can’t I? No slight intended on Mr. Hanson, of course, for whom I have the utmost respect and regard.


Bastian and Hanson:  C26 (chapter 26)

We didn’t sleep for long this time; only a few minutes really. I woke up rubbing my hands over the whole of his butt, rubbing and massaging. I could feel him getting hard on top of me, and his dick was right up against my hip and he was starting to hump himself against me in his sleep. His eyes were squeezed shut slightly and I could feel a wet spot from where he’d came in his underwear. I guess he just had a spontaneous eruption from what he’d done earlier, because I certainly hadn’t done anything.

But now he was slowly waking up, with one of my hands down his pants and the other in his hair, holding him to my chest. He looked up at me and grinned, sliding up to kiss me and to mash his hard-on into my soft cock just right. It was so cool, I started getting hard again almost immediately. Talk about reload times. I felt goofy and I grinned back and we started laughing for some reason. We didn’t laugh for long, though; we started to get involved with our bodies again, mostly rubbing up against each other. After that last experience we weren’t in the mood for something that crazy again so soon, so we just took it kind of slow. There was no urgency to our motions this time, no frenzy of lust. We took our time, slowly rocking ourselves to a sedate (if it can be called that) climax, renewing the dampness of his underwear when we both blew our loads all over the front of them.

We took the time to get cleaned up (we couldn’t shower at the house remember), and I’m disappointed to say we took separate showers for some reason. Talk about missed opportunities, jeez!  I didn’t bother to dry my hair, letting it hang loosely instead. It was almost long enough that I’d have to get it cut again, but then again I might just let it grow long like Zac’s. Nah, that would be too obvious. Besides, at school we weren’t allowed to have hair longer than shoulder length, even though I sometimes pushed that rule a little.

Twice spent, and it not even being noon yet, we decided to go out for a while. Not to anywhere in particular. We just wanted to get outside. It’s a kid thing, you adults probably wouldn’t understand it. We bladed around for a while, secure in the knowledge that the crazy girls were probably all at school. We were stopped once by a cop, a truant officer he said, but Jim just shoed him away while we were snagging some drinks.

The whole afternoon was going fine when Zac came up with the show-stopper.

"Hey, let’s hit up a record store. I wanna see if anything new’s come out yet," he said, swinging into Music City, a warehouse-size cd chain that just came to town. I didn’t have the chance to object since it was my hand he was holding when he did his swinging. I felt him let go just as the door revolved, swallowing him into the inner recesses of the monstrous store. I took my turn, letting the door bump me through into the air-conditioning.

What I saw before me had me laughing in two seconds flat. It took one to get over the shock, and another to get the sound flowing. Zac had creamed a girl, and by the looks on her face and the Hanson cd in her hand, she was about to cream herself. Zac was doing his best to hide his embarassment and to force himself out of his shy, I’m-not-trying-to-be-noticed mode so he could take control and be the smooth, suave drummer-gentleman that would eventually help her up. She took no notice of his attempts to recover his composure, though, and just stared at the outstretched hand in awe.

"You, you, you’re, you’re," she stammered, unable to get it out.

"Yup. Sorry about that. I really should watch where I’m going." He reached out his hand again and this time she took it. By that time, though, Jim was there with us to find out what was going on. He grabbed her other hand and helped Zac heave her to her feet, where she swayed unsteadily for a while. Her mother showed up to keep her steady while we did the introductions.

"Hi, I’m Rebecca, Julianna’s mother. Are you alright?" She asked Zac, looking him up and down, not knowing who he was.

"Yes ma’am. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I’m sorry. Hey Julianna, how would you like an autograph," he said, trying to make it up to her. I knew he was feeling really awkward and all, what with having a girl fawn over him in the lobby of a record store. I wanted to help him out somehow, but I didn’t know how, and I was still laughing so hard I couldn’t catch my breath. He shot me a really pissed and helpless look, and I had to do something.

"Hi, I’m Dominick, and I’m gay. We’re in love," I said, extending my hand to a now very shocked mother and daughter.

And then, for no good rational reason whatsoever, gravity ceased to exist and I felt myself spinning like a bathtub tornadoe into myself. I imploded with a plop-plop fizz-fizz.

Actually, the plop-plop fizz-fizz was Zac opening a can of Coke in the kitchen. I opened my eyes to find myself shirtless and cold, but my pants were at least done up. My pants were warm and wet, telling me that at least part of the dream had been true. The better part, I thought with a shudder. I was thirsty, so I joined him in the kitchen.

"So what’s there to do around here, huh?"

"You’re in the boonies, boy; thar ain’t shit to do ‘round ‘ere," I said in my best Arkansas drawl.

"Oh, come on, this is California. Don’t you guys go surfing every other day or something?"

"Or something. The beach is an hour away, ditz. Would be nice though."

"We gotta do something. I’m gettin’ bowered just sittin’ round heyar," he said, imitating my terrible accent and tossing his head to one side.

"Well, I guess we could go get lost in the woods for a couple’a days."

"We’d probably get lost just trying to find the woods."

"Yeah, okay, so we can count the woods out then."

"You guys got a lazer-tag place around here?"

"Nah. To glitzy."

"Oh. What about an arcade?"

"At the mall, but everyone’d recognize you. We can’t go there."

"I want you to know being a celebrity really sucks sometimes," he said heatedly.

"Yeah, like you’ve got a lot to complain about," I retorted.

"Not now that I have you," he said, wrapping his arms around me with a grin.

"Don’t you have to practice or rehearse or go to some hip party? You celebrities are always doing the cool stuff," I teased his ear with my lips.

"You are the party, Bastian. You’re the happening scene right now," he started in on my neck.

"I’m the only scene you mean."

"Shut up and let’s make a scene."

"No," I said, pushing him away slightly.

"Whaddya mean, no?!"

"No," I repeated. "Not until you sing for me."


"I sang for you. Now you have to sing for me. It’s only fair."

"FAIR?!" I backed away aprehensively, but with a wide smile.

"Fair," I said emphatically. I crossed my arms on my chest to make myself look more unwavering.

"Maybe later," he said, taking a step toward me and trying to grab me again.

"No. Now," I said, evading his grip.

"Fine," he said with a wicked grin, and then he started.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Bastian, happy birthday to you," he sang, off key and warbly. I had my hands on my ears at the second line, and by the end of it we were both rolling around on the floor, laughing deliriously. Then a thought occurred to me.

"So where are your parents?"

"They’re a couple of rooms down."

"What do they do while you’re here by yourself?"

"I dunno. Usually they stay with us but since you’re staying with Hanson-the-band, they don’t want to intrude they said. It’s kind of nice to not have to deal with them."

"Tell me about it," I said.

"Just did."

"Smart ass."

"Try to be."

"And yet you always fail miserably," Ike said, walking through the open doorway.

"Oh yeah, enter the voice of reason."

"Enter the voice of someone twice your size," Ike said with an evil grin. Zac pretended to cower for a second and then lunged right at Ike. Ike just dodged, having had years of practice. Zac, having had just as much practice, simply grabbed Ike’s shirt and used it to pull himself around and into Ike’s back. Ike was ready for this, though, and deliberately stepped backwards, foiling Zac’s slingshot maneuver. Zac’s momentum having suddenly disappeared, he was left standing still while Ike stepped right back into him, having used Zac’s energy to get his own momentum. The result of the physics lesson was a wide-eyed and surprised Zac landing flat on his ass on the linoleum. I made a mental note to remember that move. Jonathan liked to try that on me sometimes, and it would be nice to have a way to convince him it wasn’t always a good idea to bodyslam big bro.

In walked Tay and Dean, and from the looks on their faces the scene before them wasn’t hardly out of the ordinary. Just a quick smirk as they stepped over a still-stunned Zac on the way to the fridge was all it merited. Oh well, maybe they just couldn’t see how amazingly cute he was like that, with that ‘oh-wow’ look on his face and his hair hanging down all over him, just barely obsuring his baby-brown eyes and seductive red lips. Zac recovered pretty fast, though, jumping up before anything else could be done to him. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t try to say anything, which would only have made it more embarrassing for him anyway.

Speaking of embarrassing, I just then realized that I was standing there with all three of them, plus Dean and Taran (don’t even remember when he got there), and neither Zac or I had a shirt on. I blushed and looked down for any other signs of our, ahem, fun, but luckily it didn’t show through my pants, or Zac’s. Enough of this, I thought, time to get cleaned up.

"Um, I’m gonna go take a shower. I’m still kind of dirty from yesterday what with having to sing and all," I said, and I left to do just that. Thankfully, no comments were made.

"Hey, wait up, I’ll come with you," Zac said, grabbing my hand and, like in my dream, pulling me through the door. I thought I heard laughter as I was dragged down the hall.

You know, at first it was nice having three older guys around for once, instead of younger sibs, but now it was getting to be a nuisance. Whenever we did something they thought was cute, or when it reminded them of themselves, they laughed at us, like we were supposed to know what that meant. All I knew was that I was about to get naked with my boyfriend, and they were laughing at our eagerness. At first it was cool, but now I was getting a bit indignant with having them watching us all the time. About the only person that didn’t say anything was Taran.

Okay, so I did feel a little guilty about leaving Taran out, but hey, I was in love. What was I supposed to do?

Anyway, through the bathroom door we went, Zac slamming the door shut behind us. I looked around at the bathroom, noticing for the first time the really big bathtub. It wasn’t even a bathtub; it was more like a hot tub or a jacuzzi, whatever the difference is. Needless to say, I was excited before we got to the door, the prospect of a naked Zac more than enough to drive my already overdriven body to the point that it could go another round. My dick had spent so much time that day hard already that it was actually hurting from the workout. But let’s face it: I wasn’t going to say no.

At first I was just going to hop in and hop out, just for having an excuse to change my pants so it wouldn’t be real obvious what we’d been doing (like it wasn’t already, I thought with a blush), but Zac quite obviously wanted to do something more. He sat down on a side bench and pulled me over and made me sit down across from him. He looked at me and grinned a little, like to tell me not to worry.

"We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to," he said. "I’m kind of hurting, too."

"How’d you know?" How the hell could he tell my dick was killing me?!

"Just the look on your face. Let’s wait a while before we do anything else, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," I said, allowing a look of relief to appear on my face. I would have done whatever he wanted me to do, but it would have been physically painful no matter what.

"That doesn’t mean we can’t still take a bath, though. Here, give me your foot," he said, reaching down to grab my left foot. I had no idea what he had in mind until he started unlacing my shoes. I hadn’t been undressed like that since I was a little kid. He took his sweet time with each foot, pulling off each sock slowly, like it was my last piece of clothing. I took my turn next, removing each shoe like he’d done with me, and then each sock, savouring the unveiling of his precious feet. So perfect, so cute, so smooth I thought. We must have stared at each other’s feet in our hands for hours before letting go. I had no idea that even his feet could turn me on like that. Hell, everything about him turned me on, so I guess it wasn’t that big a surprise. The really good news was that after five minutes my cock had gone soft and had time to recover.

This was where I got really nervous. Zac made me stand up, and he was reaching out to completely nudify me. I was turned on like I hadn’t been before, and my refreshed cock was straining so hard I thought it was going to punch a hole in my shorts. I couldn’t think of anything else to do to make it any better, so I just closed my eyes and let him take over.

I felt his fingers fumbling with the button on my shorts, and then I felt the zipper opening, tooth by tooth as he slowly undid it. I caught my breath, letting it out in gasps as I felt it down the length of my boner, and then against my nuts at the bottom. He let go and then brought his hands to my chest. I felt them glide over my ribs and down to my hips, softly caressing my skin, almost tickling but not quite. He hooked his thumbs in my pants and started to pull them down, and it felt so good I had to groan. He got them to my feet, teasing my legs with his hands the whole time, and I stepped out of them, kicking them out of the way. I expected him to go back for my underwear, but he didn’t.

"Okay, now you do me," he said, standing up in front of me, so close that we were actually touching. I didn’t have any choice in the matter here; I just reached out and pulled him to me and kissed him full on the lips, one hand on his back and one in his hair trying to push his lips into my mouth. I was about to hook one leg around him when he put his hands between us and pushed me down onto the bench. Okay, I thought, I can wait a little while longer. Not too much longer, but a little while.

Fuck that, I thought, and I stood right back up. I didn’t kiss him on the lips, though. I started on his neck, nuzzling gently in the curve where it disappeared into his smooth shoulders. I wanted to find every part of him that I hadn’t seen before and I wanted to kiss him all over. After I got done with his neck. I felt his breath stop, and it was like my body became one with his. I raised my hands to his shoulders, like I was a vampire trying to hold my victim while I killed him with gentle tendernesses.

I slid down to his throat, kissing that little spot just below his adam’s apple. I let my hands fall down his sides, caressing his arms all the way down, never really touching his arms but only the little hairs on them. When they got to his pants I was back to his neck and shoulders, smothering them in kisses like the drops of a soft summer rain. I undid the clasp at his waist, and felt his shorts go slack. There wasn’t any zipper, so I just let them fall. I felt dizzy with love, and I started to sway.

"Hnnnnnnnn," a moan escaped our lips at the same time. I put my hands on his hips, curling my fingers around him to hold myself still. He put his hands on top of mine and suggested to them that it was time for the underwear to come off, the silence somehow patiently expectant. I slid my hands down his shorts and gently gripped the smooth curves of his perfect ass, lifting his last layer with the backs of my hands down and over hips.

We were buried in each other now, he with his underwear bunched up around his knees and me trying to break free of mine. His hands let go of my arms and he let his underwear fall to the floor in a sensual whisper; the only sound in the room other than our beating hearts and our ragged breath. My turn I thought, and I put my hands back on his hips to steady myself. I felt him slip his fingertips under the band and slowly rub the thin skin over my hip bones, teasing my skin with the cool air and his warm fingertips. His hands moved around just under the top of them, teasing the sensation, making it last longer. I didn’t mind a bit.

He put his hand over my hard-on through the cotton and ran his fingertips up the length of it. He dipped in and grabbed it lightly, reaching around behind my to pull my pants down over one cheek and then massaging the exposed. The feeling of being half-undressed was absolutely new to me, and like the other new things I’d been experiencing I found it to be exquisite. But it wasn’t to be, because no sooner had he uncovered one side, than he uncovered the other, using one hand to flip down my pants and pull me to him and the other to hold me while he kissed me more passionately than we’d ever done before. There was something about this bonding that was different somehow. Once again we were taking our time, and it was nothing like I expected it to be.

I was running my hands over his back and ass, through his hair and over his arms, trying to learn as much about him as I could. I took a deep breath, memorizing as much as I could about the way he smelled, the way he tasted. Our cocks were up against each other. I looked down and saw his dick for the first time. It wasn’t short or long or thick or thin. It was just right. We were the same length, both of us with barely a dusting of blond pubes, almost too blond to see. I saw it and all of a sudden I wanted to feel it, to touch it, hold it, run my fingers all over it, just to make him feel good. I wanted to give him everything I could to make him happy, and nothing was too big to ask for. Nothing more meaningful to me than his happiness.

His hands were centered in one place: me. Which is to say they were all over me. He found places on my body that I didn’t know existed, and all of a sudden I was aware of them crystaline clarity.

Zac was getting close, and so was I. We were kissing, rubbing, teasing, and stroking, and we felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Our balls were mashed against each other, our thighs where the other’s should have been, our mouths somehow coexisting in the same space, our arms holding each other up. He pulled his lips from mine, not without protest, and brushed his hair back. He stepped back and, taking my hand, he led me into the tub. We stood in the middle of it, the hot water just lapping our stomachs, and we started where we left off, the hot water helping us catch up.

But I couldn’t take it anymore; I had to do something now-for him and only him. I pushed him away slightly and looked him in the eyes, telling him with all my soul that I wanted, needed, to give him something. I put my hands on his chest and let them drop to his cock and balls, cupping and massaging under the water while he closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. I reached down and put my hand behind his knee, helping him step up onto the lowest seat on the side. He put his hands on my shoulders to steady himself while I took in the sight. I ran my hands over his thighs, pulling myself to him while he worked his hands into my hair.

And then I did it. I reached out with my tongue and gently rolled the tip of his dick around on it. And then I opened my mouth and let his head in, running my tongue all over it, savouring the flavour, the Zacness of it, along with the moans and shudders coming from somewhere above me. I started to move on down, taking him into my mouth. I breathed in, once again noting how Zac somehow made everything seem good. There was something distinctly horny in the way he smelled, and I loved it!

He jumped a little as I ran the tip of my tongue down the length of his shaft, and his breath became more ragged. His body was wracked with tiny convulsions as he shook from the pleasure I was finally able to give him. I loved Zac more than anything in the whole world, and I wanted to give him everything, and this was my first chance to show him how much I loved him and I wanted to do it right. He came suddenly, with only a little yelp, spurting into my cheeks. I tossed the stuff around in my mouth for a while, testing it’s Zacness, falling in love with the purest part of him and finding myself yearning for more. I continued to run my tongue over his shaft even as it softened in my mouth, my own horniness still keeping me in overdrive. I wanted to suck his nuts out through his cock; to take as much as I could into my mouth.

But he put his hand under my chin and made me let go. I looked up and him and our eyes met.

"I love you," I said. I put up my hands to help him step back down. He wrapped his arms around me as he stepped down, kissing me deeply as soon as our mouths could connect. Then his arms dropped down to my ass and he lifted me up so that my cock was above the water, and he dove down on me with a splash, my cock and my balls disappearing into sensational bliss as he licked them up and down, taking them into his mouth to roll them around and then bathing my cock with his lips. He pushed me back slightly and I sat on the seat around the ring of the tub. He kneeled in front of me and continued, his hands holding my legs up.

"Unghhhh," I moaned, unable to say anything else it felt so great. It didn’t take long before I started cumming, spurting the white stuff to fall on his back while he was bent over paying attention to my nuts. He kissed my head one last time before standing up. Then he stepped in and leaned forward to kiss me, brushing back the hair that had fallen down over my face as we mixed our seed together and shared our essences.

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Next: Chapter 7: Let Loose the Flood

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